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鸟类夜栖地选择研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夜栖地可以为鸟类提供安全、舒适、温暖的夜间栖息场所。昼行性鸟类夜间视觉能力较差,对夜栖环境中潜在的威胁感知程度较低,导致其夜栖时常常处于被动和危险的环境中。鸟类通过选择适宜的夜栖地,进而达到充分利用夜栖地空间资源的目的。本文从鸟类夜栖地选择的行为适应性以及保温性、食物因子和安全性(隐蔽性)等3个影响因素,对国内外鸟类夜栖地选择相关研究进行综述,为今后该领域的研究提供更多思路。  相似文献   

A free-ranging maternity colony of big brown bats Eptesicus fuscus roosting in rock crevices along the South Saskatchewan River in south-eastern Alberta, Canada, was studied to understand better the discrepancy that exists in the literature regarding torpor use by reproductive female bats. Using radio-telemetry, thermoregulatory patterns and roost microclimate were recorded for pregnant, lactating and post-lactating females. Relative torpor use is described in several ways: the proportion of days on which torpor was used, depth, minimum body temperature, time spent in torpor, and a comprehensive torpor unit (degree-min). Pregnant and lactating female E. fuscus used torpor to the same extent overall (degree-min), but pregnant bats used torpor less frequently and with more time in deep torpor. Torpor was used to the greatest extent after weaning (post-lactation). Evidence is presented that the cost:benefit ratio for deep and prolonged periods of torpor may be highest during lactation. Microclimates of rock-crevice roosts mirrored the use of torpor throughout reproduction by bats. Lactation roosts (deeper, larger opening size) were more thermally stable and remained warmer at night compared to the shallow roosts used by pregnant and post-lactating females. It is shown that conclusions about relative use of torpor can differ depending on the units of comparison, necessitating measurement of all aspects of torpor (depth, duration and frequency). Comprehensive measurements, individual-based normothermic temperatures, and a definition of torpor that accounts for all energy savings, allow a more accurate depiction of patterns and facilitates inter-study comparisons.  相似文献   

With the exception of some data for common poorwills (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii) and anecdotal reports for a few other species, knowledge about the use of torpor by free-ranging birds is limited. Our study was designed to assess the use of torpor by free-ranging Australian owlet-nightjars (Aegotheles cristatus). We selected this species for study because of their relatively small body size (50 g), arthropod diet, nocturnal sedentary nature, taxonomic affiliation with other birds for whom the use of torpor is well documented, use of cavity roosts, and because of the cold winter (mean July minimum ambient temperature [T(a)] of approximately 0 degrees C) in the study area. We tracked 12 owlet-nightjars carrying temperature-sensitive transmitters for a total of 906 bird-days (range of 15-115 d per individual). Five different individuals entered torpor on 96 d in total. Torpor bouts occurred only between May 8 and September 8, the coldest period of the year. The lowest skin temperature (T(skin)) recorded for any bird was 19.6 degrees C, and the lowest core temperature was 22.4 degrees C. Surprisingly, torpor was rarely used at night because birds usually foraged then. Instead, torpor typically began near dawn, even on cold nights. Torpor bouts beginning at dawn lasted approximately 4 h. On 36% of days when torpor was used at dawn, birds reentered torpor later in the day. Torpor was not used during the breeding season, but this period also corresponds to the warm part of the year. There were no distinct daily minimum, maximum, or mean T(a) thresholds that could be used to reliably distinguish days when dawn torpor was used from those when it was not, although torpor was commonly employed when daily minimum T(a) fell below 3.9 degrees C. Our results show that even though Australia is typically thought of as a warm continent, at least some of the avifauna use torpor as a regular means of saving energy. We hypothesise that the reasons for this species' use of torpor include its ability to remain active all night foraging, either for terrestrial arthropods while walking or for flying insects taken on the wing, and/or its habit of roosting in cavities, which allows them to remain hidden in the daytime.  相似文献   

Many birds living in regions with seasonal fluctuations in ambient temperatures (Ta) typically respond to cold by increasing insulation and adjusting metabolic rate. Seasonal variation in thermal physiology has not been studied for the Caprimulgiformes, an order of birds that generally have basal metabolic rates (BMR) lower than predicted for their body mass. We measured the metabolic rate and thermal conductance of Australian owlet-nightjars (Aegotheles cristatus) during summer and winter using open-flow respirometry. Within the thermoneutral zone (TNZ; 31.3 to 34.8 °C), there was no seasonal difference in BMR or thermal conductance (C), but body temperature was higher in summer- (38.2 ± 0.3 °C) than winter-acclimatized (37.1 ± 0.5 °C) birds. Below the TNZ, resting metabolic rate (RMR) increased linearly with decreasing Ta, and RMR and C were higher for summer- than winter-acclimatized birds. The mean mass-specific BMR of owlet-nightjars (1.27 mL O2 g− 1 h− 1) was close to the allometrically predicted value for a 45 g Caprimulgiformes, but well below that predicted for birds overall. These results suggest that owlet-nightjars increase plumage insulation to cope with low winter Ta, which is reflected in the seasonal difference in RMR and C below the TNZ, rather than adjusting BMR.  相似文献   

Aldo Poiani 《Oecologia》1992,92(3):429-441
The hypothesis that cooperative breeding entails a cost in terms of transmission of ectoparasites was tested by a comparative analysis among sympatric Australian passerines. The general trend found using the allometry method and outgroup analysis indicates that contagious ectoparasites are not more common on cooperatively breeding than on non-cooperatively breeding hosts. Body weight, migratory patterns and relative abundance of hosts are factors far more important than cooperative breeding that affect the levels of ectoparasitism in the host genera studies. Ectoparasitism increases with host body weight and relative adundance, while sedentary host genera tended to show less hippoboscid fly diversity than migratory host genera. There is an interaction between breeding system and migratory pattern when relative density of contagious ectoparasites (i.e. mites, ticks and bird lice) is considered: the number of contagious ectoparasites per host is larger on cooperatively breeding host genera than on non-cooperatively breeding host genera among sedentary passerines, but the trend is reversed for migrant passerines.  相似文献   

Robert Gwiazda 《Hydrobiologia》1997,353(1-3):39-43
The foraging ecology of the Great Crested Grebe wasstudied at Dobczyce Reservoir in southernPoland. The mean diving frequency of grebes withoutyoung was 19.3 h–1, while grebes with young dived onaverage 32.5 h–1. The mean number of apparent prey caughtby grebes without young was 0.5 fish h–1. Birds with young caught a greater number, on average4.5 fish h–1. Probably, birds fishing forthemselves ate much prey underwater. The total lengthof the fish consumed by adult grebes was on average10.0 cm. Adults ate larger fish in the breeding seasonthan in the autumn migration period. Young birds werefed fish about 8.3 cm long. More than 50% of preywere bleak. The mean success of dives of birds withoutyoung was 3.3% and for individuals with young 14.8%.A comparison of the weight of the daily food demandwith the weight of fish brought to the surface showed that it was 70% lower than the dailyfood demand. The poor relation between prey size anddiving success shows that grebes can eat both small andlarge fish below the water surface.  相似文献   

Anstensrud  M.  Schram  T. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):587-595
Sprat caught by beach seining during the period 1977–1980 were examined for adult Lernaeenicus, and both sprat and herring caught in 1981–1983 were examined for all parasitic stages. Lernaeenicus was never found on herring. Adult L. sprattae were always found in the sprat's eye, usually (89%) in the upper rear quadrant of the eye. Double and triple infection of one or both eyes were found. Infection experiments support results from field work. The sprat is the only intermediate and final host of L. sprattae. In laboratory experiments, copepodites showed no preference for particular size groups of sprat. The infective stages, copepodid and adolescent female, are both initially randomly distributed on the host before the copepodites move towards the fins and the gravid females to the eye.  相似文献   

Small groups of the tent-making bat, Ectophylla alba , were found roosting in Heliconia (Musaceae) tents in old secondary-growth forest in north-eastern Costa Rica. The choice of specific Heliconia leaves for tents was predicted on the basis of leaf size and age. Additionally, tents in shrubs, saplings and epiphytic plants were found scattered throughout both primary- and secondary-growth forest. Tents were used either as night feeding roosts or as day-roosts for as long as 45 days. Groups of bats remained together when they moved to newly cut tents. After parturition, tent groups divided into all-male colonies and maternity colonies with females, non-volant young and a single adult male.  相似文献   

浙江五峙山列岛黄嘴白鹭的巢位选择研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄嘴白鹭(Egretta eulophotes)是全球性受威胁鸟类。2005年7月, 我们在浙江五峙山列岛对黄嘴白鹭的巢位选择进行了研究, 共测量了74个巢。研究发现, 在0.99 hm2的馒头山小岛上, 黄嘴白鹭的巢呈聚集性分布, 平均巢间距为119.6 cm, 最小巢间距为15 cm。黄嘴白鹭对巢位具有明显的选择性, 优先选择在灌丛, 尤其是那些相对较高的灌丛(高于50 cm)下营巢, 其次是较低的灌木(低于64 cm)内部和草丛上。多数巢存在遮蔽物。避风和遮荫是黄嘴白鹭巢位选择的主要要求。台风是决定五峙山列岛黄嘴白鹭巢位选择的最主要因素, 而高灌木的数量直接影响五峙山列岛黄嘴白鹭的繁殖成功和今后的资源状况。  相似文献   

The presence of males in species of Echiniscus has been reported only as recently as 1987 and is still considered to be rare. However, males have been found to be common in a disproportionately large number of species of this genus found in Australia. Evidence of sexual dimorphism is presented for five species (three of which are new to science), females and males of which are differentiated on the basis of distinctive gonopores. In all five species males are shorter with longer clavae. Males of Echiniscus jamesi sp. nov., Echiniscus rodnae sp. nov. and Echiniscus curiosus sp. nov. have significantly longer claws. In E. rodnae sp. nov. and E. curiosus sp. nov. males have significantly longer lateral trunk appendages and the dorsal trunk appendage combinations of males of the latter are different from those of females. The widespread distribution of bisexual species of Echiniscus in xeric habitats in Australia does not support the current theory that parthenogenetic species are favoured in such environments.  相似文献   

The ghost bat, Macroderma gigas, and the orange leaf-nosed bat, Rhinonycteris aurantius, occupy similar ranges across northern Australia and are often found in the same roost caves. Both species are considered rare and vulnerable to further population decline. A third small species, the large bent-wing bat, Miniopterus schreibersii, has a similar body mass to R. aurantius, but has one of the largest ranges of any Australian mammal. In the present study we examine the effect and sensitivity of the animals' roosting microclimates on their energy and water balance. M. schreibersii exhibits a basal metabolic rate about 40% greater than other bats of similar body mass, whereas the other two species are close to predicted levels. R. aurantius shows a decrease in body temperatures below thermoneutrality. R. aurantius has levels of pulmocutaneous water loss among the highest seen for a mammal, and calculations based on nasal tip temperatures suggest that most of this loss is across the skin. Calculated ambient temperatures at which metabolic water production is equal to pulmocutaneous water loss in dry air are −14.7 °C for R. aurantius, 9.8 °C for M. schreibersii and −0.3 °C for M. gigas. Exposing the animals to relative humidities of between 80% and 90% shifted these calculated temperatures to 5.6 °C, 25.2 °C, and 2.9 °C, respectively. For each species the ratio of metabolic water production to evaporative water loss has been treated as a joint function of humidity and ambient temperature. The resulting surface plot shows that under known roosting conditions in caves R. aurantius and M. schreibersii remain in positive water balance, whereas M. gigas does not. Accepted: 20 May 2000  相似文献   

Lesser bare–backed bats (Dobsonia minor [Pteropodidae]) are solitary and roost in foliage of understory and subcanopy trees in lowland rain forest. These 70–90 gram frugivorous bats forage in primary and secondary forest and in abandoned gardens. At the Kau Wildlife Area in Papua New Guinea, movements (N = 1041) of four males and four females fitted with radio transmitters were monitored for 1 to 18 months. Mean home range within 30–day sampling periods was 5.1 ha (N = 12). There were no significant differences in home ranges by sex or by dry–wet season. Females, however, had significandy larger mean core–use areas than males (1.43 ± 0.61 and 0.65 ±0.16 ha, respectively). There was moderate overlap in home range and core–use areas among some simultaneously tracked animals. The long axes of home ranges varied from 150 to 1150 m and the mean was significantly larger in females. Individuals commuted from day roosts to multiple feeding areas, sometimes resulting in disjunct core–use areas and home ranges. Fruits of native Fiats species and the exotic shrub Piper attuncum were staple food items. Piper aduncum grew as dense clusters within early successional habitats, and individual plants ripened 5–20 fruits per night throughout the year. Ficus spp. grew in primary and secondary forest and fruited asynchronously, but individual trees produced tens to thousands of ripe fruits over 7 to 10 days. Three adult female D. minor were tracked over multiple periods spanning 2.5–18 months. Although each female continued to visit a core–use area containing P. aduncum throughout the study, turnover of other core–use areas reflected the ephemeral locations of fruiting fig trees.  相似文献   

The population ecology of newts was investigated between 1969 and 1974 in two localities near Gothenburg, SW Sweden: the Gunnebo park pond (about 300 m2) where Triturus cristatus Laurenti and T. vulgaris L. are sympatric, and a rock-pool (6 m2) in Billdal with only T. vulgaris. At Gunnebo, a population of about 350 breeding T. cristatus was found with about as many males as females but males being more aquatic than females. An annual survival of 0.7–0.8 was estimated for the adults. The T. vulgaris population at the same locality was estimated to about 250–300 breeding adults with a sex ratio possibly in favour of males. The survival of adults was found to be extremely low and a very small percent of the adults seems to breed more than once. The Billdal T. vulgaris population was estimated to contain nearly 70 breeding adults with a sex ratio very near to 1:1. The annual survival of adults was found to be 0.5. The different survival of the two T. vulgaris populations are discussed with particular reference to predation. The age at which newts breed for the first time seems to vary; for T. vulgaris five years may well be the normal age. Factors that may limit the sizes of the populations, possible reasons for differences in frequency of occurrence in water, and possible predators are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied roost structure, modification, and availability in Lophostoma silvicolum (Phyllostomidae), an insectivorous gleaning bat, on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panamá. Collection of nest material beneath termitaria and infrared video filming indicated that males of L. silvicolum excavate and maintain cavities inside active termite nests. A binary logistic regression analysis showed that to be suitable as roosts, termite nests have to be larger than 30 cm in diameter and taller than 30 cm, well shaded, with few transecting branches, and freely accessible from below. Use of active termite nests as roosts may provide several benefits to L. silvicolum, including reduction of competition for roost sites with sympatric bat species, reduced parasite load and a suitable microclimate. A comparison of number of all termite nests in selected forest plots with number of termite nests that are potentially suited as bat roosts and number of termite nests that are actually used by bats suggests that L. silvicolum may not be roost‐limited on BCI in spite of its highly specialized roost choice.  相似文献   

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