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A phylogenetic analysis of Hormaphidinae is presented based on a total‐evidence approach. Four genes (two mitochondrial, COI and CytB, and two nuclear, EF‐1α and LWO) are combined with 65 morphological and seven biological characters. Sixty‐three hormaphidine species representing three tribes and 36 genera as well as nine outgroups are included. Parsimony and model‐based approaches are used, and several support values and implied weighting schemes are explored to assess clade stability. The monophyly of Hormaphidinae and Nipponaphidini is supported, but Cerataphidini and Hormaphidini are not recovered as monophyletic. Based on the parsimony hypothesis from the total‐evidence analysis, the phylogenetic relationships within Hormaphidinae are discussed. Cerataphidini is re‐delimited to exclude Doraphis and Tsugaphis, and Hormaphidini is redefined to include Doraphis. Ceratocallis Qiao & Zhang is established as a junior synonym of Ceratoglyphina van der Goot, syn. nov. Lithoaphis quercisucta Qiao, Guo & Zhang is transferred to the genus Neohormaphis Noordam as Neohormaphis quercisucta (Qiao, Guo & Zhang) comb. nov. Galls have evolved independently within three tribes of Hormaphidinae. In Cerataphidini, pseudogalls are ancestral, both single‐cavity and multiple‐cavity galls have evolved once, and galls appear to have evolved towards greater complexity. Galling on secondary hosts has evolved twice in hormaphidines.  相似文献   

Molecular techniques provide ancestral phylogenies of extant taxa with estimated branching times. Here we studied the pattern of ancestral phylogeny of extant taxa produced by branching (or cladogenesis) and extinction of taxa, assuming branching processes with time-dependent rates. (1) If the branching rate b and extinction rate c are constant, the semilog plot of the number of ancestral lineages over time is not a straight line but is curvilinear, with increasing slope toward the end, implying that ancestral phylogeny shows apparent increase in the branching rate near the present. The estimate of b and c based on nonlinear fitting is examined by computer simulation. The estimate of branching rate can be usable for a large phylogeny if b is greater than c, but the estimate of extinction rate c is unreliable because of large bias and variance. (2) Gradual decrease in the slope of the semilog plot of the number of ancestral lineages over time, as was observed in a phylogeny of bird families based on DNA hybridization data, can be explained equally well by either the decreasing branching rate or the increasing extinction rate. Infinitely many pairs of branching and extinction rates as functions of time can produce the same ancestral phylogeny. (3) An explosive branching event in the past would appear as a quick increase in the number of ancestral lineages. In contrast, mass extinction occurring in a brief period, if not accompanied by an increase in branching rate, does not produce any rapid change in the number of ancestral lineages at the time. (4) The condition in which the number of ancestral lineages of extant species changes in parallel with the actual number of species in the past is derived.  相似文献   

The cichlid species flock of Lake Tanganyika represents a polyphyletic assemblage of eight ancestral lineages, which colonized the emerging lake independently. Our study is focused on one of these lineages, the Bathybatini, a tribe of specialized piscivorous cichlids of the deep pelagic zone. By analyzing three mtDNA gene segments of all eight species of the tribe and two species of the closely related Trematocarini, we propose on the basis of a linearized tree analysis that the Bathybatini comprise two distinct lineages, the genera Hemibates and Bathybates, that seeded the primary lacustrine Tanganyika radiation independently. The genus Hemibates is likely to represent a distinct lineage that emerged simultaneously with the tribe Trematocarini and the genus Bathybates and should be therefore treated as a distinct tribe. Within the genus Bathybates, B. minor clearly represents the most ancestral split and is likely to have diverged from the remaining species in the course of the primary lacustrine Tanganyika radiation during which also the radiations of the Lamprologini and the H-lineage took place. The remaining large Bathybates species also diversified almost simultaneously and in step with the diversification of other Tanganyikan lineages—the Limnochromini and Cyprichromini—with B. graueri occupying the most ancestral branch, suggesting that these were induced by the same environmental changes. The lack of geographic color morphs suggests that competition and resource partitioning, rather than allopatric speciation, promoted speciation within the genus Bathybates.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Axel Meyer  相似文献   

Here, we provide an exemplar-approach phylogeny of the xystodesmid millipede tribe Apheloriini with a focus on genus-group relationships-particularly of the genus Brachoria. Exemplars for the phylogenetic analysis were chosen to represent the maximum breadth of morphological diversity within all nominal genera in the tribe Apheloriini, and to broadly sample the genus Brachoria. In addition, three closely related tribes were used (Rhysodesmini, Nannariini, and Pachydesmini). Morphological and DNA sequence data were scored for Bayesian inference of phylogeny. Phylogenetic analysis resulted in polyphyletic genera Brachoria and Sigmoria, a monophyletic Apheloriini, and a "southern clade" that contains most of the tribal species diversity. We used this phylogeny to track morphological character histories and reconstruct ancestral states using stochastic character mapping. Based on the findings from the character mapping study, the diagnostic feature of the genus Brachoria, the cingulum, evolved independently in two lineages. We compared our phylogeny against prior classifications using Bayes factor hypothesis-testing and found that our phylogenetic hypothesis is inconsistent with the previous hypotheses underlying the most recent classification. With our preferred total-evidence phylogeny as a framework for taxonomic modifications, we describe a new genus, Appalachioria; supply phylogenetic diagnoses of monophyletic taxa; and provide a phylogeny-based classification for the tribe Apheloriini.  相似文献   

We used phylogenetic and ecological information to study the evolution of host‐plant specialization and colour polymorphism in the genus Timema, which comprises 14 species of walking‐sticks that are subject to strong selection for cryptic coloration on their host‐plants. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that this genus consists of three main lineages. Two of the lineages include highly generalized basal species and relatively specialized distal species, and one of the lineages comprises four specialized species. We tested for phylogenetic conservatism in the traits studied via randomizing host‐plant use, and the four basic Timema colour patterns, across the tips of the phylogeny, and determining if the observed number of inferred changes was significantly low compared to the distribution of numbers of inferred changes expected under the null model. This analysis showed that (1) host‐plant use has evolved nonrandomly, such that more closely related species tend to use similar sets of hosts and (2) colour pattern evolution exhibits considerable lability. Inference of ancestral states using maximum parsimony, under four models for the relative ease of gain and loss of plant hosts or colour morphs, showed that (1) for all models with gains of host‐plants even marginally more difficult than losses, and for most optimizations with gains and losses equally difficult, the ancestral Timema were generalized, feeding on the chaparral plants Ceanothus and Adenostoma and possibly other taxa, and (2) for all models with gains of colour morphs more difficult than losses, the ancestral Timema were polymorphic for colour pattern. Generation of null distributions of inferred ancestral states showed that the maximum‐parsimony inference of host‐plant generalization was most robust for the most speciose of the three main Timema lineages. Ancestral states were also inferred using maximum likelihood, after recoding host‐plant use and colour polymorphism as dichotomous characters. Likelihood analyses provided some support for inference of generalization in host‐plant use at ancestral nodes of the two lineages exhibiting mixtures of generalists and specialists, although levels of uncertainty were high. By contrast, likelihood analysis did not estimate ancestral colour morph patterns with any confidence, due to inferred rates of change that were high with respect to speciation rates. Information from biogeography, floristic history and the timing of diversification of the genus are compatible with patterns of inferred ancestral host‐plant use. Diversification in the genus Timema appears to engender three main processes: (1) increased specialization via loss of host‐plants, (2) retention of the same, single, host‐plant and (3) shifts to novel hosts to which lineages were ‘preadapted’ in colour pattern. Our evidence suggests that the radiation of this genus has involved multiple evolutionary transitions from individual‐level specialization (multiple‐niche polymorphism) to population‐level and species‐level specialization. Ecological studies of Timema suggest that such transitions are driven by diversifying selection for crypsis. This paper provides the first phylogeny‐based evidence for the macroevolutionary importance of predation by generalist natural enemies in the evolution of specialization.  相似文献   

Seabreams are among the most valuable fish, not only for small-scale and semiindustrial fisheries but also for aquaculture throughout the Mediterranean. Nevertheless, their phylogenetic relationships are not at all clear. The current taxonomy is based solely on trophic morphology and rests on the assumption that each trophic type evolved only once from a less specialized ancestral condition. We analyzed a 486-bp segment of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA of all 24 seabream species described for the northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean to elucidate their generic and subfamily-level relationships. Three major mitochondrial lineages, each comprising species of different feeding strategy and dentition, were found that do not agree with the present taxonomic assignments. Most of the investigated genera were resolved paraphyletically, indicating that the structure and arrangement of oral teeth must have repeatedly evolved from a less specialized ancestral condition. Further, the genus Sparus was resolved as distantly related to the genus Pagrus, in that it was assigned to a different major mitochondrial lineage. Oblada melanura was consistently placed within the Diplodus radiation as sister group to Diplodus puntazzo. Our phylogenetic hypothesis thus suggests multiple independent origins of similar trophic specializations within the Sparidae and indicates that the currently recognized three or four subfamilies need to be redefined. Received: 5 October 1999 / Accepted: 9 November 1999  相似文献   

We analyzed phylogenetic relationships among 12 nominal species of starfish in the genera Patiriella and Asterina (Order Valvatida, Family Asterinidae), based on complete sequences for a mitochondrial protein coding gene (cytochrome oxidase subunit I) and five mitochondrial transfer RNA genes (alanine, leucine, asparagine, glutamine, and proline) (1923 bp total). The resulting phylogeny was used to test a series of hypotheses about the evolution of life-history traits. (1) A complex, feeding, planktonic larva is probably ancestral for these starfish, but this is not the most parsimonious reconstruction of ancestral larval states. (2) The feeding larval form was lost at least four times among these species, and three of these losses occurred among members of a single clade. (3) Small adult size evolved before both cases of hermaphroditism and viviparous brooding, but viviparity was not always preceded by an intermediate form of external brooding. (4) An ordered transformation series from feeding planktonic development to viviparous brooding has been predicted for starfish, but we could not find an example of this transformation series. (5) Viviparity evolved recently (< 2 Mya). (6) Both species selection and transformation of lineages may have contributed to the accumulation of species with nonfeeding development among these starfish. (7) Neither Asterina nor Patiriella are monophyletic genera. Larval forms and life-history traits of these starfish have evolved freely under no obvious constraints, contrary to the widely assumed evolutionary conservatism of early development.  相似文献   

The cichlid species flock of Lake Tanganyika is comprised of seven seeding lineages that evolved in step with changes of the lake environment. One seeding lineage diversified into at least six lineages within a short period of time. Our study focuses on the diversification of one of these lineages, the Ectodini, comprising highly specialized, sand- and rock-dwelling species. They display two distinct breeding styles: maternal and biparental mouthbrooding. By analyzing three mtDNA gene segments in 30 species representing all 13 described genera, we show that the Ectodini rapidly diversified into four clades at the onset of their radiation. The monotypic genus Grammatotria is likely to represent the most ancestral split, followed by the almost contemporary origin of three additional clades, the first comprising the benthic genus Callochromis, the second comprising the benthic genera Asprotilapia, Xenotilapia, Enantiopus, and Microdontochromis, and the third comprising the semi-pelagic genera Ophthalmotilapia, Cardiopharynx, Cyathopharynx, Ectodus, Aulonocranus, Lestradea, and Cunningtonia. Our study confirms the benthic and sand-dwelling life-style as ancestral. Rocky habitats were colonized independently in the Xenotilapia- and Ophthalmotilapia-clade. The Xenotilapia-clade comprises both maternal and biparental mouthbrooders. Their mode of breeding appears to be highly plastic: biparental mouthbrooding either evolved once in the common ancestor of the clade, to be reverted at least three times, or evolved at least five times independently from a maternally mouthbrooding ancestor. Furthermore, the genera Xenotilapia, Microdontochromis, Lestradea, and Ophthalmotilapia appeared paraphyletic in our analyses, suggesting the need of taxonomic revision.  相似文献   

Aphids are intimately associated with their host plants. Evolutionary lability of host association is common within heteroecious aphid lineages, whereas our knowledge of host‐use evolution in non‐host‐alternating aphids is limited. In the present study, we construct the first detailed molecular phylogeny of the monoecious aphid tribe Greenideini based on three mitochondrial genes (COI, COII and Cytb) and one nuclear gene (EF), and investigated its history of host association. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenies strongly support the monophyly of Greenideini and most constituent genera. Divergence time estimates and character reconstructions suggest that Greenideini may have originated during the Late Cretaceous to early Paleogene, which accompanies the origin of its ancestral host, members of the family Fagaceae. Colonisation of novel host plants has occurred multiple times during the evolutionary history of Greenideini, thereby leading to current patterns of host association. We suggest that directly shifting to novel hosts, together with expanding host range onto pre‐existing, unused plants, has probably promoted diversification in this tribe.  相似文献   

Although ground squirrels (Spermophilus) and prairie dogs (Cynomys) are among the most intensively studied groups of mammals with respect to their ecology and behavior, a well-resolved phylogeny has not been available to provide a framework for comparative and historical analyses. We used complete mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences to construct a phylogeny that includes all 43 currently recognized species in the two genera, as well as representatives of two closely related genera (Marmota and Ammospermophilus). In addition, divergence times for ground squirrel lineages were estimated using Bayesian techniques that do not assume a molecular clock. All methods of phylogenetic analysis recovered the same major clades, and showed the genus Spermophilus to be paraphyletic with respect to both Marmota and Cynomys. Not only is the phylogeny at odds with previous hypotheses of ground squirrel relationships, but it suggests that convergence in morphology has been a common theme in ground squirrel evolution. A well-supported basal clade, including Ammospermophilus and two species in the subgenus Otospermophilus, diverged from all other ground squirrels an estimated 17.5 million years ago. Between 10 and 14 million years ago, a relatively rapid diversification gave rise to lineages leading to marmots and to several distinct groups of ground squirrels. The Eurasian ground squirrels diverged from their North American relatives during this period, far earlier than previously hypothesized. This period of diversification corresponded to warming climate and spread of grasslands in western North America and Eurasia. Close geographic proximity of related forms suggests that most species evolved in or near their current ranges.  相似文献   

Species of Ophraella, a North American genus of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae), feed variously on eight genera in four tribes of Asteraceae. A phylogenetic analysis, based on morphological features and allozymes, was undertaken to deduce the history of host affiliation within the genus. The two data sets are combined to arrive at a provisional phylogeny of the species, onto which host associations are parsimoniously mapped. Among and within the 12 species studied, at least two shifts are postulated to have occurred among congeneric plant species, five between genera in the same tribe, and four between different tribes of Asteraceae. The phylogeny of Ophraella appears not to be congruent with that of its hosts. This and other evidence indicates that many host shifts in Ophraella postdate the divergence of the host plants, a conclusion that may apply commonly to phytophagous insects. A phenetic analysis of the plants' secondary compounds provides modest support for the hypothesis that host shifts are facilitated by commonalities in plant chemistry. A possible trend in host shifts is evident, from chemically simpler to chemically more forbidding plants. The chemical barriers to host shifts in Ophraella appear to require adaptation in both behavior and in physiological attributes. There is no evidence that the host associations of these insects or the divergence in secondary chemistry of their hosts can be attributed to coevolution.  相似文献   

Evolutionary and ecological hypotheses of the freshwater mussel subfamily Ambleminae are intensely geographically biased—a consequence of the complete exclusion of Mesoamerican taxa in phylogenetic reconstructions of the clade. We set out to integrate a portion of the Mesoamerican freshwater mussel assemblage into existing hypotheses of amblemine classification and evolution by generating a molecular phylogeny that includes four previously unsampled Mesoamerican genera and nine species endemic to that region. Given the traditionally hypothesized affinity to Nearctic mussels and the understanding that classification should reflect common ancestry, we predicted that (a) Mesoamerican genera would be recovered as members of the recognized tribes of the Ambleminae, and (b) genera would be supported as monophyletic. The mutilocus phylogeny (COI + 28S + 16S) reported herein does not fully support either of those hypotheses. Neither Cyrtonaias nor Psorula were supported as monophyletic and we predict several other Mesoamerica genera are also non‐monophyletic. The reconstructed phylogeny recovered four independent lineages of Mesoamerican freshwater mussels and these clades are distributed across the phylogeny of the Ambleminae, including the tribe Quadrulini (Megalonaias), Lampsilini (two lineages: Cyrtonaias explicata/Sphenonaias microdon, and Pachynaias), and a previously unrecognized, exclusively Mesoamerican and Rio Grande clade consisting of the genera Psoronaias, Psorula and Popenaias. The latter clade possesses several morphological characteristics that distinguish it from its sister taxon, tribe Lampsilini, and we recognize this newly identified Mesoamerican clade as a fifth tribe of the Ambleminae attributable to the Popenaiadini Heard & Guckert, 1970. This revised classification more completely recognizes the suprageneric diversity of the Ambleminae.  相似文献   

The well-delimited and evolutionary interesting tropical shrub group, the Lisianthius skinneri (Gentianaceae) species complex, was analyzed for variation in nuclear ribosomal DNA and chloroplast DNA by restriction endonuclease fragment analysis. A most parsimonious tree using variations in both DNAs was constructed for seven populations in the group by including an appropriate outgroup. This phylogeny is significantly more compatible with the DNA data than most, but not all, less parsimonious phylogenies. At least two distinct lineages have independently evolved geographically restricted, cloud forest species from the putative ancestral, widespread, and lower elevation L. skinneri. Lisianthius skinneri itself is shown to be paraphyletic with populations derived separately from the two distinct lineages. Except for a switch in the placement of two populations, this DNA-based phylogeny is congruent with an isozyme-based Wagner network depicting relationships in the species complex. Relative rates of divergence, in terms of nuclear ribosomal DNA, chloroplast DNA, isozymes, and morphology, differ markedly within and between lineages. The non-transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA is shown to evolve in a manner that is not in accord with a molecular clock hypothesis. Small population sizes, restricted and isolated nature of populations, and probable founder events are suggested as instrumental in causing this lack of concerted divergence within and between lineages of the L. skinneri species complex.  相似文献   

Aphids of the tribe Eriosomatini are typically associated with the tree genera Ulmus and Zelkova as the primary host, on which they induce several types of leaf gall. To elucidate evolutionary changes in the aphid–host associations and gall morphology, phylogenetic relationships were inferred using 36 species (28 in the ingroup) and based on 52 morphological characters. Phylogenetic analysis with equal character weighting led to hundreds of most‐parsimonious trees, and the strict consensus of these was poorly resolved. However, the successive weighting of characters yielded three most‐parsimonious trees. The strict consensus of these supported the monophyly of the Eriosomatini and the monophyly of most genera. Reconstruction of the aphid–host associations on the consensus tree indicated that the ancestral Eriosomatini were associated with Zelkova and that the association with Ulmus evolved twice independently. Ancestral reconstruction suggests that galls of the leaf‐roll type are ancestral to those of the completely and incompletely closed pouch type, and that each type of pouch galls evolved independently. It is suggested that despite early diversification of the Eriosomatini on Zelkova species, Zelkova‐associated eriosomatines had become extinct or survived as relict parthenogens on the secondary host due to the elimination of Zelkova in most regions since the late Tertiary. In contrast, two large genera in the Eriosomatini, Eriosoma and Tetraneura, are associated with the largest elm section Ulmus whose elements are distributed widely in Eurasia, including boreal regions. Therefore, the available evidence suggests that the present species diversity and distribution patterns of the eriosomatines have been largely affected by the diversification and extinction of their host plants during the late Tertiary and Quaternary.  相似文献   

Using sequences from the plastid trnL-F region and nrDNA ITS, we investigated the phylogeny of the fleshy-fruited African tribe Haemantheae of the Amaryllidaceae across 19 species representing all genera of the tribe. ITS and a combined matrix produce the most resolute and well-supported tree with parsimony analysis. Two main clades are resolved, one comprising the monophyletic rhizomatous genera Clivia and Cryptostephanus, and a larger clade that unites Haemanthus and Scadoxus as sister genera to an Apodolirion/Gethyllis subclade. One of four included Gethyllis species, G. lanuginosa, resolves as sister to Apodolirion with ITS. Relationships among the Clivia species are not in agreement with a previous published phylogeny. Biogeographic analysis using the divergence/vicariance method roots the tribe in Eastern South Africa, with several subsequent dispersals to the winter rainfall Western Cape region. Chromosomal change from an ancestral 2n=22 (characteristic of Clivia) is associated with each main clade. Reduction in number has occurred in all but Cryptostephanus, which has 2n=24 chromosomes. Increasing the sampling across all of the species in the tribe will allow a more detailed understanding of the biogeographic patterns inherent in the parsimony topology, which undoubtedly reflect Quaternary climatic changes in Southern Africa.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Pooideae, one of the largest subfamilies of grasses, has been intensively studied during the past years. To investigate the early evolutionary splits in Pooideae we used a broad sample of genera with uncertain placement, some of which have not been studied in molecular phylogenetics before, complemented by representatives from other lineages of this subfamily. Morphological, cytogenetic and biogeographical analyses were added to the molecular sequence work on chloroplast matK–3’trnK and nuclear ITS. According to chloroplast DNA data, a new and well-supported lineage was identified among the early branches. It consisted of Phaenosperma and a larger group of genera encompassing Anisopogon, Danthoniastrum, Duthiea, Metcalfia, Pseudodanthonia (inclusion resting on ITS and morphology), Sinochasea and Stephanachne. Based on structural characters we suggest to keep Phaenosperma under the monotypic tribe Phaenospermateae and to accommodate the other genera under a new tribe Duthieeae, which is morphologically well-defined by synapomorphic spikelet features. Megalachne and Podophorus were not part of the early diverging Pooideae lineages but belong to the Aveneae/Poeae complex. Morphological characteristics of Duthieeae are discussed with respect especially to Stipeae and reveal consistent differences between both tribes. The genera of Duthieeae and the major lineages of Stipeae are keyed. A cytogenetic survey of exemplary taxa corroborates high chromosome base numbers as prevailing within the early diverging lineages of Pooideae, but chromosome sizes are more highly varied than previously reported. Ecogeographical analyses point to warm and humid conditions as the ancestral bioclimatic niche of Phaenosperma and Duthieeae, whereas adaptation to cold and drought occurred only in a part of Duthieeae but was obviously less successful than in the widespread and much more species-rich tribe Stipeae. The distribution of Duthieeae with species-poor or monotypic genera in mountains of the northern hemisphere and Anisopogon as an outlier in Australia suggests relict character.  相似文献   

Reports of 150 original chromosome counts are recorded, including reports of 22 genera and 57 species and subspecific taxa in tribe Lactuceae. Also included are first reports for 12 specific or subspecific taxa. x = 9 appears to be the ancestral base of the tribe. Chromosome numbers are known for over 85% of the genera of the tribe and the frequency of polyploidy is ca. 23%, which is about one-half that of the angiosperms.  相似文献   

Abstract —Environmental heterogeneity in the tropics is thought to lead to specialization in plants and thereby contribute to the diversity of the tropical flora. We examine this idea with data on the habitat specificity of 35 western Amazonian species from the genera Protium, Crepidospermum, and Tetragastris in the monophyletic tribe Protieae (Burseraceae) mapped on a molecular‐based phylogeny. We surveyed three edaphic habitats that occur throughout terra firme Amazonia: white‐sand, clay, and terrace soils in eight forests across more than 2000 km in the western Amazon. Twenty‐six of the 35 species were found to be associated with only one of three soil types, and no species was associated with all three habitats; this pattern of edaphic specialization was consistent across the entire region. Habitat association mapped onto the phylogenetic tree shows association with terrace soils to be the probable ancestral state in the group, with subsequent speciation events onto clay and white‐sand soils. The repeated gain of clay association within the clade likely coincides with the emergence of large areas of clay soils in the Miocene deposited during the Andean uplift. Character optimizations revealed that soil association was not phylogenetically clustered for white‐sand and clay specialists, suggesting repeated independent evolution of soil specificity is common within the Protieae. This phylogenetic analysis also showed that multiple cases of putative sister taxa with parapatric distributions differ in their edaphic associations, suggesting that edaphic heterogeneity was an important driver of speciation in the Protieae in the Amazon basin.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the family Rivulidae (order Cyprinodontiformes) are investigated using 1972 aligned base pairs of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for samples representing 66 species. Genes analyzed include those encoding the 12S ribosomal RNA; transfer RNAs for valine, glutamine, methionine, tryptophan, alanine, asparagine, cysteine, and tyrosine; complete NADH dehydrogenase subunit II; and part of cytochrome oxidase I. Parsimony analysis of the aligned mtDNA sequences results in a single most parsimonious tree. The phylogeny reveals two independent origins of developmental diapause within the family Rivulidae. It is unlikely that diapause evolved de novo in each group, suggesting that the presence or absence of diapause is the result of developmental switches between alternative stabilized pathways. Phylogeny of the family Rivulidae shows high concordance with predictions derived from the geological history of South America and Central America. Basal lineages in the rivulid phylogeny are distributed primarily on geologically old areas, whereas more nested lineages occur in geologically younger areas. However, there is little concordance between the molecular phylogeny and currently available morphological hypotheses and existing taxonomies. Based on the mtDNA phylogeny, the genera Pterolebias, Rivulus, Pituna, and Plesiolebias are considered nonmonophyletic and warrant taxonomic reassessment.  相似文献   

The aphid subfamily Hormaphidinae is a good candidate for the study of the evolution of insect – plant relationships. Most hormaphidine species depend on woody primary host plants and woody or herbaceous secondary host plants, and represent high host specificity, especially to their primary hosts. No detailed molecular phylogeny of Hormaphidinae has been reported, and the taxonomic positions of some taxa in this group remain unclear. To reconstruct major phylogenetic relationships and to understand the evolution of host association patterns for major lineages, we present the first detailed molecular phylogeny of Hormaphidinae, as inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods. The monophyly of Hormaphidinae and its three traditional tribes was supported, and a sister relationship between Hormaphidini and Nipponaphidini was suggested. Most inner relationships within tribes were also supported, and some novel relationships were revealed. Two subtribes of Cerataphidini are proposed. Divergence times estimated using a Bayesian approach indicate that tribal diversifications occurred during the Late Cretaceous and were coincident with the appearance of their primary host plants. The current pattern of secondary host association for the three tribes may have evolved in different time ranges. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 73–87.  相似文献   

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