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元旦那天,我以学生家长的身份,参观了上海新沪中学的自然学科展览会.因为孩子和自己工作的关系,特别关心达尔文学说的一部分。参观之后,觉得收获很大,很有介绍的价值。大家都知道,达尔文主义是新的生物学的基础,是马克思列宁主义的生物学的基础,我们学习它是为了认识有机的自然界,为了掌握生物发展的规律,进而发展伟大祖国的生产力,改造我们的客观世界.但这也是一门最富有思想性、战斗性、综合性的课程,它把宏大如海的生命现象加以科学的、唯物的解释。在中等学校讲授这门功课,一般的都有一定的困难存在,青年同学学习这门功课,因为受旧教材的影响,很难深入了解生物历史发展的理论,更谈不到与生产实践相结合。 相似文献
这本书是去年度出版的唯一的达尔文主义的大学用书在前言中,便有说明:“本书是在苏联专家参与下,由中国科学院遗传选种实验馆(现改名为遗传栽培研究室)与北京农业大学共同合作编译的。”但是,遍读这一本书,竟找不出这位苏联专家的名字。这本书只有编译者,而无原作者! 相似文献
(一)达尔文之前,进化思想的产生经历了两种宇宙观的斗争 在原始社会,生产力水平低下,人们对复杂的自然现象往往不能解释.当时存在宗教神话式宇宙观和朴素的唯物观念. 相似文献
在按本教学法讲授头几课时应特别注意,因为是否很好地进行头几课的教学工作,在许多方面决定了今后工作的成败.所以先进的教师们在讲授这几课时特别当心并不是徒劳的.现在我们可以引用莫斯科第382中学的教员A.C.卢明诺夫的教学经验作为成功地安排"达尔文主义基础"课程内绪论一章的范例.在第一堂课上进行很简要的讲解后,他在同一堂课的时间内通常总是带着学生去水池(往往到公园或学校附近的地方去看看)边游览.这次游览中,他使学生认识各种岸生和水生动植物区系的多样性,并且举例说 相似文献
一.达尔文建立了进化论,但他对于遗传和变异的实质了解不够达尔文在十九世纪五十年代总结了当时和过去的科学成就和选种成绩,竖立了生物进化论,推翻了形而上学世界观在科学上的统治,完成了拉马克和其他进化论者所未能完成的伟大任务.他在“物种起源”里不仅以无可辩驳的事实论证了生物不是由上帝创造出来的,是通过进化而来的,而且以令人信服的事实论证了自然选择是生物进化的主要方法.在分析生物的进化过程中,他正确地区别了变异的因素和选择的因素.他认为引起变异的和进行选择的都是生活条件,但引起变异的原因和进行选择的 相似文献
Historically, ideas on the origins of life have been mingled with evolutionary explanations. Darwin avoided discussing the origin of the very first species in public although he acknowledged the possibility that life originated by natural causes. Some of his followers adopted this materialistic position and advocated some sort of spontaneous generation in the distant past. Nevertheless, Pasteur??s experiments were a major obstacle for scientific acceptance of the sudden emergence of life. The scientific study of the origin of life, established in the 1920s, required abandoning the idea of a unique chance event and considering a view of life emerging as the result of a long evolutionary process. At the turn of the twentieth century, some authors adopted non-Darwinian views on the origin of life, exemplified in this paper by the neovitalism of some Catholic scientists. We propose that Darwinism represents a genuine example of an adaptive scientific framework. By recognizing the shift in the features characterizing Darwinism, we can understand its relationship with theories on the origin of life in a non-dogmatic line. 相似文献
Kentwood D. Wells 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2002,15(4):683-685
The article sums up a number of points made by the author concerning the response to Darwinism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and repeats the claim that a proper understanding of the theorys impact must take account of the extent to which what are now regarded as the key aspects of Darwins thinking were evaded by his immediate followers. Potential challenges to this position are described and responded to. 相似文献
Sahotra Sarkar 《Biology & philosophy》2014,29(2):249-257
Two questions are raised for Grafen’s formal darwinism project of aligning evolutionary dynamics under natural selection with the optimization of phenotypes for individuals of a population. The first question concerns mean fitness maximization during frequency-dependent selection; in such selection regimes, not only is mean fitness typically not maximized but it is implausible that any parameter closely related to fitness is being maximized. The second question concerns whether natural selection on inclusive fitness differences can be regarded as individual selection or whether it leads to a departure from the central motivation that led to the formal darwinism project, viz., to show that “Darwinian” evolution through individual selection leads to “good design” or phenotypic adaptation through trait optimization. 相似文献
Peter Godfrey-Smith 《Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences》2012,367(1599):2160-2170
Evolutionary models of cultural change have acquired an important role in attempts to explain the course of human evolution, especially our specialization in knowledge-gathering and intelligent control of environments. In both biological and cultural change, different patterns of explanation become relevant at different ‘grains’ of analysis and in contexts associated with different explanatory targets. Existing treatments of the evolutionary approach to culture, both positive and negative, underestimate the importance of these distinctions. Close attention to grain of analysis motivates distinctions between three possible modes of cultural evolution, each associated with different empirical assumptions and explanatory roles. 相似文献
Godfrey-Smith P 《Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences》2012,367(1599):2160-2170
Evolutionary models of cultural change have acquired an important role in attempts to explain the course of human evolution, especially our specialization in knowledge-gathering and intelligent control of environments. In both biological and cultural change, different patterns of explanation become relevant at different 'grains' of analysis and in contexts associated with different explanatory targets. Existing treatments of the evolutionary approach to culture, both positive and negative, underestimate the importance of these distinctions. Close attention to grain of analysis motivates distinctions between three possible modes of cultural evolution, each associated with different empirical assumptions and explanatory roles. 相似文献
Roy D'Andrade 《American anthropologist》2002,104(1):223-232
This article examines the effect of cultural selection on the development of language in humans. First, it is claimed that directive and expressive types of speech acts are commonly found in many animal species. Representative speech acts, on the other hand, with the exception of animal "calls," are found primarily among humans. !t is argued that a cultural environment is a probable selective factor for the capacity to produce representative speech acts. Second, it is argued that representative speech acts, once they became part of language, acted as a selective factor for increased intelligence and associated greater brain size. And, finally, it is argued that the capacity to create representative speech acts selected for brains that could store great numbers of memory episodes and narratives, as well as plan for the future. [Key words: evolution, language, cultural selection, brain, intelligence, memory] 相似文献