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Abstract The ultrastructure of the calcareous skeleton is described in nine species of Recent cyclostome bryozoans belonging to the suborder Cerioporina. Two species of Heteropora have interior zooecial walls comprising a granular precursory layer followed by a thick layer of transverse fibres and a subordinate foliated fabric with, in mature proximal walls, a semi-nacreous layer. The remaining seven species have interior walls with no transverse fibres and instead predominantly comprise a distally-imbricated, regularly foliated fabric overlying a granular precursory layer. Older, proximal surfaces often have abundant screw dislocations, but true semi-nacre is absent. Basal walls comprise an outer finely granular precursory fabric and planar spherulitic layer, succeeded by the same ultrastructural succession seen in the interior zooecial walls of the respective groups. Exterior walled diaphragms, peristomes and gonozooids similarly comprise an external fabric of planar spherulitic calcite, lined internally by the predominant fabric seen in the interior walls. Ultrastructurally, therefore, cerioporines may be split into two groups with different fabric suites, the first resembling cinctiporids and many tubuliporines in having interior walls with fabrics of transverse fibres, foliated crystallites and semi-nacre; and the second resembling the rectangulates Lichenopora and Disporella in having interior walls comprising only the foliated fabric. These findings support the close phylogenetic relationship between cerioporines and other cyclostomes but suggest that the cerioporines may constitute either a diphyletic or a paraphyletic group.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the calcareous skeleton is described in twenty–one species of recent tubuliporine cyclostome bryozoans, using field emission SEM. The succession of skeletal fabrics in interior walls may be classified into four different fabric suites. The first–formed part of the calcitic skeleton in all species for which it has been observed is a precursory fabric of tiny, wedge–shaped crystallites. This is succeeded in about half of the species studied by a fabric of transverse fibres, followed by foliated fabric and often semi–nacre (fabric suite 1). Most of the remaining species lack transverse fibres and have interior walls largely comprising semi–nacre (fabric suite 2). A few species have skeletons consisting of predominantly distally–oriented, irregularly or regularly foliated fabric (fabric suite 3). A single species has a skeleton of proximally–oriented foliated fabric (fabric suite 4). Basal exterior walls in all species have a precursory fabric of tiny wedge–shaped crystallites without a strong preferred orientation, deposited directly upon the organic cuticle, followed by a layer of planar spherulitic structure, which in turn is succeeded by a similar fabric to that developed in the interior wall of the species concerned. Outermost layers of frontal exterior walls exhibit one of the following combinations of three fabrics: an outer layer of (1) finely granular or wedge–shaped crystallites; a thin dense granular layer followed by (2) distally accreting planar spherulitic fabric., or (3) obliquely accreting planar spherulitic fabric growing partly towards the midline of the frontal wall. Terminal diaphragms usually have outer layers dominated by planar spherulitic ultrastructure with centripetal growth directions. The fabric suites present in tubuliporines encompass most known fabrics found in the other cyclostome suborders and support the notion that this species–rich suborder occupies a central position in cyclostome evolution.  相似文献   

The calcific protoecia of cyclostome bryozoans have remarkably uniform skeletal ultrastructure in three suborders (Tubuliporina, Cancellata and Rectangulata). The basal wall or floor has a fine outer granular layer succeeded by planar spherulitic fabric, internally lined by irregular semi-nacre. The roof of the disc comprises an outer granular layer with an inner lining of semi-nacre continuous with that of the floor; planar spherulitic fabric is absent. Growth of the floor of the disc is initiated around the circular outer rim and continues centripetally to the centre; the inner lining has no prevailing growth direction. The gently domed roof also initiates around the outer rim, and grows in strips, which grow toward the centre, then distally toward the distal tube of the ancestrula which has a fully adult ultrastructure. Protoecia] ultrastructure is independent of adult ultrastructure. The uniformity of skeletal ultrastructure in cyclostomes corresponds with the close similarity of larvae and post-settlement metamorphosis in the order. The fabric suite of the protoecium resembles the skeletal ultrastructure of Palaeozoic stenolaemates. The primitive fabric condition is retained by some tubuliporines and cancellates. Complex multilayered fabric suites may have evolved in the Mesozoic by addition of new fabric types.  相似文献   

Abstract Scanning electron microscopy of calcified walls in two species of the cyclostome bryozoan Hornera has revealed previously undescribed details of skeletal morphology and growth. The calcitic interior walls of both H. robusta MacGillivray and H. squamosa Hutton have a laminated structure. Walls are extended at distal growing edges where the formation of new crystallites is concentrated and wall fabric is nacreous or semi-nacreous. New crystallites are seeded on the surface of existing crystallites as six-sided rhombs. At the centres of the rhombs in H. robusta there are often three ‘spikes' which point towards alternate sides of the rhomb. Screw dislocations resulting in spiral overgrowths are also common at these distal wall edges. Wall thickening occurs further proximally where walls develop a regularly foliated structure of imbricated laths growing towards the colony base. Although often thought to be ubiquitous in cyclostomes, the division of walls into three layers (an inner, primary layer flanked on both sides by secondary layers) is absent in Hornera. Wall ultrastructure contrasts strongly with the lamellar–fibrous–lamellar structure recently described from cinctiporid cyclostomes. The c-axes of the crystallites are orientated perpendicular to the wall surface in Hornera, unlike cinctiporids in which they are orientated within the plane of the wall. Apparent similarities in ultrastructure suggest that Hornera may provide a good model for wall growth in extinct trepostome bryozoans.  相似文献   

Skeletal ultrastructure and phylogeny of cyclostome bryozoans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research on the ultrastructure of the calcareous skeleton in the bryozoan order Cyclostomata is summarized and updated, based on field emission SEM studies of 87 species. Six fundamental ultrastructural fabrics are recognized which differ in the crystallographic orientations, shapes and prevailing growth directions of the constituent crystallites. During the growth of individual walls a succession of fabrics is secreted, defining a fabric suite. Five fabric suites are described in interior walls and four in exterior walls. Nine ultrastructural characters were combined with 37 other skeletal characters in a PAUP analysis of the relationships between 28 post-Palaeozoic cyclostomes chosen to include representatives of all suborders. A single tree of length 142 steps was found. Comparison of tree statistics for three categories of characters showed ultrastructural characters to be more homoplastic than zooidal characters, and the latter more homoplastic than colonial characters. Rooting the tree on the paleotubuliporine Cuffeyella gave four transitions from fixed- to free-walled organization and no reversals. With respect to the five extant suborders of cyclostomes, this first, preliminary analysis implies that Rectangulata and Cancellata are monophyletic groups, whereas Articulata are diphyletic, and both Tubuliporina and Cerioporina paraphyletic.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the skeleton is described in six species of lichenoporid cyclostome bryozoans using field emission SEM. Both interior walls (vertical, interzooidal walls, and brood chamber roofs and floors) and exterior walls (basal walls) are initially secreted as tiny wedge-shaped crystallites without a strong preferred orientation. These are seeded directly onto pre-existing crystallites in the case of interior walls, but onto the organic cuticle in exterior walls, the bases of the crystallites forming a tightly packed mosaic against the cuticle. With growth the wedges become longer, broader and relatively flatter, developing into platey crystallites. These crystallites grow predominantly distally (i.e. parallel to wall growth direction) and are closely imbricated in a foliated fabric. Local disruptions to this pattern occur, especially in association with crystallite division along “divergent zones”. The pattern also breaks down in old walls where crystallite growing edges become less evident and imbrication is poorly developed. Although conforming to this general model, some differences exist between species of lichenoporids, and in the patterns found in different parts of the skeleton (e.g. apertural spines). Lichenoporid ultrastructure differs from that of both cinctiporid and hornerid cyclostomes: notably, lichenoporids lack the layer of transverse fibres found in cinctiporids, and their predominant distal growth direction of crystallites contrasts with the proximal direction found in hornerids.  相似文献   

The robust emergent leaves of Sparganium eurycarpum and S. americanum are supported by corner fiber masses and large bundle sheaths, but the thin floating leaves of S. fluctuans and S. minimum have only moderate bundle sheaths. In emergent types heavily photosynthetic diaphragms bearing vascular bundles are separated from each other in the leaf compartments by three lightly photosynthetic diaphragms without bundles, but in floating types only every other heavily photosynthetic diaphragm has a bundle. Palisade chlorenchyma occurs only at aerial surfaces—abaxial and adaxial in emergent leaves, but only adaxial in floating leaves. Extra photosynthetic areas are provided in emergent leaves by concentrations of chlorenchyma in limited areas on interior partitioning walls, while the remainder of the walls is translucent. Since only 25 % of the diaphragms are heavily photosynthetic, and the others essentially transparent because of their diffusely distributed chloroplasts and large intercellular spaces, a sieve effect exists which allows even the interior parts of thick emergent leaves to photosynthesize.  相似文献   

Two principally different wall types occur in the bryozoan colony: Exterior walls delimiting the super-individual, the colony, against its surroundings and interior walls dividing the body cavity of the colony thus defined into units which develop into sub-individuals, the zooids. In the gymnolaemate bryozoans generally, whether uniserial or multiserial, the longitudinal zooid walls are exterior, the transverse (proximal and distal) zooid walls interior ones. The radiating zooid rows grow apically to form “tubes” each surrounded by exterior walls but subdivided by interior (transverse) walls. The stenolaemate bryozoans show a contrasting mode of growth in which the colony swells in the distal direction to form one confluent cavity surrounded by an exterior wall but internally subdivided into zooids by interior walls. In the otherwise typical gymnolaemate Parasmittina trispinosa the growing edge is composed of a series of “giant buds” each surrounded by exterior walls on its lateral, frontal, basal and distal sides and forming an undifferentiated chamber usually 2–3 times as broad and 3 or more times as long as the final zooid. Its lumen is subdivided by interior walls into zooids 2–3, occasionally 4, in breadth. This type of zooid formation is therefore similar to the “common bud” or, better-named, “multizooidal budding” characteristic of the stenoleamates but has certainly evolved independently as a special modification of the usual gymnolaemate budding.  相似文献   

Knitted fabrics made from poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibres were treated with an enzyme preparation from Thermobifida fusca KW3b showing hydrolytic activity on p-nitrophenyl butyrate. The fabrics were also treated with NaOH and the results were compared. Both enzyme- and alkaline-treated fabrics showed an increase in reactive dye uptake, vertical wicking height and water absorption capacity of the fabrics indicating an increased surface hydrophilicity. However, X-ray photoelectron (XPS) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) did not give conclusive results on the presence of newly introduced hydrophilic groups on the surface of the fibres. Analysis of the enzyme-treated poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibres by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and by atomic force microscopy (AFM) indicated an increase in surface roughness of the fibres, which may contribute to the observed increased hydrophilicity of the PET fabrics. However, much longer treatment times (24 h) were required to obtain these effects with the enzymes compared to the chemical treatment (1 h).  相似文献   

The preparation of amino silicone based softeners with different emulsifiers was carried out and adsorbed onto the surfaces of cotton and blends of cotton/polyester fabrics. The softened fabrics have high surface area, so poorly performance in washing and rubbing fastness. It is obvious from the results of colorfastness to rubbing and washing that some of the samples of the dyed fabric treated with prepared softeners have shown some poor rating as compared to the untreated fabrics. However the other two samples have shown acceptable rubbing fastness results without losing softness and permanent handle. It can be observed that washing of the printed treated fabric remains unaffected almost in all the studied samples. Moreover, the application of the prepared softeners has imparted anti pilling property to the fabric. It can be seen that there is a remarkable increase in weights of treated fabrics as compared to the untreated fabrics.  相似文献   

Fossil bryozoans sometimes contain fossilised brown bodies which remain after polypide degeneration. Position and shape of brown bodies as well as different skeletal diaphragms within living chambers allow outlining of autozooid anatomy in Palaeozoic trepostome bryozoans. In some trepostome bryozoans short autozooids were restricted by complete basal diaphragms to distal parts of autozooecia. In species with alternating hemiphragms, as in the specimen ofHemiphragma sp. described here, long autozooids occupied the entire autozooecial chambers. Their short polypides were positioned in distal parts of the autozooid. Both anatomic types correspond to the progressive polypide cycle afterBoardman. For species with ring septa, non-alternating hemiphragms (studied in an example ofNipponostenopora karatauensis) as well as without any diaphragms the stationary type of polypide cycle seems also to be possible. In that case, the polypides should be as long as the cystid.   相似文献   

Summary The general structure, ultrastructure and innervation of the swimbladder of the smooth toadfish, Tetractenos glaber, were examined with light-microscopic, fluorescence-histochemical, and transmission electron-microscopic techniques. The structure of the swimbladder is similar to that of other euphysoclists. Fluorescence histochemistry showed adrenergic fibres in both the secretory and resorptive areas of the swimbladder. Transmission electron microscopy revealed two morphologically distinct axon profiles type-I profiles containing many small, flattened vesicles; type-II profiles containing both large, granular vesicles and rounded, small clear vesicles in varying proportions.The gas-gland cells and surrounding muscularis mucosae are innervated by both type-I and type-II fibres. Type-I fibres also innervate pre-rete arteries. The rete- and gas-gland capillaries do not appear to be innervated. Arteries running to the resorptive area are innervated by type-I fibres. Both type-I and type-II profiles make contact with the muscularis mucosae in the resorptive area. Only type-I fibres innervate the radial dilator muscle in the oval sphincter region, whereas only type II fibres innervate the circular muscle of the oval sphincter.Type-I fibres took up -methyl-noradrenaline, and could not be found after pre-treatment with 6-hydroxydopamine. They are, therefore, assumed to be adrenergic. Type-II fibres were tentatively identified, by exclusion, as cholinergic.  相似文献   

The integument of ribbon worms in the order Heteronemertea is distinct from the integuments in the other taxa of nemerteans due to the presence of a special subepidermal glandular layer, the cutis. Among heteronemerteans, the ultrastructure of the cutis has been studied only in the Lineus ruber species complex. In the current study, ultrastructural (transmission electron microscopy) and histochemical studies of the epidermis and the cutis of Micrura bella from the basal Lineage A of the family Lineidae were performed. The epidermis consisted of ciliated and serous gland cells and is separated from the cutis by a layer of the subepidermal extracellular matrix; the basal lamina was not detected. The cutis comprised musculature, two types of mucous and four types of granular gland cells, and pigment cells with four types of granules. In the cutis of juvenile worms, type II granular gland cells and type II mucous cells were not observed. The integument of the caudal cirrus consisted of ciliated and serous gland cells and two intraepidermal lateral nerve cords; the cutis was absent. The compositions of the integument glands of M. bella and the L. ruber species complex are similar, except for the presence of type IV granular gland cells with narrow rod-shaped and lamellated granules exhibiting an alternating dark and light transverse layers and type II mucous cells found only in M. bella.  相似文献   

U. Ryser  P. J. Holloway 《Planta》1985,163(2):151-163
Electron-microscopic examination in conjunction with extraction procedures and chemical analysis have confirmed that a suberin-like lipid biopolymer is located within the concentric polylamellate layers found in the secondary cell walls of green cotton fibres (Gossypium hirsutum cv. green lint). A polymer of similar ultrastructure and chemical constitution also occurs mainly in the secondary seed-coat walls of the outer epidermis of both green and white varieties of G. hirsutum. The suberins composed of predominantly C22 compounds are, however, markedly different from those present in the periderms of the same plants; these comprise mainly C16 and C18 compounds. Long-chain 1-alkanols (C26–C36) and alkanoic acids (C16–C36) are the principal components of the wax from white fibres but these lipid classes comprise a much smaller proportion of that from green fibres. unidentified highmolecular-weight compounds were the major constituents of the green-fibre was extract which also contains a number of yellow-green pigments, probably flavonoid in nature. These pigments are thought to be associated with the ultrahistochemical reaction with silver proteinate that was observed only in the green-fibre cell walls. A total of 16 wild and cultivated cotton species were examined with the electron microscope for the presence of suberin. The outer seed-coat epidermis of all the examined species but only the fibres of the wild ones were found to be suberized. Among the analysed mutants of fibre colour in G. hirsutum only the gene Lg (green lint) seemed to be associated with suberin.Abbreviations GLC gas-liquid chromatography - TLC thinlayer chromatography Fibres=fibre cells of the seed coat epidermis without fibre base; Seed coast=include the base of fibre cells, and short, so-called fuzz fibres  相似文献   

An antimicrobial finishing for cotton fabric was prepared from commercial (iSys AG, Germany) silver chloride (Ag) dispersed at different concentrations in a reactive organic–inorganic binder (RB) (iSys MTX (CHT, Germany). Pad-dry-cure and exhaustion methods were used for the sols application, giving Ag-RB coating with Ag concentration from ca. 48 to ca. 290 ppm on the cotton fabric. The presence of silver on the cotton finishes was confirmed by measuring its concentration in the fabrics with the help of inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). The morphology of the finished fabrics was investigated by SEM, while their composition was established from EDXS measurements combined with the results of FT-IR spectral analysis. The antimicrobial activity of variously treated cotton fabrics was assessed before and after repetitive (up to 10×) washing by the application of standard tests: for the fungi Aspergillus niger (ATCC 6275) and Chaetomium globosum (ATCC 6205) by the modified DIN 53931 standard method, while the presence of Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922) was followed by using ISO 20645:2004 (E) and AATCC 100-1999 standard methods. Results revealed that the antimicrobial activity of the coatings strongly depended on the concentration of Ag in the corresponding Ag-RB dispersions, indirectly depending on the preparation method (pad-dry-cure vs. exhaustion) and that the Ag-RB coatings were more effective for bacteria than for fungi. The Ag concentrations on the cotton fabrics achieved by the pad-dry-cure method (48 and 52 ppm) were not sufficient to impart satisfactory antifungal activity to the cotton fabrics, though they assured excellent reduction of the bacterium E. coli (98–100%). A minimal inhibitory concentration of Ag in the coating providing a sufficient bacterial reduction of 60% was ca. 24 ppm. Effective antifungal activity was achieved only by applying the exhaustion method, enabling high initial Ag concentration in the Ag-RB coating (>100 ppm). The antibacterial activity depended on the washing treatment. No antifungal activity was noted for washed cotton fabric, even those with highly concentrated Ag (290 ppm) in the Ag-RB coating, but a 94% bacterial reduction was obtained for the corresponding cotton fabric, after 10 repetitive washings, corroborated by the Ag concentration on washed fabric of about 65 ppm.  相似文献   

Summary The antibiotic ionophores Br-X-537A and A-23187 alter the ultrastructure of neurohaemal tissue on the transverse nerve of the stick insect, Carausius morosus. Br-X-537A induces dramatic changes in the ultrastructural appearance of all three types of neurosecretory fibres present in the neurohaemal tissue. The neurosecretory granules become more electron-lucent and the mitochondria become more electron-opaque. The bounding membrane of the granules is frequently ruptured. A-23187, on the other hand, has no effect on two of the three types of fibres, but does produce an increase in the number of exocytotic profiles in the third.The two ionophores therefore have different effects on the same tissue. The results are discussed in the light of previous work with the use of these ionophores.We wish to thank Mrs. J. Birch for assistance with the electron micrographs, and Roche Products Ltd. and Lilly Research Centre Ltd. for gifts of the ionophores Br-X-537A and A-23187. The work was supported by the Science Research Council  相似文献   

Summary Fibre types in the costal region of the diaphragm muscle of several mammalian species with widely different respiratory rates were examined microphotometrically for succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity. Mean activities indicated no significant (p>0.05) difference between the type I and IIA fibres for any of the species examined. SDH activities in type IIB fibres were significantly lower (p<0.05) than either the type I or type IIA fibres in the cat, guinea pig, rat and rabbit whereas in the mouse no difference was found. The dog had no classical type 1B fibres. Analysis of the distribution of SDH activities by fibre type indicated a wide scattering of scores with no distinct separation between fibre types. Large differences in SDH activity were noted between species. Mean SDH activities were highest in the mouse and rat, intermediate in the rabbit and guinea pig and lowest in the cat and dog. These data suggest an association between respiratory rate and aerobic oxidative potential of the various fibre types in diaphragms of the species examined.  相似文献   

Phototrophic Biofilms on Ancient Mayan Buildings in Yucatan, Mexico   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Buildings at the important archaeological sites of Uxmal and Kabah, Mexico, are being degraded by microbial biofilms. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and chlorophyll a analyses indicated that phototrophs were the major epilithic microorganisms and were more prevalent on interior walls than exterior walls. Culture and microscopical techniques showed that Xenococcus formed the major biomass on interior surfaces, but the stone-degrading genera Gloeocapsa and Synechocystis were also present in high numbers. Relatively few filamentous algae and cyanobacteria were detected. The fatty acid analysis also showed that complex biofilms colonize these buildings. Circular depressions observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on stone and stucco surfaces beneath the biofilm corresponded in shape and size to coccoid cyanobacteria. SEM images also demonstrated the presence of calcareous deposits on some coccoid cells in the biofilm. Phototrophic biofilms may contribute to biodegradation by (1) providing nutrients that support growth of acid-producing fungi and bacteria and (2) active “boring” behavior, the solubilized calcium being reprecipitated as calcium carbonate. Received: 15 March 1999 / Accepted: 24 June 1999  相似文献   

Summary The freeze-etching technique, aldehyde fixation and heavy metal shadowing of wall material were used in an electron microscope study of the maturing spores of Alternaria brassicicola (Schw.) Wiltshire. The walls are composed of fibres, probably of chitin. The plasmalemma has rectangular grooves in its outer surface and corresponding ridges on the inner one; both surfaces bear particles of two distinct sizes. Endoplasmic reticulum may be lamellated or vesicular and its involvement in wall formation is confirmed; vesicles produced by the endoplasmic reticulum fuse with the plasmalemma. The structure of nuclei, mitochondria and vacuoles is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Mary  Whitear 《Journal of Zoology》1974,172(4):503-529
In the epidermis of frog skin, most nerves are situated at the top of the basal layer. More superficial nerve fibres are usually adjacent to flask cells; it is concluded that this is not a functional association, but a consequence of the pattern of moulting. There are nerve fibres in the walls of the granular glands; mucous glands appear to have no intrinsic innervation although nerves pass within a short distance of their walls. The smooth muscle bundles of the dermis are innervated, and have a physical attachment to the overlying epidermis.  相似文献   

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