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The dinB gene of Escherichia coli is known to be involved in the untargeted mutagenesis of lambda phage. Recently, we have demonstrated that this damage-inducible and SOS-controlled gene encodes a novel DNA polymerase, DNA Pol IV, which is able to dramatically increase the untargeted mutagenesis of F' plasmid. At the amino acid level, DNA Pol IV shares sequence homologies with E. coli UmuC (DNA Pol V), Rev1p, and Rad30p (DNA polymerase eta) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and human Rad30A (XPV) proteins, all of which are involved in translesion DNA synthesis. To better characterize the Pol IV-dependent untargeted mutagenesis, i.e., the DNA Pol IV mutator activity, we analyzed the genetic requirements of this activity and determined the forward mutation spectrum generated by this protein within the cII gene of lambda phage. The results indicated that the DNA Pol IV mutator activity is independent of polA, polB, recA, umuDC, uvrA, and mutS functions. The analysis of more than 300 independent mutations obtained in the wild-type or mutS background revealed that the mutator activity clearly promotes single-nucleotide substitutions as well as one-base deletions in the ratio of about 1:2. The base changes were strikingly biased for substitutions toward G:C base pairs, and about 70% of them occurred in 5'-GX-3' sequences, where X represents the base (T, A, or C) that is mutated to G. These results are discussed with respect to the recently described biochemical characteristics of DNA Pol IV.  相似文献   

The temperature-sensitive DNA polymerase III (Pol III) encoded by the dnaE486 allele confers a spontaneous mutator activity in SOS-induced bacteria that is largely dependent upon DNA polymerase V (Pol V), encoded by umuD, C. This mutator activity is influenced by the defective proof-reading sub-unit of Pol III encoded by the dnaQ905 (mutD5) allele arguing that Pol V is most likely fixing mutations arising from mismatched primer termini produced by Pol III(486). The size of the dnaQ effect is, however, modest leaving open the possibility that Pol V may be responsible for some of the mutator effect by engaging in bursts of processive activity.  相似文献   

Adaptive point mutation and amplification are induced responses to environmental stress, promoting genetic changes that can enhance survival. A specialized adaptive mutation mechanism has been documented in one Escherichia coli assay, but its enzymatic basis remained unclear. We report that the SOS-inducible, error-prone DNA polymerase (pol) IV, encoded by dinB, is required for adaptive point mutation in the E. coli lac operon. A nonpolar dinB mutation reduces adaptive mutation frequencies by 85% but does not affect adaptive amplification, growth-dependent mutation, or survival after oxidative or UV damage. We show that pol IV, together with the major replicase, pol III, can account for all adaptive point mutations at lac. The results identify a role for pol IV in inducible genetic change.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether DNA polymerase IV (Pol IV; the dinB gene product) contributes to the error rate of chromosomal DNA replication in Escherichia coli. We compared mutation frequencies in mismatch repair-defective strains that were either dinB positive or dinB deficient, using a series of mutational markers, including lac targets in both orientations on the chromosome. Virtually no contribution of Pol IV to the chromosomal mutation rate was observed. On the other hand, a significant effect of dinB was observed for reversion of a lac allele when the lac gene resided on an F'(pro-lac) episome.  相似文献   

To better understand the mechanisms of SOS mutagenesis in the bacterium Escherichia coli, we have undertaken a genetic analysis of the SOS mutator activity. The SOS mutator activity results from constitutive expression of the SOS system in strains carrying a constitutively activated RecA protein (RecA730). We show that the SOS mutator activity is not enhanced in strains containing deficiencies in the uvrABC nucleotide excision-repair system or the xth and nfo base excision-repair systems. Further, recA730-induced errors are shown to be corrected by the MutHLS-dependent mismatch-repair system as efficiently as the corresponding errors in the rec+ background. These results suggest that the SOS mutator activity does not reflect mutagenesis at so-called cryptic lesions but instead represents an amplification of normally occurring DNA polymerase errors. Analysis of the base-pair-substitution mutations induced by recA730 in a mismatch repair-deficient background shows that both transition and transversion errors are amplified, although the effect is much larger for transversions than for transitions. Analysis of the mutator effect in various dnaE strains, including dnaE antimutators, as well as in proofreading-deficient dnaQ (mutD) strains suggests that in recA730 strains, two types of replication errors occur in parallel: (i) normal replication errors that are subject to both exonucleolytic proofreading and dnaE antimutator effects and (ii) recA730-specific errors that are not susceptible to either proofreading or dnaE antimutator effects. The combined data are consistent with a model suggesting that in recA730 cells error-prone replication complexes are assembled at sites where DNA polymerization is temporarily stalled, most likely when a normal polymerase insertion error has created a poorly extendable terminal mismatch. The modified complex forces extension of the mismatch largely at the exclusion of proofreading and polymerase dissociation pathways. SOS mutagenesis targeted at replication-blocking DNA lesions likely proceeds in the same manner.  相似文献   

The polB gene encoding deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase II has been located close to a mutator gene, mutT1, in Escherichia coli. We find the DNA polymerase II prepared from mutT1, strains to be normal in reaction requirements, heat stability, and ability to remove mismatched bases at termini. Recombinants formed from a mutant defective in DNA polymerase II (polB100) and mutT1 are deficient in polymerase II and have the same mutator phenotype as mutT1. Our linkage analysis indicates that mutT1 and polB100 are not isoallelic.  相似文献   

Summary In Escherichia coli, induction of the SOS functions by UV irradiation or by mutation in the recA gene promotes an SOS mutator activity which generates mutations in undamaged DNA. Activation of RecA protein by the recA730 mutation increases the level of spontaneous mutation in the bacterial DNA. The number of recA730-induced mutations is greatly increased in mismatch repair deficient strains in which replication errors are not corrected. This suggests that the majority of recA730-induced mutations (90%) arise through correctable, i.e. non-targeted, replication errors. This recA730 mutator effect is suppressed by a mutation in the umuC gene. We also found that dam recA730 double mutants are unstable, segregating clones that have lost the dam or the recA mutations or that have acquired a new mutation, probably in one of the genes involved in mismatch repair. We suggest that the genetic instability of the dam recA730 mutants is provoked by the high level of replication errors induced by the recA730 mutation, generating killing by coincident mismatch repair on the two unmethylated DNA strands. The recA730 mutation increases spontaneous mutagenesis of phage poorly. UV irradiation of recA730 host bacteria increases phage untargeted mutagenesis to the level observed in UV-irradiated recA + strains. This UV-induced mutator effect in recA730 mutants is not suppressed by a umuC mutation. Therefore UV and the recA730 mutation seem to induce different SOS mutator activities, both generating untargeted mutations.  相似文献   

The DNA damage-inducible SOS response of Escherichia coli includes an error-prone translesion DNA replication activity responsible for SOS mutagenesis. In certain recA mutant strains, in which the SOS response is expressed constitutively, SOS mutagenesis is manifested as a mutator activity. Like UV mutagenesis, SOS mutator activity requires the products of the umuDC operon and depends on RecA protein for at least two essential activities: facilitating cleavage of LexA repressor to derepress SOS genes and processing UmuD protein to produce a fragment (UmuD') that is active in mutagenesis. To determine whether RecA has an additional role in SOS mutator activity, spontaneous mutability (tryptophan dependence to independence) was measured in a family of nine lexA-defective strains, each having a different recA allele, transformed or not with a plasmid that overproduces either UmuD' alone or both UmuD' and UmuC. The magnitude of SOS mutator activity in these strains, which require neither of the two known roles of RecA protein, was strongly dependent on the particular recA allele that was present. We conclude that UmuD'C does not determine the mutation rate independently of RecA and that RecA has a third essential role in SOS mutator activity.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase I* is a form of the DNA polymerase I isolated from Escherichia coli which are expressing recA/lexA (SOS) functions. Induction of recA or polA1 cells by nalidixic acid does not result in the appearance of pol I*, but lexA or recA mutants that are constitutive for SOS functions constitutively express pol I* and mutants which lack functional recA protein produce pol I* when they carry a lexA mutation which renders the lexA repressor inoperative. Pol I* has been induced by nalidixic acid in dinA, dinD, dinF, and umuC mutants. Polymerase I* has a lower affinity for single-stranded DNA-agarose than polymerase I and it sediments through sucrose gradients in a dispersed manner between 6.6-10.5 S, whereas polymerase I sediments at 5 S. Whereas pol I* migrates significantly faster than pol I in nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels, the active polypeptide of both forms migrates at the same rate in denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Compared with polymerase I, polymerase I* has an enhanced capacity to incorporate the adenine analog, 2-amino-purine, into activated salmon sperm DNA and a relatively low fidelity in replicating synthetic polydeoxyribonucleotides. Both the 3'----5' (proofreading) and 5'----3' (nick-translational) exonuclease activities of pol I* and pol I are indistinguishable. Estimates of processivity give a value of approximately 6 for both forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

We have investigated the possible role of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase (Pol) I in chromosomal replication fidelity. This was done by substituting the chromosomal polA gene by the polAexo variant containing an inactivated 3′→5′ exonuclease, which serves as a proofreader for this enzyme's misinsertion errors. Using this strain, activities of Pol I during DNA replication might be detectable as increases in the bacterial mutation rate. Using a series of defined lacZ reversion alleles in two orientations on the chromosome as markers for mutagenesis, 1.5‐ to 4‐fold increases in mutant frequencies were observed. In general, these increases were largest for lac orientations favouring events during lagging strand DNA replication. Further analysis of these effects in strains affected in other E. coli DNA replication functions indicated that this polAexo mutator effect is best explained by an effect that is additive compared with other error‐producing events at the replication fork. No evidence was found that Pol I participates in the polymerase switching between Pol II, III and IV at the fork. Instead, our data suggest that the additional errors produced by polAexo are created during the maturation of Okazaki fragments in the lagging strand.  相似文献   

Role of DNA polymerase II in repair replication in Escherichia coli   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

The ppk gene encodes polyphosphate kinase (Ppk), an enzyme that catalyses the polymerization of inorganic phosphate into long chains of polyphosphate (polyP). An insertion mutation in ppk causes a decrease in adaptive mutation in Escherichia coli strain FC40. Adaptive mutation in FC40 mostly results from error-prone DNA polymerase IV (Pol IV), encoded by dinB; most of the antimutagenic phenotype of the ppk mutant disappears in a dinB mutant strain. In addition, the ppk mutant causes a decrease in growth-dependent mutations produced by overexpressing Pol IV. However, the amount of Pol IV protein is unchanged in the ppk mutant strain, indicating that the activity or fidelity of Pol IV is altered. Adaptive mutation is inhibited both by the absence of Ppk, which results in low amounts of polyP, and by overproduction of Ppk, which results in high amounts of polyP, suggesting that an optimal level of polyP is necessary. Taken together, these results suggest a novel mechanism involving polyP that directly or indirectly regulates DNA polymerase activity or fidelity.  相似文献   

An assay that measures synchronized, processive DNA replication by Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme was used to reveal replacement of pol III by the specialized lesion bypass DNA polymerase IV when the replicative polymerase is stalled. When idled replication is restarted, a rapid burst of pol III-catalyzed synthesis accompanied by approximately 7-kb full-length products is strongly inhibited by the presence of pol IV. The production of slower-forming, shorter length DNA reflects a rapid takeover of DNA synthesis by pol IV. Here we demonstrate that pol IV rapidly (<15 s) obstructs the stable interaction between pol III* and the beta clamp (the lifetime of the complex is >5 min), causing the removal of pol III* from template DNA. We propose that the rapid replacement of pol III* on the beta clamp with pol IV is mediated by two processes, an interaction between pol IV and the beta clamp and a separate interaction between pol IV and pol III*. This newly discovered property of pol IV facilitates a dynamic exchange between the two free polymerases at the primer terminus. Our study suggests a model in which the interaction between pol III* and the beta clamp is mediated by pol IV to ensure that DNA replication proceeds with minimal interruption.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of Escherichia coli mutator genes have led to a better understanding of DNA replication fidelity mechanisms and to the discovery of important DNA repair pathways and their relationship to spontaneous mutagenesis. Mutator strains in a population of cells can be beneficial in that they allow rapid selection of variants during periods of stress, such as drug exposure.  相似文献   

Repair of interstrand DNA cross-links (ICLs) in Escherichia coli can occur through a combination of nucleotide excision repair (NER) and homologous recombination. However, an alternative mechanism has been proposed in which repair is initiated by NER followed by translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) and completed through another round of NER. Using site-specifically modified oligodeoxynucleotides that serve as a model for potential repair intermediates following incision by E. coli NER proteins, the ability of E. coli DNA polymerases (pol) II and IV to catalyze TLS past N(2)-N(2)-guanine ICLs was determined. No biochemical evidence was found suggesting that pol II could bypass these lesions. In contrast, pol IV could catalyze TLS when the nucleotides that are 5' to the cross-link were removed. The efficiency of TLS was further increased when the nucleotides 3' to the cross-linked site were also removed. The correct nucleotide, C, was preferentially incorporated opposite the lesion. When E. coli cells were transformed with a vector carrying a site-specific N(2)-N(2)-guanine ICL, the transformation efficiency of a pol II-deficient strain was indistinguishable from that of the wild type. However, the ability to replicate the modified vector DNA was nearly abolished in a pol IV-deficient strain. These data strongly suggest that pol IV is responsible for TLS past N(2)-N(2)-guanine ICLs.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli beta sliding clamp, which is encoded by the dnaN gene, is reported to interact with a variety of proteins involved in different aspects of DNA metabolism. Recent findings indicate that many of these partner proteins interact with a common surface on the beta clamp, suggesting that competition between these partners for binding to the clamp might help to coordinate both the nature and order of the events that take place at a replication fork. The purpose of the experiments discussed in this report was to test a prediction of this model, namely, that a mutant beta clamp protein impaired for interactions with the replicative DNA polymerase (polymerase III [Pol III]) would likewise have impaired interactions with other partner proteins and hence would display pleiotropic phenotypes. Results discussed herein indicate that the dnaN159-encoded mutant beta clamp protein (beta159) is impaired for interactions with the alpha catalytic subunit of Pol III. Moreover, the dnaN159 mutant strain displayed multiple replication and repair phenotypes, including sensitivity to UV light, an absolute dependence on the polymerase activity of Pol I for viability, enhanced Pol V-dependent mutagenesis, and altered induction of the global SOS response. Furthermore, epistasis analyses indicated that the UV sensitivity of the dnaN159 mutant was suppressed by (not epistatic with) inactivation of Pol IV (dinB gene product). Taken together, these findings suggest that in the dnaN159 mutant, DNA polymerase usage, and hence DNA replication, repair, and translesion synthesis, are altered. These findings are discussed in terms of a model to describe how the beta clamp might help to coordinate protein traffic at the replication fork.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli PolIV, a DNA polymerase capable of catalyzing synthesis past replication-blocking DNA lesions, belongs to the most ubiquitous branch of Y-family DNA polymerases. The goal of this study is to identify spontaneous DNA damage that is bypassed specifically and accurately by PolIV in vivo. We increased the amount of spontaneous DNA lesions using mutants deficient for different DNA repair pathways and measured mutation frequency in PolIV-proficient and -deficient backgrounds. We found that PolIV performs an error-free bypass of DNA damage that accumulates in the alkA tag genetic background. This result indicates that PolIV is involved in the error-free bypass of cytotoxic alkylating DNA lesions. When the amount of cytotoxic alkylating DNA lesions is increased by the treatment with chemical alkylating agents, PolIV is required for survival in an alkA tag-proficient genetic background as well. Our study, together with the reported involvement of the mammalian PolIV homolog, Polkappa, in similar activity, indicates that Y-family DNA polymerases from the DinB branch can be added to the list of evolutionarily conserved molecular mechanisms that counteract cytotoxic effects of DNA alkylation. This activity is of major biological relevance because alkylating agents are continuously produced endogenously in all living cells and are also present in the environment.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA polymerase IV, encoded by the dinB gene, is a member of the Y family of specialized DNA polymerases. Pol IV is capable of synthesizing past DNA lesions and may help to restart stalled replication forks. However, Pol IV is error-prone, contributing to both DNA damage-induced and stress-induced (adaptive) mutations. Here we demonstrate that Pol IV interacts in vitro with Rep DNA helicase and that this interaction enhances Rep's helicase activity. In addition, Pol IV polymerase activity is stimulated by interacting with Rep, and Pol IV β clamp-binding motif appears to be required for this stimulation. However, neither Rep's helicase activity nor its ability to bind DNA is required for it to stimulate Pol IV's polymerase activity. The interaction between Rep and Pol IV is biologically significant in vivo as Rep enhances Pol IV's mutagenic activity in stationary-phase cells. These data indicate a new role for Rep in contributing to Pol IV-dependent adaptive mutation. This functional interaction also provides new insight into how the cell might control or target Pol IV's mutagenic activity.  相似文献   

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