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Cutting edge: murine dendritic cells require IL-15R alpha to prime NK cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
NK cells protect hosts against viral pathogens and transformed cells, and dendritic cells (DCs) play important roles in activating NK cells. We now find that murine IL-15Ralpha-deficient DCs fail to support NK cell cytolytic activity and elaboration of IFN-gamma, despite the fact that these DCs express normal levels of costimulatory molecules and IL-12. By contrast, IL-15Ralpha expression on NK cells is entirely dispensable for their activation by DCs. In addition, blockade with anti-IL-15Ralpha and anti-IL-2Rbeta but not anti-IL-2Ralpha-specific Abs prevents NK cell activation by wild-type DCs. Finally, presentation of IL-15 by purified IL-15Ralpha/Fc in trans synergizes with IL-12 to support NK cell priming. These findings suggest that murine DCs require IL-15Ralpha to present IL-15 in trans to NK cells during NK cell priming.  相似文献   

The Bmp family of secreted signaling molecules is implicated in multiple aspects of embryonic development. However, the cell-type-specific requirements for this signaling pathway are often obscure in the context of complex embryonic tissue interactions. To define the cell-autonomous requirements for Bmp signaling, we have used a Cre-loxP strategy to delete Bmp receptor function specifically within the developing mouse retina. Disruption of a Bmp type I receptor gene, Bmpr1a, leads to no detectable eye abnormality. Further reduction of Bmp receptor activity by removing one functional copy of another Bmp type I receptor gene, Bmpr1b, in the retina-specific Bmpr1a mutant background, results in abnormal retinal dorsoventral patterning. Double mutants completely lacking both of these genes exhibit severe eye defects characterized by reduced growth of embryonic retina and failure of retinal neurogenesis. These studies provide direct genetic evidence that Bmpr1a and Bmpr1b play redundant roles during retinal development, and that different threshold levels of Bmp signaling regulate distinct developmental programs such as patterning, growth and differentiation of the retina.  相似文献   

We previously reported the clinical phenotype of two siblings with a novel inherited developmental and immunodeficiency syndrome consisting of severe intrauterine growth retardation and the impaired development of specific lymphoid lineages, including transient CD8 alphabeta T lymphopenia and a persistent lack of blood NK cells. We describe here the elucidation of a plausible underlying pathogenic mechanism, with a cellular phenotype of impaired survival of both fresh and herpesvirus saimiri-transformed T cells, in the surviving child. Clearly, NK cells could not be studied. However, peripheral blood T lymphocytes displayed excessive apoptosis ex vivo. Moreover, the survival rates of CD4 and CD8 alphabeta T cell blasts generated in vitro, and herpesvirus saimiri-transformed T cells cultured in vitro, were low, but not nil, following treatment with IL-2 and IL-15. In contrast, Fas-mediated activation-induced cell death was not enhanced, indicating a selective excess of cytokine deprivation-mediated apoptosis. In keeping with the known roles of IL-2 and IL-15 in the development of NK and CD8 T cells in the mouse model, these data suggest that an impaired, but not abolished, survival response to IL-2 and IL-15 accounts for the persistent lack of NK cells and the transient CD8 alphabeta T lymphopenia documented in vivo. Impaired cytokine-mediated lymphocyte survival is likely to be the pathogenic mechanism underlying this novel form of inherited and selective NK deficiency in humans.  相似文献   

The killing activity of cord blood mononuclear cells (cMNC) against cytomegalovirus (CMV)-uninfected and -infected fibroblasts was comparable to that of adult peripheral blood mononuclear cells (aPBMC). The killing activity of cMNC against K562 cells was significantly lower compared with that of aPBMC. Treatment of cMNC and aPBMC with interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-12 or IL-15 significantly enhanced killing activity against K562 cells and CMV-uninfected and -infected cells. By comparison of cMNC with aPBMC, killing activity against the K562 cells of cMNC was augmented to the level of aPBMC when cultured with IL-2, IL-12 or IL-15. The killing activity of cMNC against CMV-uninfected and -infected fibroblasts did not increase to the level of adult PBMC by treatment with IL-2, IL-12 or IL-15. These data suggest that cord blood contains a functionally different NK cell subpopulation than that among adult NK cells.  相似文献   

NK cells are innate lymphocytes that mediate early host defense against viruses, such as cytomegalovirus. IL-15 is upregulated during viral infections and drives the expansion of NK cells. However, the influence of IL-15 on murine NK cell division and death rates has not been quantitatively studied. Therefore, we developed a series of two-compartment (representing quiescent and dividing NK cell subpopulations) mathematical models, incorporating different assumptions about the kinetic parameters regulating NK cell expansion. Using experimentally derived division and death rates, we tested each model's assumptions by comparing predictions of NK cell numbers with independent experimental results and demonstrated that the kinetic parameters are distinct for nondividing and dividing NK cell subpopulations. IL-15 influenced NK cell expansion by modulating recruitment and division rates to a greater extent than death rates. The observed time delay to first division could be accounted for by differences in the kinetic parameters of nondividing and dividing subsets of NK cells. Although the duration of the time delay to first division was not significantly influenced by IL-15, the recruitment of nondividing NK cells into the replicating subpopulation increased with greater IL-15 concentrations. Our model quantitatively predicted changes in NK cell accumulation when IL-15 stimulation was reduced, demonstrating that NK cell divisional commitment was interrupted when cytokine stimulation was removed. In summary, this quantitative analysis reveals novel insights into the in vitro regulation of NK cell proliferation and provides a foundation for modeling in vivo NK cell responses to viral infections.  相似文献   

The cooperative antitumor effects of IL-12 and IL-15 gene transfer were studied in the N592 MHC class I-negative small cell lung cancer cell line xenotransplanted in nude mice. N592 cells engineered to secrete IL-15 displayed a significantly reduced tumor growth kinetics, and a slightly reduced tumor take rate, while N592 engineered with IL-12 displayed only minor changes in their growth in nude mice. However, N592 cells producing both cytokines were completely rejected, and produced a potent local bystander effect, inducing rejection of coinjected wild-type tumor cells. N592/IL-12/IL-15 cells were completely and promptly rejected also in NK-depleted nude mice, while in granulocyte-depleted animals a slight delay in the rejection process was observed. Immunohistochemical analyses of the N592/IL-12/IL-15 tumor area in intact nude mice revealed the presence of infiltrating macrophages, granulocytes, and NK cells, and expression of inducible NO synthase and of secondary cytokines such as IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma, and at higher levels GM-CSF, macrophage-inflammatory protein-2, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1. In NK cell-depleted nude mice, numerous macrophages and granulocytes infiltrated the tumor, and a strong expression of macrophage-inflammatory protein-2 and inducible NO synthase was also observed. Finally, macrophages cocultured with N592/IL-12/IL-15 produced NO in vitro, and inhibited tumor cell growth, further suggesting their role as effector cells in this model.  相似文献   

IL-15Ralpha-deficient (IL-15Ralpha(-/-)) mice lack NK cells. However, when bone marrow (BM) progenitors from IL-15Ralpha(-/-) mice were cultured with IL-7, stem cell factor and flt3 ligand, followed by IL-15, they were able to differentiate into functional NK cells, indicating that IL-15Ralpha is not critical for NK cell development. Whereas NK cells generated in vitro from IL-15Ralpha(-/-) BM progenitors expressed CD94/NKG2, they failed to express Ly-49 receptors. In keeping with this, when IL-15Ralpha(-/-) BM cells were transferred into wild type recipients, they gave rise to NK cells in vivo, but with greatly reduced expression of Ly-49 receptors. Furthermore, the small numbers of NK cells found in IL-15(-/-) as well as IL-15Ralpha(-/-) but not flt3 ligand(-/-) mice expressed much lower levels of Ly-49 receptors than those from wild type mice. These results indicate a novel role for IL-15Ralpha-chain in Ly-49 induction on developing NK cells.  相似文献   

In mice lacking IL-15, NK cell development is arrested at immature stages, providing an opportunity to investigate the earliest developing NK cells that would respond to IL-15. We show in this study that immature NK cells were present in the spleen as well as bone marrow (BM) and contained IL-15-high-responder cells. Thus, mature NK cells were generated more efficiently from IL-15(-/-) than from control donor cells in radiation BM chimeras, and the rate of IL-15-induced cell division in vitro was higher in NK cells in the spleen and BM from IL-15(-/-) mice than in those from wild-type mice. Phenotypically, NK cells developed in IL-15(-/-) mice up to the minor but discrete CD11b(-)CD27(+)DX5(hi)CD51(dull)CD127(dull)CD122(hi) stage, which contained the majority of Ly49G2(+) and D(+) NK cells both in the spleen and BM. Even among wild-type splenic NK cells, IL-15-induced proliferation was most prominent in CD11b(-)DX5(hi) cells. Notably, IL-15-mediated preferential expansion (but not conversion from Ly49(-) cells) of Ly49(+) NK cells was observed in vitro only for NK cells in the spleen. These observations indicated the uneven distribution of NK cells of different developing stages with variable IL-15 responsiveness in these lymphoid organs. Immature NK cells in the spleen may contribute, as auxiliaries to those in BM, to the mature NK cell compartment through IL-15-driven extramarrow expansion under steady-state or inflammatory conditions.  相似文献   

Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs), which reside between the basolateral faces of intestinal epithelial cells (IECs), provide a first-line defense against pathogens via their cytotoxic activity. Although IEC-derived IL-7 and IL-15 are key regulatory cytokines for the development and activation of IELs, we report here that IL-15 but not IL-7 mediates the reciprocal interaction between IELs and IECs, an important interaction for the regulation of appropriate mucosal immunohomeostasis. IL-15-treated IELs induced cell death in IECs via the cytotoxic activity in vitro. Among the different subsets of IL-15-treated IELs, CD4(-)CD8(-)TCR(-) IELs, which express NK marker (DX5 or NK1.1), showed the most potent syngenic IEC killing activity. These intraepithelial NK cells expressed Ly-49 molecules, NKG2 receptors, and perforin. These results suggest the possibility that the cell death program of IECs could be regulated by self-produced IL-15 through the activation of intraepithelial NK cells.  相似文献   

IL-15 is a recently identified cytokine that belongs to the four alpha-helix bundle cytokine family and possesses biological activities similar to those of IL-2. Its ability to induce effectors of NK activity suggests its involvement in innate immunity. In this study, we analyzed the effect of different viruses (HSV, EBV, respiratory syncitial virus, vesicular stomatitis virus, influenza virus, reovirus, and Sendai virus) on the up-regulation of NK activity in vitro. Exposure of human PBMC to the these viruses resulted in an immediate up-regulation of NK activity of PBMC via IL-15 induction; this effect was abrogated in the presence of mAbs to IL-15. Results of experiments conducted in parallel using mAbs to IL-15, as well as to other cytokines (IL-2, IL-12, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha), clearly indicated that IL-15 was specifically responsible for the observed effect. Furthermore, supernatants of virus-infected PBMC cultures significantly enhanced NK activity of uninfected PBMC in vitro. An increase of IL-15 protein levels 20 h postinfection was also confirmed in a bioassay using the IL-2-dependent cell line CTLL. Kinetic analysis of IL-15 mRNA expression using a semiquantitative RT-PCR revealed that the level of IL-15 messages peaked at different time points (up to 12 h) postinfection, depending on the nature of the virus. Taken together, these results suggest that the IL-15 response of the host to viral infection and the subsequent NK cell activation represent an important effector mechanism of the innate immune surveillance of the host against viral infections.  相似文献   

Besides a structural role in tissue architecture, fibroblasts have been shown to regulate the proliferation and differentiation of other neighboring specialized cell types, but differently according to the anatomic site and pathologic status of their tissue of origin. In this study we report a novel regulatory function of human spleen-derived fibroblasts in the development of NK cells from adult resting blood progenitors. When CD34(+) cells were cocultured with spleen-derived fibroblasts in monolayers, nonadherent CD56(+)CD3(-) NK cells were predominantly produced after 2-3 wk of culture in the absence of exogenous cytokines. Most NK cells expressed class I-recognizing CD94 and NK p46, p44, and p30 receptors as well as perforin and granzyme lytic granules. Moreover, these cells demonstrated spontaneous killing activity. Cell surface immunophenotyping of spleen-derived fibroblasts revealed a low and consistent expression of IL-15, Flt3 ligand, and c-kit ligand. Additionally, low picogram amounts of the three cytokines were produced extracellularly. Neutralizing Abs to IL-15, but not the other two ligands, blocked NK cell development. Additionally, suppressing direct contacts of CD34(+) progenitors and fibroblasts by microporous membrane abrogated NK cell production. We conclude that stromal fibroblasts within the human spleen are involved via constitutive cell surface expression of bioactive IL-15 in the development of functional activated NK cells under physiologic conditions.  相似文献   

IL-2 and IL-15 are lymphocyte growth factors produced by different cell types with overlapping functions in immune responses. Both cytokines costimulate lymphocyte proliferation and activation, while IL-15 additionally promotes the development and survival of NK cells, NKT cells, and intraepithelial lymphocytes. We have investigated the effects of IL-2 and IL-15 on proliferation, cytotoxicity, and cytokine secretion by human PBMC subpopulations in vitro. Both cytokines selectively induced the proliferation of NK cells and CD56(+) T cells, but not CD56(-) lymphocytes. All NK and CD56(+) T cell subpopulations tested (CD4(+), CD8(+), CD4(-)CD8(-), alphabetaTCR(+), gammadeltaTCR(+), CD16(+), CD161(+), CD158a(+), CD158b(+), KIR3DL1(+), and CD94(+)) expanded in response to both cytokines, whereas all CD56(-) cell subpopulations did not. Therefore, previously reported IL-15-induced gammadelta and CD8(+) T cell expansions reflect proliferations of NK and CD56(+) T cells that most frequently express these phenotypes. IL-15 also expanded CD8alpha(+)beta(-) and Valpha24Vbeta11 TCR(+) T cells. Both cytokines stimulated cytotoxicity by NK and CD56(+) T cells against K562 targets, but not the production of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-2, or IL-4. However, they augmented cytokine production in response to phorbol ester stimulation or CD3 cross-linking by inducing the proliferation of NK cells and CD56(+) T cells that produce these cytokines at greater frequencies than other T cells. These results indicate that IL-2 and IL-15 act at different stages of the immune response by expanding and partially activating NK receptor-positive lymphocytes, but, on their own, do not influence the Th1/Th2 balance of adaptive immune responses.  相似文献   

NK cell cytotoxicity, IFN-gamma expression, proliferation, and accumulation are rapidly induced after murine CMV infections. Under these conditions, the responses were shown to be elicited in overlapping populations. Nevertheless, there were distinct signaling molecule requirements for induction of functions within the subsets. IL-12/STAT4 was critical for NK cell IFN-gamma expression, whereas IFN-alphabeta/STAT1 were required for induction of cytotoxicity. The accumulation/survival of proliferating NK cells was STAT4-independent but required IFN-alphabeta/STAT1 induction of IL-15. Taken together, the results define the coordinated interactions between the cytokines IFN-alphabeta, IL-12, and IL-15 for activation of protective NK cell responses during viral infections, and emphasize these factors' nonredundant functions under in vivo physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are the cells critical for inhibition of repopulation of allogenic bone marrow cells. However, it is not well known if NK cells affect autologous lymphopoiesis. Here, we observed that NK cells could inhibit pre-B cell proliferation in vitro driven by interleukin (IL)-7 in a manner dependent on IL-15. Interestingly, the great majority of expanding NK cells were Mac-1+B220+, a recently identified potent interferon (IFN)-γ producer. Indeed, IFN-γ was produced in those cultures, and pre-B cells lacking IFN-γ receptors, but not those lacking type I IFN receptors, were resistant to such an inhibition. Furthermore, even NK cells from mice lacking β2-microglobulin, which were known to be functionally dampened, inhibited pre-B cell proliferation as well. Thus, activated NK cells, which were expanded selectively by IL-15, could potentially regulate B lymphopoiesis through IFN-γ beyond the selection imposed upon self-recognition.  相似文献   

R T Vaessen  A Houweling  A J van der Eb 《Gene》1987,54(2-3):247-254
We have transformed primary baby rat kidney cells with a plasmid containing the adenovirus(Ad)12E1 region in which the E1A promoter was replaced by the dexamethasone inducible mouse mammary tumor virus promoter. In the uninduced state the level of E1A expression is less than 10% of that in the induced state. We have investigated the effects of decreasing the levels of E1A on a number of E1A-mediated processes. First, expression of the E1B region is reduced several-fold upon reducing E1A expression. Second, a radical change in cell morphology is observed. Third, despite the decrease in E1A expression, down-regulation of the class-I major histocompatibility complex genes by Ad12E1A is not affected. These results are discussed in terms of different threshold levels of E1A expression required for various E1A-mediated processes.  相似文献   

NK dendritic cells (NKDC) are a novel subtype of DC with NK cell properties. IL-15 is a pleiotropic cytokine that plays an obligate role in the proliferation and survival of NK cells. We hypothesized that IL-15 is also essential for NKDC development. NKDC were nearly absent in IL-15(-/-) mice, but restored by administration of exogenous IL-15. Treatment of wild-type mice with IL-15 caused a 2- to 3-fold expansion of both NK cells and NKDC. After 7 days of culture with IL-15, sorted splenic NKDC expanded 10-fold while NK cells increased 5-fold. NKDC expanded in IL-15 retained their cytolytic capacity but lost the ability to stimulate naive T cells. Meanwhile, NKDC expanded in IL-15 produced 10 times more IFN-gamma as fresh NKDC and conferred protection in a tumor prevention model. Thus, IL-15 is essential to the proliferation and survival of NKDC and IL-15 expanded NKDC possess antitumor properties.  相似文献   

We have previously reported a synergistic effect between hydrocortisone (HC) and IL-15 on promoting natural killer (NK) cell expansion and function. In the present study, we extend our findings to methylprednisolone (MeP) and dexamethasone (Dex), thus ascribing to glucocorticoids (GCs) a general feature as positive regulators of IL-15-mediated effects on NK cells. We demonstrate that each GC when combined with IL-15 in cultures of peripheral blood (PB)-derived CD56+ cells induces increased expansion of CD56+CD3 cells displaying high cytolytic activity, IFN-γ production potential and activating receptor expression, including NKp30, NKp44, NKp46, 2B4, NKG2D and DNAM-1. Furthermore, GCs protected NK cells from IL-15-induced cell death. The combination of IL-15 with GCs favored the expansion of a relatively more immature CD16low/neg NK cell population, with high expression of NKG2A and CD94, and significantly lower expression of KIR (CD158a and CD158b) and CD57, compared to IL-15 alone. IL-15-expanded NK cells, in the presence or absence of GCs, did not express CD62L, CXCR1 or CCR7. However, the presence of GCs significantly increased the density of CXCR3 and induced strong CXCR4 expression on the surface of NK cells. Our data indicate that IL-15/GC-expanded NK cells, apart from their increased proliferation rate, retain their functional integrity and exhibit a migratory potential rendering them useful for adoptive transfer in NK cell-based cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

NK and T cell-derived IFN-gamma is a key cytokine that stimulates innate immune responses and directs adaptive T cell response toward Th1 type. IL-15, IL-18, and IL-21 have significant roles as activators of NK and T cell functions. We have previously shown that IL-15 and IL-21 induce the expression of IFN-gamma, T-bet, IL-12R beta 2, and IL-18R genes both in NK and T cells. Now we have studied the effect of IL-15, IL-18, and IL-21 on IFN-gamma gene expression in more detail in human NK and T cells. IL-15 clearly activated IFN-gamma mRNA expression and protein production in both cell types. IL-18 and IL-21 enhanced IL-15-induced IFN-gamma gene expression. IL-18 or IL-21 alone induced a modest expression of the IFN-gamma gene but a combination of IL-21 and IL-18 efficiently up-regulated IFN-gamma production. We also show that IL-15 activated the binding of STAT1, STAT3, STAT4, and STAT5 to the regulatory sites of the IFN-gamma gene. Similarly, IL-21 induced the binding of STAT1, STAT3, and STAT4 to these elements. IL-15- and IL-21-induced STAT1 and STAT4 activation was verified by immunoprecipitation with anti-phosphotyrosine Abs followed by Western blotting with anti-STAT1 and anti-STAT4 Abs. IL-18 was not able to induce the binding of STATs to IFN-gamma gene regulatory sites. IL-18, however, activated the binding of NF-kappa B to the IFN-gamma promoter NF-kappa B site. Our results suggest that both IL-15 and IL-21 have an important role in activating the NK cell-associated innate immune response.  相似文献   

In mouse and human, precursors of NK cell lineage home to decidualizing uteri. To assess the requirement for IL-15, an essential cytokine for NK differentiation in lymphoid tissue, on uterine NK (uNK) cell differentiation, implantation sites from IL-15(-/-) mice were analyzed histologically. IL-15(-/-) implantation sites had no uNK cells, no spiral-artery modification, and lacked the decidual integrity found in normal mice. IL-15(-/-) recipients of C57BL/6 marrow displayed similar pathology. However, implantation sites from recombination-activating gene-2(-/-)gamma(c)(-/-) (alymphoid) recipients of IL-15(-/-) marrow showed normal uNK cells, modified spiral arteries, and well-developed decidua basalis. Deletion of the IFN-regulatory factor (IRF)-1, but not IRF-2 (factors important in peripheral NK cell differentiation) limited but did not prevent uNK cell development. In situ hybridization localized IRF-1 largely to placental trophoblast cells. IRF-1(-/-) marrow transplanted into recombination-activating gene-2(-/-)gamma(c)(-/-) displayed competence for full uNK cell differentiation. IL-15 mRNA expression at implantation sites of IRF-1(-/-) and C57BL/6 was similar, suggesting that, unlike in bone marrow and spleen, IRF-1 does not regulate IL-15 in the pregnant uterus. Terminal differentiation of uNK cells was not promoted in pregnant IRF-1(-/-) mice by 5-day infusion of murine rIL-15, suggesting that IRF-1 deficiency rather than IL-15 deficiency limits uNK cell differentiation in these mice. Further, IRF-1 regulates placental growth, birth weight, and postnatal growth of offspring. These studies indicate that uNK cell development and maturation share some aspects with NK cell development in other tissues, but also display distinctive tissue-specific regulation.  相似文献   

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