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The influence of S. sonnei ribosomal vaccine on hematopoiesis, T- and B-cell-mediated immune reactions has been studied in the course of the development of experimental vaccinal process. The vaccine stimulated hematopoiesis, that was characterized by a dose-dependent increase in colony-forming units in the spleen (CFUs), a rise in CFUs in the blood and bone marrow and an increase in the pool of proliferating stem cells in bone marrow, shortly after injection. A pronounced immunostimulating effect of the vaccine on the formation of antibody-producing cells (APC) to heterologous antigen (sheep red blood cells) in the spleen has been established, and the vaccine has also been found to stimulate, though to a lesser extent, APC synthetizing specific antibodies to S. sonnei LPS. The injection of S. sonnei ribosomal vaccine influences the functional activity of effector T-cells; in its turn this phenomenon produces phasic changes in the migration activity of spleen cells in the presence of specific LPS and surface polysaccharide antigen of S. sonnei in phase I.  相似文献   

The plasmid composition of S. sonnei standard strains has been studied by the method of electron microscopy of the preparations of plasmid DNA. In S. sonnei cells I-941-HP, phase I, plasmids of 2,500; 5,000; 5,600; 6,100 and 6,800 base pairs, as well as plasmids of 85,000-117,000 and 170,000-235,000 base pairs have been detected. In S. sonnei cells, phase II, plasmids of 2,500; 4,900 and 6,100 base pairs, as well as plasmids of 85,000-109,000 base pairs, have been found. Thus, virulent S. sonnei in phase I contain additional plasmids of 5,600; 6,800; 110,000-117,000 and 170,000-237,000 base pairs. The range of plasmid lengths between 85,000-117,000 and 170,000-237,000 base pairs exceeds the usual background of electron-microscopic studies, which makes it possible to come to the conclusion on the intrastrain heterogeneity of these classes of plasmids. The suggestion has been made that the transition of S. sonnei from phase I to phase II is linked with the loss of fragments of the genetic material, limited by inverted DNA repetitions.  相似文献   

The study has first established that enterotoxin enhances the protective potency of S. sonnei specific protective complex. This effect has been revealed both in experiments of the oral immunization of mice and in experiments of the conjunctival immunization of guinea pigs and depends on the dose of enterotoxin used in the experiment. The increase of protection has a specific character. These observations open prospects for further enhancement for the protective properties of S. sonnei specific protective complex, which should be taken into consideration in developing the vaccinal preparation.  相似文献   

Jiang Y  Yang F  Zhang X  Yang J  Chen L  Yan Y  Nie H  Xiong Z  Wang J  Dong J  Xue Y  Xu X  Zhu Y  Chen S  Jin Q 《Plasmid》2005,54(2):149-159
The complete sequence of pSS, which is the large virulence plasmid of Shigella sonnei, was determined. The 214-kb plasmid is composed of segments of virulence-associated genes, the O-antigen gene clusters, a range of replication and maintenance genes, and large numbers of insertion sequence (IS) elements. Two hundred and forty-one open reading frames (ORFs) were identified, of which 117 are highly homologous to IS elements or transposases, 57 are homologous to known pathogenesis-associated proteins, and 30 are related to replication, plasmid maintenance, or other metabolic functions. Thirty-seven ORFs have no similarity to proteins with a known function, including two with no significant similarity to any hypothetical proteins. Interestingly, 10 ORFs encoding O-antigen gene clusters were identified on the plasmid and this is markedly different from most other Shigella spp. virulent plasmids. A novel toxin-antitoxin system, a series of stbDE homologs, was found on the plasmid immediately downstream of the replication region; the sole segregation stability system may be responsible for the instability of pSS. The pSS plasmid is a mixture of genes with different origins and functions. The sequence suggests a remarkable history of IS-mediated recombination and acquisition of DNA across a range of bacterial species.  相似文献   

The authors present the results of study of chemical monosaccharide composition and the ultrastructure of purified lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of the I and the II phases and the R-form of Sh. sonnei. The amount of lipids in LPS preparations increased with the change from S- into R-form. Galactose content in LPS of the II phase was less than in LPS of the I phase, and it was absent entirely in LPS of R-form. It was demonstrated by negative contrasting that LPS dissociation increased with S leads to R dissociation. A marked similarity was found between macromolecular aggregates of LPS of the II phase and of R-form.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) can be used to assess the genetic diversity of closely related microbial genomes. In this study, the first of its kind for identification of Shigella, the high discriminatory power of AFLP has been used to determine the genetic relatedness of 230 isolates of Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei strains. An AFLP database was generated to demonstrate its utility in the discrimination of closely related strains. Based on AFLP, S. flexneri strains could be grouped into separate clusters according to their serotypes. Within each serotype, strains demonstrated 80–100% similarity indicating that identical strains and closely related strains could be distinguished by this technique. S. flexneri 6 formed a distinct cluster with 55% similarity to the rest of the S. flexneri strains showing significant divergence from the rest of the S. flexneri strains. Significantly, S. sonnei isolates formed a distinct group and showed approximately the same level of genetic linkage to S. flexneri as Escherichia coli strains. Untypable isolates that showed conflicting agglutination reactions with conventional typing sera were identifiable by AFLP. Thus AFLP can be used for genetic fingerprinting of Shigella strains and aid in the identification of variant untypable isolates.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) can be used to assess the genetic diversity of closely related microbial genomes. In this study, the first of its kind for identification of Shigella, the high discriminatory power of AFLP has been used to determine the genetic relatedness of 230 isolates of Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei strains. An AFLP database was generated to demonstrate its utility in the discrimination of closely related strains. Based on AFLP, S. flexneri strains could be grouped into separate clusters according to their serotypes. Within each serotype, strains demonstrated 80-100% similarity indicating that identical strains and closely related strains could be distinguished by this technique. S. flexneri 6 formed a distinct cluster with 55% similarity to the rest of the S. flexneri strains showing significant divergence from the rest of the S. flexneri strains. Significantly, S. sonnei isolates formed a distinct group and showed approximately the same level of genetic linkage to S. flexneri as Escherichia coli strains. Untypable isolates that showed conflicting agglutination reactions with conventional typing sera were identifiable by AFLP. Thus AFLP can be used for genetic fingerprinting of Shigella strains and aid in the identification of variant untypable isolates.  相似文献   

It was shown for the first time that the virulent Sh. flexneri strain grown on Luria broth differed from the avirulent one by the yield of readily released surface-located complexes--lipopolysaccharide (determined by rhamnose) and protein into the filtrate. There was no distinct correlation between the strain virulence and the content of rhamnose-determined lipopolysaccharide in the filtrate; growing bacteria in the presence of Ca and Mg ions had no significant influence on the lipopolysaccharide release into the filtrate. Protein release into the cell-free filtrate was thrice that in the virulent shigella strain than in the avirulent one. When bacteria were grown in the presence of Ca ions protein release from the virulent strain increased 1.5-fold and changed but little in the avirulent culture. Cell-free filtrates of the virulent strain produced toxic action on L tissue culture cells; in conjunctival infection of guinea pigs they caused some reduction of the LD50 of the virulent strain and sharply aggravated the course of the infectious process. Heating of the filtrate at 100 degrees C for 15 min decreased their toxic action on L cells. The data obtained indicated that the active biological factor revealed in the virulent strain of Sh. flexneri was protein or its derivative.  相似文献   

Streptomycin-resistant mutations in donor strains of E. coli K12 Hfr AB 313 and AT-13 are not associated with the action of the strA-gene limiting the suppression. Shigella mutations str-r obtained by the method described in this paper also failed to limit the suppression. Changes in the virulence observed in transmission strA region from the str-r strains of E. coli and shigellae used in this work were not connected with mutations limiting the suppression (with competent mutations).  相似文献   

Along with classical lipopolysaccharide (LPS), O-specific material not precipitated by ultracentrifugation has been isolated from the water-phenol extract of S. sonnei avirulent strain 9090 possessing complete antigenic properties. The purification of O-antigen contained in the supernatant fluid has been carried out by the gel filtration of the fluid, previously treated with ribonuclease, in a column packed with Sephadex G-100. The polysaccharide nature of O-antigen thus obtained, the absence of lipid A and KDO and the low content of hexoses, or core-specific saccharides of S. sonnei LPS, in this antigen make it possible to classify this material with O-components of microbial cells, described by different authors as "native protoplasmic polysaccharide" or "L-hapten" and formed by polymers of LPS O-side chains. The content of this component in S. sonnei strains under study is, on the average, 2.5% of the weight of dry microbial substance. L-hapten preparations obtained in the course of our investigations have been found to contain two O-specific antigens detected by immunoelectrophoresis and immunodiffusion, as well as by sedimentation in saccharose gradient, where they form peaks corresponding to 4.3 S and 10.8 S. This polysaccharide O-antigen is supposed to be capable of interaction with ribosomal particles and suitable for use as a component of ribosomal dysentery vaccines.  相似文献   

The study of S. sonnei in phase I, irrespective of their virulence, has revealed the existence of at least 3 types of profiles of large plasmids: (I)A having a single plasmid with a molecular weight of about 120 MD; (I)B having, alongside plasmid pSS120, a plasmid with a molecular weight of about 60 MD; (I)C, represented only by vaccine strain 6S, having three plasmids with molecular weights of about 80, 60 and 37 MD. The plasmid profiles of rough S. sonnei in phase II are characterized by the absence of large plasmids with a molecular weight of 120-80 MD, typical of bacteria in phase I, and can be in their turn subdivided, in accordance with the type of the initial culture, into three subvariants (II)A, (II)B and (II)C. The plasmid profiles of rough S. sonnei (R-forms and phase II) completely coincide. The biosynthesis of the specific antigen of S. sonnei in phase I can be determined by smaller derivatives obtained from large plasmid pSS120 by deletion (e.g., by a plasmid with a molecular weight of about 80 MD, such as plasmid pSS80).  相似文献   

Cai X  Zhang J  Chen M  Wu Y  Wang X  Chen J  Zhang J  Shen X  Qu D  Jiang H 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23100
PhoQ/PhoP is an important two-component system that regulates Shigella virulence. We explored whether the PhoQ/PhoP system is a promising target for new antibiotics against S. flexneri infection. By using a high-throughput screen and enzymatic activity coupled assay, four compounds were found as potential PhoQ inhibitors. These compounds not only inhibited the activity of SF-PhoQc autophosphorylation but also displayed high binding affinities to the SF-PhoQc protein in the Surface Plasmon Resonance response. A S. flexneri cell invasion assay showed that three of these potential PhoQ inhibitors inhibit the invasion of HeLa cells by S. flexneri 9380. In a Mouse Sereny test, mice inoculated with S. flexneri 9380 pre-treated with the potential PhoQ inhibitors 1, 2, 3 or 4 displayed no inflammation, whereas mice inoculated with S. flexneri 9380 alone displayed severe keratoconjunctival inflammation. All four potential PhoQ inhibitors showed no significant cytotoxicity or hemolytic activity. These data suggest that the four potential PhoQ inhibitors inhibited the virulence of S. flexneri and that PhoQ/PhoP is a promising target for the development of drugs against S. flexneri infection.  相似文献   

The plasmid pSS120, determining the synthesis of species specific I phase antigen of Shigella sonnei is mobilized for genetic transfer into E. coli K12 recipient cells with the frequency 12-41%. The frequency depends on the type of mobilized plasmid and recipient strain. The I phase antigen is normally expressed in II phase recipient cells and in E. coli cells. During mobilization pSS120 forms cointegrates representing a recombinant of mobilizing and mobilized plasmids DNA. The study of pSS120 inheritance stability has shown the plasmid to be unstable during culturing of bacteria and to be partially lost from the parent Shigella sonnei strains as well as from the "hybrid" transconjugants obtained. The 60 Md plasmid present in the donor strains of Shigella sonnei is prone to structural fragmentation particularly expressed in Shigella sonnei/E. coli hybrids.  相似文献   

Proper view on the true prevalence of Sonne dysentery characterised by polymorphous clinical picture in which many cases coursed in subclinical form could be reached only by using additional active methods for detecting the infection rate of the population. For this purpose the authors applied passive hemagglutination test which permitted to reveal the response of the organism to the antigenic stimulation in the course of two months after the sustained sickness. Over 12 000 persons were examined. According to the results of passive hemagglutination test seasonal activization of the epidemic process occurred one month earlier than it was revealed by recording of the incidence of the disease. The results of the mentioned test also showed infection rate of the population with Sonne dysentery to be as a rule greater than established by the official statistics.  相似文献   

【目的】了解临床分离志贺菌中CRISPR/Cas系统的分布特征并分析其与毒力基因的关系。【方法】以聚合酶链式反应(PCR)方法,采用10对引物分别对57株临床分离志贺菌中CRISPR1、cas2-cas1、cas6e-cas5、cas7、cse2、cse1-cas3基因和毒力基因ipaH、ial、ipaBCD、virA进行检测。对CRISPR1的PCR结果进行测序,并用CRISPR finder在线软件对CRISPR1基因座进行分析。通过卡方检验初步分析CRISPR/Cas系统与毒力基因的关系。【结果】测序结果显示,CRISPR1基因座中间隔序列数目较少且在不同菌株间一致性较高;57株志贺菌中,84.2% (48/57)的志贺菌中可检测到CRISPR/Cas系统,其中68.8% (33/48)的志贺菌中cas6e-cas5基因或(和) cse2基因中发现插入序列;毒力基因ipaH、ial、virA、ipaBCD的检出率依次为100%、100%、98.2%和87.7%;毒力基因ipaBCD的阳性率与活性CRISPR/Cas系统的分布无关(P>0.05)。【结论】CRISPR/Cas系统广泛存在于临床分离志贺菌中;部分cas基因中有插入序列;并未发现志贺菌中活性CRISPR/Cas系统与毒力基因的分布有关。  相似文献   

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