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Major theories of sexual selection predict heritable variation in female preferences and male traits and a positive genetic correlation between preference and trait. Here we show that female Texas field crickets, Gryllus integer, have heritable genetic variation for the male calling song stimulus level that produces the greatest phonotactic response. Approximately 34% of the variation in female preferences was due to additive genetic effects. Female choosiness, that is, the strength of the female response to her most preferred stimulus relative to her average response to all stimuli, did not show significant genetic effects. The male calling song character was not related to male size or age but did show significant genetic effects. Approximately 39% of the variation in the number of pulses per trill was due to additive genetic variation. The genetic correlation estimated for the field population was 0.51 ± 0.17. The number of pulses per trill produced by males is under stabilizing sexual selection.  相似文献   

The existence, nature, and physiological consequences of genetic variation for juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) activity was studied in the wing-polymorphic cricket, Gryllus firmus. Hemolymph (blood) JHE activity was sixfold lower in nascent short-winged (SW) females, relative to nascent long-winged (LW) females during the last juvenile stadium (stage). Morph-associated genetic variation for JHE activity had two causes, variation in loci: (1) regulating whole-organism enzyme activity; and (2) controlling the degree to which JHE is secreted into the blood Reduced JHE activity in nascent SW-selected individuals was associated with reduced in vivo juvenile hormone catabolism. This suggests that variation in JHE activity during juvenile development may have important physiological consequences with respect to the regulation of blood levels of juvenile hormone and consequent specification of wing morph. This is the first definitive demonstration of genetic variation for hormonal metabolism in any insect and a genetic association between hormone metabolism and the subsequent expression of morphological variation (wing morph). However, we have not yet firmly established whether these associations represent causal relationships In contrast to the clear association between JHE activity and wing morph development, we observed no evidence indicating that variation in JHE activity plays any direct or indirect role in causing the dramatic differences in ovarian growth between adult wing morphs. Variation in JHE activity also does not appear to be important in coordinating the development of wing morph with the subsequent expression of reproductive differences between adult morphs. Finally genetic variation for the developmental profiles of JHE activity during juvenile and adult stages are remarkably similar in three Gryllus species. This suggests that genetic correlations between JHE activities during different periods of development, which underlie these activity profiles, have been conserved since the divergence of the three Gryllus species.  相似文献   

Many traits are phenotypically discrete but polygenically determined. Such traits can be understood using the threshold model of quantitative genetics that posits a continuously distributed underlying trait, called the liability, and a threshold of response, individuals above the threshold displaying one morph and individuals below the threshold displaying the alternate morph. For many threshold traits the liability probably consists of a hormone or a suite of hormones. Previous experiments have implicated juvenile hormone esterase (JHE), a degratory enzyme of juvenile hormone, as a physiological determinant of wing dimorphism in the crickets Gryllus rubens and G. firmus. The present study uses a half-sib experiment to measure the heritability of JHE in the last nymphal stadium of G. firmus and its genetic correlation with fecundity, a trait that is itself genetically correlated with wing morph. The phenotypic and genetic parameters are consistent with the hypothesis that JHE is a significant component of the liability. Comparison of sire and dam estimates suggest that nonadditive effects may be important. Two models have been proposed to account for the fitness differences between morphs: the dichotomy model, which assumes that each morph can be characterized by a particular suite of traits, and the continuous model, which assumes that the associated fitness traits are correlated with the liability rather than the morphs themselves. The latter model predicts that the fitness differences will not be constant but change with the morph frequencies. Variation in fecundity and flight muscle histolysis are shown to be more consistent with the continuous model. Data from the present experiment on JHE are inconclusive, but results from a previous selection experiment also suggest that variation in JHE is consistent only with the continuous model.  相似文献   

Migration by flight is an important component of the life cycles of most insects. The probability that a given insect will migrate by flight is influenced by many factors, most notably the presence or absence of fully-developed wings and functional flight musculature. Considerable variation has also been reported in the flight propensity of fully-winged individuals with functional flight musculature. We test the hypothesis that these components of migratory tendency are genetically correlated in a wing-dimorhic cricket, Gryllus firmus. Flight propensity and condition of the dorsal longitudinal flight muscles (DLM) are examined in fully-winged (LW) crickets from lines selected for increasing and for decreasing %LW, as well as from unselected control lines. Increased %LW is found to be associated with increased flight propensity among individuals with intact DLM, and with retention of functional DLM. The opposite is true for lines selected for decreased %LW. These results indicate both phenotypic and genetic correlations among behavioral, physiological, and morphological traits determining migratory tendency. We propose that these correlations may result from the multifunctional role of juvenile hormone, which has been reported to influence wing development, flight muscle development and degeneration, and flight propensity. Finally, we discuss the potential influence of genetic correlations for migratory traits on the evolution and maintenance of migratory polymorphisms in insects.  相似文献   

Many traits, such as wing dimorphism, paedomorphosis, and cyclomorphosis vary dichotomously. Such dimorphisms are maintained in part because of a trade-off between components of fitness: for example, in insects, the flightless morph cannot migrate but has a greater fecundity than the flight-capable morph. Several recent theoretical studies have analyzed the evolution of dichotomous traits, assuming that each morph can be characterized by a discrete syndrome of characters. Consideration of the genetic basis of dimorphism suggests that this assumption is incorrect. In this paper, I report a test of this assumption using the wing-dimorphic sand cricket, Gryllus firmus. It is predicted that, rather than remaining constant, the fecundity of macropterous (long-winged, flight-capable) females will decrease as the proportion of macropterous females in the population or family increases. This prediction is supported by fecundity data from lines selected for high and low proportions of macroptery and by sib analysis. Thus, models that seek to predict the evolution of dichotomous traits should take into account the likelihood that values of components of fitness, such as fecundity, may be related to their frequencies in the population.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of polyandry for sexual selection, the reasons why females frequently mate with several males remain poorly understood. A number of genetic benefits have been proposed, based on the idea that by taking multiple mates, females increase the likelihood that their offspring will be sired by genetically more compatible or superior males. If certain males have intrinsically “good genes,” any female mating with them will produce superior offspring. Alternatively, if some males have genetic elements that are incompatible with a particular female, then she may benefit from polyandry if the sperm of such males are less likely to fertilize her eggs. We examined these hypotheses in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). By allocating females identical numbers of matings but different numbers of mates we investigated the influence of number of mates on female fecundity, and both short- and long-term offspring fitness. This revealed no effect of number of mates on number of eggs laid. However, hatching success of eggs increased with number of mates. This effect could not be attributed to nongenetic effects such as the possibility that polyandry reduces variance in the quantity or fertilizing ability of sperm females receive, because a control group receiving half the number of copulations showed no drop in hatching success. Offspring did not differ in survival, adult mass, size, or development time with treatment. When males were mated to several different females there were no repeatable differences between individual males in the hatching success of their mate's eggs. This suggests that improved hatching success of polyandrous females is not due to certain males having genes that improve egg viability regardless of their mate. Instead, our results support the hypothesis that certain males are genetically more compatible with certain females, and that this drives polyandry through differential fertilization success of sperm from more compatible males.  相似文献   

In a replicated, laboratory, natural selection experiment Drosophila melanogaster populations were maintained for 20 generations either on unpolluted medium or on polluted medium containing cadmium chloride at a concentration of 80 μg/ml. Lines maintained on polluted medium evolved resistance. In comparison with unpolluted lines, their juvenile survivorship increased from 35% to 46%, developmental period decreased from 13.7 days to 13.0 days, and fecundity increased from 3 to 29 eggs per two-day period. Emergence weights, however, did not change. By contrast the “environmental” effect of moving susceptible flies onto polluted medium was that after two generations survivorship fell 62%, developmental period increased 40%, and fecundity fell 97%. Emergence weights fell 31% in females and 28% in males. Resistant lines paid a fitness cost in unpolluted environments, with fecundity being reduced by 44% and emergence weights being reduced by 4% in females and 6% in males. Developmental period, however, was unaffected. Analyses of crosses and backcrosses between the lines suggested that the evolved cadmium resistance was due to a single sex-linked gene. Levels of dominance were calculated, and in each life-history character the resistant allele was found to be completely dominant. Because the life-history effects appear to be produced by a single gene, it is probable that they all depend on the same metabolic pathway. Metallothionein production is a likely candidate because this is known to be controlled by genes on the X-chromosome. The study adds to a small number of examples of single or closely linked genes with large antagonistic pleiotropic effects on life histories. The result here is a between-environment trade-off, allowing animals increased fitness in polluted environments, but only at the cost of reduced growth and reproduction in unpolluted environments.  相似文献   

The sibling ground crickets Allonemobius fasciatus and A. socius meet along a mosaic hybrid zone at ≈ 40°N latitude in eastern North America. In this paper we report the findings of a genetic analysis of calling-song variation within and among six cricket populations sampled along a transect through the hybrid zone in southern New Jersey. We compared aspects of the calling song of both wild-caught and laboratory-reared crickets to test the hypothesis that population differences in song observed in the wild were genetically based. We found significant, species-level differences in all aspects of the calling song, and these differences persisted even after a generation of common-garden rearing in the laboratory, supporting the hypothesis that interspecific variation observed in the wild largely reflects genetic differentiation between the two taxa. A discriminant function analysis indicated that individual crickets could be assigned to the proper taxon with less than 10% error, supporting the premise that calling song could be used by female crickets as a mechanism for species recognition. One population, collected from within the hybrid zone and containing significant numbers of hybrid individuals, was intermediate in its calling song, presumably reflecting this population's mixed genetic makeup. In this hybrid zone population, song phenotype was highly correlated to a hybrid index score generated using species-specific alleles at four diagnostic allozyme markers, suggesting a multigenic basis to calling-song variation in these crickets as well as linkage disequilibrium between markers and song. Based on an analysis of laboratory-reared full-sib families, broad-sense heritabilities for calling-song characteristics were generally significant in the two A. socius populations, whereas many components of song showed no significant family effects in the three A. fasciatus populations. The genotypically mixed, hybrid zone population showed very high heritabilities for most calling-song components, which likely reflect the influence of interspecific gene flow on genetic variation for quantitative traits.  相似文献   

Predictions using quantitative genetic models generally assume that the variance-covariance matrices remain constant over time. This assumption is based on the supposition that selection is generally weak and hence variation lost through selection can be replaced by new mutations. Whether this is generally true can only be ascertained from empirical studies. Ideally for such a study we should be able to make a prediction concerning the relative strength of selection versus genetic drift. If the latter force is prevalent then the variance-covariances matrices should be proportional to each other. Previous studies have indicated that females in the two sibling cricket species Allonemobius socius and A. fasciatus do not discriminate between males of the two species by their calling song. Therefore, differences between the calling song of the two males most likely result from drift rather than sexual selection. We test this hypothesis by comparing the genetic architecture of calling song of three populations of A. fasciatus with two populations of A. socius. We found no differences among populations within species, but significant differences in the G (genetic) and P (phenotypic) matrices between species, with the matrices being proportional as predicted under the hypothesis of genetic drift. Because of the proportional change in the (co)variances no differences between species are evident in the heritabilities or genetic correlations. Comparison of the two species with a hybrid population from a zone of overlap showed highly significant nonproportional variation in genetic architecture. This variation is consistent with a general mixture of two separate genomes or selection. Qualitative conclusions reached using the phenotypic matrices are the same as those reached using the genetic matrices supporting the hypothesis that the former may be used as surrogate measures of the latter.  相似文献   

We have studied interactions between developmental processes and genetic variation for the eyespot color pattern on the adult dorsal forewing of the nymphalid butterfly, Bicyclus anynana. Truncation selection was applied in both an upward and a downward direction to the size of a single eyespot consisting of rings with wing scales of differing color pigments. High heritabilities resulted in rapid responses to selection yielding divergent lines with very large or very small eyespots. Strong correlated responses occurred in most of the other eyespots on each wing surface. The cells at the center of a presumptive eyespot (the “focus”) act in the early pupal stage to establish the adult wing pattern. The developmental fate of the scale cells within an eyespot is specified by the “signaling” properties of the focus and the “response” thresholds of the epidermis. The individual eyespots can be envisaged as developmental homologues. Grafting experiments performed with the eyespot foci of the selected lines showed that additive genetic variance exists for both the response and, in particular, the signaling components of the developmental system. The results are discussed in the context of how constraints on the evolution of this wing pattern may be related to the developmental organization.  相似文献   

Discrete behavioral strategies comprise a suite of traits closely integrated in their expression with consistent natural selection for such coexpression leading to developmental and genetic integration of their components. However, behavioral traits are often also selected to respond rapidly to changing environments, which should both favor their context-dependent expression and inhibit evolution of genetic integration with other, less flexible traits. Here we use a multigeneration pedigree and long-term data on lifetime fitness to test whether behaviors comprising distinct dispersal strategies of western bluebirds—a species in which the propensity to disperse is functionally integrated with aggressive behavior—are genetically correlated. We further investigated whether selection favors flexibility in the expression of aggression in relation to current social context. We found a significant genetic correlation between aggression and dispersal that is concordant with consistent selection for coexpression of these behaviors. To a limited extent, individuals modified their aggression to match their mate; however, we found no fitness consequences on such adjustments. These results introduce a novel way of viewing behavioral strategies, where flexibility of behavior, while often aiding an organism's fit in its current environment, may be limited and thereby enable integration with less flexible traits.  相似文献   

Flower shape has evolved in most plants as a consequence of pollinator-mediated selection. Unfortunately, no study has explored the genetic variation of flower shape, despite that this information is crucial to understand its adaptive evolution. Our main goal here is to determine heritability of corolla shape in Erysimum mediohispanicum (Brassicaceae). Also, we explore heritability of other pollinator-selected traits in this plant species, such as plant size, flower display, and corolla size. In addition, we investigate genetic correlations between all these traits. We found significant heritability for one plant-size trait (stalk height), for number of flowers, for all corolla-size traits (corolla diameter, corolla tube length and corolla tube width), and for corolla shape. Consequently, this species retains a high ability to respond to the selection exerted by its pollinators. Genetic correlation was strong between all functionally related traits and between flower number and plant size, weak between corolla size and plant size and no correlation between corolla shape and any other trait. Thus, selection affecting some E. mediohispanicum traits would also indirectly affect other functionally related and unrelated traits. More importantly, the observed genetic correlation seems to be at least partially adaptive because positive correlational selection currently acts on the covariance between some of these traits ( Gómez 2003 ; Gómez et al. 2006 ).  相似文献   

Animal vocalizations play an important role in individual recognition, kin recognition, species recognition, and sexual selection. Despite much work in these fields done on birds virtually nothing is known about the heritability of vocal traits in birds. Here, we study a captive population of more than 800 zebra finches ( Taeniopygia guttata ) with regard to the quantitative genetics of call and song characteristics. We find very high heritabilities in nonlearned female call traits and considerably lower heritabilities in male call and song traits, which are learned from a tutor and hence show much greater environmental variance than innate vocalizations. In both sexes, we found significant heritabilities in several traits such as mean frequency and measures of timbre, which reflect morphological characteristics of the vocal tract. These traits also showed significant genetic correlations with body size, as well as positive genetic correlations between the sexes, supporting a scenario of honest signaling of body size through genetic pleiotropy ("index signal"). In contrast to such morphology-related voice characteristics, classical song features such as repertoire size or song length showed very low heritabilities. Hence, these traits that are often suspected to be sexually selected would hardly respond to current directional selection.  相似文献   

Experiments in laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster have shown a negative genetic correlation between early-life fecundity on the one hand and starvation resistance and longevity on the other. Selection for late-life reproductive success resulted in long-lived populations that had increased starvation resistance but diminished early-life fecundity relative to short-lived controls. This pattern of differentiation proved, however, to be unstable. When assayed in a standard high-fecundity environment, the relative early fecundity of the long- and short-lived stocks reversed over a decade. That is, the long-lived populations came to have greater relative early-life fecundity, late-life fecundity, longevity and starvation resistance. Nevertheless, when these populations were assayed in other assay environments, the original trade-off was still present. We investigated the genetic structure of the short- and long-lived populations, to ask whether the inconstancy of the trade-off, as inferred from among population comparisons, is reflected in the pattern of genetic correlations within populations. For this purpose, lines from each of the short- and long-lived populations that had been selected for starvation resistance were compared with unselected controls. The direct and correlated responses of these starvation selected populations suggest that (1) the original genetic trade-off was still present in the ancestral short- and long-lived populations, even when it was no longer apparent from their comparison; (2) the trade-off was present in both assay environments; and (3) selectable genotype × environment variation exists for early fecundity. We suggest that a failure of the pattern of differentiation among populations to reflect the pattern of genetic correlations, if common in natural populations, will prevent the reliable inference of genetic trade-offs from comparisons of most natural populations.  相似文献   

Trade-offs among life-history traits are often thought to constrain the evolution of populations. Here we report the disappearance of a trade-off between early fecundity on the one hand, and late-life fecundity, starvation resistance, and longevity on the other, over 10 yr of laboratory selection for late-life reproduction. Whereas the selected populations showed an initial depression in early-life fecundity, they later converged upon the controls and then surpassed them. The evolutionary loss of the trade-off among life-history traits is considered attributable to the following factors: (1) the existence of differences in the culture regimes of the short- and long-generation populations other than the demographic differences deliberately imposed; (2) adaptation of one or both of these sets of populations to the unique aspects of their culture regimes; (3) the existence of an among-environment trade-off in the expression of early fecundity in the two culture regimes, as reflected in assays that mimic those regimes. The trade-off between early and late-life reproductive success, as manifest among divergently selected populations, is apparent or not depending on the assay environment. This demonstration that strong genotype-by-environment interactions can obscure a fundamental trade-off points to the importance of controlling all aspects of the culture regime of experimental populations and the difficulty of doing so even in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is a widespread phenomenon and contributes greatly to intraspecies variation. Despite a long history of active research, the genetic basis of dimorphism for complex traits remains unknown. Understanding the sex-specific differences in genetic architecture for cranial traits in a highly dimorphic species could identify possible mechanisms through which selection acts to produce dimorphism. Using distances calculated from three-dimensional landmark data from CT scans of 402 baboon skulls from a known genealogy, we estimated genetic variance parameters in both sexes to determine the presence of gene-by-sex (G × S) interactions and X-linked heritability. We hypothesize that traits exhibiting the greatest degree of sexual dimorphism (facial traits in baboons) will demonstrate either stronger G × S interactions or X-linked effects. We found G × S interactions and X-linked effects for a few measures that span the areas connecting the face to the neurocranium but for no traits restricted to the face. This finding suggests that facial traits will have a limited response to selection for further evolution of dimorphism in this population. We discuss the implications of our results with respect to the origins of cranial sexual dimorphism in this baboon sample, and how the genetic architecture of these traits affects their potential for future evolution.  相似文献   

If sexually selected traits reveal a male's heterozygosity or condition to females, then such traits should exhibit declines with inbreeding. We tested this by examining the effect of inbreeding on advertisement calling in male crickets Teleogryllus commodus. We investigated the effect of one generation of full‐sibling mating on calling effort and fine‐scale call structure. Inbreeding reduced calling effort but had no effect on call structure. We then compared the attractiveness of inbred and outbred calls in the field by monitoring how many wild females were attracted to each call type. From the field data, we conducted a selection analysis to identify the major axes of linear and nonlinear multivariate sexual selection on call structure. A comparison of multivariate attractiveness of inbred and outbred calls along each major axis of selection revealed no difference in attractiveness. Our results suggest that inbred male calls have a fine‐scale structure that is no less attractive to females than that of outbred calls. However, because inbred males call less often, and female T. commodus prefer males with a higher calling effort, inbred males will suffer reductions in mating success. Females who base mate choice on call rate are therefore using a signal correlated with male heterozygosity and/or condition.  相似文献   

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