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2005年,我们进行了部分动物园饲养野生动物使用疫苗情况调查,了解到动物园动物使用36种疫苗预防31种疫病,其中涉及人兽共患病9种,7种疫病是动物园动物没有明确发生但在进行免疫预防的疾病。调查发现所用疫苗没有适应野生动物使用的疫苗和相应的免疫程序,疫苗接种均是参照家畜家禽的使用剂量和程序,大部分动物园动物没有进行禽流感、狂犬病等人兽共患病的监测,动物园之间的技术交流较少。主要原因是技术落后、设备缺乏、人员不济。应加强对圈养野生动物疾病防控技术的研究,加强对动物园动物重要疫病的监测,进一步加强动物园之间对疫病信息的交流和防疫资源的利用,加大对动物园动物疫病的研究投入。  相似文献   

近年来, 新型冠状病毒、SARS病毒和鼠疫等新发和再发性动物源疫病多是由兽类及其媒介携带的病原生物直接或间接感染而引发的, 不仅对人类健康和生态系统平衡造成了重大威胁, 而且威胁全球公共卫生安全、粮食安全和生物安全。结合我国重要陆生兽类疫源疫病发生的新情况和新特点, 本文重点总结了我国以陆生野生及非野生兽类(家畜为主)为重点的24种重要人兽共患病的监管情况, 并对这些疫源疫病的监管空缺进行了分析。由于病原生物的种类多及其感染传播方式多样, 我国人间和动物间疫情呈现多发态势, 新发和再发疫病防控面临严峻挑战。从目前情况来看, 我国重要野生动物疫源疫病呈现为多部门、多层监管的局面。全球化贸易剧增、非法猎杀、非法交易、违法违规养殖、滥食野生动物陋习、检疫环节失察等导致了当前我国野生动物疫源疫病的传染源头和传播链错综复杂, 加剧了人类与野生动物所携带的病原接触、感染和传播的风险。极端气候或灾害事件频发以及对新发再发传染病的认知不足导致难以从源头做好疫病防控。针对上述问题, 本文提出了从源头加强基础研究和全链条监管来积极防范陆生野生动物疫病疫情的对策和建议。  相似文献   

蒋志刚 《生物多样性》2020,28(2):256-37
进入21世纪以来, 中国爆发了SARS与新型冠状病毒肺炎两场重大传染病。研究表明这两场传染病的疫源可能是蝙蝠, 也可能还有其他中间宿主动物, 人们纷纷要求立法禁止食用野生动物。事实上, 国家已经立法禁止食用受法律保护的和非法来源的野生动物, 市场调查也未发现有蝙蝠出售。那么, SARS病毒与新型冠状病毒是如何从野生动物传到人类的? 我们应当从这两场疫病中吸取哪些教训? 除了全面禁止非法食用野生动物外, 笔者建议: (1)完善野生动物疫病立法, 填补立法空缺。修订现有法律关于野生动物疫病自然疫源地建设项目的管理条款。(2)设立常设机构, 覆盖野生动物疫病调查监测、人与野生动物接触界面检疫监管、易感人群免疫、法律与科学知识普及和疾病防治整个流行病环节, 实现野生动物疫病的早预防、早发现、早治疗, 切实保证社会公共卫生安全。(3)建立野生动物疫病的防控机制, 定期鉴别携带病原的野生动物, 加强对蝙蝠的监测, 发布野生动物疫源疫病控制红线, 加强野生动物疫病执法和预防管理。(4)完善动物生产管理、动物产品及其销售市场的检疫程序。改革人们现场宰杀动物、追求食用鲜活动物食品的习惯。  相似文献   

以中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒、西尼罗病毒、基孔肯雅病毒等为代表的人畜共患病病毒对全球公共卫生健康产生了巨大的威胁。由中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所牵头、谭文杰研究员作为项目首席科学家的"重大突发动物源性人兽共患病跨种感染与传播机制研究"项目获得"十三五"国家重点研发计划"畜禽重大疫病防控与高效安全养殖综合技术研发"专项资助,将为从源头、传播、感染靶点三个层次有效阻断动物源性人兽共患病发生及疫病防控提供科学依据与技术支撑。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快和人民生活水平的提高,城市中宠物的饲养数量急速上升,由此产生的一系列问题也逐步显现,尤其是与人类密切相关的"卫生与健康"问题,诸如狂犬病、弓形体病等"人兽共患病"引发的公共卫生安全问题已引起社会和国家各主管部门的高度关注。强化宠物源人兽共患病的防范意识,采取有效的措施控制此类人兽共患病的发生,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)是一种重要的人兽共患病病原菌,人类是其主要宿主。千百年来,由于动物与人类关系密切,动物也成为结核分枝杆菌的重要宿主,且感染结核分枝杆菌的动物还能成为传染源,将其传播至人类和其他动物。关于动物感染结核分枝杆菌已有大量报道,包括大象、非人灵长类动物、貘、海狮、犬、猫、牛、鸟等。本文就结核分枝杆菌在野生动物、家畜中的流行与传播进行介绍,总结其在动物间传播的主要途径。  相似文献   

宠物疫病特别是人兽共患病严重危害着宠物健康和公共卫生安全。通过对我国宠物疫苗研发和应用现状进行分析,提出关于开展疫苗质量监控技术和免疫抗体检测技术研究,以建立宠物疫苗质量监控体系和免疫抗体监测体系的建议。免疫试纸快速检测技术是一种敏感、快捷的一步法检测技术,适用于多种分析物的快速、低成本即时检测。本实验室建立了抗原、抗体和半抗原3类靶标物的免疫试纸快速检测技术体系,研制成功动物疫病抗原、抗体快速检测试纸系列产品,真正实现了长期以来人们在检测技术领域所追求的"特异、敏感、快速、简便"的目标,为实现动物疫病快速诊断和实时监测提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,城市家庭饲养宠物日益增多,宠物已经成为人们日常生活中接触最多的动物。然而,许多宠物是人兽共患疾病的重要传染源,随着人类与各种动物间"零"距离的接触,各种宠物携带的人兽共患病也悄然传入人类,给人们身体健康和公共卫生安全带来了严重的威胁。近年来,许多学者对犬、猫、鸟、鼠和其他宠物易感的人兽共患病毒病开展了许多研究工作,本文对狂犬病、戊型肝炎、禽流感、淋巴细胞脉络膜脑膜炎、流行性出血热、西尼罗热等一些严重危害的宠物人兽共患病毒病进行了概述。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展、城市化进程的加速及人们生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的宠物走进了人们的家庭,在人类社会生活中发挥了积极作用。但同时,宠物也是人兽共患病的重要传染源和传播媒介。与人类关系最为密切的犬、猫在人兽共患病的防控中具有重要的意义。在已报道的200多种主要的人兽共患病中,与宠物犬、猫有直接或间接关系的有70余种。随着宠物犬猫数量的大幅攀升和宠物业的飞速发展,我国人与犬猫共患病可能会出现逐步高发的趋势,疫病防控工作面临着许多问题。为了完善宠物管理制度,建立有效的防疫监督体系,对人与犬猫共患病实行有效的防控,本文就完善法律法规、形成综合管理机制,加强卫生监督、强化无害化处理、培养专业人才以及广泛开展宣传教育等6个方面提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

周立  李刚  孔雪  陈朗  冯勇 《生物资源》2020,42(4):461-469
自2019年底以来,全球范围内爆发了新型冠状病毒SARS-CoV-2引起的COVID-19大流行。SARS-CoV-2与蝙蝠来源的严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)样冠状病毒高度同源,且穿山甲等野生动物中也鉴定出了同源性高的SARS样冠状病毒,提示SARS-CoV-2的源头与野生动物有关,野生动物资源利用与保护相关的生物安全问题凸显。在此背景下,本文介绍了常见的人畜共患病毒,提出了人类在利用野生生物资源时如何预防此类病毒的建议和思考。呼吁全社会应高度重视野生动物资源生物安全问题,形成"动物的健康即人类的健康、坚决不吃野味"的全民共识。  相似文献   

Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) in wildlife are major threats both to human health and to biodiversity conservation. An estimated 71.8 % of zoonotic EID events are caused by pathogens in wildlife and the incidence of such diseases is increasing significantly in humans. In addition, human diseases are starting to infect wildlife, especially non-human primates. The chimpanzee is an endangered species that is threatened by human activity such as deforestation, poaching, and human disease transmission. Recently, several respiratory disease outbreaks that are suspected of having been transmitted by humans have been reported in wild chimpanzees. Therefore, we need to study zoonotic pathogens that can threaten captive chimpanzees in primate research institutes. Serological surveillance is one of several methods used to reveal infection history. We examined serum from 14 captive chimpanzees in Japanese primate research institutes for antibodies against 62 human pathogens and 1 chimpanzee-borne infectious disease. Antibodies tested positive against 29 pathogens at high or low prevalence in the chimpanzees. These results suggest that the proportions of human-borne infections may reflect the chimpanzee’s history, management system in the institute, or regional epidemics. Furthermore, captive chimpanzees are highly susceptible to human pathogens, and their induced antibodies reveal not only their history of infection, but also the possibility of protection against human pathogens.  相似文献   

Emerging infectious diseases are increasingly originating from wildlife. Many of these diseases have significant impacts on human health, domestic animal health, and biodiversity. Surveillance is the key to early detection of emerging diseases. A zoo based wildlife disease surveillance program developed in Australia incorporates disease information from free-ranging wildlife into the existing national wildlife health information system. This program uses a collaborative approach and provides a strong model for a disease surveillance program for free-ranging wildlife that enhances the national capacity for early detection of emerging diseases.  相似文献   

Fevers of unknown origin complicate treatment and prevention of infectious diseases and are a global health burden. We examined risk factors of self-reported fever—categorized as “malarial” and “nonmalarial”—in households adjacent to national parks across the Ugandan Albertine Rift, a biodiversity and emerging infectious disease hotspot. Statistical models fitted to these data suggest that perceived nonmalarial fevers of unknown origin were associated with more frequent direct contact with wildlife and with increased distance from parks where wildlife habitat is limited to small forest fragments. Perceived malarial fevers were associated with close proximity to parks but were not associated with direct wildlife contact. Self-reported fevers of any kind were not associated with livestock ownership. These results suggest a hypothesis that nonmalarial fevers in this area are associated with wildlife contact, and further investigation of zoonoses from wildlife is warranted. More generally, our findings of land use–disease relationships aid in hypothesis development for future research in this social-ecological system where emerging infectious diseases specifically, and rural public health provisioning generally, are important issues.  相似文献   

Early detection of disease outbreaks in human and animal populations is crucial to the effective surveillance of emerging infectious diseases. However, there are marked geographical disparities in capacity for early detection of outbreaks, which limit the effectiveness of global surveillance strategies. Linking surveillance approaches for emerging and neglected endemic zoonoses, with a renewed focus on existing disease problems in developing countries, has the potential to overcome several limitations and to achieve additional health benefits. Poor reporting is a major constraint to the surveillance of both emerging and endemic zoonoses, and several important barriers to reporting can be identified: (i) a lack of tangible benefits when reports are made; (ii) a lack of capacity to enforce regulations; (iii) poor communication among communities, institutions and sectors; and (iv) complexities of the international regulatory environment. Redirecting surveillance efforts to focus on endemic zoonoses in developing countries offers a pragmatic approach that overcomes some of these barriers and provides support in regions where surveillance capacity is currently weakest. In addition, this approach addresses immediate health and development problems, and provides an equitable and sustainable mechanism for building the culture of surveillance and the core capacities that are needed for all zoonotic pathogens, including emerging disease threats.  相似文献   

野生鸟类传染性疾病研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘冬平  肖文发  陆军  张正旺 《生态学报》2011,31(22):6959-6966
由于具有独特的飞行能力和极强的地理扩散能力,鸟类活动为某些传染性疾病的快速传播和扩散带来了潜在风险.自20世纪以来,以禽霍乱、禽波特淋菌病、西尼罗河热、禽流感等为代表的鸟类疾病频繁暴发,导致为数众多的野生鸟类、家禽甚至人类死亡,给社会造成巨大的经济损失.因此,有关鸟类传染性疾病的研究已引起了国内外学者的广泛关注.从鸟类传染性疾病的生态学特征、疾病对鸟类与人类社会的影响、鸟类对疾病的传播、鸟类疾病的监测、预警和防控等方面对野生鸟类的传染性疾病研究进展进行了综述.不同疾病导致的鸟类死亡量、易感物种数量、暴发频率和地理扩散等特征差异显著.20世纪以来,疾病已成为全球生物多样性的七大威胁因子之一.疾病可能造成鸟类大量死亡,从而对鸟类种群,特别是濒危鸟类种群造成严重影响.其中,人畜共患病还会导致家禽家畜甚至人类的死亡,从而对社会产生严重的影响.野生鸟类作为多种疾病传播的媒介,其移动和迁徙可能会导致疾病的传播与扩散.开展全面的监测活动和建立疾病预警体系,对于疾病的防控具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases have become a major global environmental problem with important public health, economic, and political consequences. The etiologic agents of most emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic, and anthropogenic environmental changes that affect wildlife communities are increasingly implicated in disease emergence and spread. Although increased disease incidence has been correlated with biodiversity loss for several zoonoses, experimental tests in these systems are lacking. We manipulated small-mammal biodiversity by removing non-reservoir species in replicated field plots in Panama, where zoonotic hantaviruses are endemic. Both infection prevalence of hantaviruses in wild reservoir (rodent) populations and reservoir population density increased where small-mammal species diversity was reduced. Regardless of other variables that affect the prevalence of directly transmitted infections in natural communities, high biodiversity is important in reducing transmission of zoonotic pathogens among wildlife hosts. Our results have wide applications in both conservation biology and infectious disease management.  相似文献   

The ecology of infectious disease in wildlife has become a pivotal theme in animal and public health. Studies of infectious disease ecology rely on robust surveillance of pathogens in reservoir hosts, often based on serology, which is the detection of specific antibodies in the blood and is used to infer infection history. However, serological data can be inaccurate for inference to infection history for a variety of reasons. Two major aspects in any serological test can substantially impact results and interpretation of antibody prevalence data: cross-reactivity and cut-off thresholds used to discriminate positive and negative reactions. Given the ubiquitous use of serology as a tool for surveillance and epidemiological modeling of wildlife diseases, it is imperative to consider the strengths and limitations of serological test methodologies and interpretation of results, particularly when using data that may affect management and policy for the prevention and control of infectious diseases in wildlife. Greater consideration of population age structure and cohort representation, serological test suitability and standardized sample collection protocols can ensure that reliable data are obtained for downstream modeling applications to characterize, and evaluate interventions for, wildlife disease systems.  相似文献   

Evidence that infectious diseases cause wildlife population extirpation or extinction remains anecdotal and it is unclear whether the impacts of a pathogen at the individual level can scale up to population level so drastically. Here, we quantify the response of a Common eider colony to emerging epidemics of avian cholera, one of the most important infectious diseases affecting wild waterfowl. We show that avian cholera has the potential to drive colony extinction, even over a very short period. Extinction depends on disease severity (the impact of the disease on adult female survival) and disease frequency (the number of annual epidemics per decade). In case of epidemics of high severity (i.e., causing >30% mortality of breeding females), more than one outbreak per decade will be unsustainable for the colony and will likely lead to extinction within the next century; more than four outbreaks per decade will drive extinction to within 20 years. Such severity and frequency of avian cholera are already observed, and avian cholera might thus represent a significant threat to viability of breeding populations. However, this will depend on the mechanisms underlying avian cholera transmission, maintenance, and spread, which are currently only poorly known.  相似文献   

Swaddle JP  Calos SE 《PloS one》2008,3(6):e2488
Recent infectious disease models illustrate a suite of mechanisms that can result in lower incidence of disease in areas of higher disease host diversity--the 'dilution effect'. These models are particularly applicable to human zoonoses, which are infectious diseases of wildlife that spill over into human populations. As many recent emerging infectious diseases are zoonoses, the mechanisms that underlie the 'dilution effect' are potentially widely applicable and could contribute greatly to our understanding of a suite of diseases. The dilution effect has largely been observed in the context of Lyme disease and the predictions of the underlying models have rarely been examined for other infectious diseases on a broad geographic scale. Here, we explored whether the dilution effect can be observed in the relationship between the incidence of human West Nile virus (WNV) infection and bird (host) diversity in the eastern US. We constructed a novel geospatial contrasts analysis that compares the small differences in avian diversity of neighboring US counties (where one county reported human cases of WNV and the other reported no cases) with associated between-county differences in human disease. We also controlled for confounding factors of climate, regional variation in mosquito vector type, urbanization, and human socioeconomic factors that are all likely to affect human disease incidence. We found there is lower incidence of human WNV in eastern US counties that have greater avian (viral host) diversity. This pattern exists when examining diversity-disease relationships both before WNV reached the US (in 1998) and once the epidemic was underway (in 2002). The robust disease-diversity relationships confirm that the dilution effect can be observed in another emerging infectious disease and illustrate an important ecosystem service provided by biodiversity, further supporting the growing view that protecting biodiversity should be considered in public health and safety plans.  相似文献   

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