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We tested the hypothesis that photo-oxidative stress is greater in symbiotic representatives of the freshwater ciliate Paramecium bursaria than in aposymbiotic (i.e., without Chlorella) ones. The level of oxidative stress was determined by assessing reactive oxygen species (ROS) with two fluorescent probes (hydroethidine and dihydrorhodamine123) by flow cytometry in exponential and stationary growth phases of both strains. Photo-oxidative stress was assessed in the laboratory after exposure of the ciliates to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR: 400-700 nm) and PAR+ultraviolet radiation (UVR: 280-400 nm). Additionally, both strains were screened for their antioxidant defenses by measuring the activity of the enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione reductase. The results showed that aposymbiotic ciliates had higher levels of PAR-induced oxidative stress than symbiotic ones. Significant differences in PAR-induced oxidative stress were also found in both strains when comparing exponential and stationary growth phases with generally higher values in the former. After exposure to UVR, aposymbiotic ciliates in the stationary phase had the highest levels of ROS despite an increase in SOD activity. By contrast, exposure to UVR decreased catalase activity in both strains. Overall, our results suggest that in this ciliate symbiosis, the presence of symbionts minimizes photo-oxidative stress. This work represents the first assessment of photo-oxidative stress in an algal-ciliate mutualistic symbiosis.  相似文献   

Some hundred cells of Chlorella-like green algae are naturally enclosed within the cytoplasm of a single cell of green paramecia (Paramecium bursaria). Therefore, P. bursaria serves as an experimental model for studying the nature of endo-symbiosis made up through chemical communication between the symbiotic partners. For studying the mechanism of symbiotic regulations, the materials showing successful symbiosis are widely used. Apart from such successful model materials, some models for symbiotic distortion would be of great interest in order to understand the nature of successful symbiosis. Here, we describe a case of unsuccessful symbiosis causing unregulated growth of algae inside the hosting ciliates. Recently, we have screened some cell lines, from the mass of P. bursaria cells survived after paraquat treatment. The resultant cell lines (designated as KMZ series) show novel and unusual morphological features with heavily darker green colour distinguishable from the original pale green-coloured paramecia. In this type of isolates, endo-symbiotic algae are restricted within one or two dense spherical structures located at the center of the host cells' cytoplasm. Interestingly, this isolate maintains the host cells' circadian mating response which is known as an alga-dependent behaviour in the host cells. In contrast, we discuss that KMZ lacks the host-dependent regulation of algal growth, thus the algal complex often over-grows obviously exceeding the original size of the normal hosting ciliates. Additionally, possible use of this isolate as a novel model for symbiotic cell-to-cell communication is discussed.  相似文献   

Wei X  Jiang M 《The New phytologist》2012,193(3):779-786
? This study aimed to reveal species-genetic diversity correlations (SGDCs) and their underlying mechanisms in natural and disturbed forests. ? A community survey and molecular analyses were carried out to compare species diversity (SD), the genetic diversity of the dominant tree species Euptelea pleiospermum (GD), the altitudinal patterns of SD and GD, SGDC, genetic differentiation (F(ST) ), community divergence (F(ST) -C), effective population size (N(e) ), and recent migration rate between mountain riparian forests along the Yandu (natural) and Nan (disturbed) rivers. ? In natural forests, both SD and GD showed a unimodal altitudinal pattern and GD was positively correlated with SD, whereas a unimodal pattern and positive SGDC were not found in the disturbed forests. SD and F(ST) at the natural sites were higher than those at the disturbed sites. However, there were no significant differences in GD, F(ST) -C, N(e) or recent migration rate between the natural and disturbed sites. ? A correlation between the patterns of SD and GD along a geographical gradient (e.g. altitude) is an important driver of positive SGDC. The absence of positive SGDC in the disturbed forests may result from reduced SD but unaffected GD, indicating nonparallel changes in SD and GD. This study furthermore cautions against generalizations about changes in SD and GD following disturbance.  相似文献   

Abstract. Paramecium bursaria , a freshwater protozoan, typically harbors hundreds of symbiotic algae ( Chlorella sp.) in its cytoplasm. The relationship between host paramecia and symbiotic algae is stable and mutually beneficial in natural environments. We recently collected an aposymbiotic strain of P. bursaria . Infection experiments revealed that the natural aposymbiotic strain (Ysa2) showed unstable symbiosis with Chlorella sp. The algae aggregated at the posterior region of the host, resulting in aposymbiotic cell production after cell division. Cross-breeding analyses were performed to determine the heritability of the aposymbiotic condition. In crosses of Ysa2 with symbiotic strains of P. bursaria , F1 progeny were able to form stable symbioses with Chlorella sp. However, unstable symbiosis, resembling Ysa2 infection, occurred in some F2 progeny of sibling crosses between symbiotic F1 clones. Infection experiments using aposymbiotic F2 cells showed that these F2 subclones have limited ability to reestablish the symbiosis. These results indicate that the maintenance of stable symbiosis is genetically controlled and heritable, and that Ysa2 is a mutant lacking the mechanisms to establish stable symbiosis with Chlorella sp.  相似文献   

Symbiobacterium thermophilum is a tryptophanase-positive thermophile which shows normal growth only in coculture with its supporting bacteria. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene (rDNA) indicated that the bacterium belongs to a novel phylogenetic branch at the outermost position of the gram-positive bacterial group without clustering to any other known genus. Here we describe the distribution and diversity of S. thermophilum and related bacteria in the environment. Thermostable tryptophanase activity and amplification of the specific 16S rDNA fragment were effectively employed to detect the presence of Symbiobacterium. Enrichment with kanamycin raised detection sensitivity. Mixed cultures of thermophiles containing Symbiobacterium species were frequently obtained from compost, soil, animal feces, and contents in the intestinal tracts, as well as feeds. Phylogenetic analysis and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of the specific 16S rDNA amplicons revealed a diversity of this group of bacteria in the environment.  相似文献   

The activities of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase and of carbonic anhydrase were studied in cell-free extracts of two symbiotic Chlorella strains isolated from Paramecium bursaria and from Spongilla sp., and of two nonsymbiotic strains of Chlorella (Chlorella fusca and Chlorella vulgaris) cultivated at varied CO2-concentrations. The symbiotic Chlorella of Paramecium bursaria differs distinctly from the other Chlorella strains by a higher activity of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, which is independent of the actual CO2-concentration, and by a lack of carbonic anhydrase activity. These properties are discussed with respect to their ecological significance.Abbreviations CA carbonic anhydrase - Pbi Paramecium bursaria isolate - RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate Dedicated to Prof. Dr. André Pirson on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Recognizing diversity in coral symbiotic dinoflagellate communities   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
A detailed understanding of how diversity in endosymbiotic dinoflagellate communities maps onto the physiological range of coral hosts is critical to predicting how coral reef ecosystems will respond to climate change. Species-level taxonomy of the dinoflagellate genus Symbiodinium has been predominantly examined using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal array (rDNA ITS2) and downstream screening for dominant types using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Here, ITS2 diversity in the communities of Symbiodinium harboured by two Hawaiian coral species was explored using direct sequencing of clone libraries. We resolved sixfold to eightfold greater diversity per coral species than previously reported, the majority of which corresponds to a novel and distinct phylogenetic lineage. We evaluated how these sequences migrate in DGGE and demonstrate that this method does not effectively resolve this diversity. We conclude that the Porites spp. examined here harbour diverse assemblages of novel Symbiodinium types and that cloning and sequencing is an effective methodological approach for resolving the complexity of endosymbiotic dinoflagellate communities harboured by reef corals.  相似文献   

Termites harbor symbiotic microorganisms in their gut which emit methane. The phylogeny of the termite methanogens was inferred without cultivation based on nucleotide sequences of PCR-amplified 16S ribosomal RNA genes. Seven methanogen sequences from four termite species were newly isolated, and together with those previously published, these sequences were phylogenetically compared. The termite methanogen sequences were divided into three clusters. Two clusters of sequences, derived from the gut DNA of so-called higher termites, were related to methanogens in the orders Methanosarcinales or Methanomicrobiales. All of the sequences in the case of lower termites were closely related to the genus Methanobrevibacter. However, most of the termite symbionts were found to be distinct from known methanogens. They are not dispersed among diverse methanogen species, but rather formed unique lineages in the phylogenetic trees.  相似文献   

The character of the effect produced by symbiotic algae on photodependent behavior of their host ciliates, Paramecium bursaria, was determined. Partially alga-freed paramecia showed a reliable increase in the rates of photoaccumulation. The photoaccumulation rate gradually decreased with a further decrease in the number of zoochlorellae. Once the chlorophyll content fell down to 20-25 mu/l, the ciliates lost their capacity for photoaccululation. A mathematical model of photoaccumulation has been constructed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of symbiotic spirochetes in the gut of diverse termites were analyzed without cultivation of these microorganisms. A portion of the 16S rDNA (ca. 850 bp) was amplified directly from DNA of the mixed population in the gut by PCR and cloned. A total of 30 spirochetal phylotypes affiliated with the treponemes were identified from four termite species and they were compared with those already reported from other termites. They represented separate lines of descent from any known species of Treponema, and they were divided into two discrete clusters; one was related to Spirochaeta stenostrepta and S. caldaria, and the other was grouped together with members of the Treponema bryantii subgroup. Although some sequences from evolutionarily related termites showed close similarity, most of the sequences of spirochetes were dissimilar among different termite species, and spirochetal sequences from a single termite species occurred in several distinct phylogenetic positions. These findings suggest that termites constitute a rich reservoir of novel spirochetal diversity and that evolution of the symbiosis is not simple.  相似文献   

The endosymbiotic unit of Paramecium bursaria and Chlorella spec. shows two types of photobehaviour: 1) A step-up photophobic response which possibly depends on photosensitive agents in the ciliate cell itself — as is also shown by alga-free Paramecium bursaria - and can be drastically enhanced by photosynthetic activity of symbiotic algae; and 2) a step-down photophobic response. The step-down response leads to photoaccumulation of green paramecia. Both types of photobehaviour in Paramecium bursaria do not depend on any special kind of algal partners: The infection of alga-free Paramecium bursaria with different Chlorella species results in new ciliatealgae-associations. They are formed not only by combination of the original symbiotic algae with their host, but also by infection with other symbiotic or free-living (aposymbiotic) chlorellae, respecitively. Systems with other than the original algae are not permanently stable — algae are lost under stress conditions — but show the same types of photobehaviour. Photoaccumulation in general requires algal photosynthesis and occurs only with ciliates containing more than fifty algae/cell. It is not mediated by a chemotactic response to oxygen in the medium, since it occurs at light fluence rates not sufficient for a release of oxygen by the symbiotic system, e.g., below its photosynthetic compensation point. Photoresponses can be inhibited by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). Sensory transduction does not depend on any special symbiotic features of the algae, e.g., sugar excretion. The participation of oxygen in the Paramecium cell, of its cytoplasmic pH and of ions released or taken up by endosymbiotic algae in sensory transduction is discussed.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA from Paramecium aurelia is a linear molecule. Replication is initiated at a unique cross-linked molecular terminus. During replication dimer length molecules, consisting of two head-to-head monomers, are generated. We have cloned the head-to-head dimer initiation region from five different species and several stocks (or races) within species and determined its DNA sequence. For all species, this dimer initiation region consists of a central non-palindromic sequence containing almost exclusively A and T, arranged in an array of direct tandem repeats. In an intra-species comparison, the sequences of the repeat units are relatively homogeneous; inter-species comparisons, however, show diversity except for a conserved "Goldberg-Hogness box", T-A-T-A-A-A-T-A. The size of a repeat unit and the number of repeats within a molecule can vary over a wide range, even in an intra-species comparison. Because of these wide inter-species variations observed, it is likely that the function of this region imposes few constraints on the sequence other than its high A + T content and possibly a Goldberg-Hogness box. The array of direct tandem repeats may have arisen from unequal recombination or crossover within this region. Adjacent to the non-palindromic region is a transcribed sequence which is highly conserved for all species and presumably represents a gene coding region.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of symbiotic spirochetes from five dry-wood feeding lower termites (Cryptotermes cavifrons, Heterotermes tenuis, Kalotermes flavicollis, Neotermes mona, and Reticulitermes grassei) was compared to those described in previous reports. The 16S rDNA bacterial genes were PCR-amplified from DNA isolated from intestinal samples using a spirochete-selective primer, and the 16S amplicons were cloned into Escherichia coli. Sequences of the cloned inserts were then used to determine closest relatives by comparison with published sequences. Clones sharing more than 97% sequence identity were grouped into the same phylotype. Forty-three new phylotypes were identified. These termite whole-gut-spirochetes fell into two previous defined clusters, designated as Treponema Clusters I and II, and one new Cluster III. Thirty-seven phylotypes were grouped in Cluster I. Cluster II comprised three phylotypes, two from Reticulitermes grassei (LJ029 and LJ012) and one from Heterotermes tenuis (LQ016). Three phylotypes, LK057, LK050 and LK028, were affiliated to Cluster III. Members of Cluster I showed the following characteristics: (i) spirochete phylotypes from a particular species of termite were more closely related to each other than to phylotypes of other termite species; (ii) spirochetes obtained from different genera of the same family, such as Cryptotermes sp., Kalotermes sp., and Neotermes sp., all from the family Kalotermitidae, were also related to each other. It was therefore concluded that spirochetes are specific symbionts that have coevolved with their respective species of termites, are stably harbored, and are closely related to members of the same termite family.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes transmit numerous arboviruses including dengue and chikungunya virus (CHIKV). In recent years, mosquito species Aedes albopictus has expanded in the Indian Ocean region and was the principal vector of chikungunya outbreaks in La Reunion and neighbouring islands in 2005 and 2006. Vector‐associated bacteria have recently been found to interact with transmitted pathogens. For instance, Wolbachia modulates the replication of viruses or parasites. However, there has been no systematic evaluation of the diversity of the entire bacterial populations within mosquito individuals particularly in relation to virus invasion. Here, we investigated the effect of CHIKV infection on the whole bacterial community of Ae. albopictus. Taxonomic microarrays and quantitative PCR showed that members of Alpha‐ and Gammaproteobacteria phyla, as well as Bacteroidetes, responded to CHIKV infection. The abundance of bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family increased with CHIKV infection, whereas the abundance of known insect endosymbionts like Wolbachia and Blattabacterium decreased. Our results clearly link the pathogen propagation with changes in the dynamics of the bacterial community, suggesting that cooperation or competition occurs within the host, which may in turn affect the mosquito traits like vector competence.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between the Japanese Paramecium bursaria host and its symbiont, we studied the effect of a host cell-free extract on carbon fixation and photosynthate release of the symbiont. The host extract enhanced symbiotic algal carbon fixation about 3-fold at an increased concentration; however, release of photosynthate hardly changed. Since the enhancing effect was not affected by elimination of carbon dioxide from the host extract, the existence of a host factor that stimulates algal carbon fixation was made clear. The host factor is a heat-stable, low molecular weight substance. In relation to the pH dependence, the extract improved carbon fixation at acidic and neutral pH and showed almost no effect at pH 9.0. Therefore, the stimulation of carbon fixation by the host factor is unlikely to be caused by intracellular pH change. The extract also improved carbon fixation of several Chlorella species, symbiotic and free-living, and apparently exhibited no species specificity. Therefore, the host seems to regulate the photosynthesis of the symbiont via a specific compound.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of 29 East African highland banana (Musa spp.) cultivars and two outgroup taxa, M. acuminata Calcutta 4 and Agbagba were surveyed by RAPD analysis. A genetic similarity matrix was established based on the presence or absence of polymorphic amplified fragments. Phylogenetic relationships were determined by UPGMA cluster analysis. RAPDs showed that the highland bananas are closely related with a narrow genetic base. Nevertheless, there were sufficient RAPD polymorphisms that were collectively useful in distinguishing the cultivars. The dendrogram was divisible into a major cluster composed of all the AAA highland banana cultivars and Agbagba (AAB) and a minor cluster consisting of Kisubi (AB), Kamaramasenge (AB) and Calcutta 4 (AA). Several subgroups are recognized within the major cluster. RAPD data did not separate beer and cooking banana cultivars. Our study showed that RAPD markers can readily dissect genetic differences between the closely related highland bananas and provide a basis for the selection of parents for improvement of this germplasm. Received: 28 June 2000 / Accepted: 1 August 2000  相似文献   

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