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Recruitment plays an important role in the population dynamics of marine organisms and is often quantified as a surrogate for settlement. When quantified, recruitment includes settlement plus a period of time in the benthic habitat. Therefore, it is essential to determine whether post-settlement processes alter patterns established at settlement. I conducted a series of experiments on 2.0 m2 patch reefs to examine the importance of pre- and post-settlement processes to the distribution and abundance of recruits of the stoplight parrotfish, Sparisoma viride, on the Tague Bay reef, St. Croix, USVI. Recruitment was higher to the coral Porites porites than to another common coral Montastrea annularis, but there was no evidence of microhabitat choice at settlement. This result, in conjunction with the examination of the size classes of recruits present on P. porites and M. annularis patch reefs in a separate experiment suggested that differences in recruitment were established after settlement. Stoplights settled in higher numbers to patch reefs that contained conspecific residents, and persistence was higher at higher recruit density. Although resident damselfish directed significant amounts of agonistic behavior towards newly stoplight recruits, damselfish presence had no effect on settlement. However, damselfish presence did reduce stoplight recruitment. These results demonstrate that both pre- and post-settlement processes influence the recruitment of stoplight parrotfish. More importantly, these results indicate that benthic processes can alter recruitment patterns from initial settlement patterns, and indicate that workers should be careful in using recruitment as a proxy for settlement.  相似文献   

White JW 《Ecology letters》2007,10(11):1054-1065
Patterns of predator dispersal can be critical to the dynamics of prey metapopulations. In marine systems, oceanic currents may shape the dispersal of planktonic larvae of both predators and prey, producing spatial correlations in the recruitment of both species and distinctive geographic patterns of prey mortality. I examined the potential for this phenomenon in two fishes, a wrasse and its grouper predator, at a Caribbean island where the near-shore oceanographic regime produces a temporally consistent spatial pattern of fish recruitment. I found that recruitment and adult abundance of groupers were spatially correlated with recruitment of wrasse prey. Furthermore, the local abundance of predators strongly affected the nature of density-dependent prey mortality. At sites with few predators, wrasse mortality was inversely density-dependent, while mortality was positively density-dependent at sites with higher predator densities. This phenomenon could be important to the dynamics of any metacommunity in which physical forces produce correlated dispersal.  相似文献   

Debate on the control of population dynamics in reef fishes has centred on whether patterns in abundance are determined by the supply of planktonic recruits, or by post-recruitment processes. Recruitment limitation implies little or no regulation of the reef-associated population, and is supported by several experimental studies that failed to detect density dependence. Previous manipulations of population density have, however, focused on juveniles, and there have been no tests for density-dependent interactions among adult reef fishes. I tested for population regulation in Coryphopterus glaucofraenum, a small, short-lived goby that is common in the Caribbean. Adult density was manipulated on artificial reefs and adults were also monitored on reefs where they varied in density naturally. Survival of adult gobies showed a strong inverse relationship with their initial density across a realistic range of densities. Individually marked gobies, however, grew at similar rates across all densities, suggesting that density-dependent survival was not associated with depressed growth, and so may result from predation or parasitism rather than from food shortage. Like adult survival, the accumulation of new recruits on reefs was also much lower at high adult densities than at low densities. Suppression of recruitment by adults may occur because adults cause either reduced larval settlement or reduced early post-settlement survival. In summary, this study has documented a previously unrecorded regulatory mechanism for reef fish populations (density-dependent adult mortality) and provided a particularly strong example of a well-established mechanism (density-dependent recruitment). In combination, these two compensatory mechanisms have the potential to strongly regulate the abundance of this species, and rule out the control of abundance by the supply of recruits.  相似文献   

Abstract Knowledge of processes that drive the local population dynamics of coral-reef fishes is important for managing reef fisheries, and for using these species as models for understanding the ecology of demersal marine fishes in general. However, the reef-fish literature is replete with poorly defined concepts and vague hypotheses regarding the issue of population dynamics. Dichotomous arguments, such as whether or not recruitment drives population dynamics, are misdirected because they fail to incorporate several important concepts. First, changes in local population size are driven by four demographic rates (birth, death, immigration and emigration), all of which must be studied to understand population dynamics. Second, all populations that persist do so because at least one of these demographic rates operates in a density-dependent way that is both sufficiently strong and appropriately time-lagged. Therefore, identifying the source(s) of direct density dependence is critical for understanding the limits to variation in population size (i.e. population regulation). Third, regulation does not imply a simple point equilibrium in population size; density dependence in populations of reef fishes is bound to lie within a field of stochastic variation, and thus be difficult to detect. Since its formal origin in 1981, the ‘recruitment limitation’ hypothesis for explaining local population dynamics in reef fishes has undergone ambiguous changes in definition that threaten its usefulness. ‘Recruitment, ‘originally defined as the appearance of newly settled fish on a reef, more recently is often measured months after settlement, thus confounding pre- and post-settlement processes. ‘Limitation, ‘ which originally referred to recruitment being so low as to preclude local populations from reaching densities where resources were limiting, is more recently defined as an absence of any form of density dependence after settlement. The most effective means of testing whether post-settlement mortality is in fact density-independent is to examine patterns of mortality directly, rather than indirectly by interpreting the shape of the relationship between initial recruit density and subsequent adult density within a cohort (the recruit-adult function). Understanding the population dynamics of coral-reef fishes will require a more equitable focus on all four demographic rates, be they density dependent or not, as well as greater attention to identifying sources of density dependence. Such a pluralistic focus necessitates integrated studies of both pre- and post-settlement processes conducted at multiple spatial and temporal scales. For example, recent evidence suggests that density-dependent pre-dation on new recruits that have settled among reefs at different densities may prove to be an important source of local population regulation, especially via the aggregative response of transient piscivores.  相似文献   

The transition phase describes a distinct post-settlement stage associated with the recruitment to benthic habitats by pelagic life stages. The habitat shift is often accompanied by feeding shifts and metamorphosis from larval to juvenile phases. Density-dependent settlement, growth and mortality are often the major factors controlling recruitment success of this phase. Habitat use also becomes more pronounced after settlement. The role of habitat-mediated post-settlement mortality is elucidated by focusing on the early life history of Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua ) and cunner ( Tautogolabrus adspersus ) in the north-west Atlantic. In these species, settlement can occur over all bottom types, but habitat-specific differences in post-settlement mortality rates combined with size and priority at settlement effects on growth and survival determine recruitment and eventual year-class strength. These results and those from other temperate marine fish species along with work on tropical reef species emphasize the generality of habitat-based density-dependent mortality during the transition phase and its potential for population regulation. These results have implications for fisheries management and can be used to outline a procedure to assist managers in identifying and managing essential transitional habitats including the potential role of marine protected areas in habitat conservation.  相似文献   

Indirect effects occur when two species interact through one or more intermediate species. Theoretical studies indicate that indirect interactions between two prey types that share common predators can be positive, neutral or negative. We document a positive indirect interaction between different types of prey fish on coral reefs in Australia. A high abundance of one type of prey fish (cardinalfishes: Apogonidae) resulted in higher recruitment, abundance and species richness of other prey fish. Our evidence indicates that these effects were not due to differential settlement but were instead due to differential post-settlement predation. We hypothesize that resident piscivores altered their foraging behaviour by concentrating on highly abundant cardinal-fish when they were present, leaving recruits of other species relatively unmolested. Indirect effects were evident within 48 h of settlement and persisted throughout the 42-day experiment, highlighting the importance of early post-settlement processes in these communities.  相似文献   

P. S. Levin 《Oecologia》1994,97(1):124-133
In order to understand variability in recruitment to populations of benthic and demersal marine species, it is critical to distinguish between the contributions due to variations in larval settlement versus those caused by post-settlement mortality. In this study, fine-scale (1–2 days) temporal changes in recruit abundance were followed through an entire settlement season in a temperate demersal fish in order to determine 1) how dynamic the process of recruitment is on a daily scale, 2) whether settlement and post-settlement mortality are influenced by habitat structure and conspecific density, and 3) how the relationship between settlement and recruitment changes over time. Settlement is considered to be the arrival of new individuals from the pelagic habitat, and recruitment is defined as the number of individuals surviving arbitrary periods of time after settlement. Replicate standardized habitat units were placed in 2 spatial configurations (clumped and randomly dispersed) and monitored visually for cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus) settlement and recruitment every 1–2 days throughout the settlement season. The process of recruitment in T. adspersus was highly variable at a fine temporal scale. Changes in the numbers of recruits present on habitat units were due to both settlement of new individuals and mortality of animals previously recruited. The relative importance of these two processes appeared to change from day to day. The magnitude of the change in recruit number did not differ between the clumped and random habitats. However, post-settlement loss was significantly greater on randomly dispersed than clumped habitats. During several sampling dates, the extent of the change in recruit abundance was correlated with the density of resident conspecifics; however, on other dates no such relationship appeared to exist. Despite the presence of significant relationships between the change in recruit number and density, there was no evidence of either density-dependent mortality or settlement. Initially, there was a strong relationship between settlement and recruitment; however, this relationship weakened over time. Within 2 months after the cessation of settlement, post-settlement loss was greater than 99%, and no correlation remained between recruitment and the initial pattern of settlement. The results of this study demonstrate that the spatial arrangement of the habitat affects the rate and intensity of post-settlement loss. Counter to much current thinking, this study suggests that in order to understand the population ecology of reef fishes, knowledge of what habitats new recruits use and how mortality varies with structural aspects of the habitats is essential.  相似文献   

Abstract When settlement of pelagic juveniles of reef fishes is highly and predictably seasonal, annual, end-of-season surveys of surviving recruits (which are commonly used on the Great Barrier Reef) are useful for assessing recruitment dynamics and their demographic effects. However, when settlement is continuous or weakly seasonal, with patterns that vary both between species and within species among years, regular, sometimes year-round, recruitment surveys at intervals linked to short-term settlement dynamics are needed to quantify fluctuations in recruitment strength. Monthly recruitment surveys may be appropriate in the tropical northwest Atlantic, where settlement is often both lunar periodic, and broadly and variably seasonal. Use of a variety of recruit-census methods impedes comparisons of recruitment patterns and their demographic effects, because recruit densities and recruit:adult ratios cannot be directly compared when recruits (because they have widely varying post-settlement ages) have experienced very different levels of early post-settlement mortality. Examining the relationship between changes in adult populations and annual, end-of-season recruitment may be satisfactory for long-lived species with strong settlement seasonality and maturation times of approximately 1 year. However, it is inappropriate for short-lived, rapidly maturing species, particularly those that have broad and variable settlement seasons and whose populations fluctuate substantially throughout the year in response to short-term fluctuations in recruitment. Comparisons of demographic effects of recruitment among species with different longevity require the use of non-arbitrary time scales, such as the time to maturity and the adult half-life.  相似文献   

At the time of settlement to the reef environment, coral reef fishes differ in a number of characteristics that may influence their survival during a predatory encounter. This study investigated the selective nature of predation by both a multi-species predator pool, and a single common predator (Pseudochromis fuscus), on the reef fish, Pomacentrus amboinensis. The study focused on the early post-settlement period of P. amboinensis, when mortality, and hence selection, is known to be highest. Correlations between nine different measures of body condition/performance were examined at the time of settlement, in order to elucidate the relationships between different traits. Single-predator (P. fuscus) choice trials were conducted in 57.4-l aquaria with respect to three different prey characteristics [standard length (SL), body weight and burst swimming speed], whilst multi-species trials were conducted on open patch reefs, manipulating prey body weight only. Relationships between the nine measures of condition/performance were generally poor, with the strongest correlations occurring between the morphological measures and within the performance measures. During aquaria trials, P. fuscus was found to be selective with respect to prey SL only, with larger individuals being selected significantly more often. Multi-species predator communities, however, were selective with respect to prey body weight, with heavier individuals being selected significantly more often than their lighter counterparts. Our results suggest that under controlled conditions, body length may be the most important prey characteristic influencing prey survival during predatory encounters with P. fuscus. In such cases, larger prey size may actually be a distinct disadvantage to survival. However, these relationships appear to be more complex under natural conditions, where the expression of prey characteristics, the selectivity fields of a number of different predators, their relative abundance, and the action of external environmental characteristics, may all influence which individuals survive.  相似文献   

Populations with dispersive larvae are often demographically open such that local reproduction and subsequent larval settlement are not linked. Thus, understanding whether and how settlement patterns are established and subsequently modified is central to understanding local demography. Settlement is typically not measured directly, but rather it is estimated by recruitment, which is the observation of new individuals sometime after settlement. At Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef, I examined how patterns of recruitment of coral-reef fishes were modified across a range of natural recruit densities in the presence and absence of resident predators. Resident predators decreased recruitment and increased mortality for all species, but these effects varied considerably among species. The effects of predators on recruitment were at least partly due to mortality within 2 days after settlement. At their most extreme, predators caused recruitment failure of several species of butterflyfish. For one species of damselfish (Pomacentrus amboinensis), predators both induced weakly density-dependent mortality and obscured any relationship between recruitment and subsequent abundance, while for another damselfish (Neopomacentrus cyanomos), mortality was density-independent and subsequent abundance was a function of recruitment. These contrasting results may reflect differences in prey behavior. P. amboinensis tended to feed near or within the branches of coral inhabited by resident predators, while N. cyanomos tended to feed higher in the water column above the reefs, and thus farther away from resident predators. These results highlight the speed and extent to which patterns of settlement are modified, indicating that caution should be exercised when attributing patterns of recruitment to patterns of settlement. Tremendous between-species variation in how patterns of recruitment, and presumably settlement, were modified by predation indicates that generalizations or between-species extrapolations about the magnitude of these effects may be unwarranted.  相似文献   

Phillip S. Levin 《Oecologia》1993,94(2):176-185
Pronounced spatial variation in recruitment occurs in many marine invertebrate and fish populations and is thought to be critical to the demography of these species. In this study I examined the importance of habitat structure and the presence of conspecific residents to spatial variation in larval settlement and recruitment in a temperate fish Tautogolabrus adspersus. I define settlement as the movement of individuals from the water column to the benthic habitat, while I refer to recruitment as numbers of individuals surviving some arbitrary period of time after settlement. Experiments in which standard habitats were stocked with conspecifics showed that resident conspecifics were not an important factor contributing to small-scale variability in recruitment. Further correlative analyses demonstrated that large-scale variation in recruitment could not be explained by variability in older age classes. By contrast, manipulations of macroalgal structure within a kelp bed demonstrated that recruitment was significantly higher in habitats with a dense understory of foliose and filamentous algae than in habitats with only crustose algae. Understory algae varied in their pattern of disperison among sites, and the dispersion of fish matched that of the plants. In order to determine the effects of differences in patterns of algal dispersion on the demography of associated T. adspersus populations, I used experimental habitat units to manipulate patterns of dispersion. Settlement was significantly greater to randomly placed versus clumped habitats; however, no differences in recruitment between random and clumped habitats were detected. Because recruitment is a function of the numbers of settlers minus the subsequent loss of settlers, rates of mortality or migration must have been higher in the randomly placed habitats. These results are counter to the current paradigm for reef fishes which suggests that larval settlement is the crucial demographic process producing variability in population abundance. In this experiment patterns of settlement were modified by varying the patch structure of the habitat.Contribution number 278 from the Center for Marine Biology, University of New Hampshire  相似文献   

Mutualisms affect the biodiversity, distribution and abundance of biological communities. However, ecological processes that drive mutualism-related shifts in population structure are often unclear and must be examined to elucidate how complex, multi-species mutualistic networks are formed and structured. In this study, we investigated how the presence of key marine mutualistic partners can drive the organisation of local communities on coral reefs. The cleaner wrasse, Labroides dimidiatus, removes ectoparasites and reduces stress hormones for multiple reef fish species, and their presence on coral reefs increases fish abundance and diversity. Such changes in population structure could be driven by increased recruitment of larval fish at settlement, or by post-settlement processes such as modified levels of migration or predation. We conducted a controlled field experiment to examine the effect of cleaners on recruitment processes of a common group of reef fishes, and showed that small patch reefs (61–285 m2) with cleaner wrasse had higher abundances of damselfish recruits than reefs from which cleaner wrasse had been removed over a 12-year period. However, the presence of cleaner wrasse did not affect species diversity of damselfish recruits. Our study provides evidence of the ecological processes that underpin changes in local population structure in the presence of a key mutualistic partner.  相似文献   

Despite extensive research, factors influencing the importance of pre- and post-settlement processes to recruitment variability remain ambiguous. Using a novel perspective, we investigated the potential influence of endemism on the relationship between larval supply and recruitment in reef fish populations at Lord Howe Island, Australia. Larval supply and recruitment were measured for three regional endemic and four widespread non-endemic species using light traps, artificial collectors, and underwater visual censuses. Recruitment was correlated with larval supply in endemics but not in non-endemics, likely due to a combination of low larval supply and post-settlement survival of non-endemics. Surveys also indicated that endemics were far more abundant and occurred in more locations than closely related non-endemics. These preliminary findings suggest that either local adaptation enhances recruitment in endemics through higher larval replenishment rates or reduced post-settlement mortality, populations of widespread species at the periphery of their range are poorly adapted to local environmental conditions and therefore experience lower and more variable settlement and post-settlement survival rates, or both.  相似文献   

Predation is a key process driving coral reef fish population dynamics, with higher per capita prey mortality rates on reefs with more predators. Reef predators often forage together, and at high densities, they may either cooperate or antagonize one another, thereby causing prey mortality rates to be substantially higher or lower than one would expect if predators did not interact. However, we have a limited mechanistic understanding of how prey mortality rates change with predator densities. We re-analyzed a previously published observational dataset to investigate how the foraging response of the coney grouper (Cephalopholis fulva) feeding on the bluehead wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum) changed with shifts in predator and prey densities. Using a model-selection approach, we found that per-predator feeding rates were most consistent with a functional response that declines as predator density increases, suggesting either antagonistic interactions among predators or a shared antipredator behavioral response by the prey. Our findings suggest that variation in predator density (natural or anthropogenic) may have substantial consequences for coral reef fish population dynamics.  相似文献   

Density-dependent mortality can regulate local populations - effectively minimizing the likelihood of local extinctions and unchecked population growth. It is considered particularly important for many marine reef organisms with demographically open populations that lack potential regulatory mechanisms tied to local reproduction. While density-dependent mortality has been documented frequently for reef fishes, few studies have explored how the strength of density-dependence varies with density, or how density-dependence may be modified by numerical effects (i.e., number-dependent mortality). Both issues can have profound effects on spatial patterns of abundance and the regulation of local populations. I address these issues through empirical studies in Moorea, French Polynesia, of the six bar wrasse (Thalassoma hardwicke), a reef fish that settles to isolated patch reefs. Per capita mortality rates of newly settled wrasse increased as a function of density and were well approximated by the Beverton-Holt function for both naturally formed and experimentally generated juvenile cohorts. Average instantaneous mortality rates were a decelerating function of initial densities, indicating the per capita strength of density-dependence decreased with density. Results of a factorial manipulation of density and group size indicate that per capita mortality rates were simultaneously density- and number-dependent; fish at higher densities and/or in groups had higher probabilities of disappearing from patch reefs compared with fish that were solitary and/or at lower densities. Mortality rates were ~30% higher for fish at densities of 0.5 fish/m2 than at 0.25 fish/m2. Similarly, mortality rates increased by ~45% when group size was increased from 1 to 2 individuals per patch, even when density was kept constant. These observations suggest that the number of interacting individuals, independent of patch size (i.e., density-independent effects) can contribute to regulation of local populations. Overall, this work highlights a greater need to consider numerical effects in addition to density effects when exploring sources of population regulation.  相似文献   

A challenge for species with demographically open populations is to evaluate the relative importance of various processes that together set local abundance. We developed a cohort-based framework for quantifying the influence of an external supply of colonists and subsequent density-independent and density-dependent mortality on local abundance. Two complementary approaches – based on limitation and elasticity – revealed the nature of interactions and nonlinearities among these processes. Data for an Indo-Pacific reef fish were used to document the settler–survivor relationship and to quantify natural variation in settlement. Limitation by density-dependence was two-fold and 20-fold greater than by supply or density-independent mortality, respectively. Elasticity analyses showed that adult abundance was 40% more sensitive to small proportionate changes in supply than in density-dependence. These techniques provide a way to compare across systems, which could enhance our ability to draw general conclusions regarding the processes that shape local abundance of species with open populations.  相似文献   

Synopsis Recent studies of recruitment dynamics in demersal fishes have placed major emphasis on presettlement mortality, and little on events bridging late larval and early juvenile periods. Observations on 68 taxa of Caribbean coral reef fishes before and during settlement revealed the existence of a distinct post-settlement life phase called the transition juvenile, associated with the act of recruitment. Transition juveniles were found as solitary individuals, in conspecific groups, or in heterospecific groups. The groups were either uniform or heterogenous in appearance. The complexity of the transition phase and its apparently widespread occurrence in coral reef fishes suggests that important aspects of population structure may be determined between settlement and first appearance as a full-fledged juvenile.  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamics of open marine populations is inherently complex, and this complexity has led to decades of debate regarding the relative importance of pre- versus post-settlement processes in structuring these populations. Movement between patches may be an important modifier of patterns established at settlement, yet local immigration and emigration have received less attention than other demographic rates. I examined loss rates from tagged populations of juvenile wrasses (yellowhead wrasse Halichoeres garnoti and bluehead wrasse Thalassoma bifasciatum) at two sites in the Bahamas. Assuming that all losses were due solely to mortality would have significantly underestimated survivorship of yellowhead wrasse by 29% and bluehead wrasse by 14%. On average, per capita mortality and emigration rates were higher for yellowhead than bluehead wrasse, but neither demographic rate differed between sites for either species. With respect to within-species density, bluehead wrasse mortality was density-dependent at the patch reef site, but mortality rates of yellowhead wrasse were consistently density-independent. Evaluating the effects of between-species density, yellowhead wrasse mortality increased with a decrease in bluehead wrasse density, but this effect was limited to the patch reef site. Emigration rates were not a function of either within-species or between-species density, but instead varied inversely with isolation distance. Numerous previous studies of coral-reef fish, conducted on patch reefs separated by only a few meters of sand and often using untagged fish, may have confounded losses due to emigration with those due to mortality. A better understanding of the factors affecting emigration in marine fishes is important to their effective management using spatial tools such as marine protected areas.  相似文献   

The global degradation of coral reefs is having profound effects on the structure and species richness of associated reef fish assemblages. Historically, variation in the composition of fish communities has largely been attributed to factors affecting settlement of reef fish larvae. However, the mechanisms that determine how fish settlers respond to different stages of coral stress and the extent of coral loss on fish settlement are poorly understood. Here, we examined the effects of habitat degradation on fish settlement using a two-stage experimental approach. First, we employed laboratory choice experiments to test how settlers responded to early and terminal stages of coral degradation. We then quantified the settlement response of the whole reef fish assemblage in a field perturbation experiment. The laboratory choice experiments tested how juveniles from nine common Indo-Pacific fishes chose among live colonies, partially degraded colonies, and dead colonies with recent algal growth. Many species did not distinguish between live and partially degraded colonies, suggesting settlement patterns are resilient to the early stages of declining coral health. Several species preferred live or degraded corals, and none preferred to associate with dead, algal-covered colonies. In the field experiment, fish recruitment to coral colonies was monitored before and after the introduction of a coral predator (the crown-of-thorns starfish) and compared with undisturbed control colonies. Starfish reduced live coral cover by 95–100%, causing persistent negative effects on the recruitment of coral-associated fishes. Rapid reductions in new recruit abundance, greater numbers of unoccupied colonies and a shift in the recruit community structure from one dominated by coral-associated fishes before degradation to one predominantly composed of algal-associated fish species were observed. Our results suggest that while resistant to coral stress, coral death alters the process of replenishment of coral reef fish communities.  相似文献   

1. In demographically open marine systems, the extent to which density-dependent processes in the benthic adult phase are required for population persistence is unclear. At one extreme, represented by the recruitment limitation hypothesis, larval supply may be insufficient for the total population size to reach a carrying capacity and density-independent mortality predominates. At the opposite extreme, populations are saturated and density-dependent mortality is sufficiently strong to reshape patterns established at settlement. 2. We examined temporal variation in the way density-independent and density-dependent mortality interact in a typical sessile marine benthic invertebrate, the acorn barnacle Semibalanus balanoides (L.), over a 2-year period. 3. Recruitment was manipulated at two high recruitment sites in north Wales, UK to produce recruit densities covering the range naturally found in this species. Following manipulation, fixed quadrats were monitored using digital photography and temporal changes in mortality and growth rate were examined. 4. Over a 2-year period there was a clear, spatially consistent, over-compensatory relationship between the density of recruits and adult abundance indicating strong density-dependent mortality. The strength of density dependence intensified with increasing recruitment. 5. Density-dependent mortality did not operate consistently over the study period. It only operated in the early part of the benthic phase, but the pattern of adult abundance generated was maintained throughout the whole 2-year period. Thus, early life-history processes dictated adult population abundance and dynamics. 6. Examination of the natural recruitment regime in the area of study indicated that both positive and negative effects of recruitment will occur over scales varying from kilometres to metres.  相似文献   

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