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韩玲赵成章徐婷冯威段贝贝 《植物生态学报》2017,(5):529-538
叶片厚度和叶脉性状的关联性影响着叶片水分的动态平衡,对揭示植物叶片水分运输与生长速率耦合的生理生态学机制具有重要的意义。该文选择位于张掖市黑河干流边缘的洪泛平原湿地作为实验地,以河边为起点,沿垂直河岸线的方向依次设置I(50.07%)、II(38.77%)、III(31.5%)、IV(20.4%)4个土壤含水量梯度样地,采用标准化主轴估计(SMA)方法,以叶脉密度和叶脉直径分别表示叶脉性状,研究了不同土壤水分条件下芨芨草(Achnatherum splendens)种群的叶片厚度与叶脉性状的生长关系。结果表明:随着湿地群落土壤含水量的逐渐降低,湿地群落的植被密度和高度逐渐降低,土壤电导率逐渐增大;芨芨草的叶脉密度、叶片厚度、水分利用效率和光合有效辐射呈逐渐增加的趋势,叶脉直径、蒸腾速率和分枝数呈逐渐减小的趋势,净光合速率和株高呈先增大后减小的趋势;随着湿地群落土壤含水量的逐渐降低,芨芨草叶片厚度与叶脉密度、叶脉直径的相关性在不同样地间存在差异;芨芨草叶片厚度与叶脉密度呈显著的正相关关系,SMA的斜率呈逐渐减小的趋势,且在样地I和样地IV与1.0存在显著差异;叶片厚度与叶脉直径呈显著的负相关关系,SMA的斜率呈逐渐增大的趋势,且在样地I和样地IV与–1.0存在显著差异。芨芨草在土壤水分较充足的湿地群落倾向于少量粗脉的薄叶片构建方式,在受土壤水分胁迫时选择大量细脉的厚叶片的生长模式,体现了湿地植物在资源异质性分布的生境中根据其功能需求在自身性状之间进行的资源优化配置。 相似文献
叶大小-叶脉密度的权衡关系是植物叶经济谱理论的基础, 对理解资源竞争条件下植物叶片的物理构建与生理代谢的关系具有重要的意义。该文采用标准化主轴估计(standardized major axis estimation, SMA)的方法, 按芨芨草(Achnatherum splendens)株丛密度设置I (>12丛·m-2)、II (8-12丛·m-2)、III (4-8丛·m-2)和IV (<4丛·m-2) 4个密度梯度, 以叶面积和叶干质量分别表示叶大小, 对张掖洪泛平原湿地不同密度条件下芨芨草种群的叶大小和叶脉密度的关系进行研究。结果表明: 随着芨芨草株丛密度的降低, 湿地群落的土壤含水量逐渐减小、土壤电导率逐渐增加, 芨芨草的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和分枝数呈先增大后减小的趋势, 叶面积、叶干质量、比叶面积和株高呈逐渐减小趋势、光合有效辐射(PAR)和叶脉密度呈逐渐增加趋势; 芨芨草叶大小和叶脉密度在高密度(I)和低密度(IV)样地均呈极显著负相关关系(p < 0.01), 中密度(II、III)样地二者呈显著负相关关系(p < 0.05); 叶大小和叶脉密度回归方程的SMA斜率在不同密度样地均显著小于-1 (p < 0.05), 即芨芨草叶大小和叶脉密度呈“此消彼长”的权衡关系。在高密度湿地群落芨芨草倾向于大叶片低叶脉密度的叶片构建模式, 在低密度湿地群落选择小叶片高叶脉密度的异速生长模式, 体现了密度制约下湿地植物的生物量分配格局和资源利用对策。 相似文献
该研究关注了不同树龄油茶叶片的营养元素含量、叶脉密度及生理指标,旨在了解它们随树龄的变化规律及其对产量的影响。结果表明:(1)不同树龄间金属或稀土元素含量差异显著;大部分元素随树龄的增加表现为先增后减的变化趋势,但不同元素达到最大含量的树龄不尽相同;(2)叶脉呈网络状分布,根据叶脉直径大小分为粗、中、细三个等级;粗、中叶脉密度随树龄的变化不明显,细叶脉密度随树龄呈先增后减变化趋势。(3)叶绿素、MDA、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质含量以及POD活性等生理指标均随树龄的变化,表现出各自变化规律。(4)叶绿素含量、POD活性、稀土元素总量以及细叶脉密度与产量表现出明显正相关关系(P<0.05, P<0.01)。该研究结果丰富了油茶的基础资料,可为油茶的栽培与管理提供些许参考,并提示人们可以利用叶片的部分营养、生理、结构指标来跟踪监测植株状态和预测产量。 相似文献
权衡关系是生活史对策理论的基础, 叶大小-数量的权衡关系对理解叶大小进化具有重要的意义。该研究以单叶面积和单叶片干重表示叶大小, 用小枝干重和小枝茎干重表示小枝大小, 采用标准化主轴估计(standardized major axis estimation, SMA)和系统独立比较分析(phylogenetically independent contrast analysis, PIC)的方法, 对浙江省清凉峰自然保护区3个不同海拔落叶阔叶木本植物当年生小枝内的叶大小与数量间的关系进行研究。结果显示, 无论叶大小和小枝大小是用面积或干重表示, 在每个海拔, 叶大小与出叶强度均存在显著的等速负相关关系, 表明在落叶阔叶木本植物中发现的叶大小与出叶强度之间的权衡关系在不同生境物种中是普遍存在的, 植物在叶大小方面的种间变化, 可能不是自然选择的直接产物, 而是叶片数量变化权衡关系的一个副产物。不同海拔间的比较显示, 高海拔物种的叶面积或干重与出叶强度相关关系的y轴截距比中、低海拔物种小, 表明在出叶强度一定的情况下, 高海拔物种比低海拔物种具有更小的叶大小。与高海拔物种相比, 中海拔物种的共同斜率沿共同主轴有一个向上的位移, 表明中海拔物种比高海拔物种具有更大的叶大小, 但出叶强度更小。这些结果表明生境对叶大小-数量的权衡关系具有显著的影响, 中海拔生境具有更适宜植物生长的气候及养分条件, 而高海拔的低温等不利影响使得叶片变小。 相似文献
亚热带常绿阔叶林植物幼树阶段适应林内生境并开枝散叶是其长成大树的一个重要过程, 植物一年内多次抽枝的现象及其在抽枝展叶过程中小枝伸长、枝茎增粗与叶面积的增加优先顺序及其内在驱动机制还有待进一步研究。该研究对青城山常绿阔叶林木本植物多次抽枝发生比例进行了调查, 并以茶(Camellia sinensis)、细枝柃(Eurya loquaiana)、短刺米槠(Castanopsis carlesii var. spinulosa)、润楠(Machilus nanmu)和大叶山矾(Symplocos grandis) 5种植物的幼树为研究对象, 比较分析了植物在多次抽枝中小枝和叶片生长动态及适应策略的差异。结果显示: 1)一、二次抽枝分别开始于春季(4月)和夏末(8月下旬), 小枝水平上二次抽枝率乔木小于灌木, 常绿植物小于落叶植物。2)一次抽枝小枝枝长、单叶面积, 小枝直径和叶片数量(除大叶山矾外)均高于二次抽枝, 但二次抽枝单叶面积相对生长速率均高于一次抽枝, 二次抽枝叶片比叶质量(LMA)的增长速率高于一次抽枝。3)一次抽枝小枝枝长、叶片数量、小枝直径(除细枝柃和短刺米槠外)和总叶面积(除短刺米槠外)最大相对生长速率均高于二次抽枝, 且大部分物种最大相对生长速率出现在抽枝开始的第一、二周。4)两次抽枝中, 物种先侧重于叶片的生长, 其次是小枝枝长的生长, 最后是小枝直径的增粗。单叶面积和总叶面积皆随着小枝枝长和小枝直径的增加呈显著的异速生长关系, 表明叶片的增长速度大于小枝。单叶面积与叶片数呈显著大于1的异速生长关系, 暗示单叶面积的增长速度大于叶片数的增加速度。小枝枝长与小枝直径也呈显著大于1的异速生长关系, 揭示小枝枝长的增长速度大于小枝直径。综上所述, 两次抽枝过程中, 植物枝叶的优先生长顺序反映了植物为获取更多的资源(尤其是光源)而形成特定的抽枝展叶策略; 二次抽枝单叶面积相对生长速率和LMA增长速率高于一次抽枝, 这可能与植物即将面临的昆虫取食和气温降低压力有关。因此, 了解植物抽枝策略对于理解物种生态适应机制, 揭示物种生活史过程中存在的权衡关系具有重要的理论意义。 相似文献
Aims Trade-offs between leaf size and vein density are the basis of the theory of leaf economics spectrum, and are to understand the relationship between the physical build and physiological metabolism of plant leaves under different degrees of competition for resources. Our objective was to study the changes in the relationship between leaf size and vein density (leaf dry biomass and leaf area) in Achnatherum splendens populations with four plant bundle densities located in the flood plain wetland of Zhangye. Methods The study site was located at floodplain wetlands of Zhangye, Gansu Province, China. Survey and sampling were carried out in the communities that A. splendens dominated. According to the plant bundle density, the A. splendens communities were divided into four density gradients with “bundle” for the sampling units, high density (I, > 12 bundle·m-2), medium density (II, 8-12 bundle·m-2), medium density (III, 4-8 bundle·m-2) and Low density (IV, <4 bundle·m-2). According to the density of each combination, we chose seven (5 m × 5 m) A. splendens samples, resulting in a total of 28 samples (4 × 7). The soil physical and chemical properties of four density gradients were investigated and six samples of A. splendens were used to measure the leaf area, leaf dry biomass and vein density in laboratory, and biomass of different organs was measured after being dried at 85 °C in an oven. 28 plots were categorized into three groups: high, medium and low density, and the standardized major axis (SMA) estimation method was used to examine the allometric relationships between leaf area, leaf dry biomass and vein density. Important findings The results showed that with the population density changed from high, medium, to low, the soil moisture decreased, and soil electric conductivityincreased. The leaf area, leaf biomass and height of A. splendens decreased, and the vein density, specific leaf area and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) increased gradually. In addition, leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr) and twig number firstly increased then decreased. There was a highly significantly negative correlation (p < 0.01) between the leaf size and vein density on the high- and low-level densities (I, IV), whereas less significant (p < 0.05) on the level of medium density (II, III). The SMA slope of regression equation in the scaling relationships between leaf size and vein density was significantly smaller than -1 (p < 0.05). 相似文献
中国东部亚热带常绿阔叶林中, 部分常绿木本物种具有明显的二次抽枝现象, 即在春天完成第一次抽枝, 间隔一定的时间后又开始新一轮抽枝。但是关于这些植物第二次抽枝的进程, 迄今鲜有报道, 限制了人们对这些植物生活史对策的理解。该文以浙江天童常绿阔叶林中有二次抽枝的5种植物光叶山矾(Symplocos lancifolia)、檵木(Loropetalum chinense)、窄基红褐柃(Eurya rubiginosa var. attenuata)、杨梅(Myrica rubra)和栲树(Castanopsis fargesii)为研究对象, 调查并比较了第一次抽枝和第二次抽枝在昆虫取食压力、展叶动态和小枝投资大小3个方面的差异, 探讨第二次抽枝动态的主要特点。结果表明: 1)昆虫取食压力上, 杨梅、栲树2种植物第二次抽枝的叶片虫食率显著高于第一次抽枝, 光叶山矾、檵木和窄基红褐柃3种植物第一、二次抽枝的叶片虫食率没有差异; 2)在现叶速率(叶片数量的增加速率)上, 同一物种第一、二次抽枝的叶片数量增长模式相同, 光叶山矾、檵木、窄基红褐柃和杨梅4个物种呈持续式增长, 栲树则呈爆发式增长, 但是完成现叶所需时间并不完全相同, 光叶山矾、窄基红褐柃和杨梅第二次抽枝完成现叶比第一次少6-9天, 檵木和栲树第一、二次抽枝完成现叶所需时间则无差异; 3)在展叶速率上, 光叶山矾、檵木和窄基红褐柃第二次抽枝显著高于第一次抽枝, 但第一次抽枝较晚的杨梅和栲树第一、二次抽枝之间没有差异; 4)调查的5种植物, 第二次抽枝的投资总量均小于第一次抽枝, 光叶山矾、窄基红褐柃、杨梅和栲树4种植物, 第二次抽枝形成的小枝在叶片数量、单叶面积、小枝长度和小枝直径上都显著小于第一次抽枝, 檵木第二次抽枝形成的小枝在叶片数量和小枝长度上没有差异, 单叶面积和小枝直径则显著小于第一次抽枝。总体上看, 所研究物种第二次抽枝中的叶片虫食率、现叶速率和展叶速率都不小于第一次抽枝, 而第二次抽枝小枝投资总量较小, 这些可能是物种对相对较大的昆虫取食压力和即将来临的冬天不利条件等的适应。 相似文献
Relationships between leaf thickness and vein traits of Achnatherum splendens under different soil moisture conditions in a flood plain wetland,Heihe River,China 下载免费PDF全文
Aims The correlations between leaf thickness and vein traits influenced the leaf hydraulic dynamic balance, and there were important meanings to reveal ecophysiological mechanisms of plant leaves water transport and growth rate. Our objective was to study the changes in the relationship between leaf thickness and vein traits (vein diameter, vein density) of Achnatherum splendenspopulations by using standardized major axis estimation (SMA) method under different soil moisture conditions located in flood plain wetland of Zhangye.Methods The study site was located at flood plains wetland of Zhangye, Gansu Province, China. Selecting a starting point along the vertical direction of the river, in turn, along the soil moisture gradient, four plots were set up at intervals of 40 m, plot I (50.07%), plot II (38.77%), plot III (31.5%) and plot IV (20.4%). From each of the four sample plots, seven samples were collected, resulting in (5 m × 5 m) a total of 28 samples. Community traits (height, density) and soil physical and chemical properties were investigated. Six individual samplings of A. splendens from each plot were used to measure the leaf thickness, vein density and vein diameter in laboratory. In addition, the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and transpiration rate (Tr) of A. splendens were measured in natural environment. The 28 plots were categorized into groups I, II, III and IV, and SMA estimation method was then used to examine the allometric relationship among leaf thickness, vein density and vein diameter. Important findings With a decreased soil moisture, the plant density and height displayed a pattern of steadily declining, while the soil electrical conductivity increased, In addition, the vein density, leaf thickness, water use efficiency (WUE), PAR and twig number of A. splendens displayed a pattern of initial decrease, whereas the vein diameter and Tr increase gradually, Pn and plant high displayed changing trends of increasing-decreasing. The leaf thickness was negatively associated with the vein density, vein diameter, and the relationship varied with the soil moisture conditions (p< 0.05). There was a significant positive relationship (p < 0.05) between the leaf thickness and vein density. The SMA slope of the regression equation gradually decreased and was significantly different from 1.0 (p < 0.05) on plot I and IV. In addition, along decreased soil moisture, the standardized major axis slope of regression equation in the scaling relationships between the leaf thickness and vein diameter gradually increased and was significantly different from -1.0 (p < 0.05) on plot I and IV. 相似文献
天童常绿阔叶林不同演替阶段常见种叶片N、P化学计量学特征 总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22
对天童常绿阔叶林5个演替阶段的13个种类24个植物个体叶片的N、P化学计量学的研究表明:(1)各演替阶段植物叶片的N、P含量变异较大,N含量的值在6.49~14.69mgg^-1之间,P含量的值在0.66~1.13mgg^-1之间,叶片的N∶P值在7.45~16.38之间;总体平均值N为9.43mgg^-1,P为0.86mgg^-1,N∶P为11.17;(2)演替后期的叶片N含量和N∶P比高于演替前期,叶片N含量的变化趋势与N∶P比的变化趋势协同性较好,N∶P的变化趋势能较好地反映不同演替阶段的群落变化特征;(3)叶片N∶P可以作为植物和演替阶段的限制性营养元素的指标,不同演替阶段的群落生长基本上均是受N而不是受P的限制;演替各阶段绝大多数物种新生叶的N∶P都小于成熟的营养叶的N∶P,两者均受N元素的限制,且氮素对新叶的限制性更强,表明新叶容易缺乏氮素而发育不良。 相似文献
The possibility that changes in the plasticity of expanding cell walls are involved in regulating early leaf growth responses to nutrient deficiencies in monocot plants was investigated. Intact maize seedlings (Zea mays L.) which were hydroponically grown with their roots in low-nutrient solution (1 mol m?3 CaCl2) showed early inhibition of first-leaf growth, as compared with seedlings on complete nutrient solution. This early inhibition of leaf growth was not associated with reduced cell production. However, segmental elongation along the cell expansion zone at the base of the leaf and the lengths of mature epidermal cells were reduced by the low-nutrient treatment. Solute (osmotic) potentials in the expanding leaf tissues were unchanged. In contrast, low-nutrient treatments significantly altered leaf plasticity, i.e. the irreversible extension caused by applying a small force in the direction of leaf growth. For example, in vivo plasticity decreased, along with leaf growth, after transfer of seedlings from complete nutrient solution to low-nutrient solution for 15 h. Conversely, in vivo plasticity increased, along with leaf growth, after transfer of plants previously grown on low-nutrient solution to complete nutrient solution for 15 h. The nutrient treatments also induced similar changes in the in vitro plasticity of the expanding leaf cell walls. There were no consistent changes in elasticity. Thus, reductions in the plasticity of expanding leaf cell walls appear to be involved in controlling the early inhibition of maize leaf growth by root imposition of nutrient stress. 相似文献