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Studies of infant rhesus macaques have generally reported sex differences in the frequency of expression of some behaviour patterns, such as rough-and-tumble play and socio-sexual mounting. In contrast, sex differences in other behaviour patterns, such as proximity to the mother, have been less consistantly reported. Using data on the behavioural development of infant rhesus macaques living in captive social groups, we have attempted to provide further evidence for, or against, sex differences in behaviour and to investigate the possible influence of maternal rank and parity on sex differences in infant behaviour and mother-infant interactions. The behaviour of 14 male and 20 female infants and their mothers was studied during the first six months of life, including measures of play behaviour socio-sexual mounting, and mother-infant interactions. Our data reveal that, on average, male infants exhibited more rough-and-tumble play and mounting than female infants, and also exhibited stationary play, chasing play, and initiated play more frequently than females. Such sex differences appear to be robust in macaques and have been reported in a variety of housing conditions. male and female infants did not differ in the amount of time spent at particular distances from their mothers, and mothers were not found to behave differently towards sons and daughters, using measures of restraint, rejection, and grooming. These results are in contrast to previous studies on singly-housed mother-infant pairs but similar to those on free-ranging populations. Mothers did behave differently towards their infants depending upon the mother's rank and previous number of offspring. These maternal characteristics may have significant consequences for the behavioural development of both male and female infant primates.  相似文献   

Yearling rhesus monkey females interact more with infants than do males. However, the continuity of this sex difference throughout the juvenile period is unknown. Human females display similar sexually differentiated interest in infants, and studies of girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia suggest that this sex difference may be modulated by prenatal androgen exposure. We investigated infant interest in 1- to 3-year-old juvenile rhesus monkeys. Hormonal influences on this behavior were investigated by treating pregnant females with an androgen-receptor blocker (flutamide), testosterone enanthate, or vehicle, early or late in gestation. Subjects were reared in their well-established natal groups, composed of species-typical matrilineal social structures, including members of all ages. Yearling control females interacted with infants more than did yearling control males. At 2 and 3 years of age, the magnitude of the sex difference in interactions with infants increased markedly, producing effect sizes of more than 2.5 standard deviations. These effects are larger than those reported in humans. Androgen treatment did not affect male or female interactions with infants, but late gestation flutamide masculinized aspects of females' interest in infants. Although early flutamide prevented complete masculinization of male genitalia, this treatment was not accompanied by any alterations in the masculine pattern of infant interest. We found no evidence that the robust juvenile sex difference in frequency of infant interactions results from socialization. However, it was largely unaffected by our hormone manipulations. Whether this reflects characteristics of our specific treatments or is evidence of nonhormonal influences on infant interest remains unanswered.  相似文献   

The behavior of 8 nursery/peer-reared and 16 mother-only reared rhesus macaques was observed between birth and 5 months of age, with follow-up studies conducted when the animals were 10–21 months old and living in large social groups. Nursery-reared neonates were more awake, active, and irritable than mother-only reared monkeys. From 1 to 5 months of age the nursery/peer-reared animals exhibited a greater variety of behaviors than the mother-only reared infants, which spent the majority of the time in ventral contact with mothers. As juveniles the groups were indistinguishable with the exception of more self-directed behaviors observed in the nursery/peer-reared monkeys. Both rearing conditions, by virtue of their atypicality, imposed restrictions on social development. The behavioral similarity of the juveniles while in the large social group may be a function of maturation or due to the rehabilitative effect of the large social group.  相似文献   

Click-evoked otoacoustic emissions (CEOAEs) and distortion-product OAEs (DPOAEs) were measured in about 60 rhesus monkeys. CEOAE strength was substantially greater in females than in males, just as in humans. DPOAE strength was generally slightly stronger in females, just as in humans. In males, CEOAEs were weaker (more masculine) in the fall breeding season and in winter than in the summer. In females, CEOAEs were slightly stronger (more feminine) in the fall, when sex steroids are elevated in females (and males), than in the summer when rhesus monkeys are reproductively quiescent. Thus, the sex differences in CEOAEs were greater in the fall than in the summer. We presume that the seasonal fluctuations in OAEs reflect activational hormonal effects, while the basic sex differences in OAEs likely reflect organizational effects of prenatal androgen exposure. Some monkeys of both sexes had been treated with additional testosterone or the anti-androgen flutamide during prenatal development. In accord with expectations, prenatal androgen treatment weakened CEOAEs in females, and prenatal flutamide treatment strengthened CEOAEs in males. For DPOAEs, the differences between treated and untreated groups were mostly small and often inconsistent. Taken as a whole, the data from both rhesus monkeys and humans suggest that the linear, reflection-based mechanism of OAE production that underlies CEOAEs is more sensitive to prenatal androgenic processes than is the nonlinear distortion mechanism that underlies DPOAEs.  相似文献   

Several aspects of agonistic experience are described for freeranging infant rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)on Cayo Santiago. Even before infants are fully integrated with peers in rank dominance based on maternal ranks,infants of highranking mothers tend to be threatened less frequently by other members of the group and are less likely to be threatened by unfamiliar individuals than are infants of lowranking mothers. There is no evidence that fearful interactions between pairs of infants are related to their mother’s ranks before 22 weeks of age. However, an imperfect hierarchy can be constructed for infants between 27 and 30 weeks of age. At this age,infants of higherranking mothers are also more likely to receive protection when threatened than are infants of lowerranking mothers. When protected, their protectors are less likely to emit fearful gestures to the infants’ threatener. Close female relatives appear to play a large role in the protection of infants and may be more directly responsible for the differences described above than the mother, other relatives, or other highranking members of the group. It is suggested that more than one mechanism, including intervention by the mother and by close female relatives,may be important in rank acquisition among peers.  相似文献   

Men and women differ on performance and strategy on several spatial tasks. Rodents display similar sex differences, and manipulations of early hormone exposure alter the direction of these differences. However, most cognitive testing of nonhuman primates has utilized sample sizes too small to investigate sexually differentiated behaviors. This study presents an investigation of sex differences and the effects of prenatal androgen on spatial memory and strategy use in rhesus monkeys. Monkeys prenatally exposed to vehicle, testosterone, or the androgen receptor blocker flutamide performed a search task in which 5 of 12 goal boxes contained food rewards. Spatial consistency and the presence of local landmarks were varied. Performance when both spatial and marker cues were available did not differ by sex or prenatal treatment. Contrary to predictions, females easily solved the task when local markers were removed, and their performance outscored males. Although eliminating spatial consistency and requiring subjects to use local markers impaired performance by all monkeys, females continued to locate correct goal boxes at higher than chance levels and scored better than males. Blocking prenatal androgen exposure in males improved use of local markers. These findings suggest that the tendency to attend to landmarks and to use them in solving spatial problems is typical of females across many species, including rodents, humans, and rhesus monkeys. In rhesus monkeys and rodents, developmental androgen eliminates this specialization. However, these results are the only known example of better performance of females than males when salient markers are removed.  相似文献   

Isoelectrofocusing (IEF) profiles of bioactive and immunoreactive follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were studied in saline extracts of pituitary glands from rhesus monkeys. No sex differences were found in the IEF profiles of FSH and LH in intact or gonadectomized animals. Gonadectomy in both sexes resulted in a marked increase in the formation of relatively more acidic molecular species of FSH and LH in parallel with the production of an unusual strongly alkaline FSH species.  相似文献   

We studied the sibling similarity in development of covariation among body size characters (body weight (W), body length (S) and head circumference (HC) in Tel Aviv infants from birth up to 2 years of age. We investigated the effects of parental geographic origin, profession, age, current residence, and of family size. Multiple regression analysis with "dummy" procedure established that none of these variables had any significant effect on the aforementioned anthropometric traits. The matrices of phenotypic and genetic correlations, based on sibling similarity data, among age-specific W, S, and HC (measured for 12 different ages) were subjected to principal component analysis in order to elucidate patterns over the age groups. The patterns of both analyses, phenotypic and genetic, were quite similar: one factor in each (first genetic and second phenotypic) had a high positive correlation with early, first 2-3 months of life, W, S, and HC. Three other extracted factors correlated strongly, each with late W, S, and HC, respectively. The results of additional principal component analyses of age-specific W, S, and HC matrices separately, indicate the possibility of existence of two genetic subsystems, the first determining early postnatal stages of human ontogeny, and the second, later phases of child development.  相似文献   

The locomotor development of three vervet infants across approximately the first 2 months of life is described. Fairly normal-looking walking movements (as compared to adults) were seen in all the animals by approximately 1 month of age and galloping was observed by 2 months. Early locomotor footfall patterns were often aberrant and bounding-type gaits were sometimes exhibited. Most of the symmetrical gaits observed were classifiable as lateral sequence. Across the 2-month period the animals showed decreased three- and four-foot support and improvements in joint angular displacement patterns. From their earliest locomotor movements the infants showed significant linear relationship between both cycle duration and swing and stance durations of the limbs. We suggest that locomotor control mechanisms are probably fairly mature at birth but that weight support and postural control problems explain the initial locomotor difficulties exhibited by these infants.  相似文献   

Maternal effects are widespread in living organisms though little is known about whether they shape individual affiliative social behavior in primates. Further, it remains a question whether maternal effects on affiliative behavior differ by offspring sex, as they do in other physiological systems, especially in species with high levels of adult sexual dimorphism and divergence in social niches. We explored how direct and indirect experiences of maternal affiliative behavior during infancy predicted affiliative behavior approximately 1–6 years later during the juvenile period, using behavioral data from 41 wild blue monkey juveniles and their 29 mothers, and controlling for individual age, sex, and maternal rank. Female juveniles spent less time grooming with any partner and with peers the more maternal grooming they received during infancy, whereas males groomed more with any partner and with peers. Similarly, the more that mothers groomed with other adult females during subjects’ infancy, female subjects played less with peers, and male subjects played more as juveniles. Further, this maternal effect on social behavior appears specific to early life, as the same aspects of mothers’ sociality measured throughout subjects’ development did not predict juvenile behavior. Overall, our results suggest that both direct and indirect experience of mother's affiliative behavior during infancy influence an individual's affiliation later in life that sexes respond differently to the maternal affiliation, and that the first year of life is a critical window.  相似文献   

After proposing the organizational hypothesis from research in prenatally androgenized guinea pigs (Phoenix, C.H., Goy, R.W., Gerall, A.A., Young, W.C., 1959. Organizational action of prenatally administered testosterone propionate on the tissues mediating mating behavior in the female guinea pig. Endocrinology 65, 369–382.), the same authors almost immediately extended the hypothesis to a nonhuman primate model, the rhesus monkey. Studies over the last 50 years have verified that prenatal androgens have permanent effects in rhesus monkeys on the neural circuits that underlie sexually dimorphic behaviors. These behaviors include both sexual and social behaviors, all of which are also influenced by social experience. Many juvenile behaviors such as play, mounting, and vocal behaviors are masculinized and/or defeminized, and aspects of adult sexual behavior are both masculinized (e.g. approaches, sex contacts, and mounts) and defeminized (e.g. sexual solicits). Different behavioral endpoints have different periods of maximal susceptibility to the organizing actions of prenatal androgens. Aromatization is not important, as both testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are equally effective in rhesus monkeys. Although the full story of the effects of prenatal androgens on sexual and social behaviors in the rhesus monkey has not yet completely unfolded, much progress has been made. Amazingly, a large number of the inferences drawn from the original 1959 study have proved applicable to this nonhuman primate model.  相似文献   

Two rhesus monkey males and two females, born to females caged singly, were exchanged with same-sex infants born to females in a large troop which was held in an enclosure in a different building. The ages of the infants were between 24 and 120 hr. The selected foster mothers (FMs) immediately accepted the foreign infants, allowed them to suckle and treated them as their own offspring. Compared with interactions with previous offspring, the FMs initially tended to be more possessive and restrictive of their foster infants: generally they took longer before they allowed the infants to sit at a distance from them and more readily retrieved them. The foster infants tended to be more active (‘fidgety’) than natural (control) offspring born to the troop. Non-related members of the troop, differentiated between foster and control groups. These troop animals more frequently approached and sat in proximity, often in fur-contact with, touched, groomed, and lipsmacked to, foster infants than control infants. The attractiveness of the fostered infants seemed to be slightly associated with the FMs' dominance rank. The foster infants were therefore viewed by others as having assumed the role afforded by the FMs' rank. Thus both FMs and other troop members recognized the unfamiliarity and novelty of the foster infant but the infants were still accepted into the group. We suggest that the different treatment of the foster infants by the troop may have consequences on the infants' future social development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to question the utility of non-metric traits as predictors of age, race, and sex by comparing a group of non-metric variables with a group of metric variables. Twelve metric variables and 15 nonmetric variables were scored on 317 crania from the Terry Collection at the U. S. National Museum, and later statistically evaluated with a number of multivariate analysis programs and a stepwise discriminant program. The metric variables were found to be significant sex and race discriminators, where-as the non-metric variables were non-significant. The non-metric variables were found to be better age discriminators than the metric variables, even though neither could be classified as highly significant. It was concluded that non-metric traits by themselves have very little discriminatory value and should be used instead to supplement other osteological measurements and observations.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken of a unique sample of 63 wild vervet monkeys Cercopithecus aethiops from a single population in Uganda collected over 35 days in 1947. Twenty-five were immature (12 females and 13 males) and 38 were adults (16 females and 22 males). Body mass, external measurements, masticatory and other masses were recorded for each individual at the time of collection, and for a few specimens, the development of the reproductive organs. Each individual was evaluated for cranial capacity, limb length and dental eruption. The comparison of immature and adult animals illustrates the mosaic nature of growth in the different body systems, as well as female–male differences. An ancestral model is proposed for catarrhine growth and development, with particular reference to sex differences. This model provides a framework for assessment of immatures and for the reconstruction of socio-ecological effects on life-history stages in populations of fossil monkeys, apes and early hominids.  相似文献   

Optimal environments for captive primates are assumed to be those which simulate certain ecological features and elicit a wide range of species-typical behavior patterns. Outdoor environments are often thought to be more suitable than indoor environments in that they provide more space and potentially higher levels of stimulation. The purpose of this study was to compare the long-term behavioral responses of several groups of animals that had been reared identically during the first two years of life and then exposed to different environments. Two groups were moved into separate “enriched” indoor pens while one group was moved to an outdoor area covering approximately 5 acres. The monkeys were observed during the first year of life and again in these different environments between the ages of 6 and 10. Although behaviorally similar during the first year of life, monkeys developed different response patterns to indoor and outdoor environments. Contrary to commonly held views, indoor monkeys were not more aggressive, nor did they show higher levels of stereotypical behavior. Instead, indoor monkeys exhibited higher levels of grooming, sexual posturing, tactile/oral exploration, and passive visual behavior than their outdoor counterparts. These differences are consistent with the reconciliation model of de Waal. Individual monkeys also showed remarkable stability in certain traits over the 5-year period. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Yu Q  Chen WF 《生理科学进展》1997,28(2):113-118
早期T细胞的发育是一个受到多种分子精确调控的过程,基因打靶技术的建立和发展 内研究上述分子的作用提供了有效的手段。对TCR、CD3基因打靶小鼠的研究表明,CD44-CD25阶段是早期T细胞发育的重要调控点,在此发育阶段,由TCRβ、TCRα和CD3成分组成的pre-TCR复俣体的表达或其与未知配体的结合通过p56lck传递信号,介导CD44-CD25细胞的进一上发育,该复全体任何成分的缺失都将使T  相似文献   

We report here that in a large captive group of monkeys, Macaca mulatta,sudden sex-related changes occur in social interactions in one short phase of an infant’s development. Social interactions of 1-year-old animals (males, N =12; females, N =8) 6 weeks before the birth of siblings were compared with interactions occurring 6 weeks after the birth. On the day of the siblings’ birth, depression-like postures were seen in two yearling males (YMs); 10 YMs showed hyperactivity. In the postbirth period, YMs refocused their attentions away from their mother and toward other, often unrelated members of the group. Although YMs initiated disengagement of interactions with their mothers, there was evidence that mothers attempted to lessen this disengagement. The YMs had close relationships with specific (“preferred”) male individuals. These relationships (particularly those with adult males) became more pronounced following the birth of the sibling. The adult-male group also took an active role in maintaining interactions with YMs. The preferred partners in the YM-other male relationship before the birth of the sibling were, however, not always the same as those in the period after the birth. Dominance relationships and probably genetic factors determined patterns of interaction between YMs and their preferred male partners. Among yearling females (YFs), no dramatic changes in interactions with their mothers or with other group members were detected after their mothers gave birth. Relationships in YF-mother and YF-other-individual pairs (especially when the other individual was kin) seemed to be consolidated during the postbirth interval. There was little evidence of jealousy between the YFs and their younger siblings. Thus, sibling birth acted as a stimulus for the occurrence of sexually dimorphic interactions in yearlings. We suggest that in natural environments, social interactions in YFs promote relationships that will serve to integrate them into the matrilineal social structure, whereas comparable behavior in YMs encourages relationships with males that they may emigrate with into, or meet again in, nonnatal troops.  相似文献   

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