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Based on recent molecular and morphological studies we present a modern worldwide phylogenetic classification of the ± 12074 grasses and place the 771 grass genera into 12 subfamilies (Anomochlooideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, Bambusoideae, Chloridoideae, Danthonioideae, Micraioideae, Oryzoideae, Panicoideae, Pharoideae, Puelioideae, and Pooideae), 6 supertribes (Andropogonodae, Arundinarodae, Bambusodae, Panicodae, Poodae, Triticodae), 51 tribes (Ampelodesmeae, Andropogoneae, Anomochloeae, Aristideae, Arundinarieae, Arundineae, Arundinelleae, Atractocarpeae, Bambuseae, Brachyelytreae, Brachypodieae, Bromeae, Brylkinieae, Centotheceae, Centropodieae, Chasmanthieae, Cynodonteae, Cyperochloeae, Danthonieae, Diarrheneae, Ehrharteae, Eragrostideae, Eriachneae, Guaduellieae, Gynerieae, Hubbardieae, Isachneae, Littledaleeae, Lygeeae, Meliceae, Micraireae, Molinieae, Nardeae, Olyreae, Oryzeae, Paniceae, Paspaleae, Phaenospermateae, Phareae, Phyllorachideae, Poeae, Steyermarkochloeae, Stipeae, Streptochaeteae, Streptogyneae, Thysanolaeneae, Triraphideae, Tristachyideae, Triticeae, Zeugiteae, and Zoysieae), and 80 subtribes (Aeluropodinae, Agrostidinae, Airinae, Ammochloinae, Andropogoninae, Anthephorinae, Anthistiriinae, Anthoxanthinae, Arthraxoninae, Arthropogoninae, Arthrostylidiinae, Arundinariinae, Aveninae, Bambusinae, Boivinellinae, Boutelouinae, Brizinae, Buergersiochloinae, Calothecinae, Cenchrinae, Chionachninae, Chusqueinae, Coicinae, Coleanthinae, Cotteinae, Cteniinae, Cynosurinae, Dactylidinae, Dichantheliinae, Dimeriinae, Duthieinae, Eleusininae, Eragrostidinae, Farragininae, Germainiinae, Gouiniinae, Guaduinae, Gymnopogoninae, Hickeliinae, Hilariinae, Holcinae, Hordeinae, Ischaeminae, Loliinae, Melinidinae, Melocanninae, Miliinae, Monanthochloinae, Muhlenbergiinae, Neurachninae, Olyrinae, Orcuttiinae, Oryzinae, Otachyriinae, Panicinae, Pappophorinae, Parapholiinae, Parianinae, Paspalinae, Perotidinae, Phalaridinae, Poinae, Racemobambosinae, Rottboelliinae, Saccharinae, Scleropogoninae, Scolochloinae, Sesleriinae, Sorghinae, Sporobolinae, Torreyochloinae, Traginae, Trichoneurinae, Triodiinae, Tripogoninae, Tripsacinae, Triticinae, Unioliinae, Zizaniinae, and Zoysiinae). In addition, we include a radial tree illustrating the hierarchical relationships among the subtribes, tribes, and subfamilies. We use the subfamilial name, Oryzoideae, over Ehrhartoideae because the latter was initially published as a misplaced rank, and we circumscribe Molinieae to include 13 Arundinoideae genera. The subtribe Calothecinae is newly described and the tribe Littledaleeae is new at that rank.  相似文献   

Occurrence of fructans in the Gramineae (Poaceae)   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  

To investigate the evolutionary relationships among species of Afrotrichloris, Apochiton, Coelachyrum, Dinebra, Eleusine, Leptochloa, and Schoenefeldia of subtribe Eleusininae, a phylogeny based on DNA sequences from nine gene regions (ITS, rps16-trnK, rps3, rps16, rpoC2, rpl32-trnL, ndhF, ndhA, ccsA) is presented. Previous molecular phylogenies indicated that Coelachyrum was polyphyletic and Schoenefeldia was paraphyletic, with Afrotrichloris embedded within it. Apochiton burttii was embedded in the Coelachyrum clade paired with C. longiglume, Coelachyrumpoiflorum was placed outside of Coelachyrum and sister to Eleusine, and Schoenefeldia is paraphyletic, with its two species forming a grade sister to Afrotrichoris. Our molecular phylogeny supports recognition of a new genus, Schoenefeldiella, and a new combination, Schoenfeldiella transiens. In addition, we provide generic emendations for Coelachyrum, which now includes five species including a new combination proposed here, Coelachyrum burttii, and Eleusine, which now includes 11 species.  相似文献   

Web-building spiders are formidable predators, yet assassin bugs in the Emesine Complex (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Emesinae, Saicinae, and Visayanocorinae) prey on spiders. The Emesine Complex comprises >1000 species and these web-associated predatory strategies may have driven their diversification. However, lack of natural history data and a robust phylogenetic framework currently preclude tests of this hypothesis. We combine Sanger (207 taxa, 3865 bp) and high-throughput sequencing data (15 taxa, 381 loci) to generate the first taxon- and data-rich phylogeny for this group. We discover rampant paraphyly among subfamilies and tribes, necessitating revisions to the classification. We use ancestral character state reconstructions for 40 morphological characters to identify diagnostic features for a revised classification. Our new classification treats Saicinae Stål and Visayanocorinae Miller as junior synonyms of Emesinae Amyot and Serville, synonymizes the emesine tribes Ploiariolini Van Duzee and Metapterini Stål with Emesini Amyot and Serville, and recognises six tribes within Emesinae (Collartidini Wygodzinsky, Emesini, Leistarchini Stål, Oncerotrachelini trib.n. , Saicini Stål stat.n. , and Visayanocorini Miller stat.n. ). We show that a pretarsal structure putatively involved in web-associated behaviours evolved in the last common ancestor of Emesini, the most species-rich clade within Emesinae, suggesting that web-associations could be widespread in Emesinae.  相似文献   

Because of the poor state of knowledge of many of the gymnophthalmid genera, systematic revision is necessary to render the classification consistent with evolutionary history. To that end, I conducted a review of the species of three genera of the Cercosaurinae which appear to form a monophyletic group: Cercosaura , Pantodactylus , and Prionodactylus . Phylogenetic analysis of 61 morphological characters was conducted after specimens of all species were examined to evaluate the composition of each taxon. The phylogenetic reconstruction suggested that the genus Prionodactylus was paraphyletic. A new phylogenetic classification is proposed that synonymizes Pantodactylus and Prionodactylus with Cercosaura. Cercosaura is redefined to include 11 species and seven subspecies. A key is provided to distinguish among species.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 137 , 101−115.  相似文献   

The phylogeny and classification of tribe Aedini are delineated based on a cladistic analysis of 336 characters from eggs, fourth‐instar larvae, pupae, adult females and males, and immature stage habitat coded for 270 exemplar species, including an outgroup of four species from different non‐aedine genera. Analyses of the data set with all multistate characters treated as unordered under implied weights, implemented by TNT version 1.1, with values of the concavity constant K ranging from 7 to 12 each produced a single most parsimonious cladogram (MPC). The MPCs obtained with K values of 7–9 were identical, and that for K = 10 differed only in small changes in the relationships within one subclade. Because values of K < 7 and > 10 produced large changes in the relationships among the taxa, the stability of relationships exemplified by the MPC obtained from the K = 9 analysis is used to interpret the phylogeny and classification of Aedini. Clade support was assessed using parsimony jackknife and symmetric resampling. Overall, the results reinforce the patterns of relationships obtained previously despite differences in the taxa and characters included in the analyses. With two exceptions, all of the groups represented by two or more species were once again recovered as monophyletic taxa. Thus, the monophyly of the following genera and subgenera is corroborated: Aedes, Albuginosus, Armigeres (and its two subgenera), Ayurakitia, Bothaella, Bruceharrisonius, Christophersiomyia, Collessius (and its two subgenera), Dahliana, Danielsia, Dobrotworskyius, Downsiomyia, Edwardsaedes, Finlaya, Georgecraigius (and its two subgenera), Eretmapodites, Geoskusea, Gilesius, Haemagogus (and its two subgenera), Heizmannia (and subgenus Heizmannia), Hopkinsius (and its two subgenera), Howardina, Hulecoeteomyia, Jarnellius, Kenknightia, Lorrainea, Macleaya, Mucidus (and its two subgenera), Neomelaniconion, Ochlerotatus (subgenera Chrysoconops, Culicelsa, Gilesia, Pholeomyia, Protoculex, Rusticoidus and Pseudoskusea), Opifex, Paraedes, Patmarksia, Phagomyia, Pseudarmigeres, Rhinoskusea, Psorophora (and its three subgenera), Rampamyia, Scutomyia, Stegomyia, Tanakaius, Udaya, Vansomerenis, Verrallina (and subgenera Harbachius and Neomacleaya), Zavortinkius and Zeugnomyia. In addition, the monophyly of Tewarius, newly added to the data set, is confirmed. Heizmannia (Mattinglyia) and Verrallina (Verrallina) were found to be paraphyletic with respect to Heizmannia (Heizmannia) and Verrallina (Neomacleaya), respectively. The analyses were repeated with the 14 characters derived from length measurements treated as ordered. Although somewhat different patterns of relationships among the genera and subgenera were found, all were recovered as monophyletic taxa with the sole exception of Dendroskusea stat. nov. Fifteen additional genera, three of which are new, and 12 additional subgenera, 11 of which are new, are proposed for monophyletic clades, and a few lineages represented by a single species, based on tree topology, the principle of equivalent rank, branch support and the number and nature of the characters that support the branches. Acartomyia stat. nov. , Aedimorphus stat. nov. , Cancraedes stat. nov. , Cornetius stat. nov. , Geoskusea stat. nov. , Levua stat. nov. , Lewnielsenius stat. nov. , Rhinoskusea stat. nov. and Sallumia stat. nov., which were previously recognized as subgenera of various genera, are elevated to generic status. Catageiomyia stat. nov. and Polyleptiomyia stat. nov. are resurrected from synonymy with Aedimorphus, and Catatassomyia stat. nov. and Dendroskusea stat. nov. are resurrected from synonymy with Diceromyia. Bifidistylus gen. nov. (type species: Aedes lamborni Edwards) and Elpeytonius gen. nov. (type species: Ochlerotatus apicoannulatus Edwards) are described as new for species previously included in Aedes (Aedimorphus), and Petermattinglyius gen. nov. (type species: Aedes iyengari Edwards) and Pe. (Aglaonotus) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes whartoni Mattingly) are described as new for species previously included in Aedes (Diceromyia). Four additional subgenera are recognized for species of Ochlerotatus, including Oc. (Culicada) stat. nov. (type species: Culex canadensis Theobald), Oc. (Juppius) subgen. nov. (type species: Grabhamia caballa Theobald), Oc. (Lepidokeneon) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes spilotus Marks) and Oc. (Woodius) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes intrudens Dyar), and seven are proposed for species of Stegomyia: St. (Actinothrix) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia edwardsi Barraud), St. (Bohartius) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes pandani Stone), St. (Heteraspidion) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia annandalei Theobald), St. (Huangmyia) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia mediopunctata Theobald), St. (Mukwaya) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia simpsoni Theobald), St. (Xyele) subgen. nov. (type species: Stegomyia desmotes Giles) and St. (Zoromorphus) subgen. nov. (type species: Aedes futunae Belkin). Due to the unavailability of specimens for study, many species of Stegomyia are without subgeneric placement. As is usual with generic‐level groups of Aedini, the newly recognized genera and subgenera are polythetic taxa that are diagnosed by unique combinations of characters. The analysis corroborates the previous observation that ‘Oc. (Protomacleaya)’ is a polyphyletic assemblage of species.  相似文献   

Tamarix is one of the taxonomically most complex genera among the angiosperms, and there is little consensus regarding its infrageneric classification. Here we present the most complete phylogenetic reconstruction of the genus to date. This includes a DNA phylogenetic tree based on nuclear ribosomal ITS, and a plastid DNA phylogeny based on three intergenic spacers (trnS‐trnG, ndhF‐rpl32, and trnQ‐rps16). In total, both nuclear and plastid phylogenetic analyses include more than 70 samples of 39 species from 27 countries, which represent close to 60% of the diversity of the genus. Two complementary trees, based only on one plastid marker, are also included. The first, based on trnS‐trnG, is used to increase the number of species related to T. amplexicaulis. The second, based on ndhF‐rpl32, is used to investigate the separation between T. tetrandra and T. parviflora. The incongruence between the available infrageneric classifications and the molecular results is confirmed. A reticulate evolution is inferred from the trees, showing characters such as vaginate leaves appearing at different stages along the evolutionary history of the genus. The presence of T. canariensis outside the Canary Islands is cast into doubt, and all such records from NW Africa and Europe are here considered to belong to T. gallica. The results also suggest independence of T. karelinii from T. hispida, and T. parviflora from T. tetrandra. Relationships between a number of species are still not resolved, and additional studies will be needed to further refine the complex taxonomy of Tamarix.  相似文献   

Cyperaceae (sedges) are the third largest monocot family and are of considerable economic and ecological importance. Sedges represent an ideal model family to study evolutionary biology due to their species richness, global distribution, large discrepancies in lineage diversity, broad range of ecological preferences, and adaptations including multiple origins of C4 photosynthesis and holocentric chromosomes. Goetghebeur′s seminal work on Cyperaceae published in 1998 provided the most recent complete classification at tribal and generic level, based on a morphological study of Cyperaceae inflorescence, spikelet, flower, and embryo characters, plus anatomical and other information. Since then, several family-level molecular phylogenetic studies using Sanger sequence data have been published. Here, more than 20 years after the last comprehensive classification of the family, we present the first family-wide phylogenomic study of Cyperaceae based on targeted sequencing using the Angiosperms353 probe kit sampling 311 accessions. In addition, 62 accessions available from GenBank were mined for overlapping reads and included in the phylogenomic analyses. Informed by this backbone phylogeny, a new classification for the family at the tribal, subtribal, and generic levels is proposed. The majority of previously recognized suprageneric groups are supported, and for the first time, we establish support for tribe Cryptangieae as a clade including the genus Koyamaea. We provide a taxonomic treatment including identification keys and diagnoses for the 2 subfamilies, 24 tribes, and 10 subtribes, and basic information on the 95 genera. The classification includes five new subtribes in tribe Schoeneae: Anthelepidinae, Caustiinae, Gymnoschoeninae, Lepidospermatinae, and Oreobolinae.  相似文献   

C4 plants contribute ≈ 20% of global gross primary productivity, and uncertainties regarding their responses to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations may limit predictions of future global change impacts on C4-dominated ecosystems. These uncertainties have not yet been considered rigorously due to expectations of C4 low responsiveness based on photosynthetic theory and early experiments. We carried out a literature review (1980–97) and meta-analysis in order to identify emerging patterns of C4 grass responses to elevated CO2, as compared with those of C3 grasses. The focus was on nondomesticated Poaceae alone, to the exclusion of C4 dicotyledonous and C4 crop species. This provides a clear test, controlled for genotypic variability at family level, of differences between the CO2-responsiveness of these functional types. Eleven responses were considered, ranging from physiological behaviour at the leaf level to carbon allocation patterns at the whole plant level. Results were also assessed in the context of environmental stress conditions (light, temperature, water and nutrient stress), and experimental growing conditions (pot size, experimental duration and fumigation method). Both C4 and C3 species increased total biomass significantly in elevated CO2, by 33% and 44%, respectively. Differing tendencies between types in shoot structural response were revealed: C3 species showed a greater increase in tillering, whereas C4 species showed a greater increase in leaf area in elevated CO2. At the leaf level, significant stomatal closure and increased leaf water use efficiency were confirmed in both types, and higher carbon assimilation rates were found in both C3 and C4 species (33% and 25%, respectively). Environmental stress did not alter the C4 CO2-response, except for the loss of a significant positive CO2-response for above-ground biomass and leaf area under water stress. In C3 species, stimulation of carbon assimilation rate was reduced by stress (overall), and nutrient stress tended to reduce the mean biomass response to elevated CO2. Leaf carbohydrate status increased and leaf nitrogen concentration decreased significantly in elevated CO2 only in C3 species. We conclude that the relative responses of the C4 and C3 photosynthetic types to elevated CO2 concur only to some extent with expectations based on photosynthetic theory. The significant positive responses of C4 grass species at both the leaf and the whole plant level demand a re-evaluation of the assumption of low responsiveness in C4 plants at both levels, and not only with regard to water relations. The combined shoot structural and water use efficiency responses of these functional types will have consequential implications for the water balance of important catchments and range-lands throughout the world, especially in semiarid subtropical and temperate regions. It may be premature to predict that C4 grass species will lose their competitive advantage over C3 grass species in elevated CO2.  相似文献   

A hypothesis on the phylogenetic relationships of the neotropical catfish family Cetopsidae is proposed on the basis of the parsimony analysis of 127 morphological characters and most of the species currently recognized. The family and its two recognized subfamilies, the Cetopsinae and Helogeninae, are corroborated as monophyletic, in agreement with recent studies. Previously proposed classifications of the Cetopsinae, however, were found to be poorly representative of the phylogenetic relationships within the subfamily. Major generic rearrangements are implemented in order that the classification of the Cetopsinae reflects the phylogenetic hypothesis. Pseudocetopsis Bleeker (1862) was found to be polyphyletic and to include several disjunct lineages. One of these lineages, recently named as the genus Cetopsidium Vari, Ferraris, and de Pinna (2005), is the sister group to the rest of the Cetopsinae. Denticetopsis Ferraris (1996) is the next sister group to the remainder of the Cetopsinae. The remaining species of the Cetopsinae belong to one of two sister genera, Paracetopsis Bleeker (1862) and Cetopsis Spix and Agassiz (1829). The latter genus includes species formerly assigned to Hemicetopsis Bleeker (1862), Bathycetopsis Lundberg and Rapp Py‐Daniel (1994) and Pseudocetopsis Bleeker (1862). Continued recognition of Hemicetopsis and Bathycetopsis would have required the creation of several additional new genera for various species previously in Pseudocetopsis that form a series of sister groups to a clade composed of Cetopsis oliveirai (Lundberg and Rapp Py‐Daniel, 1994), C. coecutiens (Lichtenstein, 1819) and C. candiru (Spix and Agassiz, 1829). Cetopsis oliveirai is a highly paedomorphic species that displays surprising similarities with conditions in juvenile specimens of C. coecutiens, a species that attains a large body size. Such similarities are not evident in adult specimens of the latter species. A new classification is proposed, within which the subfamily Cetopsinae consists of three tribes, the Cetopsidiini, the Cetopsini and the Denticetopsini. The results of the study form the basis for a discussion of the phylogenetic position of the family within the Siluriformes, the phylogenetic biogeography of the Cetopsidae, paedomorphosis and gigantism in the family, and the effect of different semaphoronts on the intrafamilial phylogeny. Journal compilation © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 150 , 755–813. No claim to original US government works.  相似文献   

Worldwide in distribution, the tribe Muscini comprises 21 accepted genera and about 350 species. In the present study, a cladistic analysis based upon adult morphological characters is carried out in order to discuss the monophyly of the tribe and its genera, the intergeneric relationships and, in some cases, also the intrageneric relationships. As a result, Muscini is supported as a monophyletic tribe sister-group of Stomoxyini. Except for Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy, Curranosia Paterson, and Eudasyphora Townsend, all the remaining genera are monophyletic. The results are dubious for Polietes Rondani, which was then provisionally kept unchanged. Morellia was broadened to include the Neotropical endemic genera Parapyrellia Townsend, Trichomorellia Stein, and Xenomorellia Malloch. Therefore, a new classification is proposed for Morellia in which it is divided into four subgenera: Morellia s.s. , Parapyrellia , Trichomorellia , and Xenomorellia . Furthermore, the previously proposed subgenus Dasysterna Zimin is given new status as a genus; however, as it is preoccupied by Dasysterna Dejean, the new replacement name Ziminellia nom. nov. is proposed herewith. Eudasyphora was found to be a paraphyletic group relative to Dasyphora Robineau-Desvoidy; both genera are hence synonymized, and Dasyphora is classified in three subgenera: Dasyphora s.s. , Eudasyphora , and Rypellia Malloch. The analysis demonstrated that the traditional classification of Musca Linnaeus into subgenera is artificial and, moreover, that the use of characters from male genitalia could be strongly informative for classifying the genus in phylogeny-supported species groups. Finally, the new classification proposal for Muscini recognizes 18 genera and, furthermore, two undescribed genus-ranked taxa are indicated.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 149 , 493–532.  相似文献   

A revised classification of the species of Cyathocalyx (Annonaceae) occurring in western Malesia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo) is presented, with distribution maps. Fifteen species are recognized, including two that are newly described from Borneo ( C. angustipetalus and C. magnifructus ), which are illustrated. Several important nomenclatural changes are validated, including the elevation of Drepananthus carinatus var. deltoideus to specific rank as C. deltoideus , and the transfer of the name Parartabotrys hexagynus to Cyathocalyx as C. hexagynus . Other notable nomenclatural changes include the reduction of the name C. scortechinii to synonymy with C. pubescens .  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 513–532.  相似文献   

The first large‐scale, total‐evidence phylogeny of the owlflies (Neuroptera, Ascalaphidae) is presented. A combined morphological and molecular dataset was analysed under several analytical regimes for 76 exemplars of Myrmeleontiformia (Psychopsidae, Nymphidae, Nemopteridae, Myrmeleontidae, Ascalaphidae), including 57 of Ascalaphidae. At the subordinal level, the families were recovered in all analyses in the form Psychopsidae + (Nymphidae + (Nemopteridae + (Myrmeleontidae + Ascalaphidae). In the DNA‐only maximum‐likelihood analysis, Ascalaphidae were recovered as paraphyletic with respect to the Myrmeleontidae and the tribe Ululodini. In both the parsimony and Bayesian total‐evidence analyses, however, the latter with strong support, traditional Ascalaphidae were recovered as monophyletic, and in the latter, Stilbopteryginae were placed as the immediate sister group. The long‐standing subfamilies Haplogleniinae and Ascalaphinae were not recovered as monophyletic in any analysis, nor were several of the included tribes of non‐ululodine Ascalaphinae. The Ululodini were monophyletic and well supported in all analyses, as were the New World Haplogleniinae and, separately, the African/Malagasy Haplogleniinae. The remaining Ascalaphidae, collectively, were also consistently cohesive, but included a genus that until now has been placed in the Haplogleniinae, Protidricerus. Protidricerus was discovered to express a well‐developed pleurostoma, a feature previously only encountered in divided‐eye owlflies. The feature traditionally used to differentiate the Haplogleniinae and Ascalaphinae, the entire or divided eye, can no longer be regarded as a spot‐diagnostic synapomorphy to separate these groups within the family. A new subfamilial classification based on these results is proposed and includes the following five subfamilies: Albardiinae, Ululodinae, Haplogleniinae, Melambrotinae and Ascalaphinae. In addition, the monophyletic containing group (Myrmeleontidae + (Palparidae + (Stilbopterygidae + Ascalaphidae))) is elevated to the rank of superfamily, as Myrmeleontoidea, in order to accommodate much‐needed taxonomic and nomenclatural restructuring anticipated to occur within the Ascalaphidae in the future. A list of genera included in each subfamily of Ascalaphidae is provided.  相似文献   

Ituglanis australis new species, is described from tributaries of the Laguna dos Patos and Río Uruguay, in Brazil and Uruguay. This represents the southernmost record of the genus and the first occurrence of a species of Ituglanis in those systems. It is distinguished from all its congeners, except Ituglanis parahybae and Ituglanis cahyensis, by its body pigmentation with three well‐defined dark brown stripes running along each flank. Ituglanis australis differs from I. parahybae and I. cahyensis in the pectoral‐ and pelvic‐fin ray counts, the pattern of the cephalic laterosensory system and the number of dorsal‐fin basal radials. The new species, as well as several other examined congeners, has the levator internus IV muscle attached to the dorsal face of the posttemporo‐supracleithrum; a condition that corroborates the inclusion of Ituglanis into a large trichomycterine clade that also includes Bullockia, Hatcheria, Scleronema and several species of Trichomycterus. Previous proposals of the affinities within Ituglanis are reviewed and, despite some advances, the phylogenetic relationships among species of the genus remain largely unknown.  相似文献   

A formal classification of the land plants that is compatible with the APG III classification is proposed. Previous classifications inflated taxonomic ranks, particularly of the angiosperms. If the major clades of green algae are recognized as classes, then all land plants, the embryophytes, should be included in a single class, here recognized as Equisitopsida. Accordingly, the 16 major clades of land plants, including the angiosperms, should all be recognized as subclasses, the angiosperms as Magnoliidae. Major clades within the angiosperms are then recognized as superorders. This classification still uses a few informal categories (e.g. eudicots, lamiids, etc.) within the angiosperms because this is convenient. Two new names are established: Amborellanae and Austrobaileyanae. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 122–127.  相似文献   

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