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Animals live in an uncertain world. To reduce uncertainty, animals use cues that can encode diverse information regarding habitat quality, including both non-social and social cues. While it is increasingly appreciated that the sources of potential information are vast, our understanding of how individuals integrate different types of cues to guide decision-making remains limited. We experimentally manipulated both resource quality (presence/absence of cactus fruit) and social cues (conspecific juveniles, heterospecific juveniles, no juveniles) for a cactus-feeding insect, Narnia femorata (Hemiptera: Coreidae), to ask how individuals responded to resource quality in the presence or absence of social cues. Cactus with fruit is a high-quality environment for juvenile development, and indeed we found that females laid 56% more eggs when cactus fruit was present versus when it was absent. However, when conspecific or heterospecific juveniles were present, the effects of resource quality on egg numbers vanished. Overall, N . femorata laid approximately twice as many eggs in the presence of heterospecifics than alone or in the presence of conspecifics. Our results suggest that the presence of both conspecific and heterospecific social cues can disrupt responses of individuals to environmental gradients in resource quality.  相似文献   

Generalist pollinators are important in many habitats, but little research has been done on small-scale spatial variation in interactions between them and the plants that they visit. Here, using a spatially explicit approach, we examined whether multiple species of flowering plants occurring within a single meadow showed spatial structure in their generalist pollinator assemblages.We report the results for eight plant species for which at least 200 individual visits were recorded. We found that for all of these species, the proportions of their general pollinator assemblages accounted for by particular functional groups showed spatial heterogeneity at the scale of tens of metres. This heterogeneity was connected either with no or only subtle changes of vegetation and flowering species composition. In five of these species, differences in conspecific plant density influenced the pollinator communities (with greater dominance of main pollinators at low-conspecific plant densities). The density of heterospecific plant individuals influenced the pollinator spectrum in one case.Our results indicate that the picture of plant-pollinator interactions provided by averaging data within large plots may be misleading and that within-site spatial heterogeneity should be accounted for in terms of sampling effort allocation and analysis. Moreover, spatially structured plant-pollinator interactions may have important ecological and evolutionary consequences, especially for plant population biology.  相似文献   

Predation is an important mortality factor in wintering birds. To counter this, birds produce alarm calls in the presence of predators which serve to warn conspecifics. In social hierarchical bird flocks, adults survive the winter better than juveniles and therefore survival strategies probably vary with social status. This study examined the differential responses to alarm calls by free-living willow tits, Parus montanus, in dominance-structured winter flocks in Finland. To explore the age-dependent differences in response to conspecific alarm calls, a series with three alarm calls was played to focal adults and juveniles while they sat in the middle section of a spruce branch. Immediately after the playback, juvenile willow tits moved more often, flew longer distances and changed branches more often than did adults. Previous mammal studies have shown that juveniles are more likely to flee than adults after hearing conspecific alarm calls. The current study demonstrates that similar age-dependent responses to conspecific alarm calls occur in birds also. These findings reflect an increased vulnerability to predators or lack of experience of young birds.  相似文献   

Juvenile California ground squirrel responses to adult alarm calls and juvenile alarm calling may be modified during development to achieve adult form. Adult conspecific chatter and whistle alarm calls were played back to juvenile and adult ground squirrels at an agricultural field site. In response to chatter playbacks, adults spent more time visually orienting to the environment and less time out of view and in covered habitats than juveniles; the converse was true in response to whistle playbacks. To test the evocativeness of juvenile calling, a subset of adult subjects received juvenile chatter and whistle playbacks. Adults spent less time out of view to juvenile call types than to adult calls, and showed more similar responses to juvenile chatters and whistles than to adult chatters and whistles. Age differences in the ground squirrel's alarm call system may reflect adjustments to changing risks during development.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether conspecific and/or heterospecific attraction to silk is a mechanism of web-site selection leading to aggregation formation by two species of web-building spiders, Hypochilus thorelli Marx (Araneae: Hypochilidae) and Achaearanea tepidariorum (C.L. Koch) (Araneac: Theridiidae). We determined that the spatial distribution of these two spiders was clumped and that H. thorelli had a greater tendency to aggregate than did A. tepidariorum. To determine the mechanism responsible for this spatial pattern, we conducted three field experiments. We examined web-site selection by H. thorelli in three contexts: no spiders or webs present (cue removed), vacant webs present, and occupied webs present. In the case where no webs were present, there was no tendency for spiders to choose previously occupied sites as web sites. When vacant webs were present, spiders chose to occupy the vacant webs. When occupied webs were present, spiders either invaded webs and evicted the owners, or settled adjacent to and attached their webs to those of residents. Various microhabitat variables (height, angle, temperature, humidity, and substrate character of the rock surface) of randomly selected unoccupied sites and the web sites chosen by spiders were compared. There were no detectable differences between web sites and unoccupied sites with respect to any of the variables measured. This leads us to conclude that web-site choice by immigrating spiders was based on the presence of silk rather than other features of the site.  相似文献   

Juvenile largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ) undergo an ontogenetic niche shift from invertebrate feeding members of the cyprinid prey guild to piscivory during their first year of growth. We conducted laboratory and field trials to determine whether juvenile bass show a similar ontogenetic shift in their response to the alarm pheromone of finescale dace ( Phoxinus neogaeus , Cyprinidae). When exposed to dace skin extract (with alarm pheromone), juvenile bass exhibited a significant positive relationship between standard length and horizontal and vertical area use and time spent moving. Small bass (< 50 mm standard length) tended to reduce area use and time spent moving (indicative of an anti-predator response), while larger bass (> 50 mm standard length) increased area use and time spent moving (indicating a foraging response). Bass exhibited no change in behaviour when exposed to swordtail ( Xiphophorus helleri ) skin extract, which lacks Ostariophysan alarm pheromone. During field trials, small (30–45 mm standard length) and medium (46–60 mm standard length) bass actively avoided areas labelled with dace alarm pheromone and exhibited a significant increase in dashing behaviour. Large bass (61–80 mm standard length) were attracted to such areas and exhibited a significant increase in approach behaviour. These data suggest that largemouth bass undergo an ontogenetic shift in response to heterospecific chemical alarm signals.  相似文献   

咀嚼是哺乳动物食物吸收的重要组成部分,对动物的生存和繁殖极其重要。动物咀嚼时会发出低频低强度的咀嚼声,研究表明人类的咀嚼声可以增强自身或他人的食欲和愉悦度。蝙蝠作为哺乳动物中的第二大类群,其咀嚼声的特征和功能仍不清楚。本研究以吉林省集安市治安村的马铁菊头蝠Rhinolophus ferrumequinum为研究对象,通过回放蝙蝠咀嚼声和空白对照实验,同步录制蝙蝠的进食行为和回声定位声波,试图阐明蝙蝠咀嚼声对其进食行为和回声定位声波的影响。结果表明:进食次数在2种回放条件下的差异无统计学意义,但捕食尝试在2种回放条件下的差异有统计学意义。因此,咀嚼声能够显著地提高蝙蝠的进食欲望。此外,在蝙蝠咀嚼声的刺激下,其回声定位声波的频率增加,持续时间延长,脉冲速率减慢。这可能是因为蝙蝠在咀嚼声的影响下改变发声动机,从而改变了其回声定位声波的频谱时间结构。本研究第一次报道了蝙蝠咀嚼声对其进食行为的影响,为进一步阐明蝙蝠咀嚼声的功能和进化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We studied male phonotactic behaviors elicited by acoustic cues that simulate conspecific male songs in the field cricket, Gryllus texensis. Males exhibited significant positive phonotaxis in response to the simulated song stimuli, but showed no such response to atypical song stimuli. We found no significant relationship between males’ own calling behavior and their phonotactic responses to the stimuli. Analyses indicated that larger males exhibited greater phonotactic responses, which may indicate a greater tendency to engage in aggressive interactions if size is an indicator of fighting ability. Male phonotactic responses were significantly weaker than those exhibited by females, and adult males did not exhibit stronger responses with increasing age as has been documented for females. Observed sex differences in the strengths of phonotactic responses may reflect differences in the fitness-payoffs of responding. That is, females are under strong selection pressure to respond to male songs and subsequently mate. In contrast, males responding to acoustic signals from other males need not precisely locate the signaler but would likely move to areas where females are likely to be found. Alternatively, males might benefit from avoiding areas with calling males and establishing their own calling stations away from competing males.  相似文献   

Numerous species, both aquatic and terrestrial, use alarm cues to mediate predation risk. These cues may be either intentionally or inadvertently released, and may be received by either conspecifics or heterospecifics. In aquatic systems, alarm cues are often chemical in nature and are released when an organism is disturbed or damaged by a predator. In some cases the recognition of alarm cues from conspecifics, or closely related heterospecifics, is innate, while the recognition of alarm cues from distantly related species must be learned. Many studies have documented the use of heterospecific alarm cues, but few have explored the manner in which these cues come to be recognized as an indication of predation. In the current study, we examined the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)/brook stickleback (Culaea inconstans) alarm system. We tested the effect of density on the ability of minnows to learn to recognize stickleback alarm cues as a threat. We hypothesized that the ability of minnows to learn to recognize stickleback alarm cues should increase with increasing stickleback density because there would be more opportunity for minnows to associate the heterospecific alarm cue with the threat. To test this hypothesis we stocked minnows into large outdoor pools with no stickleback, low numbers of stickleback, or high numbers of stickleback. All pools contained a predator (pike, Esox lucius) known to the minnows. Following a 14 d conditioning period, minnows were tested for a response to skin extract from stickleback, minnow, and an unknown heterospecific (swordtail, Xiphophorus helleri). Minnows from pools with large numbers of stickleback learned to respond to stickleback alarm cues while minnows from pools with low numbers of stickleback, or no stickleback, did not.  相似文献   

The response of the late second-instar male nymphs of the mealybug species (Hemiptera, Pseudococcidae), Planococcus citri (Risso), Planococcus ficus (Signoret), Pseudococcus cryptus Hempel Nipaecoccus viridis (Newstead), to their conspecific and heterospecific female pheromone was studied. Males that exhibited the typical appearance of late-second-instar nymphs were tested. The male behavior was monitored soon after their exposure to the tested female sex pheromone in glass Petri dish arenas. Male nymph behavior toward the pheromone source was characterized based on their aggregation on the disks in the arena. Males of all four tested mealybug species were attracted to their conspecific female pheromone. By contrast, almost no interceptions of male nymphs with disks impregnated with a heterospecific female pheromone were observed. The mode of attraction of each of male nymphs of P. ficus, among most of the tested individuals (>80%), to the conspecific female sex pheromone, (S)-lavandulyl senecioate and or (S)-lavandulyl isovalerate, was the same as the mode of attraction latter on as adult. We suggest that by being attracted to the conspecific pheromone these males may direct themselves to a suitable pupation site near conspecific non-sibling mature females, thus preventing inbreeding. The repellency of heterospecific sex pheromone to males that are looking for a pupation site suggests that the latter try to avoid close contact with heterospecific females.  相似文献   

It has previously been established that, in threatening situations, animals use alarm pheromones to communicate danger. There is emerging evidence of analogous chemosensory “stress” cues in humans. For this study, we collected alarm and exercise sweat from “donors,” extracted it, pooled it and presented it to 16 unrelated “detector” subjects undergoing fMRI. The fMRI protocol consisted of four stimulus runs, with each combination of stimulus condition and donor gender represented four times. Because olfactory stimuli do not follow the canonical hemodynamic response, we used a model-free approach. We performed minimal preprocessing and worked directly with block-average time series and step-function estimates. We found that, while male stress sweat produced a comparably strong emotional response in both detector genders, female stress sweat produced a markedly stronger arousal in female than in male detectors. Our statistical tests pinpointed this gender-specificity to the right amygdala (strongest in the superficial nuclei). When comparing the olfactory bulb responses to the corresponding stimuli, we found no significant differences between male and female detectors. These imaging results complement existing behavioral evidence, by identifying whether gender differences in response to alarm chemosignals are initiated at the perceptual versus emotional level. Since we found no significant differences in the olfactory bulb (primary processing site for chemosensory signals in mammals), we infer that the specificity in responding to female fear is likely based on processing meaning, rather than strength, of chemosensory cues from each gender.  相似文献   

During an encounter with a conspecific male paradise fish memorize some features of their opponent. This is revealed by the shorter contest and significant changes in their behaviour at a second encounter with the same opponent. Memory of an opponent lasts for one day but is undetectable after a week. In contrast memorization of other species could easily be preserved for several months. A possible explanation of these different durations is discussed in relation to their functions in the life of the fish.  相似文献   

Voles use runways, paths, and trails that may also be used by rabbits and mink. These shared areas could contain the scent marks of conspecifics and heterospecifics. Thus, it is likely that the scent marks of heterospecifics may overlap or be overlapped by those of voles, forming over‐marks. Much is known about how voles respond to over‐marks of two different conspecifics. However, we do not know how they would respond to an opposite‐sex conspecific whose scent marks are in an over‐mark with the scent marks of predator or the scent marks of a non‐predator heterospecifics. We tested the hypothesis that meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, differ in their response to the scent mark of the opposite‐sex conspecific if the scent mark was overlapped by that of a mink, a vole predator, or rabbit, a vole non‐predator. We found that female but not male voles showed a preference for the scent marks of the opposite‐sex conspecifics that were part of the mink‐vole over‐mark when compared to those of opposite‐sex conspecifics that were not part of the over‐mark. This preference by female voles was independent of whether the male vole was the top‐scent donor or bottom‐scent donor of the over‐mark. Male and female voles showed no preference between the scent marks of the opposite‐sex conspecifics whose marks were part of or not part of the rabbit‐vole over‐mark. Sex differences in the manner that meadow voles respond to rabbit‐vole and mink‐vole over‐marks are discussed.  相似文献   

A wide diversity of aquatic organisms release alarm signals upon being attacked by a predator. Alarm signals may 'warn' nearby individuals of danger. Moreover, the signals may be important in facilitating learned recognition of unknown stimuli. It is common for different prey species to respond to each other's chemical alarm signals. In many cases, the responses are learned but no learning mechanisms have been identified to date. In this study we tested whether prey fish can learn the identity of an unknown alarm signal when they detect it in association with conspecific alarm cues in the diet of a predator. Chemical alarm cues are known to be conserved in the diet of predators. We conditioned fathead minnows ( Pimephales promelas ) with chemical stimuli from predatory yellow perch ( Perca flavescens ) fed a mixed diet of minnows and brook stickleback ( Culaea inconstans ), perch fed a mixed diet of swordtails ( Xiphophorus helleri ) and stickleback or distilled water. Minnows were subsequently exposed to chemical alarm cues of injured stickleback alone. Those minnows previously conditioned with perch fed a mixed diet of minnows and stickleback increased their use of shelter and 'froze' significantly more than minnows previously conditioned with perch fed a diet of swordtails and stickleback or those exposed to distilled water. These data demonstrate a mechanism by which minnows can learn the identity of a heterospecific alarm signal.  相似文献   

Oviposition behavior may be affected by the presence of potential future competitors, mates, or predators of offspring. We examined patch choice, oviposition site preference and egg production in the predaceous mites Phytoseiulus persimilis and Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) when given a choice between paired spider mite patches with and without conspecific eggs, with and without heterospecific eggs, and with conspecific or heterospecific eggs. Neoseiulus californicus females had no patch preference and distributed their eggs randomly in all choice situations. This was also the case with P. persimilis females given a choice between patches with and without conspecific eggs and between patches with either con- or heterospecific eggs. Phytoseiulus persimilis females confronted with patches with and without heterospecific eggs preferentially stayed and oviposited in the predator free patches. We discuss the oviposition strategies of P. persimilis and N. californicus with respect to food competition, cannibalism and intraguild predation.  相似文献   

为探究不同社会地位的亚成体克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)对利益的分配,以及对社会环境改变(体型较大的入侵同类)各自做出的行为反应,本文统计已确立等级序列的成对同性别螯虾对隐蔽所的占有情况,并视频拍摄同性别螯虾入侵时,入侵者及不同地位的原居者的格斗行为,分析格斗次数、格斗时间、首次攻击及被首次攻击对象多个参数。在隐蔽所占有实验中,71%为优势者占有隐蔽所,7%为从属者占有,共同占有或没有占有的各11%。在入侵-反入侵实验中,雄性入侵者对2只原居虾之间的攻击选择无显著差异,雌性入侵者首次攻击显著选择与原优势者格斗;雄性原居者中优势者对入侵者和原从属者的攻击无显著差异,雌性优势者则显著选择与入侵者格斗;雄性原居者中从属者显著选择与入侵者格斗,雌性从属者对入侵者和原优势者的攻击无显著差异。上述结果表明,优势者优先占有资源;雌雄螯虾在入侵和面临入侵时有各自不同的策略;不同地位的螯虾在反入侵时行为反应也各有不同。  相似文献   

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