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Summary Carbamyl phosphate synthetase A is a two-polypeptide, mitochondrial enzyme of arginine synthesis in Neurospora. The large subunit is encoded in the arg-3 locus and can catalyze formation of carbamyl-P with ammonia as the N donor. The small subunit is encoded in the unlinked arg-2 locus and imparts to the holoenzyme the ability to use glutamine, the biological substrate, as the N donor. By using nonsense mutations of arg-3, it was shown that the small subunit of the enzyme enters the mitochrondrion independently and is regulated in the same manner as it is in wild type. Similarly, arg-2 mutations, affecting the small subunit, have no effect on the localization or the regulation of the large subunit. The two subunits are regulated differently. Like most polypeptides of the pathway, the large subunit is not repressible and derepresses 3- to 5-fold upon argininestarvation of mycelia. In contrast, the glutamine-dependent activity of the holoenzyme is fully repressible and has a range of variation of over 100-fold. In keeping with this behavior, it is shown here that the small polypeptide, as visualized on two-dimensional gels, is also fully repressible. We conclude that the two subunits of the enzyme are localized independently, controlled independently and over different ranges, and that aggregation kinetics cannot alone explain the unusual regulatory amplitude of the native, two-subunit enzyme. The small subunit molecular weight was shown to be approximately 45,000.  相似文献   

Carbamyl phosphate synthetase A of Neurospora crassa.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Carbamyl phosphate synthetase A of Neurospora crassa was partially purified from mitochondrial extracts. It is an extremely unstable enzyme (t 1/2 = 45 min at 25 detrees C) made up of two unequal subunits. The native enzyme has a molecular weight of approximately 175,000, and the large subunit has a molecular weight of about 125,000. Both the native enzyme and its large subunit are quite asymmetric, as revealed by slow sedimentation in sucrose gradents (7.3S and 6.6S, respectively). The small subunit has not been identified physically as a separate entity. The denaturation of the native, glutamine-dependent activity is correlated with dissociation of subunits, the larger of which retains a more stable, ammonia-dependent activity. Neither substrates nor any other agents except glycerol or polyethylene glycol appreciably stabilized the glutamine-dependent activity. Kinetic studies showed the native enzyme to have a Km for glutamine of about 0.16 mM, and a Km for NH4Cl of about 16 mM, at the optimal pH, 8.0. The enzyme, using either N donor, has a K+ requirement for activity, for which NH4+ can substitute. The glutamine leads to glutamate reaction, which requires the small subunit, also requires the large subunit and all reaction substrates for optimal activity. Other evidences of subunit interaction are the greater activity of the native enzyme, as opposed to the large subunit, with low concentrations of adenosine 5'-triphosphate-Mg2+, and in the stimulation of the ammonia-dependent activity of the native enzyme by glycine. Curiously, although the enzyme's role in biosynthesis is confined to the arginine pathway, it is completely indifferent to arginine or its precursors as feedback effectors or activators. The enzyme is compared with carbamyl phosphate synthetases of other organisms.  相似文献   

We present evidence that cysteine 269 of the small subunit of Escherichia coli carbamyl phosphate synthetase is essential for the hydrolysis of glutamine. When cysteine 269 is replaced with glycine or with serine by site-directed mutagenesis of the carA gene, the resulting enzymes are unable to catalyze carbamyl phosphate synthesis with glutamine as nitrogen donor. Even though the glycine 269, and particularly the serine 269 enzyme bind significant amounts of glutamine, neither glycine 269 nor serine 269 can hydrolyze glutamine. The mutations at cysteine 269 do not affect carbamyl phosphate synthesis with NH3 as substrate. The NH3-dependent activity of the mutant enzymes was equal to that of wild-type. Measurements of Km indicate that the enzyme uses unionized NH3 rather than ammonium ion as substrate. The apparent Km for NH3 of the wild-type enzyme is calculated to be about 5 mM, independent of pH. The substitution of cysteine 269 with glycine or with serine results in a decrease of the apparent Km value for NH3 from 5 mM with the wild-type to 3.9 mM with the glycine, and 2.9 mM with the serine enzyme. Neither the glycine nor the serine mutation at position 269 affects the ability of the enzyme to catalyze ATP synthesis from ADP and carbamyl phosphate. Allosteric properties of the large subunit are also unaffected. However, substitution of cysteine 269 with glycine or with serine causes an 8- and 18-fold stimulation of HCO-3 -dependent ATPase activity, respectively. The increase in ATPase activity and the decrease in apparent Km for NH3 provide additional evidence for an interaction of the glutamine binding domain of the small subunit with one of the two known ATP sites of the large subunit.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa mutants deficient in asparagine synthetase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neurospora crassa mutants deficient in asparagine synthetase were selected by using the procedure of inositol-less death. Complementation tests among the 100 mutants isolated suggested that their alterations were genetically allelic. Recombination analysis with strain S1007t, an asparagine auxotroph, indicated that the mutations were located near or within the asn gene on linkage group V. In vitro assays with a heterokaryon indicated that the mutation was dominant. Thermal instability of cell extracts from temperature-sensitive strains in an in vitro asparagine synthetase assay determined that the mutations were in the structural gene(s) for asparagine synthetase.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of glutamine synthetase polypeptides in Neurospora crassa   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Purified preparations of Neurospora crassa glutamine synthetase contain two nonidentical polypeptides that can be separated by acrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and 7 M urea. These polypeptides are synthesized both in vivo and in a heterologous cell-free protein-synthesizing system. The data presented indicate that both polypeptides contain an active site for glutamine synthetase activity and suggest that there is not a precursor-product relationship between them.  相似文献   

Oxidation of Neurospora crassa glutamine synthetase.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The glutamine synthetase of Neurospora crassa, either purified or in cell extracts, was inactivated by ascorbate plus FeCl3 and by H2O2 plus FeSO4. The inactivation reaction was oxygen dependent, inhibited by MnCl2 and EDTA, and stimulated in cell extracts by sodium azide. This inactivation could also be brought about by adding NADPH to the cell extract. The alpha and beta polypeptides of the active glutamine synthetase were modified by these inactivating reactions, giving rise to two novel acidic polypeptides. These modifications were observed with the purified enzyme, with cell extracts, and under in vivo conditions in which glutamine synthetase is degraded. The modified glutamine synthetase was more susceptible to endogenous phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride-insensitive proteolytic activity, which was inhibited by MnCl2 and stimulated by EDTA. The possible physiological relevance of enzyme oxidation is discussed.  相似文献   

Control of acetohydroxy acid synthetase in Neurospora crassa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Genetic analysis of carbamyl phosphate synthetase I deficiency   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Carbamyl phosphate synthetase I deficiency (CPSD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of ureagenesis characterized by hyperammonemic coma in the neonatal period. To study the genetic basis of CPSD we have performed a molecular analysis of the CPS I genes in CPSD patients from six unrelated families. Using a cDNA probe for the human CPS I gene and restriction endonuclease mapping techniques, we observed no abnormality in the number or size of the hybridizing DNA fragments from the seven affected individuals examined. These findings suggest that no gross alteration affected the CPS I genes. We did detect a frequent restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) at the CPS I locus which we employed as a linkage marker. Our results suggest the polymorphic CPS I restriction fragments cosegregate with the CPSD phenotype, and that linkage disequilibrium exists between the CPSI RFLPs studied and the affected alleles. The RFLPs described may enable prenatal detection of CPSD in families where the coupling phases between CPSD alleles and RFLPs can be determined.A preliminary report of these studies was presented at the Society for Pediatric Research meetings, San Francisco, May 1984 and appeared in abstract form in Pediatric Research 18:296A (1984)  相似文献   

Nitrogen regulation of glutamine synthetase in Neurospora crassa.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A higher activity of glutamine synthetase (EC was found in Neurospora crassa when NH4+ was limiting as nitrogen source than when glutamate was limiting. When glutamate, glutamine or NH4+ were in excess, a lower activity was found. Immunological titration and sucrose gradient sedimentation of the enzyme established that under all these conditions enzyme activity corresponded to enzyme concentration and that the octamer was the predominant oligomeric form. When N. crassa was shifted from nitrogen-limiting substrates to excess product as nitrogen source, the concentration of glutamine synthetase was adjusted with kinetics that closely followed dilution by growth. When grown on limiting amounts of glutamate, a lower oligomer was present in addition to the octameric form of the enzyme. When the culture was shifted to excess NH4+, glutamine accululated at a high rate; nevertheless, there was only a slow decrease in enzyme activity and no modification of the oligomeric pattern.  相似文献   

A rapid, reproducible, and sensitive colorimetric assay for carbamyl phosphate synthetase I was presented. A four-fold increase in sensitivity and reduced assay time were afforded by this procedure. The method utilized the chemical conversion of carbamyl phosphate to hydroxyurea by the action of hydroxylamine instead of employing a coupling enzyme. The hydroxyurea was quantitated in 15 min by an improved colorimetric assay for ureido compounds by measuring the absorption of the resulting chromophore at 458 nm. Optimum conditions for both the formation and quantitation of hydroxyurea were established. Activity measurements of carbamyl phosphate synthetase I obtained by this uncoupled method were identical with those obtained by the ornithine transcarbamylase coupld assay.  相似文献   

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