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Feeding rate experiments were conducted for pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha fry [mean fork length ( L F) 39 mm], juveniles (103–104 mm L F) and juvenile chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta (106–107 mm L F). Fishes were presented with small copepod ( Tisbi sp.) or larger mysid shrimp ( Mysidopsis bahia ) prey at varying densities ranging from 1 to 235 prey l−1 in feeding rate experiments conducted at water temperatures ranging from 10·5 to 12·0° C under high light levels and low turbidity conditions. Juvenile pink and chum salmon demonstrated a type II functional response to mysid and copepod prey. Mysid prey was readily selected by both species whereas the smaller bodied copepod prey was not. When offered copepods, pink salmon fry fed at a higher maximum consumption rate (2·5 copepods min−1) than larger juvenile pink salmon (0·4 copepods min−1), whereas larger juvenile chum salmon exhibited the highest feeding rate (3·8 copepods min−1). When feeding on mysids, the maximum feeding rate for larger juvenile pink (12·3 mysids min−1) and chum (11·5 mysids min−1) salmon were similar in magnitude, and higher than feeding rates on copepods. Functional response models parameterized for specific sizes of juvenile salmon and zooplankton prey provide an important tool for linking feeding rates to ambient foraging conditions in marine environments, and can enable mechanistic predictions for how feeding and growth should respond to spatial-temporal variability in biological and physical conditions during early marine life stages.  相似文献   

Scale transition theory is a framework for predicting regional population dynamics from local process functions and estimates of spatial heterogeneity. Using this framework, we estimated regional scale functional responses for a benthic predator–prey system in the Baltic Sea. Functional responses were based on laboratory experiments or field observations of stomach contents, and prey densities measured at a local scale (0.1 m2) or a regional scale (300 km2). Laboratory data overestimated consumption at high prey densities, whereas predictions based on local scale data tallied closely with consumption observed at the regional scale. The predicted regional functional response was different for increasing and decreasing prey densities, reflecting that predator and prey densities, as well as the covariance between them, exhibit oscillatory dynamics. We conclude that it is important to validate laboratory data with small-scale field observations and that scale transition is a powerful tool for scaling-up process functions in heterogeneous systems.  相似文献   

Hatching stage crab larvae will ingest algae, including non-toxic and toxic dinoflagellates. We determined that later zoeal stages, obtained from both laboratory-raised larvae and natural assemblages, also ingest dinoflagellates and we measured the effects of prey density, prior feeding history and time of exposure to prey on incidence of ingestion. Both stage 1 and later stage larvae exposed to algal prey were examined using epifluorescence for the presence of chl a. Both stage 1 and stage 3 laboratory-raised Cancer oregonensis (Dana) and Hemigrapsus nudus (Dana) ingested both the non-toxic dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg and the toxic Alexandrium andersoni Balech, with no difference between the stages. Both species showed higher ingestion of P. micans than A. andersoni. Ingestion of both prey types occurred at prey densities as low as 200 cell ml− 1 in C. oregonensis and 50 cells ml− 1 in H. nudus. Samples collected in summer, 2004, provided both stage 1 and late stage Lophopanopeus bellus (Stimpson); stage 1, intermediate, and late stage Fabia subquadrata Dana; and an unidentified porcellanid. Stage 1 L. bellus ingested both prey, while late stage zoeae did not, although the latter apparently were not actively feeding. F. subquadrata fed on both prey, with no difference between early and late larvae. Both stages ingested P. micans more readily than A. andersoni. First evidence of ingestion of P. micans at 600 cells ml− 1 occurred after only 0.5 h, while it took 2 h for ingestion at 50 cells ml− 1. The model of larval feeding involving both omnivory and prey discrimination described previously for the hatching stage is sustained throughout zoeal development and is, perhaps, an adaptation to an uncertain prey environment, one that trades opportunism for inefficiency.  相似文献   

Pueruli of the Western Rock Lobster Panulirus cygnus (George, 1962) are thought to be nonfeeding. Consequently, the metabolic rate is expected to be low during this stage in order to conserve energy reserves. Furthermore, since water temperature potentially has a substantial impact on energetic needs, the puerulus possibly exhibits mechanisms to reduce the effect of temperature on energy consumption. To test these propositions the metabolic rate was measured in post-settlement pueruli and in juveniles at two water temperatures. A respirometer of variable volume (10–50 ml) was designed for this purpose, incorporating a dark-type oxygen sensor. Results were compared with data available from the literature.

Oxygen consumption in pre-molt pueruli and in intermolt juveniles (1.48 to 5.65 μmol O2· individual−1·h−1 on average) was substantially higher than in post-settlement pueruli (1.06–1.41μmol O2·ind.−1h−1). These significant changes could only partly be explained through changes in biomass. Furthermore, no significant effect of an increased water temperature (from 18 to 23 ° C) could be detected on the metabolic rate in post-settlement pueruli, and the effect is moderate in pre-molt pueruli (Q10 = 1.95). The water temperature has, however, a substantially greater impact on first and second molt juveniles (Q10 = 2.46 to 4.80).

The energetic demand was calculated from oxygen consumption and indicate that energetic needs of post-settlement pueruli is low compared with both pre-molt pueruli and juveniles. A low energetic demand and a reduced effect of temperature on energy consumption is of considerable benefit to a non-feeding larva, and may provide the puerulus with a means of extending the duration of the non-feeding stage and increasing the chance for survival beyond metamorphosis to the first feeding stage. Results indicate that the energetic demand during metamorphosis may be considerable. It is postulated that energetic requirements of the planktonic (actively swimming) puerulus larvae are considerably higher and are likely to be more temperature dependent.  相似文献   

Elemental composition and feeding rate of hydromedusae Phialidium sp. on copepods were studied in the laboratory. Regression equations for both mature and immature medusae allowed the estimation of their dry weight (DW), total C and N content as a function of their diameter. The mean C content as percentage of the DW varied from 13.13% ( ) for the immature to 19.38% (5.68) for the mature individuals. The mean N content is 4.03% (2.49) of DW of immatures and 5.85% (2.70) of the matures. Ingestion rate of Phialidium sp. fed on copepods (200–500 μm) increased with prey density but reached a maximum at high prey concentrations. A maximum ingestion rate of 8.55 (1.6) copepods · medusa −1 · h−1 was reached for prey concentrations of > 140 copepods · 1 −1 for both immature and mature medusae. Maximum daily consumption of prey weight varied from 1.41 to 978% C body weight for mature medusae and from 2.90 to 975% for the immature individuals.  相似文献   

Turbot larvae were fed three different densities of rotifers (1000, 3000 and 7500 rotifers 1−1) with a low lipid level (< 15% of dry weight) or 7500 rotifers 1−1 with a high lipid level (∼30% of dry weight). The larval consumption of rotifers increased with increasing prey densities and the content of bile salt-dependent lipase (BSDL) in larvae was correlated positively with the ingestion rate from days 6 to 8. This suggests that BSDL synthesis was stimulated by the amount of ingested prey in the early larval phase. However, growth was highest in larvae receiving the medium prey densities, which indicates that the larvae were not able to digest properly the ingested prey at the higher density. No significant effect on the BSDL content was seen in turbot larvae fed rotifers with a high or low lipid content.  相似文献   

为了测定七星瓢虫成虫对枸杞木虱4种虫态的捕食作用,分别在室内测定七星瓢虫的捕食功能反应、种内干扰、自身密度干扰、捕食偏好性以及在田间七星瓢虫对枸杞木虱的捕食效果.结果表明: 七星瓢虫对枸杞木虱的捕食功能反应符合Holling Ⅱ型方程,其中对卵的最大捕食量为112.6粒,对1~2龄若虫、3~5龄若虫、成虫的最大捕食量分别为536、415和113.9头;田间罩笼试验结果证明,七星瓢虫成虫在其生长周期30 d内能使枸杞木虱总虫口密度下降80.1%;七星瓢虫对1~2龄枸杞木虱若虫的搜寻效率参数a=0.9451,处理时间参数Th=0.001865,整体优于卵、3~5龄若虫与成虫,且在每皿100头的猎物密度下七星瓢虫的最大捕食率能达80.2%,益害比参考值为1∶100.七星瓢虫对枸杞木虱的捕食作用受自身密度的影响显著大于种内干扰.在混合猎物密度为每皿100头下,七星瓢虫更偏好木虱成虫,在密度为每皿300头下,七星瓢虫更偏向于木虱若虫.表明七星瓢虫是很有控制潜力的捕食性天敌,人工释放七星瓢虫成虫可有效取食枸杞木虱初孵若虫,降低木虱为害.  相似文献   

1. The predatory isopod Saduria entomon (L.) and its amphipod prey Monoporeia affinis (Lindstr?m) are key components of the food web in the northern Baltic Sea, together representing 80-90% of the macrobenthic biomass. We use 20 years of stomach content data for Saduria to investigate how diet dynamics affect the stability of the interaction between Saduria and Monoporeia. 2. Consumption of the main prey, Monoporeia, fitted a type III functional response. Consumption rates of the most important alternative prey, mysids, were found to be unrelated to mysid densities but negatively related to the density of Monoporeia. The fit of consumption data to a model that assumes passive prey selection was poor. Thus we conclude that some form of active choice is involved. 3. The effect of consumption of mysids, the alternative prey, on the stability of this system was investigated using a 'one predator-two prey' model with stochastic environmental variation. Analysis of the model suggests that feeding on mysids leads to a decreased extinction risk for the predator, Saduria, and reduced density oscillations for both Saduria and its main prey, Monoporeia.  相似文献   

The most critical period at onset of feeding in pikeperch Stizostedion lucioperca is short (<5 days at 20° C). The larvae are sensitive to prey density during the first week of exogenous feeding. First-feeding larvae of 6.5 mm total length ( LT ) needed prey densities of >585 prey l−1 to maintain mass (Cmaint), whereas 5 days older larvae of 7 mm L T Cmaint= 55 prey l−1 and for 11 mm L T larvae Cmaint<10 prey 1−1. Changes in specific growth rates for larvae of 7 and 11 mm were similar to a type-II functional response curve reaching a specific growth rate of 26 and 30% day−1, respectively, at 1000 prey l−1, whereas the 6·5 mm larvae showed a linear growth response reaching a specific growth rate of only 9% day −1 at 1000 prey l−1. The results suggest that prey density is a limiting factor, which might contribute to the high variation between year-class Strengths.  相似文献   

The growth, nucleic acid and protein contents of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma larvae reared at prey densities of 10, 30, 50, and 500 prey 1-1 were measured for the first 9 days after the feeding initiation at 6° C. Incremental growth rates of larvae (mm day-1) were low and variable for the first 7 days after feeding initiation. Growth rates and rates of RNA, DNA, and protein accumulation by larvae reared at 500 prey 1-1 were positive while those of larvae reared at the lower prey levels did not differ significantly from zero. The RNA/DNA ratio was variable and exhibited no significant trend among food treatments. Estimates of instantaneous protein growth rates ranged from - 6·7 to 13·2% day-1 at food densities of 10 and 500 prey 1-1, respectively, and were moderately correlated with larval RNA/DNA ratios ( r = 0·628). The results suggest that in situ protein growth rates of first-feeding pollock larvae may be influenced by prey fields within the range of ambient food densities reported for sub-Arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. We examined the effect of different periods of prior starvation(from 30 min to 16 h) on the prey capture behaviour, and functional and numerical responses of the predatory rotifer Asplanchna sieboldi using the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus as prey.
2. Feeding activity (i.e. encounter, attack, capture and ingestion) by Asplanchna increased significantly with increasing prey densities from 2 to 16 mL−−1 and with increasing prior starvation periods from 0.5 to 8 h.
3.  Asplanchna sieboldi showed a type II functional response at all the prior starvation periods tested. The asymptotic prey density was highest after 8 h of starvation.
4. The instantaneous population growth rate of A. sieboldi ranged from 0.089 ± 0.044 (when starved for 8 h in every 24 h and at a prey density of 2 individuals mL−−1 for the other 16 h) to 1.015 ± 0.142 in the control (no starvation and at a prey density of 16 individuals mL−−1). The effect of starvation time on the numerical response was evident only at the higher prey density.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the impact of the lesser weever on the ecosystem of the southern North Sea, geographical distribution, density, growth, production and food requirements have been estimated. High densities were found on and around the Brown Ridge, an area with high tidal current velocities, medium grain-size of the sediment and a poor benthic fauna. Growth is restricted to the months of June October. During the winter cessation of growth a considerable loss of weight (about 20%) takes place. Mortality has been estimated by using the average size frequency distribution of all catches made from 1972 to 1984. The resulting convex type of survival curve indicates a high survival rate of the II to IV-group fishes. The production (estimated with Allen's graphical method) of a population of 100 individuals including all age groups (0-VI) amounts to 123.7 g AFDW-year'. In areas with highest densities, consequently, production amounts to 0.018–0.078 g AFDW-m2 -year-1. With an assumed transfer efficiency of 10% through the year, food requirements amounts to 0.18–0.78 g AFDW-m 2 -year -1. Since the lesser weever feeds mainly on fish (85.6%), almost exclusively on gobies (Pomatoschistus sp.), and with an assumed transfer efficiency of approximately 10%, the indirect predatory pressure exerted by it may amount to 1.6 6.7g AFDW-m 2.year -1. A possible feeding by gobies on pelagic organisms (calanoids, mysids) is discussed.  相似文献   

The functional response of Cydonia vicina nilotica Muls. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to six densities of Aphis craccivora Koch (Homoptera: Aphididae) nymphs on broad bean (Viciafaba Linn.) was investigated in the laboratory. A linear relationship between the rate of consumption and prey density was observed with r^2 values between 0.58 and 0.97. Plotting prey density against prey killed by four larval instars, and adult males and females of C. vicina nilotica fit well with the type Ⅱ model of Holling' s disc equation. Adult females consumed the highest number of prey, followed by fourth instars and adult males. Based on the functional response data, the model predicts a maximum of 144.9, 116.3, 86.2, 80.0, 72.5 and 20.0 nymphs to be consumed per day by an individual adult female, fourth instar, adult male, third, second and first instars, respectively. The differences in the responses of the predator to aphid densities are discussed.  相似文献   


1. 1. The effects of sudden changes by increasing or decreasing the measurement temperature on the oxygen consumption of the brains of Bufo arenarum and Leptodactylus ocellatus were determined.

2. 2. The experiments were carried at in vitro at temperatures which range from 4 to 37°C. The brain was oxygenated and stabilized for 20 min at each of the temperatures to which it was subjected before oxygen consumption measurements were made.

3. 3. A theoretical curve representing the variation of oxygen consumption with temperature was calculated according to the following exponential relationship; for Leptodactylus ocellatus y = 0.408 × 1.07x and for Bufo arenarum y = 0.389 × 1.065x.

4. 4. These results were compared with the brain oxygen consumption of animals acclimated to different temperatures, whose oxygen consumption was measured at a fixed temperature. Only Leptodactylus ocellatus had a significantly lower oxygen consumption in a high range of temperatures, indicating thermal compensation, probably to save metabolic reserves.

5. 5. No deterioration of the brain tissue was observed, as several passages from high to low temperatures in the range of 20°–30°C, showed a reversible oxygen consumption in acclimated and non-acclimated Bufo arenarum and Leptodactylus ocellatus.

Author Keywords: Anuran brain; brain metabolism; oxygen consumption; acclimation  相似文献   

Dejen  E.  & Sibbing  F. A. 《Journal of fish biology》2003,63(S1):229-230
Gut contents of two co‐occurring species of 'small' diploid barbs (<10  L F cm) in Lake Tana revealed that zooplankton is the major diet component for B. tanapelagius (75% based on volume), but less prominent in B. humilis (40%). Functional response experiments in the laboratory were conducted to elucidate the mechanisms causing this difference. The type of functional response by the two 'small' barbs under different microcrustacean zooplankton densities (10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 ind.l−1) was examined. The functional response of B. tanapelagius to increasing prey densities corroborates with Holling Type II model, whereas B. humilis exhibits a Type III functional response. Predation rate is higher for B. tanapelagius at low zooplankton density (<40 ind.l−1) and equals the level of B. humilis at higher densities (>40 ind.l−1). This suggests that at lower zooplankton densities B. humilis is a less efficient forager on zooplankton prey items than B. tanapelagius . In Lake Tana average zooplankton density is relatively low (<35 ind.l−1). Under these food conditions, B. humilis is forced to feed on other food items (e.g. benthic invertebrates), whereas B. tanapelagius primarily feeds on zooplankton. The feeding potentials of the two 'small' barbs, as deduced from their morphology explain their different performances and their segregation in space and food resources.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of lactose concentration and oxygen level on the growth and metabolism of Kluyveromyces marxianus UFV-3 in cheese whey permeate, batch cultures were conducted under aerobic, hypoxic, and anoxic conditions, with lactose at initial concentration ranging from 1 to 240 g L−1. The increase in lactose concentration increased ethanol yield and ethanol volumetric productivity, and has reduced cell yield. When lactose concentration was equal or above 50 g L−1 and the oxygen levels were low, the ethanol yield was close to its theoretical value. Maximum ethanol concentrations attained in this study were 76 and 80 g L−1 in hipoxia and anoxia, respectively. The lactose consumption rate in anoxia was greater than in aerobiosis and hipoxia. However, under anoxia, the lactose consumption rate of K. marxianus followed a saturation kinetics, which was not observed in hypoxia and aerobiosis. All oxygen levels investigated, showed a tendency for saturation of the ethanol production rate above 65 g L−1 lactose. Ethanol production rate was also higher on anoxia.  相似文献   

Growth, survival and condition of redfish larvae Sebastes spp., reared in the laboratory (0, 500 1500 and 4500 prey l-1) were highest in the 1500 prey l-1 treatment. Significantly lower larval growth and survival in the 4500 prey l-1 treatment corresponded with lower prey bite: orient ratios in later weeks, suggesting that larvae were unable to forage efficiently at high prey densities. While these prey densities are higher than those reported in the field, naturally co-occurring Atlantic cod Gadus morhua larvae require higher prey densities when reared under similar conditions in the laboratory. These data suggest that prey availability may not be as limiting to redfish as for other commercially important marine species.  相似文献   

Predation potential, development, immature survival and reproduction of an aphidophagous ladybeetle, Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) was studied when fed on seven aphid prey, viz. Aphis gossypii, Aphis craccivora, Lipaphis erysimi, Uroleucon compositae, Brevicoryne brassicae, Rhopalosiphum maidis and Myzus persicae. A. gossypii was most suitable and consumed by the larvae and adults of P. dissecta, while M. persicae, the least. Pre-imaginal development of P. dissecta was fastest (0.080 day-1) when A. gossypii was used as prey, whilst slowest (0.061 day-1) on M. persicae. The immature survival, adult emergence, adult male and female longevity of P. dissecta was maximal (i.e., 77.10±0.04 and 93.21±0.79%, 57.10±1.62 and 62.40±1.93 days, respectively) on A. gossypii and minimal (i.e., 63.01±1.87 and 81.73±1.79%, 42.50±1.21 and 49.40±2.32 days, respectively) when M. persicae was provided as prey. Oviposition period, fecundity, percent egg viability and mean reproductive rate was maximum (i.e., 50.30±2.03 days, 856.00±30.00 eggs, 96.40±0.31% and 17.02 eggs per day) on A. gossypii, and minimum (i.e., 18.00±1.40 days, 212.00±18.21 eggs, 72.46±2.81% and 11.78 eggs per day) on M. persicae. Adult weight and developmental rate of P. dissecta have a positive correlation, which suggests that if immature stages of ladybeetle developed faster, they should grow into heavier adults. Female longevity and fecundity also have a positive correlation. The findings also reveal that all seven aphid species tested are essential food. Rank order of prey species was consistent in all experimental parameters.  相似文献   

以斑叶稠李(Padus maackii)1年生苗木为研究对象,通过4种不同栽植密度(60、80、100、120 株·m-2)试验,测定其苗木形态、生物量、光合速率及养分含量,旨在探明不同密度对斑叶稠李苗木生长及养分含量的影响,为其高质量苗木培育提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)栽植密度显著影响苗木生物量,各密度下苗木根、茎、叶生物量由大到小顺序均为80 株·m-2 > 60 株·m-2 > 100 株·m-2 > 120 株·m-2;60和80 株·m-2密度下斑叶稠李苗木质量指数显著高于100和120 株·m-2密度处理。(2)栽植密度显著影响苗木侧根数,在80 株·m-2的密度下达到最大;(3)80 株·m-2密度较其它密度显著提高了苗木氮、磷、钾养分含量。(4)叶生物量、根生物量和侧根数与苗木各质量指标间Pearson相关性系数均达到了显著水平(P<0.1),而光合速率和主根长与苗木各质量指标均不相关(P>0.1)。综合以上结果,斑叶稠李1年生苗木最适栽植密度为80 株·m-2,且密度处理主要影响斑叶稠李苗木叶生物量、侧根数及根生物量指标,进而影响苗木质量。  相似文献   

Oxygen microprofiles were measured over the boundary layer and into the tissue of 10-day-old cultivated tissue fragments (explants of 2-4 cm3) from the choanosome of the cold-water sponge Geodia barretti with oxygen-sensitive Clark-type microelectrodes. At this time of cultivation, the surface tissue and the aquiferous system of the explants is regenerating, which makes oxygen and nutrient supply by pumping activity impossible. Oxygen profiles showed a parabolic shape, indicating oxygen flux over a diffusive boundary layer and into the tissue. Oxygen was always depleted only 1 mm below the sponge surface, leaving the major part of the explants anoxic. Diffusive oxygen flux into the explant was calculated from three oxygen profiles using Fick's first law of diffusion and revealed 9 μmol O2 cm-3 day-1, which is in the lower range of in situ oxygen consumption of whole sponges. The ability of G. barretti to handle continuous tissue anoxia enables choanosomal explants to survive the critical first weeks of cultivation without a functional aquiferous system, when oxygen is supplied to the sponge explant by molecular diffusion over its surface.  相似文献   

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