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—A rapid accumulation of [3H]GABA occurs in slices of rat cerebral cortex incubated at 25° or 37° in a medium containing [3H]GABA. Tissue medium ratios of almost 100:1 are attained after a 60 min incubation at 25°. At the same temperature no labelled metabolites of GABA were found in the tissue or the medium. The process responsible for [3H]GABA uptake has many of the properties of an active transport mechanism: it is temperature sensitive, requires the presence of sodium ions in the external medium, is inhibited by dinitrophenol and ouabain, and shows saturation kinetics. The estimated Km value for GABA is 2·2 × 10?5m , and Vmax is 0·115 μmoles/min/g cortex. There is only negligible efflux of the accumulated [3H]GABA when cortical slices are exposed to a GABA-free medium. [3H]GABA uptake was not affected by the presence of large molar excesses of glycine, l -glutamic acid, l -aspartic acid, or β-aminobutyrate, but was inhibited in the presence of l -alanine, l -histidine, β-hydroxy-GABA and β-guanidinopropionate. It is suggested that the GABA uptake system may represent a possible mechanism for the inactivation of GABA or some related substance at inhibitory synapses in the cortex.  相似文献   

Abstract— Guinea pig cerebral cortex slices were incubated for 60 min in a medium containing [3H]choline with or without the addition of 33 mM-KCl for the last 30 min. KC1 caused the release into the medium of large amounts of both bioassayable and radioactive ACh, while at the same time their concentrations in the tissue decreased. The specific activity (d.p.m./pmol) of the ACh released by KC1 was greater than that released in control incubations, indicating that it comes from a newly synthesized, more radioactive store. The amounts of [3H]choline, [3H]ACh and the specific activity of tissue acetylcholine reached a plateau in the tissue 30 min after the addition of isotope. However isotopic equilibrium was not achieved because the specific activity of the ACh released, with or without KC1 in the subsequent 30 min, was less than the specific activity of the ACh remaining in the tissue. This implies the existence of a pool of ACh in the tissue which is turning over very slowly or is being synthesized from a less radioactive pool of choline. This pool of ACh does not contribute substantially to that released by KC1. Levorphanol at 10−3 M, as well as the analgesically inactive stereoisomer, dextrorphan, blocked the KCl-stimulated release of both bioassayable and radioactive ACh. These drugs demonstrate the coupling of synthesis and release of ACh in cerebral cortex slices.  相似文献   

Each of the four convulsants used significantly influenced the release of [3H]-GABA from brain slices, without affecting [3H]GABA uptake. Bicuculline (10?5M, but not 10-fold higher or lower concentrations) potentiated the electrically evoked release of [3H]GABA but not the resting release, whereas metrazol (10?4 to 10?6 M) was found to inhibit resting but not electrically evoked release. Strychnine (10?4 and 10?5 M) and picro-toxin (10?4 M) inhibited electrically evoked release.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effect of amino-oxyacetic acid on the uptake of [3H]GABA by rat brain slices was studied. When added simultaneously with [3H]GABA, amino-oxyacetic acid had no significant effect on [3H]GABA uptake. However, preincubation of brain slices with amino-oxyacetic acid prior to addition of [3H]GABA produced inhibition of uptake, which increased with longer duration of preincubation. The inhibitory effect of amino-oxyacetic acid was maximal at 2 mM concentration and concentrations sufficient to inhibit significantly GABA:glutamate transaminase (10--6 M) had no effect on [3H]GABA uptake. D-Cycloserine and β-hydrazino-propionic acid also inhibited [3H]GABA uptake, but the amounts required were considerably in excess of those needed to inhibit GABA:glutamate transaminase. 4-Deoxypyridoxine inhibited [3H]GABA uptake, whether given in vivo or in vitro , and the inhibitory effect of amino-oxyacetic acid was reversed with pyridoxine. GABA transport appears to be dependent on pyridoxal phosphate and interference with this function of the vitamin is suggested as the basis for the inhibitory effect of amino-oxyacetic acid on [3H]GABA uptake.  相似文献   

Abstract— Different agents have been investigated for their effects on [C3H]glycogen synthesized in mouse cortical slices. Of these noradrenaline, serotonin and histamine induced clear concentration-dependent glycogenolysis.
[C3H]Glycogen hydrolysis induced by noradrenaline appears to be mediated by beta-adrenergic receptors because it is completely prevented by timolol, while phentolamine is ineffective. It seems to involve cyclic AMP because it is potentiated in the presence of isobutylmethylxanthine; in addition dibutyryl cyclic AMP (but not dibutyryl cyclic GMP) promotes glycogenolysis.
Lower concentrations of noradrenaline were necessary for [C3H]glycogen hydrolysis (EC50= 0.5μM) than for stimulation of cyclic AMP accumulation (EC50= 8μM).
After subchronic reserpine treatment the concentration-response curve to noradrenaline was significantly shifted to the left (EC50= 0.09 ± 0.02 μM as compared with 0.49 ± 0.08 μM in saline-pretreated mice) without modifications of either the basal [C3H]glycogen level, maximal glycogenolytic effect, or the dibutyryl cAMP-induced glycogenolytic response.
In addition to noradrenaline, clear concentration-dependent [3H]glycogen hydrolysis was observed in the presence of histamine or serotonin. In contrast to the partial [3H]glycogen hydrolysis elicited by these biogenic amines, depolarization of the slices by 50 mM K+ provoked a nearly total [C3H)glycogen hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The uptake and release of glutamate and of GABA, as well as the effect of high potassium concentrations (35 or 80 mM) hereupon, were studied by aid of 14C-labelled amino acids in brain cortex slices from rats of different ages between birth and adulthood. Both the extent of the uptake (i.e. the tissue/medium ratio of 14C at, or close to, equilibrium) and the rate of uptake (i.e. the tissue/ medium ratio of 14C after short (5 min) incubation periods) increased with age. Differences were, however, found between glutamate and GABA, and the extent of the GABA uptake had a distinct maximum during the second postnatal week. At all ages, high concentrations of potassium caused a decrease in the rate of GABA uptake but were without effect on the rate with which glutamate was taken up. The release of the two amino acids occurred with approximately the same half-time (50 min) in slices from animals of at least 14 days of age. Before that time the release of glutamate was somewhat faster, whereas that of GABA was much slower, especially during the first postnatal week (half-time 90 min). The ontogenetic alterations in the effect of excess potassium were complex and varied both between the two potassium concentrations used and between the two amino acids. The results are thus compatible with the existence of different transport systems for the two amino acids, They also suggest that glutamate may exert other functions in addition to its role as a putative transmitter.  相似文献   

Abstract— A new procedure is described for the estimation of [3H]noradrenaline (NA) and its major metabolites free and conjugated 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MOPEG) and free and conjugated 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol (DOPEGI in the rat brain. The procedure involves adsorption on to alumina, cation exchange chromatography. enzymatic hydrolysis of conjugates and thin-layer-chromatography after intraventricular (IVT) or intravenous injection of [3H]tyrosine. In a time-course study the formation and accumulation of the metabolites have been measured from 15min to 23h after IVT injection of [3H]tyrosine. [3H]MOPEG and [3H]DOPEG were found in almost equal amounts during the synthesis phase of [3H]NA as well as during the storage and disappearance phase of [3H]NA. The maximum levels of conjugated [3H]MOPEG and conjugated [3H]DOPEG were found 2 h after IVT [3H]tyrosine. At this time interval the levels of free [3H]MOPEG and free [3H]DOPEG amounted to 25% and 11%, respectively of the corresponding conjugates. Increasing doses of IVT injected [3H]tyrosine (10-90 °Ci) revealed that the accumulation of [3H]NA and metabolites was linear up to about 50 °Ci. Following intravenous instead of IVT injection of [3H]tyrosine. much higher doses (325 °Ci) were needed to obtain measurable amounts of total [3H]MOPEG and [3H]DOPEG-SO4 in the rat brain. The formation of labelled NA metabolites from [3H]NA in the rat brain in vim measured as total [3H]MOPEG and [3H]DOPEG-SO4 was influenced by drugs affecting [3H]NA synthesis, release and metabolism. Synthesis inhibition with a-methyltyrosine (250mg-kg?1) or FLA-63 (30mg-kg?1) and inhibition of monoamine oxidase with pargyline (75mg-kg?1) or clorgyline (2mg-kg?1) strongly decreased the accumulation of total [3H]MOPEG and [3H]DOPEG-SO4. Noradrenaline receptor blockade with phenoxybenzamine (20mg-kg?1) increased both total [3H]MOPEG and [3H]DOPEG-SO4 to about 160% of the control values. NA release and uptake inhibition induced by d-amphetamine (10mg-k?1) or phenylethylamine (two doses of 80mg-kg?1) decrease strongly the levels of [3H]NA and [3H]DOPEG-SO4. whereas total [3H]MOPEG was only very slightly decreased or even increased as compared to controls.  相似文献   

Abstract— A new combined ion-exchange and thin-layer-chromatographic procedure is described which separates and measures quantitatively, after intraventricular injection of [3H]dopamine (DA), the rat brain content of labelled noradrenaline (NA) and the following labelled noradrenaline metabolites: free 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (MOPEG), conjugated MOPEG, free plus conjugated dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (DOPEG), vanillic mandelic acid (VMA) and normetanephrine (NM). Labelled dopamine and its metabolites were also measured. The time-course study performed from 5 min to 24 h after [3H]DA showed that MOPEG and DOPEG, mainly as conjugates, are major NA metabolites whereas VMA is a very insignificant NA metabolite in the rat brain. A very rapid initial increase of [3H]NM, free MOPEG and conjugated MOPEG was found during the time interval where the [3H]NA biosynthesis is very high (0–15 min). This combined with the finding that these metabolites stabilize at lower levels during the [3H]NA ‘storage phase’ (9–24 h) provides a strong indication that newly synthesized NA preferentially is metabolized. Our measurements of endogenous NA, free MOPEG and conjugated MOPEG provide additional support. The injections of various decreasing doses of [3H]DA (3·08–0·0010 μg) showed that the proportions of total [3H]MOPEG and total [3H]DOPEG to [3H]NA were constant after all [3H]DA doses investigated. This finding indicates that the [3H]NA synthesized in situ behaves as a tracer, even after injections of non-tracer doses of [3H]DA. The results seem thus to indicate that the present technique provides a powerful tool for the investigations on central noradrenaline metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract— Synaptic vesicles were isolated from rat cerebral cortex after an intraventricular injection of [3H]acetate. The labelled substances bound to the synaptic vesicles were released by exposure to acid, separated from the vesicle membranes by Sephadex column chromatography and identified by thin-layer chromatography and thin-layer electrophoresis. The three major peaks of radioactivity were glutamate, glutamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid. Their presence in synaptic vesicles is consistent with the concept of an integration of energy metabolism, membrane regulation and synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

The efflux of [3H]GABA or [14C]GABA from superfused neocortical thin slices, held on quick transfer electrodes, has been compared with that of the non-transmitter amino acid model [14C]α- amino-isobutyrate (AIB), and, to a lesser extent, with [3H]norepinephrine. Electrical stimulation of the slices with sine-wave current (50 Hz); rectangular, biphasic pulses, (80/s, 3 ms); or rectangular, monophasic pulses (100/s, 5 ms), was unable to release GABA at stimulating potentials that are able to release known transmitter substances. Release of GABA and AIB was only seen with higher applied potentials, when also non-transmitter amino acids were released. It was also found that amino-oxyacetic acid(10-5 M and 5 × 10-5 M) increased the excitability of the slices, and allowed the release of both GABA and AIB to occur with weaker stimuli. This effect was independent of extracellular calcium.  相似文献   

Abstract— Subcellular fractions were isolated from tissue incubated in [3H]choline with or without the addition of 33 mM-KCl. Radioactive and bioassayable ACh were measured in the synaptosomes, synaptosomal cytoplasm and in the vesicles. After incubation with KCI the vesicles, as isolated, contained ACh of a lower specific activity than the cytoplasmic ACh. Therefore the vesicle fraction as isolated does not represent the source of the high specific activity ACh released upon K+ stimulation. However the vesicle fraction is heterogeneous. Most of the bioassayable ACh but little of the radioactive ACh in the vesicles passed through iso-osmotic Sephadex columns. These results raise the question of the existence of vesicles which contain highly radioactive ACh but which lose it during their isolation by current methods. Different possible forms of heterogeneity are discussed.  相似文献   

—Double-labeled sulfatide containing [3-3H]lignoceric acid and [35S]sulfate was synthesized and injected intracerebrally into 28-day-old rats. The 3H-labeled sulfatide was synthesized by condensing (RS)-[3-3H]lignoceroyl chloride with lysosulfatide which had been obtained by saponification of sulfatide. The 35S-labeled sulfatide was synthesized by using [35S]sulfuric acid for sulfating 2′, 4′, 6′-tri-benzoyl-galactosyl N-fatty acyl, N-benzoyl-3-0-benzoyl-sphingosine, which had been obtained by per-benzoylation followed by solvolysis of calf brain nonhydroxycerebrosides. The perbenzoylated [35S]sul-fatide was then subjected to mild alkaline saponification. Eight hours following the injection, the brain lipids contained various radioactive sphingolipids in addition to sulfatides. Fourteen per cent of the injected 3H was recovered in total lipids, and 26% of this was found in sulfatide. Nonhydroxy- and hydroxyceramides, nonhydroxy- and hydroxycerebrosides, and polar lipids contained 7, 1, 8, 3, and 22 per cent of the 3H found in total lipids, respectively. On the other hand, only 6% of the 35S injected was recovered in total lipids; 63% of this was found in sulfatide, 5% in a mixture of seminolipid and cholesterol sulfate and 10% in a water-soluble material.  相似文献   

§-Aminolaevulinic acid (§-ALA) is an omega amino acid which can be considered as an analogue of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). We have examined the effect of §-ALA on [3H]GABA uptake and release in the synaptosome fraction of rat cerebral cortex and report: (1) High concentrations of §-ALA (0.75-5 mM) stimulated [3H]GABA release very markedly, the stimulation with 1mM and 5mM-§-ALA exceeding the maximum obtainable with unlabelled GABA; (2) Low concentrations of §-ALA (0.1-0.5 mM) produced little stimulation of [3H]GABA efflux, less than that produced by similar concentrations of unlabelled GABA; (3) 0.1 mM-§-ALA reduced the stimulation of [3H]GABA efflux elicited by 55 mM-K+ and the combination of 1 mM-§-ALA and 55mM-K+ produced a lower stimulation of efflux than 1 mM-§-ALA alone; (4) §-ALA inhibits [3H]GABA uptake in a linearly competitive fashion and inhibition is maximal at 0.5 mM-§-ALA. These results are discussed in relation to the neuronal high affinity GABA transport mechanism and inhibition of the synaptosomal Na+ and K+ -dependent ATPase. It is also postulated that §-ALA increases the chloride conductance of the synaptosomal membrane, possibly by acting on presynaptic GABA receptors.  相似文献   

—Slices from rat brain cortex were incubated for either 5 or 60 min in a medium containing [3H]choline and 4·7 or 25 mm -KCl. Bioassayable ACh and labelled ACh were determined in the incubation medium, in the total tissue homogenate and in subcellular fractions. Raising the KCl concentration from 4·7 to 25 mm stimulated the release and synthesis of total and of labelled ACh. In medium containing 25 mm -KCl the amounts of ACh decreased in the tissue and in the nerve ending cytoplasm, but remained constant in the synaptic vesicles. After incubation in 25 mm -KCl medium the ACh in the vesicles was labelled to the same extent as the cytoplasmic ACh but after incubation in 4·7 mm -KCl medium vesicular ACh was labelled less than cytoplasmic ACh. During 5 min incubation in medium containing 25 mm -KCl the ratio of labelled to total ACh was much higher in the medium than in the homogenate, the vesicles or the cytoplasm. During the last 15 min of the 60 min incubation the ratio of labelled to total ACh in the medium was still higher than that in the tissue fractions, but less so than during the 5 min incubation. It is concluded that the vesicular and cytoplasmic fractions are not identical with the store in the tissue from which newly-synthesized ACh is preferentially released.  相似文献   

Abstract— At 25°C the accumulation of [3H] dl -2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DABA) into small rat cortical slices was linear with time and a tissue: medium ratio of 35:1 was attained after 60 min. At 37°C the uptake was no longer linear and the tissue: medium ratio at 60 min was 66:1. Uptake was unaffected by the addition of 10 μ m -AOAA and dependent on the presence of Na+ in the incubation media. The uptake was shown to have a high affinity component with a K m of 20.7 μ m and a V max of 28.6 nmol/g/min. IC50's for the inhibition of [3H]DABA uptake by dl -DABA, l -DABA and GABA were 80, 40 and 17 μ m respectively. Two m m β -alanine, however, caused less than 13% inhibition of [3H]DABA uptake. Electron microscopic autoradiographs showed the [3H]DABA to be accumulated by 22% of the identifiable nerve terminals and, after 14 days exposure, the density of silver grains over nerve terminals was 36–38 times higher than that over the rest of the electron micrograph. On the other hand, [3H]DABA was not taken up into rat sensory ganglia and light level autoradiography showed the small amount of [3H]DABA accumulated by the ganglia to be evenly distributed throughout the tissue. Both electrical stimulation for 30 s and exposure of the tissue to a medium containing 47 m m -K+ for 2 min caused a marked increase in the efflux of [3H]DABA from the tissue. Both these effects were abolished by a reduction in Ca2+ concentration and an increase in the Mg2+ concentration of the superfusing medium. These results suggest that l -DABA acts as a 'false transmitter' for the neuronal uptake, storage and release of GABA.  相似文献   

Abstract— Radioactive acetylcholine ([14C]ACh) that is taken up by rat cerebral cortex slices, incubated aerobically in a physiological saline-glucose paraoxon-[14C]ACh medium, apparently by a passive diffusion process at concentrations > 1 mm consists essentially of two forms, a readily exchangeable and releaseable or mobile form, and a bound or retained form, poorly (or not) exchangeable. The quantity of retained ACh consists of a considerable fraction of that taken up amounting to 54% with external 0.1 mm -[14C]ACh and about constant, 27%, for the range 5-50mm -[14C]ACh. All its ACh is released on homogenization with 0.1 n -perchloric acid or on tissue disintegration in distilled water. The cerebral uptake of ACh differs basically from that of urea as there is no retention of the latter following its uptake. Cerebral cortex slices are superior to those of cerebellar cortex, subcortical white matter, kidney cortex, liver and spleen in taking up and retaining [14C]ACh. Deprivation in the incubation media of glucose or Na+ or Ca2+. or the presence of dinitrophenol, whilst causing little change in ACh uptake, induces considerable changes in swelling and ACh retention; the greater the amount of swelling the smaller is that of retention. It seems that the latter is segregated in compartments characterized by a low permeability to exogenous ACh. About half of it is independent of changes in incubation conditions whilst the other half enters the compartment by an Na+, Ca2+ and energy-dependent process. At least part of the retention is neuronal as it is diminished by protovera-trine, the diminution being blocked by tetrodotoxin. Mobile ACh (i.e. total uptake minus retained ACh) is largely unaffected by protoveratrine, ouabain, etc. It seems that the retained ACh is directly proportional to the amount of mobile ACh minus the amount that enters with swelling. If the latter is largely glial in location, then the retained ACh is simply proportional to the mobile neuronal ACh. Suggestions are made as to the location of the retained ACh in the brain cells and to the processes involved in its segregation there. Release of retained ACh occurs on change of the Na+ gradient. Atropine and d-tubocurarine also diminish the amount of retained ACh but the percentage diminution falls with increase of the concentration of exogenous ACh.  相似文献   

The uptake and storage of L-[3H]norepinephrine at various stages of development was examined in homogenates of rat brain. For the adult animal, active uptake accounted for 80 per cent of the total uptake. At 14 days of gestation, no active uptake was demonstrable At 18 days of gestation, saturable uptake of L-[3H]norepinephrine with a Km of 3 × 10 ?7m was first demonstrable; the Km value did not vary during subsequent development. The Vmax. of uptake increased five-fold between 18 days of gestation and 28 days postnatally, at which stage it was the same as the adult value. The development of saturable uptake paralleled but preceded the increase in endogenous norepinephrine. When homogenates were incubated with l -[3H]norepinephrine and subjected to centrifugation on linear sucrose gradients, there was a peak of tritium in the synaptosomal fractions; the magnitude of the peak increased with maturation of the brain. The increase in the peak of tritium paralleled the increase in particulate LDH activity and was distinct from the peak of MAO activity. Desipramine, a compound that blocks the initial uptake of norepinephrine, first exhibited inhibition of uptake at 19 days of gestation; the degree of inhibition did not vary during subsequent development. In contrast, reserpine, a compound which inhibits the intra-neuronal storage of norepinephrine, exhibited a progressive increase of inhibition with maturation of the brain at and subsequent to 19 days of gestation.  相似文献   

The question of whether synaptic vesicles accumulate [3H]5-HT by an active process was investigated in a mixed population of vesiclcs from whole rat brain. The temperature dependence and the effect of metabolic inhibitors were studied in synaptosomal suspensions and vesicular fractions. Arrhenius plots for synaptosomes differed from those for vesicles as did the temperature coefficients for these two fractions. For synaptosomes the Q10 was 7 and for vesicles 1.6. However, if ATP was added to the incubation, the temperature dependence of vesicular amine accumulation became manifest; the Arrhenius plot resembled that of synaptosomes and the Q10 was greater than 20 indicating strong temperature dependence. In the presence of ATP, vesicular uptake was stimulated approx 8-fold. Ouabain, dinitrophenol and NEM inhibited synaptosomal uptake but failed to affect [3H]5-HT accumulation by vesicles in the absence of ATP. When ATP was added, vesicular uptake was also blocked by NEM but was unaffected by either ouabain or DNP. Total observed uptake consisted of two components, one ATP-dependent and one nonsaturable and ATP-independent. The active process had a Km= 1.25 × 10?7 M and could be completely blocked by either 10?3 M or 10?7 M-reserpine. Active vesicular [3H]5-HT uptake was magnesium dependent and was inhibited by sodium and potassium. Cation effects on uptake were specific and could not be accounted for by either changes in osmotic pressure or ionic strength. It was concluded that synaptic vesicles from whole rat brain accumulate [3H]5-HT by an active process.  相似文献   

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