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螅状独缩虫表膜下纤毛系及形态发生   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
施心路  余育和  沈韫芬 《动物学报》2001,47(1):13-18,T001,T002
利用蛋白银技术研究了螅状独缩虫无性生殖周期中的形态发生。结果表明:(1)在大核形态尚未出现明显变化时,生发毛基索(GK)的前端即出现原基,随后原基增生扩大。最早出现的是两条将来分别演化为新仔虫第三咽膜(P′3)和第二咽膜(P′2)的原基带,随后出现的是位于外侧的新仔虫的单毛基索(HK′)。同时,新仔虫的第一咽膜(P′1)也开始由老单毛基索(HK)复制,并在细胞分裂后期与老结构分离;(2)大核在虫体分裂过程中由长带状逐渐缩短变粗至扁圆形,于虫体即将分开时迅速拉长,然后分裂为二个新大核;小核分裂先于大核,在两仔虫口毛器即将分开时完成;(3)原帚胚及柄归属老仔虫,新仔虫的帚胚在虫体分裂后逐渐形成,柄内肌丝则在柄鞘形成后逐渐长出。  相似文献   

钟形钟虫形态学及表膜下纤维系统的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
利用活体观察及蛋白银染色技术对钟形钟虫的形态学及表膜下纤维系统进行了研究,分别给出活体及蛋白银制片后标本的鉴别特征及表膜下纤维系统。本种活体鉴定主要特征为虫体呈宽钟状,细胞质不透明,镜下明显银制片后标本的鉴别特征及表膜下纤维系统,本种活体鉴定主要特征为虫体呈宽钟状,细胞质不透明,镜下明显可见有散布的脂滴存在,蛋白银制片特征为口器明显呈横位,第1(P1)和2咽膜(P2)汇合后形成的短咽膜弯曲程度较甚。纵向纤维粗壮而稀疏,40-50条;口围盘纤维网粗壮,呈轮辐状排布,相邻两轮辐外部末端多呈闭合态。第3咽膜(P3)由3排毛基索组成,其靠近P2侧的一列毛基索在P1与P3的汇合处终止,其长度只及另外两条毛基索长度的一半,故由P1和P3汇合后所组成的咽膜共由5排毛基索构成,对以上特征在分类学上的意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

利用活体观察及蛋白银染色技术对灰盔累枝虫(Epistylisgalea)的形态学及表膜下纤维系进行了研究。该种主要鉴别特征为:活体个员的表膜柔软,虫体充分伸展时呈倒长锥形,体长200—300μm,体宽70—90μm;大核“J”字形,呈纵位。单一伸缩泡,直径21—25μm,背位。纵向纤维细密。口围盘纤维呈网状,与纵向纤维直接相连,并在整体上呈兜网状。与本属其他相近种相比,本种第3咽膜(P3)明显要长,其后1/3超出第1咽膜后继续向下呈弧形弯曲。本文对该种上述特征在分类学上的意义及其与相近种类之间的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

小球藻绿钟虫 (VorticellachlorellataStiller ,194 0 )采自哈尔滨附近水域。本文在活体观察基础上 ,利用蛋白银染色技术对其形态学进行了研究 ,给出了该种染色后的特征。小球藻绿钟虫因其细胞内充满共生小球藻呈鲜绿色而得名。该种自然伸展时呈稳定的矮钟状 ,体长 5 3- 6 3× 4 1- 6 2 μm ;大核“J”型 ,两端明显盘绕 ,纵贯于体内。细胞表面具横纹 ,蛋白银制片后可见从口围唇到反口纤毛环之间有 33- 36条纹 ,从反口纤毛环到帚胚有条纹 15 - 18条 ;第三咽膜 (P3)由三列毛基列组成 ,最内侧一列长度仅是另外两列的一半 ,并显著分离 ;口围盘纤维斜向并呈轮辐式放射状排列 ,纤维末端分叉。通过对本文描述的绿色钟虫—小球藻绿钟虫的研究 ,发现对绿色钟虫的描述与归属问题仍存在一些混淆。本文认同将小球藻绿钟虫与绿钟虫严格分立的观点  相似文献   

利用活体观察及蛋白银染色技术对一淡水缘毛目纤毛虫——沟钟虫(Vorticella convallaria)的形态学和表膜下纤维系进行了研究。结果表明:沟钟虫的活体个员自然伸展时外形较稳定,并呈明显的倒置钟状,长宽约为50—85μm×40—75μm;口围缘完全外展时为虫体最宽处;伸缩泡一个,较大,位于口围唇下方及口前庭的左侧。胞质均匀而透明,无脂肪滴存在,游泳体呈圆柱形。细胞表面横纹从口围唇到反口纤毛环为74—78条,自反口纤毛环到帚胚为18—24条。大核呈大幅度盘绕的长肠状,两端高度弯曲,纵贯于细胞内。蛋白银制片后表膜下纤维系特征为:虫体纵向纤维稀疏而粗壮,37—42条,似灯笼状;口围盘纤维呈典型的倾斜态分布,并呈放射状排列。第三咽膜(P3)在近口末端处呈明显的分离态,可视为该物种重要的分类学依据。  相似文献   

研究对采自青岛沿海的两种海洋纤毛虫-盾圆双眉虫与伪寡毛双眉虫做了形态学重描述。盾圆双眉虫与前人所报道的种群具有十分相似的纤毛图式,但在额-腹棘毛分布、大核片段、小膜及背触毛数目等方面表现出细微的变异性。此外,该青岛种群个体较小。统计学比较还表明,迄今缺乏研究的一海洋种,泥生双眉虫极可能为盾圆双眉虫(Diophrys scutum)的同物异名。伪寡毛双眉虫(Diophrys apoligothrix)为一新近报道的罕见种,研究基于新采集种群对其进行了补充性观察和描述。    相似文献   

利用活体观察、蛋白银染色及电镜技术对蟹累枝虫(Epistylis eriocheiri)的形态学、表膜下纤维及超微结构进行了较为系统的描述,研究发现:(1)光镜下该种群体双叉分支,活体时虫体表膜柔软,完全伸展时呈长筒状;大核马蹄形,呈横位;伸缩泡单个,斜卧口围缘下方。口围缘纤维上连细密的环状纤维,下接两端较为粗壮,中间细长的纵长纤维,构成了连续的表膜下纤维系。(2)电镜下该种表面具沟、嵴、横纹结构,沟嵴相互交错;口围纤毛花瓣状;虫体表膜层呈齿状,具嵴状突起、泡间微管、表膜孔,胞质层包括内含胞器单一的致密原生质层和富含胞器的疏松原生质层。研究对该种的上述特征在虫体的收缩机制及与其他相似种之间的关系等方面进行了讨论。    相似文献   

为研究金属硫蛋白(Metallothionein, MT)对生物体抵抗重金属毒性的效应,获得一种具有镉高耐受性的膨胀肾形虫(Colpoda inflata)东北种群,该种群96h最高镉耐受浓度10 mg/L,其金属硫蛋白含量表现出与镉浓度、肾形虫种群增长率存在正相关关系。克隆获得金属硫蛋白Col-MT1基因,对基因序列和氨基酸序列特征分析表明,其为金属硫蛋白基因家族7a亚型的新成员。qRT-PCR实验证实, Col-MT1基因在60h、84h和108h三个时间点对5种浓度镉胁迫均上调表达,与镉浓度之间呈现出一定的剂量-效应关系。其分子调控机制还有待进一步研究。上述结果补充了原生动物MT基因数据库,为进一步揭示C. inflata MT基因的功能,以及应用于镉污染监测和环境修复奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用活体观察和蛋白银染色技术对采自广东大亚湾沿岸水体的7个南海新纪录种:紧缩全列虫Holosticha diademata(Rees,1883)Kahl,1932、缩颈半腹柱虫Hemigastrostyla enigmatica(Dragesco & Dragesco-Kernéis,1986)Song&Wilbert,1997、念珠腹棘虫Gastrocirrhus monilifer(Ozaki & Yagiu,1942)Curds & Wu,1983、四核舍太虫Certesia quadrinudeata Fabre-Domergue,1885、斯特后尾柱虫Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae Shao et al.,2008、盐尖毛虫Oxytricha saltans(Cohn,1866)Kahl,1932、小心毛虫Caryotricha minuta(Xu et al.,2008)Miao et al.,2009等腹毛类纤毛虫进行了形态学再研究,补充了有关活体形态学、纤毛图式以及性状变异等分类学新信息.结果显示,该7种的南海种群与我国北方海域种群之间存在不同程度的形态学差异.  相似文献   

半咸水介形虫tanella opima Chen的种群动态研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
上海芦潮港潮间带1982—1983年季节性沉积物样品中半咸水介形虫Tanella opima的种群动态调查表明,该种为多年生类型,其种群年龄和性比结构均具明显的季节性变化。繁殖活动受水温控制;4—10月产卵,水温不低于16℃;5—10月孵化,水温在20℃以上,种群在温暖季节(5—10月)由7个未成熟龄期的幼虫和成虫所组成,性比以雌性占优势;在寒冷季节(11—4月)则缺失前3个龄期的幼虫,性比以雄性为主。种群中最初2个龄期幼虫在母体壳内成长,这很可能是造成死种群和化石群中极少发现它们的原因。  相似文献   

利用非淹没培养皿法、活体观察和蛋白银染色法,研究了青岛的土壤纤毛虫,发现2属4种我国新纪录种:澳洲管膜虫(Cyrtohymena australis Foissner,1995)、四核管膜虫[C.quadrinucleata(DragescoNjine,1971)]、犬牙管膜虫[C.candens(Kahl,1932)]及迟钝澳纤虫(Australocirrus oscitans BlattererFoissner,1988)。文中对该4种纤毛虫的活体形态和纤毛图式进行了观察记述,补充了前人描述的不足,并依据统计学特征与相近种群进行了比较。  相似文献   

The morphology, morphogenesis, and molecular phylogeny of Bakuella (Pseudobakuella) guangdongica n. sp., isolated from southern China, were investigated. The new species is characterized by a body length of 150–225 μm in vivo; 35–42 adoral membranelles; 3–5 buccal, two frontoterminal, 7–12 transverse and two pretransverse ventral cirri; midventral complex comprised of 10–20 pairs and two rows extending to transverse cirri; posterior part of marginal rows slightly overlapping; colorless cortical granules about 1 μm across, arranged in small groups; soil habitat. Its main ontogenetic features are: (1) in the proter, the parental adoral zone of membranelles is completely renewed by new structures; (2) in the opisthe, the oral primordium originates apokinetally, some old midventral cirri join the formation of frontoventral-transverse cirral anlagen; (3) the anlagen for marginal rows and dorsal kineties develop intrakinetally; and (4) the numerous macronuclear nodules fuse into a single mass before dividing. Phylogenetic analyses based on the SSU rDNA sequence suggest the non-monophyly of the genus Bakuella.  相似文献   

A soil hypotrich ciliate, Afrokahliella paramacrostoma n. sp., was discovered in China. Its morphology, morphogenesis and molecular phylogeny were investigated using standard methods. The new species is characterized as follows: body about 140–180 × 60–70 μm in vivo, cortical granules absent, contractile vacuole positioned about 40% down length of body, 5–9 macronuclear nodules, 34–49 adoral membranelles, 3–5 buccal and 3–6 parabuccal cirri, usually two frontoventral rows, three or four left and two or three right marginal rows, three dorsal kineties and one dorsomarginal kinety; 1–3 and one or two caudal cirri located at the ends of dorsal kineties 1 and 2, respectively. The ontogenetic process is characterized by: (1) the marginal anlagen on each side develop in the outer right and the inner left marginal rows, respectively; (2) five frontoventral-transverse cirral anlagen, anlagen II–IV develop in secondary mode; (3) dorsal morphogenesis follows a typical Urosomoida-pattern, no parental dorsal kineties are retained; (4) caudal cirri are generated at the ends of dorsal kineties 1 and 2. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequence data reveals that Afrokahliella paramacrostoma n. sp. is closely related to Parakahliella macrostoma and Hemiurosomoida longa.  相似文献   

The survival of ciliate resting cysts, in the presence and absence of soil, was studied under two environmental stresses: desiccation and freezing. Laboratory strains of the common species Colpoda inflata and the rare species Meseres corlissi were used in these experiments, which yielded the following results: 1) Freezing of cysts in soil with a residual moisture level exceeding ~30% was destructive for both species. 2) Survival of Meseres corlissi cysts depended largely on the presence of soil. 3) In the absence of soil, Colpoda inflata cysts had greater tolerance to desiccation and freezing than Meseres corlissi cysts. Possible consequences for the distribution of natural populations are discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS A new species of the family Colpodidae, genus Colpoda O. F. Müller, Colpoda spiralis sp. n. is described. This organism has been found only in treehole fluid. Its species status is based on the possession of a unique and prominent preoral protuberance, multimicronuclearity, and the preference for a treehole habitat. Its range is known to include the tri-state area of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah, and the mixed-deciduous forests of Maryland. This species prefers treehole fluids with a pH > 7 and is naturally limited to tree species which possess these alkaline treeholes. It encysts as a treehole dries and excysts when the treehole is again filled by fluids from the tree, or rainwater.  相似文献   

The ciliate Sorogena stoianovitchae, which can form a multicellular fruiting body, has been classified based upon its ultrastructure and morphology: the oral and somatic infraciliature of S. stoianovitchae most closely resemble those of members of the order Cyrtolophosidida in the class Colpodea. We characterized the small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) gene sequence from S. stoianovitchae and compared this sequence with those from representatives of all ciliate classes. These analyses placed S. stoianovitchae as either sister to members of the class Nassophorea or Colpodea. In an in-group analysis, including all SSU rDNA sequences from members of the classes Nassophorea and Colpodea and representatives of appropriate outgroups, S. stoianovitchae was always sister to Platyophrya vorax (class Colpodea, order Cyrtolophosidida). However, our analyses failed to support the monophyly of the class Colpodea. Instead, our data suggest that there are essentially three unresolved clades: (1) the class Nassophorea; (2) Bresslaua vorax, Colpoda inflata, Pseudoplatyophrya nana, and Bursaria truncatella (class Colpodea); and (3) P. vorax and S. stoianovitchae (class Colpodea).  相似文献   

作者对钩刺亚册虫(Acineriauncinata)的纤毛器和形态结构做了光镜和电镜水平的研究,结果表明:口侧动基索均为单动基列结构,其中PK1仅后行至胞口后方;背触毛含约10对紧密排列的毛基体,后端不与其它体动基列相联;射出体除沿胞口分布外,在虫体顶端丛集成盾片状;虫体前部自右向左扭转约180°。  相似文献   

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