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Sexual selection determines parental care patterns in cichlid fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite a massive research effort, our understanding of why, in most vertebrates, males compete for mates and females care for offspring remains incomplete. Two alternative hypotheses have been proposed to explain the direction of causality between parental care and sexual selection. Traditionally, sexual selection has been explained as a consequence of relative parental investment, where the sex investing less will compete for the sex investing more. However, a more recent model suggests that parental care patterns result from sexual selection acting on one sex favoring mating competition and lower parental investment. Using species-level comparative analyses on Tanganyikan cichlid fishes we tested these alternative hypotheses employing a proxy of sexual selection based on mating system, sexual dichromatism, and dimorphism data. First, while controlling for female reproductive investment, we found that species with intense sexual selection were associated with female-only care whereas species with moderate sexual selection were associated with biparental care. Second, using contingency analyses, we found that, contrary to the traditional view, evolutionary changes in parental care type are dependent on the intensity of sexual selection. Hence, our results support the hypothesis that sexual selection determines parental care patterns in Tanganyikan cichlid fishes.  相似文献   

Do egg size and parental care coevolve in fishes?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A phenomenon that has attracted a substantial theoretical and empirical interest is the positive relationship between egg size and the extent of parental care in fishes. Interestingly, despite the effort put into solving the causality behind this relationship over the past two decades it remains largely unsolved. Moreover, how general the positive relationship between egg size and parental care is among fishes is also poorly understood. In order to stimulate research exploring egg size and parental care variation in fishes, the potential selective forces from both natural and sexual selection on egg size and parental care are discussed. Recent empirical findings on how oxygen requirements and developmental times may differ between differently sized eggs are incorporated into a critical view of the current theory of this field. Furthermore, it is suggested that the up to now neglected effects of sexual selection, through both mate choice and sexual conflict, can have strong effects on the relationship between egg size and parental care in fishes. In light of the recent developments of comparative and experimental methods, future approaches that may improve the understanding of the relationship between egg size and care in fishes are suggested.  相似文献   

Bateman demonstrated differences in variance for fertility andmating success between the sexes, with males usually havinga greater variance than females. Thus in general, male reproductivesuccess increases with number of mates acquired. These resultshave been referred to as "Bateman's principles" and taken togetherwith other parameters (e.g., relative parental investment) havebeen proposed to estimate a component of sexual selection. Forthis review I examine patterns of parental care and sexual selectionin teleost fishes (substrate brooding and with internal fertilization).I present data for the pumpkinseed sunfish Lepomis gibbosus,in which I estimated cost of paternal care and compared directmeasures of the intensity of selection on possible sexuallyselected traits to measures of sexual selection based on Bateman'sprinciples. Despite high levels of paternal care in substrate brooding fishes,sexual selection tends to act more strongly on males than onfemales, which suggests that maternal investment is higher thanpaternal investment and that parental care does not limit thereproductive rate for males. In pumpkinseed sunfish, selectionfavors parents with high levels of defense that may excludepredators more effectively and, as suggested by Bateman's measures,alternative reproductive strategies may decrease the opportunityfor sexual selection within the parental strategy. In teleostfishes with internal fertilization, patterns of parental investmentand intensity of sexual selection seem to support Bateman'sprinciples, but further studies using these systems and thesemeasures of selection will improve the understanding of factorsaffecting the intensity of sexual selection and its relationto mating systems.  相似文献   

Why do some animals mate with one partner rather than many? Here, I investigate factors related to (i) spatial constraints (habitat limitation, mate availability), (ii) time constraints (breeding synchrony, length of breeding season), (iii) need for parental care, and (iv) genetic compatibility, to see what support can be found in different taxa regarding the importance of these factors in explaining the occurrence of monogamy, whether shown by one sex (monogyny or monandry) or by both sexes (mutual monogamy). Focusing on reproductive rather than social monogamy whenever possible, I review the empirical literature for birds, mammals and fishes, with occasional examples from other taxa. Each of these factors can explain mating patterns in some taxa, but not in all. In general, there is mixed support for how well the factors listed above predict monogamy. The factor that shows greatest support across taxa is habitat limitation. By contrast, while a need for parental care might explain monogamy in freshwater fishes and birds, there is clear evidence that this is not the case in marine fishes and mammals. Hence, reproductive monogamy does not appear to have a single overriding explanation, but is more taxon specific. Genetic compatibility is a promising avenue for future work likely to improve our understanding of monogamy and other mating patterns. I also discuss eight important consequences of reproductive monogamy: (i) parentage, (ii) parental care, (iii) eusociality and altruism, (iv) infanticide, (v) effective population size, (vi) mate choice before mating, (vii) sexual selection, and (viii) sexual conflict. Of these, eusociality and infanticide have been subject to debate, briefly summarised herein. A common expectation is that monogamy leads to little sexual conflict and no or little sexual selection. However, as reviewed here, sexual selection can be substantial under mutual monogamy, and both sexes can be subject to such selection. Under long‐term mutual monogamy, mate quality is obviously more important than mate numbers, which in turn affects the need for pre‐mating mate choice. Overall, I conclude that, despite much research on genetic mating patterns, reproductive monogamy is still surprisingly poorly understood and further experimental and comparative work is needed. This review identifies several areas in need of more data and also proposes new hypotheses to test.  相似文献   

Explaining the evolution of male care has proved difficult. Recent theory predicts that female promiscuity and sexual selection on males inherently disfavour male care. In sharp contrast to these expectations, male-only care is often found in species with high extra-pair paternity and striking variation in mating success, where current theory predicts female-only care. Using a model that examines the coevolution of male care, female care and female choice; I show that inter-sexual selection can drive the evolution of male care when females are able to bias mating or paternity towards parental males. Surprisingly, female choice for parental males allows male care to evolve despite low relatedness between the male and the offspring in his care. These results imply that predicting how sexual selection affects parental care evolution will require further understanding of why females, in many species, either do not prefer or cannot favour males that provide care.  相似文献   

The action of sexual selection is highly variable among taxa. This creates challenges when trying to generalize (e.g. determine if a particular relationship exists based on its average strength, or if it varies in response to theoretically relevant factors). Consequently, accounting for moderating factors is likely to be crucial to explain differences in sexual selection among studies. In principle, given measures of key theoretical parameters we can predict the strength of sexual selection on different sexual signals, the benefits of mate choice, the extent of sex differences (e.g. in immune function or survival) and the likely life history trade-offs between investment into different sexual traits (e.g. sperm vs. courtship) or non-sexual traits (e.g. immune function, traits that increase longevity, parental care). How well does empirical data support theoretical expectations? First, we provide a short history of the use of meta-analysis in sexual selection studies. We present a table summarizing 94 meta-analyses that have asked questions about sexual selection or allied topics of interest to those studying sexual selection (e.g. the link between heterozygosity and fitness). Second, we list the main ways that meta-analysis has been used in sexual selection work and provide illustrative examples. Third, we provide practical advice to identify questions that are ripe for meta-analysis. We highlight 11 sexual selection topics where meta-analyses are needed (e.g. there are no meta-analyses testing game theory models of fighting contests). Finally, we discuss some general issues that will arise as the use of meta-analysis in sexual selection studies becomes more sophisticated.  相似文献   

What explains variation in the strength of sexual selection across species, populations or differences between the sexes? Here, we show that unifying two well‐known lines of thinking provides the necessary conceptual framework to account for variation in sexual selection. The Bateman gradient and the operational sex ratio (OSR) are incomplete in complementary ways: the former describes the fitness gain per mating and the latter the potential difficulty of achieving it. We combine this insight with an analysis of the scope for sexually selected traits to spread despite naturally selected costs. We explain why the OSR sometimes does not affect the strength of sexual selection. An explanation of sexual selection becomes more logical when a long ‘dry time’ (‘time out’, recovery after mating due to e.g. parental care) is understood to reduce the expected time to the next mating when in the mating pool (i.e. available to mate again). This implies weaker selection to shorten the wait. An integrative view of sexual selection combines an understanding of the origin of OSR biases with how they are reflected in the Bateman gradient, and how this can produce selection for mate acquisition traits despite naturally selected costs.  相似文献   

Fish mitochondrial genomics: sequence, inheritance and functional variation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mitochondrial genomic research currently primarily focuses on the analysis and understanding of how mitochondrial mutations produce detrimental phenotypes in humans. Reasons for this focus on negative impacts include the large number of human diseases that are known to result from specific mitochondrial genomes, and the long held belief that mitochondria change only through the accumulation of mutations due to its clonal, maternal inheritance. Recent studies are beginning to challenge these preconceptions and have shown that mitochondrial genomes can have significant positive impacts. Although the number of studies using fishes as models in mitochondrial research is limited, many fish model species provide excellent opportunity for furthering the understanding of mitochondrial genomes, their interactions with the nuclear genome, the potential for understanding the mechanisms of how functional variation effects organisms and how selection for positive functional variation effects population variation.  相似文献   

Parental care and sexual selection are highly interrelated. Understanding the evolution of sex‐specific patterns of parental care and sexual selection is a major focus of current evolutionary ecology research and requires empirical studies that simultaneously quantify components of both parental care and sexual selection in a single species. In this study, we quantify the dynamics of paternal care and sexual selection in the giant water bug Belostoma lutarium. Specifically, we examined (1) which sex potentially experiences sexual selection, (2) which traits, if any, are associated with attaining a mate by males and/or females (i.e. which traits are potentially under selection), and (3) which male and female traits, if any, relate to paternal care and offspring survival. Our findings suggest that (1) males are likely the choosier sex and that heavier females are more likely to mate than smaller females, (2) that female body weight is under selection if female weight is a trait that is stable within a given individual and (3) body size is sexually dimorphic, with females being the larger sex in this species. There was no evidence of male or female traits being linked to offspring survival in this species, although this is potentially due to the lack of egg predators in our study. We discuss our findings in relation to the evolution of sex roles and future avenues of research in this species.  相似文献   

Animals use a range of sensory cues for finding food, avoiding predators and choosing mates. In this regard, the aquatic environment is particularly suitable for the use of olfactory and other chemical cues. Nevertheless, mate choice research, even on aquatic organisms, has focused on visual signals, while chemical cues relevant in sexual selection have been assumed to be ‘intrinsic’ excretions of mate candidates. Here, using the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus, a small fish with paternal egg care, we investigated the possibility that ‘extrinsic’ chemical cues in the males’ nests could also have a significant contribution to mating success. We found that females strongly avoided laying eggs into nests subject to the odour of Saprolegnia water moulds (an egg infection) and that this effect was independent of the females’ initial, visually based preference for males. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to show that chemical cues related to parental failure can play a large role in sexual selection.  相似文献   

Classical theories, such as Bateman's principle and Trivers' parental investment theory, attempted to explain the coevolution of sexual selection and parental care through simple verbal arguments. Since then, quantitative models have demonstrated that it is rarely that simple because many non-intuitive structures and non-linear relationships are actually at play. In this study, we propose a new standard for models of mating dynamics and parental care, emphasizing the clarity and use of mathematical and probabilistic arguments, the meaning of consistency conditions, and the key role of spatial densities and the law of mass action. We used adaptive dynamics to calculate the evolutionary trajectory of the total care duration. Our results clearly show how the outcomes of parental care evolution can be diverse, depending on the quantitative balance between a set of dynamical forces arising from relevant differences and conditions in the male and female populations. The intensity of sexual selection, synergy of care, care quality, and relative mortality rates during mating interactions and caring activities act as forces driving evolutionary transitions between uniparental and biparental care. Sexual selection reduces the care duration of the selected sex, uniparental care evolves in the sex that offers the higher care quality, higher mortality during mating interactions of one sex leads to more care by that sex, and higher mortality during caring activities of one sex favours the evolution of uniparental care in the other sex. Both synergy and higher overall mortality during mating interactions can stabilize biparental care when sexual selection reduces the care duration of the selected sex. We discuss how the interaction between these forces influences the evolution of care patterns, and how sex ratios can vary and be interpreted in these contexts. We also propose new directions for future developments of our integrative model, creating new comparable analyses that share the same underlying assumptions and dynamical frameworks.  相似文献   

Among major vertebrate groups, ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) collectively display a nearly unrivaled diversity of parental care activities. This fact, coupled with a growing body of phylogenetic data for Actinopterygii, makes these fishes a logical model system for analyzing the evolutionary histories of alternative parental care modes and associated reproductive behaviors. From an extensive literature review, we constructed a supertree for ray-finned fishes and used its phylogenetic topology to investigate the evolution of several key reproductive states including type of parental care (maternal, paternal, or biparental), internal versus external fertilization, internal versus external gestation, nest construction behavior, and presence versus absence of sexual dichromatism (as an indicator of sexual selection). Using a comparative phylogenetic approach, we critically evaluate several hypotheses regarding evolutionary pathways toward parental care. Results from maximum parsimony reconstructions indicate that all forms of parental care, including paternal, biparental, and maternal (both external and internal to the female reproductive tract) have arisen repeatedly and independently during ray-finned fish evolution. The most common evolutionary transitions were from external fertilization directly to paternal care and from external fertilization to maternal care via the intermediate step of internal fertilization. We also used maximum likelihood phylogenetic methods to test for statistical correlations and contingencies in the evolution of pairs of reproductive traits. Sexual dichromatism and nest construction proved to be positively correlated with the evolution of male parental care in species with external fertilization. Sexual dichromatism was also positively correlated with female-internal fertilization and gestation. No clear indication emerged that female-only care or biparental care were evolutionary outgrowths of male-only care, or that biparental care has been a common evolutionary stepping stone between paternal and maternal care. Results are discussed in the context of prior thought about the evolution of alternative parental care modes in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Chance plays a critical but underappreciated role in determining mating success. In many cases, we tend to think of chance as background noise that can be ignored in studies of mating dynamics. When the influence of chance is consistent across contexts, chance can be thought of as background noise; in other cases, however, the impact of chance on mating success can influence our understanding of how mates are acquired and how sexual selection operates. In particular, when the importance of chance covaries with biological or ecological factors in a systematic manner—that is, when chance becomes consistently more or less important under certain conditions—then chance is important to consider if we want to fully understand the operation of mate acquisition and sexual selection. Here, we present a model that explores how chance covaries with factors such as sex ratio, adult population size, and mating regime in determining variation in mating success. We find that in some cases, chance covaries with adult population size and the operational sex ratio to create variation in mating success. We discuss how chance can influence our more general understanding of the operation of mating dynamics and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Sperm competition and uncertainty of paternity hamper the evolution of male parental care. Thus, maternal care predominates in most taxa. What if males can, however, limit cuckoldry by guarding the eggs postmating? Here, we show that this provides a reason to reconsider an old and nowadays rather discredited hypothesis: that external fertilization is associated with male care because the parent who releases its gametes first can depart leaving the other in a “cruel bind,” having to care for the offspring. In our model, protection of paternity provides an additional incentive for the male to stay associated with its young. When we then assume that offspring survive better if guarded, paternity protection proves enough to kick‐start the evolution of male‐only parental care from a scenario with no care. This fits with data from fishes, where male‐only care is associated with external fertilization, whereas female‐only care almost always evolves after an initial transition to internal fertilization. Our model unifies disparate hypotheses regarding parental care roles and provides support for the idea that care roles can be influenced by sex differences in selection to be physically close to the offspring, including selection that is initially not based on offspring survival.  相似文献   

Synopsis Attempts have been made to explain the over-representation of parental care in teleost fish families in freshwater habitats by selection due to environmental conditions typical of freshwater. I argue that alternative hypotheses, such as selection for pelagic spawning in marine habitats, can account for the pattern. The fact that parental care is less common among primary freshwater fishes contradicts the view that there is strong selection for parental care in fresh waters, and suggests that phylogenetic relationships must be taken into account.  相似文献   

Predicting the direction of sexual selection   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Kokko  & Monaghan 《Ecology letters》2001,4(2):159-165
Our current understanding of the operation of sexual selection is predicated on a sex difference in parental investment, which favours one sex becoming limiting and choosy over mates, the other competitive and nonchoosy. This difference is reflected in the operational sex ratio (OSR), the ratio of sexually receptive males to females, considered to be of fundamental importance in predicting the direction of sexual selection. Difficulties in measuring OSR directly have led to the use of the potential reproductive rates (PRR) as a measure of the level of investment in offspring of males and females. Several recent studies have emphasized that other factors, such as variation in mate quality and sex differences in mortality patterns, also influence the direction of sexual selection. However, as yet there has been no attempt to form a comprehensive theory of sex roles. Here we show that neither OSR nor PRR is the most fundamentally important determinant of sex roles, and that they are not interchangeable. Instead, the cost of a single breeding attempt has a strong direct effect on competition and choosiness as well as consistent relationships to both OSR and PRR. Our life history based approach to mate choice also yields simple, testable predictions on lack of choice in either sex and on mutual mate choice.  相似文献   

Osteoglossiformes are an order of “bony tongue” fish considered the most primitive living order of teleosts. This review seeks to consolidate known hypotheses and identify gaps in the literature regarding the adaptive significance of diverse reproductive traits and behaviour of osteoglossiforms within the context of sperm competition and the wider lens of sexual selection. Many of the unusual traits observed in osteoglossiforms indicate low levels of sperm competition; most species have unpaired gonads, and mormyroids are the only known vertebrate species with aflagellate sperm. Several osteoglossiform families have reproductive anatomy associated with internal fertilization but perform external fertilization, which may be representative of the evolutionary transition from external to internal fertilization and putative trade-offs between sperm competition and the environment. They also employ every type of parental care seen in vertebrates. Geographically widespread and basally situated within teleosts, osteoglossiforms present an effective study system for understanding how sperm competition and sexual selection have shaped the evolution of teleost reproductive behaviour, sperm and gonad morphology, fertilization strategies, courtship and paternal care, and sexual conflict. The authors suggest that the patterns seen in osteoglossiform reproduction are a microcosm of teleost reproductive diversity, potentially signifying the genetic plasticity that contributed to the adaptive radiation of teleost fishes.  相似文献   

Sex differences in parental care are thought to arise from differential selection on the sexes. Sexual dimorphism, including sexual size dimorphism (SSD), is often used as a proxy for sexual selection on males. Some studies have found an association between male‐biased SSD (i.e., males larger than females) and the loss of paternal care. While the relationship between sexual selection on males and parental care evolution has been studied extensively, the relationship between female‐biased SSD (i.e., females larger than males) and the evolution of parental care has received very little attention. Thus, we have little knowledge of whether female‐biased SSD coevolves with parental care. In species displaying female‐biased SSD, we might expect dimorphism to be associated with the evolution of paternal care or perhaps the loss of maternal care. Here, drawing on data for 99 extant frog species, we use comparative methods to evaluate how parental care and female‐biased SSD have evolved over time. Generally, we find no significant correlation between the evolution of parental care and female‐biased SSD in frogs. This suggests that differential selection on body size between the sexes is unlikely to have driven the evolution of parental care in these clades and questions whether we should expect sexual dimorphism to exhibit a general relationship with the evolution of sex differences in parental care.  相似文献   

According to Darwin, sympatric speciation is driven by disruptive, frequency-dependent natural selection caused by competition for diverse resources. Recently, several authors have argued that disruptive sexual selection can also cause sympatric speciation. Here, we use hypergeometric phenotypic and individual-based genotypic models to explore sympatric speciation by sexual selection under a broad range of conditions. If variabilities of preference and display traits are each caused by more than one or two polymorphic loci, sympatric speciation requires rather strong sexual selection when females exert preferences for extreme male phenotypes. Under this kind of mate choice, speciation can occur only if initial distributions of preference and display are close to symmetric. Otherwise, the population rapidly loses variability. Thus, unless allele replacements at very few loci are enough for reproductive isolation, female preferences for extreme male displays are unlikely to drive sympatric speciation. By contrast, similarity-based female preferences that do not cause sexual selection are less destabilizing to the maintenance of genetic variability and may result in sympatric speciation across a broader range of initial conditions. Certain groups of African cichlids have served as the exclusive motivation for the hypothesis of sympatric speciation by sexual selection. Mate choice in these fishes appears to be driven by female preferences for extreme male phenotypes rather than similarity-based preferences, and the evolution of premating reproductive isolation commonly involves at least several genes. Therefore, differences in female preferences and male display in cichlids and other species of sympatric origin are more likely to have evolved as isolating mechanisms under disruptive natural selection.  相似文献   

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