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Ovine scrapie and cervid chronic wasting disease can be transmitted in the absence of animal-to-animal contact, and environmental reservoirs of infectivity have been implicated in their spread and persistence. Investigating environmental factors that influence the interaction of disease-associated PrP with soils is imperative to understanding what is likely to be the complex role of soil in disease transmission. Here, we describe the effects of soil temperature on the binding/desorption and persistence of both ovine scrapie- and bovine BSE-PrPTSE. Binding of PrPTSE to a sandy loam soil at temperatures of 4°C, 8–12°C and 25–30°C demonstrated that an increase in temperature resulted in (1) a decrease in the amount of PrPTSE recovered after 24 h of interaction with soil, (2) an increase in the amount of N-terminal cleavage of the prion protein over 11 d and (3) a decrease in the persistence of PrPTSE on soil over an 18 mo period.  相似文献   

The prion responsible for the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) shows unique features when compared with other prions. One of these features is its ability to infect almost all experimentally tested animal models. In the paper published in The Journal of Neuroscience1 we describe a series of experiments directed toward elucidating which would be the in vivo behavior of BSE if it would infect dogs and rabbits, two alleged prion resistant species. Protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) was used to generate canidae and leporidae in vitro adapted BSE prions. A characterization of their in vivo pathobiological properties showed that BSE prions were capable not only of adapting to new species but they maintained, in the case of rabbits, their ability to infect transgenic mice expressing human PrP. The remarkable adaptation ability of certain prions implies that any new host species could lead to the emergence of new infectious agents with unpredictable transmission potential. Our results suggest that caution must be taken when considering the use of any mammal-derived protein in feedstuffs.  相似文献   

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) created a global European crisis in the 1980s and 90s, with very serious health and economic implications. Classical BSE now appears to be under control, to a great extent as a result of a global research effort that identified the sources of prions in meat and bone meal (MBM) and developed new animal-testing tools that guided policy. Priority (www.prionpriority.eu) was a European Union (EU) Framework Program 7 (FP7)-funded project through which 21 European research institutions and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) joined efforts between 2009 and 2014, to conduct coordinated basic and applied research on prions and prion diseases. At the end of the project, the Priority consortium drafted a position paper (www.prionpriority.eu/Priority position paper) with its main conclusions. In the present opinion paper, we summarize these conclusions.

With respect to the issue of re-introducing ruminant protein into the feed-chain, our opinion is that sustaining an absolute ban on feeding ruminant protein to ruminants is essential. In particular, the spread and impact of non-classical forms of scrapie and BSE in ruminants is not fully understood and the risks cannot be estimated. Atypical prion agents will probably continue to represent the dominant form of prion diseases in the near future in Europe. Atypical L-type BSE has clear zoonotic potential, as demonstrated in experimental models. Similarly, there are now data indicating that the atypical scrapie agent can cross various species barriers. More epidemiological data from large cohorts are necessary to reach any conclusion on the impact of its transmissibility on public health. Re-evaluations of safety precautions may become necessary depending on the outcome of these studies.

Intensified searching for molecular determinants of the species barrier is recommended, since this barrier is key for important policy areas and risk assessment. Understanding the structural basis for strains and the basis for adaptation of a strain to a new host will require continued fundamental research, also needed to understand mechanisms of prion transmission, replication and how they cause nervous system dysfunction and death. Early detection of prion infection, ideally at a preclinical stage, also remains crucial for development of effective treatment strategies.  相似文献   

A resequencing approach was adopted to identify sequence variants in the PRNP gene that may affect susceptibility or resistance to bovine spongiform encephalopathy. The entire PRNP gene (>21 kb) was sequenced from 26 chromosomes from a group of Holstein-Friesian cows, as well as exon 3 of PRNP (>4 kb) from a further 24 chromosomes from six diverse breeds. We identified 51 variant sequences of which 42 were single nucleotide polymorphisms and nine were insertion/deletion (indel) events. The study was extended to exon 3 of the sheep PRNP gene where 23 sequence variants were observed, four of which were indels. The level of nucleotide diversity in the complete bovine PRNP gene was pi = 0.00079, which is similar to that found at the bovine T-cell receptor alpha delta joining region (pi = 0.00077), but somewhat less than that observed for the bovine leptin (pi = 0.00265). Sequence variation within exon 3 of PRNP in both cattle (pi = 0.00102) and sheep (pi = 0.00171) was greater than that for the complete PRNP gene, with sheep showing greater sequence variation in exon 3 than cattle. The level of sequence variation reported here is greater than previously thought for the bovine PRNP gene in cattle. This study highlights the contribution that recombination plays in increasing allelic diversity in this species.  相似文献   

The molecular diagnosis of prion diseases almost always involves the use of a protease to distinguish PrPC from PrPSc and invariably the protease of choice is proteinase K. Here, we have applied the protease thermolysin to the diagnosis of animal prion diseases. This thermostable protease cleaves at the hydrophobic residues Leu, Ile, Phe, Val, Ala and Met, residues that are absent from the protease accessible aminoterminal region of PrPSc. Therefore, although thermolysin readily digests PrPc into small protein fragments, full-length PrPSc is resistant to such proteolysis. This contrasts with proteinase K digestion where an aminoterminally truncated PrPSc species is produced, PrP27–30. Thermolysin was used in the diagnosis of ovine scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy and produced comparable assay sensitivity to assays using proteinase K digestion. Furthermore, we demonstrated the concentration of thermolysin-resistant PrPSc using immobilized metal-affinity chromatography. The use of thermolysin to reveal a full-length PrPSc has application for the development of novel immunodiagnostics by exploiting the wide range of commercially available immunoreagents and metal affinity matrices that bind the amino-terminal region of PrP. In addition, thermolysin provides a complementary tool to proteinase K to allow the study of the contribution of the amino-terminal domain of PrPSc to disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The entire sheep flock in the UK has been threatened with slaughter if BSE is found in farmed sheep, largely on the grounds that an epidemic of BSE in sheep could be harder to contain than was the case for cattle, and that lamb could present a greater risk to consumers than beef. However, identifying BSE in a sheep is not straightforward, because of its similarities to the related disease, scrapie. Here, we review the likelihood that any UK sheep have BSE, how they might have got it, how a case could be identified and what the Government is doing in terms of surveillance and possible control methods.  相似文献   

The present authors previously reported the nucleotide sequence of the 5' half of a cDNA encoding bovine prion protein (PrP) and the genomic structure of the bovine PrP gene encoding the 5'-untranslated region. Here they report the extent of intron 2 of the bovine PrP gene and the nucleotide sequence of the 3' half of bovine PrP cDNA that had not been determined before. This newly sequenced 3' half of the bovine PrP cDNA consisted of 2149 bp. The entire 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) was found to be encoded by a single exon, exon 3. One nucleotide polymorphism was found in the 3'-UTR. The length of intron 2 was estimated to be about 14 kbp. The structure of bovine PrP gene can be defined by combining the present results and previous reports on the bovine PrP gene.  相似文献   

Transgenesis Applied to Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) are fatal neurodegenerative disorders present in various mammals. TSEs have been studies intensively, even more so following the BSE crisis and the subsequent threat of a human nvCJD epidemic. In the protein-only hypothesis, the infectious agent, called prion, is assumed to be a misfolded host protein. Transgenesis has mainly been applied to study the role of this protein, its structure–function relationship with respect to its pathogenic properties and to assess the genetic origin of the well-recognised species barrier effect. This approach has somewhat supplemented the lack of in vitro models. This review will try to summarise the impressive work that has been done in this field. Although many questions remain unanswered, transgenic experiments have and will still improve our knowledge on this disease and might help us to develop critically needed therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

The mouse-adapted scrapie prion strain RML is one of the most widely used in prion research. The introduction of a cell culture-based assay of RML prions, the scrapie cell assay (SCA) allows more rapid and precise prion titration. A semi-automated version of this assay (ASCA) was applied to explore a range of conditions that might influence the infectivity and properties of RML prions. These include resistance to freeze-thaw procedures; stability to endogenous proteases in brain homogenate despite prolonged exposure to varying temperatures; distribution of infective material between pellet and supernatant after centrifugation, the effect of reducing agents and the influence of detergent additives on the efficiency of infection. Apparent infectivity is increased significantly by interaction with cationic detergents. Importantly, we have also elucidated the relationship between the duration of exposure of cells to RML prions and the transmission of infection. We established that the infection process following contact of cells with RML prions is rapid and followed an exponential time course, implying a single rate-limiting process.  相似文献   

The transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) such as endemic sheep scrapie, sporadic human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), and epidemic bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) may all be caused by a unique class of "slow" viruses. This concept remains the most parsimonious explanation of the evidence to date, and correctly predicted the spread of the BSE agent to vastly divergent species. With the popularization of the prion (infectious protein) hypothesis, substantial data pointing to a TSE virus have been largely ignored. Yet no form of prion protein (PrP) fulfills Koch's postulates for infection. Pathologic PrP is not proportional to, or necessary for infection, and recombinant and "amplified" prions have failed to produce significant infectivity. Moreover, the "wealth of data" claimed to support the existence of infectious PrP are increasingly contradicted by experimental observations, and cumbersome speculative notions, such as spontaneous PrP mutations and invisible strain-specific forms of "infectious PrP" are proposed to explain the incompatible data. The ability of many "slow" viruses to survive harsh environmental conditions and enzymatic assaults, their stealth invasion through protective host-immune defenses, and their ability to hide in the host and persist for many years, all fit nicely with the characteristics of TSE agents. Highly infectious preparations with negligible PrP contain nucleic acids of 1-5 kb, even after exhaustive nuclease digestion. Sedimentation as well as electron microscopic data also reveal spherical infectious particles of 25-35 nm in diameter. This particle size can accommodate a viral genome of 1-4 kb, sufficient to encode a protective nucleocapsid and/or an enzyme required for its replication. Host PrP acts as a cellular facilitator for infectious particles, and ultimately accrues pathological amyloid features. A most significant advance has been the development of tissue culture models that support the replication of many different strains of agent and can produce high levels of infectivity. These models provide new ways to rapidly identify intrinsic viral and strain-specific molecules so important for diagnosis, prevention, and fundamental understanding.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are fatal and incurable neurodegenerative diseases of humans and animals. Despite years of research, no therapeutic agents have been developed that can effectively manage or reverse disease progression. Recently it has been identified that recombinant prion proteins (rPrP) expressed in bacteria can act as inhibitors of prion replication within the in vitro prion replication system protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA). Here, within PMCA reactions amplifying a range of ruminant prions including distinct Prnp genotypes/host species and distinct prion strains, recombinant ovine VRQ PrP displayed consistent inhibition of prion replication and produced IC50 values of 122 and 171 nM for ovine scrapie and bovine BSE replication, respectively. These findings illustrate the therapeutic potential of rPrPs with distinct TSE diseases.  相似文献   

L-type bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is an atypical form of BSE. To characterize the Japanese L-type BSE prion, we conducted a comparative study of the Japanese and foreign L-type BSE isolates. The L-type BSE isolates of Japan, Germany, France and Canada were intracerebrally inoculated into bovinized prion protein-overexpressing transgenic mice (TgBoPrP). All the examined L-type BSE isolates were transmitted to TgBoPrP mice, and no clear differences were observed in their biological and biochemical properties. Here, we present evidence that the Japanese and Canadian L-type BSE prions are identical to those from the European cases.  相似文献   

Rapid western blot (WB) procedure for an abnormal isoform of prion protein (PrP(Sc) ) detection in lymphoid tissues was established and has been applied to the surveillance of fallen stock. In this program, brain and palatal tonsil were examined by WB and three cases of sheep scrapie were detected. While one clinically scrapie-infected sheep harbored PrP(Sc) in the brain and palatal tonsil, the two sheep in the pre-clinical stage harbored PrP(Sc) in the brain, but not in the palatal tonsil. This study shows that PrP(Sc) accumulation in palatal tonsil is variable in natural scrapie, even among genetically susceptible sheep.  相似文献   

To dissect the N-terminal residues within the cellular prion protein (PrPC) that are critical for efficient prion propagation, we generated a library of point, double, or triple alanine replacements within residues 23–111 of PrP, stably expressed them in cells silenced for endogenous mouse PrPC and challenged the reconstituted cells with four common but biologically diverse mouse prion strains. Amino acids (aa) 105–111 of Charge Cluster 2 (CC2), which is disordered in PrPC, were found to be required for propagation of all four prion strains; other residues had no effect or exhibited strain-specific effects. Replacements in CC2, including aa105-111, dominantly inhibited prion propagation in the presence of endogenous wild type PrPC whilst other changes were not inhibitory. Single alanine replacements within aa105-111 identified leucine 108 and valine 111 or the cluster of lysine 105, threonine 106 and asparagine 107 as critical for prion propagation. These residues mediate specific ordering of unstructured CC2 into β-sheets in the infectious prion fibrils from Rocky Mountain Laboratory (RML) and ME7 mouse prion strains.  相似文献   

The National Scrapie Plan (NSP) was launched in Great Britain in 2001, with the aim of eventually eradicating scrapie, a small ruminant transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, from the national sheep flock. Specifically, a selective breeding programme, the Ram Genotyping Scheme, was devised enabling pedigree ram breeders to reduce the number of scrapie-susceptible genotypes from their flocks. The effect of large-scale manipulation of PrP genotypes on commercially important traits within the sheep industry is, however, unknown. We have therefore examined production traits in a total of 43 968 lambs from 32 pedigree breeders across three British hill breeds, comprising 8163 North Country Cheviot (Hill), 21 366 Scottish Blackface and 14 439 Welsh Mountain lambs. Traits examined included: weights at birth, 8 and 20 weeks; ultrasonic fat and muscle depth, and average daily weight gain from 8 to 20 weeks. Linear mixed models were fitted for each trait, including animal (direct) genetic effects and up to three maternal effects. Potential associations with the PrP gene were assessed by fitting either PrP genotype or number of copies of individual alleles as fixed effects. A number of breed-specific significant associations between production traits and the PrP gene were found, but no consistent significant effects were detected across the three breeds. Breed-specific effects were as follows: (i) 0.37 kg higher birth weights (BWTs) in AHQ homozygous North Country Cheviot (Hill) lambs (P < 0.01); (ii) 0.16 kg higher BWTs in ARR homozygous Scottish Blackface lambs (P < 0.05); (iii) 0.5 kg higher 8-week weights in VRQ heterozygous Scottish Blackface lambs (P < 0.01); (iv) a 0.72 kg decrease in scan weight associated with homozygous ARR Welsh Mountain lambs (P < 0.01); (v) 0.51 mm higher ultrasonic muscle depths in AHQ homozygous Welsh Mountain lambs (P < 0.01); (vi) 0.48 mm lower ultrasonic muscle depths in Welsh Mountain lambs carrying one or more copies of the ARR allele (P < 0.05) and (vii) 0.2 mm higher ultrasonic fat depths in heterozygous VRQ Welsh Mountain lambs (P < 0.05). The use of a Bonferroni correction to define appropriate significance thresholds across the three datasets, which account for the large number of independent comparisons made, resulted in breed-specific comparisons, with P < 0.01 becoming significant at P0.05, and the remaining breed-specific comparisons no longer being significant. The absence of a common effect across the three breeds suggests that any true association found may be due to breed-specific alleles of neighbouring genes in linkage disequilibrium with the PrP locus.  相似文献   

为探讨朊病毒病的神经病理特征,应用Western blot方法检测了感染羊瘙痒因子263K株或139A株的仓鼠脑组织中总tau蛋白和Ser396和Ser404位点发生磷酸化tau蛋白表达水平的变化;并应用Real Time PCR方法检测了tau mRNAs转录活性的改变。结果表明总tau蛋白含量升高而Ser396和Ser404位点发生磷酸化的tau蛋白含量降低,该现象与羊瘙痒因子毒株类型和临床潜伏期无关;感染羊瘙痒因子的仓鼠脑组织中Tau2和Tau4这两个异构体的转录水平升高。这些结果表明tau蛋白在Ser396和Ser404位点的去磷酸化可能与朊病毒病发病相关。  相似文献   

The scrapie amyloid (prion) protein (PrP27-30) is the protease-resistant core of a larger precursor (PrPSc) and a component of the infectious scrapie agent; the potential to form amyloid is a result of posttranslational event or conformational abnormality. The conformation, heat stability, and solvent-induced conformational transitions of PrP27-30 were studied in the solid state in films by CD spectroscopy and correlated with the infectivity of rehydrated and equilibrated films. The exposure of PrP27-30 in films to 60 degrees C, 100 degrees C, and 132 degrees C for 30 min did not change the beta-sheet secondary structure; the infectivity slightly diminished at 132 degrees C and correlated with a decreased solubility of PrP27-30 in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), probably due to cross-linking. Exposing PrP27-30 films to formic acid (FA), trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), trifluoroethanol (TFE), hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP), and SDS transformed the amide CD band, diminished the mean residue ellipticity of aromatic bands, and inactivated scrapie infectivity. The convex constraint algorithm (CAA) deconvolution of the CD spectra of the solvent-exposed and rehydrated solid state PrP27-30 identified five common spectral components. The loss of infectivity quantitatively correlated with a decreasing proportion of native, beta-pleated sheet-like secondary structure component, an increasing amount of alpha-helical component, and an increasingly disordered tertiary structure. The results demonstrate the unusual thermal stability of the beta-sheet secondary structure of PrP27-30 protein in the solid state. The conformational perturbations of PrP27-30 parallel the changes in infectivity and suggest that the beta-sheet structure plays a key role in the physical stability of scrapie amyloid and in the ability to propagate and replicate scrapie.  相似文献   

AIMS: To analyse the frequencies of prion (PrP) gene haplotypes in UK sheep flocks and evaluate their relevance to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) and TSE resistance breeding programmes in sheep. METHODS AND RESULTS: Genomic DNA isolated from sheep blood was PCR amplified for the coding region of the PrP gene and then sequenced. This study has analysed the sequence of PrP between codons 110 and 245 in 6287 ARQ haplotypes revealing a total of eight variant sequences, which represent a higher than expected 41% of all ARQ haplotypes. The additional PrP gene dimorphisms were M112T, L141F, M137T, H143R, H151C, P168L, Q175E and P241S. CONCLUSION: The results do not suggest a correlation between the occurrence of a specific ARQ haplotype and the scrapie disease status of a flock. The ARQ haplotype variability appears to be different in the UK sheep flocks compared with sheep flocks from outside the UK. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Additional PrP dimorphisms may impact on the methodologies used for standard PrP genotyping in sheep breeding programmes. Some of these polymorphisms were found with significant frequencies in the UK sheep flocks and should therefore be considered in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

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