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The variance in fitness across population members can influence major evolutionary processes. In socially monogamous but genetically polygynandrous species, extra‐pair paternity (EPP) is widely hypothesized to increase the variance in male fitness compared to that arising given the socially monogamous mating system. This hypothesis has not been definitively tested because comprehensive data describing males’ apparent (social) and realized (genetic) fitness have been lacking. We used 16 years of comprehensive social and genetic paternity data for an entire free‐living song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) population to quantify and compare variances in male apparent and realized fitness, and to quantify the contribution of the variances in within‐pair reproductive success (WPRS) and extra‐pair reproductive success (EPRS) and their covariance to the variance in realized fitness. Overall, EPP increased the variance in male fitness by only 0–27% across different fitness and variance measures. This relatively small effect reflected the presence of socially unpaired males with zero apparent and low realized fitness, small covariance between WPRS and EPRS, and large variance in WPRS that was relatively unaffected by EPP. Therefore, although EPP altered individual males’ contributions to future generations, its impact on population‐level parameters such as the opportunity for selection and effective population size was limited.  相似文献   

Molecular estimates of inbreeding may be made using genetic markers such as microsatellites, however the interpretation of resulting heterozygosity‐fitness correlations (HFCs) with respect to inbreeding depression is not straightforward. We investigated the relationship between pedigree‐determined inbreeding coefficients (f) and HFCs in a closely monitored, reintroduced population of Stewart Island robins (Petroica australis rakiura) on Ulva Island, New Zealand. Using a full sibling design, we focused on differences in juvenile survival associated specifically with individual sibling variation in standardized multilocus heterozygosity (SH) when expected f was identical. We found that within broods, siblings with higher SH at microsatellite loci experienced a higher probability of juvenile survival. This effect, however, was detected primarily within broods that experienced inbreeding or when inbreeding had occurred in their pedigree histories (i.e., at the parents’ level). Thus we show, for the first time in a wild population, that the strength of an HFC is partially dependent on the presence of inbreeding events in the recent pedigree history. Our results illustrate the importance of realized effects of inbreeding on genetic variation and fitness and the value of full‐sibling designs for the study of HFCs in the context of small, inbred populations.  相似文献   

Ongoing evolution of polyandry, and consequent extra‐pair reproduction in socially monogamous systems, is hypothesized to be facilitated by indirect selection stemming from cross‐sex genetic covariances with components of male fitness. Specifically, polyandry is hypothesized to create positive genetic covariance with male paternity success due to inevitable assortative reproduction, driving ongoing coevolution. However, it remains unclear whether such covariances could or do emerge within complex polyandrous systems. First, we illustrate that genetic covariances between female extra‐pair reproduction and male within‐pair paternity success might be constrained in socially monogamous systems where female and male additive genetic effects can have opposing impacts on the paternity of jointly reared offspring. Second, we demonstrate nonzero additive genetic variance in female liability for extra‐pair reproduction and male liability for within‐pair paternity success, modeled as direct and associative genetic effects on offspring paternity, respectively, in free‐living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). The posterior mean additive genetic covariance between these liabilities was slightly positive, but the credible interval was wide and overlapped zero. Therefore, although substantial total additive genetic variance exists, the hypothesis that ongoing evolution of female extra‐pair reproduction is facilitated by genetic covariance with male within‐pair paternity success cannot yet be definitively supported or rejected either conceptually or empirically.  相似文献   

Studies of inbreeding depression in wild plants customarily compare the fitness of outcrossed progeny to progeny derived from one generation of self-pollination. We compare levels of inbreeding depression in a greenhouse in two populations of jewelweed using progeny derived from random outcrosses, one generation of self-pollination, and three generations of selling. The progeny have expected inbreeding coefficients of, respectively, 0, 0.5, and 0.875. Seedling survivorship declined linearly with the level of inbreeding in both populations. Inbreeding also increased the variability of emergence date. Maternal family membership affected early seedling performance and often interacted significantly with the level of inbreeding. In contrast, path analyses reveal that inbreeding had both negative linear and positive quadratic direct effects on seed and final plant weight, causing the highly inbred progeny to outperform progeny derived from one generation of selfing. These results suggest either the rapid purging of deleterious alleles or diminishing epistasis among the loci affecting these characters. It is not clear why the loci affecting survival responded differently.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression (δ) is a major selective force favoring outcrossing in flowering plants. Many phenotypic and genetic models of the evolution of selfing conclude that complete outcrossing should evolve whenever inbreeding depression is greater than one-half, otherwise selfing should evolve. Recent theoretical work, however, has challenged this view and emphasized (1) the importance of variation in inbreeding depression among individuals within a population; and (2) the nature of gene action between deleterious mutations at different loci (epistasis) as important determinants for the evolution of plant mating systems. The focus of this study was to examine the maintenance of inbreeding depression and the relationship between inbreeding level and inbreeding depression at both the population and the individual level in one population of the partially self-fertilizing plant Plantago coronopus (L.). Maternal plants, randomly selected from an area of about 50 m2 in a natural population, were used to establish lines with expected inbreeding coefficients (f) of 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 0.875. Inbreeding depression was estimated both in the greenhouse and at the site of origin of the maternal plants by comparing growth, survival, flowering, and seed production of the progeny with different inbreeding coefficients. No significant inbreeding depression for these fitness traits was detected in the greenhouse after 16 weeks. This was in strong contrast to the field, where the traits all displayed significant inbreeding depression and declined with increased inbreeding. The results were consistent with the view that mutation to mildly deleterious alleles is the primary cause of inbreeding depression. At the family level, significantly different maternal line responses (maternal parent × inbreeding level interaction) provide a mechanism for the invasion of a selfing variant into the population through any maternal line exhibiting purging of its genetic load. At the population level, evidence for synergistic epistasis was detected for the probability of flowering, but not for total seed production. At the family level, however, a significant interaction between inbreeding level and maternal families for both traits was observed, indicating that epistasis could play a role in the expression of inbreeding depression among maternal lines.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical work has shown that there can be selection favoring the maintenance of sexual reproduction and the evolution of increased recombination when deleterious mutations at different loci interact synergistically, such that the logarithm of fitness declines at a greater than linear rate with the number of harmful mutations per genome. The purpose of this experimental study was to determine whether synergism exists for genes affecting fitness components in two partially selfing populations of the monkey flower Mimulus guttatus. For each wild population, a large randomly mated base population was constructed and many independent lines, inbred to differing degrees, were extracted from this base population. Lines with expected inbreeding coefficients of 0, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 were raised simultaneously in the greenhouse and were scored for germination, flowering, flower production, and pollen viability. All fitness traits except germination success declined with increased inbreeding, but in spite of the substantial inbreeding depression found in this study, relatively little evidence of synergistic epistasis was found. The only trait that showed evidence of synergism was pollen viability. These results indicate that synergism is not strong for the fitness components measured in this study. The evidence for synergism from other published studies is also reviewed.  相似文献   

Depending on its genetic causes, outbreeding depression in quantitative characters may occur first in the free-living F1 generation produced by a wide cross. In 1981–1985, we generated F1 progenies by hand-pollinating larkspurs (Delphinium nelsonii) with pollen from 1-m, 3-m, 10-m, or 30-m distances. From the spatial genetic structure indicated by previous electrophoretic and reciprocal transplantation studies, we estimate that these crosses range from being inbred (f ≈ 0.06) to outbred. We planted 594 seeds from 66 maternal sibships under natural conditions. As of 1992, there was strong evidence for both inbreeding depression and outbreeding depression. Progeny from intermediate crossing distances grew approximately twice as large as more inbred or outbred progeny in the first 5 yr after planting (P = 0.013, repeated measures ANOVA), and survived almost 1 yr longer on average (contrast of 3-m and 10-m treatments versus 1 m and 30 m; P = 0.028, ANOVA). Twenty maternal sibships produced flowering individuals; only four and two of these represented 1-m and 30-m crossing distances, respectively (P = 0.021, G-test). The cumulative fitness of intermediate distance sibships averaged about twice that of 1-m sibships, and five to eight times that of 30-m sibships (P = 0.017, ANOVA). Thus, even though progeny of 1-m crosses were inbred to a degree only about one-eighth that of selling, inbreeding depression approximated 50%, and outbreeding depression equaled or exceeded 50% for all fitness components.  相似文献   

I assessed the relationship between the level of inbreeding, F, and fitness, and the effects of nonmaternal and maternal components of inbreeding on fitness in Phacelia dubia. I conducted two generations of controlled crosses and tested the performance of the F2 progeny in field and artificial conditions covering the whole life cycle. Inbreeding significantly decreased the individual contribution of seeds to the next generation in the field, but this decrease apparently is not enough to explain the maintenance of gynodioecy. The inbred progeny contributes significantly to the population genetic structure of P. dubia. Fitness estimates and fitness components tended to decrease, usually monotonically, with F. However, nonmonotonic relationships were found in male fitness components and, in some families, in fitness estimates, seed production per fruit, and establishment. Most of the inbreeding depression takes place at the level of seed establishment in the field, but, in artificial conditions the effects of inbreeding were similar at fecundity and establishment. I studied maternal and nonmaternal components of inbreeding by testing the effects of the relatedness of maternal grandparents and parents on the performance of the progeny. Both components affected fitness. Inbreeding depression was conditioned by the level of inbreeding of the maternal plant, but this interaction varied at different fitness components. Also, the magnitude and even the direction of the relationship between fitness and F changed as a result of the combined effects of maternal and nonmaternal components of inbreeding. Such interactions can render convex or concave fitness functions, giving in the latter case the appearance of a false purging. Maternal effects of inbreeding can result from several processes: maternal investment perhaps with serial adjustments during seed development, purging of recessive deleterious genes, and nucleocytoplasmic interactions. These results illustrate the importance of maternal effects of inbreeding, and the complex effects of inbreeding on fitness. A full understanding of the fitness consequences of inbreeding and, therefore, their potential implications in the evolution of breeding systems, should take into account male and female components as well as transgenerational effects in the context of the particular environment in which fitness is evaluated.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolutionary dynamics of inbreeding and inbreeding depression requires unbiased estimation of inbreeding depression across diverse mating systems. However, studies estimating inbreeding depression often measure inbreeding with error, for example, based on pedigree data derived from observed parental behavior that ignore paternity error stemming from multiple mating. Such paternity error causes error in estimated coefficients of inbreeding (f) and reproductive success and could bias estimates of inbreeding depression. We used complete “apparent” pedigree data compiled from observed parental behavior and analogous “actual” pedigree data comprising genetic parentage to quantify effects of paternity error stemming from extra‐pair reproduction on estimates of f, reproductive success, and inbreeding depression in free‐living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Paternity error caused widespread error in estimates of f and male reproductive success, causing inbreeding depression in male and female annual and lifetime reproductive success and juvenile male survival to be substantially underestimated. Conversely, inbreeding depression in adult male survival tended to be overestimated when paternity error was ignored. Pedigree error stemming from extra‐pair reproduction therefore caused substantial and divergent bias in estimates of inbreeding depression that could bias tests of evolutionary theories regarding inbreeding and inbreeding depression and their links to variation in mating system.  相似文献   

Inbreeding mating systems are uncommon because of inbreeding depression. Mating among close relatives can evolve, however, when outcrossing is constrained. Social spiders show obligatory mating among siblings. In combination with a female‐biased sex ratio, sib‐mating results in small effective populations. In such a system, high genetic homozygosity is expected, and drift may cause population divergence. We tested the effect of outcrossing in the social spider Stegodyphus dumicola. Females were mated to sib‐males, to a non‐nestmate within the population, or to a male from a distant population, and fitness traits of F1s were compared. We found reduced hatching success of broods from between‐population crosses, suggesting the presence of population divergence at a large geographical scale that may result in population incompatibility. However, a lack of a difference in offspring performance between inbred and outbred crosses indicates little genetic variation between populations, and could suggest recent colonization by a common ancestor. This is consistent with population dynamics of frequent colonizations by single sib‐mated females of common origin, and extinctions of populations after few generations. Although drift or single mutations can lead to population divergence at a relatively short time scale, it is possible that dynamic population processes homogenize these effects at longer time scales.  相似文献   

We established inbred laboratory lines of the satyrid Bicyclus anynana with one, three and 10 pairs of butterflies, which were subsequently allowed to increase freely to a maximum size of 300 butterflies. Minimally inbred control lines were established with 300 randomly selected virgin butterflies of equal sex ratio. We measured fecundity, egg weight, egg hatching, adult emergence, adult size, and the proportion of crippled adults in generations F2, F3, F5, and F7 (the latter two for the one pair bottleneck lines only). The most striking result was an unexpectedly large decrease in egg hatching with increase in inbreeding (25% per 10% increase in inbreeding). Such a level of inbreeding depression has not been reported previously for any insect. The distribution of egg hatching rate for individual clutches within inbred lines was markedly skewed, with a large fraction of clutches producing no eggs at all. This is interpreted as a relatively lower ratio of detrimental to lethal (or sterile) mutation loads than is found in Drosophila, the only insects for which mutation loads have been well characterized. Possible explanations for this severe inbreeding depression include a relatively high rate of mutation to recessive alleles with substantial damaging effects and infrequent episodes of inbreeding in nature. In the experiments, average egg hatching rate recovered rapidly between F2 and F7 in three of the six one-pair lines. We discuss the implications of these results for survival of populations through extreme bottlenecks in nature and in captivity.  相似文献   

The demographic consequences of one and two generations of selfing were examined in a gynodioecious population of rose clover (Trifolium hirtum). Seeds collected from a roadside population were used to create an experimental population that consisted of seeds of open-pollinated individuals (S0), and seeds obtained after one (S1) and two (S2) generations of selfing. Seeds from the three groups were equally likely to germinate. However, inbreeding effects were observed in the vigor and survivorship of the seedlings. The proportion of the transplanted seedlings that reached the reproductive stage was 0.42, 0.31, and 0.14 for the S0, S1, and S2 groups, indicating a reduction of 26% and 66% by one and two generations of selfing, respectively. Inbreeding effects on reproductive components of fitness were nonsignificant. Groups were compared by multiplicative fitness functions based on germination, survival to reproduction, and fecundity. The relative fitness of the S1 and S2 groups were 0.64 and 0.23 relative to the S0 group, representing a reduction in lifetime fitness of 36% and 77%, respectively. The differences in relative fitness among the groups were caused mainly by differences in survivorship. Thus, inbreeding depression is apparently an important factor in the maintenance of the gynodioecious breeding system in rose clover.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression was estimated from an outbreeding population of the freshwater snail Lymnaea peregra, on the basis of two successive generations of enforced selling and outcrossing, and 70 maternal lineages. Outcrossing was analyzed under two treatments, groups of two and five individuals. The fitness parameters measured included fecundity, growth, and survival. In the first generation, we contrasted three treatments (selfers vs. paired outcrossers and group outcrossers). Very similar results were obtained between the two outcrossing treatments. A strong self-fertilization depression (which includes parental fecundity and progeny fitness) was detected in the selling treatment (about 90%). In the second generation, there was again marked evidence for self-fertilization depression, with the highest contributions coming from parental fecundity and progeny hatching rate. Our results suggest that the decreased parental fecundity is a consequence of the mating system in the previous generation, although the role of partial self-incompatibility and the copulation behavior could not be ruled out. Hatching rate and early survival data are suggestive of purging of lethal mutations. Significant variation in fitness among selfing lineages was found for most fitness traits. Our experimental design also allowed to test for interactions among fitness loci. Only one trait of the nine studied behaved as expected under synergistic interactions. However we cannot rule out some purging during the experiment, which could have biased results towards linearity. Inbreeding depression was also inferred from the change of inbreeding level across generations in the same population. We obtained a value similar to the experimental estimate.  相似文献   

We surveyed mtDNA restriction-site variation in song sparrows taken from across their continental range. Despite marked geographic variation in size and plumage color, mtDNA variation was not geographically structured. Subspecies were not identifiable by mtDNA analysis. We suggest that postglaciation dispersal scattered mtDNA haplotypes across the continent, explaining the lack of mtDNA geographic patterns. Evolution of size and plumage coloration has probably proceeded faster than mtDNA evolution, leading to the well-structured continental pattern of morphological variation. We suggest that the nonordered geographic distribution of haplotypes reflects the recency of population establishment following completion of range expansion. Dispersal distance was estimated from the mtDNA data at 6.1 km per generation, an order of magnitude greater than that (0.3 km) estimated from demographic data. Island samples were not especially different from continental ones. Rooting the haplotype cladogram with a putative primitive haplotype identified Newfoundland and the Queen Charlotte Islands as potential sites of recent refugia. We question whether study of geographic variation in song sparrows leads to insights concerning speciation.  相似文献   

To compare the fitness of philopatric and immigrant individuals we examined the lifetime reproductive success of 116 male and 137 female great reed warblers. The study was carried out in a semi-isolated population in Sweden and covered breeding adults hatched between 1985 and 1993. Lifetime fitness, measured as life time number of fledglings and offspring recruits, was lower for immigrant than for philopatric males. We found no such relationships for females. The difference in reproductive success could not be explained by immigrant males having lower phenotypic quality because they had similar life span, spring arrival date, and territory quality as philopatric males. The lower lifetime fitness among immigrant than philopatric males appeared to result from reduced mating success. This suggests that females are reluctant to mate with immigrant males despite their apparently similar phenotypic quality. Though it is not known whether females gain in fitness by avoiding matings with immigrant males, it is notable that immigrant males have smaller song repertoires than philopatric males. Large repertoires, previously shown to sexually arouse great reed warbler females, correlate with the occurrence of extrapair paternity and postfledging survival of offspring in our population.  相似文献   

Although evidence of inbreeding depression in wild populations is well established, the impact of genetic purging in the wild remains controversial. The contrasting effects of inbreeding depression, fixation of deleterious alleles by genetic drift, and the purging of deleterious alleles via natural selection mean that predicting fitness outcomes in populations subjected to prolonged bottlenecks is not straightforward. We report results from a long‐term pedigree study of arguably the world's most inbred wild species of bird: the Chatham Island black robin Petroica traversi, in which conditions were ideal for purging to occur. Contrary to expectations, black robins showed a strong, negative relationship between inbreeding and juvenile survival, yielding lethal equivalents (2B) of 6.85. We also determined that the negative relationship between inbreeding and survival did not appear to be mediated by levels of ancestral inbreeding and may be attributed in part to unpurged lethal recessives. Although the black robin demographic history provided ideal conditions for genetic purging, our results show no clear evidence of purging in the major life‐history trait of juvenile survival. Our results also show no evidence of fixation of deleterious alleles in juvenile survival, but do confirm that continued high levels of contemporary inbreeding in a historically inbred population could lead to additional severe inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

The effects of one and two generations of inbreeding were studied in plants from four natural populations of the annual plant, Collinsia heterophylla, using inbred and outcrossed plants generated by hand pollinations to create expected inbreeding coefficients ranging from 0–0.75. The selfing rates of the populations were estimated using allozyme markers to range from 0.37–0.69. Inbreeding depression was mild, ranging from 5–40%, but significant effects were detected for characters measured at all stages of the life cycle. Fitness components declined significantly with the inbreeding coefficient, and regression of fitness characters on inbreeding coefficients gave no evidence of any strongly synergistic effects attributable to the different genetic factors that contribute to decline in fitness under inbreeding. The magnitude of inbreeding depression did not clearly decrease with the populations' levels of inbreeding. This is not surprising because the selfing rates are similar enough that it is unlikely that the populations have been characterized for long periods of time by these different inbreeding levels.  相似文献   

Interactions between drought stress and inbreeding depression were studied in Lychnis flos-cuculi. Four inbreeding levels (F = 0, 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75), and three watering treatments were used. Performance was scored for germination rate and proportion, survival, plant size, proportion of plants flowering, flowering date, stem height, number of flowers, flower size, anther weight, fruiting proportion and number of capsules. Multiplicative fitness values were estimated from these traits. Inbreeding affected most of the traits studied, and a severe inbreeding depression was found for the combined fitness estimates. The higher inbreeding depression found here relative to the same family groups in a former experiment may reflect greater dominance and suppression in the present experiment at higher density.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression, or the decreased fitness of progeny derived from self-fertilization as compared to outcrossing, is thought to be the most general factor affecting the evolution of self-fertilization in plants. Nevertheless, data on inbreeding depression in fitness characters are almost nonexistent for perennials observed in their natural environments. In this study I measured inbreeding depression in both survival and fertility in two sympatric, short-lived, perennial herbs: hummingbird-pollinated Lobelia cardinalis (two populations) and bumblebee-pollinated L. siphilitica (one population). Crosses were performed by hand in the field, and seedlings germinated in the greenhouse. Levels of inbreeding depression were determined for one year in the greenhouse and for two to three years for seedlings transplanted back to the natural environment. Fertility was measured as flower number, which is highly correlated with seed production under natural conditions in these populations. Inbreeding depression was assessed in three ways: 1) survival and fertility within the different age intervals; 2) cumulative survival from the seed stage through each age interval; and 3) net fertility, or the expected fertility of a seed at different ages. Net fertility is a comprehensive measure of fitness combining survival and flower number. In all three populations, selfing had nonsignificant effects on the number and size of seeds. Lobelia siphilitica and one population of L. cardinalis exhibited significant levels of inbreeding depression between seed maturation and germination, excluding the consideration of possible differences in dormancy or longterm viability in the soil. There was no inbreeding depression in subsequent survival in the greenhouse in any population. In the field, significant survival differences between selfed and outcrossed progeny occurred only in two years and in only one population of L. cardinalis. For both survival and fertility there was little evidence for the expected differences among families in inbreeding depression. Compared to survival, inbreeding depression in fertility (flower number) tended to be much higher. By first-year flower production, the combined effects on survival and flower number caused inbreeding depression in net fertility to reach 54%, 34% and 71% for L. siphilitica and the two populations of L. cardinalis. By the end of the second year of flowering in the field, inbreeding depression in net fertility was 53% for L. siphilitica and 54% for one population of L. cardinalis. For the other population of L. cardinalis, these values were 76% through the second year of flowering and 83% through the third year. Such high levels of inbreeding depression should strongly influence selection on those characters affecting self-fertilization rates in these two species.  相似文献   

黄山钓桥青冈种群的交配系统与近交衰退   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
陈小勇  宋永昌 《生态学报》1997,17(5):462-468
采用垂直板型不连续聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测了黄山钓桥青冈种群的遗传变异、交配系统及近交衰退程度。黄山钓桥青冈群维持有中等程度的遗传变异,多态位点百分比和期望杂合度分别为50%和0.1814。采用POD-2、EST-1和EST-2等3个多态位点,利用MLT程序估计的花粉库和母株基因频率之间存在一些差异,可能是由于成熟个体花粉产量不同和种群内个体非随机分布造成的。单位点杂交率平均为0.392,略高于多位  相似文献   

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