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After incubation of rat brain homogenates with S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (10 microM), norepinephrine uptake was modified according to the norepinephrine concentration. For low-range concentrations, uptake was lowered, whereas for high-range concentrations, uptake was increased.  相似文献   

It has been shown that intracerebroventricular injection of synthetic orexins stimulated food intake in rats. This pharmacological evidence suggests that orexins may have a role for the central regulation of feeding. In the present study, we investigated the hypothesis of whether endogenous orexins indeed play a vital role in feeding behavior. An anti-orexin polyclonal antibody was used throughout the study. First, we examined the specificity of the antibody to orexin by Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry. Next, the effects of central injection of the orexin antibody on food intake in 24-h-fasted rats were evaluated. Western blot analysis revealed that the orexin antibody detected synthetic orexin-A. Immunohistochemical study showed that orexin-positive neurons were identified only in the lateral hypothalamic area, in agreement with previous reports. Neither control antibody nor the orexin antibody preabsorbed with excess amount of orexin-A detected neurons, indicating that the orexin antibody is specific. Intracisternal but not intraperitoneal injection of the orexin antibody dose-dependently suppressed feeding. All these results suggest that immunoneutralization of endogenous orexins in the brain reduced food intake. In other words, we suggest that endogenous brain orexin may have a physiologically relevant action on feeding behavior.  相似文献   

A single i.v. injection of a mAb 5-1-6 to rats was found to cause massive though transient proteinuria. This mAb 5-1-6, IgG1 was produced by immunization of BALB/c mice with collagenase-treated Wistar rat glomeruli and was highly organ and species specific. Immunoelectron microscopy using immunoperoxidase with the avidin-biotin complex and immunogold staining indicated mAb 5-1-6 to bind in vitro to the surface of glomerular epithelial foot processes, mainly to slit diaphragms. The recognized antigenic molecule was not susceptible to neuraminidase treatment and its Mr was about 51 kDa by immunoprecipitation. A one-shot i.v. injection of this mAb induced proteinuria in rats starting immediately, reaching the peak on day 8 (mean value of 150 mg/24 h), then gradually decreasing to normal level on day 18. The in vivo localization of administrated mAb 5-1-6 changed with time. Linear binding along glomerular capillary walls was observed 2 h after injection. However, 3 days later, it partially shifted to a fine granular pattern. The linear pattern disappeared and the size as well as intensity of the fluorescent granules decreased on day 12 to trace positive on day 18. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed the binding pattern of in vivo injected mAb 5-1-6 after 2 h to be similar to that in vitro. Three days later, injected mAb was observed within multivesicular bodies in glomerular epithelial cells as well as along the surface of foot processes and around slit diaphragms. Twelve days after injection, mAb along the surface of the foot processes and around slit diaphragms decreased but those in multivesicular bodies were observed more frequently. Rat IgG and C3 could not be detected throughout the period of observation. No histologic abnormalities were noted except for partial retraction of epithelial foot processes at the peak of proteinuria on day 8. This mAb thus provides a valuable means for examining the mechanism of proteinuria.  相似文献   

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