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Compared with plants and animals, large‐scale biogeographic patterns of microbes including fungi are poorly understood. By the use of a comparative phylogenetic approach and ancestral state reconstructions, we addressed the global biogeography, rate of evolution and evolutionary origin of the widely distributed ectomycorrhizal (EcM) /sebacina lineage that forms a large proportion of the Sebacinales order. We downloaded all publicly available internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences and metadata and supplemented sequence information from three genes to construct dated phylogenies and test biogeographic hypotheses. The /sebacina lineage evolved 45–57 Myr ago that groups it with relatively young EcM taxa in other studies. The most parsimonious origin for /sebacina is inferred to be North American temperate coniferous forests. Among biogeographic traits, region and biome exhibited stronger phylogenetic signal than host family. Consistent with the resource availability (environmental energy) hypothesis, the ITS region is evolving at a faster rate in tropical than nontropical regions. Most biogeographic regions exhibited substantial phylogenetic clustering suggesting a strong impact of dispersal limitation over a large geographic scale. In northern Holarctic regions, however, phylogenetic distances and phylogenetic grouping of isolates indicate multiple recent dispersal events.  相似文献   

The Drosophila montium group is the largest clade of the subgenus Sophophora consisting of 94 palaeotropical species, whose phylogenetic relationships remain unclear. Here, I used a recent tree inferred from three nuclear genes and one mitochondrial gene for almost half of the species to reconstruct the historical biogeography of the group and propose a comprehensive classification for the totality of its species. The group originated in South-East Asia nearly 20 million years ago (mya), and dispersed to Africa in the Late Miocene. A second northward expansion into East Asia took place in the Pliocene. Based on morphological (male abdominal pigmentation and genitalia) and chorological traits congruent with the molecular tree, I divide the montium group into seven subgroups: parvula, montium, punjabiensis, serrata, kikkawai, seguyi and orosa. The polyphyletic status of some of the previously defined complexes (auraria, jambulina, serrata, kikkawai and nikananu) is also resolved.  相似文献   

Species of Osmanthus are economically important ornamental trees, yet information regarding their plastid genomes (plastomes) have rarely been reported, thus hindering taxonomic and evolutionary studies of this small but enigmatic genus. Here, we performed comparative genomics and evolutionary analyses on plastomes of 16 of the 28 currently accepted species, with 11 plastomes newly sequenced. Phylogenetic studies identified four main lineages within the genus that are here designated the: “Caucasian Osmanthus” (corresponding to O. decorus), “Siphosmanthus” (corresponding to O. sect. Siphosmanthus), “O. serrulatus + O. yunnanensis,” and “Core Osmanthus: (corresponding to O. sect. Osmanthus + O. sect. Linocieroides). Molecular clock analysis suggested that Osmanthus split from its sister clade c. 15.83 Ma. The estimated crown ages of the lineages were the following: genus Osmanthus at 12.66 Ma; “Siphosmanthus” clade at 5.85 Ma; “O. serrulatus + O. yunnanensis” at 4.89 Ma; and “Core Osmanthus: clade at 6.2 Ma. Ancestral state reconstructions and trait mapping showed that ancestors of Osmanthus were spring flowering and originated at lower elevations. Phylogenetic principal component analysis clearly distinguished spring‐flowering species from autumn‐flowering species, suggesting that flowering time differentiation is related to the difference in ecological niches. Nucleotide substitution rates of 80 common genes showed slow evolutionary pace and low nucleotide variations, all genes being subjected to purifying selection.  相似文献   

Cololejeuneinae is the largest subtribe of the liverwort family Lejeuneaceae and the crown group of the family. The species often grow on the surfaces of living leaves and twigs or in swiftly running waters and many of them possess neotenic gametophytes, considered an adaptation to these extreme habitats. We describe a new, epiphyllous genus and species in Cololejeuneinae from the Western Cordillera of Ecuador, Reinerantha foliicola Gradst. & R.L.Zhu. Analysis of combined molecular datasets with parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods revealed Reinerantha in a sister relationship to the large pantropical genus Diplasiolejeunea. Reinerantha differs from Diplasiolejeunea in leaf segmentation, epidermal wall thickening, stylus, male bracts and perianth keels, and is morphologically more similar to the genus Tuyamaella. In the molecular analysis, however, Reinerantha and Tuyamaella were resolved in different clades and not closely related. Tuyamaella is shown to be restricted to Asia; the report of Tuyamaella from South America (Peru) was erroneous and a case of mislabeling.  相似文献   

We used mitochondrial gene sequences to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among subspecies of the bushmaster, Lachesis muta. These large vipers are widely distributed in lowland tropical forests in Central and South America, where three of four allopatric subspecies are separated by montane barriers. Our phylogeny indicates that the four subspecies belong to two clades, the Central American and South American lineages. We use published molecular studies of other taxa to estimate a 'reptilian mtDNA rate' and thus temporal boundaries for major lineage divergences in Lachesis. We estimate that the Central and South American forms diverged 18-6 Mya, perhaps due to the uplifting of the Andes, whereas the two Central American subspecies may have diverged 11-4 Mya with the uprising of the Cordillera de Talamanca that separates them today. South American bushmasters from the Amazon Basin and the Atlantic Forest are not strongly differentiated, perhaps due to episodic gene flow during the Pleistocene, when suitable habitat for this species was at times more continuous. Our results agree with previous evidence that genetic divergence among some neotropical vertebrates pre-dated Pleistocene forest fragmentation cycles and the appearance of the Panamanian Isthmus. Based on morphological, behavioral, and molecular evidence, we recognize three species of Lachesis. In addition to L. muta, the widespread South American form, the Central American forms are treated as distinct species (L. meknocephak and L. stenophrys), each deserving of special conservation status due to restricted distribution and habitat destruction.  相似文献   

Abstract  For 7 of the 23 described species of Australian gall-inducing thrips, the first individuals of the foundress' brood to eclose are gall-bound soldiers, which are morphologically and behaviourally specialised for defending the fully winged dispersing brood. Additional support is provided for the hypothesis that these self-sacrificing soldiers evolved only once and that there have been two subsequent reversions to a solitary life. Furthermore, this single origin of eusociality took place approximately six million years ago and perhaps four million years after the origin of gall induction in the Acacia thrips. The two losses of the soldier caste may have happened at very different times. One loss may have occurred very soon after the origin of soldiers (approximately 300 000 years later), and the other may have occurred another three million years after that.  相似文献   

The dorsal crest of newts (Salamandridae) is a novel, phenotypically plastic, sexually selected trait that may evolve in association with complex courtship behaviours. We estimated a near-comprehensive, time-calibrated phylogeny for salamandrids and analysed the evolution of their crests and display behaviour. Different models give conflicting reconstructions for crest evolution, showing that likelihood can estimate incorrect ancestral states with strong statistical support. The best-fitting model suggests that crests evolved once and were lost repeatedly, supporting the hypothesis that sexually selected traits may be frequently lost. We demonstrate the correlated evolution of crests and courtship behaviour and show that species with larger numbers of crest-related traits have larger repertoires of behaviours. We also show that phenotypically plastic morphological traits can be maintained over long macroevolutionary timescales (~25-48 Myr). Finally, we use salamandrids to address how novel structures may arise, and support a model involving the expansion and subdivision of pre-existing structures.  相似文献   

The South and South-East Asian freshwater fish genus Systomus (Cyprinidae) comprises 17 valid species. Six nominal species, including three endemics, have been reported from Sri Lanka, a continental island separated from India by a shallow-shelf sea. The species diversity of Systomus on the island has until now not been assessed; neither has an evaluation been made of their phylogenetic history. Here, based on an analysis of the nuclear recombination activating protein 1 (rag1), and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) and cytochrome b (cytb) gene markers, and a morphological examination of 143 specimens from 49 locations in Sri Lanka, we reassess the diversity of Systomus on the island and analyse patterns of their evolution and biogeography. Divergence-time estimates, based on a substitution rate calibration, date the basal split between Systomus and its sister group, the Afrotropical small barbs, to 30.0 Ma (95% highest posterior density: 25.4–35.2 Ma). The species of Systomus belong to two distinct clades. The first includes the Sri Lankan endemics S. asoka, S. martenstyni and S. pleurotaenia, which comprise an insular diversification following the immigration of a common ancestor during the Oligocene. The second, which includes the remaining species of Indian, Sri Lankan and South-East Asian Systomus, has a crown age dating to the Late Miocene. Morphological and molecular species delimitation analyses failed to validate the two nominal species, S. spilurus and S. timbiri, previously reported from Sri Lanka: both are considered synonyms of S. sarana, as are the nomina S. chryseus, S. chrysopoma, S. laticeps, S. rufus, S. pinnauratus and S. subnasutus. Four genetically and geographically discrete lineages of S. sarana occur in the island, and three in India. Molecular species delimitation analysis suggests these all belong to a single species, S. sarana. The genetically distinct Sri Lankan populations of S. sarana result from Plio-Pleistocene dispersal or vicariance events between India and Sri Lanka—as a result of emergence and inundation of the now submerged isthmus connecting the two landmasses—as well as autochthonous insular diversification.  相似文献   

We used mitochondrial gene sequences to infer phylogenetic relationships among North American snakes of the colubrid tribe Lampropeltini (Arizona, Bogertophis, Cemophora , New World Elaphe, Lampropellis, Pituophis, Rhinocheilus, Senticolis, Stilosoma) , and assessed the implications of our findings for the biogeography and evolution of food habits among these serpents. The maximum likelihood phylogeny identified Rhinocheilus as the sister taxon to all other lampropeltinines, and supported the monophyly of Lampropeltis (including Stilosoma) , New World Elaphe , and Pituophis , but not that of Bogertophis. This phylogeny also suggested a sister group relationship between Cemophora and Lampropeltis , and between New World Elaphe and Pituophis , and strongly supported that Sentkolis belongs within Lampropeltini, thus contradicting previous suggestions that Senticolis is not a lampropeltinine. Using a method for approximating ancestral areas of clades, we determined that western North America was most likely the ancestral area of lampropeltinines. Our survey of published studies, combined with unpublished data, indicated that lampropeltinines as a group feed mainly on mammals, less frequently on lizards, birds, and bird eggs, and only rarely on squamate eggs, snakes, anurans, and insects. Some individual species indeed emphasize mammals in their diets, but others most frequently eat lizards, squamate eggs, bird eggs, or snakes, whereas others take two prey types with similar frequency. Our reconstruction of the evolution of food habits among lampropeltinines suggests that a diet emphasizing lizards is ancestral, and therefore diets that mosdy consist of mammals, squamate and bird eggs, and snakes are derived within the clade. In at least some species, smaller individuals prey mostly on lizards and larger ones add mammals to their diets.  相似文献   

Fumana is a diverse genus of the Cistaceae family, consisting of 21 currently accepted species. In this study, nuclear (ITS) and plastid (matK, trnT‐L) molecular markers were used to reconstruct the phylogeny and to estimate divergence times, including 19 species of Fumana. Phylogenetic analyses (Bayesian Inference, Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood) confirmed the monophyly of Fumana and did not support the infrageneric divisions previously established. The results support four main clades that group species that differ in vegetative and reproductive characters. Given the impossibility to define morphological characters common to all species within the clades, our proposal is to reject infrageneric divisions. Molecular dating and ancestral area analyses provide evidence for a Miocene diversification of the genus in the north‐western Mediterranean. Ancestral state reconstructions revealed ancestral character states for some traits related to xeric and arid habitats, suggesting a preadaptation to the Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

The present study comprises an analysis of six different scoring schemes and eight different types of analytic methods aiming to investigate the evolution of a continuous character (i.e. corolla tube length) in Lithospermum L. (Boraginaceae). Corolla tube length in the genus is quite variable, ranging from 1 mm to 75 mm, and the length of the corolla tube has implications for pollination biology, such as longer corolla tubes (> 25 mm in length) being pollinated by hummingbirds or moths. In general, the various methods resolve similar ancestral character states; however, different states are reconstructed at nodes in which the descendants greatly differ in corolla tube length. Additionally, it is suggested that all of the variation of a continuous character should be included in analyses, and this may necessitate multiple analyses with different partitions of the data. The various analyses provide evidence that two maximum parsimony methods, linear parsimony and the TNT method, minimize the number of different rates of evolution. In Lithospermum, six origins of corolla tubes > 20 mm in length are resolved, and these origins occurred at two different times periods: (1) in the shadow of hummingbird diversification in North America (approximately 6–8 Mya) and (2) more recently (approximately 1–1.5 MyA). Four substantial decreases in corolla tube length also are reconstructed, and these may be associated with the origin of self‐pollination. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   

Cnidarians are early-diverging metazoans, but evolutionary aspects of some taxa are still poorly understood, as in the order Zoantharia (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia). Zoantharians have been divided into two suborders based on the arrangement of the fifth septae as complete (Macrocnemina) or incomplete (Brachycnemina). Previous molecular phylogenetic analyses have indicated the need for re-evaluation as Macrocnemina has been found to be paraphyletic. Despite many phylogenetic studies, the recovery of complete mitochondrial genomes (mt-genomes) for systematic and evolutionary studies of zoantharians has been limited. The present study represents the first to sequence the complete mt-genomes of members of eight of nine zoantharian families. Although all examined mt-genomes had the same gene order arrangement, there were variations among mt-genomes' sizes, nucleotide substitution rates, and introns. Only two species did not have the cox1 intron, which harbors a gene coding a homing endonuclease of the LAGLIDADG type. Our mitogenomic analyses also showed relatively high nucleotide diversity in mt-DNA regions other than the standard regions traditionally considered for DNA barcoding of this group. Phylogenetic analyses using 13 mt-genome protein-coding genes recovered a fully resolved tree with clear separation between macrocnemic representatives. Ancestral state reconstruction analyses revealed three main transitions in arrangement of the marginal musculature through the evolutionary history of the order. An “early” transition from reticulate mesogleal to a cteniform endodermal arrangement was followed by transitions that occurred in the common ancestor of the Brachycnemina and family Hydrozoanthidae. Our results indicate the need for clarification of higher-level phylogeny and taxonomy of Zoantharia.  相似文献   

Bats (Order Chiroptera), the only mammals capable of powered flight and sophisticated laryngeal echolocation, represent one of the most species-rich and ubiquitous orders of mammals. However, phylogenetic relationships within this group are poorly resolved. A robust evolutionary tree of Chiroptera is essential for evaluating the phylogeny of echolocation within Chiroptera, as well as for understanding their biogeographical history. We generated 4 kb of sequence data from portions of four novel nuclear intron markers for multiple representatives of 17 of the 18 recognized extant bat families, as well as the putative bat family Miniopteridae. Three echolocation-call characters were examined by mapping them onto the combined topology: (1) high-duty cycle versus low-duty cycle, (2) high-intensity versus low-intensity call emission, and (3) oral versus nasal emission. Echolocation seems to be highly convergent, and the mapping of echolocation-call design onto our phylogeny does not appear to resolve the question of whether echolocation had a single or two origins. Fossil taxa may also provide insight into the evolution of bats; we therefore evaluate 195 morphological characters in light of our nuclear DNA phylogeny. All but 24 of the morphological characters were found to be homoplasious when mapped onto the supermatrix topology, while the remaining characters provided insufficient information to reconstruct the placement of the fossil bat taxa with respect to extant families. However, a morphological synapomorphy characterizing the Rhinolophoidea was identified and is suggestive of a separate origin of echolocation in this clade. Dispersal-Vicariance analysis together with a relaxed Bayesian clock were used to evaluate possible biogeographic scenarios that could account for the current distribution pattern of extant bat families. Africa was reconstructed as the center of origin of modern-day bat families.  相似文献   

The region of Tropical Southeast Asia and the Malay Archipelago is a very appealing area for research due to its outstanding biodiversity, being one of the most species-rich areas in the world with high levels of endemism, and due to its complex geological history. The high number of species in tribe Dissochaeteae (Melastomataceae) and their tendency to narrow endemism makethe tribe an ideal group for examining biogeographic patterns. We sampled 58 accessions spread over 42 accepted and two undescribed species of the Dissochaeteae. Two nuclear (ETS, ITS) and four chloroplast regions (ndhF, psbK-psbL, rbcL, rpl16) were used for divergence time estimation and ancestral area reconstruction. Results from the molecular dating analysis suggest that the diversity of Dissochaeteae in the Southeast Asian region resulted from a South American ancestor in the late Eocene. The ancestor of the Dissochaeteae might have migrated from South America to Southeast Asia via North America and then entered Eurasia over the North Atlantic land bridge during the Eocene. The origin and early diversification of the Dissochaeteae in Southeast Asia dates back to the middle Oligocene, and most of the genera originated during the Miocene. Indochina and Borneo are most likely the area of origin for the most recent common ancestor of the Dissochaeteae and for many of the early diverging clades of some genera within Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Aim The role of long‐distance dispersal in the Indomalesian, Australasian and Pacific flora is currently hotly debated. The lack of well‐resolved phylogenetic trees for Pacific plants has been a major limitation for biogeographical analysis. Here, we present a well‐resolved phylogenetic tree for the tribe Aglaieae in the mahogany family, Meliaceae, and use it to investigate the origin, evolution and dispersal history of biotas in this area. The subfamily Melioideae, including the tribe Aglaieae (Meliaceae, Sapindales), is a plant group with good representation in the region in terms of biomass and species numbers, wide ecological attributes and known animal vectors. The family has a good fossil record (especially from North America and Europe). Genera and species in the tribe Aglaieae therefore provide an excellent model group for addressing this debate. Location Indomalesia, Australasia, Pacific islands. Methods Results from nuclear internal transcribed spacer ribosomal DNA analyses of 82 taxa, based on sequence alignment guided by secondary structure models, were combined with evidence from fossils and distribution data. We used strict and relaxed molecular clock approaches to estimate divergence times within Aglaieae. Putative ancestral areas were investigated through area‐based and event‐based biogeographical approaches. Information on dispersal routes and their direction was inferred from the investigation of dispersal asymmetries between areas. Results Our study indicates that the crown group of Aglaieae dates back at least to the Late Eocene, with major divergence events occurring during the Oligocene and Miocene. It also suggests that dispersal routes existed during Miocene–Pliocene times from the area including Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo to Wallacea, India and Indochina, and from the area including New Guinea, New Ireland and New Britain further east to the Pacific islands at the peripheries of the distribution range. The origin of the Fijian species dates back to the Pliocene. Main conclusions Dispersal over oceanic water barriers has occurred during geological time and seems to have been a major driving force for divergence events in Aglaieae, with some old Gondwanan land masses (e.g. Australia) colonized only during recent times. Movement from the ancestral area was predominantly towards the east. Extant Fijian species of Aglaia are monophyletic and share morphological features rarely found in species of other areas, suggesting speciation within an endemic clade. Divergence of living taxa from their closest living relatives took place during both the Miocene and the Pliocene, and peaked in the Pliocene. The present‐day distribution of many species in the tribe must therefore have arisen as a result of dispersal rather than vicariance events. Furthermore, colonization from Indomalesia to Australasia and the Pacific has frequently been followed by speciation.  相似文献   

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