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Summary Neuronal pathways in the retrocerebral complex and thoracico-abdominal ganglionic mass of the blowflyCalliphora vomitoria have been identified immunocytochemically with antisera against the extended-enkephalins, Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 (Met-7) and Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (Met-8). Neurons of the hypocerebral ganglion, immunoreactive to Met-8, have axons in the crop duct nerve and terminals in muscles of the crop and its duct. Certain neurons of the hypocerebral ganglion are also immunoreactive to Met-7, and axons from these cells innervate the heart. Met-8 immunoreactive nerve terminals invest the cells of the corpus allatum. The source of this material is believed to ve a single pair of lateral neurosecretory cells in the brain. There is no Met-7 immunoreactive material in the corpus allatum. In the corpus cardiacum neither Met-7 nor Met-8 immunoreactivity is present in the cells. However, in the neuropil of the gland certain fibres, with their origins elsewhere, do contain Met-8 immunoreactivity. The most prominent neurons in the thoracic ganglion are the Met-7 immunoreactive ventral thoracic neurosecretory cells, axons from which project to neurohaemal areas in the dorsal neural sheath and also, via the ventral connective, to the brain. Co-localisation studies show that the perikarya of these cells are immunoreactive to antisera raised against several vertebrate-type peptides, such as Met-7, gastrin/cholecystokinin and pancreatic polypeptide. However, their axons and terminals show varying amounts of the peptides, suggesting differential transport and utilisation. Only a few cells in the thoracic ganglion are immunoreactive to Met-8 antisera. These lie close to the nerve bundles suppling the legs. In the abdominal ganglion, Met-8 immunoreactive neurons project to the muscles of the hindgut. This study suggests that the extended enkephalin-like peptides ofCalliphora may have a variety of different roles: as neurotransmitter or neuromodulator substances; in the direct innervation of effector organs; and as neurohormones.  相似文献   

The central projections of trichoid hairs and of some scolopidial organs of the mesothoracic leg of the locust Schistocerca gregaria were studied by using nickel chloride backfilling and single cell recording. Trichoid hair sensilla on different parts of the legs project somatotopically in the ventral part of the ipsilateral neuropile of the mesothoracic ganglion. Generally, distally located receptors have their terminal arborizations in ventro-lateral areas of the neuropile, and proximally located receptors in ventro-medial areas. The axons of the subgenual organ and tarsal chordotonal organs project into the intermediate neuropile.  相似文献   

SchistoFLRFamide (PDVDHVFLRF-NH2) is one of the major endogenous neuropeptides of the FMRF-amide family found in the nervous system of the locust,Schistocerca gregaria. To gain insights into the potential physiological roles of this neuropeptide we have examined the distribution of SchistoFLRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the ventral nervous system of adult locusts by use of a newly developed N-terminally specific antibody. SchistoFLRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the ventral nerve cord is found in a subgroup of the neurones that are immunoreactive to an antiserum raised against bovine pancreatic polypeptide (BPP). In the suboesophageal ganglion three groups of cells stain, including one pair of large posterior ventral cells. These cells are the same size, in the same location in the ganglion and have the same branching pattern as a pair of BPP immunoreactive cells known to innervate the heart and retrocerebral glandular complex of the locust. In the thoracic and abdominal ganglia two and three sets of cells, respectively, stain with both the SchistoFLRFamide and BPP antisera. In the abdominal ganglia the immunoreactive cells project via the median nerves to the intensely immunoreactive neurohaemal organs.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of a neuropeptide, previously shown to have the same or a very similar amino acid composition as vertebrate pancreatic polypeptide (PP), has been studied in the nervous system and gut of the blowfly, Calliphora vomitoria. Neurones immunoreactive to a bovine PP antiserum occur in the thoracic and abdominal ganglionic components of the central nervous system, in addition to the brain and suboesophageal ganglion. Pancreatic polypeptide appears to be relayed from its cells of origin to a neurohaemal organ in the dorsal sheath of the thoracic ganglion. PP immunoreactivity is also found in cells of the hypocerebral ganglion of the stomatogastric nervous system and in associated nerve fibres. The mid-gut contains PP-positive material in flask-shaped cells of its epithelial lining.  相似文献   

This paper describes the embryonic development of some parts of the sensory peripheral nervous system in the leg anlagen of the cricket Teleogryllus commodus in normal and heat shocked embryos. The first peripheral neurons appear at the 30% stage of embryogenesis. These tibial pioneer neurons grow on a stereotyped path to the central nervous system and form a nerve which is joined by the growth cones of axons that arise later, including those from the femoral chordotonal organ, subgenual organ and tympanal organ. The development of these organs is described with respect to the increase in number of sensory receptor cells and the shape and position of the organs. At the 100% stage of embryogenesis all three organs have completed their development in terms of the number of sense cells and have achieved an adult shape. To study the function of the tibial pioneer neurons during embryogenesis a heat shock was used to prevent their development. Absence of these neurons has no effect on the development of other neurons and organs proximal to them. However, the development of distal neurons and organs guided by them is impaired. The tibial pioneer neurons grow across the segmental boundary between femur and tibia early in development, and the path they form seems to be essential for establishing the correct connections of the distal sense organs with the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Tympanate hearing has evolved in at least 6 different orders of insects, but had not been reported until recently in the Diptera. This study presents a newly discovered tympanal hearing organ, in the parasitoid tachinid fly, Ormia ochracea. The hearing organ is described in terms of external and internal morphology, cellular organization of the sensory organ and preliminary neuroanatomy of the primary auditory afferents. The ear is located on the frontal face of the prothorax, directly behind the head capsule. Conspicuously visible are a pair of thin cuticular membranes specialized for audition, the prosternal tympanal membranes. Directly attached to these membranes, within the enlarged prosternal chamber, are a pair of auditory sensory organs, the bulbae acusticae. These sensory organs are unique among all auditory organs known so far because both are contained within an unpartitioned acoustic chamber. The prosternal chamber is connected to the outside by a pair of tracheae. The cellular anatomy of the fly's scolopophorous organ was investigated by light and electron microscopy. The bulba acustica is a typical chordotonal organ and it contains approximately 70 receptor cells. It is similar to other insect sensory organs associated with tympanal ears. The similarity of the cellular organization and tympanal morphology of the ormiine ear to the ears of other tympanate insects suggests that there are potent constraints in the design features of tympanal hearing organs, which must function to detect high frequency auditory signals over long distances. Each sensory organ is innervated by a branch of the frontal nerve of the fused thoracic ganglia. The primary auditory afferents project to each of the pro-, meso-, and metathoracic neuropils. The fly's hearing organ is sexually dimorphic, whereby the tympanal membranes are larger in females and the spiracles larger in males. The dimorphism presumably reflects differences in the acoustic behavior in the two sexes.  相似文献   

Reissner's fibers are secretions produced by different ependymal areas of the chordate brain, viz., in adult vertebrates, by the dorsal subcommissural organ, and in all stages of cephalochordates (Branchiostoma lancelets), by the ventral infundibular organ. Fibers produced by these different organs are seemingly identical and the two fiber sources also share some immunocytochemical and lectin-binding properties. The secretions in these two glands are, however, not identical; the infundibular organ cells are strongly reactive with antibodies against vertebrate Reissner's fibers, but they do not react with antibodies raised against the source of the vertebrate fibers, viz., the subcommissural organ. The results support the possibility that, in adult vertebrates, the Reissner's fibers are composed of material not only from the subcommissural organ, but also from another, not yet identified, source that is identical or equivalent to the infundibular organ of the lancelet. There are indications that the infundibular organ is immunocytochemically closely akin to some secretory cells in the vertebrate embryonic brain and also to those that produce the juvenile vertebrate Reissner's fibers, viz., secretory cells in the flexural organ.  相似文献   

Summary The olfactory organ of Helisoma trivolvis is located on the surface of the body at the base of the cephalic tentacles. An evagination of skin, the olfactory plica, at the base of the tentacle extends over the olfactory organ dorsally. The epithelium of the olfactory organs contains unspecialized epithelial cells, ciliated epithelial cells, basal cells, mucous secretory cells, and sensory dendrites. The surface of the epithelium has a complex brush border of thick plasmatic processes, which branch to form several terminal microvillar twigs. Long slender cytoplasmic processes form a dense spongy layer among the plasmatic processes beneath the level of the terminal twigs. Bipolar primary sensory neurons clustered beneath the epithelium of the olfactory organ send dendrites through the epithelium to the free surface. Some sensory endings have a few short cilia, but most bear only microvilli. Cilia of sensory endings and epithelial cells extend beyond the brush border of the epithelium. Small axons arise from the perikarya of the sensory neurons and enter a branch of the olfactory nerve. HRP tracing indicates that the axons pass to the cerebral ganglion without interruption. Histochemical tests indicate that the sensory neurons are neither aminergic nor cholinergic.  相似文献   

Summary Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was applied to the transected end of the pineal tract of the lamprey, Lampetra japonica. Distinct reaction products of HRP were observed in 2 types of cell other than ganglion cells. The first type of cell protrudes a knob-like process into the pineal lumen. This type of cell was clearly identified by electron microscopy as a photoreceptor cell; its outer segment was connected to the ellipsoid through a sensory cilium. The other type of cell was located among photoreceptor and supporting cells. The processes of these cells were thin and slender, and they obviously did not represent photoreceptor, supporting, or conventional ganglion cells. The present results indicate that, in the lamprey, some of the photoreceptor cells of the pineal organ project their axon-like processes toward the posterior commissure, but that there is also another type of cell displaying long axonal projections. HRP-containing cells were distributed randomly over the pineal organ and were occasionally also observed in the parapineal organ.  相似文献   

Summary Glyoxylic-acid-induced fluorescence of catecholamines and antibodies against serotonin and FMRFamide were used to study the distribution of putative neurotransmitters in the actinotroch larva ofPhoronis muelleri Selys-Longchamps, 1903. Catecholamines occur in the neuropile of the apical ganglion, in the longitudinal median epistome nerves, in the epistome marginal nerves, and in the nerve along the bases of the tentacles. The tentacles have laterofrontal and latero-abfrontal bundles of processes that form two minor nerves along the lateral ciliary band of the tentacles, and a medio-frontal bundle of processes. Monopolar cells are located on the ventro-lateral part of the mesosome. Processes are located along the posterior ciliary band and as a reticulum in the epidermis. Serotonin-like immunoreactive cells and processes are located in the apical ganglion, in the longitudinal median epistome nerves, and as a dorsal and ventral pair of bundles along the tentacle bases. Processes from the latter extend into the tentacles as the medioabfrontal processes. The latero-abfrontal processes form a minor nerve along the ciliary band. The dorsal bundles forms the major nerve ring along the tentacles and processes extend from it to the metasome. Processes are located along the posterior ciliary band. FMRFamide-like immunoreactive cells and processes are found in the apical ganglion, in the longitudinal median epistome nerves and as a pair of lateral epistome processes projecting towards the ring of tentacles. In the tentacles, a pair of latero-frontal processes are found; these form a minor nerve along the ciliary band. A band of cells can be seen along the tentacle ring.  相似文献   

Neurosecretory cells of only one type (A, sub type A2) are seen in adult Melanoplus. Two groups of about 400 cells each are located dorsally in the pars intercerebralis medialis; four cells are located deep within the protocerebrum. We found no neurosecretory cells in other parts of the central or sympathetic nervous systems. In about 10% of the specimens, there was marked asymmetry in the location of the dorsal cell groups, with both of these groups and their axons located in one lobe of the protocerebrum. The nervi corporis cardiaci 1 cross-over in the corpus cardiacum, with the result that material produced by neurosecretory cells on one side of the brain is transported along axons that undergo two chiasmata to the corpus cardiacum of the same side. Stainable secretory material could be traced clearly from the cerebral cells to the corpus cardiacum, and even into the oesophageal nerves from the hypocerebral ganglion. However, stainable neurosecretory material is never present in the corpus allatum or along any of the nerves to this gland.  相似文献   

The dipteran parasitoids Therobia leonidei and Homotrixa alleni (Tachinidae) use acoustic cues to locate their calling tettigoniid (Ensifera, Orthoptera) hosts. The sexually dimorphic tympanal organs of both fly species are located at the prosternum. For comparison a homologous chordotonal organ in the non-hearing fly Phormia regina, Meigen (Phoridae) is also described. The scolopidial sense organs of the ears have approximately 180 sensory cells in Th. leonidei and 250 cells in H. alleni. Interspecific analysis indicates that the cell number and arrangement might be genus specific in Tachinidae. The mononematic scolopidia, each with one sensory cell, are of different sizes and insert at the tympanal membrane. Large scolopidial units (diameter of sensory cells up to 50 μm) extend longitudinally from the centre of the sensory organ towards the ligament, whereas small units (sensory cell diameter up to 10 μm) are arranged sequentially within the sensory organ. This arrangement is discussed to be a possible basis for frequency discrimination. The ultrastructure of the scolopidia is similar in the hearing and non-hearing flies. In both groups, the majority of scolopales has a diameter from 2 to 2.9 μm, although hearing species have additionally wider scolopales. The homologous chordotonal organ of Ph. regina consists of approximately 55 sensory cells of uniform direction. The data are discussed in comparison to the ears of other Diptera.  相似文献   

Summary Innervation of the antennal heart, an independent accessory circulatory motor in the head of insects, was investigated in the cockroach Periplaneta americana by use of axonal cobalt filling and transmission electron microscopy. The muscles associated with this organ are innervated by neurones located in a part of the suboesophageal ganglion, generally considered to be formed by the mandibular neuromere. Dorsal unpaired median (DUM) and paired contralateral neurones were stained. The axons of all these neurones run along the circumoesophageal connectives and through the paired nervus corporis cardiaci III into the corpora cardiaca. They pass through these organs forming fine arborizations there and exit anteriorly as a small pair of nerves which terminate at the antennal heart-dilator muscles. Numerous branches of these nerves extend beyond the lateral borders of the large transverse dilator muscle and terminate in the ampullar walls of the antennal heart. These neurosecretory fibres form neurohaemal areas which obviously release their products into the haemolymph, which is pumped into the antennae. The possible functions of the neurones associated with the antennal heart are discussed with respect to both, their role as a modulatory input for the circulatory motor and as a neurohormonal release site.  相似文献   

G. Purschke 《Zoomorphology》1988,108(2):119-135
Summary Transmission electron microscopic studies were carried out on the ventral pharyngeal organs in Ctenodrilus serratus and Scoloplos armiger. The pharyngeal organs are composed of a muscle bulbus and a tongue-like organ. In both species the muscle bulbus consists of transverse muscle fibres and interstitial cells with voluminous cell bodies and dorsoventral tonofilaments; the investing muscle runs into the tongue-like organ; the nuclei of the investing muscle fibres are located in caudal bulges; salivary glands are not present, but numerous gland cells occur in the bulbus epithelium. The tongue-like organ, however, is formed by lateral folds (C. serratus) or a bridge-like structure (S. armiger). The specific structure of the bulbus muscle is probably a homologous characteristic also occurring in several other polychaete families. The phylogenetic importance of this ventral pharynx is discussed and a hypothesis is suggested to explain the differentiation of certain other ventral pharyngeal organs from this probably primitive type.  相似文献   

Summary Two pairs of ganglia are found in the propodial region of the veliger of Onchidoris bilamellata: the anterolateral pair is located at the foremost corners of the propodium, and the frontal pair is located beside the propodial midline. Both sets of ganglia are positioned below the epidermis, and they are joined to the cerebral ganglia by large, common connectives. Each ganglion possesses sensory cells, nerve cells and sheath cells, and the frontal pair contains a complement of secretory cells. Externally, the propodial ganglia are manifested as sensory fields. The fields of the anterolateral pair are elliptical in shape, and each appears as a band of cilia bordering an unciliated zone. The region devoid of cilia is composed of ordinary epidermal cells, whereas the ciliated portion is comprised of dendritic endings originating from cells in the ganglion. Dendrites arise from one type of sensory cell and pass through the epidermis in bundles. Each dendrite terminates as a single cilium at the epidermal surface. Sensory fields of the frontal ganglia are key-shaped and oppose one another on the anterior end of the foot. Each field appears as a flat, circular, unciliated region which extends into a ciliated groove that runs dorsally toward the mouth. The groove contains the terminals of secretory cells, ciliated sensory cells, and the cell bodies of nonciliated sensory cells. The nonciliated sensory cells, characterized by a microvillous apex, are the dominant cells in the flattened circular zone. The space between the frontal ganglia and the epidermis is bridged by bundles of processes which are similar to those of the anterolateral ganglia. However, these tracts contain collections of the apical processes of secretory cells, the dendrites of ciliated sensory cells, and the axons of nonciliated sensory cells. Morphological and behavioral evidence indicates that the propodial ganglia serve a chemosensory function during settlement and metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Summary Neural connections of the corpus cardiacum (CC) in the African locust, Locusta migratoria, were labelled with the fluorescent tracer Lucifer yellow. (1) Unilateral anterograde labelling of the nervus corporis cardiaci I revealed fluorescent fibres in the storage lobe of the CC (CCS). Some fluorescent fibres in the CCS closely approached the ipsilateral border of the glandular lobes of the CC (CCG). Fluorescent fibres also projected into the neuropile of the hypocerebral ganglion via the ipsilateral nervi cardiostomatogastrici I and II, and from there into the oesophageal nerves. (2) Unilateral anterograde labelling of the nervus corporis cardiaci II revealed fluorescent fibres in the CCS and in the ipsilateral CCG. Fluorescent fibres also projected via the ipsilateral nervus corporis allati I into the corpus allatum. (3) Unilateral retrograde labelling of the nervus corporis allati I revealed a distinct fluorescent nerve tract that runs through the CCS and into the nervus corporis cardiaci II. The tract arises from about eight cell bodies in the brain at the rostroventral side of the ipsilateral calyx of the mushroom body. (4) Labelling of the recurrent nerve revealed fluorescent fibres and some fluorescent cell bodies in the hypocerebral ganglion and, via the nervi cardiostomatogastrici I and II, also in the CCS. Fluorescent fibres were also present in the oesophageal nerves.  相似文献   

Four kinds of neurosecretory cells A, B, U and C are distinguished in the central nervous system of Dendrobaena atheca Cernosvitov. A cells, which show different morphological characteristics under different physiological states and during their cyclic changes, are the most active neurosecretory cells. They form the outer layer of the cortical cell zone in the cerebral ganglion. B cells are large and medium sized and are distributed in all parts of the central nervous system. U cells are found only in the sub-pharyngeal ganglion while C cells are distributed in the sub-pharyngeal as well as in the ventral nerve cord ganglion. The number and secretory activity of C cells decrease in caudal direction. Further, Gomori-positive cells are also observed in the ganglia of the vegetative nervous system. A rudimentary neurohaemal organ, the storage zone, has been observed in the cerebral ganglion and there appears to be another neurohaemal area in the ventral nerve cord ganglion. The storage zone is formed by the terminal ends of the axons of A cells. The chrome alum haematoxylin phloxin (CHP) and aldehyde fuchsin (AF) positive substances in the form of granules are found in this area. The cerebral ganglion is richly supplied by blood capillaries. The distal end of the axons of B cells are swollen like a bulb while in some cases the axons are united to form an axonal tract. Extra-cellular material is abundant in different parts of the nervous system. In all cell types, the perinuclear zone is the first to show activity in the secretory cycle. It appears that the nucleus may be involved in the elaboration of the neurosecretory material in the cells.  相似文献   

Summary The serotoninergic innervation of the corpus cardiacum (CC) of Locusta migratoria was investigated using two antisera against serotonin. A dense network of immunoreactive nerve fibres was present in the storage lobe of the CC. Immunopositive fibres only sporadically crossed the border between the storage lobe and the glandular lobe of the CC. Immunopositive fibres entered the storage lobe of the CC via the nervus corporis cardiaci I (NCCI); NCCII was immunonegative. Unilateral retrograde fillings of the NCCI with the fluorescent tracer Lucifer yellow, followed by antiserotonin immunocytochemistry, revealed about 20 double-labelled neurones in the anterior part of the pars intercerebralis. The double-labelled neurones were scattered between fluorescent non-immunoreactive neurones. Additionally, 5–7 neurones labelled only with Lucifer yellow were found at the ventrolateral side of the tritocerebrum. No immunopositive neurones were observed in the hypocerebral ganglion. Immunopositive fibres from neurones in the frontal ganglion ran via the recurrent nerve and the neuropile of the hypocerebral ganglion into the paired oesophageal nerve. At most, a few immunopositive nerve fibres occurred in the cardiostomatogastric nerves II, which connect the storage lobe of the CC with the paired oesophageal nerve at the caudal end of the hypocerebral ganglion.  相似文献   

Summary The nervus corporis cardiaci III (NCC III) of the locust Locust migratoria was investigated with intracellular and extracellular cobalt staining techniques in order to elucidate the morphology of neurons within the suboesophageal ganglion, which send axons into this nerve. Six neurons have many features in common with the dorsal, unpaired, median (DUM) neurons of thoracic and abdominal ganglia. Three other cells have cell bodies contralateral to their axons (contralateral neuron 1–3; CN 1–3). Two of these neurons (CN2 and CN3) appear to degenerate after imaginal ecdysis. CN3 innervates pharyngeal dilator muscles via its anterior axon in the NCC III, and a neck muscle via an additional posterior axon within the intersegmental nerve between the suboesophageal and prothoracic ganglia. A large cell with a ventral posterior cell body is located close to the sagittal plane of the ganglion (ventral, posterior, median neuron; VPMN). Staining of the NCC III towards the periphery reveals that the branching pattern of this nerve is extremely variable. It innervates the retrocerebral glandular complex, the antennal heart and pharyngeal dilator muscles, and has a connection to the frontal ganglion.Abbreviations AH antennal heart - AN antennal nerves - AO aorta - AV antennal vessel - CA corpus allatum - CC corpus cardiacum - CN1, CN2, CN3 contralateral neuron 1–3 - DIT dorsal intermediate tract - DMT dorsal median tract - DUM dorsal, unpaired, median - FC frontal connective - FG frontal ganglion - HG hypocerebral ganglion - LDT lateral dorsal tract - LMN, LSN labral motor and sensory nerves - LN+FC common root of labral nerves and frontal connective - LO lateral ocellus - MDT median dorsal tract - MDVR ventral root of mandibular nerve - MVT median ventral tract - NCA I, II nervus corporis allati I, II - NCC I, II, III nervus corporis cardiaci I, III - NR nervus recurrens - NTD nervus tegumentarius dorsalis - N8 nerve 8 of SOG - OE oesophagus - OEN oesophageal nerve - PH pharynx - SOG suboesophageal ganglion - T tentorium - TVN tritocerebral ventral nerve - VLT ventral lateral tract - VIT ventral intermediate tract - VMT ventral median tract - VPMN ventral, posterior, median neuron - 1–7 peripheral nerves of the SOG - 36, 37, 40–45 pharyngeal dilator muscles  相似文献   

The histomorphology of the retrocerebral endocrine organs of the larva of the lemon-butterfly, P. demoleus has been described employing a conventional neurosecretory staining technique. The larval organs lie a little away from the brain and oesophagus and, therefore, are not sub-aortic in position unlike most other insects and the adult of this species itself. There are two long NCCs which innervate other target organs in addition to the CC. The recurrent nerve of the stomatogastric nervous system retains its normal connections with the CC even in absence of the hypocerebral ganglion. Histological evidence suggests that the NSM inside the CC remains intraaxonal without being possibly unloaded in the substance of these organs. Axonal transport of NSM to target organs is also in evidence and though NSM is seen in the NCA, it could not be detected inside the CA.  相似文献   

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