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Recent work from our laboratory suggests that a complex interaction exists between ovarian and adrenal steroids in the regulation of preovulatory gonadotropin secretion. Ovarian estradiol serves to set the neutral trigger for the preovulatory gonadotropin surge, while progesterone from both the adrenal and the ovary serves to (1) initiate, (2) synchronize, (3) potentiate and (4) limit the preovulatory LH surge to a single day. Administration of RU486 or the progesterone synthesis inhibitor, trilostane, on proestrous morning attenuated the preovulatory LH surge. Adrenal progesterone appears to play a role in potentiating the LH surge since RU486 still effectively decreased the LH surge even in animals ovariectomized at 0800 h on proestrus. The administration of ACTH to estrogen-primed ovariectomized (ovx) immature rats caused a LH and FSH surge 6 h later, demonstrating that upon proper stimulation, the adrenal can induce gonadotropin surges. The effect was specific for ACTH, required estrogen priming, and was blocked by adrenalectomy or RU486, but not by ovariectomy. Certain corticosteroids, most notably deoxycorticosterone and triamcinolone acetonide, were found to possess "progestin-like" activity in the induction of LH and FSH surges in estrogen-primed ovx rats. In contrast, corticosterone and dexamethasone caused a preferential release of FSH, but not LH. Progesterone-induced surges of LH and FSH appear to require an intact N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) neurotransmission line, since administration of the NMDA receptor antagonist, MK801, blocked the ability of progesterone to induce LH and FSH surges. Similarly, NMDA neurotransmission appears to be a critical component in the expression of the preovulatory gonadotropin surge since administration of MK801 during the critical period significantly diminished the LH and PRL surge in the cycling adult rat. FSH levels were lowered by MK801 treatment, but the effect was not statistically significant. The progesterone-induced gonadotropin surge appears to also involve mediation through NPY and catecholamine systems. Immediately preceding the onset of the LH and FSH surge in progesterone-treated estrogen-primed ovx. rats, there was a significant elevation of MBH and POA GnRH and NPY levels, which was followed by a significant fall at the onset of the LH surge. The effect of progesterone on inducing LH and FSH surges also appears to involve alpha 1 and alpha 2 adrenergic neuron activation since prazosin and yohimbine (alpha 1 and 2 blockers, respectively) but not propranolol (a beta-blocker) abolished the ability of progesterone to induce LH and FSH surges. Progesterone also caused a dose-dependent decrease in occupied nuclear estradiol receptors in the pituitary.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the positive feedback mechanism of estrogen on gonadotropin release in women, the responses of plasma LH and FSH to the constant infusion of estradiol-17 beta for a prolonged period were studied. The infusion was initiated on various days of the follicular phase and maintained for 36-66 hr at a constant rate of 500 or 1,000 microgram/24 hr. When the stimulus of estradiol was sustained for more than 30 hr in the women of the middle or late follicular phase, a positive feedback effect to elicit gonadotropin surges was observed during the maintenance of the infusion. In contrast, the stimulus of estrogen was ineffective in the early follicular phase, even if sustained for a longer period up to 66 hr. Gonadotropin levels, also, increased after the end of infusion. The magnitude of the responses, however, was much smaller, as compared to spontaneous preovulatory gonadotropin surges. In all cases, the effect of estradiol was greater for LH than for FSH. It is suggested that: 1) Preovulatory gonadotropin surges are triggered by estrogen increments rather than the withdrawal of the negative feedback effect of estrogen. 2) Low levels of estrogen for a certain period of the early follicular phase may play an important role in priming the control system which responds to the positive feedback effect of estrogen.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate endocrine mechanisms by which the immune/inflammatory stimulus endotoxin disrupts the follicular phase of the estrous cycle of the ewe. In both studies, endotoxin was infused i.v. (300 ng/kg per hour) for 26 h beginning 12 h after withdrawal of progesterone to initiate the follicular phase. Experiment 1 sought to pinpoint which endocrine step or steps in the preovulatory sequence are compromised by endotoxin. In sham-infused controls, estradiol rose progressively from the time of progesterone withdrawal until the LH/FSH surges and estrous behavior, which began approximately 48 h after progesterone withdrawal. Endotoxin interrupted the preovulatory estradiol rise and delayed or blocked the LH/FSH surges and estrus. Experiment 2 tested the hypothesis that endotoxin suppresses the high-frequency LH pulses necessary to stimulate the preovulatory estradiol rise. All 6 controls exhibited high-frequency LH pulses typically associated with the preovulatory estradiol rise. As in the first experiment, endotoxin interrupted the estradiol rise and delayed or blocked the LH/FSH surges and estrus. LH pulse patterns, however, differed among the six endotoxin-treated ewes. Three showed markedly disrupted LH pulses compared to those of controls. The three remaining experimental ewes expressed LH pulses similar to those of controls; yet the estradiol rise and preovulatory LH surge were still disrupted. Our results demonstrate that endotoxin invariably interrupts the preovulatory estradiol rise and delays or blocks the subsequent LH and FSH surges in the ewe. Mechanistically, endotoxin can interfere with the preovulatory sequence of endocrine events via suppression of LH pulsatility, although other processes such as ovarian responsiveness to gonadotropin stimulation appear to be disrupted as well.  相似文献   

In order to prove the acute stimulatory effects of estrogen on pituitary gonadotropin release, we have performed the present experiments in 8 women with a hypergonadotropic state due to surgical castration or primary ovarian failure. They received gonadotropin releasing hormone (Gn-RH) for 12-21 h at the constant rate of 20 micrograms/h. In 5 of the women, estradiol-17 beta was concomitantly administered at the rate of 20 micrograms/h from 6 h after the start of Gn-RH infusion. Blood samples were collected frequently throughout the experiments for the analysis of LH, FSH and estradiol. In response to the sole stimulation of Gn-RH, remarkable and prompt rises in LH (313.5%), but to a lesser degree in FSH (194.2%), were observed within the initial 3 h, and their high levels were maintained throughout the experimental period. However, the additional administration of estradiol brought on a further sudden rise in both gonadotropins levels: 178.3% for LH and 163.5% for FSH within 2 h. These high levels were sustained during estradiol infusions. In 2 of them, blood samples were obtained for several hours after cessation of estradiol infusion. The circulating gonadotropin level dropped precipitously close to the baseline level within 3 h after estradiol infusions. Our data indicate that estrogen has an acute and strong augmentative effect on Gn-RH induced gonadotropin release in addition to its conventional negative and positive feedback effects.  相似文献   

The concentrations of six steroids and of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were measured in follicular fluid from preovulatory and large atretic follicles of normal Holstein heifers and from preovulatory follicles of heifers treated with a hormonal regimen that induces superovulation. Follicular fluid from preovulatory follicles of normal animals obtained prior to the LH surge contained extremely high concentrations of estradiol (1.1 +/- 0.06 micrograms/ml), with estrone concentrations about 20-fold less. Androstenedione was the predominant aromatizable androgen (278 +/- 44 ng/ml; testosterone = 150 +/- 39 ng/ml). Pregnenolone (40 +/- 3 ng/ml) was consistently higher than progesterone (25 +/- 3 ng/ml). In fluid obtained at 15 and 24 h after the onset of estrus, estradiol concentrations had declined 6- and 12-fold, respectively; androgen concentrations had decreased 10- to 20-fold; and progesterone concentrations were increased, whereas pregnenolone concentrations had declined. Concentrations of LH and FSH in these follicles were similar to plasma levels of these hormones before and after the gonadotropin surges. The most striking difference between mean steroid levels in large atretic follicles (greater than 1 cm in diameter) and preovulatory follicles obtained before the LH surge was that estradiol concentrations were about 150 times lower in atretic follicles. Atretic follicles also had much lower concentrations of LH and slightly lower concentrations of FSH than preovulatory follicles. Hormone concentrations in follicles obtained at 12 h after the onset of estrus from heifers primed for superovulation were similar to those observed in normal preovulatory follicles at estrus + 15 h, except that estrogen concentrations were about 6-40 times lower and there was more variability among animals for both steroid and gonadotropin concentrations. Variability in the concentrations of reproductive hormones in fluid from heifers primed for superovulation suggests that the variations in numbers of normal embryos obtained with this treatment may be due, at least in part, to abnormal follicular steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

Estradiol secreted by the maturing follicle is the primary trigger for the surge of gonadotropins leading to ovulation. Progesterone has stimulatory or inhibitory actions on this estrogen-induced gonadotropin surge depending upon the time and dose of administration. The administration of progesterone to immature ovariectomized rats primed with a low dose of estradiol induced a well-defined LH surge and prolonged FSH release, a pattern similar to the proestrus surge of gonadotropins. A physiological role of progesterone is indicated in the normal ovulatory process because a single injection of the progesterone antagonist RU 486 on the day of proestrus in the adult cycling rat and on the day of the gonadotropin surge in the pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin stimulated immature rat resulted in an attenuated gonadotropin surge and reduced the number of ova per ovulating rat. Progesterone administration brought about a rapid LHRH release and an decrease in nuclear accumulation of estrogen receptors in the anterior pituitary but not the hypothalamus. The progesterone effect was demonstrated in vitro in the uterus and anterior pituitary and appears to be confined to occupied estradiol nuclear receptors. In in vivo experiments the progesterone effect on estradiol nuclear receptors appeared to be of approximately 2-h duration, which coincided with the time period of progesterone nuclear receptor accumulation after a single injection of progesterone. During the period of progesterone effects on nuclear estrogen receptors, the ability of estrogens to induce progesterone receptors was impaired. Based on the above results, a model is proposed for the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of progesterone on gonadotropin secretion.  相似文献   

In mice deficient in progesterone receptor (PR), follicles of ovulatory size develop but fail to ovulate, providing evidence for an essential role for progesterone and PR in ovulation in mice. However, little is known about the expression and regulation of PR mRNA in preovulatory follicles of ruminant species. One objective of this study was to determine whether and when PR mRNA is expressed in bovine follicular cells during the periovulatory period. Luteolysis and the LH/FSH surge were induced with prostaglandin F(2alpha) and a GnRH analogue, respectively, and the preovulatory follicle was obtained at 0, 3.5, 6, 12, 18, or 24 h after GnRH treatment. RNase protection assays revealed a transient increase in levels of PR mRNA, which peaked at 6 h after GnRH and declined to the time 0 value by 12 h and a second increase at 24 h. The second objective was to investigate the mechanisms that regulate PR mRNA expression through in vitro studies on follicular cells of preovulatory follicles obtained before the LH/FSH surge. Theca and granulosa cells were isolated and cultured with or without a luteinizing dose of LH or FSH, progesterone, LH + progesterone, or LH + antiprogestin (RU486). Levels of PR mRNA increased in a time-dependent manner in granulosa cells cultured with LH or FSH and in theca cells cultured with LH, peaking at 10 h of culture. In contrast, progesterone (200 ng/ml) did not upregulate mRNA for its own receptor, and neither progesterone nor RU486 affected LH-stimulated PR mRNA accumulation. Furthermore, RU486 completely blocked LH-stimulated expression of oxytocin mRNA, indicating that PR induced by LH in vitro is functional. These results show that the gonadotropin surge induces a rapid and transient increase in expression of PR mRNA in both theca and granulosa cells of bovine periovulatory follicles followed by a second rise close to the time of ovulation and that the first increase in PR mRNA can be mimicked in vitro by gonadotropins but not by progesterone. These results suggest multiple and time-dependent roles for progesterone and PR in the regulation of periovulatory events in cattle.  相似文献   

Chronic (2-4 days) constant-rate infusions of mammalian gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) were performed in female bullfrogs, Rana catesbeiana. The magnitude and temporal relationship of profiles of plasma follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and sex steroids [testosterone (T), estradiol-17 beta (E2) and progesterone (P)] during GnRH infusion were dependent on ovarian stage. However, in all females, the same biphasic increase in plasma gonadotropins was apparent and initial elevations in gonadotropins were accompanied by correlated increments in plasma T and E2. Complete pituitary "desensitization" to chronic GnRH infusion was not observed. Females in early follicular stages were relatively unresponsive to infusions of 1.0-10.0 micrograms/h GnRH; elevations in plasma LH were marginal and FSH was unchanged. Females with fully developed (preovulatory) ovaries were more responsive: infusion of 1.0 micrograms/h GnRH produced significant elevations in plasma LH by 2 h followed by even larger increases ("surges") after 12 h. This LH "surge" was preceded by a decline in plasma T and E2 and was accompanied by abrupt elevations in plasma P and by ovulation. Postovulatory females showed a more gradual and smaller increase in plasma LH. Infusion of GnRH in the female bullfrog establishes a clear relationship between pituitary responsiveness and the ovarian cycle not evident from acute GnRH injection; GnRH was most effective immediately before ovulation. These data are also the first to detail periovulatory changes in plasma gonadotropins and ovarian steroids in an amphibian.  相似文献   

This report provides evidence that an increment in serum gonadotropin levels occurs at puberty in the sheep and that this reflects the critical hormonal event culminating in first ovulation in this species. Blood samples were collected from 6 female lambs at 4-h intervals for a period of approximately 2 mo around the expected time of puberty (32 wk of age) until behavioral estrus was observed and ovulation was verified by assay of serum progesterone. Patterns of circulating LH, FSH, progesterone, and estradiol concentrations were characterized during the peripubertal period for each lamb. A rise in serum levels of both LH and FSH began approximately 7-10 days before the first preovulatory surge of gonadotropins. Although the increase in gonadotropin levels occurred gradually over several days, serum estradiol levels rose only during the final 40-60 h prior to the preovulatory surge of gonadotropin. Serum progesterone profiles revealed, however, that normal (14-16-day) luteal phases were induced in only 2 of 6 females as a result of the first surge. In four lambs, a short luteal phase of 2.5 days' duration occurred, which was followed by another estradiol rise and a preovulatory surge that then resulted in a full luteal phase of 14 days' duration. These data demonstrate clearly that the precipitating event at puberty in the female sheep is an increase in circulating gonadotropin levels and that the estradiol secreted from the newly stimulated follicle provides the signal for the first preovulatory surge.  相似文献   

The preovulatory surge of gonadotropins induces meiotic maturation of the oocyte, the follicular/luteal phase shift in hormone production, and ovulation. This complex and rapid series of developmental changes is difficult to study in large mammals, such as primates and ruminants, because variability in the length of individual reproductive cycles makes it virtually impossible to predict the time of the LH surge. We have validated an experimental model for inducing the LH surge and ovulation in cattle and used it to study the sequence of changes in hormone secretion and some of the mechanisms of these changes. Luteolysis and a follicular phase were induced by injection of prostaglandin F(2alpha); injection of a GnRH analogue 36 h later induced an LH surge and ovulation. The LH surge peaked 2 h after GnRH and ovulation followed 22-31 h after the surge, consistent with the periovulatory interval in natural cycles. The ensuing luteal phase was normal, both in length and in concentrations of circulating progesterone. In experiment I, the uteroovarian effluent was collected, via cannulation of the vena cava, at frequent intervals relative to GnRH injection. Circulating estradiol declined progressively after GnRH, reaching a nadir by 8-10 h before ovulation, whereas concentrations of androstenedione and testosterone remained constant. In experiment II, preovulatory follicles were obtained at 0, 3.5, 6, 12, 18, or 24 h after GNRH: Concentrations of androgens and estradiol were measured in follicular fluid and medium from cultures of follicle wall (theca + granulosa cells); steady-state levels of mRNA for 17alpha-hydroxylase (17alphaOH) and P450 aromatase were measured in follicular tissue. Shortly after the LH surge (3.5 h post-GnRH) there was an acute increase in the capacity of follicular tissue to secrete androstenedione, but not estradiol, in vitro. Thereafter, both androgens and estradiol declined, both in follicular fluid and in medium collected from cultures of follicle wall. Levels of mRNA for 17alphaOH and aromatase in follicle wall decreased significantly by 6 h after GnRH, suggesting that declining levels of these enzymes underlie the decreases in steroid production by follicular cells. These results show that in cattle the preovulatory decrease in follicular estradiol production is mediated by redundant mechanisms, because androgen production and the capacity of granulosa cells to convert androgens to estradiol decline coordinately, in concert with decreases in mRNA for 17alphaOH and P450 aromatase.  相似文献   

L V Swanson  S K McCarthy 《Steroids》1986,47(2-3):101-114
A significant dose-response relationship between gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and time to luteinizing hormone (LH) peak, peak serum LH and total serum LH was obtained in prepubertal Holstein heifers (28 weeks of age) (Experiment 1). For the second experiment, the effect of steroid feedback on the anterior pituitary was determined. A steady infusion of saline, estradiol-17 beta or progesterone was maintained for 24 h while GnRH, in various schemes, was administered 8 h after the beginning of steroid infusion. Estradiol-17 beta infusion (2.08 micrograms/h), although it did not affect peripheral concentrations of estrogen, caused an LH release 24 to 30 h later in 37.5% of the heifers. This amount of exogenous estrogen did not affect the LH response to a single GnRH (4 micrograms) challenge. When the same GnRH dosage (4 micrograms) was administered 6 times at hourly intervals, the heifers infused with estradiol had a lower response after the first 2 injections of GnRH and a greater response after the last 4 injections than heifers infused with saline. When GnRH was infused (4 micrograms/h) for 6 h, beginning 8 h after steroid infusion, estradiol infusion caused a significantly higher peak LH and total LH release than an infusion of either saline or progesterone (7.3 micrograms/h). The progesterone infusion had no effect on the GnRH-stimulated LH release. We conclude that prepubertal dairy heifers have an anterior pituitary capable of responding to the feedback effect of estrogen in a positive manner.  相似文献   

In long-term (greater than 4 wk) ovariectomized rats the positive response of the gonadotropin release apparatus to a priming dose of estradiol is moderate as compared with that of proestrous rats exposed to endogenous estradiol. In the present study, high sensitivity to estrogen was restored in long-term ovariectomized rats by pretreatment with estradiol benzoate (EB, 20 micrograms, day 0) and progesterone (P, 2.5 mg, day 3). Estradiol benzoate (20 micrograms) given on day 5 induced proestrus-like surges of LH and FSH in the afternoon on day 6. Additional administration of P (2.5 mg at noon on day 6) had a facilitatory effect. Stimulation of LH release could be evoked in rats by the described regimen 1, 6 or 50 wk after ovariectomy. The long-term ovariectomized rat injected with EB and P as described might provide a useful model for neuroendocrinological investigations on the gonadotropin surge mechanism.  相似文献   

Anterior pituitary glands were removed from 27 intact cycling rhesus monkeys sacrificed in the early (Day 2), mid (Days 6--9) and late (Days 11--12) follicular phase, and in the early and late luteal phase (3--5 and 10--15 days after the midcycle luteinizing hormone (LH) surge). Assignment of cycle stage was confirmed by the pattern of circulating steroid and gonadotropin levels seen in the blood samples taken daily throughout the cycle. The anterior pituitary glands were weighed, stored at -30 degrees C and assayed for LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) content by specific radioimmunoassays. Serum estradiol levels and pituitary LH and FSH contents rose simultaneously during the follicular phase. After the preovulatory gonadotropin surge, pituitary LH content was low and invariant. Pituitary FSH content reached a nadir in the early luteal phase and tended to rise in the late luteal phase. Multiple correlation analyses revealed that there is a positive correlation between rising levels of estradiol in the circulation and pituitary LH (p = 0.003) and FSH (p = 0.017) content, and that there is a significant negative correlation between circulating progesterone levels and pituitary FSH content (p = 0.002). Pituitary LH content is less strongly related to circulating progesterone levels. There was no significant difference in the wet weights of the anterior pituitary glands during the five phases of the menstrual cycle studied.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine the effects of passively immunizing pigs against gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) during the follicular phase of the estrous cycle. In Experiment 1, sows were given GnRH antibodies at weaning and they lacked estrogen secretion during the five days immediately after weaning and had delayed returns to estrus. In Experiment 2, gilts passively immunized against GnRH on Day 16 or 17 of the estrous cycle (Day 0 = first day of estrus) had lower (P<0.03) concentrations of estradiol-17beta than control gilts, and they did not exhibited estrus at the expected time (Days 18 to 22). When observed three weeks after passive immunization, control gilts had corpora lutea present on their ovaries, whereas GnRH-immunized gilts had follicles and no corpora lutea. The amount of GnRH antiserum given did not alter (P<0.05) serum concentrations of LH or pulsatile release of LH in sows and gilts. In Experiment 3, prepuberal gilts were given 1,000 IU PMSG at 0 h and GnRH antiserum at 72 and 120 h. This treatment lowered the preovulatory surge of LH and FSH, but it did not alter serum estradiol-17beta concentrations, the proportion of pigs exhibiting estrus, or the ovulation rate. These results indicate that passive immunization of pigs against GnRH before initiation of or during the early part of the follicular phase of the estrous cycle retards follicular development, whereas administration of GnRH antibodies during the latter stages of follicular development does not have an affect. Since the concentration of antibodies was not high enough to alter basal or pulsatile LH secretion, the mechanism of action of the GnRH antiserum may involve a direct ovarian action.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to examine the effect of estradiol on secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and on the number of receptors for gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) after down regulation of GnRH receptors in ovariectomized ewes. In the first experiment, ovariectomized ewes were administered one of four treatments: Group 1) infusion of GnRH i.v. for 40 h; Group 2) injection of 100 micrograms estradiol i.m.; Group 3) infusion of GnRH i.v. for 16 h followed immediately by an injection of 100 micrograms estradiol i.m.; and Group 4) infusion of GnRH i.v. for 40 h plus injection of 100 micrograms estradiol i.m. after the 16th h of infusion. Ewes in Groups 1, 3 and 4 responded to the infusion of GnRH with an immediate increase in serum concentrations of LH, with maximum values occurring between 2 and 4 h after the start of infusion; serum concentrations of LH then began to decline and were approaching the pretreatment baseline within 16 h. Administration of estradiol resulted in a surge of LH regardless of whether the pituitary had been desensitized by infusion of GnRH or not. In all cases the magnitude of the surge was similar to that induced by the initial infusion of GnRH. In Groups 2 and 3 the surge of LH began at 12.3 +/- 0.1 and 11.9 +/- 0.1 h after administration of estradiol. In contrast, the ewes in Group 4 had a surge of LH beginning 3.7 +/- 0.1 h after administration of estradiol.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To verify the role of dopaminergic mechanisms in the control of gonadotropin secretion in normal and hyperprolactinemic women, we examined the gonadotropin response to GnRH (100 micrograms i.v.) administration in both basal conditions and during low-dose dopamine (DA, 0.1 microgram/kg/min) infusion. Hyperprolactinemic women, either with microadenoma or without radiological signs of pituitary tumor, showed significantly enhanced LH and FSH responses to GnRH in comparison with normal cycling women. 0.1 microgram/kg/min DA infusion did not result in any appreciable suppression of serum gonadotropin levels but significantly reduced the LH and FSH responses to GnRH in both normal and amenorrheic hyperprolactinemic women. Although both LH and FSH levels remained higher in hyperprolactinemic patients than in normal women after GnRH, the gonadotroph's sensitivity to DA inhibition was normal in the hyperprolactinemic group, as both control subjects and patients with hyperprolactinemic showed similar per cent suppression of GnRH-stimulated gonadotropin release during DA. These data confirm that hypothalamic DA modulates the gonadotroph's responsiveness to GnRH. The increased LH and FSH responses to GnRH in hyperprolactinemic patients and their reduction during low-dose DA infusion seem to indicate that endogenous DA inhibition of pituitary gonadotropin release is reduced rather than enhanced in women with pathological hyperprolactinemia.  相似文献   

Changes in the frequency of GnRH and LH pulses have been shown to occur between the luteal and preovulatory periods in the ovine estrous cycle. We examined the effect of these different frequencies of GnRH pulses on pituitary concentrations of LH and FSH subunit mRNAs. Eighteen ovariectomized ewes were implanted with progesterone to eliminate endogenous GnRH release during the nonbreeding season. These animals then received 3 ng/kg body weight GnRH in frequencies of once every 4, 1, or 0.5 h for 4 days. These frequencies represent those observed during the luteal and follicular phases, and the preovulatory LH and FSH surge of the ovine estrous cycle, respectively. On day 4, the ewes were killed and their anterior pituitary glands were removed for measurements of pituitary LH, FSH, and their subunit mRNAs. Pituitary content of LH and FSH, as assessed by RIA, did not change (P greater than 0.10) in response to the three different GnRH pulse frequencies. However, subunit mRNA concentrations, assessed by solution hybridization assays and expressed as femtomoles per mg total RNA, did change as a result of different GnRH frequencies. alpha mRNA concentrations were higher (P less than 0.05) when the GnRH pulse frequency was 1/0.5 h and 1 h, whereas LH beta and FSH beta mRNA concentrations were maximal (P less than 0.05) only at a pulse frequency of 1/h. Additionally, pituitary LH and FSH secretory response to GnRH on day 4 was maximal (P = 0.05) when the pulse infusion was 1/h.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Deeply acyclic (seasonally anovulatory) mares were treated with GnRH or a GnRH analogue to induce follicular development and ovulation. Courses of GnRH (3--4) were administered at approximately 10-day intervals to reproduce the gonadotrophin surges which precede ovulation in the normal cycle. Exogenous progesterone was administered in an attempt to reproduce the luteal phase pattern. Induced serum FSH concentrations were comparable to those causing follicular development in the normal cycle, but induced LH levels were lower and of shorter duration than those of the periovulatory surge. Three of 4 mares treated with GnRH appeared to ovulate, but did not establish CL. Nine of 10 mares given GnRH analogue also developed follicles during the final treatment course, as did mares treated with progesterone only, while only 1 of 5 untreated control mares showed any ovarian development. Failure to induce final follicular maturation and CL development by this treatment regimen may be due to an inadequate LH surge at the time of the expected ovulation associated with the low preovulatory oestradiol-17 beta surge, possibly caused by the preceding FSH stimulation being inadequate or inappropriate. Progesterone treatment increased baseline FSH concentrations in GnRH-treated mares, and also stimulated follicular development in mares not treated with GnRH, indicating a possible role for progesterone in folliculogenesis and, indirectly, ovulation.  相似文献   

Progesterone secretion remained significantly higher during diestrus in the 5-day cyclic rat than in the 4-day cyclic animal. Injection of a sufficient amount of antiprogesterone serum (APS) at 2300 h on metestrus in a 5-day cycle advances ovulation and completion of the cycle by 1 day in the majority of animals (75 and 80%, respectively). Progesterone (250 micrograms) administered with APS eliminated the effect of the antiserum. Within 2 h after administration of APS, levels of both follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) elevated significantly, while a significant elevation of plasma estradiol above the control value followed as late as 36 h after the treatment. None of the 5-day cyclic rats treated with APS showed ovulatory increases of FSH and LH at 1700 h on the second day of diestrus, although 3 of the 4 animals receiving the same treatment ovulated by 1100 h on the following day. The onset of ovulatory release of gonadotropins might have been delayed for several hours in these animals. These results indicate that recurrence of the 5-day cycle is due to an elevated progesterone secretion on the morning of diestrus, and suggest that a prolongation of luteal progesterone secretion in an estrous cycle suppresses gonadotropin secretion. Rather than directly blocking the estrogen triggering of ovulatory LH surge, the prolonged secretion of luteal progesterone may delay the estrogen secretion itself, which decreases the threshold of the neural and/or hypophyseal structures for ovulatory LH release.  相似文献   

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