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Although most plants experience herbivory by several insect species, there has been little empirical work directed toward understanding plant responses to these simultaneous selection pressures. In an experiment in which herbivory by flea beetles (Phyllotreta cruciferae) and diamondback moths (Plutella xylostella) was manipulated in a factorial design, I found that selection for resistance to these herbivores is not independent in Brassica rapa. Specifically, the effect of flea beetle damage on B. rapa fitness depends on the amount of diamondback moth damage a plant experiences: damage by these herbivores has a nonadditive effect on plant fitness. When diamondbacks are abundant, plants that sustain high levels of damage by flea beetles are favored by natural selection, but when diamondbacks are rare, a low level of damage by flea beetles is favored. However, resistance to the later-feeding diamondback moth is not affected by the presence or absence of damage by early-feeding flea beetles. Thus, there are no plant-mediated ecological interactions between these herbivores that affect the outcome of selection for resistance. Because these herbivores do not independently affect plant fitness, neither is likely to develop a pairwise coevolutionary relationship with its host. Instead, coevolution is diffuse.  相似文献   

Populations of Brassica rapa were grown for three generations in each of two environments: intraspecific competition, with four surrounding Brassica rapa neighbors per pot, and interspecific competition, with two Raphanus sativus neighbors per pot. In each environment, the largest (by flower number) 10% of the plants were outcrossed and provided seeds for the next generation. As a control, a randomly chosen 10% of the plants in each environment were outcrossed to produce seed for the next generation. Each of these four treatments, the selected lines in intra- and interspecific competition and the corresponding control lines, was maintained for three generations. After a single generation of growth in a common, no-competition environment, replicate plants from each treatment were grown with no competition and with intra- and interspecific competition for determination of growth responses. After two generations of selection, flower number in the intraspecific-selection line had increased by more than 50% over that in the control line and by more than 19% over that under interspecific selection. After a common-environment generation, plants from the intraspecific-selection line were shown to have significantly faster growth in height and flower number as seedlings. Plants in the interspecific-selection line showed similar but nonsignificant trends. No differences in seed mass, emergence time, or photosynthetic rate were found between control and selected lines in either intra- or interspecific competition. Some differences between control and selected lines were noted in biomass allocation related to differences in phenology. The results demonstrate that performance in competitive environments can evolve through changes in plant development but that rates of evolution will differ in intra- and interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Genetic costs of resistance to pathogens may be an important factor maintaining heritable variation for resistance in natural populations. Pleiotropic fitness trade-offs occur when genetic resistance causes reduction in other components of fitness. Although costs of resistance have an important influence on plant-pathogen interactions, few previous studies have detected pleiotropic costs of resistance in the absence of confounding effects of linkage disequilibrium. To avoid this potential problem, we performed artificial selection experiments on resistance to two fungal pathogens, Leptosphaeria maculans, and Peronospora parasitica, and compared growth rates of resistant and susceptible genotypes of Brassica rapa in the absence of pathogens. Leptosphaeria resistance had no effect on growth rate, indicating cost-free defense. In contrast, Peronospora-resistant genotypes grow 6% slower than Peronospora-susceptible genotypes in pathogen-free environments, indicating a significant genetic fitness cost to Peronospora resistance. Such genetic trade-offs could maintain genetic variation in the wild. Another factor that might explain heritable variation for resistance is ecological trade-offs, in which genetic resistance to one species causes susceptibility to another. Such ecological trade-offs do not exist for the pathogens studied in this system.  相似文献   

Although biologists have long assumed that plant resistance characters evolved under selection exerted by such natural enemies as herbivores and pathogens, experimental evidence for this assumption is sparse. We present evidence that natural enemies exert selection on particular plant resistance characters. Specifically, we demonstrate that elimination of natural enemies from an experimental field population of Arabidopsis thaliana alters the pattern of selection on genetic variation in two characters that have been shown to reduce herbivore damage in the field: total glucosinolate concentration and trichome density. The change in pattern of selection reveals that natural enemies imposed selection favoring increased glucosinolate concentration and increased trichome density, and thus, supports one of the major assumptions of the coevolution hypothesis. We also demonstrate that a pattern of stabilizing selection on glucosinolate concentration results from a balance between the costs and benefits associated with increasing levels of this resistance character. This result provides direct confirmation of the appropriateness of cost-benefit models for characterizing the evolution of plant defenses.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine how ecological costs of resistance might be manifested through plant relationships with pollinators. If defensive compounds are incorporated into floral structures or if they are sufficiently costly that fewer rewards are offered to pollinators, pollinators may discriminate against more defended plants. Here we consider whether directional selection for increased resistance to herbivores could be constrained by opposing selection through pollinator discrimination against more defended plants. We used artificial selection to create two populations of Brassica rapa plants that had high and low myrosinase concentrations and, consequently, high and low resistance to flea beetle herbivores. We measured changes in floral characters of plants in both damaged and undamaged states from these populations with different resistances to flea beetle attack. We also measured pollinator visitation to plants, including numbers of pollinators and measures of visit quality (numbers of flowers visited and time spent per flower). Damage from herbivores resulted in reduced petal size, as did selection for high resistance to herbivores later in the plant lifetime. In addition, floral display (number of open flowers) was also altered by an interaction between these two effects. Changes in floral traits translated into overall greater use of low-resistance, undamaged plants based on total amount of time pollinators spent foraging on plants. Total numbers of pollinators attracted to plants did not differ among treatments; however, pollinators spent significantly more time per flower on plants from the low-resistance population and tended to visit more flowers on these plants as well. Previous work by other investigators on the same pollinator taxa has shown that longer visit times are associated with greater male and female plant fitness. Because initial numbers of pollinators did not differ between selection regimes, palatability and/or amount of rewards offered by high- and low-resistance populations are likely to be responsible for these patterns. During periods of pollinator limitation, less defended plants may have a selective advantage and pollinator preferences may mediate directional selection imposed by herbivores. In addition, if pollinator preferences limit seed set in highly defended plants, then lower seed set previously attributed to allocation costs of defense may also reflect greater pollinator limitation in these plants relative to less defended plants.  相似文献   

An artificial selection experiment for increased female starvation resistance employed five selected lines and five control lines of Drosophila melanogaster. Females responded to selection within the first five generations, but a substantial male response was not observed until starvation resistance was assessed at generation 15. By measuring respiration rate in selected and control lines, it was possible to test the hypothesis that reduced metabolic rate is a general mechanism for stress resistance. There was no association between starvation resistance and respiration rate and thus no support for the hypothesis. Studies using vertebrates have shown that starvation causes a decrease in intermediary metabolism enzyme activity, but this relationship is not well documented in invertebrates. In the present study, intermediary metabolism enzyme activities decreased in response to starvation in control-line females and males, and in selected-line males. However, the selected females showed no overall decrease in enzyme activities in response to starvation. One interpretation is that selected females evolved to resist the phenotypic impact of stress. The concept of “counter-impact selection” is discussed in relationship to the use of phenotypic manipulations for the study of evolution.  相似文献   

Individuals vary in their ability to defend against pathogens. Determining how natural selection maintains this variation is often difficult, in part because there are multiple ways that organisms defend themselves against pathogens. One important distinction is between mechanisms of resistance that fight off infection, and mechanisms of tolerance that limit the impact of infection on host fitness without influencing pathogen growth. Theory predicts variation among genotypes in resistance, but not necessarily in tolerance. Here, we study variation among pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) genotypes in defense against the fungal pathogen Pandora neoaphidis. It has been well established that pea aphids can harbor symbiotic bacteria that protect them from fungal pathogens. However, it is unclear whether aphid genotypes vary in defense against Pandora in the absence of protective symbionts. We therefore measured resistance and tolerance to fungal infection in aphid lines collected without symbionts, and found variation among lines in survival and in the percent of individuals that formed a sporulating cadaver. We also found evidence of variation in tolerance to the effects of pathogen infection on host fecundity, but no variation in tolerance of pathogen‐induced mortality. We discuss these findings in light of theoretical predictions about host‐pathogen coevolution.  相似文献   

The relationship between the processes of density-dependent and age-specific selection has been investigated by examining a common phenotype, urea resistance, which has apparently evolved in response to each of these selection mechanisms. Twenty populations that have experienced differing levels of age-specific selection show differences in egg-to-adult viability in environments with high levels of urea. Among this group of populations, it appears that resistance to urea is correlated with longevity, but not development time. Ten populations kept at extreme larval densities for many generations also show responses to urea: those kept at high larval densities appear to be most resistant to urea. However, these populations show no differences in adult longevity. An additional five populations were selected directly for urea resistance by adding this compound to the larval food environment. Again, there was a strong response to this artificial selection, with urea resistance increasing dramatically, but these populations showed no response in adult longevity or resistance to crowding when compared to five control populations. There is clearly no simple relationship between longevity and larval urea resistance. It may be that age-specific and density-dependent selection induce similar changes in this phenotype, but do so through different genetic and physiological pathways. We suggest that these data are not consistent with the view of constant and symmetric genetic variance-covariance matrices. These data support a more prominent role for observations of evolutionary trajectories rather than static measurements of genetic components of variance.  相似文献   

Coevolutionary interactions typically involve only a few specialized taxa. The factors that cause some taxa and not others to respond evolutionarily to selection by another species are poorly understood. Preadaptation may render some species predisposed for evolutionary response to new pressures, whereas a lack of genetic variation may limit the evolutionary potential of other taxa. We evaluate these factors in the predator-prey interaction between toxic newts (Taricha granulosa) and their resistant garter snake predators (Thamnophis sirtalis). Using a bioassay of resistance to tetrodotoxin (TTX), the primary toxin in the prey, we examined phenotypic evolution in the genus Thamnophis. Reconstruction of ancestral character states suggests that the entire genus Thamnophis, and possibly natricine snakes in general, has slightly elevated TTX resistance compared to other lineages of snakes. While this suggests that T. sirtalis is indeed predisposed to evolving TTX resistance, it also indicates that the potential exists in sympatric congeners not expressing elevated levels of TTX resistance. We also detected significant family level variation for TTX resistance in a species of Thamnophis that does not exhibit elaborated levels of the trait. This finding suggests that evolutionary response in other taxa is not limited by genetic variability. In this predator-prey system, species and population differences in resistance appear to be largely determined by variation in the selective environment rather than preadaptation or constraint.  相似文献   

A wild-type strain of Drosophila melanogaster was successfully selected for both fast and slow larval development. The realized heritabilities (h2) ranged from 0.20 to 0.30 for the fast lines and 0.35 to 0.60 for the slow lines. The selection applied is relevant in relation to the evolution of aging. The longevity of adults, either virgin or mated, was not affected by selection for developmental time, indicating that developmental time is not a causal determinant of life span, thus confirming the results of the studies on environmental effects on aging (Zwaan et al. 1991, 1992). However, adult body weights were higher in the slow developmental lines and lower in the fast lines, relative to the control flies. Furthermore, slow females showed relatively high early fecundity and low late fecundity, as compared with control and fast females. Mated longevities and total lifetime progeny productions were not statistically different. Previous results obtained by other authors from selection experiments on age at reproduction either supported the mutation accumulation or the negative pleiotropy theory of aging (Luckinbill et al. 1984; Rose 1984b). The impact of the reported results on the interpretation of these studies is discussed, and it is noted that direct selection on adult longevity is needed to settle this issue.  相似文献   

The evolution of associations between herbivorous insects and their parasitoids is likely to be influenced by the relationship between the herbivore and its host plants. If populations of specialized herbivorous insects are structured by their host plants such that populations on different hosts are genetically differentiated, then the traits affecting insect-parasitoid interactions may exhibit an associated structure. The pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) is a herbivorous insect species comprised of genetically distinct groups that are specialized on different host plants (Via 1991a, 1994). Here, we examine how the genetic differentiation of pea aphid populations on different host plants affects their interaction with a parasitoid wasp, Aphidius ervi. We performed four experiments. (1) By exposing pea aphids from both alfalfa and clover to parasitoids from both crops, we demonstrate that pea aphid populations that are specialized on alfalfa are successfully parasitized less often than are populations specialized on clover. This difference in parasitism rate does not depend upon whether the wasps were collected from alfalfa or clover fields. (2) When we controlled for potential differences in aphid and parasitoid behavior between the two host plants and ensured that aphids were attacked, we found that pea aphids from alfalfa were still parasitized less often than pea aphids from clover. Thus, the difference in parasitism rates is not due to behavior of either aphids or wasps, but appears to be a physiologically based difference in resistance to parasitism. (3) Replicates of pea aphid clones reared on their own host plant and on a common host plant, fava bean, exhibited the same pattern of resistance as above. Thus, there do not appear to be nutritional or secondary chemical effects on the level of physiological resistance in the aphids due to feeding on clover or alfalfa, and therefore the difference in resistance on the two crops appears to be genetically based. (4) We assayed for genetic variation in resistance among individual pea aphid clones collected from clover fields and found no detectable genetic variation for resistance to parasitism within two populations sampled from clover. This is in contrast to Henter and Via's (1995) report of abundant genetic variation in resistance to this parasitoid within a pea aphid population on alfalfa. Low levels of genetic variation may be one factor that constrains the evolution of resistance to parasitism in the populations of pea aphids from clover, leading them to remain more susceptible than populations of the same species from alfalfa.  相似文献   

Although plants are generally attacked by a community of several species of herbivores, relatively little is known about the strength of natural selection for resistance in multiple‐herbivore communities—particularly how the strength of selection differs among herbivores that feed on different plant organs or how strongly genetic correlations in resistance affect the evolutionary responses of the plant. Here, we report on a field study measuring natural selection for resistance in a diverse community of herbivores of Solanum carolinense. Using linear phenotypic‐selection analyses, we found that directional selection acted to increase resistance to seven species. Selection was strongest to increase resistance to fruit feeders, followed by flower feeders, then leaf feeders. Selection favored a decrease in resistance to a stem borer. Bootstrapping analyses showed that the plant population contained significant genetic variation for each of 14 measured resistance traits and significant covariances in one‐third of the pairwise combinations of resistance traits. These genetic covariances reduced the plant's overall predicted evolutionary response for resistance against the herbivore community by about 60%. Diffuse (co)evolution was widespread in this community, and the diffuse interactions had an overwhelmingly constraining (rather than facilitative) effect on the plant's evolution of resistance.  相似文献   

Claw size of male fiddler crabs, Uca perplexa appears to be a target of female choice that increases the likelihood a female will initially approach a male. Here we show that a behavioral display trait, the maximum height that the tip of the claw reaches during a courtship wave, is a strong correlate of the subsequent likelihood that a female will visit a male's burrow (which is a prerequisite for a burrow mating). We experimentally manipulated claw mass, to test whether there is a trade-off between claw mass and wave height. Males with a metal weight added to their claw showed a large reduction in wave height, whereas control males (plastic added) showed no net change in wave height. There is therefore a trade-off between these two sexually selected traits (claw size and wave display). More importantly, the greater the initial wave height the smaller the subsequent decline in wave height. Assuming that variation in wave height is an index of quality, this variation in the cost-benefit trade-off is consistent with the requirements of a signaling system that conforms to the handicap principle when fitness is the multiplicative product of different fitness components. We conclude by discussing the ongoing difficulties in testing the handicap principle.  相似文献   

It has been assumed that herbivores constitute a selective agent for the evolution of plant resistance. However, few studies have tested this hypothesis. In this study, we look at the annual weed Datura stramonium for evidence of current natural selection for resistance to herbivorous insects. Paternal half-sib families obtained through controlled crosses were exposed to herbivores under natural conditions. The plants were damaged by two folivorous insects: the tobacco flea beetle Epitrix parvula and the grasshopper Sphenarium purpurascens. Selection was estimated using a multiple-regression analysis of plant size and of damage by the two herbivores on plant fitness measured as fruit production for both individual phenotypes and family breeding values (genetic analysis). Directional phenotypic selection was detected for both larger plant size and lower resistance to the flea beetles, whereas stabilizing phenotypic selection was revealed for resistance to S. purpurascens. However, performing the same analyses on the breeding values of the characters revealed directional and stabilizing selection only for plant size. Thus, no agreement existed between the results of the two types of analyses, nor was there any detectable potential for genetic change in the studied population because of selection on herbivore resistance. The narrow-sense heritability of every trait studied was small (all <0.1) and not different from zero. The potential for evolutionary response to natural selection for higher resistance to herbivores in the studied population of D. stramonium is probably limited by lack of genetic variation. Natural selection acts on phenotypes, and the detection of phenotypic selection on resistance to herbivores confirms their ecological importance in determining plant fitness. However, evolutionary inferences based solely on phenotypic selection analyses must be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

Indirect genetics effects (IGEs)—when the genotype of one individual affects the phenotypic expression of a trait in another—may alter evolutionary trajectories beyond that predicted by standard quantitative genetic theory as a consequence of genotypic evolution of the social environment. For IGEs to occur, the trait of interest must respond to one or more indicator traits in interacting conspecifics. In quantitative genetic models of IGEs, these responses (reaction norms) are termed interaction effect coefficients and are represented by the parameter psi (Ψ). The extent to which Ψ exhibits genetic variation within a population, and may therefore itself evolve, is unknown. Using an experimental evolution approach, we provide evidence for a genetic basis to the phenotypic response caused by IGEs on sexual display traits in Drosophila serrata. We show that evolution of the response is affected by sexual but not natural selection when flies adapt to a novel environment. Our results indicate a further mechanism by which IGEs can alter evolutionary trajectories—the evolution of interaction effects themselves.  相似文献   

The increasing rates of global extinction due to human activities necessitate studies of the ability of organisms to adapt to the new environmental conditions resulting from human disturbances. We investigated the evolutionary adaptation of a microalga to sudden environmental change resulting from exposure to novel toxic chemical residues. A laboratory strain of Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides (Naum.) Kom. and Perm. (Chlorophyceae) was exposed to increasing concentrations of the modern contaminant 2,4,6‐trinitrotoluene (TNT). When algal cultures were exposed to 30 mg·L ? 1 1 Received 9 July 2001. Accepted 23 July 2002.
TNT, massive lysis of microalgal cells was observed. The key to understanding the evolution of microalgae in such a contaminated environment is to characterize the TNT‐resistant variants that appear after the massive lysis of the TNT‐sensitive cells. A fluctuation analysis demonstrated unequivocally that TNT did not facilitate the appearance of TNT‐resistant cells; rather it was found that TNT‐resistant cells appeared spontaneously by rare mutations under nonselective conditions, before exposure to TNT. The estimated mutation rate was 1.4 × 10 ? 5 mutants per cell division. Isolated resistant mutants exhibited a diminished fitness in the absence of TNT. Moreover, the gross photosynthetic rate of TNT‐resistant mutants was significantly lower than that of wild‐type cells. Competition experiments between resistant mutants and wild‐type cells showed that in small populations, the resistant mutants were driven to extinction. The balance between mutation rate and the rate of selective elimination determines the occurrence of about 36 TNT‐resistant mutants per million cells in each generation. These scarce resistant mutants are the guarantee of potential for adaptation.  相似文献   

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