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Abstract We previously identified and genetically characterized several factors essential for the natural competence of transformation in Neisseria gonorrhoeae . Here we analyse the sequential action of these factors and dissect the overall transformation process into three distinct steps, (i) the sequence-specific uptake of transforming DNA into a DNase-resistant state, (ii) the transfer of DNA to the cytosol and (iii) the processing and recombination of the incoming with the resident DNA. While two pilus-associated factors, PilE and PilC, were previously implicated in the early DNA uptake event, we show here that three competence factors unrelated to pilus biogenesis, ComA, ComL and Tpc, are not essential for DNA uptake and rather act in a subsequent step. The respective mutants, however, lack the characteristic nucleolytic processing observed with the incoming DNA in both wild-type and non-transformable RecA-deficient N. gonorrhoeae , indicating that they are blocked in the processing and/or the delivery of DNA to the cytoplasm. A hypothetical model proposing a sequential action of the known gonococcal competence factors is presented.  相似文献   

The method of shuttle mutagenesis has been extended to Neisseria gonorrhoeae. We have constructed a defective mini-Tn3 derivative that encodes chloramphenicol resistance in both N. gonorrhoeae and Escherichia coli and selected for mutations in the chloramphenicol resistance gene that express higher levels of antibiotic resistance in N. gonorrhoeae. Isogenic N. gonorrhoeae strains that differ only in pilin expression were constructed and used to test the effect of pilin null mutations on DNA transformation competence.  相似文献   

Dynamic properties of type IV pili are essential for their function in bacterial infection, twitching motility and gene transfer. Laser tweezers are versatile tools to study the molecular mechanism underlying pilus dynamics at the single molecule level. Recently, these optical tweezers have been used to monitor pilus elongation and retraction in vivo at a resolution of several nanometers. The force generated by type IV pili exceeds 100 pN making pili the strongest linear motors characterized to date. The study of pilus dynamics at the single molecule level sheds light on kinetics, force generation, switching and mechanics of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae pilus motor.  相似文献   

The unicellular cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is motile. A homologue of the PilT protein family, required for twitching motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and social gliding motility in Myxococcus xanthus, was found to be necessarily associated with cyanobacterial motility. The pilT1 (slr0161) mutant shows a pleotropic phenotype, defects in individual cell motility, and an increased number of long surface pili. Furthermore, the mutant loses its ability of natural competency. These findings demonstrate that PilT1 is essential for both cell motility and competency. Since the pilT gene contains a consensus ATP-binding motif (Walker boxes), the PilT protein is suggested for supplying energy for cell motility. The product of pilT1, overproduced in Escherichia coli and purified by Ni-affinity chromatography, hydrolyzes ATP in vitro.  相似文献   

A novel genetic determinant (comA) has been identified and found to be required for the transformation of piliated Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Mutants in comA of strain MS11 grow normally and are DNA-uptake proficient but blocked in the translocation of DNA into the cytoplasm. Here we show by site-specific mutagenesis and genetic complementation that only one of two open reading frames identified in comA is essential for competence: it encodes a protein (ComA) with a predicted size of 74kDa. The comAgene maps upstream of the iga locus and is transcribed in the opposite orientation, probably under the control of a putative σ;54 type promoter. While DNA probes specific for the N. gonorrhoeae iga locus reveal only a little cross-reactivity with commensal Neisseria species, the neighbouring comA gene appears to be present in most of them. ComA fusion proteins were obtained by in vitro translation. The synthesized gene products migrated atypically in SDS gels indicating its strong hydrophobicity. Several transmembrane α-helices were predicted from the amino acid sequence of ComA which, in the context of an observed sequence similarity with other inner membrane proteins, suggests a location for the protein in the inner membrane. Using piliated and non-piliated comA mutants the consequences of transformation deficiency on pilin phase variation were assessed. We show that the comA defect affects some but not all types of DNA rearrangements associated with pilE variation. The results are in agreement with previous observations supporting the notion that multiple recombination pathways contribute to the variability of pilE.  相似文献   

We characterized a novel mutant phenotype (t etrap ac , tpc) of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ngo) associated with a distinctive rough-colony morphology and bacterial growth in clusters of four. This phenotype, suggesting a defect in cell division, was isolated from a mutant library of Ngo MS11 generated with the phoA minitransposon TnMax4. The tpc mutant shows a 30% reduction in the overall murein hydrolase activity using Escherichia coli murein as substrate. Tetrapacs can be resolved by co-cultivation with wild-type Ngo, indicating that Tpc is a diffusible protein. Interestingly, Tpc is absolutely required for the natural transformation competence of piliated Ngo. Mutants in tpc grow normally, but show a ~ 10-fold reduction in their ability to invade human epithelial cells. The tpc sequence reveals an open reading frame of ~1 kb encoding a protein (Tpc) of 37kDa. The primary gene product exhibits an N-terminal leader sequence typical of lipoproteins, but palmitoylation of Tpc could not be demonstrated. The ribosomal binding site of tpc is immediately downstream of the translational stop codon of the folC gene coding for an enzyme involved in folic acid biosynthesis and one-carbon metabolism. The tpc gene is probably co-transcribed from the folC promoter and a promoter located within the folC gene. The latter promoter sequence shares significant homology with E. coli gearbox consensus promoters. All three mutant phenotypes, i.e. the cell separation defect, the transformation deficiency and the defect in cell invasion can be restored by complementation of the mutant with an intact tpc gene. To some extent the tcp phenotype is reminiscent of iap in Listeria, lytA in Streptococcus pneumoniae and lyt in Bacillus subtilis, all of which are considered to represent murein hydrolase defects.  相似文献   

Catalytically active, recombinant fusion proteins of bacteriophage E endosialidase were expressed and purified from Escherichia coli. Constructs with different fusion partners added to the amino terminus of the endosialidase were enzymatically active. A post-translational proteolytic cleavage was shown to occur between serine 706 and aspartate 707 to generate the 76 kDa mature enzyme from the 90 kDa translation product. Endosialidase truncated at the C-terminus from aspartate 707 was observed to have the same 76 kDa molecular weight as wild-type enzyme using denaturing SDS-PAGE but, under native PAGE conditions, was not observed to form the approximately 250 kDa trimeric wild-type enzyme, implying that the C-terminus of the enzyme may be required for correct assembly of active trimer, rather than as part of the active site as has been previously suggested. Mutagenesis of aspartate 138 to alanine greatly reduced enzyme activity whereas conversion of other selected aspartate residues to alanine had less effect, consistent with similarities between the structure and cata-lytic mechanism of bacteriophage E endosialidase and those of exosialidases.  相似文献   

The retractile type IV pilus participates in a number of fundamental bacterial processes, including motility, DNA transformation, fruiting body formation and attachment to host cells. Retraction of the N. gonorrhoeae type IV pilus requires a functional pilT. Retraction generates substantial force on its substrate (> 100 pN per retraction event), and it has been speculated that epithelial cells sense and respond to these forces during infection. We provide evidence that piliated, Opa non-expressing Neisseria gonorrhoeae activates the stress-responsive PI-3 kinase/Akt (PKB) pathway in human epithelial cells, and activation is enhanced by a functional pilT. PI-3 kinase inhibitors wortmannin and LY294002 reduce cell entry by 81% and 50%, respectively, illustrating the importance of this cascade in bacterial invasion. PI-3 kinase and its direct downstream effectors [PI(3,4,5)P3] and Akt are concentrated in the cell cortex beneath adherent bacteria, particularly at the periphery of the bacterial microcolonies. Furthermore, [PI(3,4,5)P3] is translocated to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. Finally, we show that [PI(3,4,5)P3] stimulates microcolony formation and upregulates pilT expression in vitro. We conclude that N. gonorrhoeae activation of PI-3 kinase triggers the host cell to produce a lipid second messenger that influences bacterial behaviour.  相似文献   

The protein II (PII) outer membrane proteins of Neisseria gonorrhoeae are a family of heat-modifiable proteins that are subject to phase variation, in which the synthesis of different PII species is turned on and off at a high frequency. Transformation of PII genes from a donor gonococcal strain into a recipient strain was detected with monoclonal antibodies specific for the PII proteins of the donor. Individual PII protein-expressing transformants generally bound only one donor-specific PII monoclonal antibody. Recovery of transformants expressing a donor-specific PII protein depended on the PII protein expression state of the donor: the transformed population bound only monoclonal antibodies specific for PII proteins that were expressed in the donor. Colony variants with an altered frequency of switching of PII protein expression were isolated, but the altered switch phenotype did not cotransform with the PII structural gene. These results provide genetic evidence that PII proteins are the products of different genes and that expressed and unexpressed forms of the PII gene are different from each other.  相似文献   

Mutations (env) which resulted in increased sensitivity of gonococci to diverse compounds were studied by transformation. Strains carrying an env mutation were more sensitive than wild-type strains to several antibiotics, dyes, and detergents. The env mutations resulted in complete phenotypic suppression of low-level resistance to these same drugs determined by mutation at ery. Recombination was observed in transformation crosses between various env mutants. The env locus was not linked to the cluster of antibiotic resistance genes near str and spc.  相似文献   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains with nutritional requirements that include arginine (Arg-), uracil (Ura-), and hypoxanthine have attracted attention because of their tendency to cause disseminated infections, as a basis for genetic studies of arginine and pyrimidine biosynthesis, we examined the activities of four enzymes of these pathways in cell-free extracts of both prototrophic and Arg- Ura- strains. Activities of glutamate acetyltransferase, aspartate transcarbamylase, and orotate phosphoribosyltransferase, encoded respectively by argE, pyrB, and pyrE, were absent in some Arg- Ura- isolates. Gonococci that were unable to utilize ornithine for growth in place of citrulline lacked activity of carbamyl phosphate synthetase (encoded by car). Defects of car imposed requirements for both citrulline (or arginine) and a pyrimidine because of the dual role of carbamyl phosphate in the two pathways. Defects of argE, car, pyrB, and pyrE were separately introduced by genetic transformation into representatives of a gonococcal strain which initially was prototrophic. Results of enzyme assays of these isogenic auxotrophic transformants confirmed the gene-enzyme relationships.  相似文献   

The assembly of type IV pili in Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a complex process likely to require the products of many genes. One of these is the enzyme prepilin peptidase, which cleaves and then N methylates the precursor pilin subunits prior to their assembly into pili. We have used a PCR amplification strategy to clone the N. gonorrhoeae prepilin peptidase gene, pilDNg. A single copy of the gene is shown to be present in the chromosome. Its product promotes correct cleavage of the gonococcal prepillin in Escherichia coli cells carrying both the prepilin peptidase gene and the pilin structural gene. PilDNg also cleaves prePulG, a type IV pilin-like protein of Klebsiella oxytoca. Moreover, PilDNg complements a mutation in the gene coding for the prepilin peptidase-like protein of K. oxytoca, pulO, partially restoring PulG-PulO-dependent extracellular secretion of the enzyme pullulanase. Finally, we show that genes homologous to pilDNg are present and expressed in a variety of species in the genus Neisseria, including some commensal strains.  相似文献   

Pili of Neisseria gonorrhoeae are correlated with Increased bacterial attachment to epithelial cells and undergo both phase and antigenic variation. Phase variation of gonococcal pili can be brought about by recombination events in the pilin structural gene, pilE , or by the on/off switch in expression of PilC, a pilus biogenesis protein for which two loci exist. We have studied the binding to epithelial cell lines and to fixed tissue sections of N. gonorrhoeae MS11 derivatives and mutants carrying structurally defined PilE and PilC proteins, in situ binding studies of N. gonorrhoeae to formalin-fixed tissue sections resulted in a binding pattern similar to that obtained using viable epithelial cell lines of different origin. Piliated gonococcal clones, containing different pilE sequences, varied dramatically from one another in their efficiencies at binding to corneal and conjunctival tissue, but bound equally well to cervical and endometrial tissues. Further, the binding data suggested that PJIC expression by itself, i.e. without pili, cannot confer bacterial binding and that expression of either PilC1 or PiiC2 does not confer different binding properties to the bacterial cells. Possible receptors for piliated gonococci were expressed in human tissues, such as cervix, endometrium, cornea, intestine, stomach, mid-brain and meninges, but not in human kidney. Pretreatment of the target tissues with Proteinase K decreased the gonococcal binding dramatically, whereas pretreatment with neuraminidase and meta-periodate, which cleave carbon-carbon linkages between vicinal hydroxyl groups in carbohydrates, did not affect attachment of gonococci. These data argue that pilus-dependent attachment of N. gonorrhoeae to human tissue may be mediated by a eukaryotic receptor having protein characteristics, and that the pilus subunit sequence may play an important role in the interaction with human cornea.  相似文献   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae homologues of gyrA and parC have been identified using hybridization probes generated from conserved regions of diverse gyrA genes. These genes have been tentatively identified as gyrA and parC, based on predicted amino acid sequence homologies to known GyrA homologues from numerous bacterial species and to ParC from Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. The gyrA gene maps to a physical location distant from the gyrB locus on the gonococcal chromosome, which is similar to the situation found in E. coli. The parC gene is not closely linked (i.e. greater than 9 kb) to an identifiable parE gene in N. gonorrhoeae. The gonococcal GyrA is slightly larger than its E. coli homologue and contains several small insertions near the O-terminus of the predicted open reading frame. A series of ciprofloxacin-resistant mutants were selected by passage of N. gonorrhoeae on increasing concentrations of the antibiotic. Sequential passage resulted in the selection of isolates with minimum inhibitory concentrations approximately 10000-fold higher than the parental strain. Mutations within gyrA resulted in low to moderate levels of resistance, while strains with high-level resistance acquired analogous mutations in both gyrA and parC. Resistance mutations were readily transferred between N. gonorrhoeae strains by transformation. The frequencies of transformation, resulting in different levels of ciprofloxacin resistance, further support the notion that both gyrA and parC genes are invoived in the establishment of extreme levels of ciprofloxacin resistance.  相似文献   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae (the gonococcus) is the causative agent of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhoea. Most gonococcal infections remain localized to the genital tract but, in a small proportion of untreated cases, the bacterium becomes systemic to produce the serious complication of disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI). We have identified a large region of chromosomal DNA in N. gonorrhoeae that is not found in a subset of gonococcal isolates (a genetic island), in the closely related pathogen, Neisseria meningitidis or in commensal Neisseria that do not usually cause disease. Certain versions of the island carry a serum resistance locus and a gene for the production of a cytotoxin; these versions of the island are found preferentially in DGI isolates. All versions of the genetic island encode homologues of F factor conjugation proteins, suggesting that, like some other pathogenicity islands, this region encodes a conjugation-like secretion system. Consistent with this hypothesis, a wild-type strain released large amounts of DNA into the medium during exponential growth without cell lysis, whereas an isogenic strain mutated in a peptidoglycan hydrolase gene (atlA) was drastically reduced in its ability to donate DNA for transformation during growth. This genetic island constitutes the first major discriminating factor between the gonococcus and the other Neisseria and carries genes for providing DNA for genetic transformation.  相似文献   

The expression of type IV pili (Tfp) by Neisseria gonorrhoeae has been shown to be essential for natural genetic transformation at the level of sequence-specific uptake of DNA. All previously characterized mutants defective in this step of transformation either lack Tfp or are altered in the expression of Tfp-associated properties, such as twitching motility, autoagglutination and the ability to bind to human epithelial cells. To examine the basis for this relationship, we identified potential genes encoding polypeptides sharing structural similarities to PilE, the Tfp subunit, within the N. gonorrhoeae genome sequence database. We found that disruption of one such gene, designated comP (for competence-associated prepilin), leads to a severe defect in the capacity to take up DNA in a sequence-specific manner, but does not alter Tfp biogenesis or expression of the Tfp-associated properties of auto-agglutination, twitching motility and human epithelial cell adherence. Indirect evidence based on immunodetection suggests that ComP is expressed at very low levels relative to that of PilE. The process of DNA uptake in gonococci, therefore, is now known to require the expression of at least three distinct components: Tfp, the recently identified PilT protein and ComP.  相似文献   

Natural transformation by competence is a major mechanism of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria. Competence is defined as the genetically programmed physiological state that enables bacteria to actively take up DNA from the environment. The conditions that signal competence development are multiple and elusive, complicating the understanding of its evolutionary significance. We used expression of the competence gene comEA as a reporter of competence development and screened several hundred molecules for their ability to induce competence in the freshwater living pathogen Legionella pneumophila. We found that comEA expression is induced by chronic exposure to genotoxic molecules such as mitomycin C and antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone family. These results indicated that, in L. pneumophila, competence may be a response to genotoxic stress. Sunlight-emitted UV light represents a major source of genotoxic stress in the environment and we found that exposure to UV radiation effectively induces competence development. For the first time, we show that genetic exchanges by natural transformation occur within an UV-stressed population. Genotoxic stress induces the RecA-dependent SOS response in many bacteria. However, genetic and phenotypic evidence suggest that L. pneumophila lacks a prototypic SOS response and competence development in response to genotoxic stress is RecA independent. Our results strengthen the hypothesis that competence may have evolved as a DNA damage response in SOS-deficient bacteria. This parasexual response to DNA damage may have enabled L. pneumophila to acquire and propagate foreign genes, contributing to the emergence of this human pathogen.  相似文献   

A cell-free protein synthesizing system was used to study the mechanism of resistance to streptomycin (Str) and spectinomycin (Spc) in laboratory mutants and clinical isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The 70S ribosomes from sensitive strains were sensitive to the effects of Str and Spc on synthesis directed by several synthetic polynucleotide messengers, whereas 70S ribosomes from resistant strains were resistant to these same effects. In each case, the alteration was localized to the 30S ribosomal subunit by studying antibiotic sensitivities of hybrid 70S ribosomes formed by combining subunits from sensitive and resistant strains. No evidence was found for streptomycin- or spectinomycin-inactivating enzymes.  相似文献   

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