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This study was conducted to determine the effects of feeding endophyte-infected (Acremonium coenophialum ) tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea ) seed on the growth and reproductive performance of female CD-1 mice via competitive breeding. One hundred sixty female mice were randomly allocated to groups of ten and fed one of two diets. Diet 1 consisted of 50% mouse chow and 50% noninfected Ky-31 tall fescue seed (w/w). Diet 2 contained 50% chow and 50% tall fescue seed that was 80% infected with A. coenophialum . After 50 d of preconditioning on their respective diets, a single male was introduced into each group of 10 females and allowed to cohabitate for 96 h. The males were removed after the cohabitation period and the females continued through gestation on their respective diets. Body weight of dams and litter weights were recorded at parturition. There were no differences (P>0.05) in pregnancy rates between dietary Treatments 1 and 2 (50% vs 48.8%, respectively). However, the average number of pups born per litter (11.10 pups) and average total litter weight (17.21 g) was greater for those females consuming Diet 1 than for females consuming Diet 2 (9.33 pups per litter and 13.97 g total litter weight). The incidence of dead and cannibalized pups was more frequent with Diet 2 than Diet 1 (0.13 vs 0.0 dead; 0.21 vs 0.03 cannibalized, respectively). The obtained data suggest that although the pregnancy rate was similar between the two dietary treatments, the reproductive capacity (litter size and litter weight) of female CD-1 mice was affected by the consumption of endophyte infected fescue seed.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of feeding tall fescue seed infected by an endophytic fungus Acremonium coenophialum on the reproductive performance of male rats. Thirty 70-day-old rats were randomly allocated to four treatments: (I) fed 50% rat chow and 50% healthy fescue seed ad libitum (control; N=9; (II) same as I but restricted to the daily feed intake of III (N=7; (III) 50% fungal-infected fescue seed and 50% chow (N=7); and (IV) a mixture of 50% laboratory chow, 25% healthy fescue seed and 25% fungal-infected fescue seed (N=7). The rats were fed these diets for 42 days. During this time, body weights were taken weekly and feed intake was taken daily. At the end of the experiment, the rats were sacrificed and the testes and epididymides were excised and measured. Sperm parameters were assessed (concentration, percentage of motility and progressive motility) at the site of the cauda epididymis; the testes were homogenized and assessed for daily sperm production potential (DSP). Concentrations of spermatozoa (x 10(6)) among the various treatments were 645.6, 486.5, 387.4 and 457.1; motility and progressive motility measurements ranged from 48 to 50% and 2.3 to 2.4 (0-4), respectively. DSP values (per gram) and testicular weight were reduced (P<0.05) in Diet III. The data suggests that 50% fungal-infected fescue seed in the diet of rats does influence the DSP, testicular parechyma and epididymal weight in the rat.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effects of endophyte-infected tall fescue (KY-31) seed (80% infected, containing Acremonium coenophialum ) on the reproductive performance of male CD-1 mice measured by competitive breeding. Sixteen mature CD-1 male mice were randomly allocated to one of two dietary treatments containing 50% mouse chow and either 1) 50% noninfected tall fescue seed, restricted to the daily feed intake of dietary treatment 2, or 2) 50% infected tall fescue seed (w/w) fed ad libitum. Mice were preconditioned on their respective diets for 50 d prior to 96 h of cohabitation with 10 mature CD-1 females. Following removal of males, the females were carried to full term. Males were sacrificed, and testicular, epididymal weights, sperm motility and progressive sperm motility were assessed. The results showed no differences (P>0.05) in average daily weight gain (ADG) and body weight changes during the course of the experiment between the two dietary treatments. There were significant reductions (P<0.05) in total testes weight (0.238 vs 0.214 g), epididymal weight (0.087 vs 0.073 g), sperm motility (82.5 vs 58.7%), and progressive motility (3.7 vs 2.6; scale 0 to 4) between dietary treatments 1 and 2, respectively. Similarly, significant differences in pregnancy rates were 53.8 and 45.0%, and the average numbers of pups born per litter were 10.67 and 9.84, respectively. These data suggest that 50% endophyte-infected fescue seed in the diet of male CD-1 mice can affect their reproductive capacity by influencing the testicular-epididymal weights, and subsequently, the quality of spermatozoa and overall fecundity.  相似文献   

Female Sprague-Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus) were randomly assigned to diets containing mixtures of rat chow and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) seed with 0, 5, 10, 20 and 40% infection levels of Acremonium coenophialum to assess the effect of the diets on the reproductive potential of rats. Rats fed 40% infected seed had decreased body weight, decreased mean percent body weight of uteri, failed to maintain normal estrous cycles and were unable to become pregnant. Animals fed a diet of 20% infected fescue seed had extended estrous cycles. There were no significant differences among the 0, 5 and 10% dietary treatments.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to assess the effects of endophyte-infected Acremonium coenophialum tall fescue (KY 31) seed (80% infected) on the reproductive performance of male and female CD-1 mice by combination crosses. Forty-eight male and 48 female 30-d-old mice were randomly allocated to two diet treatments. Twenty-four males and 24 females were fed Diet 1, consisting of 50% non-infected fescue and 50% mouse chow; the remaining animals were fed Diet 2, containing 50% infected fescue. At the end of 50 d, the animals were paired in groups (n = 12) as follows: 1) Diet 1 males and females; 2) Diet 2 males and Diet 1 females; 3) Diet 1 males and Diet 2 females; and 4) Diet 2 males and females. The pairs were maintained on the diets of their female partners and were allowed to cohabitate for 96 h. After this period the males were removed and the females were carried to term. Pregnancy rates among the four treatment groups were 100, 83.3, 75.0 and 54.5%, respectively. Similarly, the average number of pups born per litter among the four groups were 11.5, 8.0, 9.7, and 7.5, respectively. Also, the weights (grams) of pups born per litter were 17.5, 12.6, 12.4, and 9.8, respectively. The results point out that the reproductive capacity of both male and female mice are affected (P < 0.05) by the ingestion of endophyte-infected fescue seeds. Such negative effects were more severe in the female than the male (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

In an experiment with a 2x2 factorial arrangement of treatments, 32 virgin Angus heifers were used to study effects of tall fescue endophyte Acremonium coenophialum and energy supplementation on reproductive performance. Treatments were feeding of endophyte-free (EF) or endophyte-infected (EI) tall fescue without (0%) and with energy supplementation at one percent group mean body weight (1%). Blood samples were collected at 28-day intervals for prolactin (PRL). Starting 21 days before the breeding season, blood was also collected weekly for progesterone (P(4)) and PRL. After 99 days of grazing, heifers received Syncro-Mate-B (SMB) and were then artificially inseminated over a 30-day period. Heifers on EI-0% had a lower (P<0.05) average final body weight. Highest average daily gain was observed in heifers fed EF-1% (0.98 kg/day), whereas, heifers fed EI-0% had lowest average daily gain (0.53 kg/day; P<0.05). Endophyte-infected fescue depressed serum PRL concentrations (171 and 143 ng/ml vs 70 and 85 ng/ml; EF-0% and EF-1% vs EI-0% and EI-1%, respectively; P<0.05). No differences were observed among treatments in luteal activity before or after SMB, in pregnancy rates after a synchronized estrus or in overall pregnancy rates during the 30-day breeding season. Endophyte-infected fescue decreased average daily gain and depressed serum concentrations of prolactin, but had no effect on reproductive performance as measured in this study.  相似文献   

1. Female Sprague-Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus) were randomly assigned to various dietary treatments containing: (1) 100% Purina rodent chow, ad libitum; (2) same as 1, but restricted to daily intake of 7; (3) 50% rodent chow (w/w) and 50% endophyte-free tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) seed; (4) same as 3, but restricted to intake of 5; (5) 50% rodent chow, 25% endophyte-free tall fescue seed and 25% endophyte-infected (Acremonium coenophialum) tall fescue seed; (6) 50% rodent chow, 12.5% endophyte-free and 37.5% endophyte-infected tall fescue seed; and (7) 50% rodent chow and 50% endophyte infected tall fescue seed. 2. Average daily feed intakes and average daily weight gains decreased with higher levels of endophyte infected seed. 3. Frequency of litter production was affected by all endophyte-infected containing diets. 4. Conception was reduced only in dietary treatment (7). 5. Litter weights, number of pups per litter and weight per pup were proportionally reduced as higher levels of infected seed were incorporated in the ingested diets.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effects of endophyte-infected tall fescue (KY-31) seed (80% infected, containing Acremonium coenophialum ) on the fertilization rates and embryonic development of CD-1 mice. Twenty-four pairs of mature CD-1 mice were randomly allocated to two dietary treatments containing 40% mouse chow and 1) 60% noninfected tall fescue seed or 2) 60% infected tall fescue seed (w/w). The mice were preconditioned on their respective diets for 60 d prior to 96 h of cohabitation between pairs of males and females. Following the removal of the males, equal numbers of females (n = 4) from each dietary treatment were sacrificed at 80 h, 6 and 10 d after vaginal plug establishment. The female reproductive tracts were excised and flushed to recover eggs and embryos or dissected to identify the number and status of the implanted fetuses. The number of eggs-embryos and/or fetuses per mouse present at the time of sacrifice were 9.8, 8.8 and 11.5 vs 8.2, 5.3 and 4.8 for the mice fed the noninfected and infected fescue seeds, respectively. Similarly, the conception rates (%) were 100, 100 and 100 vs 73, 50 and 50 for the two treatments. The mice sacrificed at 80 h and fed the noninfected fescue had 9.8 expanded blastocysts per animal, whereas those fed the infected fescue had only 4.0 expanded blastocysts. The results suggest that the infected fescue seed consumed by these mice had a significant effect on fertilization rates. More importantly, the infected fescue seed influenced negatively the development of these embryos during the embryonic-preimplantation period.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the effect of endophyte-infected (Acremonium coenophialum ) tall fescue (KY-31) on reproductive development in bulls. Eighteen Holstein bull calves (2 mo old) were randomly allocated to one of two dietary treatments consisting of 1) noninfected KY-31 fescue hay (NON) supplemented with grain (n=9) and 2) infected (67% infected by Acremonium coenophialum ) KY-31 fescue hay (INF) supplemented with grain (n=9). Both dietary treatments consisted of equal amounts of hay and grain. Data were collected every 14 d. Body weight, hip height and scrotal circumference did not differ (P>0.05) in the two treatments. Mean rectal temperatures also were not different in bulls (P = 0.12); however the infected bulls experienced higher rectal temperatures in all but four collection periods. Animals were sacrificed at 13 mo of age. Testicular weight and dimensions, epididymal weight and length as well as seminal vesicle weight were not different (P>0.05). Maturity of spermatozoa taken from each cauda epididymides was assessed by the incidence of cytoplasmic droplets and was not different (P>0.05) between treatments. Daily sperm production potential was not different (P>0.05) between treatments; however, large variations were noted among the infected bulls. Blood testosterone levels were not different (P=0.29) between the two dietary treatments, but were different over time (P<0.001) with NON and INF bulls having 2.14 +/- 0.21 and 2.41 +/- 0.22 ng/ml, respectively. Prolactin levels were different (P<0.02) between the NOn and INF bulls, 29.35 +/- 3.35 vs 18.31 +/- 3.39 ng/ml, respectively; and over time (P<0.001). The data generated in this study showed some important biological trends. Overall, the results indicate that endophyte infected KY-31 fescue hay fed to growing bulls did not appear to have severe detrimental effects on body growth or reproductive development. However, additional studies will be necessary to further delineate the patterns established in this study.  相似文献   

Endophyte-infected (E+) tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) plants grown in phosphorus (P) deficient soils accumulate more P in roots and shoots than noninfected isolines. In a growth chamber experiment, four tall fescue genotypes DN2, DN4, DN7, and DN11, infected with their naturally occurring strains of Neotyphodium coenophialum (Morgan-Jones & Gams) Glenn, Bacon & Hanlin, and their noninfected isolines (E-), were cultivated in nutrient solution at two P levels: 31 ppm (P+) and 0 ppm (P-) for 4 wk. The Fe3+ reducing activity of extracellular reductants and intact root tissues, and total phenolic concentration in roots and shoots were measured. Endophyte infection significantly increased Fe3+ reducing activity rate of extracellular reductants (9.6 × 10-3 mol Fe3+ h-1 g-1 root FW) when compared to E- plants (3.9 × 10-3) and Fe3+ reduction rate of intact root tissues (6.16 and 4.48 mol Fe3+ h-1 g-1 root FW, respectively for E+ and E- plants). In response to P deficiency, Fe3+ reduction rate of intact root tissues increased in E+ plants by 375% when compared to E- plants, whereas no significant differences were observed when P was provided. Total phenolic concentration was 20% greater in shoots of E+ plants than in E- plants. In response to P deficiency, total phenolic concentration significantly increased in roots of E+ plants by 7%, and decreased in roots of E- plants by 10%. The most active Fe3+ reducing zones were located along branching of secondary and tertiary roots. The Fe3+ reducing activity on the root surface and total phenolic concentration in roots and shoots increased dramatically in response to endophyte infection, especially under P limiting conditions.Visiting Scientist sponsored by the Fulbright Program No. 21133  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of feeding endophyte - infected (Acremonium coenophialum ) tall fescue seed to CD-1 mouse dams (P(1)) during gestation and lactation, and on the subsequent growth and sexual maturity (onset of puberty) of their male and female offspring (F(1)). Forty-eight 21 d old pups (24 male and 24 female F(1) mice) were weaned from dams fed one of two diets containing 50% rodent chow (w/w) and 50% KY-31 tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea ) seed. The seed in Diet 1 was noninfected, while the seed in Diet 2 was 80% endophyte-infected. At weaning (21 d), the F(1) pups were fed rodent chow, ad libitum throughout the remaining experimental period. At 24 d, they were paired with sexually mature non-treated virgin CD-1 mice (fed 100% rodent chow) for one parturition cycle. Male F(1) mice were sacrificed at 84 d to determine testicular development. The age at the birth of the first litter for Diet 2 F(1) male (76.8 +/- 2.2 d) and female (58.4 +/- 2.1 d) was significantly greater (P<0.05) than the age at parturition for Diet 1 male and female F(1) test mice (64.1 +/- 1.8 and 51.9 +/- 1.2 d, respectively). At parturition, the female F(1) mice showed no significant differences (P>0.05) in either mean parturition weight or number of F(2) pups born per litter. However, total F(2) litter wight (11.38 +/- 1.14 g) and mean weight per F(2) pup (1.40 +/- 0.04 g) for Diet 2 female F(1) mice litters were lower (P<0.05) when compared with Diet 1 females (14.53 +/- 0.57 g and 1.66 +/- 0.02 g, respectively). No significant differences were observed between the two male F(1) treatment groups, for total F(2) litter weight or the number of pups born per F(2) litter. Although Diet 2 F(1) males weighed significantly less (P<0.05) at weaning and at pairing, final body weights at sacrifice (84 d) were not different (P>0.05) from the Diet 1 males.  相似文献   

内生真菌感染对宿主植物高羊茅锌耐受性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李川  任安芝  高玉葆 《生态学报》2010,30(7):1684-1690
以感染内生真菌(Neotyphodium coenophialum)和未感染内生真菌的高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)为实验材料,在营养液中加入ZnSO4进行锌胁迫实验,分析内生真菌对宿主植物锌耐受性的影响。与未感染内生真菌的植株相比,内生真菌感染对高羊茅的总生物量没有显著增益作用,但增加了分蘖数和叶片延伸生长累积值。内生真菌感染降低了高羊茅中Zn2+的总含量,改变了锌在高羊茅中的分配,增加叶鞘中锌的含量,减少叶片中锌的含量。在高锌浓度下,内生真菌感染对净光合速率的变化没有影响,但是显著提高了其宿主的PSⅡ光化学效率(Fv/Fm)。总体来看,内生真菌感染改善宿主高羊茅的锌耐受性。  相似文献   

Eight dual-flow continuous culture vessels (700 ml) were used to compare in vitro effects of toxic, endophyte-infected (E+), endophyte-free (E−), and non-toxic, endophyte-infected (EN) Jesup tall fescue (vegetative stage) on ruminal fermentation at 4 levels (0, 150, 300, and 450 g kg−1 DM) of concentrate supplementation (ground corn) for a total of 12 experimental diets in a randomized incomplete block design with 2 replicates. Each culture vessel was offered a total of 15 g DM d−1. Forage was fed in four equal portions (fed at 03:00, 09:00, 15:00, and 21:00 h); and corn was fed in two equal portions (fed at 09:00 and 21:00 h). Headspace gas and liquid samples were analyzed for methane, ruminal culture pH, ammonia–N, and volatile fatty acid production. Ammonia–N output (g d−1) varied by grass; EN had lower values compared to those of E+ and E−. Increasing the level of grain linearly decreased ruminal culture pH, ammonia–N, acetate production, and the acetate-to-propionate ratio, whereas propionate and butyrate production increased with higher grain supplementation. Ruminal fermentation was minimally altered by the presence of the endophyte; however, for the highest level of grain fed (450 g kg−1 DM fed) the methane production pattern for all three grasses was altered. In addition to having the lowest ruminal ammonia–N accumulation, the non-toxic, endophyte-infected fescue resulted in the lowest methane production measured.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine whether consumption of endophyte-infected fescue seed affected male reproduction differently in a mouse line previously selected for susceptibility (S) to fescue toxicosis than in a line previously selected for fescue toxicosis resistance (R). For 8 weeks following weaning, 48 males per line were provided diets containing 50% of either endophyte-infected (E+) or endophyte-free (E-) fescue seed. Each male was then paired with a female for 1 week, with litter size and weight recorded from subsequent births. Males were then killed, testes and seminal vesicles were weighed, cauda epididymal sperm were collected and testis cross-sections were fixed. The E+ diet reduced litter size by 0.5 in mates of S males but increased it by 1.0 in mates of R males (line by diet interaction P=0.05). Testis traits were not affected by diet or the line by diet interaction. Sperm integrity was adversely affected by the E+ diet (P<0.01) but did not differ significantly between lines, nor were line by diet interactions important. In earlier work, the E+ diet reduced long-term reproduction by a larger amount in S- than in R-line mated pairs. Because the E+ diet had similar effects on reproductive traits in R and S males in the current experiment, we infer that the differential impact previously reported acted primarily through traits expressed in females.  相似文献   

以感染内生真菌(endophyte-infected,EI)和不感染内生真菌(endophyte-free,EF)的高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)为材料,在温室沙培条件下研究内生真菌对高羊茅适应缺磷及利用不同形态磷肥的影响。结果表明,1)缺磷条件下,高羊茅EI和EF植株生长差异不显著;正常供磷条件下,高羊茅EI植株拥有更多分蘖数和绿叶数。说明正常供磷条件下内生真菌改善了宿主高羊茅的生长。2)与水溶性磷相比,高羊茅根有机酸和酸性磷酸酶(acid phosphatase,APase)活性在难溶性磷条件下显著增加,而根总酚含量无显著变化。在水溶性磷条件下,高羊茅EI植株根总酚含量显著高于EF植株,此时EI植株比EF植株拥有更多分蘖数和绿叶数,说明在水溶性磷条件下内生真菌对宿主地上部生长具有一定贡献。在难溶性磷条件下,虽然高羊茅EI植株根总酚含量仍然高于EF植株,但同时EI植株根有机酸含量显著低于EF植株,因此内生真菌感染只是增大了宿主植物的根冠比,而对分蘖数和绿叶数等无显著影响,说明内生真菌对宿主利用难溶性磷贡献不大。可见,内生真菌对宿主植物的生长在水溶性磷条件下更有利。  相似文献   

Atmospheric CO2 is expected to increase to between 550 ppm and 1000 ppm in the next century. CO2‐induced changes in plant physiology can have ecosystem‐wide implications and may alter plant‐plant, plant‐herbivore and plant‐symbiont interactions. We examined the effects of three concentrations of CO2 (390, 800 and 1000 ppm) and two concentrations of nitrogen fertilizer (0.004 g N/week versus 0.2 g N/week) on the physiological response of Neotyphodium fungal endophyte‐infected and uninfected tall fescue plants. We used quantitative PCR to estimate the concentration of endophyte under altered CO2 and N conditions. We found that elevated CO2 increased the concentration of water‐soluble carbohydrates and decreased the concentration of plant total amino acids in plants. Fungal‐derived alkaloids decreased in response to elevated CO2 and increased in response to nitrogen fertilization. Endophyte concentration (expressed as the number of copies of an endophyte‐specific gene per total genomic DNA) increased under elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilization. The correlation between endophyte concentration and alkaloid production observed at ambient conditions was not observed under elevated CO2. These results suggest that nutrient exchange dynamics important for maintaining the symbiotic relationship between fungal endophytes and their grass hosts may be altered by changes in environmental variables such as CO2 and nitrogen fertilization.  相似文献   

M. H. Rahman  S. Saiga 《Plant and Soil》2005,272(1-2):163-171
Neotyphodium coenophialuminteracts mutualistically with its host grasses. Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) plants infected by the fungal endophyte,Neotyphodium coenophialum(Morgan-Jones and Gams) Glenn, Bacon and Hanlin, often perform better than non-infected plants, especially in limited resource environments. However, there is a scarcity of information about endophyte-grass ecotypes interaction in Andisols of temperate regions. Clones of three tall fescue ecotypes (Fukaura, Koiwai and Showa) either infected with N. coenophialum (E+) or noninfected (E–) were grown in Andisols (Black Andisol: naturally low content of phosphorus, high in other nutrients; Red Andisol: naturally high content of phosphorus, low in other nutrients) for 133 days in a controlled environment. Cumulative shoot dry weight, daily regrowth rates (tiller number, plant height and shoot dry matter) after clippings and nutrient uptake, transport and efficiency ratios were measured. In Black Andisol, E+ plants had significantly higher cumulative shoot dry weight as well as daily regrowth rates than E– plants, while in Red Andisol the reverse was true. Among the ecotypes studied, Showa had the highest shoot growth. Significantly higher phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) uptake as well as transport were identified in E+ vs. E– plants grown in Black Andisol. With few exceptions, values for nutrient efficiency ratios were not significantly different between E+ and E– plants grown in both soils. Significant three-way interaction (endophyte × ecotype × soil) for cumulative shoot dry weight and regrowth rate revealed that the ecotype specific regrowth responses to endophyte infection were depended on soil nutrient conditions. Vegetative growth and nutrient acquisition in tall fescue varied with ecotype and were modified by abiotic (soil fertility status) as well as biotic (endophyte infection) factors.  相似文献   

In the cell walls of forage grasses, ferulic acid is esterified to arabinoxylans and participates with lignin monomers in oxidative coupling pathways to generate ferulate–polysaccharide–lignin complexes that cross-link the cell wall. Such cross-links hinder cell wall degradation by ruminant microbes, reducing plant digestibility. In this study, genetically modified Festuca arundinacea plants were produced expressing an Aspergillus niger ferulic acid esterase (FAEA) targeted to the vacuole. The rice actin promoter proved to be effective for FAEA expression, as did the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S and maize ubiquitin promoters. Higher levels of expression were, however, found with inducible heat-shock and senescence promoters. Following cell death and subsequent incubation, vacuole-targeted FAEA resulted in the release of both monomeric and dimeric ferulic acids from the cell walls, and this was enhanced several fold by the addition of exogenous endo-1,4-β-xylanase. Most of the FAEA-expressing plants showed increased digestibility and reduced levels of cell wall esterified phenolics relative to non-transformed plants. It is concluded that targeted FAEA expression is an effective strategy for improving wall digestibility in Festuca and, potentially, other grass species used for fodder or cellulosic ethanol production.  相似文献   

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