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Abstract Seed germination is dependent on the interaction between the dormancy state of a seed and the presence of favourable environmental conditions. Thus, the spectacular pulse of seedling recruitment in many Australian vegetation communities following disturbances such as fire can be attributed to changes in microsite conditions and/or the dormancy‐breaking effect of the disturbance on accumulated seed banks. Grevillea rivularis is a threatened species endemic to the area immediately above Carrington Falls in the NSW Southern Highlands. Most of the population is confined to the riparian vegetation zone in woodland and heath, and is therefore subject to periodic disturbance from fire and flood. For this species, a pulse of seedling recruitment has been recorded after fire, flood and mechanical soil disturbance. The aims of this study were to examine the density and vertical distribution of the soil‐stored seed bank and to investigate the role of heat and scarification as cues for germination of fresh and soil‐stored seed. There was a large seed bank under the canopies of established individuals (194 ± 73 seeds m?2) and most seeds were found in the 0–2 cm and leaf‐litter layers of the soil profile. The germination response of soil‐stored and fresh seed was examined using a hierarchical series of laboratory experiments. Seeds of G. rivularis showed marked dormancy polymorphism. Thirty‐six percent of soil‐stored seed germinated without treatment, whereas no untreated fresh seeds germinated. Scarification or heating caused significant germination of dormant soil‐stored seed, but only scarification resulted in germination of dormant fresh seeds. These results highlight important differences in the dormancy state of soil‐stored and fresh seed. Thus, being a riparian species in a fire‐prone environment, the dormancy mechanisms in seeds of G. rivularis suit this species to disturbance by both fire and flood.  相似文献   

Abstract Fire-triggered release from seed dormancy is a characteristic of many Australian plant species. We investigated aspects of the seed-bank dynamics and dormancy characteristics in seeds of Grevillea barklyana, an understorey shrub of coastal sclerophyll vegetation in the Jervis Bay Region on the south coast of New South Wales. We used two soil core sizes to compare the number and distribution of stored seeds in soil cores taken from underneath and outside the limits of plant canopies at three study sites. Core size did not affect the estimate of seed density. No seeds were found outside the existing canopies. Even in under-canopy samples, seed numbers were small. Mean seed densities were estimated as 10. 9, 14. 1 and 4. 3 seeds per for the three sites. A hierarchical series of laboratory experiments was used to test the germination response of both fresh and soil-stored seeds. Likewise, we attempted to simulate ‘natural’ disturbance conditions in a glasshouse experiment. Both laboratory and glasshouse experiments indicated polymorphism in germination behaviour. A constant proportion of seeds exhibited enforced dormancy, when moist at room temperature, while a smaller number of seeds showed either an induced dormancy or a non-seed-coat linked innate dormancy. The majority (75%) of seeds were innately dormant due to a hard seed-coat. This dormancy was broken when the seed-coat was damaged, for instance, by heat. The level of polymorphic germination behaviour will be dependent on the length of the inter-fire periods. We conclude that the expression of polymorphism within and between species across a range of environments and fire regimes is an important consideration for any further study attempting to assess the role of the seed-bank.  相似文献   

The pattern of accumulation of genetic variation over time in seed banks is poorly understood. We examined the genetic structure of the aerial seed bank of Banksia hookeriana within a single 15-year-old population in fire-prone southwestern Australia, and compared genetic variation between adults and each year of a 9-year-old seed bank using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). B. hookeriana is well suited to the study of seed bank dynamics due to the canopy storage of its seeds, and because each annual crop can be identified. A total of 304 seeds from nine crop years and five maternal plants were genotyped, along with 113 plants from the adult population. Genetic variation, as assessed by the proportion of polymorphic markers (P(p)) and Shannon's index (I), increased slightly within the seed bank over time, while gene diversity (H(j)), did not change. P(p), I, and H(j) all indicated that genetic variation within the seed bank quickly approached the maximal level detected. Analysis of molecular variance revealed that less than 4% of variation could be accounted for by variation among seeds produced in different years, whereas there was greater differentiation among maternal plants (12.7%), and among individual seeds produced by different maternal plants (83.4%). With increasing population age, offspring generated each year were slightly more outbred, as indicated by an increase in the mean number of nonmaternal markers per offspring. There were no significant differences for H(j) or I between adults and the seed bank. Viability of seeds decreased with age, such that the viability of 9-year-old seeds was half that of 2-year-old seeds. These results suggest that variable fire frequencies have only limited potential to influence the amount of genetic variation stored within the seed bank of B. hookeriana.  相似文献   

Rare plant species are often restricted to small and/or isolated populations that can have reduced reproductive output and adaptive potential, resulting in an increased probability of extinction. Nevertheless, evolutionary changes might occur in such populations that increase their likelihood of persisting. In Australia, many threatened species from the ecologically important genus Grevillea (Proteaceae) are found in disjunct populations and these often display varied modes of reproduction from sexual to exclusively clonal. Here we use microsatellite markers to show that isolated populations across the entire range of G. repens have developed diverse patterns of genetic variation. The largest population has a relatively low level of genetic variation, one small population displays inbreeding, two populations show evidence of clonal reproduction and two contain both triploids and diploids. The global estimate of F ST was moderately high (0.272) suggesting limited gene flow between populations and historical isolation. These findings indicate that the genetically distinct G. repens populations exhibit very different patterns of genetic variation and we propose that the development of clonality and polyploidy in small or isolated populations may allow persistence but also reduces the effective size of the sexual population. Grevillea repens populations from its eastern and western/western central centres of distribution should be viewed as separate units for conservation management.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

When conserving rare plant species, managers are often faced with small and/or isolated populations displaying low levels of sexual reproduction and genetic variation. One option for reinvigorating these populations is the introduction of genetic material from other sites, but in some cases fitness may be reduced as a result of outbreeding depression. Here the pollination biology of the rare shrub Grevillea repens is studied across its natural range and reproductive responses following cross-pollination among populations are examined to determine factors that may be limiting sexual reproduction and the potential for genetic rescue.


Pollen manipulation treatments (self-, autogamous self-, cross- and open pollination) were applied to flowers to examine the breeding system and fruit and seed production in five populations of G. repens. Pollen production, presentation and viability were investigated and interpopulation crosses of increasing genetic distance performed among the populations.

Key Results

The study species is self-incompatible and displayed very low natural seed set over two seasons, due partly to low pollen viability in one of the populations. Within-population crossing increased fruit and seed production at some sites, indicating pollinator limitation. Interpopulation crosses further increased reproductive output in one population, suggesting mate limitation, and for this site there was a positive relationship between genetic distance among populations and the size of genetic rescue benefits. However, in other populations there was a decrease in fruit and seed set with increasing genetic distance.


The results highlight that management strategies involving interpopulation crosses can improve reproductive output in small, isolated populations of rare plants, but guidelines need to be developed on a population by population basis.Key words: Grevillea repens, Proteaceae, genetic rescue, pollination ecology, self-incompatibility, breeding system, interpopulation cross, outbreeding depression, pollinator limitation, mate limitation, resource limitation  相似文献   

Extensive human impact in south western Australia has resulted in a high incidence of rarity throughout the highly endemic flora of the region. Grevillea scapigera (Proteaceae) is a typical example, with 27 plants (represented by four extant populations) remaining in the wild. In order to devise an appropriate strategy for the conservation of this species, its population genetics were studied using RAPD analysis, which enabled the discrimination of individual plants and the detection of a relatively high amount of variability (V = 0.32) within G. scapigera. This variability was found to be evenly distributed within the plants analysed despite the clear distinction between most populations (87% of the variability being attributable to single plant difference and 13% to population difference). Finally, RAPD analysis was used to select a small group of plants that captured maximum genetic variability to be used in the recovery program of the species. Because of the low genetic difference between populations, the mixing of these selected plants during the recovery process should not create genetic imbalances. The methods used in this study provide a useful model for future projects involving the recovery of rare flora.  相似文献   

England PR  Whelan RJ  Ayre DJ 《Heredity》2003,91(5):475-480
Dispersal in most plants is mediated by the movement of seeds and pollen, which move genes across the landscape differently. Grevillea macleayana is a rare, fire-dependent Australian shrub with large seeds lacking adaptations for dispersal; yet it produces inflorescences adapted to pollination by highly mobile vertebrates (eg birds). Interpreting fine-scale genetic structure in the light of these two processes is confounded by the recent imposition of anthropogenic disturbances with potentially contrasting genetic consequences: (1) the unusual foraging behaviour of exotic honeybees and 2. widespread disturbance of the soil-stored seedbank by road building and quarrying. To test for evidence of fine-scale genetic structure within G. macleayana populations and to test the prediction that such structure might be masked by disturbance of the seed bank, we sampled two sites in undisturbed habitat and compared their genetic structure with two sites that had been strongly affected by road building using a test for spatial autocorrelation of genotypes. High selfing levels inferred from genotypes at all four sites implies that pollen dispersal is limited. Consistent with this, we observed substantial spatial clustering of genes at 10 m or less in the two undisturbed populations and argue that this reflects the predicted effects of both high selfing levels and limited seed dispersal. In contrast, at the two sites disturbed by road building, spatial autocorrelation was weak. This suggests there has been mixing of the seed bank, counteracting the naturally low dispersal and elevated selfing due to honeybees. Pollination between near neighbours with reduced relatedness potentially has fitness consequences for G. macleayana in disturbed sites.  相似文献   

1. Fig trees require host‐specific agaonid fig wasps for pollination, but their figs also support numerous non‐pollinating fig wasps (NPFW) that gall fig tissues or develop as parasitoids. 2. Ficus microcarpa L. is widely naturalised outside its native range and the most invasive fig tree species. Seed predators are widely used for the biological control of invasive plants, but no obligate seed predatory (as opposed to ovule or fig wall galling) NPFW have been recorded previously from any fig trees. 3. Philotrypesis NPFW are usually regarded as parasitoids or ‘inquilines’ (parasitoids that also eat plant material) of pollinator fig wasps, but the present study provides evidence that Philotrypesis taiwanensis, a NPFW associated with F. microcarpa, is an obligate seed predator: (i) adults emerge from seeds of typical appearance, with a surrounding elaiosome; (ii) it shows no preference for figs occupied by fig wasp species, other than the pollinator; (iii) it only develops in figs that contain pollinated ovules, avoiding figs occupied by an agaonid that fails to pollinate; (iv) larvae are distributed in layers where seeds are concentrated and (v) it has a negative impact on seed but not pollinator offspring numbers. 4. Philotrypesis is a large genus, and further species are likely to be seed predators.  相似文献   

Deveny AJ  Fox LR 《Oecologia》2006,150(1):69-77
Interactions between herbivores and seed predators may have long-term consequences for plant populations that rely on persistent seed banks for recovery after unpredictable fires. We assessed the effects of browsing by deer and seed predation by rodents, ants and birds on the densities of seeds entering the seed bank of Ceanothus cuneatus var. rigidus, a maritime chaparral shrub in coastal California. Ceanothus produced many more seeds when protected from browsers in long-term experimental exclosures than did browsed plants, but the seed densities in the soil beneath browsed and unbrowsed Ceanothus were the same at the start of an intensive one-year study. The density of seeds in the soil initially increased in both treatments following summer seed drop: while densities returned to pre-drop levels within a few weeks under browsed plants, soil seed densities remained high for 5–8 months beneath unbrowsed plants. Rodent abundance (especially deer mice) was higher near unbrowsed plants than >30 m away, and rodents removed Ceanothus seeds from dishes in the experimental plots. At least in the short term, rodent density and rates of seed removal were inversely related to the intensity of browsing. Our data have management implications for maintaining viable Ceanothus populations by regulating the intensity of browsing and the timing, intensity and frequency of fires.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

Seed banks and sexual reproduction are known to be significant in colonization and re-establishment of some aquatic macrophyte communities. For highly clonal aquatic macrophytes, however, there is a lack of information on seed production and seed fate as compared with annual sexual species. The seed bank for three populations of Vallisneria americana in the Huron-Erie corridor of the Great Lakes was sampled and quantified in the spring of 1994, and related to seed production in the previous season at these sites. Seed deposition rates during 1994 were also assessed. Sites varied in the proportion of plants flowering and in their tertiary sex ratios, but did not differ in seed numbers produced per unit area. The size of the seed bank was not significantly related to the previous season's seed output, and estimates of seed deposition in the following year tended to be approximately tenfold greater than seed densities found in the seed bank. The stages between seed production and subsequent seed germination are generally very dynamic, with dispersal, mortality, and predation as likely regulating factors. The potential for seedling establishment in V. americana needs to be assessed more fully before the role of seeds in population processes can be determined.  相似文献   

濒危植物明党参种子散布和种子库动态研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
对伞形科濒危植物明党参(Changium smyrnioides)的种子生产、散布和种子库动态进行了研究。明党参平均每株产生完好种子132粒,86.36%来自顶生花序,不同生境中个体产生的种子千粒重有差异;其平均1.06m高的花葶在种子散布过程中易倒伏,使种子远离母株;种子散布格局为聚集型;种子库密度随时间逐渐下降。明党参种子产量和不同时期种子库密度均低于同科非濒危植物峨参(Anthriscus sylvestris),2个种的种子库均为非持续型;明党参具有低种子数、大粒种子、种子散布远离母株以减少种内竞争的K对策,在受到人类大量采挖和生境干扰后种群不容易迅速恢复;而峨参采取高种子数、小粒种子、种子近母株密集分布和产生无性系的r对策,种群受干扰后易恢复。  相似文献   

Question: What is the role of dispersal, persistent soil seed banks and seedling recruitment in population persistence of fleshy‐fruited obligate seeding plant species in fire‐prone habitats? Location: Southeastern Australia. Methods: We used a long‐term study of a shrubby, fleshy‐fruited Persoonia species (Proteaceae) to examine (1) seed removal from beneath the canopy of adult plants; (2) seedling recruitment after fire; (3) the magnitude and location of the residual soil seed bank; and (4) the implications for fire management of obligate seeding species. We used demographic sampling techniques combined with Generalised Linear Modelling and regression to quantify population changes over time. Results: Most of the mature fruits (90%) on the ground below the canopy of plants were removed by Wallabia bicolor (Swamp wallaby) with 88% of seeds extracted from W. bicolor scats viable and dormant. Wallabies play an important role in moving seeds away from parent plants. Their role in occasional long distance dispersal events remains unknown. We detected almost no seed predation in situ under canopies (< 1%). Seedling recruitment was cued to fire, with post‐fire seedling densities 6‐7 times pre‐fire adult densities. After fire, a residual soil seed bank was present, as many seeds (77‐100%) remained dormant and viable at a soil depth where successful future seedling emergence is possible (0‐5 cm). Seedling survival was high (> 80%) with most mortality within 2 years of emergence. Plant growth averaged 17 cm per year. The primary juvenile period of plants was 7–8 years, within the period of likely return fire intervals in the study area. We predicted that the study population increased some five‐fold after the wildfire at the site. Conclusions: Residual soil seed banks are important, especially in species with long primary juvenile periods, to buffer the populations against the impact of a second fire occurring before the seed bank is replenished.  相似文献   

Abstract Fire is often used as a management tool in fire‐prone communities to reduce fuel loads with the intention of reducing the severity and extent of unplanned fires, often resulting in the increased occurrence of fire in the dry sclerophyll vegetation of Australia. This study examined the effects of fire frequency (length of the inter‐fire interval) on the reproductive output of seven plant species in the Proteaceae, including obligate seeding shrubs (Hakea teretifolia, Petrophile pulchella), resprouting shrubs (Banksia spinulosa, Isopogon anemonifolius, Lambertia formosa) and resprouting trees (Banksia serrata, Xylomelum pyriforme). Reproductive output (measured as either number of confructescences or follicles) and relative size were estimated for 100 individuals at each of five sample sites, covering a range of past fire frequencies over 26 years including repeated short inter‐fire intervals. Patterns in reproductive output (after standardizing for size) were related to the life‐history attributes of the species. In areas that had experienced short inter‐fire intervals, obligate seeders had greater reproductive output compared with longer intervals, and the reproductive output of resprouting shrubs was less. Fire frequency did not affect reproductive output of the resprouting trees. The decreased reproductive output of the resprouting shrubs could be due to the allocation of resources to regrowth following fire rather than to reproduction. It is less clear what process resulted in the increased reproductive output of obligate seeders in high fire frequency areas, but it could be due to the most recent fires being more patchy in the areas experiencing shorter inter‐fire intervals, or it may have resulted from the selection for early reproduction in the high fire frequency areas. These results highlight the need to take into account past fire frequency at a site, in addition to time since the last fire, when planning prescribed fires.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Grevillea rhizomatosa is a spreading shrub which exhibits multiple breeding strategies within a narrow area in the fire-prone heathlands of eastern Australia. Reproductive strategies include self-compatibility, self-incompatibility and clonality (with and without sterility). The close proximity of contrasting breeding systems provides an opportunity to explore the evolution of sterility and to compare and contrast the origins of genotypic diversity (recombinant or somatic) against degrees of sexual expression.


ISSR markers for 120 band positions (putative loci) were used to compare genetic diversity among five populations at a macro-scale of 5 m between samples (n = 244 shrubs), and at a micro-scale of nearest neighbours for all plants in five 25-m2 quadrats with contrasting fertilities (n = 162 shrubs). Nearest-neighbour sampling included several clusters of connected ramets. Matrix incompatibility (MIC) analyses were used to evaluate the relative contribution of recombination and somatic mutation to genotype diversity.

Key Results

High levels of genotypic diversity were found in all populations regardless of fertilities (fertile populations, G/N ≥ 0·94; sterile populations, G/N ≥ 0·97) and most sterile populations had a unique genetic profile. Somatic mutations were detected along connected ramets in ten out of 42 ramet clusters. MIC analyses showed that somatic mutations have contributed to diversity in all populations and particularly so in sterile populations.


Somatic mutations contribute significantly to gene diversity in sterile populations of Grevillea rhizomatosa, the accumulation of which is the likely cause of male and female sterility. High levels of genetic diversity therefore may not always be synonymous with sexual fitness and genetic health. We hypothesize that frequent fires drive selection for clonal reproduction, at the cost of flowering such that sexual functions are not maintained through selection, and the build-up of somatic mutations in meristems results in high genotype diversity at the cost of pollen and ovule fertilities.  相似文献   

Llorens TM  Ayre DJ  Whelan RJ 《Heredity》2004,92(6):519-526
The genetic effects of population fragmentation cannot be interpreted without understanding the underlying pattern of genetic variation resulting from historic population processes. We used AFLP markers to determine genetic structure and distribution of genetic diversity among populations of an endangered Australian shrub Grevillea caleyi (Proteaceae). Populations that occurred historically on four ridges have new been fragmented to varying degrees, producing some large, relatively pristine populations and very small populations consisting of fewer than 10 adult plants. We found marked population genetic structure (65.9% of genetic variation was among populations) and a significant relationship between genetic and geographic distance (rm=0.564, P=0.004). However, only 14% of overall genetic differentiation was attributable to variation among ridges, compared with 52% among populations within ridges. Moreover, genetic diversity within samples of plants did not vary with either population size or degree of isolation. Thus, the present genetic structure of populations is probably almost entirely the product of historical events. Fine-scale structuring within populations prior to fragmentation may have been caused by limited seed and pollen dispersal, despite a complex suite of (mostly avian) pollinators, and a mixed mating system that allows a large amount of selfing. The combined effects of adult longevity and a soil-stored seed bank may have buffered the recently fragmented populations against the effects of dramatic reductions in numbers of adult plants.  相似文献   

MANNING, J. C. & BRITS, G. J., 1993. Seed coat development in Leucospermum cordifolium (Knight) Fourcade (Proteaceae) and a clarification of the seed covering structures in Proteaceae . The development of the seed coat and pericarp is studied in Leucospermum cordifolium from ovule to mature seed. The ovule and seed are characterized by a tegmic pachychalaza. The pericarp is adnate to the integuments from anthesis and remains unthickened to maturity. The outer integument forms the seed coat and the seed is endotestal: the outer epidermis becomes tanniniferous and the inner epidermis develops into a crystalliferous palisade. The inner integument degenerates at an early stage. Examination of the literature reveals that the crystal palisade layer of the outer integument has been erroneously assumed to constitute an endocarp. This finding indicates that a re-interpretation of all published information on the seed coat in indehiscent Proteaceae is necessary before any speculations on the phylogenetic significance of the seed coat can be entertained.  相似文献   

Current fuel loads and distribution suggest that fire events are infrequent and of a low intensity in the regenerated dry sclerophyll forests of the Victorian box‐ironbark ecosystem. However, many box‐ironbark species possess traits consistent with fire‐cued regeneration. It is unclear the degree to which human disturbance may have altered fire regimes in these forests. The infrequent and low‐intensity fire regime suggested by current fuel dynamics may pose a threat to the persistence of fire‐cued species. Obligate seeders such as those of the Fabaceae and Mimosaceae, common in box‐ironbark understoreys, may be particularly vulnerable if inter‐fire intervals exceed seed longevity. This study used seed burial trials to examine seed dormancy and longevity in five legume species to explore their capacity to regenerate under an infrequent, low‐intensity fire regime. All species displayed dormancy and longevity patterns consistent with other south‐east Australian legumes. Before burial, dormancy levels were high for all species (98–100%). After 3 years, storage under in situ and ex situ conditions, dormancy in Pultenaea prostrata remained at pre‐burial levels with virtually no seed becoming non‐dormant. Over time, some Acacia seed became non‐dormant under both in situ and ex situ storage, with the pattern varying among species. Longevity also varied between species. Variation in the dormancy and longevity patterns observed in these obligate seeder legumes suggests two strategies: (i) releasing a portion of soil‐stored seed from dormancy during the inter‐fire period to permit inter‐fire recruitment; and (ii) retaining most soil‐stored seed as dormant during the inter‐fire interval. Both strategies represent potential weaknesses under a long fire interval regime. The first relies on dormancy release translating to successful recruitment and requires ongoing inter‐fire input into the soil seed bank. The second relies on seed longevity exceeding the inter‐fire interval. Whether either is more suitable to coping with long‐term infrequent fire requires long‐term monitoring.  相似文献   

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