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The fixLJ genes of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli CNPAF512 were identified by DNA hybridization of a genomic library with an internal fragment of the Rhizobium meliloti fixJ gene. The nucleotide sequence was determined and the corresponding amino acid sequence was aligned with the amino acid sequences of the FixL proteins of R. meliloti, Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Azorhizobium caulinodans. While the FixJ protein and the carboxy-terminal part of the FixL protein are highly homologous to the other FixL and FixJ proteins, the homology in the central heme-binding, oxygen-sensing domain and in the amino-terminal domain of FixL is very low. The R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli FixL protein does not contain the heme-binding motif defined for the previously described FixL proteins. R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli fixLJ and fixJ mutants were constructed. These mutants can still fix nitrogen, albeit at a reduced level. Expression analysis of nifA-gusA and nifH-gusA fusions in the constructed mutants revealed that the R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli fixLJ genes are involved in microaerobic nifH expression but not in nifA expression.  相似文献   

Nutritional factors controlling derepression of nitrogenase activity in Parasponia-Rhizobium strain ANU 289 were studied in stationary and agitated liquid cultures. Altering type and/or concentrations of the constituents of the derepression medium in respect of carbon and nitrogen sources influenced both derepression kinetics as well as the maximal level of activity. Hexose sugars and disaccharides stimulated nitrogenase activity three to six-fold compared to pentose sugars. Activity was also modulated by combining sugars with some organic acids such as succinate, fumarate and pyruvate but not with others (e.g. -ketoglutarate, malate, malonate). Of the range of nitrogen sources tested, either casamino acids (at 0.05%, but not at 0.1%), glutamate, proline or to a lesser extent histidine (each at 5 mM N) supported significant derepression of nitrogenase activity. Notably glutamine, urea, alanine, ammonium sulfate, nitrate, nitrite (each at 5 mM N) and yeast extract (0.05%) failed to derepress or support nitrogenase activity. Ammonium (5 mM) abolished established nitrogenase activity of rapidly agitated cultures within 15 h after addition. This inhibitory effect was alleviated by the addition of methionine sulfoximime (10 mM). Thus, in view of strong glutamine effects, ammonium repression appears to be mediated by glutamine and not by ammonium itself.Abbreviations HEPES [4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine-ethane; sulfonic acid] - MOPS [3-(N-morpholino) propane sulphonic acid] - MSX Methionine sulfoximine  相似文献   

In contrast to Klebsiella pneumoniae or fast-growing Rhizobium species, such as R. meliloti, where the nitrogenase structural genes are clustered in one operon (nifHDK), in slow-growing Rhizobium japonicum 110, nifH and nifDK are on separate operons.  相似文献   

The major oligosaccharide from the core region of the lipopolysaccharide from R. trifolii ANU843 was isolated and its structure determined. It is a trisaccharide consisting of two galacturonic acid residues and one 3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonic acid (KDO) residue. The two galacturonic acid residues are terminally linked alpha to the C-4 and C-7 atoms of KDO. This structure was determined through use of 1H- and 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy, f.a.b.-m.s., and g.l.c.-m.s. techniques. This oligosaccharide had not previously been reported to be present in the lipopolysaccharides from Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

A second core oligosaccharide fragment has been isolated and characterized from the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Rhizobium trifolii ANU 843. The oligosaccharide is a tetrasaccharide composed of galactose, galacturonic acid, mannose, and 3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonic acid. The mannose residue is alpha-linked to the 4-position of 3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonic acid and the galacturonic acid residue is alpha-linked to the 6-position of mannose. The galactose residue, which is acetylated at the 4-position, is attached to the 4-position of mannose by an alpha-linkage. All of the aldoses are in the pyranose form. The composition of the tetrasaccharide was determined by gas-liquid chromatography of the alditol acetate derivatives of the component monosaccharides. The configuration of anomeric linkages was determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry (FAB-MS) was performed on acetylated, per(trideutero)acetylated and underivatized tetrasaccharide giving sequence information in addition to information on the residue which was acetylated. Similar studies were performed on the oligosaccharide after reduction with sodium cyanoborohydride and peracetylation with labeled and unlabeled acetic anhydride as before. Further linkage and sequence analysis was obtained from methylation analysis, and from electron impact mass spectrometry of the per(trideutero)acetylated oligosaccharide and from collision-induced dissociation fast atom bombardment tandem mass spectrometry using linked scans at constant B/E on the cyanoborohydride-reduced, per (trideutero)acetylated oligosaccharide. The exact location of the acetyl group was deduced from 1H NMR double resonance experiments in conjunction with mass spectrometric data.  相似文献   

Structural and functional analysis of the goat epsilon-globin genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A G Menon  J B Lingrel 《Gene》1986,42(2):141-150
Since none of the vertebrate beta-globin loci studied to date has more than two functional embryonic beta-like globin genes, it would be unique if all six goat embryonic beta-globin genes were required for its survival. In this study we have asked whether all six embryonic genes in the goat are functional. This question has been addressed by examining the transient expression of these genes in HeLa cells and correlating these results with the sequence information obtained to date. Our studies show that only epsilon I and epsilon II are functional while the remaining four epsilon-globin genes are nonfunctional, i.e., pseudogenes. Interestingly, the two active epsilon-globin genes are located at the 5' end of the locus. While this unusual inactivation pattern may be the result of chance, it could also have resulted because the two duplication events, of the ancestral gene set epsilon-epsilon-psi beta-beta, did not include distally located regulatory region(s) essential for epsilon-globin gene expression. Once separated from the 5'-regulatory sequences the remaining four embryonic genes (epsilon III, epsilon IV, epsilon V and epsilon VI) accumulated mutations and became pseudogenes.  相似文献   

Rhizobium wild-type strain GRH2 was originally isolated from the tree, Acacia cyanophylla, and has a broad host-range which includes herbaceous legumes, such as Phaseolus and Trifolium species. Here we show that strains of Rhizobium sp. GRH2, into which heterologous nodD alleles have been introduced, produce a large diversity of both sulphated and non-sulphated lipo-chitin oligosaccharides (LCOs). Most of the molecular species contain an N-methyl group on the reducing-terminal N-acetyl-glucosamine. The LCOs vary in the nature of the fatty acyl chain and in the length of the chitin backbone. The majority of the LCOs have an olgosaccharide chain length of five GlcNAc residues, but a few are oligomers having six GlcNAc units. LCOs purified from GRH2 are able to induce root hair formation and deformation on Acacia cyanophylla and A. melanoxylon plants. We show that an N-vaccenoyl-chitopentaose bearing an N-methyl group is able to induce nodule primordia on Phaseolus vulgaris, A. cyanophylla, and A. melanoxylon, indicating that for these plants an N-methyl modification is sufficient for nodule primordia induction.  相似文献   

Rhizobia are soil bacteria that can fix nitrogen in symbiosis with leguminous plants or exist free living in the rhizosphere. Crucial to their complex lifestyle is the ability to sense and respond to diverse environmental stimuli, requiring elaborate signaling pathways. In the majority of bacteria, the nucleotide-based second messenger cyclic diguanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) is involved in signal transduction. Surprisingly, little is known about the importance of c-di-GMP signaling in rhizobia. We have analyzed the genome sequences of six well-studied type species (Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Mesorhizobium loti, Rhizobium etli, Rhizobium leguminosarum, Sinorhizobium fredii, and Sinorhizobium meliloti) for proteins possibly involved in c-di-GMP signaling based on the presence of four domains: GGDEF (diguanylate cyclase), EAL and HD-GYP (phosphodiesterase), and PilZ (c-di-GMP sensor). We find that rhizobia possess a high number of these proteins. Conservation analysis suggests that c-di-GMP signaling proteins modulate species-specific pathways rather than ancient rhizobia-specific processes. Two hybrid GGDEF-EAL proteins were selected for functional analysis, R. etli RHE_PD00105 (CdgA) and RHE_PD00137 (CdgB). Expression of cdgA and cdgB is repressed by the alarmone (p)ppGpp. cdgB is significantly expressed on plant roots and free living. Mutation of cdgA, cdgB, or both does not affect plant root colonization, nitrogen fixation capacity, biofilm formation, motility, and exopolysaccharide production. However, heterologous expression of the individual GGDEF and EAL domains of each protein in Escherichia coli strongly suggests that CdgA and CdgB are bifunctional proteins, possessing both diguanylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase activities. Taken together, our results provide a platform for future studies of c-di-GMP signaling in rhizobia.  相似文献   

The region of the Rhizobium leguminosarum plasmid pRL1JI involved in nodulation and nitrogen fixation has been cloned on a series of four overlapping cosmid clones. These clones represent ˜60 kb of pRL1JI DNA on which a series of Tn5-induced fix and nod alleles have been identified, with the two most distant alleles being separated by ˜45 kb of DNA. The mutant alleles fell into three groups, two clusters of fix alleles separated by one cluster of nod alleles. Within one group of fix alleles, DNA homologous to the nifA gene of Klebsiella pneumoniae has been identified, whereas the pRL1JI DNA homologous to the K. pneumoniae nitrogenase genes is present within the other group of fix alleles.  相似文献   

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