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Abstract.— Offspring of close relatives often suffer severe fitness consequences. Previous studies have demonstrated that females, when given a choice, will choose to avoid mating with closely related males. But where opportunities for mate choice are limited or kin recognition is absent, precopulatory mechanisms may not work. In this case, either sex could reduce the risks of inbreeding through mechanisms that occur during or after copulation. During mating, males or females could commit fewer gametes when mating with a close relative. After mating, females could offset the effects of mating with a closely related male through cryptic choice. Few prior studies of sperm competition have examined the effect of genetic similarity, however, and what studies do exist have yielded equivocal results. In an effort to resolve this issue, we measured the outcome of sperm competition when female Drosophila melanogaster were mated to males of four different degrees of genetic relatedness and then to a standardized competitor. We provide the strongest evidence to date that sperm competitive ability is negatively correlated with relatedness, even after controlling for inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory for simultaneous hermaphrodites has focused primarily on the effects of sperm competition, but the role of mate choice has so far been neglected. We present a model to study the coevolution of cryptic female choice and sex allocation in simultaneous hermaphrodites. We show that the mechanism of cryptic female choice has a strong effect on the evolutionary outcome: if individuals remove a fixed proportion of less-preferred sperm, the optimal sex allocation is more female biased (i.e. more biased towards egg production) than without cryptic female choice; conversely, if a fixed amount of sperm is removed, sex allocation is less female-biased than without cryptic female choice, and can easily become male biased (i.e. biased towards sperm production). Under male-biased sex allocation, hermaphroditism can become unstable and the population can split into pure males and hermaphrodites with a female-biased allocation. We discuss the idea that the evolution of sex allocation may depend on the outcome of sexual conflict over the fate of received sperm: the sperm donor may attempt to manipulate or by-pass cryptic female choice and the sperm recipient is expected to resist such manipulation. We conclude that cryptic female choice can have a strong influence on sex allocation in simultaneous hermaphrodites and strongly encourage empirical work on this question.  相似文献   

In spite of considerable interest in postcopulatory sexual selection, separating the effects of sperm competition from cryptic female choice remains difficult because mechanisms underlying postcopulatory processes are poorly understood. One methodological challenge is to quantify insemination success for individual males within the sperm stores of multiply mated females to discover how insemination translates into eventual paternity. Any proposed method must be applicable in organisms without extensive DNA sequence information (which include the majority of model species for sexual selection). Here, we describe the development and application of microsatellite competitive-multiplex-PCR for quantifying relative contributions to a small number of sperm in storage. We studied how DNA template characteristics affect PCR amplification of known concentrations of mixed DNA and generated regressions for correcting observations of allelic signal strength based on such characteristics. We used these methods to examine patterns of sperm storage in twice-mated female yellow dung flies, Scathophaga stercoraria. We confirm previous findings supporting sperm displacement and demonstrate that average paternity for the last mate accords with the mean proportion of sperm stored. We further find consistent skew in storage across spermathecae, with more last male sperm stored in the singlet spermatheca on one side of the body than in the doublet on the opposite side. We also show that the time between copulations may be important for effectively sorting sperm. Finally, we demonstrate that male size may influence the opportunity for sperm choice, suggesting future work to disentangle the roles of male competition and cryptic female choice.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The few odonate studies of sperm use suggest that females spend apparently more sperm than appears necessary during oviposition (sometimes females may have their sperm stores reduced to 50% after a single oviposition episode). Furthermore, some studies document that females eject sperm during and after copulation. This raises the question of whether sperm reduction may be interpreted as a cryptic female choice mechanism. Using two zygopterans, Ischnura denticollis Burmeister and Enallagma praevarum Hagen, and one anisopteran, Pantala flavescens Fabricius, it is shown that females mate more than once, show a marked reduction in stored sperm, and that this is by ejection of sperm before to oviposition. The extent of sperm reduction is inversely related to the number of eggs laid. When mated to the same male, females show similar reductions in sperm stores and egg load and only rarely does the vaginal duct contain sperm. This suggests that marked sperm reduction is common in this insect order and is not explained by an excess of sperm obstructing the egg passage. It is suggested that female's sperm shortage is better explained as a cryptic female choice mechanism aimed at favouring the sperm of some males. This study provides exciting research avenues for future studies of female choice in an animal taxa whose sexual biology is otherwise regarded as controlled by males.  相似文献   

Recent work has confirmed that genetic compatibility among mates can be an important determinant of siring success in sperm competition experiments and in free-ranging populations. Most of this work points towards mate choice of less related mates. However, there may also be the potential for mate choice for intermediate or even genetically similar mates to prevent outbreeding depression or hybridization with closely related taxa. We studied relatedness effects on post-copulatory gametic choice and/or sperm competition in an external fertilizer, Peron's tree frog (Litoria peronii), since external fertilizers offer exceptional control in order to test gametic interaction effects on probability of paternity and zygote viability. Sperm competition experiments were done blindly with respect to genetic relatedness among males and females. Thereafter, paternity of offspring was assigned using eight microsatellite loci. Three hybridization trials between L. peronii and a closely related sympatric species Litoria tyleri were also carried out. In the sperm competition trials, males that are more genetically similar to the female achieved higher siring success compared with less genetically similar males. The hybridization trials confirmed that the two species can interbreed and we suggest that the risk of hybridization may contribute to selection benefits for genetically more similar males at fertilization. To our knowledge, this study is the first to show evidence for post-copulatory selection of sperm from genetically more similar individuals within a natural population.  相似文献   

The outcome of mate choice depends on complex interactions between males and females both before and after copulation. Although the competition between males for access to mates and premating choice by females are relatively well understood, the nature of interactions between cryptic female choice and male sperm competition within the female reproductive tract is less clear. Understanding the complexity of postcopulatory sexual selection requires an understanding of how anatomy, physiology and behaviour mediate sperm transfer and storage within multiply mated females. Here we use a newly developed molecular technique to directly quantify mixed sperm stores in multiple mating females of the black field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus. In this species, female postcopulatory choice is easily observed and manipulated as females delay the removal of the spermatophore in favour of preferred males. Using twice‐mated females, we find that the proportion of sperm in the spermatheca attributed to the second male to mate with a female (S2) increases linearly with the time of spermatophore attachment. Moreover, we show that the insemination success of a male increases with its attractiveness and decreases with the size of the female. The effect of male attractiveness in this context suggests a previously unknown episode of mate choice in this species that reinforces the sexual selection imposed by premating choice and conflicts with the outcome of postmating male harassment. Our results provide some of the clearest evidence yet for how sperm transfer and displacement in multiply mated females can lead directly to cryptic female choice, and that three distinct periods of sexual selection operate in black field crickets.  相似文献   

Sexual selection in hermit crabs: a review and outlines of future research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The information currently available on sexual selection in hermit crabs is reviewed to identify the role of males and females before, during and after mating. According to this information, possible mechanisms of male–male competition, female choice and/or sexual conflict are suggested. Important male components that may affect mating success include dragging the female shell, rotations of the female's shell and male cheliped palpations, and male size and/or shell characteristics (species and size). Possible female determinants of male mating/fertilization success include size (as an indicator of egg production capacity), signalling of sexual receptivity to males, delay from mate guarding to copulation and mating duration. Avenues for deeper exploration in males include the role of the number and morphometry of male sexual tubes during sperm transfer, and whether ejaculate size and sperm number can be adjusted with variable situations of sperm competition intensity and risk. In females it would be interesting to investigate the chemical and behavioural mechanisms affecting spermatophore breakage for sperm release and the variable duration from sperm transfer to spawning. Given these possibilities, and that sperm is externally deposited on the female's body but inside her shell (except for those species that do not use shells, e.g. Birgus , or species where shells are rather small and do not cover the body totally, e.g. Parapagurus ), we conclude that hermit crabs are unique subjects for separating male and female effects, particularly with respect to the applicability of current ideas in sexual selection such as female choice and sexual conflict. Some practical ideas are provided to disentangle both hypotheses using these animals.  相似文献   

Postcopulatory sexual selection, either in the form of sperm competition or cryptic female choice, is an important selective force that is thought to have generated the enormous variation in sperm morphology observed interspecifically. However, the evolutionary significance of intraspecific variation in sperm morphology, and the role that postcopulatory sexual selection plays in influencing this variation, remains poorly investigated in invertebrates. Here, we tested the hypothesis that postcopulatory sexual selection reduces variation in sperm morphology, both between and within males, in 27 species of eusocial ants and bees. These eusocial species offer an unusual opportunity to assess how selection acts on variance in sperm morphology, as haploid males produce clonal, haploid sperm that does not experience haploid-diploid conflict. We provide solid evidence that males of polyandrous ant and bee species indeed produce less-variable sperm, indicating that sperm competition selected for sperm of superior quality. Our results offer a mechanistic explanation for the evolution of high-quality sperm and provide comprehensive evidence that sperm morphology of social insects is influenced by sexual selection.  相似文献   

Although theory generally predicts that males should reduce paternal care in response to cues that predict increased sperm competition and decreased paternity, empirical patterns are equivocal. Some studies have found the predicted decrease in male care with increased sperm competition, while even more studies report no effect of paternity or sperm competition on male care. Here, we report the first example, to our knowledge, of paternal care increasing with the risk and intensity of sperm competition, in the ocellated wrasse (Symphodus ocellatus). Theory also predicts that if paternal care varies and is important to female fitness, female choice among males and male indicators traits of expected paternal care should evolve. Despite a non-random distribution of mating success among nests, we found no evidence for female choice among parental males. Finally, we document the highest published levels of extra-pair paternity for a species with exclusive and obligate male care: genetic paternity analyses revealed cuckoldry at 100 per cent of nests and 28 per cent of all offspring were not sired by the male caring for them. While not predicted by any existing theory, these unexpected reproductive patterns become understandable if we consider how male and female mating and parental care interact simultaneously in this and probably many other species.  相似文献   

The evolution of male mate choice is constrained by costs of choice in species with a male‐biased operational sex ratio (OSR). Previous theoretical studies have shown that significant benefits of male choice are required, for example, by mating with more fecund females, in order for these costs to be offset and a male preference to spread. In a series of population genetic models we show the novel effect that male mating preference, expressed as a bias in courtship, can spread when females prefer, and thus are more likely to mate with, males who court more. We explore two female preference functions for levels of male courtship, one representing a threshold and the other a weighted female preference. The basic finding generally holds for both preference functions. However, the preference function greatly affects the spread of a male preference allele after the addition of competing males who can court more in total. Our results thus stress that a thorough understanding of the response of females to male courtship is a critical component to understanding male preference evolution in polygynous species.  相似文献   

Deleterious mutations can accumulate in the germline with age, decreasing the genetic quality of sperm and imposing a cost on female fitness. If these mutations also affect sperm competition ability or sperm production, then females will benefit from polyandry as it incites sperm competition and, consequently, minimizes the mutational load in the offspring. We tested this hypothesis in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a species characterized by polyandry and intense sperm competition, by investigating whether age affects post‐copulatory male traits and sperm competition success. Females did not discriminate between old and young males in a mate choice experiment. While old males produced longer and slower sperm with larger reserves of strippable sperm, compared to young males, artificial insemination did not reveal any effect of age on sperm competition success. Altogether, these results do not support the hypothesis that polyandry evolved in response to costs associated with mating with old males in the guppy.  相似文献   

Manipulation of ejaculates is believed to be an important avenue of female choice throughout the animal kingdom, but evidence of its importance to sexual selection remains scarce. In crickets, such manipulation is manifest in the premature removal of the externally attached spermatophore, which may afford females an important means of postcopulatory mate choice. We tested the hypothesis that premature spermatophore removal contributes significantly to intraspecific variation in sperm precedence by (1) experimentally manipulating spermatophore attachment durations of competing male Gryllodes sigillatus and (2) employing protein electrophoresis to determine the paternity of doubly mated females. The relative spermatophore attachment durations of competing males had a significant influence on male paternity, but the pattern of sperm precedence deviated significantly from the predictions of an ideal lottery. Instead, paternity data and morphological evidence accorded best with a model of partial sperm displacement derived here. Our model is similar to a displacement model of Parker et al. in that sperm of the second male mixes instantaneously with that of the first throughout the displacement process, but the novel feature of our model is that the number of sperm displaced is only a fraction of the number of sperm transferred by the second male. Regardless of the underlying mechanism, female G. sigillatus can clearly alter the paternity of their offspring through their spermatophore-removal behavior, and employ such cryptic choice in favoring larger males and those providing larger courtship food gifts. We discuss how female control of sperm transfer and intraspecific variation in sperm precedence may be important precursors to the evolution of gift giving in insects.  相似文献   

Sea slugs are interesting models to study post-copulatory sexual selection in simultaneous hermaphrodites due to the enormous variation of their reproductive systems. However, the knowledge of the functional morphology of their reproductive system is limited to few species, and it is rarely discussed in the context of sexual selection theory. In this study, we investigated the functional morphology of the sperm-containing chambers (i.e., ampulla, seminal receptacle, and bursa copulatrix) of the reproductive system of Okenia polycerelloides (Ortea & Bouchet, 1983), based on light, confocal, and electron microscopy. Although the morphology of the ampulla is similar to other species, indicating that it is a site for autosperm storage, we found some sperm facing the ampullar epithelium, a feature commonly regarded as characteristic of the seminal receptacle of sea slugs. The seminal receptacle of O. polycerelloides showed secretory activity and contained sperm with distribution and orientation suggestive of stratification of allosperm from distinct mating events, a feature that would affect sperm competition. The bursa copulatrix had epithelial cells with secretory and absorptive characteristics, and contained degraded sperm and yolk granules within its lumen. Comparative analyses of the contents of each organ demonstrated that sperm digestion occurs in the bursa copulatrix and affects sperm heads first, changing their morphology from slender and curved to shorter and ellipsoid before complete lysis. Although digestion and absorption of surplus sperm are currently the main hypothesized functions for the bursa copulatrix, its role in cryptic female choice should not be ruled out. The close structural connection between the seminal receptacle and bursa copulatrix, as well as their muscular walls, would enable control over the fate of the sperm received in each mating event, that is, storage or digestion.  相似文献   

In guppies (Poecilia reticulata) precopulatory sexual selection (via female choice) and post-copulatory selection (via sperm competition) both favour males with relatively high levels of carotenoid (orange) pigmentation, suggesting that colourful males produce more competitive ejaculates. Here we test whether there is a positive association between male orange pigmentation and sperm quality. Our analysis of sperm quality focused on sperm swimming speeds (using CASA: computer-assisted sperm analysis to estimate three parameters of sperm velocity in vitro), sperm viability (proportion of live sperm per stripped ejaculate) and sperm lengths. We found that males with relatively large areas of orange pigmentation had significantly faster and more viable sperm than their less ornamented counterparts, suggesting a possible link between dietary carotenoid intake and sperm quality. By contrast, we found no relationship between sperm length (head length and total sperm length) and male phenotype. These findings, in conjunction with previous work showing that highly ornamented male guppies sire higher quality offspring, suggest that female preference for colourful males and sperm competition work in concert to favour intrinsically higher quality males.  相似文献   

Sperm competition and cryptic female choice profoundly affect sperm morphology, producing diversity within both species and individuals. One type of within-individual sperm variation is sperm heteromorphism, in which each male produces two or more distinct types of sperm simultaneously, only one of which is typically fertile (the "eusperm"). The adaptive significance of nonfertile "parasperm" types is poorly understood, although numerous sperm-heteromorphic species are known from many disparate taxa. This paper examines in detail two female-centred hypotheses for the evolution and maintenance of this unconventional sperm production strategy. First, we use game theoretical models to establish that parasperm may function to protect eusperm from female-generated spermicide, and to elucidate the predictions of this idea. Second, we expand on the relatively undeveloped idea that parasperm are used by females as a criterion for cryptic female choice, and discuss the predictions generated by this idea compared to other hypotheses proposed to explain sperm heteromorphism. We critically evaluate both hypotheses, suggest ways in which they could be tested, and propose taxa in which they could be important.  相似文献   

Competition between spermatozoa of rival males to gain fertilizations has led to a wide array of modifications in sperm structure and function. Sperm cells of most muroid rodents have hook‐shaped extensions in the apical–ventral tip of the head, but the function of this structure is largely unknown. These ‘hooks’ may facilitate aggregation of spermatozoa in so‐called ‘trains’, as an adaptation to sperm competition, because sperm in trains may swim faster than free‐swimming cells. However, there is controversy regarding the role of the hook in train formation, and in relation to whether it is selected by sperm competition. We examined spermatozoa from muroid rodents with varying levels of sperm competition to assess whether (i) sperm aggregates are common in these taxa, (ii) presence of a hook relates to the formation of sperm aggregations, and (iii) formation of sperm aggregations is explained by sperm competition. Our analyses in 25 muroid species revealed that > 92% of spermatozoa swim individually in all species, with the exception of the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus, which has ~50% spermatozoa swimming freely. Species with hooked spermatozoa had higher sperm competition levels and longer sperm than species whose sperm lack a hook. Neither the presence of hook nor sperm competition levels were related to the percentage of sperm in aggregations. Thus, (i) sperm aggregates in muroid rodents are an exceptional trait found only in a few species, (ii) evolution of the sperm hook is associated to sperm competition levels, but (iii) the hook is unlikely to be related to the formation of sperm aggregates. The evolutionary significance of the sperm head hook thus remains elusive, and future studies should examine potential roles of this pervasive structure in sperm's hydrodynamic efficiency and sperm–female tract interactions.  相似文献   

Sexual selection has repeatedly been shown to be the probable driving force behind the positive Darwinian evolution of genes affecting male reproductive success. Here we compare the sequence evolution of the sperm ligand zonadhesin with body mass dimorphism in primates. In contrast to previous related studies, the present approach takes into account not only catarrhine primates, but also platyrrhines and lemurs. In detail, we analyze the sequence evolution of concatenated zonadhesin fragments (555 bp) of four Lemuroidea, five Platyrrhini, and seven Catarrhini, using the rate ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions (dn/ds=omega). Unexpectedly, subsequent regression analyzes between omega estimates for the terminal branches of a primate phylogeny and residual male body mass reveal that sequence evolution of zonadhesin decreases with increasing sexual dimorphism in body weight. Mapping published mating system classifications onto these results illustrates that unimale breeding species show a tendency for rather slow sequence evolution of zonadhesin and comparably pronounced sexual dimorphism in body weight. Female choice and sperm competition can be assumed to drive the evolution of zonadhesin. We speculate that the level of sperm competition is lower in more sexually dimorphic primates because males of these species monopolize access to fertile females more successfully. Thus, variation in sperm competition may be driving the observed negative correlation of sequence evolution and sexual dimorphism in body weight.  相似文献   

We review possible effects of sexual selection upon sperm morphology, and sexual skin morphology, in primates. Comparative morphometric studies, involving 31 species representing 21 primate genera, revealed a positive relationship between volume of the sperm midpiece, occurrences of multiple partner matings by females, and large relative testes sizes, which indicate sperm competition. The midpiece houses the mitochondria required to power sperm motility. Hence, sperm competition may have influenced the evolution of increased mitochondrial loading in species where females mate with multiple partners during the fertile period. Females of some Old World monkey species and female chimpanzees exhibit large estrogen-dependent sexual skin swellings during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Studies of mandrills support the conclusion that swellings act primarily as sexually attractive, graded signals and that swelling size may indicate current reproductive quality. Measurements of the genitalia in chimpanzees indicate a secondary function for female swellings. The swelling increases the operating depth of the female's vagina by 50% during the fertile phase of her cycle. Males have evolved long, filiform penes capable of placing sperm close to the os cervix during competitive multipartner matings. This may exemplify how morphologic specializations in females can influence the coevolution of advantageous genitalic specializations in males: the phenomenon that Eberhard (1985) dubbed cryptic female choice.  相似文献   

Multiple mating or group spawning leads to post‐copulatory sexual selection, which generally favours ejaculates that are more competitive under sperm competition. In four meta‐analyses we quantify the evidence that sperm competition (SC) favours greater sperm number using data from studies of strategic ejaculation. Differential investment into each ejaculate emerges at the individual level if males exhibit phenotypic plasticity in ejaculate properties in response to the likely risk and/or intensity of sperm competition after a given mating. Over the last twenty years, a series of theoretical models have been developed that predict how ejaculate size will be strategically adjusted in relation to: (a) the number of immediate rival males, with a distinction made between 0 versus 1 rival (‘risk’ of SC) and 1 versus several rivals (‘intensity’ of SC); (b) female mating status (virgin or previously mated); and (c) female phenotypic quality (e.g. female size or condition). Some well‐known studies have reported large adjustments in ejaculate size depending on the relevant social context and this has led to widespread acceptance of the claim that strategic sperm allocation occurs in response to each of these factors. It is necessary, however, to test each claim separately because it is easy to overlook studies with weak or negative findings. Compiling information on the variation in outcomes among species is potentially informative about the relevance of these assumptions in different taxa or mating systems. We found strong evidence that, on average, males transfer larger ejaculates to higher quality females. The effect of female mating status was less straightforward and depended on how ejaculate size was measured (i.e. use of proxy or direct measure). There is strong evidence that ejaculate size increased when males were exposed to a single rival, which is often described as a response to the risk of SC. There is, however, no evidence for the general prediction that ejaculate size decreases as the number of rivals increases from one to several males (i.e. in response to a higher intensity of SC which lowers the rate of return per sperm released). Our results highlight how meta‐analysis can reveal unintentional biases in narrative literature reviews. We note that several assumptions of theoretical models can alter an outcome's predicted direction in a given species (e.g. the effect of female mating status depends on whether there is first‐ or last‐male sperm priority). Many studies do not provide this background information and fail to make strong a priori predictions about the expected response of ejaculate size to manipulation of the mating context. Researchers should be explicit about which model they are testing to ensure that future meta‐analyses can better partition studies into different categories, or control for continuous moderator variables.  相似文献   

Primate copulation calls and postcopulatory female choice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Females in some species of Old World monkeys and apes vocalizeafter copulation, but the function of these vocalizations isnot clear. In this article, we examine the hypothesis that copulationcalls are a form of postcopulatory female choice. Accordingto this hypothesis, copulation calls are honest signals of fertility(i.e., ovulation) that are used by females to encourage mateguarding by their preferred mating partners and reduce the likelihoodof sperm competition. Evidence in favor of this hypothesis isreviewed and discussed in relation to other hypotheses. We suggestthat the evolution of female copulation calls in primates islinked to the evolution of other female mating signals suchas exaggerated sexual swellings, the potential for sperm competition,and the opportunity for precopulatory female mate choice.  相似文献   

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