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ON-center and OFF-center receptive fields of cat retinal ganglion cells can be divided into two categories: sensitive (type N) and insensitive (type L) to three statistical temporal visual stimuli with different second order statistics but identical first order statistics (Tsukada et al. 1982). The temporal pattern sensitivity of type N response is closely related to the nonlinear stage of Y cells depending on the interaction between center and surround mechanism. The temporal pattern sensitivity of type N responses has a spatial profile within the receptive field; it is highly sensitive in the center region of the receptive field and less sensitive toward the field periphery. The temporal pattern sensitivity in the center region of the receptive field to statistical properties (irregular or regular) of a surrounding flash annulus shows modulation like a switching element: when the surrounding area is stimulated by a more regular flash stimulus with normal distribution of inter-stimulus intervals the system is sensitive (switching on) to the temporal pattern, while a change to an irregular one with an exponential distribution makes it insensitive (switching off) to the temporal pattern.  相似文献   

The speed of signal conduction is a factor determining the temporal properties of individual neurons and neuronal networks. We observed very different conduction velocities within the receptive field of fast-type On-Off transient amacrine cells in carp retina cells, which are tightly coupled to each other via gap junctions. The fastest speeds were found in the dorsal area of the receptive fields, on average five times faster than those detected within the ventral area. The asymmetry was similar in the On- and Off-part of the responses, thus being independent of the pathway, pointing to the existence of a functional mechanism within the recorded cells themselves. Nonetheless, the spatial decay of the graded-voltage photoresponse within the receptive field was found to be symmetrical, with the amplitude center of the receptive field being displaced to the faster side from the minimum-latency location. A sample of the orientation of varicosity-laden polyaxons in neurobiotin-injected cells supported the model, revealing that approximately 75% of these processes were directed dorsally from the origin cells. Based on these results, we modeled the velocity asymmetry and the displacement of amplitude center by adding a contribution of an asymmetric polyaxonal inhibition to the network. Due to the asymmetry in the conduction velocity, the time delay of a light response is proposed to depend on the origin of the photostimulus movement, a potentially important mechanism underlying direction selectivity within the inner retina.  相似文献   

Li H  Liu WZ  Liang PJ 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e34336
Nearby retinal ganglion cells of similar functional subtype have a tendency to discharge spikes in synchrony. The synchronized activity is involved in encoding some aspects of visual input. On the other hand, neurons always continuously adjust their activities in adaptation to some features of visual stimulation, including mean ambient light, contrast level, etc. Previous studies on adaptation were primarily focused on single neuronal activity, however, it is also intriguing to investigate the adaptation process in population neuronal activities. In the present study, by using multi-electrode recording system, we simultaneously recorded spike discharges from a group of dimming detectors (OFF-sustained type ganglion cells) in bullfrog retina. The changes in receptive field properties and synchronization strength during contrast adaptation were analyzed. It was found that, when perfused using normal Ringer's solution, single neuronal receptive field size was reduced during contrast adaptation, which was accompanied by weakening in synchronization strength between adjacent neurons' activities. When dopamine (1 μM) was applied, the adaptation-related receptive field area shrinkage and synchronization weakening were both eliminated. The activation of D1 receptor was involved in the adaptation-related modulation of synchronization and receptive field. Our results thus suggest that the size of single neuron's receptive field is positively related to the strength of its synchronized activity with its neighboring neurons, and the dopaminergic pathway is responsible for the modulation of receptive field property and synchronous activity of the ganglion cells during the adaptation process.  相似文献   

Traditionally the intensity discontinuities in an image are detected as zero-crossings of the second derivative with the help of a Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) operator that models the receptive field of retinal Ganglion cells. Such zero-crossings supposedly form a raw primal sketch edge map of the external world in the primary visual cortex of the brain. Based on a new operator which is a linear combination of the LOG and a Dirac-delta function that models the extra-classical receptive field of the ganglion cells, we find that zero-crossing points thus generated, store in presence of noise, apart from the edge information, the shading information of the image in the form of density variation of these points. We have also shown that an optimal image contrast produces best mapping of the shading information to such zero-crossing density variation for a given amount of noise contamination. Furthermore, we have observed that an optimal amount of noise contamination reproduces the minimum optimal contrast and hence gives rise to the best representation of the original image. We show that this phenomenon is similar in nature to that of stochastic resonance phenomenon observed in psychophysical experiments.  相似文献   

The extended classical receptive field (ECRF) of retinal ganglion cells has been modelled as a combination of three zero-mean Gaussians at three different scales that has been shown to be equivalent to a Biharmonic or Bi-Laplacian of Gaussian filter. It has also been shown that the ECRF can be approximated by a combination of Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) and the Dirac-delta function. Zero-crossings detected with this operator are more informative than those detected by the traditional filters like LoG or Difference of Gaussians (DoG) that had been devised using the classical receptive field of the ganglion cells. We have also explained that such an additional information processing is not in contradiction with the recent experimental findings on the physiology of retinal ganglion cells.  相似文献   

Brown SP  He S  Masland RH 《Neuron》2000,27(2):371-383
We studied the fine spatial structure of the receptive fields of retinal ganglion cells and its relationship to the dendritic geometry of these cells. Cells from which recordings had been made were microinjected with Lucifer yellow, so that responses generated at precise locations within the receptive field center could be directly compared with that cell's dendritic structure. While many cells with small receptive fields had domeshaped sensitivity profiles, the majority of large receptive fields were composed of multiple regions of high sensitivity. The density of dendritic branches at any one location did not predict the regions of high sensitivity. Instead, the interactions between a ganglion cell's dendritic tree and the local mosaic of bipolar cell axons seem to define the fine structure of the receptive field center.  相似文献   

There are two distinct classes of cells in the primary visual cortex (V1): simple cells and complex cells. One defining feature of complex cells is their spatial phase invariance; they respond strongly to oriented grating stimuli with a preferred orientation but with a wide range of spatial phases. A classical model of complete spatial phase invariance in complex cells is the energy model, in which the responses are the sum of the squared outputs of two linear spatially phase-shifted filters. However, recent experimental studies have shown that complex cells have a diverse range of spatial phase invariance and only a subset can be characterized by the energy model. While several models have been proposed to explain how complex cells could learn to be selective to orientation but invariant to spatial phase, most existing models overlook many biologically important details. We propose a biologically plausible model for complex cells that learns to pool inputs from simple cells based on the presentation of natural scene stimuli. The model is a three-layer network with rate-based neurons that describes the activities of LGN cells (layer 1), V1 simple cells (layer 2), and V1 complex cells (layer 3). The first two layers implement a recently proposed simple cell model that is biologically plausible and accounts for many experimental phenomena. The neural dynamics of the complex cells is modeled as the integration of simple cells inputs along with response normalization. Connections between LGN and simple cells are learned using Hebbian and anti-Hebbian plasticity. Connections between simple and complex cells are learned using a modified version of the Bienenstock, Cooper, and Munro (BCM) rule. Our results demonstrate that the learning rule can describe a diversity of complex cells, similar to those observed experimentally.  相似文献   

We investigated receptive field properties of cat retinal ganglion cells with visual stimuli which were sinusoidal spatial gratings amplitude modulated in time by a sum of sinusoids. Neural responses were analyzed into the Fourier components at the input frequencies and the components at sum and difference frequencies. The first-order frequency response of X cells had a marked spatial phase and spatial frequency dependence which could be explained in terms of linear interactions between center and surround mechanisms in the receptive field. The second-order frequency response of X cells was much smaller than the first-order frequency response at all spatial frequencies. The spatial phase and spatial frequency dependence of the first-order frequency response in Y cells in some ways resembled that of X cells. However, the Y first-order response declined to zero at a much lower spatial frequency than in X cells. Furthermore, the second-order frequency response was larger in Y cells; the second-order frequency components became the dominant part of the response for patterns of high spatial frequency. This implies that the receptive field center and surround mechanisms are physiologically quite different in Y cells from those in X cells, and that the Y cells also receive excitatory drive from an additional nonlinear receptive field mechanism.  相似文献   

Targeting of axons and dendrites to particular synaptic laminae is an important mechanism by which precise patterns of neuronal connectivity are established. Although axons target specific laminae during development, dendritic lamination has been thought to occur largely by pruning of inappropriately placed arbors. We discovered by in vivo time-lapse imaging that retinal ganglion cell (RGC) dendrites in zebrafish show growth patterns implicating dendritic targeting as a mechanism for contacting appropriate synaptic partners. Populations of RGCs labeled in transgenic animals establish distinct dendritic strata sequentially, predominantly from the inner to outer retina. Imaging individual cells over successive days confirmed that multistratified RGCs generate strata sequentially, each arbor elaborating within a specific lamina. Simultaneous imaging of RGCs and subpopulations of presynaptic amacrine interneurons revealed that RGC dendrites appear to target amacrine plexuses that had already laminated. Dendritic targeting of prepatterned afferents may thus be a novel mechanism for establishing proper synaptic connectivity.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death is widespread during the development of the central nervous system and serves multiple purposes including the establishment of neural connections. In the mouse retina a substantial reduction of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) occurs during the first postnatal week, coinciding with the formation of retinotopic maps in the superior colliculus (SC). We previously established a retino-collicular culture preparation which recapitulates the progressive topographic ordering of RGC projections during early post-natal life. Here, we questioned whether this model could also be suitable to examine the mechanisms underlying developmental cell death of RGCs. Brn3a was used as a marker of the RGCs. A developmental decline in the number of Brn3a-immunolabelled neurons was found in the retinal explant with a timing that paralleled that observed in vivo. In contrast, the density of photoreceptors or of starburst amacrine cells increased, mimicking the evolution of these cell populations in vivo. Blockade of neural activity with tetrodotoxin increased the number of surviving Brn3a-labelled neurons in the retinal explant, as did the increase in target availability when one retinal explant was confronted with 2 or 4 collicular slices. Thus, this ex vivo model reproduces the developmental reduction of RGCs and recapitulates its regulation by neural activity and target availability. It therefore offers a simple way to analyze developmental cell death in this classic system. Using this model, we show that ephrin-A signaling does not participate to the regulation of the Brn3a population size in the retina, indicating that eprhin-A-mediated elimination of exuberant projections does not involve developmental cell death.  相似文献   

ON and OFF retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) display differences in their intrinsic electrophysiology: OFF cells maintain spontaneous activity in the absence of any input, exhibit subthreshold membrane potential oscillations, rebound excitation and burst firing; ON cells require excitatory input to drive their activity and display none of the aforementioned phenomena. The goal of this study was to identify and characterize ionic currents that explain these intrinsic electrophysiological differences between ON and OFF RGCs. A mathematical model of the electrophysiological properties of ON and OFF RGCs was constructed and validated using published patch-clamp data from isolated intact mouse retina. The model incorporates three ionic currents hypothesized to play a role in generating behaviors that are different between ON and OFF RGCs. These currents are persistent Na + , I NaP, hyperpolarization-activated, I h, and low voltage activated Ca2 + , I T, currents. Using computer simulations of Hodgkin-Huxley type neuron with a single compartment model we found two distinct sets of I NaP, I h, I T conductances that correspond to ON and OFF RGCs populations. Simulations indicated that special properties of I T explain the differences in intrinsic electrophysiology between ON and OFF RGCs examined here. The modelling shows that the maximum conductance of I T is higher in OFF than in ON cells, in agreement with recent experimental data.  相似文献   

The position of on- and off-discharge centers in class 1 and 3 receptive fields of the frog retina was determined with the aid of moving bars of different lengths. On- and off-centers of receptive fields of the first group coincide, those of the second are spatially separate, and in fields of the 3rd group the discharge center of one contrast sign occupies the central position and discharge centers of the opposite sign are located at the periphery, to its right and left. Receptive fields of the frog retina thus have features which approximate them to the concentric receptive fields of geniculate neurons and the fields of the cat visual cortex. Asymmetry in the responses was found: during movement in opposite directions the distance between the discharge centers changed, during movement to one side only one of the peripheral centers was revealed, whereas during movement to the other side the second center was revealed on the opposite side of the receptive field. This asymmetry of spatiotemporal relations in the receptive fields is similar to that found in the fields of cortical neurons and is connected with their directional properties.Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, N. I. Lobachevskii State University, Gor'kii. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 75–85, January–February, 1980.  相似文献   

We examined the dependence of the center radius of X cells on temporal frequency and found that at temporal frequencies above 40 Hz the radius increases in a monotonic fashion, reaching a size approximately 30% larger at 70 Hz. This kind of spatial expansion has been predicted with cable models of receptive fields where inductive elements are included in modeling the neuronal membranes. Hence, the expansion of the center radius is clearly important for modeling X cell receptive fields. On the other hand, we feel that it might be of only minor functional significance, since the responsivity of X cells is attenuated at these high temporal frequencies and the signal-to-noise ratio is considerably worse than at low and midrange temporal frequencies.  相似文献   

Depending on their responses to separate stimulation of the center and periphery of the receptive field, all ganglion cells of the cat retina can be subdivided into two types: ON-center (OFF-periphery) and OFF-center (ON-periphery). By all the parameters studied these ON- and OFF-systems were symmetrical. This apparently reflects, first, the equality of informativeness of illumination and darkening of individual areas of the visual field and, second, adaptation in order to widen the dynamic range of the visual channel of information transmission. Thresholds of unit responses to stimulation of the periphery and center of their receptive fields were identical. The latent periods of the unit responses were much longer in the first case than in the second. This is regarded as providing the functional basis for discrimination between "central" and "peripheral" unit responses by higher structures.Institute of Control Problems, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 644–649, November–December, 1971.  相似文献   

The amygdala is a limbic structure that is involved in many brain functions, including emotion, learning and memory. It has been reported that melanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cells(ip RGCs) innervate the medial amygdala(Me A). However, whether conventional RGCs(c RGCs) project to the Me A remains unknown. The goal of this study was to determine if c RGCs project to the Me A and to determine the morphological properties of Me A-projecting RGCs(Me A-RGCs). Retrogradely labeled RGCs in whole-mount retinas were intracellularly injected to reveal their dendritic morphologies. Immunohistochemical staining was performed to selectively label ip RGCs(Me A-ip RGCs) and c RGCs(Me A-c RGCs). The results showed that 95.7% of the retrogradely labeled cells were c RGCs and that the rest were ip RGCs. Specifically, Me A-c RGCs consist of two morphological types. The majority of them exhibit small but dense dendritic fields and diffuse ramification patterns as previously reported in RG_(B2)(95%), while the rest exhibit small but sparse dendritic branching patterns resembling those of RG_(B3) cells(5%). Me Aip RGCs consist of M1 and M2 subtypes. The Me A-RGCs showed an even retinal distribution patterns. The soma and dendritic field sizes of the Me A-RGCs did not vary with eccentricity. In conclusion, the present results suggest that Me A-RGCs are structurally heterogeneous. These direct RGCs that input to the Me A could be important for regulating amygdala functions.  相似文献   

During early postnatal development, dendrites of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) extend and branch in the inner plexiform layer to establish the adult level of stratification, pattern of branching, and coverage. Many studies have described the branching patterns, transient features, and regulatory factors of stratification of the RGCs. The rate of RGC dendritic field (DF) expansion relative to the growing retina has not been systematically investigated. In this study, we used two methods to examine the relative expansion of RGC DFs. First, we measured the size of RGC DFs and the diameters of the eyeballs at several postnatal stages. We compared the measurements with the RGC DF sizes calculated from difference of the eyeball sizes based on a linear expansion assumption. Second, we used the number of cholinergic amacrine cells (SACs) circumscribed by the DFs of RGCs at corresponding time points as an internal ruler to assess the size of DFs. We found most RGCs exhibit a phase of faster expansion relative to the retina between postnatal day 8 (P8) and P13, followed by a phase of retraction between P13 and adulthood. The morphological α cells showed the faster growing phase but not the retraction phase, whereas the morphological ON–OFF direction selective ganglion cells expanded in the same pace as the growing retina. These findings indicate different RGCs show different modes of growth, whereas most subtypes exhibit a fast expansion followed by a retraction phase to reach the adult size. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 70: 397–407, 2010  相似文献   

The aim of this experiment was to characterize the physiological properties of cat retinal ganglion cells that project to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Retrogradely labeled SCN-projecting ganglion cells were recorded extracellularly in vitro. For the first time, this study provides crucial information on visual response properties of ganglion cells in the entrainment circuitry. All recorded cells gave sustained responses (n = 9). Although most of the cells (n = 8) had an "on" center receptive field, one cell showed "on-off" center receptive field properties. The range of receptive field sizes was 2 to 5 deg. For most of the cells tested, the spectral wavelength that evoked peak responses was 500 nm (3 out of 5 cells). All recorded cells (n = 9) preferred still or extremely slow-moving stimuli (3.3 deg/s). These results indicate that cat SCN-projecting cells receive inputs from conventional photoreceptors. The hypothesis that both conventional and cryptochromic photoreceptors are involved in transferring photic signals is discussed.  相似文献   

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