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Herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1) virions and HSV-1-infected cells bind to human immunoglobulin G (hIgG) via its Fc region. A complex of two surface glycoproteins encoded by HSV-1, gE and gI, is responsible for Fc binding. We have co-expressed soluble truncated forms of gE and gI in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Soluble gE-gI complexes can be purified from transfected cell supernatants using a purification scheme that is based upon the Fc receptor function of gE-gI. Using gel filtration and analytical ultracentrifugation, we determined that soluble gE-gI is a heterodimer composed of one molecule of gE and one molecule of gI and that gE-gI heterodimers bind hIgG with a 1:1 stoichiometry. Biosensor-based studies of the binding of wild type or mutant IgG proteins to soluble gE-gI indicate that histidine 435 at the CH2-CH3 domain interface of IgG is a critical residue for IgG binding to gE-gI. We observe many similarities between the characteristics of IgG binding by gE-gI and by rheumatoid factors and bacterial Fc receptors such as Staphylococcus aureus protein A. These observations support a model for the origin of some rheumatoid factors, in which they represent anti-idiotypic antibodies directed against antibodies to bacterial and viral Fc receptors.  相似文献   

We describe a novel function of the Fc receptor of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), its ability to participate in antibody bipolar bridging. This refers to the binding of a single immunoglobulin G (IgG) molecule by its Fab end to its antigenic target and by its Fc end to an Fc receptor (FcR). We demonstrate that various immune IgG antibodies, including polyclonal rabbit antibodies to HSV-1 glycoproteins gC1 and gD1 and monoclonal human antibody to gD1 blocked rosetting of IgG-coated erythrocytes at IgG concentrations 100- to 2,000-fold lower than required for rosette inhibition with nonimmune IgG. Steric hindrance did not account for the observed differences between immune and nonimmune IgG since rabbit anti-gC1 F(ab')2 fragments did not block rosetting. Murine anti-gC1 or anti-gD1 IgG, a species of IgG incapable of binding by its Fc end to the HSV-1 FcR, also did not block rosetting. When cells were infected with a gC1-deficient mutant, anti-gC1 IgG inhibited rosetting to the same extent as nonimmune IgG. This indicates that binding by the Fab end of the IgG molecule was required for maximum inhibition of rosetting. Bipolar bridging was shown to occur even when small concentrations of immune IgG were present in physiologic concentrations of nonimmune IgG. The biologic relevance of antibody bipolar bridging was evaluated by comparing antibody- and complement-dependent virus neutralization of an FcR-negative mutant and its parent HSV-1 strain. By engaging the Fc end of antiviral IgG, the parent strain resisted neutralization mediated by the classical complement pathway. These observations provide insight into the role of the HSV-1 FcR in pathogenesis and may help explain the function of FcR detected on other microorganisms.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins gE and gI form receptors for the Fc domain of immunoglobulin G (IgG) which are expressed on the surface of infected cells and on the virion envelope and which protect the virus from immune attack. Glycoprotein gE-1 is a low-affinity Fc receptor (FcR) that binds IgG aggregates, while gE-1 and gI-1 form a complex which serves as a higher-affinity FcR capable of binding IgG monomers. In this study, we describe two approaches used to map an Fc binding domain on gE-1 for IgG aggregates. First, we constructed nine plasmids encoding gE-1/gD-1 fusions proteins, each containing a large gE-1 peptide inserted into the ectodomain of gD-1. Fusion proteins were tested for FcR activity with IgG-sensitized erythrocytes in a rosetting assay. Three of the fusion proteins containing overlapping gE-1 peptides demonstrated FcR activity; the smallest peptide that retained Fc binding activity includes gE-1 amino acids 183 to 402. These results indicate that an Fc binding domain is located between gE-1 amino acids 183 and 402. To more precisely map the Fc binding domain, we tested a panel of 21 gE-1 linker insertion mutants. Ten mutants with insertions between gE-1 amino acids 235 and 380 failed to bind IgG-sensitized erythrocytes, while each of the remaining mutants demonstrated wild-type Fc binding activity. Taken together, these results indicate that the region of gE-1 between amino acids 235 and 380 forms an FcR domain. A computer-assisted analysis of the amino acid sequence of gE-1 demonstrates an immunoglobulin-like domain contained within this region (residues 322 to 359) which shares homology with mammalian FcRs.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein E (gE) of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) will bind immunoglobulin G (IgG) (Fc) affinity columns (R. B. Bauke and P. G. Spear, J. Virol. 32:779-789, 1979), but recent evidence suggests that the HSV-1 Fc receptor is composed of a complex of gE and glycoprotein I (gI) and that both gI and gE are required for Fc receptor activity (D. C. Johnson and V. Feenstra, J. Virol. 61:2208-2216, 1987; D. C. Johnson, M. C. Frame, M. W. Ligas, A. M. Cross, and N. D. Stow, J. Virol. 62:1347-1354, 1988). We have expressed gE and gI, either alone or in combination, on the surface of HeLa cells by using recombinant vaccinia viruses and have measured Fc receptor activity by Fc-rosetting or IgG-binding assays. Expression of gE alone resulted in the induction of Fc receptor activity, while expression of gI alone gave no detectable Fc binding. Coexpression of gE and gI resulted in higher levels of IgG binding than did expression of gE alone, despite the fact that under conditions of coexpression, the levels of surface gE were reduced. We propose that gE and gI together form a receptor of higher affinity than gE alone and that HSV-1 therefore has the potential to induce two Fc receptors of different affinities.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) IgG and IgM ELISA titers were serially determined in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from 4 patients with HSV-1 encephalitis during a follow-up period of 1-26 months. In 3 out of 4 patients HSV-1 IgM titers raised in CSF during the acute phase of disease, thus allowing differentiation between primary and reactivated forms of HSV-1 encephalitis. HSV-1 IgG titers showed a sharp elevation earlier in serum than in CSF. Specific IgG index documented a large intrathecal production of HSV-1 IgG and their persistence 2 years following clinical onset. The initial trend of serum and CSF specific IgG titer represents a reliable tool for a retrospective diagnosis of HSV-1 encephalitis.  相似文献   

It is often stated that individuals of a species can differ significantly in their innate resistance to infection with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Three decades ago Lopez reported that C57BL/6 mice could survive a 5,000-fold-higher inoculum of HSV-1 given intraperitoneally than mice of the A or BALB/c strain (Nature 258:152-153, 1975). Susceptible strains of mice died of encephalitis-like symptoms, suggesting that viral spread to the central nervous system was the cause of death. Although Lopez's study documented that C57BL/6 mice were resistant to the development of HSV-1 encephalitis and mortality, the resistance of C57BL/6 mice to other steps of the HSV-1 infection process was not assessed. The results of the present study extend these observations to clarify the difference between resistance to (i) HSV-1 pathogenesis, (ii) HSV-1 replication, (iii) HSV-1 spread, and (iv) the establishment of latent HSV-1 infection. Although C57BL/6 mice are more resistant to HSV-1 pathogenesis than BALB/c mice, the results of the present study establish that HSV-1 enters, replicates, spreads, and establishes latent infections with virtually identical efficiencies in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice. These observations raise questions about the validity of the inference that differences in natural resistance are relevant in explaining what differentiates humans with recurrent herpetic disease from the vast majority of asymptomatic carriers of HSV-1 and HSV-2.  相似文献   

The ribonucleotide reductase (ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase; EC induced by herpes simplex virus type 2 infection of serum-starved BHK-21 cells was purified to provide a preparation practically free of both eucaryotic ribonucleotide reductase and contaminating enzymes that could significantly deplete the substrates. Certain key properties of the herpes simplex virus type 2 ribonucleotide reductase were examined to define the extent to which it resembled the herpes simplex virus type 1 ribonucleotide reductase. The herpes simplex virus type 2 ribonucleotide reductase was inhibited by ATP and MgCl2 but only weakly inhibited by the ATP X Mg complex. Deoxynucleoside triphosphates were at best only weak inhibitors of this enzyme. ADP was a competitive inhibitor (K'i, 11 microM) of CDP reduction (K'm, 0.5 microM), and CDP was a competitive inhibitor (K'i, 0.4 microM) of ADP reduction (K'm, 8 microM). These key properties closely resemble those observed for similarly purified herpes simplex virus type 1 ribonucleotide reductase and serve to distinguish these virally induced enzymes from other ribonucleotide reductases.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 encodes two glycoproteins, gE and gI, that form a heterodimer on the surface of virions and infected cells. The gE-gI heterodimer has been implicated in cell-to-cell spread of virus and is a receptor for the Fc fragment of IgG. Previous studies localized the gE-gI-binding site on human IgG to a region near the interface between the C(H)2 and C(H)3 domains of Fc, which also serves as the binding site for bacterial and mammalian Fc receptors. Although there are two potential gE-gI-binding sites per Fc homodimer, only one gE-gI heterodimer binds per IgG in gel filtration experiments. Here we report production of recombinant human Fc molecules that contain zero, one, or two potential gE-gI-binding sites and use them in analytical ultracentrifugation experiments to show that two gE-gI heterodimers can bind to each Fc. Further characterization of the gE-gI interaction with Fc reveals a sharp pH dependence of binding, with K(D) values of approximately 340 and approximately 930 nm for the first and second binding events, respectively, at the slightly basic pH of the cell surface (pH 7.4), but undetectable binding at pH 6.0. This strongly pH-dependent interaction suggests a physiological role for gE-gI dissociation from IgG within acidic intracellular compartments, consistent with a mechanism whereby herpes simplex virus promotes intracellular degradation of anti-viral antibodies.  相似文献   

The effect of neomycin, a phosphoinositide-binding aminoglycoside, on herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection of BHK cells was studied. We showed earlier that it specifically inhibits HSV-1 production but not HSV-2 production (Langeland et al., Biochem Biophys. Res. Commun. 141:198-203, 1986). We now show that neomycin had no effect on cellular protein synthesis, as judged by the appearance of 35S-labeled polypeptides separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Virus-induced polypeptides, however, were strongly inhibited at neomycin concentrations above 2 mM. Comparison among different aminoglycosides showed a variation in inhibition of HSV-1 production that paralleled the cationic charge of the aminoglycosides. HSV-1 receptor binding at 4 degrees C was completely inhibited by neomycin. At 37 degrees C both receptor binding and internalization, as measured by an indirect assay, appeared to be inhibited by more than 90%. The effect of neomycin on the infection was almost immediate upon the addition of the drug and preceded virus internalization. Possible mechanisms of the neomycin effect are discussed.  相似文献   

Hand-to-hand transmission of herpes simplex virus type 1   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D Bardell 《Microbios》1989,59(239):93-100
Droplets of tissue culture fluid containing herpes simplex virus type 1 were placed on the palm of the hand. Each 0.01 ml droplet was taken from a stock virus suspension with a titre of 10(7.5) TCID50/0.1 ml. At 0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 min a droplet was firmly touched with the middle finger of the right hand, after which, attempts were made to recover virus from the finger. At 0 min, when the virus-containing droplet was in a liquid state, there was a 100% rate of virus recovery. By 15 min the droplets had dried out, and after touching dried out droplets there was a 40% virus recovery rate, even though experimental procedures demonstrated that infectious virus was present in the dried out droplets at all test times. If the finger was moistened with tap water or saliva, there was a 100% recovery rate of virus after touching dried out droplets, as well as after touching droplets in a liquid state.  相似文献   

Affinity-purified rheumatoid factors (RF) from 20 patients with rheumatoid arthritis were tested for their reactivity with the mAb II-481 against glycoprotein E (gE), the Fc gamma-binding protein of HSV-1, as well as with a panel of mAb against human Fc gamma R. All RF bound to mAb II-481 in preference to mAb IV.3 (anti-human Fc gamma RII) or MOPC 141 (control mAb) which belong to the same IgG2b subclass. Five RF showed strong reactivity with II-481. No significant reactivity was observed between RF and mAb against human Fc gamma R. Non-RF human IgM did not react with any of the mAb. Clear-cut binding to II-481 was also seen with monoclonal IgM-RF derived from MRL/1 mice (mRF-2). The reaction between RF and II-481 was completely inhibited by human IgG. It was also inhibited by BHK cell extract infected with HSV-1, and with purified gE. II-481 inhibited the binding of human IgG Fc to the infected cell extract, confirming that II-481 recognizes the Fc-binding site on gE. II-481 did not react directly with human IgG or Fc of IgG. mAb to human IgG2 showed stronger binding to II-481 than to MOPC 141, suggesting II-481 has conformational similarity to human IgG H chain. These results suggest that at least some RF bear the "internal image" of HSV-1 Fc gamma-binding protein and support the hypothesis that some RF may be generated as anti-idiotype antibodies against antiviral antibodies.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the herpes simplex virus type 2 glycoprotein previously designated gF is antigenically related to herpes simplex virus type 1 gC (gC-1). An antiserum prepared against type 1 virion envelope proteins immunoprecipitated gF of type 2 (gF-2), and competition experiments revealed that the anti-gC-1 component of the antiserum was responsible for the anti-gF-2 cross-reactivity. An antiserum prepared against fully denatured purified gF-2, however, and three anti-gF-2 monoclonal antibodies failed to precipitate any type 1 antigen, indicating that the extent of cross-reactivity between gC-1 and gF-2 may be limited. Several aspects of gF-2 synthesis and processing were investigated. Use of the enzymes endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H and alpha-D-N-acetylgalactosaminyl oligosaccharidase revealed that the fully processed form of gF-2 (about 75,000 [75K] apparent molecular weight) had both complex-type N-linked and O-linked oligosaccharides, whereas newly synthesized forms (67K and 69K) had only high-mannose N-linked oligosaccharides. These last two forms were both reduced in size to 54K by treatment with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H and therefore appear to differ only in the number of N-linked chains. Neutralization tests and radioiodination experiments revealed that gF-2 is exposed on the surfaces of virions and that the 75K form of gF-2 is exposed on cell surfaces. The similarities and differences of gF-2 and gC-1 are discussed in light of recent mapping results which suggest collinearity of their respective genes.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a prevalent microbial pathogen infecting 60% to 90% of the adult world population. The co-evolution of the virus with humans is due, in part, to adaptations that the virus has evolved to aid it in escaping immune surveillance, including the establishment of a latent infection in its human host. A latent infection allows the virus to remain in the host without inducing tissue pathology or eliciting an immune response. During the acute infection or reactivation of latent virus, the immune response is significant, which can ultimately result in corneal blindness or fatal sporadic encephalitis. In fact, HSV-1 is one of the leading causes of infectious corneal blindness in the world as a result of chronic episodes of viral reactivation leading to stromal keratitis and scarring. Significant inroads have been made in identifying key immune mediators that control ocular HSV-1 infection and potentially viral reactivation. Likewise, viral mechanisms associated with immune evasion have also been identified and will be discussed. Lastly, novel therapeutic strategies that are currently under development show promise and will be included in this review. Most investigators have taken full advantage of the murine host as a viable working in vivo model of HSV-1 due to the sensitivity and susceptibility to viral infection, ease of manipulation, and a multitude of developed probes to study changes at the cellular and molecular levels. Therefore, comments in this review will primarily be restricted to those observations pertaining to the mouse model and the assumption (however great) that similar events occur in the human condition.  相似文献   

We have found that virions of herpes simplex virus type 1 have surface receptors capable of binding to the Fc region of immunoglobulin G and have also shown that the previously identified Fc-binding glycoprotein (designated gE) is present in extracts prepared from purified virions. The technique of affinity chromatography was used to detect gE. Two approaches were used to demonstrate the presence of Fc-binding receptors on intact virions. First, it was shown that [125I]-immunoglobulin G, but not [125I]F(ab')2 fragments, cosedimented with virions in sucrose gradients and, second, electron microscopy was done to show that soluble peroxidase-antiperoxidase complexes bound to virions. The use of peroxidase-antiperoxidase complexes also permitted us to demonstrate that Fc-binding receptors from input (parental) virions become incorporated into the surface membranes of infected cells. This occurs presumably as a consequence of fusion between the virion envelope and cell surface membrane.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) glycoprotein B (gB-2) gene segments were expressed as recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli. gB-2 recombinant proteins were reacted with human serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies in Western immunoblot assays. Initially, samples were tested for the presence of HSV-1-specific antibodies and HSV-2-specific antibodies by using HSV-infected cell lysates as antigen targets in Western blot assays. Serum samples that contained HSV-2-specific IgG (n = 58), HSV-1-specific IgG (n = 33), or no detectable HSV antibodies (n = 31) were tested for reactivities with the gB-2 recombinant proteins. In 58 of 58 samples that contained HSV-2-specific IgG, antibodies were present that reacted strongly with a gB-2 amino-proximal segment between amino acids (aa) 18 and 75. Three of 33 serum samples that contained HSV-1- and not HSV-2-specific IgG (as defined by the HSV lysate Western blot assay) reacted with this segment. Both HSV-2 antibodies and HSV-1 antibodies reacted strongly with a carboxy-terminal gB-2 segment between aa 819 and 904; a second minor cross-reactive region was mapped to a gB-2 segment between aa 564 and 626. The gB-2 segment from aa 18 to 75 may constitute a useful reagent for the virus type-specific serodiagnosis of HSV-2 infections. Further studies will be required to determine the relative sensitivities and specificities of the assay for gB-2 aa 18 to 75, HSV gG assays, and HSV lysate Western blot assays for detecting virus type-specific antibody responses in acute and chronic HSV-2 infections.  相似文献   

Drake JW  Hwang CB 《Genetics》2005,170(2):969-970
All seven DNA-based microbes for which carefully established mutation rates and mutational spectra were previously available displayed a genomic mutation rate in the neighborhood of 0.003 per chromosome replication. The pathogenic mammalian DNA virus herpes simplex type 1 has an estimated genomic mutation rate compatible with that value.  相似文献   

G Dubin  E Socolof  I Frank    H M Friedman 《Journal of virology》1991,65(12):7046-7050
Recent studies indicate that the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) Fc receptor (FcR) can bind antiviral immunoglobulin G by participating in antibody bipolar bridging. This occurs when the Fab domain of an immunoglobulin G molecule binds to its antigenic target and the Fc domain binds to the HSV-1 FcR. In experiments comparing cells infected with wild-type HSV-1 (NS) and cells infected with an FcR-deficient mutant (ENS), we demonstrate that participation of the HSV-1 FcR in antibody bipolar bridging reduces the effectiveness of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Several recombinant clones isolated from a mouse genomic library were previously shown to hybridize with a SmaI fragment located in the terminal repetition of the S component of herpes simplex virus DNA. We report here the nucleotide sequence of the related regions in two mouse clones, TGL19 and TGL35, as well as that of the SmaI fragment of HSV-1. The mouse DNA clones have a core of repetitive sequences 80% homologous to a tandem repeat (reiteration II) in the viral fragment. The regions of homology are in turn related to immunoglobulin class-switch sequences, due mostly to the presence of the pentamer TGGG(G), involved in class-switch recombination. These results suggest that the HSV genome has recombination sequences identical to those of the host cell and provide a possible explanation for the high frequency of recombination events observed in this region of the viral genome.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of herpes simplex virus type 1 reactivation.   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

The frequency-dependent dielectrophoretic behaviour of an enveloped mammalian virus, herpes simplex virus type 1 is described. It is demonstrated that over the range 10 kHz–20 MHz, these viral particles, when suspended in an aqueous medium of conductivity 5 mS m?1, can be manipulated by both positive and negative dielectrophoresis using microfabricated electrode arrays. The observed transition from positive to negative dielectrophoresis at frequencies around 4.5 MHz is in qualitative agreement with a simple model of the virus as a conducting particle surrounded by an insulating membrane.  相似文献   

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