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As part of a behavioral intervention program that identifies and treats individual nonhuman primates exhibiting abnormal behavior, five individually housed pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were provided with multiple cage toys in an effort to reduce high levels of abnormal behavior. Ten 30-min observations of each subject were conducted during the baseline condition and again after novel toys were presented, both loose inside the cage and attached to the outside of the cage. The new toys were used during 27% of the observation time. Kong Toys were used most consistently by the macaques during the 5-week observation period. Significant decreases in abnormal behavior and cage-directed behavior, as well as significantly increased enrichment use, were evident after the toys were added. Several of the toys were destroyed quickly, and individual differences were evident in the levels of enrichment use and abnormal behavior. Providing multiple manipulable toys as enrichment for pigtail macaques was effective in reducing abnormal behavior and was an important part of an environmental enrichment program for monkeys who could not be housed socially.  相似文献   

In some species of Cercopithecine primates, unrelated adult males and females maintain affiliative relationships ('friendships') that are apparently unrelated to mating or parental care. This study investigated the occurrence of friendships in a captive group of pigtail macaques, and some of their possible determinants. Study subjects were six adult males and 15 adult females with their newborn infants. Females were focally observed for 2 h every week during the first 12 wk of lactation. With the exception of the fourth-ranking male, adult males showed little interest in initiating affiliative interactions with lactating females and their infants. Most episodes of contact and grooming were initiated by high-ranking females and directed to the alpha male. Because female grooming was not generally reciprocated by the alpha male, it is likely that females benefited from associating with him in terms of agonistic support or protection. Genetic data on paternity determination indicated that the fourth-ranking male, who displayed high levels of affiliation towards mother-infant dyads, sired most of the infants born in the group in the year prior to this study. Thus, whereas females may be interested in associating with males to obtain their support, some males may affiliate with females as a consequence of their previous mating relationships with them or to increase the chances of future mating success. Taken together, however, the findings of this study provide little evidence that adult males and lactating females maintain strong reciprocal bonds that may qualify as friendships.  相似文献   

短尾猴的社会行为与社会关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
群体生活的动物通过社会行为相联系,社会行为的类别和发生的频率决定了动物社会关系的性质,进而决定了社会结构的类型。本文根据作者在安徽黄山对短尾猴16年的观察研究,描述和分析了一些重要的社会行为,探讨了短尾猴社会中各种社会关系的特点和性质。雌性短尾猴之间的行为比较简单,缺乏多样性,主要通过近距及理毛等状态性行为建立和维持,是长久和稳固的关系;雄性短尾猴之间具有丰富的行为,事件性行为(如拥抱、爬跨等)占主要部分,易发生冲突但也易于和解;雄性和雌性关系与繁殖季节有关,交配期主要是性关系,产仔期主要是友好关系;成体和幼体的关系主要是照料与被照料的关系。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that social tolerance drives the evolution of facial expression in macaques. Macaque species exhibit a range of social styles that reflect a continuum of social tolerance. Social interactions in more tolerant taxa tend to be less constrained by rank and kinship than in less‐tolerant macaques. I predicted that macaques that are more tolerant would exhibit a wider range of facial displays than less‐tolerant species because interactions that are open to negotiation are characterized by greater uncertainty than interactions that are constrained by rank or kinship. To test this hypothesis, I conducted a phylogenetically informed regression analysis (N = 11) using previously published data on repertoire size and two quantitative measures of social tolerance (conciliatory tendency and counter‐aggression). As predicted, macaques with more tolerant social styles tended to have larger repertoires than less‐tolerant species. These results support the hypothesis that increased social tolerance favors the elaboration of communication to mitigate uncertainty.  相似文献   

Considerable variation in mothering styles is found among primate species, which may be directly related to species-typical differences in social structure, dominance style, patterns of infant development, and rates of intragroup aggression. We predicted that, as egalitarian Asian colobines, mothers of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) would adopt a mothering style characterized by low restrictiveness and low rejection. We followed six mother–infant dyads in a provisioned group of Rhinopithecus bieti inhabiting the Baimaxueshan National Nature Reserve, Yunnan, China, and collected 717.2 h of observational data on maternal care and infant development. In the first month after birth, infants were completely dependent on their mothers for nutrition and movement. They began to locomote clumsily during their second month of life. Mothers restricted the movements of their infants only during their first 2 mo of life. Maternal rejection occurred infrequently and never exceeded a mean of two events per hour for a given infant over any 1-mo period. Most rejections were mild, and did not result in a cessation of nursing. Infants were not weaned when they were 12 mo old. Our study offers support for the contention that females of Rhinopithecus bieti adopt a relaxed mothering style in caring for offspring during their first year of life.  相似文献   

Despite widespread interest in social dominance, little is known of its neural correlates in primates. We hypothesized that social status in primates might be related to individual variation in subcortical brain regions implicated in other aspects of social and emotional behavior in other mammals. To examine this possibility we used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which affords the taking of quantitative measurements noninvasively, both of brain structure and of brain function, across many regions simultaneously. We carried out a series of tests of structural and functional MRI (fMRI) data in 25 group-living macaques. First, a deformation-based morphometric (DBM) approach was used to show that gray matter in the amygdala, brainstem in the vicinity of the raphe nucleus, and reticular formation, hypothalamus, and septum/striatum of the left hemisphere was correlated with social status. Second, similar correlations were found in the same areas in the other hemisphere. Third, similar correlations were found in a second data set acquired several months later from a subset of the same animals. Fourth, the strength of coupling between fMRI-measured activity in the same areas was correlated with social status. The network of subcortical areas, however, had no relationship with the sizes of individuals'' social networks, suggesting the areas had a simple and direct relationship with social status. By contrast a second circuit in cortex, comprising the midsuperior temporal sulcus and anterior and dorsal prefrontal cortex, covaried with both individuals'' social statuses and the social network sizes they experienced. This cortical circuit may be linked to the social cognitive processes that are taxed by life in more complex social networks and that must also be used if an animal is to achieve a high social status.  相似文献   

Group-living primates frequently interact with each other to maintain social bonds as well as to compete for valuable resources. Observing such social interactions between group members provides individuals with essential information (e.g. on the fighting ability or altruistic attitude of group companions) to guide their social tactics and choice of social partners. This process requires individuals to selectively attend to the most informative content within a social scene. It is unclear how non-human primates allocate attention to social interactions in different contexts, and whether they share similar patterns of social attention to humans. Here we compared the gaze behaviour of rhesus macaques and humans when free-viewing the same set of naturalistic images. The images contained positive or negative social interactions between two conspecifics of different phylogenetic distance from the observer; i.e. affiliation or aggression exchanged by two humans, rhesus macaques, Barbary macaques, baboons or lions. Monkeys directed a variable amount of gaze at the two conspecific individuals in the images according to their roles in the interaction (i.e. giver or receiver of affiliation/aggression). Their gaze distribution to non-conspecific individuals was systematically varied according to the viewed species and the nature of interactions, suggesting a contribution of both prior experience and innate bias in guiding social attention. Furthermore, the monkeys’ gaze behavior was qualitatively similar to that of humans, especially when viewing negative interactions. Detailed analysis revealed that both species directed more gaze at the face than the body region when inspecting individuals, and attended more to the body region in negative than in positive social interactions. Our study suggests that monkeys and humans share a similar pattern of role-sensitive, species- and context-dependent social attention, implying a homologous cognitive mechanism of social attention between rhesus macaques and humans.  相似文献   

Although virtually all comparative research about risk perception focuses on which hazards are of concern to people in different culture groups, much can be gained by focusing on predictors of levels of risk perception in various countries and places. In this case, we examine standard and novel predictors of risk perception in seven sites among communities affected by a flood in Mexico (one site) and volcanic eruptions in Mexico (one site) and Ecuador (five sites). We conducted more than 450 interviews with questions about how people feel at the time (after the disaster) regarding what happened in the past, their current concerns, and their expectations for the future. We explore how aspects of the context in which people live have an effect on how strongly people perceive natural hazards in relationship with demographic, well-being, and social network factors. Generally, our research indicates that levels of risk perception for past, present, and future aspects of a specific hazard are similar across these two countries and seven sites. However, these contexts produced different predictors of risk perception—in other words, there was little overlap between sites in the variables that predicted the past, present, or future aspects of risk perception in each site. Generally, current stress was related to perception of past danger of an event in the Mexican sites, but not in Ecuador; network variables were mainly important for perception of past danger (rather than future or present danger), although specific network correlates varied from site to site across the countries.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined whether female Japanese macaques ( Macaca fuscata ) exhibited male-typical patterns of inter-mount social behaviour during homosexual consortships. Data were collected on heterosexual and homosexual consortships from a population of free-ranging Japanese macaques in Arashiyama, Japan. Inter-mount intervals were defined as the period between two consecutive mounts. A total of 3374 heterosexual inter-mount intervals and 1412 homosexual inter-mount intervals were analysed. We examined nine different categories of inter-mount behaviour. Sex differences between heterosexually consorting males and females existed for three of the inter-mount behaviours we examined (i.e. ventral-to-dorsal orientation, aggression directed toward third party individuals, tree-shaking displays). The subordinate female partners in homosexually consorting pairs exhibited some sex-atypical inter-mount behaviours. This sex-atypicality did not appear to reflect generalized developmental canalization in the direction of a male-typical suite of behaviours. Rather, the observed behavioural sex-atypicality could be best explained in terms of the unique alliance-related dynamics that characterized homosexual consortships in Japanese macaques.  相似文献   



Serotonin signaling influences social behavior in both human and nonhuman primates. In humans, variation upstream of the promoter region of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) has recently been shown to influence both behavioral measures of social anxiety and amygdala response to social threats. Here we show that length polymorphisms in 5-HTTLPR predict social reward and punishment in rhesus macaques, a species in which 5-HTTLPR variation is analogous to that of humans.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In contrast to monkeys with two copies of the long allele (L/L), monkeys with one copy of the short allele of this gene (S/L) spent less time gazing at face than non-face images, less time looking in the eye region of faces, and had larger pupil diameters when gazing at photos of a high versus low status male macaques. Moreover, in a novel primed gambling task, presentation of photos of high status male macaques promoted risk-aversion in S/L monkeys but promoted risk-seeking in L/L monkeys. Finally, as measured by a “pay-per-view” task, S/L monkeys required juice payment to view photos of high status males, whereas L/L monkeys sacrificed fluid to see the same photos.


These data indicate that genetic variation in serotonin function contributes to social reward and punishment in rhesus macaques, and thus shapes social behavior in humans and rhesus macaques alike.  相似文献   

Adults and children are willing to sacrifice personal gain to avoid both disadvantageous and advantageous inequity. These two forms of inequity aversion follow different developmental trajectories, with disadvantageous inequity aversion emerging around 4 years and advantageous inequity aversion emerging around 8 years. Although inequity aversion is assumed to be specific to situations where resources are distributed among individuals, the role of social context has not been tested in children. Here, we investigated the influence of two aspects of social context on inequity aversion in 4- to 9-year-old children: (1) the role of the experimenter distributing rewards and (2) the presence of a peer with whom rewards could be shared. Experiment 1 showed that children rejected inequity at the same rate, regardless of whether the experimenter had control over reward allocations. This indicates that children’s decisions are based upon reward allocations between themselves and a peer and are not attempts to elicit more favorable distributions from the experimenter. Experiment 2 compared rejections of unequal reward allocations in children interacting with or without a peer partner. When faced with a disadvantageous distribution, children frequently rejected a smaller reward when a larger reward was visible, even if no partner would obtain the larger reward. This suggests that nonsocial factors partly explain disadvantageous inequity rejections. However, rejections of disadvantageous distributions were higher when the larger amount would go to a peer, indicating that social context enhances disadvantageous inequity aversion. By contrast, children rejected advantageous distributions almost exclusively in the social context. Therefore, advantageous inequity aversion appears to be genuinely social, highlighting its potential relevance for the development of fairness concerns. By comparing social and nonsocial factors, this study provides a detailed picture of the expression of inequity aversion in human ontogeny and raises questions about the function and evolution of inequity aversion in humans.  相似文献   

Both on national and international levels, the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) represents a formidable challenge to social institutions and to cultural assumptions. Its effect thus far, in what must be considered the very early stages of a protracted and unprecedented epidemic, has been to exacerbate existing social tensions and divisions over a surprisingly wide field. Though international leadership by the World Health Organization has been met with an unusually high degree of multinational cooperation, AIDS has also stimulated a degree of xenophobia and racial friction that, if allowed to grow, could handicap global AIDS control and prevention efforts.  相似文献   

I conducted a longitudinal study of hormones and social behavior during pregnancy in 8 female pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) living in a captive social group. Females exhibited reduced grooming activity after the first month of pregnancy and reduced aggressiveness in the last month. Female-male hindquarter presentations and male-female foot-clasp mounts decreased steadily during pregnancy. The week before parturition was associated with lower involvement in all social activities. Monthly changes in plasma concentrations of estradiol and progesterone are correlated with some changes in sexual behavior and grooming performed by pregnant females. Altogether, the findings suggest that pregnancy does not bring about a major disruption of female social relationships with other group members and that the influence of pregnancy hormones on female affiliative and agonistic behavior is less marked than that previously observed for infant-directed behavior.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major health and human rights problem globally. However, empirical findings on the predictors of IPV cross-culturally are highly inconsistent, and the theory of IPV is underdeveloped. We propose a new analytical framework based on cooperative game theory in which IPV is a function of the power relations of the dyadic relationship, not simply the actors involved. Using data from the 2005 Colombian Demographic and Health Survey, we test the hypothesis that IPV is predicted by large asymmetries in dyadic power using a hierarchical generalized linear model. Results suggest that education, urban residence, age at sexual debut, whether the woman has other sexual partners, and the age difference between spouses have strong effects on the log-odds of a woman experiencing IPV. Cooperative game theory and social network analysis offer a general approach to the problem of intimate partner interactions which can be applied broadly cross-culturally.  相似文献   

Previous studies on nonhuman primate maternal styles showed that variation in infant-directed behavior falls along two dimensions, traditionally labeled as protectiveness and rejection. We investigated maternal styles in rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and Japanese (M. fuscata) macaques living in analogous captive social groups, and correlated them with the levels of estrogen metabolites excreted in female feces during the perinatal period. We focally observed mother-infant pairs 3 hours per week during the first 12 weeks of infant life. We collected fecal samples twice a week from each mother, starting 4 weeks before delivery and ending 4 weeks after delivery. Three significant components were extracted by principal component analysis from 15 different infant directed behaviors, each reflecting a different aspect of mothering style: rejection is correlated with behavioral measures of maternal opposition to contact; protectiveness is correlated with maternal solicitude; and independence is correlated with time in contact, grooming and cradling. Levels of estrogen metabolites are significantly correlated to rejection but not to protectiveness or independence, indicating that, in nonhuman primates, individual endocrine changes related to maternal behavior might specifically affect the timing of contact interruption.  相似文献   

People often make decisions in a social environment. The present work examines social influence on people’s decisions in a sequential decision-making situation. In the first experimental study, we implemented an information cascade paradigm, illustrating that people infer information from decisions of others and use this information to make their own decisions. We followed a cognitive modeling approach to elicit the weight people give to social as compared to private individual information. The proposed social influence model shows that participants overweight their own private information relative to social information, contrary to the normative Bayesian account. In our second study, we embedded the abstract decision problem of Study 1 in a medical decision-making problem. We examined whether in a medical situation people also take others’ authority into account in addition to the information that their decisions convey. The social influence model illustrates that people weight social information differentially according to the authority of other decision makers. The influence of authority was strongest when an authority''s decision contrasted with private information. Both studies illustrate how the social environment provides sources of information that people integrate differently for their decisions.  相似文献   

Newborn rhesus macaques imitate facial gestures even after a delay, revealing the flexible nature of their early communicative exchanges. In the present study we examined whether newborn macaques are also sensitive to the identities of the social partners with whom they are interacting. We measured infant monkeys'' (n = 90) lipsmacking and tongue protrusion gestures in a face-to-face interaction task with a human experimenter in the first week of life. After a one-minute delay, the same person who previously presented gestures or a different person returned and presented a still face to infants. We had two primary predictions: (1) infants would demonstrate higher rates of overall gesturing, and especially lipsmacking—an affiliative gesture—to a familiar person, compared to a novel person, and (2) infants'' imitative skills would positively correlate with gestures to familiar, but not unfamiliar, social partners, as both abilities may reflect a strong general social interest. We found that overall infants did not produce more gestures or more lipsmacking when approached by a familiar person compared to a novel person; however, we did find individual differences in infants'' social responsiveness: lipsmacking imitation was positively correlated with lipsmacking during the return period when the person was the same (p = .025), but not when the person was novel (p = .44). These findings are consistent with the notion that imitative skill is reflective of infants'' more general interest in social interactions.  相似文献   

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