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Phylogenetic studies addressing relationships among chrysidid wasps have been limited. There are no hypotheses proposed for the Neotropical lineages of Chrysidini other than the classic cladogram published in the 1990s by Kimsey and Bohart. Herein we present a cladistic analysis based on 64 morphological characters coded for 54 species of Chrysidini, 32 of them being Ipsiura and 22 representing Caenochrysis, Chrysis, Exochrysis, Gaullea, Neochrysis, and Pleurochrysis. The species of Ipsiura were recovered as monophyletic and as the sister clade of Neochrysis in all most parsimonious trees. We discuss the high plasticity of some morphological characters as evidenced by their high homoplasy in the phylogenetic results, and we clarify the main morphological changes inferred on the phylogenetic tree for this genus. The effects of the inferred homoplasy were evaluated under an implied weighting cladistic analysis, and from a probabilistic perspective with Bayesian inference. Those alternative strategies did not alter the general conclusions about the monophyly of Ipsiura or the generic relationships in Chrysidini (changes were noticed in the species‐level relationships within certain parts of Ipsiura, where low branch support was common across all approaches). Among the species groups proposed by Linsenmaier (1985), only the marginalis group was recovered as monophyletic. We also evaluated the convoluted biogeographic history of the group. The resulting historical reconstructions indicate a complicated scenario of diversification of these wasps in the Neotropics, and a close association with forested biomes is discussed.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of Lordiphosa and some taxa in Drosophilinae were analysed on the basis of a total of forty‐one selected drosophilid species. These included eighteen species of five Lordiphosa species‐groups as the main target, twenty‐three species representative of the major drosophiline ingroup taxa and four species of Steganinae as outgroup. Sixty‐eight morphological characters of adults were subjected to cladistic analysis. From the results it is concluded that Lordiphosa is polyphyletic; the Lo. tenuicauda species‐group and genus Nesiodrosophila form a single monophyletic group; Lordiphosa proper (i.e. Lordiphosa spp. minus the tenuicauda group) comprises another monophyletic group; within Lordiphosa proper the fenestrarum, nigricolor and denticeps groups are all monophyletic, but monophyly of the miki group is not strongly supported; genera Hirtodrosophila and Scaptomyza and subgenus Sophophora are all monophyletic; and within Drosophilinae, genus Scaptodrosophila is the first to have split from the main lineage, but the branching order of other clades, Chymomyza, Lordiphosa proper, Sophophora, Hirtodrosophila, Nesiodrosophila+ Lo. tenuicauda group, Scaptomyza, Dorsilopha and subgenus Drosophila, remains unresolved. The topology of maximum parsimony cladograms suggests that Lordiphosa proper lies close to Sophophora as proposed previously, although its phylogenetic position could not be determined conclusively. By contrast, bootstrap values tended to contradict another hypothesis that Lordiphosa and Scaptomyza are sister groups.  相似文献   

Sperm morphology of orthalicid gastropods Clessinia pagoda, Spixia tucumanensis, Plagiodontes daedaleus (Odontostominae) and Drymaeus hygrohylaeus, D. poecilus, Bostryx stelzneri (Bulimulinae) are examined and described for the first time using transmission electron microscopy. Spermatozoa show the general characteristic of Pulmonata: an acrosomal vesicle, sperm nucleus helical, mitochondrial derivative forming a continuous sheath with paracrystalline material and coarse fibers associated with axonemal doublets. Features in the acrosomal complex and shape of the nucleus distinguish orthalicid sperms from other stylommatophoran. The acrosomal pedestal is traversed by fine striations in all species examined except in S. tucumanensis. The structure and thickness of the perinuclear sheath with a single or double layer of electron-dense material ensheathing the nuclear apex is characteristic of the group. The presence of a subnuclear ring in Drymaeus, Bostryx and Clessinia species is also reported. A data matrix of eleven species per 34 characters (16 sperm plus 18 anatomical and shell characters) from orthalicids plus other stylommatophoran and systellommatophoran representative species was constructed. Three cladistic analyses (sperm-based, anatomical-based and a combined sperm + anatomical-based) were performed to test the phylogenetic potential of sperm ultrastructure in orthalicid systematics and understand how sperm characters affect the topology and resolution of the obtained trees. Stylommatophora resulted in a monophyletic clade in the sperm-based and in the combined-character analysis. Orthalicidae is monophyletic only in the combined-character cladogram. Within Orthalicidae, Odontostominae is recovered as a monophyletic clade in all analyses, while Bulimulinae is paraphyletic in all trees except in the combined phylogeny. The present study and cladistic analyses performed support the hypothesis that characters on sperm ultrastructure are informative for stylommatophoran systematic and phylogenetic approaches, providing synapomorphies at familiar, subfamiliar and generic level.  相似文献   

Euphorbia subsect. Pachycladae is a taxon of primarily Macaronesian distribution, defined by morphological and biogeographical criteria. On the basis of morphological data, it is a heterogeneous group within which at least three complexes of species can be distinguished. To ascertain whether it is a natural group and discover its phylogenetic relations, we performed a cladistic analysis of the sequences of ribosomal nuclear DNA and a karyological study. The results of the two studies are concordant and show that the sub-section is polyphyletic and includes three different groups. The first monophyletic group is made up of the Macaronesian endemics E. atropurpurea complex and E. lamarckii complex, which form a polytomy with E. dendroides as the basal species. The lauroid species E. longifolia and E. stygiana represent the second monophyletic group, which derive from Mediterranean forms of E. sect. Helioscopia Dumort. Both species are paleopolyploid (2n=44) with highly symmetrical karyotypes. Finally, E. balsamifera, with a Canarian, African and Arabian distribution, remains isolated in a basal position. Its karyotype, with 2n=20 chromosomes, differs from the Macaronesian model and displays analogies with African cactiform spurges. On the basis of the results, some hypotheses are formulated about speciation processes in the three groups. Received March 3, 2001 Accepted October 28, 2001  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of the genusAnisopappus (Asteraceae: Inuleae) has been undertaken. A hypothesis of species interrelationships in the genus is presented for the first time. The analysis also includedArctotis (Arctoteae), used as outgroup, and five additional genera from theInuleae: Geigeria, Calostephane, Asteriscus, Buphthalmum, Pulicaria, andInula. It is concluded thatAnisopappus is a monophyletic group situated at the base of the tribe, diagnosed by, e.g., their obtuse stylar sweeping-hairs. The species with acute sweeping-hairs were found to be derived within the genus. Problems concerning species delimitation, biogeography and character evolution in the genus are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the suprageneric groupsof the ichneumonid subfamily Pimplinae (Hymenoptera) are re‐assessedusing 166 morphological and biological characters for 162 species,representing all of the available described genera and subgenera.The cladistic analysis was repeated using abstracted genera, re‐codedfrom the ­initial set of species, as terminal taxa. Thetopology of the resulting cladograms was similar. In the first (primary) analysisseveral genera (including Neotheronia, Itoplectis, Dolichomitus, Dreisbachia, Polysphincta, Oxyrrhexis and Zonopimpla)were not retrieved as monophyletic groups; however, all except thelast were found to be monophyletic in the second analysis. Theseresults suggest that using abstracted taxa may force a ‘falsemonophyly’ on the preselected groups. Thus we reject theuse of such abstractions, preferring instead to use exemplar speciesthat together show much of the variation that occurs within a hypothesizedgenus. Within the Pimplinae three major groupings were recognized,the Delomeristini (including the Perithoini syn. nov.) , thePimplini and the Ephialtini. Within the Pimplini, two generic groupswere recovered, the Xanthopimpla and Pimpla genus‐groups,but a third postulated group, the Theronia genus‐group, wasfound to be paraphyletic. Within the Ephialtini five groups wererecognized, the Pseudopimpla, Alophosternum, Camptotypus, Ephialtes and Sericopimpla genus‐groups.The spider parasitizing complex of genera (the Polysphincta genus‐complex)was found to nest within the Sericopimpla genus‐group confirmingthe placement of Polysphinctini as a synonym of Ephialtini. Problemswith the status of some existing genera are highlighted, but formalnomenclatural changes are not proposed. The ancestral Pimplinaeare hypothesized to have been solitary ectoparasitic idiobiontson weakly concealed immature Hymenoptera. The major radiations withinthe Pimplinae are shown as: (1) a progressive exploitation of cocooned,then weakly cocooned, lepidopterous pupae in the Pimplini leadingto idiobiont endoparasitism; (2) increasing specialization to attackhosts deeply concealed in wood in the Ephialtes genus‐group,and (3) specialization on a variety of cocooned hosts, includingspider egg sacs, leading to koinobiont ectoparasitism of spiders.A brief synopsis of the distribution of the group is given, and somebiogeographical inferences drawn. The group is presumed to haveoriginated and radiated on Laurasia; no evidence for trans‐Antarcticrelationships can be found. © 2002 The LinneanSociety of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society,2002, 136 , 421?485  相似文献   

FREIRE, S. E., CRISCI, J. V. & KATINAS, L., 1993. A cladistic analysis of Nassauvia Comm. ex Juss. (Asteraceae, Mutisieae) and related genera. Nassauvia and the most closely related genera Calopappus and Triptilion from the southern Andes and Patagonia of South America, form a monophyletic group diagnosed by the following synapomorphies: cypsela trichomes single two-celled, cypsela testa with strengthened cells, pollen grains spheroidal to spheroidal-oblate, colpi membrane with sexine processes, pappus bristles two to six, and pappus deciduous. Furthermore, Nassauvia, Triptilion, and Calopappus form a group with two other Andean genera, Moscharia and Polyachyrus, diagnosed by occurrence of pseudocephalia and a reduction in the number of flowers to five, three or one. A cladistic analysis of the group was undertaken using 35 characters from morphology, anatomy, and palynology. The monophyletic terminal taxa were the 38 species of Nassauvia, the genus Triptilion, the monotypic genus Calopappus, the genus Polyachyrus, and the genus Moscharia. Character polarity was based on outgroup comparison using Cephalopappus. The analysis resulted in 223 equally parsimonious cladograms, each with 70 steps and a consistency index of 0.57. A successive weighting procedure was applied, resulting in 15 cladograms with a consistency index of 0.82. Results of the cladistic analysis support most of the current systematic classification of Nassauvia, with three exceptions: (1) Nassauvia (excluding Calopappus) is paraphyletic; (2) section Masligophorus appears to be a polyphyletic group (N. pygmaea does not cluster with the remaining species of the section); (3) section Panargyrum (without N. lagascae= section Caloptilium) appears to be a paraphyletic group. The capitula arranged in cymose conflorescences in Triptilion are regarded as a primitive condition which gave rise to all stages present in Nassauvia (conflorescence spicate, pseudocephalium, capitula solitary). The capitula arranged in pseudocephalia in Moscharia and Polyachyrus are regarded as a parallel development to the pseudocephalium found in Nassauvia. Nassauvia, subgenus Strongyloma appears as the most primitive taxon, with its spicate conflorescence, whereas section Masligophorus with its solitary capitulum is thought-derived. These results correspond well with cytological data where species of the subgenus Strongyloma have n= 11 and the species of section Masligophorus are tetraploids (n = 22).  相似文献   

The species ofChamaesyce classified by Boissier as the “Pleiadeniae” are revised in light of presently available collections. Six species are accepted and new combinations are proposed forC. nana, C. setosa, C. tamanduana, andC. viscoides. Although these herbaceous perennials of cerrado vegetation of Brazil, northern Argentina, and adjacent countries are distinctive ecologically and geographically, cladistic analysis does not support their recognition as a monophyletic group.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis was used to deduce the phylogenetic relationships within the colonial Volvocales. Forty-one pairs of characters related to gross morphology and ultrastructure of vegetative colonies as well as asexual and sexual reproduction were analyzed based on parsimony, using the PAUP 3.0 computer program, for 25 species belonging to nine volvocacean and goniacean genera of the colonial Volvocales. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard was the outgroup. The strict consensus tree indicated the presence of two monophyletic groups, one composed of all the volvocacean species analyzed in this study and the other containing the goniacean species except for the four-celled species Gonium sociale (Dujardin) Warming. In addition, these two groups constitute a large monophyletic group, to which G. sociale is a sister group. A new combination Tetrabaena socialis (Dujardin) Nozaki et Itoh and a new family Tetrabaenaceae Nozaki et Itoh are thus proposed for G. sociale. In addition, the analysis suggests that the volvocacean genera Eudorina and Pleodorina are paraphyletic groups, respectively, and that the monotypic genus Yamagishiella has no autapomorphic characters and represents primitive features of the anisogamous and oogamous genera of the Volvocaceae. Phylogenetic relationships within the Volvocaceae and the Goniaceae, as well as the various modes of sexual reproduction exhibited by these organisms, are discussed on the basis of the analysis.  相似文献   

Sarcophaga Meigen is one of the megadiverse genera of true flies, with approximately 850 valid species worldwide. The genus is divided into about 160 subgenera, the validity of a vast majority of which has never been verified using cladistic methods. This paper deals with the mainly Palaearctic subgenus Heteronychia Brauer & Bergenstamm, which comprises 89 species and is thus the largest subunit of Sarcophaga. We performed a cladistic analysis of the group based exclusively on male morphological characters. Parsimony analyses were run on a matrix of 84 characters for 88 species. Species of the subgenera Discachaeta Enderlein and Notoecus Stein were also included in the matrix. A further analysis was carried out using a subset of characters from the terminalia alone (70 characters). The results show that the clade formed by Heteronychia, Discachaeta, and Notoecus is monophyletic, with Discachaeta emerging as polyphyletic whereas Sarcophaga (Notoecus) longestylata Strobl is nested within the Sarcophaga filia‐group. Character states supporting Heteronychia and the few well‐supported species‐groups are discussed in detail. The following synonymies are proposed: Discachaeta = Heteronychia ( syn. nov. ) and Notoecus = Heteronychia ( syn. nov. ). The paper also includes a historical background of the taxon in relation to the classification of the genus Sarcophaga over the past two centuries, as well as a terminological review of the male terminalia, particularly of the distiphallus. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Bark beetles in the genus Dendroctonus may attack and kill several species of coniferous trees, some of them causing major economic losses in temperate forests throughout North and Central America. For this reason, they have been widely studied. However, various aspects of the taxonomy and evolutionary history of the group remain contentious. The genus has been subdivided in species groups according to morphological, biological, karyological or molecular attributes, but the evolutionary affinities among species and species groups within the genus remain uncertain. In this study, phylogenetic relationships among Dendroctonus species were reassessed through parsimony‐based cladistic analysis of morphological and DNA sequence data. Phylogenetic inference was based on 36 morphological characters and on mitochondrial DNA sequences of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. Analyses were carried out for each dataset, as well as for the combined data analysed simultaneously, under equal and implied weights. According to the combined analysis, the genus Dendroctonus is a monophyletic group defined by at least three synapomorphic characters and there are four main lineages of varied composition and diversity within the genus. Within these lineages, several monophyletic groups match, to some extent, species groups defined by previous authors, but certain groups proposed by those authors are polyphyletic or paraphyletic.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among sexually reproducing species of Antennaria (Asteraceae) are poorly understood. An earlier cladistic analysis based on morphology did not fully resolve the phylogeny of these taxa and therefore a different approach using molecular data was explored. The internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS-1 and ITS-2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were sequenced for 30 species of Antennaria and one species from each of the outgroup genera Anaphalis, Ewartia, Leontopodium, and Pseudognaphalium. The ITS-1 sequence in Antennaria ranged from 253 to 260 base pairs (bp) in length, and the proportion of nucleotide differences between pairs of species of Antennaria ranged from 1 to 14%. For ITS-2, the divergence between pairs of species of Antennaria ranged from 0 to 8%. ITS-2 is shorter than ITS-1, ranging from 213 to 219 bp. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that, relative to the outgroups included, Antennaria is a well-supported monophyletic group. Based on the genera surveyed, Leontopodium appears to be the sister genus of Antennaria. The general topology of the molecular trees agrees with that based on previous morphological analyses and indicates that Antennaria is composed of six clades of equal rank, corresponding to the traditionally recognized informal groups, the Geyeriae, Argenteae, Arcuatae, Dimorphae, Pulcherrimae, and Catipes. Sequence and morphological data indicate that the Alpinae and Dioicae are unnatural, polyphyletic units that should be abandoned and redefined as the monophyletic Catipes group. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences also suggests the dissociation of A. stenophylla from the Dimorphae, where it is traditionally placed, and its affiliation with the Argenteae, as well as the placement of A. arcuata in its own group.  相似文献   

The charophycean order Klebsormidiales consists of two unbranched filamentous lineages, the fresh water Entransia and the semiterrestrial Klebsormidium. Molecular data have supported the close relationship Klebsormidiales have with land plants. A monograph exists for the European species of Klebsormidium; this monograph provides a cladistic analysis of morphological characteristics for eight Klebsormidium species, but a species level molecular phylogenetic analysis has not yet been performed for the group. We have obtained 50 strains of Klebsormidium, representing 11 morphological species, both from nature and from culture collections. Phylogenetic analyses using rbcL, atpB, coxIII and nad5 gene sequence data from these strains and 40 outgroup sequences suggest that several traditional Klebsormidium species may not be monophyletic.  相似文献   

Restriction sites for six enzymes were mapped for the plastid DNAs of 25 species of Eragrostideae, one species of Cynodonteae (Eustachys distichophylla), and one species of Pooideae. Of the 124 restriction sites observed, 67 were variably present and shared by two or more species. These data were analyzed by the parsimony method using equal and unequal weights and by bootstrap analysis. The cladistic analyses established that members of the Muhlenbergiinae, including the genera Muhlenbergia, Blepharoneuron, Bealia, Chaboissaea, Lycurus, and Pereilema, share seven restriction site mutations and are strongly supported by the data as a monophyletic subtribe. Surprisingly, Redfieldia flexuosa also clustered with the Muhlenbergiinae in the analysis, perhaps indicative of a past interspecific hybridization event. The restriction sites data also weakly support a relationship (six shared mutations) between Erioneuron, Munroa, and Dasyochloa.  相似文献   

Within the scope of a world revision of the genus group Cephalops Fallén, the pipunculid fauna of the Hawaiian islands was revised. All 36 species proved to belong to a distinct monophyletic species group within the genus Cephalops, called the hawaiiensis subgroup. This subgroup seems to be endemic to the islands and probably originated from one founder ancestor. A cladistic analysis, based on characters of the male terminalia, resulted in a largely resolved cladogram where a number of distinct transformation series could be detected. A zoogeographical analysis, based on assumption 0 (Brooks parsimony analysis), 1 and 2 (Component analysis) agrees with the geological information, and the ancestry and colonization of the group throughout the history is discussed.  相似文献   

Different criteria have been suggested for decisions on character state recognition for morphological characters showing continuous variation from taxon to taxon. A method proposed byMishler andDe Luna seeks to recognize as many character states as the groups of taxon means that are revealed by an analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by multiple range tests. We apply this method as a guide in decisions of selecting taxonomic characters in species of theBletia reflexa complex. Seven species of the complex, represented by 156 individuals belonging to 54 populations, were the terminal taxa of the study. Character state codes were assigned to 20 characters. These characters together with 12 non-quantitative characters were incorporated into cladistic analyses. Results indicate that the complex is monophyletic only under one outgroup combination.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of chloroplast DNA restriction site variation among accessions of Catabrosa P. Beauv., Phippsia (Trin.) R. Br., Sclerochloa P. Beauv., and Puccinellia Pari, resolved a monophyletic Puccinellia, with Sclerochloa as its sister group, Phippsia the sister of the Puccinellia + Sclerochloa clade, and Catabrosa situated more distantly. These results suggest that the taxonomic fusion of Phippsia and Puccinellia, which has been proposed in light of the existence of natural hybrids between them (currently recognized as the nothogenus × Pucciphippsia Tsvelev), would yield a grouping that would not be monophyletic unless Sclerochloa also was included. The set of restriction site characters that resolve these relationships provides minimal support for species groupings within Puccinellia, and the groupings that are resolved are inconsistent in some cases with species boundaries as determined by morphology and isozymes.  相似文献   

The monophyly of Agrotis Ochsenheimer in addition to the relationships among the South American species of the genus and the relationship between Agrotis and Feltia Walker are examined. A cladistic analysis was performed based on 45 terminals, with 28 ingroup and 17 outgroup taxa, and 126 characters (two continuous and 124 discrete) from adult morphology, including male and female genitalia. Parsimony analyses were performed under equal and implied weighting. Results support Agrotis as a monophyletic group, sister to the South American species of Feltia (Feltia tent.), and the latter being more closely related to Agrotis than to the ‘true’ Feltia. Species of Agrotis that branched off first (including the type species) have characters shared with both Feltia and Agrotis. South American species of Agrotis (with some proviso) form a clade that branched off later, with some weakly supported species groups that had been proposed in previous works. Biogeographical aspects of the group are discussed after optimizing species distributions on the tree. Trees obtained after analyses using implied weights show similar relationships to those under equal weights, particularly regarding Feltia tent., showing Feltia tent. plus Agrotis forming a monophyletic group, sister to the ‘true’ Feltia.  相似文献   

matK was conducted using 41 Trillium taxa and two out-group taxa (Veratrum maackii and Helonias bullata). A total of 1608 base pairs were analyzed and compared., and then there were 61 variable (36 informative) sites among Trillium species. Fifteen insertion/deletion events (indels) of six or fifteen base pairs were also detected. Phylogenetic analyses of the sequence data revealed that the subgenus Phyllantherum (sessile-flowered species) forms a distinct monophyletic group, whereas the subgenus Trillium (pedicellate-flowered species) does not form a monophyletic group, and is composed of three distinct groups and three basally located species in the tree: (1) the Erectum group, (2) the Grandiflorum group, and (3) the Pusillum group and (4) the three species, including T. govanianum, T. undulatum, and T. rivale. T .rivale appears to be the most basally diverged and a very specialized taxon among the ingroup members. Our matK data indicated that the closest relative of the subgenus Phyllantherum is the Grandiflorum group. The results are concordant with the results of the RFLP analysis of cpDNA and also more or less with those of the cladistic analysis of morphological characters. Received 11 September 1998/ Accepted in revised form 25 December 1998  相似文献   

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