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Hairy roots were used as an in vitro culture system for the propagation of wild-type and transgenic plant viruses. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was added to the liquid culture medium at the same time as root inoculation. Hairy root growth was unaffected by viral infection. Maximum concentrations of TMV in Nicotiana benthamiana hairy roots were 1-2 orders of magnitude greater than in suspended N. benthamiana cells and reached levels of 1-2 mg g(-1) dry weight or 20-28% total soluble protein. Virus accumulated in the roots initially with a constant doubling time of about 1.0 day; subsequent reductions in viral growth rate were correlated with a significant decline in infectivity relative to the inoculum virus. The morphological integrity of the viral particles was maintained during propagation in hairy roots. The contribution to the overall viral titer of passive association of virus with the biomass, for example, by surface adsorption, was negligible compared with active viral replication. N. benthamiana hairy roots were also infected with a TMV-based viral vector developed to express green fluorescent protein (GFP). This vector was about 260-fold less infectious than wild-type TMV and accumulated much more slowly in the roots. Maximum levels of TMV-GFP in the biomass were about 65-fold lower than for TMV. This work demonstrates that hairy root cultures are a feasible means for in vitro propagation of wild-type and transgenic plant viruses under conditions that allow a high degree of environmental containment and control.  相似文献   

卫星RNA对黄瓜花叶病毒基因组RNA体外合成的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
卫星RNA对黄瓜花叶病毒基因组RNA体外合成的影响杨海花,康良仪,赵大健,田波(中国科学院微生物研究所,北京100080)关键词卫星RNA,黄瓜花叶病毒,依赖RNA的RNA聚合酶,体外合成利用卫星RNA生防制剂控制田间的番茄、青椒、烟草等由黄瓜花叶病...  相似文献   

一些抗植物病毒剂对烟草花叶病毒衣壳蛋白体外聚合过程的影响江山,郭雪柳,韩熹莱(北京农业大学基础科技学院,北京100094)关键词抗植物病毒剂,烟草花叶病毒,病毒衣壳蛋白,体外聚合研究表明,有些植物病毒的核酸对寄主植物的侵染活性只有装配完整的病毒颗粒的...  相似文献   

Plant RNA virus-based guide RNA (gRNA) delivery has substantial advantages compared to that of the conventional constitutive promoter-driven expression due to the rapid and robust amplification of gRNAs during virus replication and movement. To date, virus-induced genome editing tools have not been developed for wheat and maize. In this study, we engineered a barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV)-based gRNA delivery system for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis in wheat and maize. BSMV-based delivery of single gRNAs for targeted mutagenesis was first validated in Nicotiana benthamiana. To extend this work, we transformed wheat and maize with the Cas9 nuclease gene and selected the wheat TaGASR7 and maize ZmTMS5 genes as targets to assess the feasibility and efficiency of BSMV-mediated mutagenesis. Positive targeted mutagenesis of the TaGASR7 and ZmTMS5 genes was achieved for wheat and maize with efficiencies of up to 78% and 48%. Our results provide a useful tool for fast and efficient delivery of gRNAs into economically important crops.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Nicotiana benthamiana were inoculated with grapevine virus A (GVA). Three weeks later, upon systemic symptom expression, cultures were established in vitro using single nodes from these plants. GVA was purified from these cultures and from leaves of GVA-infected N. benthamiana plants maintained in the greenhouse. More virus was obtained from the proliferating in vitro node cultures than from the leaves. The use of in vitro cultures for virus purification represents a valuable practical application of plant tissue culture techniques.  相似文献   

Previously we reported that the multifunctional cylindrical inclusion (CI) protein of turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) is targeted to endosomes through the interaction with the medium subunit of adaptor protein complex 2 (AP2β), which is essential for viral infection. Although several functionally important regions in the CI have been identified, little is known about the determinant(s) for endosomal trafficking. The CI protein contains seven conserved acidic dileucine motifs [(D/E)XXXL(L/I)] typical of endocytic sorting signals recognized by AP2β. Here, we selected five motifs for further study and identified that they all were located in the regions of CI interacting with AP2β. Coimmunoprecipitation assays revealed that alanine substitutions in the each of these acidic dileucine motifs decreased binding with AP2β. Moreover, these CI mutants also showed decreased accumulation of punctate bodies, which enter endocytic-tracking styryl-stained endosomes. The mutations were then introduced into a full-length infectious clone of TuMV, and each mutant had reduced viral replication and systemic infection. The data suggest that the acidic dileucine motifs in CI are indispensable for interacting with AP2β for efficient viral replication. This study provides new insights into the role of endocytic sorting motifs in the intracellular movement of viral proteins for replication.  相似文献   

The assembly of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is not well understood. We investigated HCV nucleocapsid assembly in vitro and the role of electrostatic/hydrophobic interactions in this process. We developed a simple and rapid in vitro assay in which the progress of assembly is monitored by measuring an increase in turbidity, thereby allowing the kinetics of assembly to be determined. Assembly is performed using a truncated HCV core (C1-82), containing the minimal assembly domain, purified from Escherichia coli. The increase in turbidity is linked to the formation of nucleocapsid-like particles (NLPs) in solution, and nucleic acids are essential to initiate nucleocapsid assembly under the experimental conditions used. The sensitivity of NLP formation to salt strongly suggests that electrostatic forces govern in vitro assembly. Mutational analysis of C1-82 demonstrated that it is the global positive charge of C1-82 rather than any specific basic residue that is important for the assembly process. Our in vitro assembly assay provides an easy and efficient means of screening for assembly inhibitors, and we have identified several inhibitory peptides that could represent a starting point for drug design.  相似文献   

We describe a simple fluorescent protein‐based method to investigate interactions with a viral movement protein in living cells that relies on the in vivo re‐localization of proteins in the presence of their interaction partners. We apply this method in combination with fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) to demonstrate that a domain of the Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) movement protein (MP) previously predicted to mediate protein:protein interactions is dispensable for these contacts. We suggest that this method can be generalized for analysis of other protein interactions in planta.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to develop guar gum matrix tablets for oral controlled release of water-soluble diltiazem hydrochloride. Matrix tablets of diltiazem hydrochloride, using various viscosity grades of guar gum in 2 proportions, were prepared by wet granulation method and subjected to in vitro drug release studies. Diltiazem hydrochloride matrix tablets containing either 30% wt/wt lowviscosity (LM1), 40% wt/wt medium-viscosity (MM2), or 50% wt/wt high-viscosity (HM2) guar gum showed controlled release. The drug release from all guar gum matrix tablets followed first-order kinetics via Fickian-diffusion. Further, the results of in vitro drug release studies in simulated gastrointestinal and colonic fluids showed that HM2 tablets provided controlled release comparable with marketed sustained release diltiazem hydrochloride tablets (D-SR tablets). Guar gum matrix tablets HM2 showed no change in physical appearance, drug content, or in dissolution pattern after storage at 40°C/relative humidity 75% for 6 months. When subjectd to in vivo pharmacokinetic evaluation in healthy volunteers, the HM2 tablets provided a slow and prolonged drug release when compared with D-SR tablets. Based on the results of in vitro and in vivo studies it was concluded that that guar gum matrix tablets provided oral controlled release of water-soluble diltiazem hydrochloride. Published: June 30, 2005  相似文献   

The effects of various dosages of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) on superovulation induction for in vivo and in vitro embryo production were examined in stray cats (Felis catus). Cats (n = 286) were allocated into five treatment groups with 0, 50, 100, 200, or 400 IU eCG, followed by 100 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). In vivo- and in vitro-produced blastocysts were obtained by artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), somatic cell nucleus transfer (SCNT), or parthenogenetic activation (PA). The percentage of cats that developed mature follicles, the percentage of cats with collected embryos, and the mean number of in vivo blastocysts per cat were higher in the 200 IU treatment group (43.9%, 31.8%, and 1.53, respectively) compared with those of the other groups (P < 0.05). The percentage of follicular developed cats, the percentage of cumulus-expanded oocytes, and the mean number of collected cumulus-oocyte complexes per cat in the 200 IU (56.7%, 67.8%, and 26.2, respectively) and 400 IU (53.3%, 64.2%, and 26.7, respectively) groups were higher than those in the other groups (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the percentage of in vitro-produced blastocyst per cleaved embryos and the average cell number of the blastocysts from IVF (52.7% and 125.8, respectively) was higher than those of the blastocysts from PA (30.1% and 85.2) and higher than those of the blastocysts from SCNT (15.3% and 37.5; P < 0.05). In conclusion, the current study demonstrated that in vivo and in vitro embryo production were affected by the dosage of eCG; the best results were obtained with 200 IU.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the effect of bovine oocyte maturation, fertilization or culture in vivo or in vitro on the proportion of oocytes reaching the blastocyst stage, and on blastocyst quality as measured by survival following vitrification. In Experiment 1, 4 groups of oocytes were used: (1) immature oocytes from 2-6 mm follicles; (2) immature oocytes from > 6 mm follicles; (3) immature oocytes recovered in vivo just before the LH surge; and (4) in vivo matured oocytes. Significantly more blastocysts developed from oocytes matured in vivo than those recovered just before the LH surge or than oocytes from 2-6 mm follicles. Results from > 6 mm follicles were intermediate. All blastocysts had low survival following vitrification. In Experiment 2, in vivo matured oocytes were either (1) fertilized in vitro or (2) fertilized in vivo by artificial insemination and the resulting presumptive zygotes recovered on day 1. Both groups were then cultured in vitro. In vivo fertilized oocytes had a significantly higher blastocyst yield than those fertilized in vitro. Blastocyst quality was similar between the groups. Both groups had low survival following vitrification. In Experiment 3a, presumptive zygotes produced by in vitro maturation (IVM)/fertilization (IVF) were cultured either in vitro in synthetic oviduct fluid, or in vivo in the ewe oviduct. In Experiment 3b, in vivo matured/in vivo fertilized zygotes were either surgically recovered on day 1 and cultured in vitro in synthetic oviduct fluid, or were nonsurgically recovered on day 7. There was no difference in blastocyst yields between groups of zygotes originating from the same source (in vivo or in vitro fertilization) irrespective of whether culture took place in vivo or in vitro. However, there was a dramatic effect on blastocyst quality with those blastocysts produced following in vivo culture surviving vitrification at significantly higher rates than their in vitro cultured counterparts. Collectively, these results indicate that the intrinsic quality of the oocyte is the main factor affecting blastocyst yields, while the conditions of embryo culture have a crucial role in determining blastocyst quality.  相似文献   

Mimicking and exploiting virus properties and physicochemical and physical characteristics holds promise to provide solutions to some of the world''s most pressing challenges. The sheer range and types of viruses coupled with their intriguing properties potentially give endless opportunities for applications in virus-based technologies. Viruses have the ability to self- assemble into particles with discrete shape and size, specificity of symmetry, polyvalence, and stable properties under a wide range of temperature and pH conditions. Not surprisingly, with such a remarkable range of properties, viruses are proposed for use in biomaterials 9, vaccines 14, 15, electronic materials, chemical tools, and molecular electronic containers4, 5, 10, 11, 16, 18, 12.In order to utilize viruses in nanotechnology, they must be modified from their natural forms to impart new functions. This challenging process can be performed through several mechanisms including genetic modification of the viral genome and chemically attaching foreign or desired molecules to the virus particle reactive groups 8. The ability to modify a virus primarily depends upon the physiochemical and physical properties of the virus. In addition, the genetic or physiochemical modifications need to be performed without adversely affecting the virus native structure and virus function. Maize rayado fino virus (MRFV) coat proteins self-assemble in Escherichia coli producing stable and empty VLPs that are stabilized by protein-protein interactions and that can be used in virus-based technologies applications 8. VLPs produced in tobacco plants were examined as a scaffold on which a variety of peptides can be covalently displayed 13. Here, we describe the steps to 1) determine which of the solvent-accessible cysteines in a virus capsid are available for modification, and 2) bioconjugate peptides to the modified capsids. By using native or mutationally-inserted amino acid residues and standard coupling technologies, a wide variety of materials have been displayed on the surface of plant viruses such as, Brome mosaic virus 3, Carnation mottle virus 12, Cowpea chlorotic mottle virus 6, Tobacco mosaic virus 17, Turnip yellow mosaic virus 1, and MRFV 13.  相似文献   

U-89843 has been shown to undergo biotransformation, both in vitro and in vivo, to form U-97924 as a major primary metabolite. U-89843 was found to be positive in an in vitro UDS mutagenesis screen conducted with primary rat hepatocytes in serum-free media. In contrast to in vitro results, no evidence of genetic toxicity of U-89843 was observed in rats in the in vivo/in vitro version of the UDS test with single oral doses up to 1400 mg/kg. The negative results may be related to more robust in vivo detoxification mechanisms or relatively lower exposure to reactive metabolites formed by bioactivation of U-89843 as compared to that observed in the serum-free in vitro hepatocyte test system. Further studies showed rat serum suppressed the in vitro metabolism of U-89843 as well as the formation of the corresponding hydroxylated metabolite, U-97924, the putative precursor of proposed reactive electrophilic metabolite. The measured in vivo systemic clearance of U-89843 (0.53 l/h/kg) in rats was about 1000-fold slower than the in vitro intrinsic clearance (606 l/h/kg) estimated by measuring the formation of U-97924 in rat liver microsomal incubations. Since U-89843 is extensively associated with serum proteins a poor extraction ratio into the liver may account for the slower biotransformation of U-89843 in vivo as compared to that exhibited in in vitro serum-free hepatocyte incubations. Addition of bovine serum albumin (1–40 mg/ml) to the in vitro UDS assay medium decreased the UDS mean net grains per nucleus response of U-89843. These results suggest that the effect of serum protein should be considered when comparing serum-free in vitro UDS and in vivo UDS results for highly serum protein bound compounds.  相似文献   

Ravi Maddaly  Govind Pai 《FEBS letters》2010,584(24):4883-4894
During the last three decades, a number of B-lymphocyte specific surface antigens have been defined some of which may also show activation/differentiation specific expression. Here, we review the various signaling events and the receptor-ligand interactions for B-cell development, activation and differentiation. Our discussion and presentation include reviewing the in vivo and in vitro mechanisms. Focus is on the experiments that give us valuable insights into the B cell signaling mechanisms in vitro. Three significant pathways in B-cell development - c-Kit, FLT-3 and IL-7 signaling pathways are elucidated upon. Both antigen dependent and antigen independent mechanisms of B cell stimulation are also reviewed.  相似文献   

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