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Books: Andrews , I.J. 1995. The Birds of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Barrows , E.M. 1995. Animal Behavior Desk Reference Briffett , C. & Supari , Sutari bin Catchpole , C.K. & Slater , P.J.B. 1995. Bird Song: Biological themes and variations Clement , P. 1994. The Chiffchaff Collar , N.J., Crosby , M.I. & Stattersfield , A.J. 1994. Birds to Watch 2: The world list of threatened birds Flade , M. 1994. Die Brutvogelgemeinschaften Mittel- und Nord-deutschlands Gehlbach . F.R. 1994. The Eastern Screech Owl: Life history, ecology and behavior in the suburbs and countryside Gill , F.B. 1995. Ornithology. 2nd edition Holz , R. 1994. Bibliographie ornithologischer Artikel aus Zeit-schriften und Periodika der DDR Hora , J., Kanuch , P. et al. 1992. Important Bird Areas in Europe Czechoslovakia Howell , S.N.G. & Webb , S. 1995. A Guide to the Birds of Mexia and Northern Central America Jackson , C. 1994. Bird Painting: The eighteenth century Krattiger , A.F., Mc Neely , J.A., Lesser , W.H., Miller , K.R., ST. Hill , Y. & Senanayake , R. (eds) Love , J.A. 1994. Penguins Reilly , P. 1994. Penguins of the World Lutwack , L. 1994. Birds in Literature Miller , R.I., ed. 1994, Mapping the Diversity of Nature Nechaev , V.A. 1995. Game- and Protected Birds of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands (in Russian) Nettleship , D.N., Burger , J. & Gochfeld , M. 1994. Seabirds on Islands: Threats, case studies and action plans Olsen , K.M. & Larsson , H. 1995. Terns of Europe and North America Ridley . M. 1995. Animal Behavior Searcy , W.A. & Yasukawa , K. 1995. Polygyny and Sexual Selection in Red-winged Blackbirds Small , A. 1994. California Birds: Their status and distribution Summers , R.W. & Mc Adam , J.H. 1993. The Upland Goose: A study of the interaction between geese, sheep and man in the Falkland Islands Sutherland , W.J. & Hill , D.A. (eds). 1995. Managing Habitats for Conservation Walters , M. 1994. Birds' Eggs Wheeler , B.K. & Clark , W.S. 1995. A Photographic Guide to North American Raptors Also Received: Cabot , D. 1995. Irish Birds Chandler , D. & Langman , M. 1995. Bird Habitats and Conservation Chebez , J.C. & Bertonatti , C.C. 1994. La Avifauna de la Isla de los Estados, Mas de Aflo Nuevo y Mar circundante Tierra de Fuego, Argentina Dawson , L. & Langman , M. 1995. Bird Behaviour Dekker , R.W.R.J., Mc Gowan , P.J.K. & WPA/Birdlife /Species Survival Commission Megapode Specialist Group Granlund , J., Mc Peck , G.A. & Adams , R.J. 1995. The Birds of Michigan Geligan , J., Smith , M., Rogers , D. & Contreras , A. (eds). 1994 Green , I. & Moorhouse , N. 1995. A Birdwatchers' Guide to Turkey Hayman , P., Arlott , N. & Tarboton , W. 1994. Birds of Southern Africa: The SASOL Plates Collection Hustings , F. & van Dijk , K. 1994. Bird Census in the Kizilirmak Delta, Turkey, in Spring 1992 Inskipp , C. & Inskipp , T. 1994. An Introduction to Birdwatching in Bhutan Jenkins , D. (ed.). 1995. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Grouse, 20–24 September 1993, Udine, Italy Kivit , H., Nijmeijer , H. & Ovaa , A. (eds). 1994. Wader and Waterfowl Migration in the Cukurova Deltas, South Turkey, Spring 1990 Kutac . E.A. & CARAN, C. 1994. Birds and Other Wildlife of South Central Texas: A handbook Monroe , B.L., JR. 1995. The Birds of Kentucky Noble , W.T. de (ed.). 1995. Birds of the Messolonghi Wetlands, Eastern Mediterranean Wader Project, Spring 1990 Olney , P.J.S., Ellis , P. & Fisken , F.A. (eds) Olsen , J. 1994. Some Time with Eagles and Falcons Palmer , M. 1994. A Birdwatching Guide to the Costa Blanca. Revised edition Piper , S.E. 1994. Mathematical Demography of the Cape Vulture Rogers , D.W. 1994. Site Guides: Costa Rica, a guide to the best birding locations. Pp. 90. McMinnville, Oregon: Cinclus Rogers , D.W. 1994. Site Guides: La Ruta Maya, a guide to the best birding locations of the Yucatan, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador Rogers , D.W. 1993. Site Guides: Venezuela, a guide to the best birding locations SKARPHÉØINSSON, K.H., PÉTURSSON. G. & HEMARSSON, J.Ó. 1994. Uatbreisla varpfugla à Suvesturlandi: Könnum 1987–1992 [Atlas of Breeding Birds in Southwestern Iceland: A survey 1987–19921 Speight , G. 1995. Finding Birds in Britain: A site guide Stone , C.J., et al. 1995. An Atlas of Seabird Distribution in Northwest European Waters Sueur , F. & Commecy , X. 1990. Guide des Oiseaux de la Baie de Somme Thomson , T. 1994. Birding in Ohio. 2nd edition Walters , M. 1995. The Pocket Guide to Birds of Britain and Europe Zink , G. & Bairletn , F. 1995. Der Zug europäischer Singvögel: Ein Atlas der Wiedefunde beringter Vögel  相似文献   

New Books     
Book reviewed in this article: Rosenblatt, J. S. & Snowdon , C. T. (eds.) 1996: Parental Care: Evolution, Mechanisms, and Adaptive Significance. Lehner , P. N. 1996: Handbook of Ethological Methods, 2nd Ed. Denoël , M. 1996: Etude comparée du comportement de cour de deux sousespèces du triton alpestre (A Comparative Study of Courtship Behaviour of Triturus alpestris alpestris Goldschmidt , T. 1996: Darwin's Dreampond. Drama in Lake Victoria. König, B. & Linsenmair , K. (eds.) 1996: Biologische Vielfalt (Beiträge aus Spektrum der Wissenschaft). Bruce V., Green P.G. & Georgeson M.A., 1996: Visual Perception. Physiology, Psychology, and Ecology. Roth, G. & Prinz , W. (eds.) 1996: Kopf-Arbeit. Ricklefs, R. E. & Finch , C. E. 1996: Altern: Evolutionsbiologie und medizinische Forschung. Hausser , J. (ed.) 1995: Säugetiere der Schweiz/Mammifères de la Suisse/Mammiferi della Svizzera — Verbreitung, Biologie, Ökologie/Répartition, Biologie, Ecologie/Distribuzione, Biologia, Ecologia. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Boston, Berlin.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Møller , A. P. 1994: Sexual selection and the barn swallow. Wehner, R., Lehrer, M. & Harvey , W. R. (eds) 1996: Navigation, migration, and homing. Maclean , G. L. 1996: Ecophysiology of desert birds. Keulen, C., Loneux, M., Poncin, P. & Ruwet , J.-Cl. 1994: La Biodiversité: une étude de cas — ‘le site de Lanaye’ en Meuse belgo-néerlandaise. Gansloßer, U., Hodges, J. K. & Kaumanns , W. (eds) 1995: Research and captive propagation. Henry , J. D. 1996: Red fox. The catlike canine.  相似文献   

Also Received     
Ali. S. 1996. The Book of Indian Birds. 12th ed. ALI S. & RIPLEY, S.D. 1996. Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan Together with Those of Bangladesh. Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. Vol 7: Laughing Thrushes to the Mangrove Whistler. 2nd edition. ARMONIA. 1995. Lista de las Aves de Bolivia. 4th edition. BAILLIE, J. & GROOMBRIDGE, B. (eds). 1996. 1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. BLUMP, D. 1996. Schwarzspecht, Grauspecht. Gruenspecht: Dryocopus martius, Picus canus, Picus viridis. 5th revised edition. CLARKE, T. & COLLINS, D. 1996. A Birdwatcher's Guide to the Canary Islands. DENNIS. M.K. 1996 Tetrad Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Essex. HOMES. J.S. & CLEMENT. P. 1996. Fish-eating Birds: Proceedings of a seminar to review status, interactions with fisheries and licensing issues. HOWELL., S.N.G. 1996. A Checklist of the Birds of Chile. INSKIPP, T., LINDSEY, N. & DUCKWORTH, W. 1996. An Annotated Checklist of the Birds of the Oriental Region. MALVAIJD, F. (ed.) 1996. L'adicneme Criard en France (Burhinus crdicnemus): Resultats d'une enquete nationale (1980–1993), importance et distribution des populations, biologie, exigences ecologiques et conservation de l'espece. MENZEL. H. 1996. Die Mehlschwalbe: Drlichon urbica. 2nd edition. POYHONEN, M. 1995. Muuttolintujen Matkassa [Bird Migration in Finland]. REID. K. 1996. A Guide to the Use of Otoliths in the Study of Predators at South Georgia. ROMAN, J., ROMAN. F., ANSOLA, L.M., PALMA, C. & VENTOSA, R. 1996. Atlas de las Aves Nidificantes de la Provincia de Burgos. SAIBENEF, C.A., CASTELINO. MA., JUSTO HERRERA, N.R.R. & CALO, J.1996. Inventario de las Aves del Parque Nacional Iguazu, Misiones, Argentina. SHERMAN. A.R. 1996. Birds of an Iowa Dooryard. SMITH, V. 1996. Birds. Beasts and Bature. TERMAN, M. 1996. Messages from an Owl. TOMHAL, 1.-C. (coord.). 1996. Les Oiseaux de la Region Nord-Pas-de-Calais: Effectifs et distribution des especes nicheuses Period 1985–1995. WATERHOUSE. M. 1996. A Wandering Voice: A diary of birdsong. WHEATLEY, N. 1996 Where to Watch Birds in Asia. WORLD CONSERVATION MONITORING CENTRE. 199 5. Checklist of Birds Listed in the CITES Appendices. 4th edition. ZWARTS. L.I. 1996. Waders and Their Estuarine Food Supply.  相似文献   

BAUER, H-C. & BERTHOLD, P. 1996. Die Brutvogel Mitteleuropas: Bestand und Gefahrdung.
BEYNON, P.H., FORBES, N.A. & HARCOURT-BROWN. N.H. (eds). 1996. Manual of Raptors. Pigeons and Waterfowl.
BIRD. D.M., VAKIAND. D.E. & NEGRO, JJ. (eds) 1996. Raptors in Human landscapes: Adaptations to built and cultivated environments.
BLACK, J.M. (ed.). 1996. Partnerships in Birds: The study of monogamy.
CLEMMONS, J.R. & BUCHHOLZ, R. (eds). 1997. Behavioural Approaches to Conservation in the Wild.
DEL, HOYO, J,. Elliot, A. & SARGATAL. J. (eds). 1996. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 3: Hoatzin to Auks.
GERLACH, J. (ed.). Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles. 1997. Seychelles Red Ilata Book 1997.
HANININOS. G. & AKHIOTIS. T. 1997. The Birds of Greece.
HEATHER. B. & ROBERTSON, H. 1996. The Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand.
HURFORD. C. & LANSDOWN, P. 1995. Birds of Glamorgan.
LAMHERT. F. & WOODCOCK, M. 1996. Pittas, Broadbills and Asities.
LANDMANN. A. 1996. Der Hausrotschwanz.
MLIKOVSKY. J. (ed.). 1995. Tertiary Avian Localities of Europe.
OLIOSO, G. 1996. Oiseaux de Vaucluse et de la Drdme ProvenCal.
PAIN, D.J. & PIENKOWSKI. M.W. (eds). 1997. Farming and Birds in Europe. The Common Agricultural Policy and its implications for bird conservation.
PALM. S. 1997. The Origin of Flapping Flight in Birds.
PANOW, E.N. 1996. Die Wiirger der Palaarktis.
REASTALL, R. 1996. Munias and Mannikins.
STANDLEY, P, BUCKNELL, N.J., SWASH, A. & COLLINS, I.D. 1996. The Birds of Berkshire.
STEYN. P. 1996. Nesting Birds: The breeding habits of southern African birds.
VAN DEN BRINK, H., VAN DIJK, A., VAN Os, B. & VENEMA, P. 1996. Broedvogels van Drenthe.
ZIMMRRMAN, D.A., TURNER. D.A. & PEARSON. D.J. 1996. Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Jablonka, E. & Lamb, M. J. 1995: Epigenetic inheritance and evolution: the Lamarckian dimension. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Wagner, W. L. & Funk, V. A. (eds.) 1995: Hawaiian biogeography: evolution on a hot spot archipelago. Bullock, T. H. 1993: How do brains work? Papers of a comparative neuro-physiologist. Series Contemporary Neuroscientists. Klump, G. M., Dooling, R. J., Fay, R. R. & Stebbins, W. C. (eds.) 1995: Methods in comparative psychoacoustics. Nöth, W., ed. 1994: Origins of semiosis: sign evolution in nature and culture. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, New York. von Cube, F. 1995: Gefährliche Sicherheit, Die Verhaltensbiologie des Risikos, 2. Aufl, S. Hirzel-Verlag, Stuttgart-Leipzig. Böhme, W., ed. 1993: Handbuch der Reptüien und Amphibien Europas Bd. 3/I: Schlangen (Serpentes) I. Aula Verlag, Wiesbaden.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Journal of Biogeography》1997,24(1):119-125
Book reviewed in this article:
Turner, R.M., Bowers, J.E. and Burgess, T.L. (1995) Sonoran desert plants. An ecological atlas . Phoenix: The University of Arizona Press.
Mori, S.A. and Lepsch-Cunha, N. (1995) The Lecythidaceae of a Central Amazonian moist forest . Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Volume 75. New York Botanical Garden, New York.
Mill, P.J. and McQuaid, C.D. (eds) (1995) Development in hydrobiology. Advances in littorinid biology . Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Nogrady, T., Pourriot, R. and Segers, H. (1995) Rotifera Volume 3: The Notommatidae and The Scaridiiae. Guides to the identification of the microinvertebrates of the continental waters of the world . Coordinating editor H.J.F. Dumont. Amsterdam: SPB Academic Publishing.
Chapman, G.P. & Thompson, M. (eds) (1994) Water and the quest for sustainable development in the Ganges Valley . Mansell, London.
Begon, M., Harper, J.L. and Townsend, C.R. (1996) Ecology. Individuals, populations and communities . 3rd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Revista Geografica de America Central No. 27 . 1993. Heredia, Costa Rica: University National. 224pp., figs, tables. Paperback: Price unknown.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Arroyo, M.T.K., Donoso, C., Murúa, R.E., Pisano, E.E., Schlatter, R.P. & Serey, A. 1996. Toward an ecologically sustainable forestry project: concepts, analysis and recommendations. Short reviews Given, David R. 1994. Principles and practice of plant conservation. Fremstad, Eli. 1997. Vegetasjonstyper i Norge. Hermy, Martin & De Blust, Geert (editors). 1996. Punten en lijnen in het landschap. Vernet, J.-L. 1997. L'homme et la forêt méditer-ranéenne de la préhistoire à nos jours. Grabherr, Georg. 1997. Farbatlas Ökosysteme der Erde.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B annerman , D. A. & B annerman , W. M. 1966. Birds of the Atlantic Islands.
C ondry , W. 1967. Birds and wild Africa.
D elacour , J. 1966. Guide des Oiseaux de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et de ses Dépendances.
E astwood , E. 1967. Radar ornithology.
G eorge , J. C. & B erger , A. J. 1966. Avian myology.
G illham , M. E. 1967. Sub-Antarctic sanctuary.
H eathcote , A., G riffin , D. & S almon , H. M. (Eds). 1967. The Birds of Glamorgan.
J ohnson , A. W. 1967. The Birds of Chile and adjacent regions of Argentine, Bolivia and Peru.
K oepckb , H-W. & M. 1963. Las Aves silvestrcs de importancia económica del Perú.
M c N ulty , F. 1967. The Whooping Crane.
M ills , D. H. 1965. The distribution and food of the Cormorant in Scottish inland waters.
R omanoff , A. L. & R omanoff , A. J. 1967. Biochemistry of the Avian Embryo.
S cheithauer , W. 1967. Hummingbirds.
S erventy , D. L. & W hittell , H. M. 1967. Birds of Western Australia. 4th ed.
S kead , C. J. 1967. The Sunbirds of Southern Africa, also the Sugarbirds, the White-eyes, and the Spotted Creeper.
Also received: BEEBE, C. W. 1965. The Bird: its Form and Function.
Also received: DEKEYSER, P. L. & DERIVOT, J. H. 1966. Les Oiseaux de 1'Ouest Africain.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Larsson, P. & Weider , L. J. (eds.) 1995: Cladocera as model organisms in biology. Poncin, P., Berrebi, J., Philippart, C. & Ruwet , J.-Cl. eds, 1993: Biologie des Barbus européens, africains et asiatiques. Birkhead , T. 1993: Great Auk Islands. A field biologist in the Arctic. Expert-Center for Taxonomic Identification (ETI) (ed.) 1994: Birds of Europe. Packer , C. 1994: Into Africa Norton, B. G., Hutchins, M., Stevens, E. F., Maple, T. L. & Wuichet , J. (eds.) 1995: Ethics on the ark.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Grasshoppers and Allied Insects of Great Britain and Ireland, by Judith A. Marshall & E. G. M. Hayes
Bryozoan Evolution, by F. K. McKinney & J. B. C.Jackson
Les vertébres fossiles de la formation Pisco (Pérou) Parts 1,2 & 3. by Christian de Muizon  相似文献   

《Animal Conservation》2000,3(1):89-89
Book reviewed in this article:
N ichols , M. and G oodall , J. 1999. Brutal Kinship .
L indsey , S. L., G reen , M. N. and B ennett , C. L. 1999. The Okapi. Mysterious animal of Congo-Zaire .
Z ecchini , A. 1998. Le Rhinocéros: au nom de la corne .  相似文献   

The examination of gill parasites from èSarotherodon occidentalisè (Daget) (Pisces, Cichlidae) in Guinea and Sierra Leone (West Africa) revealed the presence of seven species of Monogenea. Two of them have previously been described: ichlidogyrus halli; (Price & Kirk, 1967) and Scutogyrus ecoutini Pariselle & Euzet, 1995. Five are considered as new species, all belonging to Cichlidogyrus Paperna, 1960. They are C. bouvii n. sp., C. fontanai n. sp., C. guirali n. sp., C. paganoi n. sp. and C. sanjeani n. sp.Résumé L'examen des parasites branchiaux de Sarotherodon occidentalis (Daget) (Pisces, Cichlidae) en Guinée et en Sierra Leone (Afrique de l'Ouest) a révélé la présence de sept espèces de Monogènes. Deux ont déjàè été décrites: Cichlidogyrus halli (Price & Kirk, 1967) et Scutogyrus ecoutini Pariselle & Euzet, 1995. Cinq, appartenant toutes au genre Cichlidogyrus Paperna, 1960, sont considérées comme nouvelles, C. bouvii n. sp., C. fontanai n. sp., C. guirali n. sp., C. paganoi n. sp. et C. sanjeani n. sp.  相似文献   

New Books     
Book reviewed in this article: Wrangham, R. W., McGrew, W. C., de Waal, F. B. M. & Heltne , P. G. (eds) 1996: Chimpanzee Cultures. Lewkowicz, D. J. & Lickliter , R. (eds) 1994: The Development of Intersensory Perception. Maffei, L. & Fiorentini , A. 1997: Das Bild im Kopf (Originaltitel: Arte e Cervello. Pearce , J.M. 1997: Animal Learning and Cognition. Gould, J. L., & Gould , C. G. 1997: Bewußtsein bei Tieren.  相似文献   

El Dr.Borelli es Professor Asociado de la Fac. de Med., U.C.V., en las Cátedras de Dermatología (Dr.Carlos, J. Alarcón) y en la de Microbiología (Dr.Leopoldo Briceño I.). La Dra.Coretti es Primer Adjunto al Servicio de Medicina III, Hospital de Niños J. M. de los Ríos (Dr.Pedro J. Alvarez).Trabajo presentado en ocasión de las Primeras Jornadas Pediátricas, Caracas 18–24 Febrero 1962.  相似文献   

《Nordic Journal of Botany》2002,22(6):718-718
Book reviewed in this article:
Oyen, L. P. A. & Lemmens, R. H. M. J. (eds). 2002. Plant resources of tropical Africa—Precursor.
Oyen, L. P. A. & Lemmens, R. H. M J. (eds). 2002. Ressources végétales de rAfrique tropicale—Précurseur.
Bosch, C. H., Siemonsma, J. S., Lemmens, R. H. M. J. & Oyen L. P. A. (eds). 2002. Plant resources of tropical Africa/Ressources végétales de l'Afrique tropicale.  相似文献   

ALLAN, R.G. Grain-eating Birds of Sub-Saharan Africa: Identification, Biology and Management ANDERSON, S.H. & SQUIRES, J.R. The Prairie Falcon. ASH, J.S. & MISKELL, J.E. Birds of Somalia. Blomert , A-M., Ens , B.J., Goss -Chrd , J.D., Hulscher , J.B. & Zwarts , L.(eds) Oystercatchers and Their Estuarine Food Supplies. Cook , W.E. Avian Desert Predators. Debus , S The Birds of Prey of Australia: a Field Guide. DEL HOYO, J., ELLIOTT, A. & SARGATAL, J. (eds) Handbook of the Birds of the World, Volume 4. Sandgrouse to Cuckoos. Enticott , J & Tipling , D. Photographic Handbook of the Seabirds of the World. Grubb , Jr. T.C. Wild Bird Guides: Tufted Titmouse. Haffer , with contributions from E. MAYR. Ornitholologen-Briefe des 20 Jahrhunderts: ‘We must lead the way on new paths’ the work and correspondence of Hartert, Stresemann and Ernst Mayr, international ornithologists. Holmes , J.S. & Simons , J.R. (eds) The Introduction and Naturalisation of Birds. HOPP, S.L., OWREN, M.J. & EVANS, C.S. (eds) Animal Acoustic Communication: Sound Analysis and Research Methods. Johnsgard . PA. The Avian Brood Parasites: Deception at the Nest. Kanouchi , T, Abe , N. & Ueda , H. Wild Birds of Japan. McClure , H.E. Migration and Suvival of Birds of Asia. Newton , I. Population Limitation in Birds. Nikiforov , M.E., Kozulin , A.V., Grichik , V.V., & Tishechkin , A.K. The Birds of Belarus' on the Threshold of the 21st Century (in Russian). Prast . W. & Shamoun . J. BRIS Bird Remains Identification System . Raffaele , H., Wiley , J., Garrido , O., Keith , A. & Raffaele , J. A Guide to the Birds of the West Indies. Ratcliffe , D. The Raven. Rowlands , B.W., Trueman . T, Olson , S.L., Mc Culloch , M.N. & Brooke , R.K. The Birds of St Helena - an Annotated Checklist. Ryabitsev , V. One Season in the Taiga. Stattersfield , A.J., Crosby , M.J., Long , A.J. & Wedge , D.C. Endemic Bird Areas of the World: Priorities for Bio-diversity Conservation. Steffens , R., Saemann , D. & Grossler , K. (eds) Die >Vogelwelt Sachsens. Sutherland , W.J. (ed.) Conservation Science and Action. Andrew , P. & Mc Allan , I. Nomina: Global Bird Dictionary, Relational Taxonomies. Brendel , U. Vögel der Alpen. Cailliez , R., Ciais , G., Davrainville , Y, Denis , J-P, Haguenauer , C, Janin , B. & Vidailhet , M-A. Les Oiseaux et la Forêt: Leur vie Secrête au Fil des Saisons. Crozier , J. A Birdwatching Guide to the Pyrenees. Davis , B.L. A Field Guide to Birds of the Desert South-west. Armonia /Birdlife Actes del III Encuentro Bolivano para la Conservacion de las Aves, 18 a 20 de Octubre de 1996. Graham , K. Titmice. Donald , P.F. & Aebischer , N.J. (eds) The Ecology and Conservation of Corn Buntings Miliaria calandra: proceedings of a conference held at Fordingbridge, Hampshire, 2–3 March 1995. Jobanek , G. A. An Annotated Bibliography of Oregon Bird Literature Published before 1935. Kerslake , L. (ed.) Red Data Book for Northumberland. King , B.F. Checklist of the Birds of Eurasia. Kutac , E.A. Birder's Guide to Texas, Paulson , D. & Erckmann , J. Shorebirds of the Pacific Northwest. Petty , S.J. Ecology and Conservation of Raptors in Forests.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
BEAMAN, M. 1994. Palearctic Birds: A checklist of the birds of Europe, North Africa and Asia north of the foothills of the Himalayas
COOKE, F., ROCKWELL, R. F. & LANK, D. B. 1995. The Snow Geese of La Perouse Bay: Natural selection in the wild
CRAMP. S. & PERRINS, C.M. (eds). 1994. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: The birds of the western palearctic. Volume VIII: Crows to Finches
DAVIES, M.N.O. & GREEN. P.R.(eds). 1994. Perception and Motor Control in Birds: An ecological approach
DAZLEY, R. A. & TRODD, P. 1994. An Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Bedfordshire 1988–92
DEL HOYO. J., ELLIOTT. A. & SARGATAL, J. (eds). 1994. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 2: New World Vultures to Guineafowl
EVANS, M.I. 1994. Important Bird Areas in the Middle East
KEMP, A. 1995. The Hornbills
LEIBAK, E., LILLELEHT. V. & VEROMANN, H. (eds). 1994. Birds of Estonia.
LEVER, C. 1994. Naturalized Animals
NIGHTINGALE, T. & HILL. M. 1993. Birds of Bahrain
PAULSON, D. 1993. Shorebirds of the Pacific Northwest
POOLE, A.F. & GILL, F.B. (eds). 1994. The Birds of North America: Life histories for the 21st century. Nos 81–120
POONSWAD, P. & KEMP, A. (eds). 1993. Manual to the Conservation of Asian Hornbills
KEMP, A. 1995. The Hornbills
SILVA, T. 1993. A Monograph of Macaws and Conures
TUCKER, G.M. & HEATH, M.F. 1994. Birds in Europe: Their conservation status
WEINER, J. 1994. The Beak of the Finch—Evolution in real time
WILLIAMS, T.D. 1995. The Penguins: Spheniscidae
WINKLER, H. CHRISTIE, D.A. & NURNEY, D. 1995. Woodpeckers: A guide to the woodpeckers, piculets and wrynecks of the world  相似文献   

New Books     
Richelle , M. N. 1993: B. F. Skinner: a reappraisal. Lawrence Erlbaum Wade , N. 1995: Psychologists in word and image. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, London. Kolb B. 1995: Brain plasticity and behavior. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ. Anderson , J. R., Herrenschmidt , N., Roeder , J. J. & Thierry Sommer , V. 1996: Heilige Egoisten— Die Soziobiologie indischer Tempelaffen. C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München. Wiessner , P. & Schiefenhövel , W. (eds) 1996: Food and the status quest—an interdisciplinary perspective. Salter , F. K. 1995: Emotions in command. A naturalistic study of institutional dominance. Sternberg , R. J. (ed.) 1994: Thinking and problem solving.  相似文献   

BENTON, T.G & SPENCER, T. 1995. The Pitcairn Islands. Biogeography, ecology and prehistory.
CHEKE, R.A. & WALSH, J.F. 1996. The Birds of Togo. BOU Checklist
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