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Models of hybrid zones differ in their assumptions about the relative fitnesses of hybrids and the parental species. These fitness relationships determine the form of selection across the hybrid zone and, along with gene flow, the evolutionary dynamics and eventual outcome of natural hybridization. We measured a component of fitness, export and receipt of pollen in single pollinator visits, for hybrids between the herbaceous plants Ipomopsis aggregata and I. tenuituba and for both parental species. In aviary experiments with captive hummingbirds, hybrid flowers outperformed flowers of both parental species by receiving more pollen on the stigma. Although hummingbirds were more effective at removing pollen from anthers of I. aggregata, hybrid flowers matched both parental species in the amount of pollen exported to stigmas of other flowers. These patterns of pollen transfer led to phenotypic stabilizing selection, during that stage of the life cycle, for a stigma position intermediate between that of the two species and to directional selection for exserted anthers. Pollen transfer between the species was high, with flowers of I. aggregata exporting pollen equally successfully to conspecific and I. tenuituba flowers. Although this study showed that natural hybrids enjoy the highest quality of pollinator visits, a previous study found that I. aggregata receives the highest quantity of pollinator visits. Thus, the relative fitness of hybrids changes over the life cycle. By combining the results of both studies, pollinator-mediated selection in this hybrid zone is predicted to be strong and directional, with hybrid fitness intermediate between that of the parental species.  相似文献   

In the hummingbird-pollinated herb Ipomopsis aggregata, selection through male function during pollination favors wide corolla tubes. We explored the mechanisms behind this selection, using phenotypic selection analysis to compare effects of corolla width on two components of male pollination success, pollinator visit rate and pollen exported per visit. During single visits by captive hummingbirds, flowers with wider corollas exported more pollen, and more dye used as a pollen analogue, to stigmas of recipient flowers. Corolla width was less strongly related to visit rate in the field, and had no direct effect on visit rate after nectar production and corolla length were controlled for. Moreover, the phenotypic selection differential was 80% higher for the effect on pollen exported per visit, suggesting that this is the more important mechanism of selection.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) markers and 12 nuclear (random amplified polymorphic DNA, or RAPD) markers were used to examine the distribution of genetic variation among individuals and the genetic and ecological associations in a hybrid iris population. Plants in the population occurred at various distances from the edge of a bayou in a relatively undisturbed mixed hardwood forest and in an adjacent pasture dominated by herbaceous perennials with interspersed oak and cypress trees. The majority of plants sampled possessed combinations of markers from the different Iris species. Genetic markers diagnostic for Iris fulva and I. brevicaulis occurred at high frequencies, whereas markers diagnostic for I. hexagona were infrequent. For the majority of the nuclear markers, significant levels of cytonuclear disequilibria existed because of intraspecific associations among the markers in both the pasture and the forest. The distribution of nuclear markers among individuals was bimodal; intermediate genotypes were absent and the majority of RAPD markers were associated with their intraspecific cpDNA haplotypes. Strong intraspecific associations existed among RAPD markers in the forest, but associations tended to be weaker in the pasture area. Ecological correlations were detected for all but one of the I. fulva and I. brevicaulis RAPD markers. The ecological associations of hybrids similar to I. brevicaulis resembled associations of I. brevicaulis parental genotypes, suggesting that these hybrid genotypes may be relatively fit in the same habitats. The hybrids similar to I. fulva, however, were distributed in habitats that were unique relative to the parental species. The patterns of genetic and environmental associations along with other available data suggest that (1) only advanced generation hybrids were present in the population; (2) formation of F1 hybrids among Louisiana irises is rare, leading to sporadic formation of hybrid populations; and (3) selection and assortative mating have contributed to the formation of hybrid genotypes that tend to be similar to parental genotypes. The patterns of ecological and genetic associations detected in this population suggest that assortative mating and environmental and viability selection are important in the structuring and maintenance of this hybrid zone.  相似文献   

The phenology of different genotypes and the distribution of genetic variation among flowering plants and their progeny were examined to assess the levels of assortative mating and selection in a hybrid population of Iris. This study and a previous survey of RAPD nuclear markers and chloroplast markers indicate that the population consists of parental genotypes and recombinant hybrid genotypes that are similar to the parental species (I. fulva and I. brevicaulis), although lacking intermediate genotypes. Early in the season only I. fulva genotypes produced flowers, but as flowering in these plants decreased, the hybrid genotypes and I. brevicaulis genotypes began flowering, resulting in a 24-d period of coincidental flowering. The genotypic distribution of seeds produced during the period of flowering overlap contained a high frequency of intermediate genotypes that were not present in the adult generation. The degree of effective assortative mating was examined by comparing the observed progeny genotypic distributions with expected distributions from a mixed-mating model. The model included selfing and random outcrossing to the nearest plants that had pollen-bearing flowers on the day the recipient flower was receptive. The observed genotypic distribution of progeny from plants with I. brevicaulis chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) was not significantly different from the expected distribution. For I. fulva genotypes, however, there were higher than expected frequencies in the extreme genotypic classes, although intermediate genotypes were absent, indicating that these plants were preferentially mating with similar genotypes. Compared with the extreme genotypes, a larger proportion of the intermediate seed progeny produced were aborted, indicating that intermediate genotypes have lower viability. On the basis of the observed progeny genotypes and genetic disequilibria estimates for the adults and the progeny, there appears to be a pattern of effective asymmetrical mating in this population. This asymmetry is most likely due to pollen-style interactions that reduce the fertilization ability of genetically dissimilar pollen, or preferential abortion of genetically intermediate zygotes by I. fulva-like genotypes. The lack of any apparent discrimination by I. brevicaulis-like genotypes creates a directional exchange of nuclear genetic elements that will have implications for introgression and the evolution of hybrid genotypes.  相似文献   

Production of floral nectar is generally thought to be an adaptation that increases plant fitness by altering pollinator behavior, and therefore pollination success. To test this hypothesis, I investigated the effects of floral nectar production rate on pollination success of the hermaphroditic plant Ipomopsis aggregata (Polemoniaceae). Success through male function (estimated by the export of fluorescent dyes) was significantly greater for plants with naturally high nectar production rates than for nearby plants with low nectar production rates, whereas success through female function (receipt of fluorescent dye) was unrelated to nectar production rate. Experimental addition of artificial nectar also produced a significant increase in male function success and no increase in several estimates of female function success. Observations confirmed that hummingbirds probed a larger proportion of flowers on plants that received supplemental nectar, as they do in response to natural variation in nectar production. The concordance of results across these observational and experimental studies indicates that nectar production acts primarily to increase pollination success through male function for this species.  相似文献   

Two introduced fire ants, Solenopsis invicta and S. richteri, hybridize over an extensive area in the United States spanning central Mississippi, Alabama, and western Georgia. We studied a portion of this hybrid zone in northwestern Mississippi in detail by sampling ants at many sites along two transects extending across the zone and examining gene frequency and size distributions at a large number of genetic and morphological markers. The distributional patterns at these markers are most consistent with the mosaic hybrid zone model, whereby the distribution of various fire ant genotypes is determined initially by the historical patterns of colonization of newly available habitats. However, these distributional patterns probably do not reflect the equilibrium state of interactions because of the very recent secondary contact of the species (< 60 yr) and the dynamic nature of available nesting habitats in this area. Our data suggest that, with prolonged contact and interaction, differential fitness of various hybrid genotypes due to intrinsic and extrinsic selective factors is important in structuring the hybrid zone. For instance, consistent differential introgression of morphological and genetic markers, combined with previous evidence of differences in developmental stability among genotypes, suggest reduced fitness of hybrids relative to parentals due to intrinsic selection (as may be caused by breakup of parental gene complexes). Furthermore, marked reductions in the occurrence of parental-like hybrids in areas where the similar parental species is common suggest reduced fitness of these parental-like hybrids in competition with the parentals (i.e., extrinsic selection). Because the relative roles of such deterministic as well as stochastic forces apparently vary both spatially and temporally, the eventual distribution of the various fire ant genotypes and the fate of the hybrid zone in the United States is difficult to predict.  相似文献   

Abstract A previous study of the hybrid zone in western Panama between white‐collared (Manacus candei) and golden‐collared manakins (M. vitellinus) documented the unidirectional introgression of vitellinus male secondary sexual traits across the zone. Here, we examine the hybrid zone in greater genetic and morphological detail. Statistical comparisons of clines are performed using maximum‐likelihood and nonparametric bootstrap methods. Our results demonstrate that an array of six molecular and two morphometric markers agree in cline position and width. Clines for male collar and belly color are similar in width to the first eight clines, but are shifted in position by at least five cline widths. The result is that birds in intervening populations are genetically and morphometrically very like parental candei, but males have the plumage color of parental vitellinus. Neither neutral diffusion nor nonlinearity of color scales appear to be viable explanations for the large cline shifts. Genetic dominance of vitellinus plumage traits is another potential explanation that will require breeding experiments to test. Sexual selection remains a plausible explanation for the observed introgression of vitellinus color traits in these highly dimorphic, polygynous, lek‐mating birds. Two other clines, including a nondiagnostic isozyme locus, are similar in position to the main cluster of clines, but are broader in width. Thus, introgression at some loci is greater than that detected with diagnostic markers. Assuming that narrow clines are maintained by selection, variation in cline width indicates that selection is not uniform throughout the genome and that diagnostic markers are under more intense selective pressure. The traditional focus on diagnostic markers in studies of hybrid zones may therefore lead to underestimates of average introgression. This effect may be more pronounced in organisms with low levels of genetic divergence between hybridizing taxa.  相似文献   

Two models developed to discern the mode of selection in hybrid zones differ in some predictions. The tension-zone model predicts that selection acts against hybrids and independently of the environment (endogenous selection) and that selection is invariant throughout the hybrid zone. The ecological selection-gradient, or ecotone, model maintains that fitness of different genotypes varies in response to environmental variation (exogenous selection) and thus, that in a region of the zone, fitness of hybrids is at least equal to that of the parental species. Therefore, to assess the predominant mode of selection operating in a hybrid zone, it is fundamental to evaluate whether selection is acting specifically against hybrid individuals, that is, whether hybridity alone is the basis for deficiencies of hybrids, and to evaluate whether the relative fitness of hybrids versus that of pure species varies across the zone. In a hardclam (genus Mercenaria) hybrid zone located in a polyhaline lagoon in east-central Florida, we used age-specific and location-specific analyses to determine that a hybrid deficit occurrs, that the deficit seems to be due to selection against hybrids, and that selection varies across the zone. Various measures of deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, linkage disequilibrium analyses, and shifts in allele frequencies at semidiagnostic loci support the idea that selection is strongest in the northern region of the lagoon, the zone of sympatry and hybridization. Southward, into the range of M. mercenaria (the numerically predominant species), the percentage of hybrids remains relatively high and selection against hybrids decreases. For some genetic linkage groups, selection for M. mercenaria alleles seems to be occurring, but selection seems to be acting principally against alleles characteristic of M. mercenaria and, to a lesser degree, for alleles characteristic of M. campechiensis (the rarer species). These findings and others from previous analyses we have done on this hybrid zone demonstrate that selection in the zone is complex, and that characteristics of both the tension-zone and ecotone models are present. Supporting the tension-zone model, selection against hybrids per se clearly occurs, but specific genotypes seem to be at a selective disadvantage, whereas others have a selective advantage, and selection operates differentially on the two parental species within the zone. Supporting the ecotone model, the strength of overall selection varies throughout the zone, and environmentally mediated selection in which each species and hybrids have an advantage in specific habitats occurs, but some selection against hybrids is invariant throughout the zone. Thus, the structure and genetic architecture of this hybrid zone appear to be products of a complicated interaction between both types of selective forces cited in the two competing models.  相似文献   

The ground crickets Allonemobius fasciatus and A. socius meet in a mosaic hybrid zone that stretches from New Jersey at least as far west as Illinois. Within mixed populations from the contact zone, “pure” species individuals predominate. To determine whether hybrids are less viable than pure-species individuals, and to assess whether the high proportion of pure-species individuals in mixed populations results from hybrid inviability, we performed a cohort analysis. In this study, five mixed populations from the hybrid zone were each sampled three to five times from the fall of 1986 to the spring of 1988. Individuals were assigned to one of three categories based on their genotypes: A. socius (individuals harboring only alleles unique to A. socius), hybrid (individuals with alleles unique to both species), and A. fasciatus (individuals harboring only alleles unique to A. fasciatus). This sampling and measurement scheme permitted monitoring of the proportion of hybrid individuals in a population over time. The results were fairly consistent. The relative survival of A. socius was greater than the relative survival of members of the other two groups in four of the five populations. The relative viability of A. fasciatus was greater than that of hybrids in one population, approximately equal to that of hybrids in two populations, and less than that of hybrids in two populations. These results not only shed light on an important component of fitness, viability from hatching to adulthood, but they demonstrate that loss of hybrid individuals during the course of the field season will not explain deviations from random mating expectations present in mixed populations in late summer. The deviations must be due to assortative mating or to a reproductive barrier operating prior to egg hatch.  相似文献   

Abstract A hybrid zone between the grasshoppers Chorthippus brunneus and C. jacobsi (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in northern Spain has been analyzed for variation in morphology and ecology. These species are readily distinguished by the number of stridulatory pegs on the hind femur. Both sexes are fully winged and inhabit disturbed habitats throughout the study area. We develop a maximum-likelihood approach to fitting a two-dimensional cline to geographical variation in quantitative traits and for estimating associations of population mean with local habitat. This method reveals a cline in peg number approximately 30 km south of the Picos de Europa Mountains that shows substantial deviations in population mean compared with the expectations of simple tension zone models. The inclusion of variation in local vegetation in the model explains a significant proportion of the residual variation in peg number, indicating that habitat-genotype associations contribute to the observed spatial pattern. However, this association is weak, and a number of populations continue to show strong deviations in mean even after habitat is included in the final model. These outliers may be the result of long-distance colonization of sites distant from the cline center or may be due to a patchy pattern of initial contact during postglacial expansion. As well as contrasting with the smooth hybrid zones described for Chorthippus parallelus , this situation also contrasts with the mosaic hybrid zones observed in Gryllus crickets and in parts of the hybrid zone between Bombina toad species, where habitat-genotype associations account for substantial amounts of among-site variation.  相似文献   

Individuals of the F5 and FM2 cytotypes of the Sceloporus grammicus complex form a narrow zone of parapatric hybridization near Tulancingo, Hidalgo, Mexico. Reproductive parameters were examined among chromosomally parental and hybrid females to assess the degree to which reduced clutch size is correlated with the level of chromosomal heterozygosity. Although clutch size in the two parental groups was highly correlated with female body size, this was not the case for females with intermediate karyotypes. These females displayed increased levels of infertility manifested as smaller clutches and as inviable embryos. F1 females produced the smallest average clutches and suffered the most precipitous fecundity loss (up to 75%). The number of heterozygous marker chromosomes and heterozygosity at chromosome 2 had significant effects on the number of viable embryos. Analysis of embryo karyotypes revealed the production of triploid offspring and an excess number of embryos heterozygous at chromosome 1. Differences in viability, among females heterozygous for the same number of chromosomes, suggest that genetic background of the female and/or sire may be an important factor in determining reproductive success.  相似文献   

Patterns of life-history adaptation and reproductive isolation were investigated in the acridid grasshoppers Melanoplus sanguinipes and M. devastator, which hybridize along an altitudinal gradient in the Sierra Nevada of California. Melanoplus sanguinipes females crossed with M. devastator males produced eggs that were approximately half as viable as eggs from other crosses. Diminished viability was not attributable either to infection by Wolbachia pipientis or to failure of sperm transfer. When offered an opportunity to choose a mate, females from all populations discriminated against males of the other species, whereas in no-choice tests measuring copulation duration only females from the tails of the clines showed preferences. Melanoplus sanguinipes, found at high elevations where the growing season is short, exhibited faster egg hatch, faster larval development, smaller adult body sizes, and smaller clutch sizes than M. devastator. Melanoplus devastator, from California's Central Valley, endured a hot and dry summer in a reproductive diapause that was absent in M. sanguinipes. Clines in reproductive diapause and clutch size coincided with the region of reproductive incompatibility. Development time, body size, and hatch time also changed across the hybrid zone, but the regions of largest transitions in these traits were either difficult to locate using the limited populations studied here or were not coincident with the zone's center. A method is described for combining ecological and phylogenetic analyses to address the unknown issue of whether life-history divergence has conributed to reproductive isolation in this system.  相似文献   

Genetic variances, heritabilities, and genetic correlations of floral traits were measured in the monocarpic perennial Ipomopsis aggregata (Polemoniaceae). A paternal half-sib design was employed to generate seeds in each of four years, and seeds were planted back in the field near the parental site. The progeny were followed for up to eight years to estimate quantitative genetic parameters subject to natural levels of environmental variation over the entire life cycle. Narrow-sense heritabilities of 0.2–0.8 were detected for the morphometric traits of corolla length, corolla width, stigma position, and anther position. The proportion of time spent by the protandrous flowers in the pistillate phase (“proportion pistillate”) also exhibited detectable heritability of near 0.3. In contrast, heritability estimates for nectar reward traits were low and not significantly different from zero, due to high environmental variance between and within flowering years. The estimates of genetic parameters were combined with phenotypic selection gradients to predict evolutionary responses to selection mediated by the hummingbird pollinators. One trait, corolla width, showed the potential for a rapid response to ongoing selection through male function, as it experienced both direct selection, by influencing pollen export, and relatively high heritability. Predicted responses were lower for proportion pistillate and corolla length, even though these traits also experienced direct selection. Stigma position was expected to respond positively to indirect selection of proportion pistillate but negatively to selection of corolla length, with the net effect sensitive to variation in the selection estimates. Anther position also was not directly selected but could respond to indirect selection of genetically correlated traits.  相似文献   

Abstract. — Acanthochromis polyacanthus is an unusual tropical marine damselfish that uniquely lacks pelagic larvae and has lost the capacity for broad-scale dispersal among coral reefs. Different color morphs exist in different regions of the Great Barrier Reef, and morphs from northern and southern regions are genetically distinct. In the Hydrographers Passage area, which is a large break through the reef matrix in the central Great Barrier Reef that may have acted as a bottleneck on the migration of these animals during sea level rise, three morphs recognized from other regions were found on neighboring reefs. The transition between them is abrupt with three loci (AAT-2*, GPI-1*, and PGM*) showing allelic frequency patterns close to fixation between opposite alleles within a few kilometers. On two reefs (Hyde, Bebe), a pair of morphs was found to coexist and exhibited a habitat partitioning pattern with each morph restricted to one side on the reef and steep transitions in between. Outside these transition zones, phenotypes and genotypes matched those on surrounding reefs without coexistence and were little changed from reefs several hundred kilometers away. An electrophoretic survey across one transition zone on Hyde Reef showed steep genetic gradients along one kilometer of reef slope. Significant linkage disequilibria in samples collected in Hyde Reef as a result of dispersal of parental combinations of alleles into the center or because parental combinations of alleles confer greater fitness, allowed us to estimate the dispersal rate (189 m/generation) and the selection pressure on the marker loci (0.411). Finally, we investigated models that could lead to such a steep transition in genotypic and phenotypic combinations. Both contact zones on each side of Hyde Reef were associated with geomorphological discontinuities in the reef structure. We suggest that assortative mating may be a proximal mechanism for maintaining isolated each color morph, which could be reinforced by selective predation against hybrids outside the zone of their formation (i.e., the frequency-dependent selection model of Mallet and Barton (1989). Acanthochromis is a midwater planktivore and, when in coexistence, the two morphs forage in different habitats amid multispecific flocks of other damselfishes of matching colors.  相似文献   

Many hybrid zones have a mosaic structure, yet we know of no theoretical work that examines the impact of mosaicism on the outcome of evolution. We developed a computer simulation model designed to test whether the outcome of reinforcing selection differs in a mosaic and a clinal hybrid zone. Our model was a one-dimensional stepping-stone model. The mosaic and clinal hybrid zones that we modeled were, respectively, a mosaic maintained by differential fitness of the interacting taxa in patchy habitats and a tension zone. We modeled changes in gene frequency at two biallelic loci, A and B. Hybrids at the A locus were selected against. An allele at the B locus caused assortative mating at the A locus, which promoted reinforcement; there was a selective cost to this allele. In a mosaic hybrid zone, spatial variation in the fitness of A-locus homozygotes in different patches caused gene and genotype frequencies at the A and B loci to differ greatly from those in a tension zone. Compared to a tension zone, a mosaic hybrid zone had a broader region in which hybrids could be formed and, thus, a broader region in which the assortative-mating allele provided a net selective advantage (via decreased production of the less fit A-locus hybrids). This caused the assortative-mating allele to be favored under a broader set of conditions in a mosaic hybrid zone than in a tension zone. In mosaic and tension hybrid zones, both low and high levels of migration could prevent the establishment of the allele that promoted reinforcement, but the allele could establish under a wider range of migration rates in a mosaic than in a tension zone. In a tension zone, both low and high levels of selection against A-locus hybrids could prevent the establishment of the assortative-mating allele. In a mosaic hybrid zone, the assortative-mating allele established under lower levels of selection against hybrids than in a tension zone, and high levels of selection did not impede the establishment of this allele. Overall, our work illustrates how the structure of a hybrid zone can alter the outcome of an important evolutionary process, in this case, reinforcement.  相似文献   

The assumption of hybrid inferiority is central to the two models most widely applied to the prediction of hybrid zone evolution. Both the tension zone and mosaic models assume that natural selection acts against hybrids regardless of the environment in which they occur. To test this assumption, we investigated components of fitness in Iris fulva, I. hexagona and their reciprocal F1 hybrids under greenhouse conditions. The four cross types were compared on the basis of seed germination, vegetative and clonal growth, and sexual reproduction. In all cases, the hybrids performed as well as, or significantly better than, both of their parents. These results suggest that F1 hybrids between I. fulva and I. hexagona are at least as fit as their parents. The results of this study are therefore inconsistent with the assumptions of both the tension zone and mosaic models of hybrid zone evolution.  相似文献   

Two hybridizing species of newts, Triturus cristatus and T. marmoratus, with overlapping distributions show a parapatric distribution when surveyed in detail. The factors that govern the distribution of cristatus vs. marmoratus in the département (province) of Mayenne in western France are identified as forestation and relief. The parapatric hybrid zone running through Mayenne is narrow but widens to approximately 20 km in an area with mixed habitat. In this area most breeding sites are shared and F1 hybrids form about 4% of the total population. Analysis of survey data collected about 30 years previously also shows an essentially parapatric distribution. Comparison of past and present distribution maps reveals that cristatus has superseded marmoratus over large areas in the south of Mayenne. An area where marmoratus replaced cristatus also exists, but it is more limited in size. Gene flow between cristatus and marmoratus is analyzed using 10 diagnostic genetic markers [9 protein loci and mitochondrial (mt) DNA]. In syntopic populations nuclear gene flow is bidirectional with a mean frequency of introgressed alleles (f) of 0.3%. In allotopic populations of cristatus and marmoratus gene flow is present in areas of species replacement (f = 0.3%), while gene flow appears to be absent in those areas that have been continuously occupied by a single species. At the biogeographic level, the presence or absence of introgression is paralleled by the persistence or absence, respectively, of pockets of cristatus–marmoratus syntopy. All F1 hybrids possess the cristatus type mtDNA. This may be due to asymmetric interspecific mate choice and would explain the observed absence of introgression of the maternally inherited mtDNA genome in areas where cristatus replaced marmoratus. The cristatus–marmoratus hybrid zone bears characteristics of both the clinal (parapatric) hybrid zone model and the mosaic hybrid zone model. Such a mixed model—for which we propose the term “reticulate hybrid zone”—can be appreciated only if studied over a two-dimensional geographic area and also through time.  相似文献   

Does endogenous or exogenous selection stabilize the big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) hybrid zone? After two years of study, our reciprocal transplant experiments showed significant genotype by environment interactions for a number of fitness components, including germination, growth, and reproduction. Hybrids were the most fit within the hybrid garden. In the parental gardens, the native parental taxon was more fit than either the alien parental or hybrids. These results are consistent with the bounded hybrid superiority model, which assumes exogenous selection, but are clearly at odds with the dynamic equilibrium model, which assumes endogenous selection and universal hybrid unfitness.  相似文献   

The water stricter species Limnoporus dissortis and L. notabilis hybridize across a broad zone in western Canada. Body length and alleles at four allozyme loci show a steep cline along the east slope of the Rocky Mountains in western Alberta, while in central British Columbia the parental phenotypes coexist without merging fully. One sex-linked locus shows little introgression, while there is apparently considerable gene flow at three autosomal loci. Although the hybrid zone has characteristics of a broad tension zone, the spatial distribution of introgression suggests that habitat patchiness and differential habitat associations of the two species also contribute to the pattern of hybridization. Asymmetry in interspecific mating success and incompatibilities of sex chromosomes with each other or with cytoplasmic factors appear to account for the occurrence of L. dissortis genotypes within the range of L. notabilis, and the lack of L. notabilis genotypes within the range of L. dissortis. The genetic structure of this hybrid zone supports the importance of sex-linked traits in maintaining the integrity of species, while its spatial structure suggests that extrinsic habitat features can combine with intrinsic genetic incompatibilities to produce complex hybrid interactions.  相似文献   

The distribution of multilocus genotypes found within a natural hybrid zone is determined by the sample of genotypes present when the hybrid zone first formed, by subsequent patterns of genetic exchange between the hybridizing taxa, and by drift and selection within each of the hybrid zone populations. We have used anonymous nuclear DNA restriction fragment polymorphisms (RFLPs) to characterize the array of multilocus genotypes present within a well-studied hybrid zone between two eastern North American field crickets, Gryllus pennsylvanicus and Gryllus firmus. These crickets hybridize along a zone of contact that extends from New England to Virginia. Previous studies have shown that both premating and postmating barriers exist between the two cricket species, but the absence of diagnostic morphological and allozyme markers has made it difficult to assess the consequences of these barriers for genetic exchange. Analyses based on four diagnostic anonymous nuclear markers indicate that hybrid zone populations in Connecticut contain few F1 hybrids, and that nonrandom associations persist among nuclear gene markers, between nuclear and cytoplasmic markers, and between molecular markers and morphology. Field cricket populations within the hybrid zone are not “hybrid swarms” but consist primarily of crickets that are very much like one or the other of the parental species. Despite ample opportunity for genetic exchange and evidence for introgression at some loci, the two species remain quite distinct. Such a pattern appears to be characteristic of many natural hybrid zones.  相似文献   

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