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A soil bacterium capable of metabolizing organophosphorus compounds by reducing the P S group in the molecules was taxonomically identified as Klebsiella sp. strain F51-1-2. The gene involved in the reduction of organophosphorus compounds was cloned from this strain by the shotgun technique, and the deduced protein (named AKR5F1) showed homology to members of the aldo-keto reductase (AKR) superfamily. The intact coding region for AKR5F1 was subcloned into vector pET28a and overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). Recombinant His(6)-tagged AKR5F1 was purified in one step using Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid affinity chromatography. Assays for cofactor specificity indicated that reductive transformation of organophosphorus compounds by the recombinant AKR5F1 specifically required NADH. The kinetic constants of the purified recombinant AKR5F1 toward six thion organophosphorus compounds were determined. For example, the K(m) and k(cat) values of reductive transformation of malathion by the purified recombinant AKR5F1 are 269.5 +/- 47.0 microM and 25.7 +/- 1.7 min(-1), respectively. Furthermore, the reductive transformation of organophosphorus compounds can be largely explained by structural modeling.  相似文献   

The gene encoding extracellular phospholipase A1 of Serratia sp. MK1 was cloned from a genomic DNA library. Formation of transparent halos on the PCY agar plates was used to identify E. coli carrying the phospholipase A1 gene. A 4.2 kb EcoRI fragment was isolated and sequenced. From nucleotide sequences and expression of various plasmids, two open reading frames (plaA and plaS) involved in efficient expression of phospholipase A1 in natural and recombinant host were identified. Extracellular phospholipase A1 activity was identified as the gene product of plaA encoding 321 amino acids with a predicted MW of 33,400. Analysis of the amino acid sequence revealed significant homology (around 70%) to phospholipase A1 of Serratia liquefaciens and Yersinia enterocolitica. The sequence, -Gly-X1-Ser-X2-Gly-, known as a lipase-specific consensus sequence was also found in the bacterial phospholipase A1. PlaS encoding a protein of 224 amino acids showed no enzymatic activity, but might be necessary for the efficient expression of phospholipase A1 in E. coli. To further improve the production of phospholipase A1 as a soluble and active form in E. coli, the effect of some parameters was examined. Surprisingly, a higher yield of soluble and active phospholipase A1 could be obtained under the combined conditions of a lower temperature, an enriched medium, and a lower-strength promoter.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the novel enzyme N-acylamino acid racemase (AAR) was cloned in recombinant phage -4 from the DNA library of Amycolatopsis sp. TS-1-60, a rare actinomycete, using antiserum against the enzyme. The cloned gene was subcloned and transformed in Escherichia coli JM105 using pUC118 as a vector. The AAR gene consists of an open-reading frame of 1104 nucleotides, which specifies a 368-amino-acid protein with a molecular mass of 39411Da. The molecular mass deduced from the AAR gene is in good agreement with the subunit molecular mass (40kDa) of AAR from Amycolatopsis sp. TS-1-60. The guanosine plus cytosine content of the AAR gene was about 70%. Although the AAR gene uses the unusual initiation codon GTG, the gene was expressed in Escherichia coli using the lac promoter of pUC118. The amount of the enzyme produced by the transformant was 16 times that produced by Amycolatopsis sp. TS-1-60. When the unusual initiation codon GTG was changed to ATG, the enzyme productivity of the transformant increased to more than 37 times that of Amycolatopsis sp. TS-1-60. In the comparison of the DNA sequence and the deduced amino acid sequence of AAR with those of known racemases and epimerases in data bases, no significant sequence homology was found. However, AAR resembles mandelate racemase in that requires metal ions for enzyme activity. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of mandelate racemase and AAR revealed amino acid sequences in AAR similar to those of both the catalytic and metal-ion-binding sites of mandelate racemase.  相似文献   

The gene encoding phenylacetaldehyde reductase (PAR), a useful biocatalyst for producing chiral alcohols, was cloned from the genomic DNA of the styrene-assimilating Corynebacterium sp. strain ST-10. The gene contained an opening reading frame consisting of 1,158 nucleotides corresponding to 385 amino acid residues. The subunit molecular weight was calculated to be 40,299, which was in agreement with that determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme was sufficiently expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli cells for practical use and purified to homogeneity by three-column chromatography steps. The predicted amino acid sequence displayed only 20–29% identity with zinc-containing, NAD+-dependent, long-chain alcohol dehydrogenases. Nevertheless, the probable NAD+- and zinc-binding sites are conserved although one of the three catalytic zinc-binding residues of the zinc-containing, long-chain alcohol dehydrogenases was substituted by Asp in PAR. The protein contains 7.6 mol zinc/mol tetramer. Therefore, the enzyme was considered as a new member of zinc-containing, long-chain alcohol dehydrogenases with a particular and broad substrate specificity. Received: 5 March 1999 / Received last revision: 10 May 1999 / Accepted: 16 May 1999  相似文献   

盐单胞菌属BYS1四氢嘧啶合成基因ectABC克隆及其盐激表达   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
利用SEFA-PCR技术从中度嗜盐菌Halomonassp.BYS-1总DNA中克隆了四氢嘧啶合成基因ectABC及其上游序列(GenBank accession number DQ017757);OMIGA软件分析结果显示ectA、ectB、ectC位于同一个操纵子上,大小分别为573bp1、251bp和387bp,预测编码的DAT(L-二氨基丁酸转氨酶)、DAA(L-二氨基丁酸乙酰转移酶)和ES(四氢嘧啶合酶)大小分别为21.1kDa(191 amino acid)、45.7kDa(417 amino acid)和14.5kDa(129 amino acid);将包含ectABC基因及其上游1000bp序列的片段克隆到pUC19中并转化E.coliDH5α,转化子E.coli(pUC19ECT)能够在盐激条件下合成四氢嘧啶,但其耐盐能力没有得到显著改善。  相似文献   

Amino acid sequencing of peptides obtained after proteolytic hydrolysis of Aspergillus flavus urate oxidase (uricase) permitted the design of oligodeoxynucleotide probes that were used to obtain 1.2- and 5-kilobase pair DNA fragments from A. flavus cDNA and genomic libraries, respectively. The cDNA fragment contained the entire coding region for uricase, and comparison with the genomic fragment revealed the presence of two short introns in the coding region of the gene. A. flavus uricase has around 40% overall identity with uricases from higher organisms but with many conserved amino acids. Hitherto highly conserved consensus patterns found in other uricases were found to be modified in the A. flavus enzyme, notably the sequence Val-Leu-Lys-Thr-Thr-Gln-Ser near position 150, which in the filamentous fungus is uniquely modified to Val-Leu-Lys-Ser-Thr-Asn-Ser. Silent mutations were introduced by cassette mutagenesis near the 5'-extremity of the coding sequence in order to conform with Escherichia coli codon usage, and the uricase was expressed in the E. coli cytoplasm in a completely soluble, biologically active form.  相似文献   

The phospholipase D (PLD) gene from Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis has been cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli. Analysis of DNA sequence data reveals a major open reading frame encoding a 31.4-kilodalton protein, a size consistent with that estimated for the PLD protein by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Comparison of these data with the amino-terminal protein sequence indicates that the mature PLD protein is preceded by a 24-residue signal sequence. Expression of the PLD gene in E. coli is initiated from the corynebacterial promoter, and the resulting protein has sphingomyelinase activity. Primer extension mapping localized the 5' end of the PLD gene mRNA to a site 5 to 7 base pairs downstream of a region similar to the consensus sequence for E. coli promoters. Northern and Southern blot analyses suggest that the gene is transcribed from mRNA approximately 1.1 kilobases in length and that it is present in a single copy within the C. pseudotuberculosis genome.  相似文献   

A hybrid plasmid containing a fragment of the Corynebacterium melassecola chromosome cloned into pBR325 restored growth of glutamate auxotrophs of Escherichia coli strains that have mutations in the genes for glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamate synthase. A 3.1-kilobase pair region was shown by complementation analysis and enzyme measurements to carry the glutamate dehydrogenase gene, gdh. Glutamate dehydrogenase encoded by gdh carried on recombinant plasmids was elevated over 100-fold in E. coli cells. The gdh promoter was located by in vitro fusion to a promoter-deficient galK gene.  相似文献   

Proline plays a central role in the biosynthesis of prodigiosin by Serratia marcescens. Proline catabolism takes place by oxidation catalysed by the enzyme proline oxidase encoded by the gene putA. A gene bank of chromosomal DNA from S. marcescens was constructed using the plasmid vector pBR328, and then recombinant DNA was used in transformation experiments with Escherichia coli HB 101 as recipient strain. One of the recombinant plasmids, pSL001, was encoded for proline oxidase. Subcloning experiments led to a second plasmid pSL008 able to maintain proline oxidase activity.  相似文献   

Abstract The gene coding for a thermostable pullulanase from a thermophile, Thermus sp. strain AMD-33, was cloned in Escherichia coli using pDR540 as a vector. A restriction map was determined for the plasmid pTPS131 which contained the fragment carrying the pullulanase gene. DNA-DNA hybridisation analysis showed that the DNA fragment contained the gene from Thermus sp. strain AMD-33. The strain of E. coli harbouring the plasmid pTPS131 produced most of the pullulanase protein cellularly, whereas Thermus sp. strain AMD-33 produced pullulanase extracellularly. Comparative studies of the enzyme from the thermophile and the plasmid-encoded enzyme in E. coli demonstrated that the optimum temperature and pH of the enzymes were closely similar.  相似文献   

A raw-starch-digesting amylase (RSDA) gene from a Cytophaga sp. was cloned and sequenced. The predicted protein product contained 519 amino acids and had high amino acid identity to alpha-amylases from three Bacillus species. Only one of the Bacillus alpha-amylases has raw-starch-digesting capability, however. The RSDA, expressed in Escherichia coli, had properties similar to those of the enzyme purified from the Cytophaga sp.  相似文献   

The gene coding for N-acyl-D-mannosamine dehydrogenase (NAM-DH) from Flavobacterium sp. strain 141-8 was cloned and expressed under the control of a lac promoter in Escherichia coli JM109. The DNA sequence of the gene was determined, and an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide composed of 272 amino acid residues (Mr, 27,473) was identified. The E. coli transformants which showed over 200-fold higher NAM-DH activity than did the Flavobacterium strain produced the enzyme as a protein fused with beta-galactosidase. Despite being a fusion, NAM-DH produced by E. coli transformants appeared unchanged in pH optimum, Km, and substrate specificity from Flavobacterium sp. strain 141-8. This newly recombinant enzyme may be applicable to the quantitative determination of sialic acid in serum.  相似文献   

The gene coding for N-acyl-D-mannosamine dehydrogenase (NAM-DH) from Flavobacterium sp. strain 141-8 was cloned and expressed under the control of a lac promoter in Escherichia coli JM109. The DNA sequence of the gene was determined, and an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide composed of 272 amino acid residues (Mr, 27,473) was identified. The E. coli transformants which showed over 200-fold higher NAM-DH activity than did the Flavobacterium strain produced the enzyme as a protein fused with beta-galactosidase. Despite being a fusion, NAM-DH produced by E. coli transformants appeared unchanged in pH optimum, Km, and substrate specificity from Flavobacterium sp. strain 141-8. This newly recombinant enzyme may be applicable to the quantitative determination of sialic acid in serum.  相似文献   

Human beta-defensin-2 (hBD-2), a small cationic peptide, exhibits a broad range of antimicrobial activity. It has been found to play important roles in innate and adaptive immune responses against microbial invasion. For the purposes of this study, hBD-2 gene was cloned from the lesions of human condyloma acuminatum. An expression vector was constructed and transformed into E. coli. hBD-2 was expressed as a fusion protein in both the soluble and insoluble forms, which was further confirmed by western blotting analysis.  相似文献   

为了研究微杆菌Microbacterium sp.ZZJ4-1菌株的耐热尿酸氧化酶(Uox)的性质,克隆其基因(uox),得到1个894 bp的开放阅读框。该基因与多数已报道的uox无明显同源性,仅与球形节杆菌Arthrobacterglobiformis的uox有72%的同源性。将基因插入质粒pET-15b构成pET-15b-uox表达载体,转化至Escherichiacoli BL21(DE3)中诱导表达。对重组Uox的主要理化性质研究表明:该酶由大小约为35 kDa的亚基组成;其最佳反应温度和pH分别为30℃和7.5;在65℃以下和pH 8.5~11.0范围内稳定;以尿酸为底物的Km值为0.22 mmol/L;Ag+、Zn2+、Cu2+和SDS均能完全抑制酶活,Tween 20、Tween 80和Triton X-100对酶活有一定的促进作用。该重组酶的耐热性是目前报道的重组Uox中最好的,这一特性有利于其在诊断治疗中的开发应用。  相似文献   

An endoglucanase gene of Ruminococcus flavefaciens FD1 was cloned on the vector pEcoR251 to form the recombinant plasmid pMEB200. The cloned endoglucanase gene showed carboxymethylcellulase enzyme activity but no degradation of Avicel (FMC Corp., Philadelphia, Pa.) or filter paper. Carboxymethylcellulase activity was found during the late-exponential-growth phase and accumulated in the periplasmic fraction. Enzyme production was not subject to catabolite repression by glucose.  相似文献   

An extracellular secreted chitinase gene from Aeromonas hydrophila was cloned in Escherichia coli, and the gene product was detected in the culture medium. Like the natural chitinase protein, the excreted chitinase had a molecular weight of approximately 85,000 and was subject to catabolite repression by glucose.  相似文献   

An extracellular secreted chitinase gene from Aeromonas hydrophila was cloned in Escherichia coli, and the gene product was detected in the culture medium. Like the natural chitinase protein, the excreted chitinase had a molecular weight of approximately 85,000 and was subject to catabolite repression by glucose.  相似文献   

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