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Incubation of glycerol-extracted, Triton X-100 demembranated Tetrahymena cilia with 2–10 vol % acetone caused an enhancement of ATPase activity by 2- to 3- fold, depending on concentration and time of incubation. Axonemal ATPase activity was also increased upon incubation with bis (4-fluoro-3-nitrophenyl) sulfone (FNS). Acetone and FNS enhanced the activity of solubilized 30S dynein, but slightly inhibited that of 14S dynein. Heating at 38°C, incubation with FNS, and incubation with acetone activated axonemal ATPase to the same extent. Subsequent studies of (1) the effect of time of preincubation with a spin-labeled maleimide (SLM) at 25°C as a function of pH on the ATPase activity, (2) the concentration dependence of the inhibition of ATPase activity by N-ethylmaleimide or SLM, (3) the ratio of ATPase activity assayed at 25°C to that assayed at 0°C, and (4) the ratio of ATPase activity at pH 8.6 to that at pH 6.9 did not reveal any difference in the properties of the axonemal ATPase after near maximal enhancement by the heat, acetone, or FNS treatments. It was concluded that enhancement of ATPase activity by gentle heat treatment, by incubation with acetone (or other organic solvents), or by FNS results from a conformation change of 30S dynein. The effect of acetone and of FNS on the pellet height response (a measure of the increase in height of the pellet of cilia precipitated by brief centrifugation in the presence of ATP as compared to the absence of ATP) was also determined. Enhancement of ATPase by these reagents did not lead to a decrease in pellet height response. This observation, in conjunction with other data, indicates that there are at least 3 states of the cross-bridge cycle of dynein arms in cilia.  相似文献   

Demembranated cilia of Tetrahymena pyriformis were extracted with KCl or Tris-EDTA and the crude dyneins from each resolved by sucrose density gradient sedimentation into 14S-K, 30S-K, 14S-E and 30S-E dyneins, respectively. The calmodulin activation ratio (ATPase activity in presence of added calmodulin/ATPase activity in absence of added calmodulin) did not vary across the 30S dynein fractions regardless of the method of extraction nor did it vary across the 14S-E region. However, in going from the “heavy” fractions to the “light” fractions of the 14S-K region, it increased markedly. The concentration of calmodulin required for half-maximal activation did not differ appreciably in the “light” versus the “heavy” fractions of the 14S-K region, suggesting that the affinity for calmodulin does not vary in these fractions. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis studies showed the presence of several polypeptides that varied in a systematic fashion across the 14S-K region and hence may be involved in regulating the sensitivity of 14S-K dynein ATPase activity to added calmodulin.  相似文献   

J J Blum  A Hayes  C C Whisnant  G Rosen 《Biochemistry》1977,16(9):1937-1943
The effects of N-1-oxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl)maleimide(SLM) on the pellet height response and ATPase activity of glycerinated Triton X-100 extracted cilia of Tetrahymena pyriformis have been studied. Preincubation of cilia with SLM caused complete inhibition of the pellet height response and an initial increase in ATPase activity followed upon longer exposure to SLM by inhibition of ATPase. The effect of SLM on extracted 30S dynein was the reverse of that for whole cilia: ATPase activity was increased when 30S dynein was added to a mixture of ATP and SLM and inhibited when the 30S dynein was preincubated with SLM. The activity of 14S dynein was only inhibited by SLM. Electron spin resonance spectra of ciliary axonemes that had reacted with SLM for various times showed that much of the covalently bound SLM was strongly immobilized even after 1 min of reaction, when ATPase activity increased twofold. The proportion of strongly immobilized label increased with longer times of reaction. Addition of ATP to SLM-labeled axonemes caused a small decrease in the height of the spectral peak corresponding to strongly immobilized label as compared with that of weakly immobilized label, indicating an increase in rotational freedom of some covalently bound label. The results suggest that ATP causes a conformation change affecting a sulfhydryl group(s) involved in the mechanochemical system. It was also shown that beta,gamma-methylene ATP(AMP-PCP) is an inhibitor of dynein ATPase. This analogue of ATP is not hydrolyzed by whole cilia or by the extracted dyneins and does not cause a pellet height response. With Mg2+ as divalent cation, AMP-PCP inhibits 30S dynein more than it inhibits 14S dynein; with Ca2+, the inhibition of 30S dynein is reduced, and there is no inhibition of 14S dynein. Under conditions where AMP-PCP inhibited 30S dynein ATPase it was much less effective than ATP in protecting against the loss of ATPase activity by SLM. Although SLM inhibited Mg2+-activated 14S and 30S dyneins in solution, it did not inhibit ciliary ATPase activity. These results support the view that at least 2 SH groups are involved in ciliary motility and that their reactivity to SH reagents depends on whether the dyneins are in situ or have been extracted.  相似文献   

The effects of thioura and of several substituted thioureas–phenylthiourea, α-naphtylthiourea, metiamide, and burimamide–on dynein ATPase have been studied. The substituted thioureas are over 30 times more potent than thiourea in causing enhancement of 30S dynein ATPase activity and inhibition of 14S dynein ATPase activity. The effects of thiourea and phenylthiourea can be prevented by very low concentrations of β-mercaptoethanol or dithiotheritol. Axonemal ATPase is also enhanced by the thioureas, but the reaction proceeds more slowly than for solubilized 30S dynein. Enhancement of 30S dynein ATPase by metiamide is prevented by low (~ 1 μM) concentrations of ATP and, less effectively, by AMP-PNP, but not by AMP-PCP even though the latter is a stronger inhibitor of 30S dynein ATPase than is AMP-PNP. The thioureas inhibit the ATP-induced decrease in turbidity (measured as ΔA350) of axonemal suspensions. Inhibition of the turbidity response is also prevented by low concentrations of β-mercaptoethanol, but, in contrast to the irreversible enhancement of ATPase activity, inhibition of the turbidity response is largely reversible. The ability of 30S dynein to rebind onto twice extracted axonemes is not changed by treatment with phenylthiourea or metiamide. These observations indicate that the thioureas react with at least two sets of SH or S–S groups on axonemes. Reaction with the group(s) on the 30S dynein causes an apparently irreversible enhancement of ATPase activity. Reaction with another group(s) causes a reversible inhibition of the turbidity response.  相似文献   

Proton pumping of the vacuolar-type H(+)-ATPase into the lumen of the central plant organelle generates a proton gradient of often 1-2 pH units or more. Although structural aspects of the V-type ATPase have been studied in great detail, the question of whether and how the proton pump action is controlled by the proton concentration on both sides of the membrane is not understood. Applying the patch clamp technique to isolated vacuoles from Arabidopsis mesophyll cells in the whole-vacuole mode, we studied the response of the V-ATPase to protons, voltage, and ATP. Current-voltage relationships at different luminal pH values indicated decreasing coupling ratios with acidification. A detailed study of ATP-dependent H(+)-pump currents at a variety of different pH conditions showed a complex regulation of V-ATPase activity by both cytosolic and vacuolar pH. At cytosolic pH 7.5, vacuolar pH changes had relative little effects. Yet, at cytosolic pH 5.5, a 100-fold increase in vacuolar proton concentration resulted in a 70-fold increase of the affinity for ATP binding on the cytosolic side. Changes in pH on either side of the membrane seem to be transferred by the V-ATPase to the other side. A mathematical model was developed that indicates a feedback of proton concentration on peak H(+) current amplitude (v(max)) and ATP consumption (K(m)) of the V-ATPase. It proposes that for efficient V-ATPase function dissociation of transported protons from the pump protein might become higher with increasing pH. This feature results in an optimization of H(+) pumping by the V-ATPase according to existing H(+) concentrations.  相似文献   

以大型海藻龙须菜(Gracilaria lemanensis)为实验材料,设置不同CO2浓度(400μL·L–1和1000μL·L–1)和磷浓度(0.5和30μmol·L-1)实验,探讨大气CO2浓度升高对不同磷浓度培养下龙须菜生长、光合作用及ATPase活性的影响.结果显示大气CO2下,磷加富导致龙须菜的相对生长速率...  相似文献   

We have studied the inactivation of membrane-bound and solubilized UDP-glucose:ceramide glucosyltransferase from Golgi membranes by various types of sulfhydryl reagents. The strong inhibition of the membrane-bound form by the non-penetrant mercurial-type reagents clearly corroborated the fact that in sealed and right-side-out Golgi vesicles the ceramide glucosyltransferase is located on the cytoplasmic face. No significant differences in the susceptibility to the various sulfhydryl reagents were noted when solubilized enzyme was assayed, showing that solubilization does not reveal other critical SH groups. The different results obtained must be interpreted with regard to several thiol groups, essential for enzyme activity. No protection by the substrate UDP-glucose against mercurial-type reagents was obtained indicating that these thiol groups were not located in the nucleotide sugar binding domain. A more thorough investigation of the thiol inactivation mechanism was undertaken with NEM (N-ethylmaleimide), an irreversible reagent. The time dependent inactivation followed first order kinetics and provided evidence for the binding of 1 mol NEM per mol of enzyme. UDP-Glucose protected partially against NEM inactivation, indicating that the thiol groups may be situated in or near the substrate binding domain. Inactivation experiments with disulfide reagents showed that increased hydrophobicity led to more internal essential SH groups which are not obviously protected by the substrate UDP-glucose, thus not implicated in the substrate binding domain, but rather related to conformational changes of the enzyme during the catalytic process.Abbreviations Chaps 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio] 1-propanesulfonate - Mops 4-morpholinepropanesulfonic acid - PC phosphatidylcholine - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - CPDS carboxypyridine disulfide (dithio-6,6-dinicotinic acid) - DTNB 5,5-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) - DTP dithiodipyridine - p-HMB para-hydroxymercuribenzoate - DTT dithiothreitol - BAL British anti-Lewisite (dimercaptopropanol) - Zw 3–14 Zwittergent 3–14  相似文献   

利用脱硫废弃物改良盐碱地对于确保国家粮食安全和生态安全,发展循环经济具有重要意义。为了探索脱硫废弃物提高植物抗盐碱机理,采用盆栽试验法, 研究了施入不同量脱硫废弃物和CaSO4对碱胁迫下油葵叶片细胞钙分布、总钙含量以及质膜和液泡膜Ca2+-ATPase活性的影响。结果表明:在碱胁迫下(CK),Ca2+与焦锑酸钾结合成黑色颗粒成团零星分布于叶绿体和液泡中,叶绿体超微结构受到不同程度的破坏。施入脱硫废弃物和CaSO4,叶绿体结构完整,细胞间隙、细胞壁和液泡中的钙颗粒逐渐增多,同时,质膜和液泡膜Ca2+-ATPase活性随脱硫废弃物和纯品硫酸钙施量的增加而增加,其中液泡膜Ca2+-ATPase活性无论是对照(CK)还是处理的活性均高于质膜Ca2+-ATPase活性。叶片细胞内总钙含量也随脱硫废弃物和CaSO4施用量的增加呈升高趋势。说明脱硫废弃物和CaSO4通过增加Ca2+-ATPase活性,有利于钙通过质膜和液泡膜进入细胞内,维持膜结构的稳定性,缓解碱对油葵的胁迫。  相似文献   

Summary Tannase was produced by modified solid-state fermentation (MSSF) of tannin rich substrates by a co-culture of the two filamentous fungi, Rhizopus oryzae and Aspergillus foetidus. The enzyme thus produced was then partially purified by solvent precipitation and DEAE-Sephadex column chromatography. A study on the effects of temperature and pH was made on the activity of tannase so purified. The optimum values of incubation time, reaction temperature and pH for tannase activity were 5 min, 40 °C and 5.0 respectively. The half-life period thermal stability and kinetic constants (K m 0.21 mM, V max 4.9×10−2 M min-1 at 40 °C) of this tannase were determined and the effects of different metal ions, surfactants, chelators, denaturants and inhibitors on the enzyme activity were also studied.  相似文献   

镉胁迫对芥蓝根系质膜过氧化及ATPase活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑爱珍 《生态学报》2012,32(2):483-488
水培条件下,以“香港白花”芥蓝品种为供试材料,研究4种不同浓度镉(0、1.0、2.0、4.0、8.0 mg/L Cd)处理对芥蓝幼苗根系质膜过氧化及ATPase活性的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,随着Cd处理浓度的增加,芥蓝根系活力呈现降低的变化趋势,而根系超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性以及丙二醛(MDA)、H2O2含量和O2-产生速率表现出升高的趋势,表明芥蓝受到活性氧物质的胁迫。1.0、2.0 mg/L Cd浓度处理下的H2O2含量与对照差异不显著,而O2-产生速率则在1.0 mg/L浓度处理下与对照差异不显著。随着Cd处理浓度的增加,芥蓝根系质膜H -ATPase和Ca2 -ATPase活性呈现出先增后减的变化趋势。1.0 mg/LCd浓度处理时,H -ATPase和Ca2 -ATPase活性与对照差异不显著(P > 0.05),而在2.0、4.0和8.0 mg/LCd处理时,两种ATPase活性显著降低(P < 0.05),并且与膜脂过氧化水平呈极显著的负相关(R2 > 0.969)。因此,低浓度Cd处理对芥蓝根系质膜两种ATPase活性影响较小,较高浓度Cd处理使芥蓝根系活力和质膜ATPase的损伤加重。  相似文献   

A 14-3-3 protein has been cloned and sequenced from a cDNA library constructed from mRNAs of mature pollen grains of Lilium longiflorum Thunb. Monoclonal antibodies (MUP 5 or MUP 15) highly specific against 14-3-3 proteins recognised a 30-kDa protein in the cytoplasmic fraction of many various lily tissues (leaves, bulbs, stems, anther filaments, pollen grains, stigmas) and in other plants (Arabidopsis seedlings, barley recombinant 14-3-3). In addition, 14-3-3 proteins were detected in a microsomal fraction isolated from pollen grains and tubes, and the amount of membrane-bound 14-3-3 proteins as well as the amount of the plasma membrane (PM) H+ ATPase increased during germination of pollen grains and tube growth. No change was observed in the cytoplasmic fraction. A further increase in the amount of 14-3-3 proteins in the microsomal fraction was observed when pollen grains were incubated in germination medium containing 1 μM fusicoccin (FC) whereas the number of 14-3-3s in the cytoplasmic fraction decreased. Fusicoccin also protected membrane-bound 14-3-3 proteins from dissociation after washing with the chaotropic salt KI. Furthermore, FC stimulated the PM H+ ATPase activity, the germination frequency and the growth rate of pollen tubes, thus indicating that a modulation of the PM H+ ATPase activity by interaction with 14-3-3 proteins may regulate germination and tube growth of lily pollen. Received: 20 June 2000 / Accepted: 2 October 2000  相似文献   

应用聚合酶链反应(PCR) 法对中国延边朝鲜族和延边汉族apoB和D17S30 VNTR研究发现,中国延边朝鲜族和延边汉族等位基因频率总体分布具有显著性差异( P < 0105);apoB和D17S30 位点 VNTR 在中国延边朝鲜族和延边汉族中的观察杂合性、多态信息含量、个体鉴别力均大于017;中国延边朝鲜族和延边汉族中 D17S30 VNTR位点分别以 A3 和 A1 的频率为最高。结果表明,apoB和D17S30 VNTR 位点在中国延边朝鲜族和延边汉族中的等位基因频率分布具有很强的多态性,在研究中国延边朝鲜族起源、变迁以及与其他各民族间亲缘关系等方面具有广泛的应用价值,适用于中国延边朝鲜族和延边汉族的个体识别和亲子鉴定。  相似文献   

Although the sensitivity of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase to vanadate is well known, the metabolic response of plant cells to vanadate is less well characterised in vivo and its use as an inhibitor in whole plant experiments has had mixed success. Experiments with maize (Zea mays, L.) roots and with purified plasma membrane fractions from the same tissues showed that exposure to vanadate caused: (i) a reduction in the capacity for phosphate uptake; (ii) a reduction in the extractable ATPase activity from the tissue; and (iii) a significant increase in the ATP level. The measurements on the extractable ATPase activity and the ATP level showed that the effect of vanadate developed slowly, apparently reflecting the slow accumulation of intracellular vanadate. The marked effect of vanadate on the ATP level-exposure to 500 M vanadate for 5 h doubled the ATP content of the roots tips-indicates that there is no stringent control over the ATP level in the roots and that the plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity is likely to have a significant role in determining the ATP level under normal conditions.  相似文献   

Aims: To evaluate and model the growth of Streptococcus iniae affect by temperatures (10–45°C), water activity (Aw; 0·995–0·957), and pH (5–8). Methods and Results: Temperatures, Aw, and pH were adjusted. The behaviour of S. iniae was studied and modelled. Growth curves were fitted by using logistic, Gompertz, and Baranyi models. The maximum growth rates obtained from the primary model were then modelled as a function of temperature, Aw, and pH using the Belehradek‐type models for secondary model. The optimum values for growth were found to be in the range of 35–40°C, Aw 0.995–1, and pH 6–7. The statistical characteristics of the models were validated by r2, mean square error, bias, and accuracy factors. The results of validation indicated that Baranyi model performed the best. Conclusions: The effect of temperature, Aw/NaCl, pH control of S. iniae in tilapia could be satisfactorily predicted under current experimental conditions, and the proposed models could serve as a tool for this purpose. Significance and Impact of the Study: The suggested predictive model can be used for risk assessment concerning S. iniae in tilapia.  相似文献   

Zn2+ caused a noninhibitory binding of IF1 to mitochondrial membranes in both rabbit heart SMP and intact rabbit heart mitochondria. This Zn2+-induced IF1 binding required the presence of at least trace amounts of MgATP and was essentially independent of pH between 6.2 and 8.2. Addition of Zn2+ after the formation of fully inhibited IF1-ATPase complexes very slowly reversed IF1-mediated ATPase inhibition without causing significant IF1 release from the membranes. When Zn2+ was added during the state 4 energization of ischemic mitochondria in which IF1 was already functionally bound, it slowed somewhat energy-driven ATPase activation. This slowing was probably due to the fairly large depressing effect Zn2+ had upon membrane potential development, but Zn2+ did not decrease the degree of ATPase activation eventually reached at 20 min of state 4 incubation. Zn2+ also preempted normal IF1 release from the membranes, causing what little inhibitor that was released to rebind to the enzyme in noninhibitory IF1-ATPase complexes. The data suggest that IF1 can interact with the ATPase in two ways or through two kinds of sites: (a) a noninhibitory interaction involving a noninhibitory IF1 conformation and/or and IF1 docking site on the enzyme and (b) an inhibitory interaction involving an inhibitory IF1 conformation and/or a distinct ATPase activity regulatory site. Zn2+ appears to have the dual effect of stabilizing the noninhibitory IF1-ATPase interaction and possibily a noninhibitory IF1 conformation while concomitantly preventing the formation of an inhibitory IF1-ATPase interaction and possibly an inhibitory IF1 conformation, regardless of pH. While the data do not rule out direct effects of Zn2+ on either free IF1 or the free enzyme, they suggest that Zn2+ cannot interact readily with either the inhibitor or the enzyme once functional IF1-ATPase complexes are formed.  相似文献   

The effects of the divalent metal ions Zn, Cd, Hg, Cu and Pb on the ATPase activity of a plasma membrane fraction isolated from roots ofZea mays have been investigated. When Mg-ions (3 mM), with or without K-ions (50mM) are included in the reaction medium, inhibition of ATPase activity was found in all cases, the relative order of the inhibitors over the concentration range 10 to 100M, being Hg>>CuCd>ZnPb. Below 1.0M only Hg caused substantial inhibition. In the absence of Mg ions, Zn and to a lesser extent Cd, activated the enzyme up to a concentration of 1 mM, activity being further stimulated in the presence of K-ions (50mM). No activation of ATPase activity was found for Hg, Cu or Pb. It was concluded that Zn-ATP and Cd-ATP are both alternative substrates for the enzyme. Further experiments showed that both Km and Vmax for the substrates Zn-ATP and Cd-ATP are very much lower than for the usual substrate Mg-ATP.These present results are discussed in relation to the known actions of these divalent cations on the trans-root potential and H-ion efflux in excised maize roots (Kennedy and Gonsalves, 1987).  相似文献   

Aims: To predict the risk factors for building infestation by Serpula lacrymans, which is one of the most destructive fungi causing timber decay in buildings. Methods and Results: The growth rate was assessed on malt extract agar media at temperatures between 1·5 and 45°C, at water activity (aw) over the range of 0·800–0·993 and at pH ranges from 1·5 to 11·0. The radial growth rate (μ) and the lag phase (λ) were estimated from the radial growth kinetics via the plots radius vs time. These parameters were then modelled as a function of the environmental factors tested. Models derived from the cardinal model (CM) were used to fit the experimental data and allowed an estimation of the optimal and limit values for fungal growth. Optimal growth rate occurred at 20°C, at high aw level (0·993) and at a pH range between 4·0 and 6·0. The strain effect on the temperature parameters was further evaluated using 14 strains of S. lacrymans. The robustness of the temperature model was validated on data sets measured in two different wood‐based media (Quercus robur L. and Picea abies). Conclusions: The two‐step procedure of exponential model with latency followed by the CM with inflection gives reliable predictions for the growth conditions of a filamentous fungus in our study. The procedure was validated for the study of abiotic factors on the growth rate of S. lacrymans. Significance and Impact of the Study: This work describes the usefulness of evaluating the effect of physico‐chemical factors on fungal growth in predictive building mycology. Consequently, the developed mathematical models for predicting fungal growth on a macroscopic scale can be used as a tool for risk assessment of timber decay in buildings.  相似文献   

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