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RBM6(RNA binding motif protein 6)是一种RNA结合蛋白,存在5种可变剪接体.以往的研究发现:与正常组织相比,这些剪接体在肺癌和乳腺癌等肿瘤组织中的表达均有显著变化,但其功能尚不清楚.越来越多的研究显示,RBM6可能是肿瘤进展中的一个重要的调控因子.该文将从RBM6的基因与蛋白结构、作用机...  相似文献   

在人类的基因组中,超过90%的基因都会经历RNA可变剪接,可变剪接贯穿生命活动的始终.RNA剪接异常与人类的疾病密切相关,其中包括癌症.作为第二大致死因素,癌症对公共健康造成了严重的危害.在每年癌症新增及死亡病例中,肺癌均位于首位.研究发现,肺癌中存在大量剪接事件异常,可变剪接参与调控肺癌的发生和发展.在肺癌中,剪接因...  相似文献   

细胞通过基因表达调控来应对外界刺激,其中影响mRNA稳定性及翻译效率的转录后调控发挥重要作用。RNA结合蛋白(RNA binding proteins, RBPs)是介导转录后调控的重要分子,Sam68(SRC associated in mitosis of 68 kD)是集信号转导特性与RNA激活功能于一身的RNA结合蛋白,参与转录、可变剪接及核输出等mRNA 的代谢过程,且Sam68可通过信号通路参与细胞应答、细胞周期调控和疾病发生等。最新研究表明,Sam68可通过非编码RNAs(noncoding RNA, ncRNAs)参与表观遗传、转录与转录后调控。本文在介绍Sam68结构和转录后修饰的基础上,着重讨论Sam68在信号转导、可变剪接、ncRNAs代谢、疾病发生等方面的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

蛋白质剪接技术为在蛋白质水平上直接对蛋白质进行修饰和加工提供了一种全新的解决方案,因而在蛋白质工程及相关领域具有非常广阔的应用前景。现阶段,大部分天然的蛋白质内含子在异源蛋白质中剪接活性非常低,极大限制了蛋白质内含子的开发和应用。为了开发一个可以同时对蛋白质内含子通用性和剪接活性进行筛选的系统,利用Bsa I限制性内切酶识别位点和切割不重合的特性,将Ter ThyX内含子(不含外显子序列)插入到卡那霉素抗性蛋白基因的多个位点。并且摒弃了以往需要结合天然外显子以实现剪接的方法,可以同时对蛋白质内含子的剪接活性和通用性进行筛选。Western blot结果和卡那霉素平板生长结果表明,通过卡那霉素筛选系统可以精确的将蛋白质内含子剪接反应与卡那霉素抗性结合起来,仅从卡那霉素平板上的菌落生长情况即可完成蛋白质内含子剪接活性阳性突变的筛选,是一个快速,稳定的定向进化筛选系统。  相似文献   

人类基因组盒式外显子和内含子保留的可变剪接位点预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信使RNA的可变剪接是真核生物有别于原核生物的基本特征之一,信使RNA前体的可变剪接极大地丰富了高等真核生物蛋白质的多样性,并与生物体的组织特异性密切相关。文章对人类盒式外显子和内含子保留的一些基本特征进行了统计;根据剪接位点附近的单碱基、碱基二联体和三联体的保守性等特征,利用基于多样性指标的二次判别法,对盒式外显子和内含子保留的供体端和受体端可变剪接位点进行了预测。交叉检验结果表明,盒式外显子供体端和受体端的识别精度分别达到93%、84%以上的水平;内含子保留供体端和受体端的识别精度分别达到89%、81%以上的水平。  相似文献   

<正>经典的分子生物学中心法则认为,遗传信息(基因)通过转录从DNA传递到RNA,再通过翻译从RNA传递到蛋白质;在此过程中,RNA是遗传信息从DNA传递到蛋白质的中间体[1]。然而,从上个世纪70~80年代起的研究发现,遗传信息的传递在RNA水平也存在着广泛而又复杂的调控作用[2-3]。生命起源的RNA世界假说[4]和全转录组RNA表达分析结果[5]都显示基因表达在RNA水平存在着更复杂而又精细的调控作用(RNA complexity),而且这种调控作用具  相似文献   

mRNA的可变剪接(alternative splicing)是一种由一个mRNA前体(pre-mRNA)通过不同的剪接方式产生多个mRNA变异体(variants)的RNA加工过程。在过去很长一段时间里,人们认为mRNA剪接过程是独立于转录过程的一个转录后RNA加工过程。然而,越来越多的实验证明mRNA剪接在很大程度上是与转录偶联发生的。因此,剪接调控会受到与转录相关因素的调控。本文将对染色质与mRNA剪接调控的相关性和染色质结构调控可变剪接的分子机制进行阐述。  相似文献   

环形RNA是一种广泛存在于真核细胞的内源性RNA,由前体RNA反向剪接而成,不具有5’末端帽子和3’末端poly(A)尾巴,呈封闭环状结构。环形RNA通过miRNA海绵结合等方式参与基因表达调控等许多重要的生物学过程。环形RNA可以通过可变剪接产生不同的环形RNA转录本,因此获取环形RNA转录本内部全长序列信息以及对环形RNA内部可变剪接产物进行精确定量是揭示环形RNA调控功能的前提。生物信息学工具能够高效便捷的处理高通量测序数据,被普遍用来鉴别和分析环形RNA。本文介绍了环形RNA的产生机制以及功能特性,对环形RNA检测、全长序列组装以及定量相关计算工具进行综述。  相似文献   

目的:利用RT-PCR技术验证并确认基于小鼠外显子芯片发现的部分缺血相关基因的表达,以鉴定候选基因的外显子是否发生可变剪接,从而实现对外显子芯片结果的鉴定。方法:根据生物信息学分析结果,选取小鼠外显子芯片中的3个基因(Ube3c,6330439K17Rik,Atp7a),在预测发生可变剪接的外显子两侧设计上下游引物,PCR后进行凝胶回收,再克隆到载体中进行测序。结果:RT-PCR及测序结果表明,Ube3c基因在6号外显子、6330439K17Rik基因在12号外显子、Atp7a基因在3号外显子发生可变剪接,与芯片预测结果一致。结论:RT-PCR技术可针对外显子芯片的结果进行可靠性验证,为可变剪接基因表达研究提供了一种有效手段。  相似文献   

目的:研究人A-to-I RNA编辑事件对外显子剪接增强子(ESE)的潜在影响。方法:搜集文献报道的人A-to-I RNA编辑位点,并筛选包含有A-to-I RNA编辑位点的ESE,分析人A-to-I RNA编辑前后单碱基变化对ESE的潜在影响。结果:3640个A-to-I RNA编辑位点可能使其所在的ESE功能发生潜在改变;A-to-I RNA编辑事件对不同类型ESE的潜在影响不同。结论:A-to-I RNA编辑事件可能潜在影响ESE的功能,对ESE的潜在影响为量的调节,而非质的改变。  相似文献   

This review of the original works on computer analysis of the human genome considers (i) the development of methods to predict the exon–intron structure of genes and (ii) analysis of alternative splicing. Prediction of the gene structure is based on homology between the gene product and a known protein or between the genomic sequences of the gene and its homolog from another organism. The methods were tested and proved highly efficient. Human gene splicing was analyzed with original methods and EST databases. Genes with alternative splicing were for the first time shown to account for no less than 35% of total genes. Alternative splicing was compared for the human and mouse genomes. Species-specific isoforms were demonstrated for 50% of alternatively spliced genes (25% of total genes).  相似文献   

RBM10, originally called S1-1, is a nuclear RNA-binding protein with domains characteristic of RNA processing proteins. It has been reported that RBM10 constitutes spliceosome complexes and that RBM5, a close homologue of RBM10, regulates alternative splicing of apoptosis-related genes, Fas and cFLIP. In this study, we examined whether RBM10 has a regulatory function in splicing similar to RBM5, and determined that it indeed regulates alternative splicing of Fas and Bcl-x genes. RBM10 promotes exon skipping of Fas pre-mRNA as well as selection of an internal 5′-splice site in Bcl-x pre-mRNA. We propose a consensus RBM10-binding sequence at 5′-splice sites of target exons and a mechanistic model of RBM10 action in the alternative splicing.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(11):2069-2083.e8
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RBM10 is an RNA binding motif (RBM) protein expressed in most, if not all, human and animal cells. Interest in RBM10 is rapidly increasing and its clinical importance is highlighted by its identification as the causative agent of TARP syndrome, a developmental condition that significantly impacts affected children. RBM10's cellular functions are beginning to be explored, with initial studies demonstrating a tumor suppressor role. Very recently, however, contradictory results have emerged, suggesting a tumor promoter role for RBM10. In this review, we describe the current state of knowledge on RBM10, and address this dichotomy in RBM10 function. Furthermore, we discuss what may be regulating RBM10 function, particularly the importance of RBM10 alternative splicing, and the relationship between RBM10 and its paralogue, RBM5. As RBM10‐related work is gaining momentum, it is critical that the various aspects of RBM10 molecular biology revealed by recent studies be considered moving forward. It is only if these recent advances in RBM10 structure and function are considered that a clearer insight into RBM10 function, and the disease states with which RBM10 mutation is associated, will be gained.  相似文献   

RBM5/LUCA-15/H37 is a nuclear SR-related RNA binding protein with the ability to modulate both apoptosis and the cell cycle, and retard tumour formation. How RBM5 functions to carry out these, potentially interrelated, biological activities is unknown. Since reversible phosphorylation has been shown to play an important role in the regulation of SR protein function, apoptosis and cell cycle control, in an attempt to elucidate the underlying mechanisms regulating RBM5 function, the phosphorylation status of RBM5 was investigated. Whole cell lysate from growing cell cultures was treated with the broad phosphatase spectrum of CIP, resulting in a decrease in the molecular mass of RBM5. A similar decrease in molecular mass, of a subset of RBM5 proteins, was observed during growth factor deprivation, in a manner consistent with partial dephosphorylation of RBM5. Molecular mass increased upon growth factor addition, demonstrating that this apoptosis-associated alteration in molecular mass was a reversible process. Immunoprecipitation and mutagenesis experiments strongly suggested that phosphotyrosines are not present in RBM5 under normal growth conditions, and that serine 69 is phosphorylated, but not by Akt kinase. Taken together, these results suggest that reversible phosphorylation of RBM5 is a mechanism capable of regulating RBM5 participation in modulating apoptosis, and perhaps tumour suppression.  相似文献   

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