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Plant architecture is crucial to pollination and mating in wind‐pollinated species. We investigated the effect of crown architecture on pollen dispersal, mating system and offspring quality, combining phenotypic and genotypic analyses in a low‐density population of the endangered species Abies pinsapo. A total of 598 embryos from three relative crown height levels (bottom, middle and top) in five mother plants were genotyped using eleven nuclear microsatellite markers (nSSRs). Paternity analysis and mating system models were used to infer mating and pollen dispersal parameters. In addition, seeds were weighed (= 16 110) and germinated (= 736), and seedling vigour was measured to assess inbreeding depression. Overall, A. pinsapo shows a fat‐tailed dispersal kernel, with an average pollen dispersal distance of 113–227 m, an immigration rate of 0.84–26.92%, and a number of effective pollen donors (Nep) ranging between 3.5 and 11.9. We found an effect of tree height and relative crown height levels on mating parameters. A higher proportion of seeds with embryo (about 50%) and a higher rate of self‐fertilization (about 60%) were found at the bottom level in comparison with the top level. Seed weight and seedling vigour are positively related. Nevertheless, no differences were found in seed weight or in seedling‐related variables such as weight and length of aerial and subterranean parts among the different relative crown height levels, suggesting that seeds from the more strongly inbred bottom level are not affected by inbreeding depression. Our results point to vertical isotropy for outcross‐pollen and they suggest that self‐pollen may ensure fertilization when outcross‐pollen is not available in low‐density population.  相似文献   

The plants of the genus Abies are dominant and key species in dark conifer forest in the Northern Hemisphere. There are 52 species, 1 subspecies and 12 varities of genus Abies in the world. The history and modern distribution ofAbies were discussed at present paper. The genus has 3 modern distributional centers: South Europe, North America and East Asia. These areas are also rich in fossil records. The vertical distribution regions of Abies are from sea level to 4 700m, concentrated in 1 000 - 2 000 m (15 species ) and 2 500 - 4 000 m ( 13 species ). In China, the genus distributes in 20 provinces, especially abundant in the Hengduan Mountians. Meanwhile endemic and relic phenomea are obvious in this genus. There are 7 relical species with both limited individuals and limited distributed regions. Based on the fossil records and the newest phylogenetic data, the following hypothesis was proposed: Abies originated from the mid- and high altitude of the Northern Hemisphere in the Middle Cretaceous and it was dispersed forward to the south area in the Eocene due to global climate cooler down. The distribution of Abies was deeply impacted by geological events such as upleft of Himalaya, Alps, Rocky Mountains, the occurrence of Aisan Monsoon as well as Quaternary glaciers. Finally the currentdistribution pattern appeared at the Quaternary. The genus Abies has similar fossil history and modern distribution pattern with Cathaya and Pseudolarix.  相似文献   

Eight newly developed polymorphic microsatellite markers are presented for Abies guatemalensis Rehder, an endangered tree endemic to Mexico and Central America. These microsatellite markers are useful for evaluating the population genetics of the species which is threatened by greenery poaching in natural populations. Novel conservation plans are needed to secure a more sustainable use strategy and to preserve the genetic diversity of the species.  相似文献   

松科冷杉属植物的化石历史和现代分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷杉是北半球阴暗针叶林的优势种和建群种,现全世界共有52种1亚种12变种,在北半球形成南欧、北美和东亚三个分布中心,这三个地区也是冷杉属化石最丰富的地区。在垂直分布上,冷杉集中分布于1000~2000m(15种)和2500~4000m(13种)两个海拔地段。在中国,冷杉植物呈南北间断分布,集中分布在横断山地区。冷杉属的特有现象和孑遗分布现象都十分突出,有7个种呈孑遗分布。根据冷杉属的地史分布和现代分布的研究并结合最新的系统演化资料,本文推测冷杉属于白垩世中期起源于北半球的中高纬度地区,始新世以后,随着全球气候的变冷,逐步向南迁移,由于喜马拉雅山脉、阿尔卑斯山、落基山脉抬升及东亚季风气候的出现以及第四纪冰期的影响而形成了现代间断的分布格局。冷杉与银杉、金钱松等其它松科植物的形成模式十分相似。  相似文献   

To understand the influence of seed-cone production on the upper-crown expansion of canopy trees of Abies mariesii Masters, the influence of the annually fluctuating number of seed cones on the terminal-leader length of the main stem and primary branches was analyzed using seed-cone rachises remaining on the terminal leaders of the primary branches. The influence of climatic factors during the period of vegetative-bud growth and shoot elongation was also analyzed. For the upper-crown expansion, factors influencing the number of horizontally elongating branches on the top of the main stem were also examined. According to model fitting, the terminal-leader length of the main stem was negatively influenced by seed-cone production 1 year before shoot elongation. In contrast, the terminal-leader length of the primary branches was not clearly influenced by seed-cone production, but was positively influenced by the mean temperature in September 1 year before shoot elongation and in July in the year of shoot elongation. The number of horizontally elongating branches on the top was positively influenced by the terminal-leader length of the main stem 1 year before horizontal elongation on the top and negatively influenced by seed-cone production 2 years earlier. Thus, in the upper part of the crown, the allocation of photosynthate to seed cones mainly affects the arrangement of needles and seed cones up to the higher positions. This trade-off between seed-cone production and upper-crown expansion influences the canopy shape and reproductive strategy of A. mariesii .  相似文献   

In Rocky Mountain (USA) subalpine forests, seedlings of Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce) colonize logs more frequently than seedlings of its codominant associate Abies lasiocarpa (subalpine fir). We hypothesized that spruce germinates more readily on logs than fir, perhaps because small spruce seeds are more likely to lodge in log crevices than larger fir seeds. Our objectives were to test this hypothesis and compare both species' germination among several substrates to assess germination influences on natural seedling distributions. Spruce and fir seeds were sown on field-collected logs, litter, and soil in the greenhouse and monitored for 36 d. To test the crevice hypothesis, seeds were either scattered on logs or wedged into crevices, assuming that if both species were placed in crevices, interspecific germination differences on logs would decrease. Spruce mean germination percentages were significantly greater than fir's in all substrate treatments except when seeds were wedged in log crevices. The difference in means between the two log treatments was greater for fir (68%) than spruce (21%). Spruce germinated more rapidly than fir on all substrates. We suggest that large seed size reduces fir's success in colonizing logs, and that germination and establishment factors interact to determine natural seedling distributions for these subalpine conifers.  相似文献   

Fir forests (Abies, Pinaceae) are dominant in temperate regions of North America; however, they have experienced high degradation rates that can threaten their long-term continuity. This study aimed to identify the priority areas for the conservation of the genus Abies in North America. First, we modeled the species distribution of the 17 native species through ecological niche modeling, considering 21 environmental variables. Then, we defined the priority areas through multi-criteria analysis, considering the species richness, geographic rareness, irreplaceability, habitat degradation, and risk extinction. We also built six scenarios, giving more priority to each criterion. Finally, we identified the proportion of the extent of the priority areas covered by protected areas. Elevation, precipitation seasonality, and winter precipitation influenced the distribution of most of the Abies species. When considering equal weights to each criterion, the priority areas summed up 6% of the total extent covered by the Abies species in North America. Most priority areas were located on the West Coast of the United States, the Eastern Sierra Madre, Southern Sierra Madre, Sierras of Chiapas and Central America, and the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt ecoregions. In these ecoregions, the Abies species are restricted to small areas facing high degradation levels. Only 16% of the area covered by the Abies species in North America is protected, mainly under restrictive schemes such as National Parks and Wilderness Areas. The priority areas identified could be the basis for establishing or enlarging protected areas. The preservation of the genus Abies could also maintain other ecological features and processes such as biodiversity, forest resources, and environmental services.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and characterization of 14 microsatellite loci from Fraser fir (Abies fraseri). These markers originated from cloned inserts enriched for DNA sequences containing tandem di‐ and tri‐nucleotide repeats. In total, 36 clones were selected, sequenced and evaluated. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for 14 of these sequences consistently produced simple PCR profiles and were found to be polymorphic among 13 Fraser fir samples. In addition, more than half of these loci were found to amplify a wide range of samples from several Abies taxa.  相似文献   

Busseola fusca Fuller (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is the major pest on maize and sorghum crops in sub-Saharan Africa. As a specialised phytophagous insect, survival of B. fusca larvae depends on the presence of the cultivated host plants. Taking into account recent evidence of host-plant presence acting on pheromone perception and production in Lepidoptera, we investigated the effect of different host and non-host plants on reproductive behaviour in B. fusca: female calling behaviour and male attraction by female. Results showed that both behaviours did not change in presence of plants, whether they are larvae host plant or oviposition repellent plant. Native host associated mating remains unknown for this species, but results are likely to favour the hypothesis that mating behaviour is not related to the presence of cultivated or putative native host plants.  相似文献   

Genome size, karyotype structure, heterochromatin distribution, position and number of ribosomal genes, as well as the ITS2 sequence of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) were analysed in silver fir (Abies alba Mill.). The analysis also included characterization of the Arabidopsis-type of telomeric repeats in silver fir and in related species. The results were compared with results from other species of the Pinaceae, to evaluate phylogeny and chromosomal and molecular evolution in the Pinaceae. Integrated chromosomal data provided insights into chromosome and karyotype evolution in the Pinaceae. The evolutionary trend for GC-rich heterochromatic blocks seems to involve loss of blocks that are not associated with rDNA. Similarly, numerous large blocks of interstitial plant telomeric repeats that are typical for all analysed species of the genus Pinus were not observed in the evolutionarily younger genera, such as Abies, Picea and Larix. On the contrary, the majority of telomeric sequences in these three genera appeared confined to the chromosome ends. We confirmed the current position of Abies and Tsuga in subfamily Abietoideae and the position of Pinus in the subfamily Pinoideae based on ITS2 sequences. Pseudotsuga is placed together with Larix into the subfamily Laricoideae. We conclude that the current position of the genus Picea in the subfamily Abietoideae should be reconsidered and, possibly, the genus Picea should be reclassified as a separate subfamily, Piceoideae, as recently proposed.  相似文献   

Relationships among elevation, foliar morphology, spectral reflectance, and chlorophyll fluorescence of two co-occurring montane conifers, red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) and balsam fir (Abies balsamea [L.] Mill.), were investigated along two transects from 460 to 1460 m on Mt. Moosilauke in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, USA. Spectral reflectance (300-1100 nm wavelengths) and the chlorophyll fluorescence F(v)/F(m) ratio were measured on dark-adapted needles. Foliar morphology (needle size, shape, and mass) and nitrogen concentrations were measured in the laboratory. Reflectance spectra varied between species and with elevation. Two chlorophyll measures, red edge position and a chlorophyll-based difference index (Chl NDI = R750 - R705/R750 + R705), indicated more chlorophyll in fir than in spruce and decreasing chlorophyll with increasing elevation in both species. The structure-independent pigment index (SIPI = R800 - R445/R800 - R680) increased with elevation, indicating an increasing carotenoid?:?chlorophyll ratio. The photochemical reflectance index (PRI = R531 - R570/R531 + R570), a measure of photosynthetic radiation use efficiency, decreased with increasing elevation up to 1370 m. In the highest elevation site, within the stunted alpine krummholz at 1460 m, PRI was higher than at 1370 m, but still lower than at 1070 m. This same pattern was evident in the chlorophyll fluorescence F(v)/F(m) measurements. These independent indices indicate higher stress in spruce than fir, which may be related to the "spruce decline" reported in the northeastern USA. Results also indicate progressively increasing stress with increasing elevation up to 1370 m. Stress appears to be lower at 1460 m than at 1370 m, despite the harsher conditions at the very summit of Mt. Moosilauke. This may be a consequence of stress-tolerant physiology and/or prostrate architecture.  相似文献   

The Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) is economically important in Europe. However, apart from the female reproductive system, very little is known about its internal anatomy. This article focuses on studying the internal anatomy and ultrastructure of the male reproductive system. This system follows the general pattern found among decapod crustaceans, with several peculiarities. Testes are composed of lobular sperm ducts in which the spermatozoa are fully constituted. The spermatozoa present three lateral arms and a long acrosome, which gives a false appearance of flagellated spermatozoa. The two testes form a double H under the heart, and the vas deferens (VD) arise from each side at the posterior edge of the double H. The main characteristic of the VD is the presence of a sphincter in the enlarged area of the distal end of the middle VD. The MVD here shows an increase in musculature of the wall as compared to the VD, which regulates the passage of the sperm cord to the distal VD (DVD) and thence to the thelycum of the female. The wall of the spermatophore is formed in the distal part of the proximal VD, which surrounds the unique sperm cord present in the VD. Isolated spermatophores are not observed in the VD. The sperm cord is pinched off during copulation by the musculature of the DVD. Then, a portion of the sperm cord is transferred from each VD to form the isolated spermatophores. The wall of the spematophores and the spermatozoa that are observed inside the thelycum have the same morphology as those observed in the VD. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

蜜导是一类对传粉者具有特殊吸引和指示作用的花图案或花结构,在被子植物尤其是虫媒花中普遍存在,但目前有关蜜导对植物繁殖成功影响的研究相对较少.在野外条件下,我们以毛茛科翠雀属的蓝翠雀花(Delphinium caeruleum)为研究对象,通过人工授粉和去除髯毛实验对其交配系统和退化雄蕊上黄色髯毛的作用进行了初步研究,以探讨蜜导对于蓝翠雀花雌雄繁殖适合度的影响.结果发现,蓝翠雀花自交亲和,但其雌雄异熟和雌雄异位相结合的花特征完全避免了自动自交,因此该物种是专性异交植物,其传粉过程需要传粉者协助才能完成.与对照相比,去除髯毛处理显著降低了花粉的输出总量,但坐果率和结籽数并没有显著降低.我们的研究结果表明,蓝翠雀花退化雄蕊上的髯毛确实起到了蜜导的作用,但蜜导的存在主要提高了该植物的雄性繁殖适合度,表明雄性适合度的繁殖成功在蓝翠雀花的花进化过程中具有重要的作用,但这一结果仍有待在更多的居群中做进一步的验证.  相似文献   

Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei (Sicilian fir) is an endangered species represented by only one population of 29 adult individuals occurring in a limited area of the Madonie Range in northern Sicily (Italy). Taxonomic boundaries between this taxon and the neighboring Abies species are not clear. In this study, we used six chloroplast simple-sequence repeats (cpSSRs) to investigate the population genetic structure and the distribution of chloroplast haplotypic variation in A. nebrodensis and three of the neighboring Abies species: Abies alba (Mill.), Abies numidica (De Lann) and Abies cepha-lonica (Loud.). Our aims were to quantify the level of cpDNA differentiation within the Abies populations and to shed light on the history of A. nebrodensis. Diversity levels based on the haplotype frequency at six cpSSRs were high, especially in A. alba and A. cephalonica. In all, we found 122 haplotypes among the 169 individuals analyzed, and the four species were distinguished from each other by their haplotype composition. The majority of the haplotypes (76%) were detected only once, but in A. nebrodensis seven individuals (41% of the sample population) shared the same haplotype. Moreover, the seven A. nebrodensis individuals with an identical haplotype showed a tendency to be geographically grouped within the population"s limited range. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed a significant difference in the level of apportionment of gene diversity between the species A. alba and A. cephalonica (FST=0.191 and 0.012, respectively). AMOVA analysis conducted over all populations from the four species showed that 19% of the total cpSSR variation was attributable to differences among species, 6% was due to differences among populations within species, and 74% to differences within populations. The high percentage of unique haplotypes identified confirms the power of cpSSR haplotype analysis for identifying individual trees in individual Abies populations. Our results indicate that A. nebrodensis differs from the other three Abies species investigated and support its classification as an independent taxon. The results also showed a decreased level of variation in A. nebrodensis and suggested that the species has experienced a genetic bottleneck during the last two centuries. Received: 10 April 2000 / Accepted: 13 July 2000  相似文献   

A phylogenetic study of firs (Abies Mill.) was conducted using nucleotide sequences of several chloroplast DNA regions with a total length of 5580 bp. The analysis included 37 taxa, which represented the main evolutionary lineages of the genus, and Keteleeria davidiana. According to phylogenetic reconstruction, the Abies species were subdivided into six main groups, generally corresponding to their geographic distribution. The phylogenetic tree had three basal clades. All of these clades contained American species, and only one of them contained Eurasian species. The divergence time calibrations, based on paleobotanical data and the chloroplast DNA mutation rate estimates in Pinaceae, produced similar results. The age of diversification among the basal clades of the present-day Abies was estimated as the end of the Oligocene-beginning of Miocene. The age of the separation of Mediterranean firs from the Asian-North American branch corresponds to the Miocene. The age of diversification within the young groups of Mediterranean, Asian, and “boreal” American firs (A. lasiocarpa, A. balsamea, A. fraseri) was estimated as the Pliocene-Pleistocene. Based on the phylogenetic reconstruction obtained, the most plausible biogeographic scenarios were suggested. It is noted that the existing systematic classification of the genus Abies strongly contradicts with phylogenetic reconstruction and requires revision.  相似文献   

Nucleolar involvement in the regulation of the activity-rest-quiescence cycle of the vascular cambium was assessed by determining the seasonal variation in number, diameter, and volume of nucleoli in fusiform cells of Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. The cells were isolated from 1- and 19-yr-old cambia and stained with either silver nitrate or Feulgen + naphthol yellow-S. The ability of fusiform cells to incorporate [5-3H]-uridine into nuclei and nucleoli was also determined. In the 1-yr-old cambium, the activity of the nucleoli, as evidenced by their diameter, total volume per cell, and intensity of staining with silver nitrate, exhibited two maxima during the year—a large one during cambial reactivation in April-May and a small one during the rest-quiescence transition in October. Incorporation of radiolabeled uridine at 20 C was low at the end of the active period and increased during the rest–quiescence transition, suggesting that the quiescent, but not the resting, cambium can rapidly resume nucleolar activity when the temperature is permissive. The number of nucleoli per cell varied between two and eight, and was higher during the dormant than the active period. The increase in number took place during the autumnal activity–rest–quiescence transition, when cambial cells were arrested in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Similar seasonal changes in nucleolar morphology were observed in the 19-yr-old cambium. Nucleolar diameter and total nucleolar volume were larger in the 19-yr-old cambium than in the 1-yr-old cambium, whereas nucleolar number was lower. Th results suggest that repression of rRNA genes underlies the development of rest when the cambium will not produce new cells.  相似文献   

The sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus , was used in aquarium experiments to study the importance of body size for the ability of males to gain access to nest sites and mates. When several male and female P. minutus were allowed to reproduce together, on average, half of the males built nests, and half of those males obtained eggs in their nests. Males with nests were significantly larger than males without nests, and nests with eggs belonged to males larger than the males with empty nests. In another experiment, when two males were competing for one nest, the largest male occupied the nest when both fish were put into the aquarium simultaneously. However, when the smaller male had been allowed to establish a nest before the larger male was introduced, the small male could usually retain the nest. Males with a body length < 50 mm did not build nests at all in the early part of the breeding season. In female choice experiments, no preference for larger males was found. Thus, male-male competition for nest sites and behavioural differences between different sized males seem to be the main factors influencing the non-random mating success in male P. minutus.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. We studied the fecundity of Epirrita autumnata Bkh. (Lepidoptera) in relation to pupal weight of females and males.
2. There was no clear correlation between male size and the success in fertilization over a considerable range of weights (from 50 mg to over 100 mg) although in one experiment only large males were successful in multiple fertilizations.
3. In the three experiments where small males (<50 mg) were used they showed reduced performance, and a large proportion of them was sterile.
4. Unlike in males, the number of eggs laid by females correlated linearly with pupal weight over the whole range of female weights.  相似文献   

The eastern‐Mediterranean Abies taxa, which include both widely distributed species and taxa with minuscule ranges, represent a good model to study the impacts of range size and fragmentation on the levels of genetic diversity and differentiation. To assess the patterns of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among eastern‐Mediterranean Abies taxa, genetic variation was assessed by eight nuclear microsatellite loci in 52 populations of Abies taxa with a focus on those distributed in Turkey and the Caucasus. Both at the population and the taxon level, the subspecies or regional populations of Abies nordmanniana s.l. exhibited generally higher allelic richness, private allelic richness, and expected heterozygosity compared with Abies cilicica s.l. Results of both the Structure analysis and distance‐based approaches showed a strong differentiation of the two A. cilicica subspecies from the rest as well as from each other, whereas the subspecies of A. nordmanniana were distinct but less differentiated. ABC simulations were run for a set of scenarios of phylogeny and past demographic changes. For A. ×olcayana, the simulation gave a poor support for the hypothesis of being a taxon resulting from a past hybridization, the same is true for Abies equi‐trojani: both they represent evolutionary branches of Abies bornmuelleriana.  相似文献   

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