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The P2 primary alkylsulphohydrolase of the soil bacterium Pseudomonas C12B was purified to homogeneity (200-250-fold) by column chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, Sephadex G-100 and butyl-agarose. The intact protein is a dimer with a mol. wt. of 160 000. Activity towards primary alkyl sulphate esters was maximal at pH 8.3, varied little in the range pH 7.8-8.7, but decreased sharply at higher pH. For a homologous series of primary alkyl sulphate substrates (C6-C12), logKm decreased linearly with increasing chain length, corresponding to a contribution to the free energy of association between enzyme and substrate of -2.5kJ/mol for each additional CH2 group in the alkyl chain. logKi for the competitive inhibition by secondary alkyl 2-sulphate esters followed a similar pattern (-2.4kJ/mol for each additional CH2 group) except that only n-1 carbon atoms effectively participate in hydrophobic bonding, implying that the C-1 methyl group is not involved. logKi values for inhibition primary alkanesulphonates also depended linearly on chain length but with a diminished gradient, indicating a free-energy increment of -1.2kJ/mol per additional CH2 group. The collective results showed the presence of a hydrophobic site on the enzyme capable of accomodating an alkyl chain of considerable length. Cationic structures (in the form of arginine, lysine or histidine), whose presence might be expected for binding the anionic sulphate group, were not detectable at the active site.  相似文献   

The inducible S3 secondary alkylsulphohydrolase of the soil bacterium Pseudomonas C12B was purified to homogeneity (683-fold from cell-free extracts by a combination of column chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. Sephadex G-100 and Blue Sepharose CL-6B. The enzyme has a molecular weight in the region of 40000--46000, and is active over a broad range of pH from 5 to 9, with maximum activity at pH 8.2. The preferred substrates of the enzyme are the symmetrical secondary alkylsulphate esters such as heptan-4-yl sulphate and nonan-5-yl sulphate and the asymmetric secondary octyl and nonyl sulphate esters with the sulphate group attached to C-3 or C-4. However, for each asymmetric ester, the L-isomer is much more readily hydrolysed than the D-isomer. This specificity is interpreted in terms of a three-point attachment of the substrate to the enzyme's active site. The alkyl chains on either side of the esterified carbon atom are bound in two separate sites, one of which can only accommodate alkyl chains of limited size. The third site binds the sulphate group. Enzymic hydrolysis of this group is accompanied by complete inversion of configuration at the asymmetric carbon atom. The implied cleavage of the C--O bond of the C--O--S ester linkage was confirmed by 18O-incorporation studies.  相似文献   

The S1 secondary alkylsulphohydrolase of the detergent-degrading micro-organism, Pseudomonas C12B, was separated from other alkylsulphohydrolases and purified to homogeneity. Under the experimental conditions used the enzyme completely hydrolysed d-octan-2-yl sulphate (d-1-methylheptyl sulphate), but showed no activity towards the corresponding l-isomer. Additional evidence has been obtained to indicate that it is probably optically stereospecific for d-secondary alkyl sulphate esters with the ester sulphate group at C-2 and with a chain length of at least seven carbon atoms. Enzyme activity towards racemic samples of heptan-2-yl sulphate (1-methylhexyl sulphate), octan-2-yl sulphate and decan-2-yl sulphate (1-methylnonyl sulphate) increased with increasing chain length. l-Octan-2-yl sulphate is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme, as are certain primary alkyl sulphates and primary alkanesulphonates. Inhibition by each of the last two types of compounds is characteristic of the behaviour of an homologous series. Inhibition increases with increasing chain length and plots of log K(i) values against the number of carbon atoms in each alkyl chain show the expected linear relationship. A crude preparation of the S2 secondary alkylsulphohydrolase was used to show that this particular enzyme hydrolyses l-octan-2-yl sulphate, but is probably inactive towards the corresponding d-isomer. The similarity of the S1 and S2 enzymes to the CS2 and CS1 enzymes respectively of Comamonas terrigena was established, and some comments have been made on the possible roles of these and other alkylsulphohydrolases in the biodegradation of detergents.  相似文献   

The P1 primary alkylsulphatase of Pseudomonas C12B was purified 1500-fold to homogeneity by a combination of streptomycin sulphate precipitation of nucleic acids, (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and chromatography on columns of DEAE-cellulose, Sephacryl S-300 and butyl-agarose. The protein was tetrameric with an Mr of 181000-193000, and exhibited maximum activity at pH 6.1. Primary alkyl sulphates of carbon-chain length C1-C5 or above C14 were not substrates, but the intermediate homologues were shown to be substrates, either by direct assay (C6-C9 and C12) or by gel zymography (C10, C11, C13 and C14). Increasing the chain length from C6 to C12 led to diminishing Km. Values of delta G0' for binding substrates to enzyme were dependent linearly on chain length, indicating high dependence on hydrophobic interactions. Vmax./Km values increased with increasing chain length. Inhibition by alk-2-yl sulphates and alkane-sulphonates was competitive and showed a similar dependence on hydrophobic binding. The P1 enzyme was active towards several aryl sulphates, including o-, m- and p-chlorophenyl sulphates, 2,4-dichlorophenyl sulphate, o-, m- and p-methoxyphenyl sulphates, m- and p-hydroxyphenyl sulphates and p-nitrophenyl sulphate, but excluding bis-(p-nitrophenyl) sulphate and the O-sulphate esters of tyrosine, nitrocatechol and phenol. The arylsulphatase activity was weak compared with alkylsulphatase activity, and it was distinguishable from the de-repressible arylsulphatase activity of Pseudomonas C12B reported previously. Comparison of the P1 enzyme with the inducible P2 alkylsulphatase of this organism, and with the Crag herbicide sulphatase of Pseudomonas putida, showed that, although there are certain similarities between any two of the three enzymes, very few properties are common to all three.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas C(12)B and other Pseudomonas species released larger amounts of a (35)S-labelled metabolite into the medium when cultured on growth-limiting concentrations of Na(2)SO(4) as opposed to growth in SO(4) (2-)-sufficient media. The metabolite was found at all stages of the culture cycle of Pseudomonas C(12)B and maximum quantities occurred in stationary-phase culture supernatants. The metabolite was not detected when the bacterium was cultured on growth-limiting concentrations of potassium phosphate. The amount of the metabolite present in the medium greatly exceeded that which could be extracted from intact cells and, except for choline chloride, it was independent of the carbon source used for growth. If choline chloride was present in high concentration, then larger amounts of the metabolite were found in the culture medium. The metabolite was not detected extracellularly or intracellularly when the bacterium was grown in SO(4) (2-)-deficient media containing 5mm-l-cysteine. The same metabolite was also synthesized in vitro only when Pseudomonas C(12)B extracts were incubated with choline chloride, ATP, MgCl(2) and Na(2) (35)SO(4). The metabolite-forming system was not subject to repression by Na(2)SO(4) and was completely inhibited by 0.5mm-l-cysteine and activated by Na(2)SO(4) (up to 1.0mm). The metabolite was identified as choline O-sulphate by electrophoresis, chromatography and isotope-dilution analysis. Another (35)S-labelled metabolite was also detected in culture supernatants, but was not identified.  相似文献   

Arylsulfatase was released almost completely from intact cells of Pseudomonas C12B after osmotic shock or after treatment with lysozyme. These results suggest that the enzyme is cell wall associated in this soil isolate.  相似文献   

Arylsulfatase was released almost completely from intact cells of Pseudomonas C12B after osmotic shock or after treatment with lysozyme. These results suggest that the enzyme is cell wall associated in this soil isolate.  相似文献   

The surfactant-degrading bacterium Pseudomonas C12B was immobilized in polyacrylamide gel beads. Conditions were established for minimizing the apparent loss of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-degrading activity accompanying polymerization, while still retaining durable gel beads. Apparent losses in SDS-degrading activity compared with free untreated bacteria were attributed largely to substrate diffusion limitations imposed by the gel matrix. Changes in the rate and extent of conversion of radiolabel from [1-14C]SDS to 14CO2 were attributed to diffusional restrictions on O2 availability within the gel beads. Scanning electron microscopy was used to show that beads (3 mm3) repeatedly exposed to SDS for 35 days contained a high cell density in a sub-surface layer 0.4-0.7 mm deep, with relatively few bacteria either at greater depth or at the bead surface.  相似文献   

The regulation of arylsulphatase formation in Pseudomonas C 12 B   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Sodium hexan-1-yl sulphate and certain related alkyl sulphate esters have been shown to serve as inducers of the formation of primary alkylsulphatases (designated as P1 and P2) in Pseudomonas C12B. When the organism is grown on sodium hexan-1-yl [(35)S]sulphate as the sole source of sulphur or as the sole source of carbon and sulphur only the P2 alkylsulphatase is formed and inorganic (35)SO(4) (2-) is liberated into the media. Cell extracts contain this anion as the major (35)S-labelled metabolite although two unidentified labelled metabolites as well as choline O-[(35)S]sulphate occur in trace quantities in some extracts. Dialysed cell extracts are capable of liberating inorganic (35)SO(4) (2-) from sodium hexan-1-yl [(35)S]sulphate without the need to include cofactors known to be required for the bacterial degradation of n-alkanes. The collective results suggest that sodium hexan-1-yl sulphate can act as an inducer of P1 alkylsulphatase formation without the need for prior metabolic modification of the carbon moiety of the ester.  相似文献   

Chemically defined inducers of alkylsulphatases present in Pseudomonas C12B   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
When Pseudomonas C12B is grown on nutrient broth to the stationary phase, cell extracts contain two secondary alkylsulphatases (S1 and S2) active towards potassium decan-5-yl sulphate but not towards potassium pentan-3-yl sulphate and one primary alkylsulphatase (P1) active towards sodium dodecan-1-yl sulphate (sodium dodecyl sulphate). When 10mm-sodium hexan-1-yl sulphate is included in the nutrient broth an additional primary alkylsulphatase (P2) is produced. The S1, S2, P1 and P2 enzymes are also present in extracts of cells grown on broth containing the commercial detergent Oronite, together with an additional secondary alkylsulphatase (S3) active towards pentan-3-yl sulphate as well as decan-5-yl sulphate. The P2 primary alkylsulphatase can be induced by a number of primary and secondary alkyl sulphate esters but the induction of the S3 enzyme appears to be a more specific and complex process. Studies on the ability of different fractions separated from Oronite to act as inducers suggest that the combination of a long-chain secondary alkyl sulphate(s) and a long-chain secondary alcohol(s) is responsible for the appearance of the S3 enzyme. Potassium hexadecan-2-yl sulphate or potassium tetradecan-2-yl sulphate, in combination with either hexadecan-2-ol or tetradecan-2-ol, can serve as inducers for the enzyme. Some characteristics of these specific inducer systems have been elucidated.  相似文献   

Certain nucleotides control adaptation to changing nutrition or differentiation (sporulation) resulting from a general nutritional deficiency. To maintain the adaptation or differentiation process, once it has started, it may have been important for cells to evolve several independent and metabolically controllable systems enabling the uptake and metabolism of various nucleic acid bases or nucleosides. We have analyzed the cellular reactions with these compounds by measuring both their effect on growth and their uptake in appropriately chosen auxotrophic and uptake mutants. We have found one uptake system for guanine and hypoxanthine, another one for guanosine and inosine, and three other systems for adenine, adenosine, and uracil. The uptake systems of guanine-hypoxanthine and guanosine-inosine are inhibited by the stringent response to amino acid deprivation (increase of guanosine 5'-diphosphate-3'-diphosphate), but they do not depend on the concentration of GTP, which decreases during sporulation. In contrast, the uptake of Ura depends on the presence of GTP, regardless of whether a GTP decrease was produced by the stringent response or otherwise. This was the only uptake system whose decrease was always correlated with the onset of sporulation. The uptake of other compounds, e.g., alpha-methylglucoside and alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, decreased under some, but not all, sporulation conditions.  相似文献   

Quinoline catabolism was investigated with different bacterial strains, able to use quinoline as sole source of carbon, nitrogen and energy. Some degradation products of quinoline were isolated from the culture fluids and identified. With Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas putida we found 2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline, 8-hydroxy-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline, 8-hydroxycoumarin and 2,3-dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid as intermediates. With a Rhodococcus strain 2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline, 6-hydroxy-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline, a red meta-cleavage product and a blue fluorescent compound were isolated. The red compound was identified as 5-hydroxy-6-(3-carboxy-3-oxopropenyl)-1H-2-pyridone. From this the blue fluorescent azacoumarin 2H-pyrano-2-one-[3,2b]-5H-6-pyridone is formed by chemical decomposition. Therefore it can be considered a by-product of quinoline-degradation in Rhodococcus spec. With the present results two different degradation pathways for quinoline in different microorganisms are proposed.  相似文献   

The effects of the antiarthritic drugs aurothiomalate (AuTm), aurothioglucose (AuTg), auranofin, its metabolite triethylphosphinegold(I)thioglucose (Et3PAuTg), and several related complexes on the growth of Pseudomonas putida were studied. Two strains were used, one of which (BK135) was more sensitive to Et3PAuTg (tolerant up to 4 microM) than the other (BK403; tolerant to at least 500 microM). Gold thiolate complexes and thiolate ligands alone had little effect on growth. Gold phosphine complexes increased the length of the lag phase of growth and reduced oxygen uptake. Marked changes in cellular morphology were determined by electron microscopy. Copper(II) compounds and aurothiomalate were synergistic in their growth inhibitory effects towards these bacteria. Experiments with 195Au suggested that a mechanism does not exist for the short term (minutes) uptake of gold by sensitive or resistant bacteria, but the resistant strain appeared to limit gold uptake over a longer term (hours).  相似文献   

Secondary alkylsulfatases (S-1 and S-2) were detected in Pseudomonas C12B cultured in minimal media lacking alkylsulfatases. The synthesis of these enzymes was not repressed by SO4-2- and L-cysteine or derepressed by L-methionine. Growth on 4% sodium citrate caused a 98% loss in the secondary alkylsulfatase activity of cells and 9% of this activity was detected in the culture medium. Citrate (20 mM) inhibited the activity of cell extracts (18%) but the inhibition was reversible by dialysis. The primary alkylsulfatase content of cells was not diminished by growth on citrate. The MgCl2 concentration of the medium also influenced the cellular levels of secondary alkylsulfatase. Bacteria grown on MgCl2 (0.05 mM - 40 mM) exhibited progressively increasing activity while the converse distribution was observed for activity present in the medium after growth at each MgCl2 concentration. Both primary and secondary alkylsulfatases were released when cells were either subjected to osmotic shock or treated for cell wall removal. Cells washed with 0.085 M sodium citrate-10 mM Tris-20%sucrose released roughly 87% of both enzymes and MgCl2 (0.04 M) inhibited the release of primary alkylsulfatase by 11% and secondary alkylsulfatase by 50%. It is suggested that citrate chelates divalent cations necessary for the attachment of secondary alkylsulfatase at the cell periphery.  相似文献   

The enrichment culture method was used to detect and isolate L-aminoacylase-producing bacteria from soil, using N -acetyl-L-alanine as inducer and substrate. Isolated bacterial strains were screened for growth and enzyme activity. Strain BA2 displayed both the highest intracellular L-aminoacylase activity and the most profuse growth. Furthermore, BA2 cells did not show any D-aminoacylase activity. This strain was an obligately aerobic rod-shaped bacterium and stained Gram-negative, and was therefore identified as Pseudomonas. Its morphological and biochemical characteristics corresponded to those of Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar I.  相似文献   

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