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为了表达SARS-CoV的S蛋白的受体结合区并对其免疫原性进行分析,用PCR方法扩增S蛋白的受体结合区基因片段,克隆至原核表达质粒pET-F32a+并在大肠杆菌中表达,应用Western—blot鉴定表达的目的蛋白,而后以该蛋白作为诊断抗原包被酶联卡反来检测20份SARS病人血清和28份健康人血清,结果原核表达的S蛋白能够和所用的SARS病人血清反应。这提示表达的S重组蛋白具有良好的抗原性。将变性纯化的重组蛋白和复性蛋白分别皮下免疫小鼠,第三次免疫一周后收集抗血清,用ELISA测定抗体和同时测定中和抗体活性。用变性的抗原免疫的小鼠血清均无中和活性;而用复性的蛋白免疫的小鼠产生了中和抗体。实验表明,S蛋白受体结合区无线性中和表位,中和抗体的产生是由构象表位诱导的。提示该蛋白有可能应用于亚单位疫苗的研究。  相似文献   

Li  Jiang-Fan  He  Lei  Deng  Yong-Qiang  Qi  Shu-Hui  Chen  Yue-Hong  Zhang  Xiao-Lu  Hu  Shi-Xiong  Fan  Rui-Wen  Zhao  Guang-Yu  Qin  Cheng-Feng 《中国病毒学》2021,36(6):1484-1491
Virologica Sinica - The sudden emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) has caused global panic in 2003, and the risk of SARS-CoV outbreak still exists. However, no...  相似文献   

对SARS病人粪便样本直接测序,得到SRAS—CoV BJ202全基因组序列(AY864806)。应用比较基因组研究方法对GenBank中公布的115株SARS—CoV基因组序列以及BJ202进行分析。以GZ02序列为参照,发现2个以上基因组中同时存在单核苷酸多态(SNP)位点共278个。多态位点在SARS—CoV基因组中呈偏态分布,大约一半突变位点(50.4%,140/278)发生在基因组3’末端1/3区域。编码Orf10-11、Orf3/4、E蛋白、M蛋白和S蛋白区域突变率较高。克隆并测序含有BJ202基因组12个多态位点的11个cDNA以及4个不含已知多态位点的cDNA片段(15个片段总长度为6.0kb),结果显示:BJ202特有的3个多态位点(13804、1503l和20792)以及另外3个多态位点(26428、26477和27243)均检出两种不同核苷酸;位点18379虽在已公布的115株SARS—CoV基因组中未发现突变,实际上也是多态位点。14个克隆中有8个克隆该位点为A,6个克隆为G。全部116个SARS—CoV基因组中共有18种缺失类型和2种插入类型。大部分缺失发生在编码ORF9和ORF10-11区域(基因组序列27700—28000bp处)。以邻位连接法(Neighbor-Joining)构建了116株SARS—CoV系统发育树,BJ202与BJ01和LLJ-2004等SARS—CoV的亲缘关系较接近。  相似文献   

SARS-CoV是引起严重急性呼吸道综合症(SARS)的病原体.更多地了解SARS-CoV的基因组、蛋白结构以及它与其它冠状病毒的关系,将有助于SARS疾病的防治.  相似文献   

SARS-CoVS蛋白特异的单克隆抗体2C5具有病毒中和作用。以单克隆抗体2C5为筛选靶分子,筛选噬菌体展示随机7肽库。经三轮淘洗后随机挑选20个噬菌体克隆进行ELISA分析和序列测定。在10个ELISAOD值大于0.2的阳性噬菌体克隆中,有8个噬菌体克隆展示有共同的7肽序列TPEQQFT。展示有该序列的噬菌体克隆能竞争抑制SARS-CoVS蛋白抗原与单抗2C5的结合。结果表明TPEQQFT为单克隆抗体2C5的模拟表位。该结果可对进一步研究S蛋白结构与功能和设计SARS疫苗有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

严重急性呼吸系统综合征(severe acute respiratory syndrome,SARS)是由严重急性呼吸系统综合征冠状病毒(SARS corona-vims,SARS-CoV)引起的呼吸系统疾病。SARS-CoV的刺突蛋白(spike protein)具有S1和S2两个独特的功能结构域,研究发现两者都是进行疫苗和抗体研究的理想和有效的靶点。对非典疫苗的研究生产非常有价值,对预防和治疗SARS也有重大意义。  相似文献   

SARS-CoV单克隆抗体的制备及抗原表位的初步鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
参照已发表的SARS冠状病毒BJ01株基因序列 ,利用计算机软件预测并选取该病毒S、M、N三种主要结构蛋白部分抗原性优势区域 ,以编码Gly-Pro-Gly序列相连接合成两段嵌合基因A和B。并分别克隆于pGEX -6p- 1载体上用IPTG进行诱导表达 ,以纯化的嵌合蛋白A和B为抗原 ,分别免疫BALB c小鼠制备单克隆抗体。利用单克隆抗体亚型检测试剂盒和SARS CoV商品化ELISA检测试剂盒对其进行亚型和特异性鉴定。结果表明融合表达两段嵌合基因产物 ,其大小分别为 34kD和35kD ,Westernblot分析证实两种表达产物都能被SARS病人康复期血清所识别。获得了 6株能稳定分泌特异性抗体的阳性细胞克隆株。亚型鉴定结果除D3C5为IgG2a外其他单抗均为IgG1,而且所有单抗的轻链均为κ链。特异性鉴定发现除D3D1外 ,其余的 5株单抗均能与SARS CoV商品化ELISA检测试剂盒发生特异性反应。将D3D1与灭活后经超声波裂解的SARS CoV进行Westernblot分析 ,发现它能特异性识别 180kD的蛋白带。分别融合表达了 6个S蛋白的寡肽 (S1- S6 ) ,并对筛选出的单克隆…  相似文献   

严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)因其传染性强、危害性大而受到广泛关注。世界各国密切合作,在对SARS的研究方面取得了许多突破。本文针对2005年前后的相关研究进展,综述了对S、N、M和E等4种SARS冠状病毒的结构蛋白的功能、实际应用等研究情况,其中对S、N蛋白进行了更为详细的介绍,重点阐述了主要结构蛋白的特征性功能区域、特异性蛋白、特征性反应、实验研究技术的改进以及疫苗研发等进展。  相似文献   

A new system to recognize protein coding genes in the coronavirus genomes, specially suitable for the SARS-CoV genomes, has been proposed in this paper. Compared with some existing systems, the new program package has the merits of simplicity, high accuracy, reliability, and quickness. The system ZCURVE_CoV has been run for each of the 11 newly sequenced SARS-CoV genomes. Consequently, six genomes not annotated previously have been annotated, and some problems of previous annotations in the remaining five genomes have been pointed out and discussed. In addition to the polyprotein chain ORFs 1a and 1b and the four genes coding for the major structural proteins, spike (S), small envelop (E), membrane (M), and nuleocaspid (N), respectively, ZCURVE_CoV also predicts 5-6 putative proteins in length between 39 and 274 amino acids with unknown functions. Some single nucleotide mutations within these putative coding sequences have been detected and their biological implications are discussed. A web service is provided, by which a user can obtain the annotated result immediately by pasting the SARS-CoV genome sequences into the input window on the web site (http://tubic.tju.edu.cn/sars/). The software ZCURVE_CoV can also be downloaded freely from the web address mentioned above and run in computers under the platforms of Windows or Linux.  相似文献   

Wang ZG  Zheng ZH  Shang L  Li LJ  Cong LM  Feng MG  Luo Y  Cheng SY  Zhang YJ  Ru MG  Wang ZX  Bao QY 《FEBS letters》2005,579(22):4928-4936
In this study, we have identified 876 polymorphism sites in 145 complete or partial genomes of SARS-CoV available in the NCBI GenBank. One hundred and seventy-four of these sites existed in two or more SARS-CoV genome sequences. According to the sequence polymorphism, all SARS-CoVs can be divided into three groups: (I) group 1, animal-origin viruses (such as SARS-CoV SZ1, SZ3, SZ13 and SZ16); (II) group 2, all viruses with clinical origin during first epidemic; and (III) group 3, SARS-CoV GD03T0013. According to 10 special loci, group 2 again can be divided into genotypes C and T, which can be further divided into sub-genotypes C1-C4 and T1-T4. Positive Darwinian selections were identified between any pair of these three groups. Genotype C gives neutral selection. Genotype T, however, shows negative selection. By comparing the death rates of SARS patients in the different regions, it was found that the death rate caused by the viruses of the genotype C was lower than that of the genotype T. SARS-CoVs might originate from an unknown ancestor.  相似文献   

严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2,SARS-CoV-2)自被发现以来就引起了人们的广泛关注,开发针对该病毒的安全、有效疫苗成为近期的研究热点。本文以高致病性冠状病毒疫苗(包括灭活疫苗、重组亚单位疫苗、重组病毒载体疫苗和核酸疫苗)的研究展开综述,为研制SARS-CoV-2疫苗提供参考。  相似文献   

Chow KY  Yeung YS  Hon CC  Zeng F  Law KM  Leung FC 《FEBS letters》2005,579(30):6699-6704
The pro-apoptotic properties of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) structural proteins were studied in vitro. By monitoring apoptosis indicators including chromatin condensation, cellular DNA fragmentation and cell membrane asymmetry, we demonstrated that the adenovirus-mediated over-expression of SARS-CoV spike (S) protein and its C-terminal domain (S2) induce apoptosis in Vero E6 cells in a time- and dosage-dependent manner, whereas the expression of its N-terminal domain (S1) and other structural proteins, including envelope (E), membrane (M) and nucleocapsid (N) protein do not. These findings suggest a possible role of S and S2 protein in SARS-CoV induced apoptosis and the molecular pathogenesis of SARS.  相似文献   

SARS-Cov及其他冠状病毒基因组比较分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
摘要:对病毒种内和种间基因组的比较分析能获得很多关于病毒起源与演化的信息。对17株SARS-CoV的种内基因组变异分析发现共有137个变异位点,估算出SARS-CoV的突变率为8.04×10-3核苷酸替换/位点/年。变异位点在基因组上的分布不均匀,变异位点最多的是基因组中编码S1蛋白的区域,而在编码依赖于RNA的RNA聚合酶区域中几乎没有变异位点。核苷酸和氨基酸替换的偏性预示变异可能不仅仅是由随机漂变产生。对冠状病毒种间基因组结构比较分析发现,SARS-CoV的基因组结构与IBV很相似;而保守基因系统发育分析表明,SARS-CoV属于冠状病毒的一个新分支,并且与血清型第二组冠状病毒进化关系较近。对其他某些分子特征的分析发现,在不同的方面SARS-CoV和不同组冠状病毒有不同的相似点。进一步对基因组非保守开放阅读框(ORF)的基序(motif)和跨膜区分析发现,各组冠状病毒基因组中位于基因S-E间的非保守ORF可能是同源的,但不是绝对必要的;而IBV和SARS-CoV的基因组中位于基因M-N间ORF可能不是同源的。综合分析SARS-CoV与3组血清型冠状病毒进化关系、宿主分布,以及SARS-CoV和IBV的s2m的进化关系,可以推测SARS-CoV有可能来自禽类。 Abstract:The genome comparison of inter-species and intra-species can give us much information about the origin and evolution of viruses.There are 137 mutation sites in the 17 genomes of SARS-CoV,and the mutation rate is about 8.04×10-3 substitution/site/year.The distribution of the segregating sites is not steady,the most variable region appears in S1 protein,and the nucleotide sequence of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase has very few mutation sites.The substitution bias of nucleotide acids and amino acids indicates the non-random drift products.The comparison of genome structures of SARS-CoV and other coronaviruses shows that SARS-CoV and IBV share the same genome structure.Phylogenetic analyses of conserved genes of coronaviruses indicate that SARS-CoV is a new branch of coronaviruses and appears more close to the group II coronaviruses.Interestingly,SARS-CoV shares some different features with different groups of coronaviruses.Additional analyses show that the first ORFs between S and E genes of some coronaviruses are transmembrane proteins and share the common motif,indicating the possible common ancestor.From the host distribution of different groups of coronaviruses and the phylogeny of s2m,we can deduce that avian is the probable natural host of SARS-CoV.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific NMR assignments of the globular core comprising the residues 1066–1181 within the non-structural protein nsp3e from the SARS coronavirus have been obtained using triple-resonance NMR experiments with the uniformly [13C, 15N]-labeled protein. The backbone and side chain assignments are nearly complete, providing the basis for the ongoing NMR structure determination. A preliminary identification of regular secondary structures has been derived from the 13C chemical shifts.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common cause of respiratory infections in infants. Effective vaccines are currently being sought, but no vaccine is thus far available. In our previous study, recombinant AIK‐C measles vaccine expressing the RSV fusion protein (MVAIK/RSV/F) was developed and protective immunity against RSV demonstrated in cotton rats. In the present study, the immunogenicity and protective effects were investigated in three cynomolgus monkeys immunized with MVAIK/RSV/F. Neutralizing test antibodies against RSV were detected and no infectious virus was recovered from the lungs of monkeys immunized with MVAIK/RSV/F after challenge. MVAIK/RSV/F has the potential to inhibit RSV infection.

目的通过观察SARS-CoV感染Lewis大鼠后,病理学、免疫学以及病毒的复制与外排情况变化,探讨其能否作为有效的SARS动物模型。方法SARS病毒感染9只Lewis大鼠,在感染后不同时间安乐死动物,应用光镜对动物的各脏器进行病理观察研究;用病毒分离和RT-PCR方法检测病毒外排与复制的情况;用ELISA法检测动物产生特异性抗体情况。结果在SARS-CoV感染Lewis大鼠后,肺组织出现一定的与人类SARS疾病相似的病理改变,在动物体内可检测到活病毒或病毒核酸,并可检测到特异性IgG抗体的存在。结论Lewis大鼠出现了特异的免疫反应及特征性病理改变,可做为灵长类SARS动物模型的有益补充用于SARS发病机理及疫苗的研发等。  相似文献   

血中检测SARS冠状病毒N蛋白在SARS实验室早期诊断中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确严重急性呼吸综合症(SARS)冠状病毒N蛋白在SARS实验室早期诊断中的作用,通过微量中和试验及酶联免疫方法、间接免疫荧光法检测疑似病人恢复期血清(大于28天)中SARS-IgG抗体,确诊SARS患者。同时收集发病不同时期SARS及普通发热病人血清,利用酶联免疫方法检测SARS-CoVN蛋白,并与荧光定量PCR早期诊断方法相比较。共检测:广州地区2003年12月~2004.年1月新发4例确诊SARS患者不同时期的血液和咽漱液标本;恢复期血清SARS-CoV中和抗体阳性病人不同时期的血清46份;广州地区2003年1月~4月临床确诊SARS患者159例的血清和56例疑似患者血清;非SARS普通发热病人血清97份;正常人体检血清100份。结果:4例新发SARS患者的不同时期标本中,3例患者急性期血均检出N蛋白,优于常用的荧光定量PCR检测方法。46份SARS-CoV中和抗体阳性的血清标本,N蛋白检出率为100%。159例临床确诊病例中,发病早期5天以内SARS-CoVN蛋白的检出率为92.3%,随后呈现逐步下降的趋势,在发病第18天仍可检出。56例临床疑似患者发病早期也有23.2%检出率。而97例普通发热病人及100份正常人血清中均未能检测出SARS-CoVN蛋白。表明在血清中检测SARS冠状病毒N蛋白的方法敏感性和特异性都好,对SARS实验室早期诊断具有重要作用。  相似文献   

In this work, severe acute respiratory syndrome associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) genome BJ202 (AY864806) was completely sequenced. The genome was directly accessed from the stool sample of a patient in Beijing. Comparative genomics methods were used to analyze the sequence variations of 116 SARS-CoV genomes (including BJ202) available in the NCBI Gen-Bank. With the genome sequence of GZ02 as the reference, there were 41 polymorphic sites identified in BJ202 and a total of 278 polymorphic sites present in at least two of the 116 genomes. The distribution of the polymorphic sites was biased over the whole genome. Nearly half of the variations (50.4%, 140/278) clustered in the one third of the whole genome at the 3′ end (19.0 kb-29.7 kb). Regions encoding Orf10-11, Orf3/4, E, M and S protein had the highest mutation rates. A total of 15 PCR products (about 6.0 kb of the genome) including 11 fragments containing 12 known polymorphic sites and 4 fragments without identified polymorphic sites were cloned and sequenced. Results showed that 3 unique polymorphic sites of BJ202 (positions 13 804, 15 031 and 20 792) along with 3 other polymorphic sites (26 428, 26 477 and 27 243) all contained 2 kinds of nucleotides. It is interesting to find that position 18379 which has not been identified to be polymorphic in any of the other 115 published SARS-CoV genomes is actually a polymorphic site. The nucleotide composition of this site is A (8) to G (6). Among 116 SARS-CoV genomes, 18 types of deletions and 2 insertions were identified. Most of them were related to a 300 bp region (27 700-28 000) which encodes parts of the putative ORF9 and ORF10-11. A phylogenetic tree illustrating the divergence of whole BJ202 genome from 115 other completely sequenced SARS-CoVs was also constructed. BJ202 was phylogeneticly closer to BJ01 and LLJ-2004.  相似文献   

The causative agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a previously unidentified coronavirus, SARS-CoV. The nucleocapsid (N) protein of SARS-CoV is a major viral protein recognized by acute and early convalescent sera from SARS patients. To facilitate the studies on the function and structure of the N protein, this report describe the expression and purification of recombinant SARS-CoV N protein using the baculovirus  相似文献   

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