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Zusammenfassung Alle Teile des männlichen Genitaltraktes vonOpisthopatus cinctipes sind an der Entstehung der Spermatophore beteiligt.In den Spermatocyten der Hoden werden in großer Zahl elektronendichte Sekreteinschlüsse produziert, die in den Vesiculae seminales zusammenfließen und aus der Spermatide in das Vesicula-Lumen entlassen werden.Während der Spermiocytogenese wird ein zweiter Typ von Einschlußkörpern gebildet, den wir als Akrosom-Vesikel deuten; auch er wird in der Samenblase ausgeschleust.In der Passage durch die Vasa efferentia werden fast reife Spermien und Sekret voneinander getrennt. An der Peripherie liegen die Sekrete, im Zentrum die Spermien.Im Vas deferens werden die Samenpakete von einer mehrschichtigen Sekrethülle umgeben. Durch den muskulösen Ductus ejaculatorius wird die Spermatophore abgegeben, auch in ihm finden sich Drüsenzellen.Dem Transport dienen in Vasa efferentia und Vas deferens Cilien.
Formation of the spermatophore ofOpisthopatus cinctipes Purcell, 1899 (Onychophora, Peripatopsidae)
Summary All parts of the male genital tract ofOpisthopatus cinctipes are involved with the formation of the Spermatophore.In the spermatocytes within the testes a Golgi apparatus produces electron dense secretory granules merging into one large droplet, which is extruded by the spermatid within the seminal vesicle.A second vesicular structure is formed near the plasmamembrane of the spermatids by a Golgi apparatus. It is presumably an acrosome vesicle and is extruded into the seminal vesicle, too.During the passage through the vasa efferentia secretory products and sperm-cells are separated from each other, the secretory products building an envelope around the spermatozoa.The epithelium of the vas deferens adds a multilayered outer covering. Some parts of the male genital tract bear cilia (vasa efferentia, vas deferens).

Herrn Prof. Dr. O. Kraus (Zoologisches Institut, Hamburg) danke ich für die Anregung, über Onychophoren zu arbeiten, sowie für seine hilfreiche Unterstützung  相似文献   

The female genital system of the oviparous peripatopsid Ooperipatellus decoratus consists of an ovary, oviducts equipped with receptacula seminis and additional pouches, uteri, and a vagina. It is examined using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The ovary is made up of paired ovarian tubes united anteriorly and posteriorly and differentiated into a sterile dorsal part and a fertile ventral part with exogenous oocytes. Fertilization presumably occurs in the oviducts once the oocytes pass the receptaculum seminis. Although the receptacula seminis have been reported to occur in juvenile O. decoratus females only, the present study reveals that they are present in adult females as well. Their wall consists of a cuboidal epithelium covered with a thin collagen-muscle layer. The additional pouches are projections of the oviducts facing the receptacula seminis. They are distally closed to the haemocoel by a flattened epithelium and lack external muscle cells. A thin collagen layer is only found proximally. The uteri are characterized by a columnar epithelium with folded cell membranes allowing extension of the uteri, thus facilitating the passage of the large uterine eggs towards the vagina. Another dominating feature of the uteri is a distally increasing secretory production, which probably contributes to chorion development. Cilia occurring along the entire length of the uteri are considered to assist in the transport of eggs towards the vagina.  相似文献   

Although the majority of onychophorans are viviparous or ovoviviparous, oviparity has been described in a number of species found exclusively in Australia and New Zealand. Light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used to examine developing eggs and the reproductive tract of the oviparous Planipapillus mundus. Deposited eggs and fully developed eggs dissected from the terminal end of the uteri have an outer thick, slightly opaque chorion, and an inner thin, transparent vitelline membrane. The chorion comprises an outermost extrachorion, sculptured with domes equally spaced over the surface; a middle exochorion, with pores occurring in a pattern of distribution equivalent to that of the domes of the extrachorion above; and an innermost, thick endochorion consisting of a spongelike reticulum of cavities comparable to the respiratory network found in insect eggs. The vitelline membrane lies beneath the chorion, from which it is separated by a fluid‐filled space. The vitelline membrane tightly invests the developing egg. Examination of oocytes in the ovary and developing eggs at various stages of passage through the uterus indicate that the majority of chorion deposition occurs in the midregion of the uterus, where vast networks of endoplasmic reticulum are present in the columnar epithelium. The vitelline membrane, however, is believed to begin its development as a primary egg membrane, surrounding the developing oocytes in the ovary. The vitelline membrane is transformed after fertilization, presumably by secretions from the anterior region of the uterus; hence, it should be more accurately referred to as a fertilization membrane. Aspects of the reproductive biology of P. mundus are also included. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The hypocerebral organs of Euperipatoides kanangrensis are a pair of spherical vesicles located ventral to the cerebral ganglia. They develop in the embryo from the most anterior pair of ventral organs, in the antennal segment. The wall of each hypocerebral organ is a dense epithelium of elongate cells with peripheral nuclei. The cytoplasm of the cells includes numerous mitochondria, Golgi bodies and microtubules. The small lumen, located eccentrically within the organ, contains concentrically layered electron-dense material resembling cuticle.Each hypocerebral organ is enclosed by a layer of extracellular matrix continuous with that surrounding the adjacent cerebral ganglion. There are no nerve connections between ganglion and organ, but cellular connections traverse the intervening matrix and could serve as a communication pathway. The ultrastructure of the hypocerebral organs indicates that they are glands.  相似文献   

A characteristic feature of onychophorans is the presence of crural glands in males. These exocrine glands open on the ventral surface at the base of the legs. Their restriction to males suggests a sexual function. Histochemical staining of the glands indicates that their secretion has both a lipid and a protein component. Behavioural bioassays show that the secretion acts as a pheromone attractive to conspecific females. The production of a sex pheromone in onychophorans is discussed in relation to their ecology and phylogeny.  相似文献   

Early spermatids of the onychophoran Peripatopsis capensis are spherical cells with a centrally located nucleus, numerous mitochondria, Golgi complexes, microtubules and two centrioles. During spermiogenesis, Golgi vesicles migrate to one side of the cell where they form a tight aggregate, which is later shed. The mature spermatozoon has no acrosome. Several mitochondria fuse to form a middle piece containing three large mitochondria. Nucleus and middle-piece elongate, presumably under the influence of helically twisted microtubules. Outside this set of microtubules a continuous layer of endoplasmic reticulum cisternae is formed which separates the interior portion of the cell from an external cytoplasmic rim, which is later shed. Outside the 9 + 2 complex, the tail presents nine accessory microtubules, and a peripheral layer of microtubules beneath the plasma membrane. The enforcement of the tail structure may be related to the fertilization biology of this animal, which is by “hypodermal” impregnation.  相似文献   

Variation within and between populations of Cephalofovea (Peripatopsidae) has been examined by allozyme, karyological and morphological analyses. Four groups are recognized on the basis of allozyme electrophoresis. One group includes specimens from the type locality of the only described species of the genus, C. tomahmontis. While karyotypic and morphological character states show considerable inter-group variation, the distributions of these states among groups are not concordant when different characters are compared. However, each group of populations is uniquely defined by the full suite of character states it possesses. The four groups are recognized here as distinct species with three species described as new.  相似文献   

A chromosomal analysis of populations of viviparous Australian onychophorans has uncovered a large radiation in karyotypic form. Chromosome numbers of 18, 26, 30, 32, 33 and 34 were observed, and these classes could be further subdivided on the basis of internal size relationships. Given the practical difficulties with the systematics of this group, the use of chromosomal data promises to be particularly enlightening. This is the first time any karyotypic data have been published for onychophorans since a single species was analysed in 1900.  相似文献   

Brockmann, C., Mummert, R., Ruhberg, H. and Storch, V. 1999. Ultrastructural investigations of the female genital system of Epiperipatus biolleyi (Bouvier 1902) (Onychophora, Peripatidae). — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 80: 339–349. The female genital system of the neotropical peripatid Epiperipatus biolleyi was examined using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Special attention is given to the two accessory organs of the paired oviducts: the receptacula seminis and the ovarian funnels (Ovarialtrichter). The latter occur only in the Peripatidae, whereas receptacula seminis may also be present in the Peripatopsidae, the only other family in the Onychophora. The ovarian funnels of E. biolleyi are thin-walled and closed from the haemocoel. This trait has also been reported from Epiperipatus trinidadensis, Macroperipatus torquatus, and Eoperipatus weldoni, whereas other peripatids have ovarian funnels which have been reported to open into the haemocoel. The occurrence of artificially opened ovarian funnels, caused by tissue rupture during specimen preparation, is discussed. The presence of spermatozoa both in the receptaculum seminis and in parts of the uterus of the female examined in this study supports the hypothesis that in E. biolleyi insemination of juvenile females occurs directly via the genital opening. The female contained one unstalked cleavage embryo in each uterus horn. Two features of the uterus were found to be unique to E. biolleyi: (1) a second cell layer overlying the uterine epithelium with a pronounced secretory activity (2) embryos are enclosed in a noncellular coat interspersed with numerous transport vesicles.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships in the widely distributed velvet worm Peripatopsis balfouri sensu lato species complex were examined using DNA sequence data, gross and SEM morphology. Sequence data were generated for the COI mtDNA and the 18S rRNA loci and analysed using a Bayesian inference approach, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony. Phylogenetic analyses of the combined DNA sequence data revealed that Peripatopsis clavigera specimens from the southern Cape (clade 1) was sister to P. balfouri sensu lato specimens from the Cederberg Mountains (clade 2). Within the main P. balfouri sensu lato species complex, three addition clades could be discerned (clades 3, 4 and 5). The obligatory troglobitic species Peripatopsis alba was equidistant between the Cape Peninsula and adjacent interior (clade 3) and the two Boland and Hottentots Holland Mountains (clades 4 and 5). On the Cape Peninsula, P. stelliporata specimens nested among the sympatric P. balfouri sensu lato specimens. The Cape Peninsula specimens were sister to specimens from Jonkershoek site 1, Kogelberg and Simonsberg. Two Boland clades were retrieved, comprising Du Toit's Kloof, Bain's Kloof and Mitchell's Pass and sister (in clade 4) to specimens from the Boland and adjacent Hottentots Holland Mountains in clade 5. These results revealed complex biogeographic patterning in the P. balfouri sensu lato species complex. The presence of sympatric, yet genetically discrete species pairs at six of the sample localities (Du Toit's Kloof, Simonsberg, Jonkershoek sites 1 and 2, Kogelberg and Landroskop) suggests that there is reproductive isolation between the lineages. Divergence time estimations suggest a Miocene/Pliocene/Pleistocene cladogenesis. A taxonomic revision of the P. balfouri sensu lato species complex was undertaken to stabilize the taxonomy. P. clavigera is monophyletic and retained for the southern Cape specimens, P. balfouri sensu stricto is now confined to the Cape Peninsula and adjacent interior, while P. stelliporata is regarded as a junior synonym of the latter taxon, P. alba is endemic to the Wynberg Cave systems on the Cape Peninsula. Three novel species (Peripatopsis cederbergiensis, sp. n., Peripatopsis bolandi sp. n. and Peripatopsis purpureus, sp. n.) are described.  相似文献   

In previous studies, an unusual pattern of development which resembles the "long germ band" development of some insects has been described in the onychophoran Opisthopatus cinctipes. This pattern has been proposed to be a characteristic of the genus Opisthopatus. To test this assumption, the ultrastructure of embryos of O. roseus, the sister species of O. cinctipes, was examined. Two kinds of paired, segmentally arranged coelomic cavities were found in the embryos studied: 1) dorsolateral coelomic cavities lined by extremely thin epithelia, and 2) ventral coelomic cavities situated within the anlagen of ventrolateral body appendages. Only the dorsolateral coelomic cavities can be considered "somites," since they occur earlier during embryogenesis. This is in contrast with the previous view that suggested a ventral position of "somites" in O. cinctipes. In addition, an anterior-to-posterior gradient occurs in the development of O. roseus. Based on our findings, we reevaluated the previous data on O. cinctipes. From this survey, no evidence in support of a "long germ band" hypothesis in Opisthopatus was found. Instead, the embryogenesis in representatives of Opisthopatus is more similar to that in other onychophorans than expected.  相似文献   

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