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Cells have to maintain stable plasma membrane protein and lipid compositions under normal conditions and to remodel their plasma membranes in response to stimuli. This maintenance and remodeling require that integral membrane proteins at the plasma membrane that become misfolded, because of the relatively harsher extracellular milieu or carbohydrate and amino acid sequence changes, are degraded. We had previously shown that Derlin proteins, required for quality control mechanisms in the endoplasmic reticulum, also localize to endosomes and function in the degradation of misfolded integral membrane proteins at the plasma membrane. In this study, we show that Derlin proteins physically associate with sorting nexins that function in retrograde membrane transport from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus. Using genetic studies in Caenorhabditis elegans and ricin pulse-chase analyses in murine RAW264.7 macrophages, we show that the Derlin-sorting nexin interaction is physiologically relevant. Our studies suggest that at least some integral membrane proteins that are misfolded at the plasma membrane are retrogradely transported to the Golgi apparatus and ultimately to the endoplasmic reticulum for degradation via resident quality control mechanisms.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that although cholera toxin (CT) is found in detergent-insoluble domains/rafts at the cell surface of cultured hippocampal neurons, it is internalized via a raft-independent mechanism. Thus, cholesterol depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD) did not affect the rate of CT internalization from the plasma membrane, but did affect the rate of CT degradation, which occurs in lysosomes. In the current study, we analyze which step of CT intracellular transport is inhibited by MbetaCD. Whereas pre-incubation with MbetaCD completely blocked CT degradation, it had no effect on the degradation of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) or bovine serum albumin (BSA), which are internalized by receptor-mediated and fluid phase endocytosis, respectively. Brefeldin A also completely blocked CT degradation but had no effect on WGA or BSA degradation. In contrast, MbetaCD did not affect CT degradation, or CT-mediated cAMP generation, when added to neurons after CT had been transported to the Golgi apparatus. We conclude that CT transport from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus is cholesterol-dependent, whereas CT transport from the Golgi apparatus to lysosomes is cholesterol-independent.  相似文献   

Several GTPases of the Rab family, known to be regulators of membrane traffic between organelles, have been described and localized to various intracellular compartments. Rab11 has previously been reported to be associated with the pericentriolar recycling compartment, post-Golgi vesicles, and the trans-Golgi network (TGN). We compared the effect of overexpression of wild-type and mutant forms of Rab11 on the different intracellular transport steps in the endocytic/degradative and the biosynthetic/exocytic pathways in HeLa cells. We also studied transport from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus using the Shiga toxin B subunit (STxB) and TGN38 as reporter molecules. Overexpression of both Rab11 wild-type (Rab11wt) and mutants altered the localization of the transferrrin receptor (TfR), internalized Tf, the STxB, and TGN38. In cells overexpressing Rab11wt and in a GTPase-deficient Rab11 mutant (Rab11Q70L), these proteins were found in vesicles showing characteristics of sorting endosomes lacking cellubrevin (Cb). In contrast, they were redistributed into an extended tubular network, together with Cb, in cells overexpressing a dominant negative mutant of Rab11 (Rab11S25N). This tubularized compartment was not accessible to Tf internalized at temperatures <20 degrees C, suggesting that it is of recycling endosomal origin. Overexpression of Rab11wt, Rab11Q70L, and Rab11S25N also inhibited STxB and TGN38 transport from endosomes to the TGN. These results suggest that Rab11 influences endosome to TGN trafficking primarily by regulating membrane distribution inside the early endosomal pathway.  相似文献   

A subset of intracellular transmembrane proteins such as acid-hydrolase receptors, processing peptidases and SNAREs, as well as extracellular protein toxins such as Shiga toxin and ricin, undergoes 'retrograde' transport from endosomes to the trans-Golgi network. Here, we discuss recent studies that have begun to unravel the molecular machinery that is involved in this process. We also propose a central role for a 'tubular endosomal network' in sorting to recycling pathways that lead not only to the trans-Golgi network but also to different plasma-membrane domains and to specialized storage vesicles.  相似文献   

Small GTPases of the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) family, except for ARF6, mainly localize to the Golgi apparatus, where they trigger formation of coated carrier vesicles. We recently showed that class I ARFs (ARF1 and ARF3) localize to recycling endosomes, as well as to the Golgi, and are redundantly required for recycling of endocytosed transferrin. On the other hand, the roles of class II ARFs (ARF4 and ARF5) are not yet fully understood, and the complementary or overlapping functions of class I and class II ARFs have been poorly characterized. In this study, we find that simultaneous depletion of ARF1 and ARF4 induces extensive tubulation of recycling endosomes. Moreover, the depletion of ARF1 and ARF4 inhibits retrograde transport of TGN38 and mannose-6-phosphate receptor from early/recycling endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) but does not affect the endocytic/recycling pathway of transferrin receptor or inhibit retrograde transport of CD4-furin from late endosomes to the TGN. These observations indicate that the ARF1+ARF4 and ARF1+ARF3 pairs are both required for integrity of recycling endosomes but are involved in distinct transport pathways: the former pair regulates retrograde transport from endosomes to the TGN, whereas the latter is required for the transferrin recycling pathway from endosomes to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Semliki forest virus (SFV) is internalized by clathrin-mediated endocytosis, and transported via early endosomes to late endosomes and lysosomes. The intracellular pathway taken by individual fluorescently labeled SFV particles was followed using immunofluorescence in untransfected cells, and by video-enhanced, triple-color fluorescence microscopy in live cells transfected with GFP- and RFP-tagged Rab5, Rab7, Rab4, and Arf1. The viruses progressed from Rab5-positive early endosomes to a population of early endosomes (about 10% of total) that contained both Rab5 and Rab7. SFV were sequestered in the Rab7 domains, and they were sorted away from the early endosomes when these domains detached as separate transport carriers devoid of Rab5, Rab4, EEA1, Arf1, and transferrin. The process was independent of Arf1 and the acidic pH in early endosomes. Nocodazole treatment showed that the release of transport carriers was assisted by microtubules. Expression of constitutively inactive Rab7T22N resulted in accumulation of SFV in early endosomes. We concluded that Rab7 is recruited to early endosomes, where it forms distinct domains that mediate cargo sorting as well as the formation of late-endosome-targeted transport vesicles.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi were labeled by green fluorescent protein chimeras and observed by time-lapse confocal microscopy during the rapid cell cycles of sea urchin embryos. The ER undergoes a cyclical microtubule-dependent accumulation at the mitotic poles and by photobleaching experiments remains continuous through the cell cycle. Finger-like indentations of the nuclear envelope near the mitotic poles appear 2-3 min before the permeability barrier of the nuclear envelope begins to change. This permeability change in turn is approximately 30 s before nuclear envelope breakdown. During interphase, there are many scattered, disconnected Golgi stacks throughout the cytoplasm, which appear as 1- to 2-microm fluorescent spots. The number of Golgi spots begins to decline soon after nuclear envelope breakdown, reaches a minimum soon after cytokinesis, and then rapidly increases. At higher magnification, smaller spots are seen, along with increased fluorescence in the ER. Quantitative measurements, along with nocodazole and photobleaching experiments, are consistent with a redistribution of some of the Golgi to the ER during mitosis. The scattered Golgi coalesce into a single large aggregate during the interphase after the ninth embryonic cleavage; this is likely to be preparatory for secretion of the hatching enzyme during the following cleavage cycle.  相似文献   

Endocytosed Shiga toxin is transported from the Golgi complex to the endoplasmic reticulum in butyric acid-treated A431 cells. We here examine the extent of this retrograde transport and its regulation. The short B fragment of Shiga toxin is sufficient for transport to the ER. The B fragment of cholera toxin, which also binds to glycolipids, is transported to all the Golgi cisterns, but cannot be localized in the ER even after butyric acid treatment. Under all conditions the toxic protein ricin was found predominantly in the trans-Golgi network. There is no transport of endocytosed fluid to the Golgi apparatus or to the ER even after butyric acid treatment and in the presence of Shiga toxin, indicating that transport to the ER, through the trans-Golgi network and the cisterns of the Golgi apparatus, involves several sorting stations. Since Shiga toxin receptors (Gb3) in butyric acid- treated A431 cells seem to have a ceramide moiety with longer fatty acids than in untreated cells, the possibility exists that fatty acid composition of the receptor is important for sorting to the ER. Both retrograde transport and intoxication with Shiga toxin can also be induced by cAMP, supporting the idea that retrograde transport from the Golgi to the ER is required for intoxication. The data suggest that transport to the ER in cells in situ may depend on fatty acid composition and is regulated by physiological signals.  相似文献   

It is unclear whether the mammalian Golgi apparatus can form de novo from the ER or whether it requires a preassembled Golgi matrix. As a test, we assayed Golgi reassembly after forced redistribution of Golgi matrix proteins into the ER. Two conditions were used. In one, ER redistribution was achieved using a combination of brefeldin A (BFA) to cause Golgi collapse and H89 to block ER export. Unlike brefeldin A alone, which leaves matrix proteins in relatively large remnant structures outside the ER, the addition of H89 to BFA-treated cells caused ER accumulation of all Golgi markers tested. In the other, clofibrate treatment induced ER redistribution of matrix and nonmatrix proteins. Significantly, Golgi reassembly after either treatment was robust, implying that the Golgi has the capacity to form de novo from the ER. Furthermore, matrix proteins reemerged from the ER with faster ER exit rates. This, together with the sensitivity of BFA remnants to ER export blockade, suggests that presence of matrix proteins in BFA remnants is due to cycling via the ER and preferential ER export rather than their stable assembly in a matrix outside the ER. In summary, the Golgi apparatus appears capable of efficient self-assembly.  相似文献   

The transport and sorting of soluble and membrane-associated macromolecules arriving at endosomal compartments require a complex set of Rab proteins. Rab22a has been localized to the endocytic compartment; however, very little is known about the function of Rab22a and inconsistent results have been reported in studies performed in different cell lines. To characterize the function of Rab22a in endocytic transport, the wild-type protein (Rab22a WT), a hydrolysis-deficient mutant (Rab22a Q64L), and a mutant with reduced affinity for GTP (Rab22a S19N) were expressed in CHO cells. None of the three Rab22a constructs affected the transport of rhodamine-dextran to lysosomes, the digestion of internalized proteins, or the lysosomal localization of cathepsin D. In contrast with the mild effect of Rab22a on the endosome-lysosome route, cells expressing Rab22a WT and Rab22a Q64L presented a strong delay in the retrograde transport of cholera toxin from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus. Moreover, these cells accumulated the cation independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor in endosomes. These observations indicate that Rab22a can affect the trafficking from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus probably by promoting fusion among endosomes and impairing the proper segregation of membrane domains required for targeting to the trans-Golgi network (TGN).  相似文献   

Late endosomes derive from early endosomes by maturation.   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Endocytosed proteins destined for degradation in lysosomes are targeted mainly to early endosomes following uptake. Late endosomes are the major site for entry of newly synthesized lysosomal hydrolases via the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor into the degradative pathway. No consensus exists as to the mechanism of transport from early to late endosomes. We used asialoorosomucoid and transferrin to label selected parts of the degradative and receptor-recycling pathways, respectively, in the human hepatoma cell line HepG2. Intracellular mixing of sequentially endocytosed 125I- and HRP-labeled ligands was monitored by using 3,3'-diaminobenzidine-mediated density perturbation. The entire endocytic pathway of asialoorosomucoid, except for the lysosomes, remained fully accessible to subsequently endocytosed transferrin conjugated to HRP with unchanged kinetics. These results together with immunoelectron microscopic data support a model in which early endosomes gradually mature into late endosomes.  相似文献   

Batoko H  Zheng HQ  Hawes C  Moore I 《The Plant cell》2000,12(11):2201-2218
We describe a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based assay for investigating membrane traffic on the secretory pathway in plants. Expression of AtRab1b(N121I), predicted to be a dominant inhibitory mutant of the Arabidopsis Rab GTPase AtRab1b, resulted in accumulation of a secreted GFP marker in an intracellular reticulate compartment reminiscent of the endoplasmic reticulum. This accumulation was alleviated by coexpressing wild-type AtRab1b but not AtRab8c. When a Golgi-targeted and N-glycosylated variant of GFP was coexpressed with AtRab1b(N121I), the variant also accumulated in a reticulate network and an endoglycosidase H-sensitive population appeared. Unexpectedly, expression of AtRab1b(N121I), but not of the wild-type AtRab1b, resulted in a reduction or cessation of vectorial Golgi movement, an effect that was reversed by coexpression of the wild type. We conclude that AtRab1b function is required for transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus and suggest that this process may be coupled to the control of Golgi movement.  相似文献   

We have shown recently that isoproterenol affects both the cellular location and the morphology of late endosomes in a pH-dependent manner [Marjom?ki et al., Eur. J. Cell Biol. 65, 1-13 (1994)]. In this study, using fluorescence and quantitative electron microscopy, we wanted to examine further what is the fate of internalized markers during their translocation from early to late endosomes under isoproterenol treatment. Fluorescein dextran internalized for 30 min (10-min pulse followed by a 20-min chase) showed accumulation in the cellular periphery during isoproterenol treatment in contrast to the control cells, which accumulated dextran in the perinuclear region. Quantitative electron microscopy showed that the markers accumulated in the early endosomes and putative carrier vesicles. In addition, different particulate markers that were internalized sequentially accumulated in similar structures due to the isoproterenol treatment, altogether suggesting that isoproterenol retards the translocation of markers to the later structures. Prelabelling of the late endosomes with fluorescent dextran or BSA-coated gold particles showed that isoproterenol causes a reduction of the mean size of the prelabelled late endosomes as well as a shift of these vesicles to the cellular periphery. Isoproterenol had no apparent effect on the morphology nor on the location of lysosomes. Percoll fractionation showed that the changes in late endosomal location and morphology did not change their characteristic density. Furthermore, electron microscopy showed that, in the cellular periphery, these late endosomal elements did not fuse with early endosomal structures, which is in agreement with the results of biochemical in vitro cell-free assays carried out by others. In conclusion, the results show that isoproterenol inhibits transport from early to late endosomes in a manner that may be pH- and/or Ca(2+)-dependent. Simultaneously, isoproterenol causes fragmentation of the late endosomal compartment and the shift of these fragments to the cellular periphery, where they have a restricted ability to fuse with earlier endosomal structures.  相似文献   

A more complete picture of the molecules that are critical for the organization of membrane compartments is beginning to emerge through the characterization of proteins in the vesicle-associated membrane protein (also called synaptobrevin) family of membrane trafficking proteins. To better understand the mechanisms of membrane trafficking within the endocytic pathway, we generated a series of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against the cytoplasmic domain of vesicle-associated membrane protein 7 (VAMP-7). The antibodies recognize a 25-kD membrane-associated protein in multiple tissues and cell lines. Immunohistochemical analysis reveals colocalization with a marker of late endosomes and lysosomes, lysosome-associated membrane protein 1 (LAMP-1), but not with other membrane markers, including p115 and transferrin receptor. Treatment with nocodozole or brefeldin A does not disrupt the colocalization of VAMP-7 and LAMP-1. Immunoelectron microscopy analysis shows that VAMP-7 is most concentrated in the trans-Golgi network region of the cell as well as late endosomes and transport vesicles that do not contain the mannose-6 phosphate receptor. In streptolysin- O-permeabilized cells, antibodies against VAMP-7 inhibit the breakdown of epidermal growth factor but not the recycling of transferrin. These data are consistent with a role for VAMP-7 in the vesicular transport of proteins from the early endosome to the lysosome.  相似文献   

Retrograde transport pathways from early/recycling endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) are poorly defined. We have investigated the role of TGN golgins in retrograde trafficking. Of the four TGN golgins, p230/golgin-245, golgin-97, GCC185, and GCC88, we show that GCC88 defines a retrograde transport pathway from early endosomes to the TGN. Depletion of GCC88 in HeLa cells by interference RNA resulted in a block in plasma membrane-TGN recycling of two cargo proteins, TGN38 and a CD8 mannose-6-phosphate receptor cytoplasmic tail fusion protein. In GCC88-depleted cells, cargo recycling was blocked in the early endosome. Depletion of GCC88 dramatically altered the TGN localization of the t-SNARE syntaxin 6, a syntaxin required for endosome to TGN transport. Furthermore, the transport block in GCC88-depleted cells was rescued by syntaxin 6 overexpression. Internalized Shiga toxin was efficiently transported from endosomes to the Golgi of GCC88-depleted cells, indicating that Shiga toxin and TGN38 are internalized by distinct retrograde transport pathways. These findings have identified an essential role for GCC88 in the localization of TGN fusion machinery for transport from early endosomes to the TGN, and they have allowed the identification of a retrograde pathway which differentially selects TGN38 and mannose-6-phosphate receptor from Shiga toxin.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of casein. Role of the golgi apparatus   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

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