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Traits are basic attributes of organisms that form the basis for speciation and diversity. The floral nectar spur is a classic example of a key innovative trait. Differences in nectar spur morphology can lead to pollinator specialization and thereby promote reproductive isolation between species. Despite its importance, the nectar spur has been lost in some members of the columbine genus (Aquilegia), resulting in a new spurless trait, and the evolutionary influence of this trait has become a topic of scientific interest. Aquilegia ecalcarata is an important representative columbine species that lacks spurs. Here, we resequenced the genomes of 324 individuals from A. ecalcarata and four related species. We found that A. ecalcarata was divided into three groups based on the phylogenetic relationships and population genetic structures. Topology weighting analysis revealed that A. ecalcarata has multiple origins, and Patterson′s D statistic showed that the spurless trait may have one origin. Floral morphological analysis revealed significant differences between A. ecalcarata and its spurred sister groups, and the floral phenotypes of the three A. ecalcarata groups have identical or similar floral phenotypes. Our results confirmed that the spurless trait not only produced the phenotype of A. ecalcarata but also contributed to the emergence of the A. rockii phenotype. Moreover, the spurless trait promoted the divergence between A. ecalcarata and its close, spurred relatives. Our research shows that the loss of key innovative traits can play a very important role in speciation and species diversity.  相似文献   

Linder HP 《Molecular ecology》2010,19(21):4583-4585
The speciation process that underlies recent, rapid radiations of plants is controversial, and suggested mechanisms range from pollinator or ecological niche differentiation to allopatry and nonadaptive divergence. Phylogenetic approaches to locating the most appropriate speciation models have been constrained by the low levels of molecular divergence between recently diverged species, which are typical of recent, rapid radiations. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Rymer et al. (2010) used coalescence analyses of sequence data and genome scans of Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) loci to demonstrate that in a species complex in the irid genus Gladiolus, a member of the hyper diverse Cape flora of southern Africa, speciation is a gradual process. Older divergences are genetically more differentiated, and show a greater difference in flowering time and floral morphology, than taxa that diverged more recently. There is no evidence of any abrupt events. Gene flow is limited by shifts in flowering time and floral morphology; thus, by pre-zygotic rather than by post-zygotic mechanisms, these evolved together with the occupation of somewhat different habitats. This research gives the first critical insight into how the remarkable diversity in a diversity hotspot could have arisen. More importantly, it demonstrates that the speciation process in recent, rapid radiations is tractable and can be investigated with suitable genetic tools.  相似文献   

Measuring reproductive barriers between groups of organisms is an effective way to determine the traits and mechanisms that impede gene flow. However, to understand the ecological and evolutionary factors that drive speciation, it is important to distinguish between the barriers that arise early in the speciation process and those that arise after speciation is largely complete. In this article, we comprehensively test for reproductive isolation between recently diverged (<10,000 years bp) dune and nondune ecotypes of the prairie sunflower, Helianthus petiolaris. We find reproductive barriers acting at multiple stages of hybridization, including premating, postmating–prezygotic, and postzygotic barriers, despite the recent divergence. Barriers include extrinsic selection against immigrants and hybrids, a shift in pollinator assemblage, and postpollination assortative mating. Together, these data suggest that multiple barriers can be important for reducing gene flow in the earliest stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Local adaptation to different pollinators is considered one of the possible initial stages of ecological speciation as reproductive isolation is a by‐product of the divergence in pollination systems. However, pollinator‐mediated divergent selection will not necessarily result in complete reproductive isolation, because incipient speciation is often overcome by gene flow. We investigated the potential of pollinator shift in the sexually deceptive orchids Ophrys sphegodes and Ophrys exaltata and compared the levels of floral isolation vs. genetic distance among populations with contrasting predominant pollinators. We analysed floral hydrocarbons as a proxy for floral divergence between populations. Floral adoption of pollinators and their fidelity was tested using pollinator choice experiments. Interpopulation gene flow and population differentiation levels were estimated using AFLP markers. The Tyrrhenian O. sphegodes population preferentially attracted the pollinator bee Andrena bimaculata, whereas the Adriatic O. sphegodes population exclusively attracted A. nigroaenea. Significant differences in scent component proportions were identified in O. sphegodes populations that attracted different preferred pollinators. High interpopulation gene flow was detected, but populations were genetically structured at species level. The high interpopulation gene flow levels independent of preferred pollinators suggest that local adaptation to different pollinators has not (yet) generated detectable genome‐wide separation. Alternatively, despite extensive gene flow, few genes underlying floral isolation remain differentiated as a consequence of divergent selection. Different pollination ecotypes in O. sphegodes might represent a local selective response imposed by temporal variation in a geographical mosaic of pollinators as a consequence of the frequent disturbance regimes typical of Ophrys habitats.  相似文献   

Floral isolation is an important component of pollinator-driven speciation. However, up to now, only a few studies have quantified its strength and relative contribution to total reproductive isolation. In this study, we quantified floral isolation among three closely related, sympatric orchid species of the genus Ophrys by directly tracking pollen flow. Ophrys orchids mimic their pollinators' mating signals, and are pollinated by male insects during mating attempts. This pollination system, called sexual deception, is usually highly specific. However, whether pollinator specialization also conveys floral isolation is currently under debate. In this study, we found strong floral isolation: among 46 tracked pollen transfers in two flowering seasons, all occurred within species. Accounting for observation error rate, we estimated a floral isolation index ≥0.98 among each pair of species. Hand pollination experiments suggested that postpollination barriers were effectively absent among our study species. Genetic analysis based on AFLP markers showed a clear species clustering and very few F(1) hybrids in natural populations, providing independent evidence that strong floral isolation prevents significant interspecies gene flow. Our results provide the first direct evidence that floral isolation acts as the main reproductive barrier among closely related plant species with specialized pollination.  相似文献   

Floral divergence among congeners may relate to differential utilization of pollinators and contribute to reducing overlap in pollination niches. To investigate whether and how floral differences are associated with differential utilization of pollinators in three sympatric Adenophora species, we analyzed floral traits and evaluated the contribution of different visitors to pollination. We compared visitation rates of different pollinator categories in different years and sites. A suite of floral traits differed among the three Adenophora species, suggesting adaptation to diurnal versus nocturnal pollination and an intermediate condition. However, many visitor species were shared among the three plant species, suggesting that floral traits did not rigorously filter visitors. Effective pollinators were large bees and moths. The importance of large bees as pollinators decreased whereas that of moths increased along the gradient from typically bee-pollinated to moth-pollinated flowers. The intermediate species (A. khasiana) differed substantially from the other two species in pollinator species but not in pollinator categories. The principal pollinator category of each species was constant across years and sites except in the intermediate species where it differed between two sites. Overall, the three sympatric species of Adenophora partition pollinators by floral divergence and the principal pollinators coincide with the predictions based on floral syndromes.  相似文献   

Irwin  Darren E.  Irwin  Jessica H.  Price  Trevor D. 《Genetica》2001,(1):223-243
A demonstration of how small changes can lead to species-level differences is provided by ring species, in which two reproductively isolated forms are connected by a chain of intermediate populations. We review proposed cases of ring species and the insights they provide into speciation. Ring species have been viewed both as illustrations of the history of divergence of two species from their common ancestor and as demonstrations that speciation can occur in spite of gene flow between the diverging forms. Theoretical models predict that speciation with gene flow can occur when there is divergent ecological selection, and geographical differentiation increases the likelihood of speciation. Thus ring species are ideal systems for research into the role of both ecological and geographical differentiation in speciation, but few examples have been studied in detail. The Greenish warbler is a ring species in which two northward expansions around the Tibetan plateau have been accompanied by parallel evolution in morphology, ecology, and song length and complexity. However, songs have diverged in structure, resulting in a lack of recognition where the reproductively isolated forms come into contact in Siberia. Our analysis suggests that these differences could have arisen even with gene flow, and that parallel rather than divergent ecological changes have led to divergence in sexually selected traits and subsequent speciation.  相似文献   

Life history plays a critical role in governing microevolutionary processes such as gene flow and adaptation, as well as macroevolutionary processes such speciation. Here, we use multilocus phylogeographic analyses to examine a speciation event involving spectacular life-history differences between sister species of sea stars. Cryptasterina hystera has evolved a suite of derived life-history traits (including internal self-fertilization and brood protection) that differ from its sister species Cryptasterina pentagona, a gonochoric broadcast spawner. We show that these species have only been reproductively isolated for approximately 6000 years (95% highest posterior density of 905-22 628), and that this life-history change may be responsible for dramatic genetic consequences, including low nucleotide diversity, zero heterozygosity and no gene flow. The rapid divergence of these species rules out some mechanisms of isolation such as adaptation to microhabitats in sympatry, or slow divergence by genetic drift during prolonged isolation. We hypothesize that the large phenotypic differences between species relative to the short divergence time suggests that the life-history differences observed may be direct responses to disruptive selection between populations. We speculate that local environmental or demographic differences at the southern range margin are possible mechanisms of selection driving one of the fastest known marine speciation events.  相似文献   

Floral orientation has been suggested to be a functional floral trait that can enhance reproductive fitness through adaptation to both biotic factors (e.g., pollination) and abiotic factors (e.g., temperature). However, whether those factors drive the diversification of floral orientation needs to be explored through multiple related species. Phylogenetic relationships in Lonicera were identified by incorporating the species’ floral orientation (upward vs. downward) and pollinator types. Furthermore, transitions in floral orientation were evaluated together with pollinator shift, and seven Lonicera species were used to detect the influence of floral orientation on pollination and reproductive success. The relationship between temperature and the angle of floral orientation was investigated. Floral orientation in Lonicera showed that most of the closely related species within the same node displayed a similar pattern of floral orientation, and pollinator shift can lead to transitions between upward and downward orientation. Additionally, the angle of floral orientation increased with flowering phenology from spring to summer, and changing floral orientation significantly decreased pollination and seed production. Moreover, the average daily temperature during flowering phenology was significantly correlated with the angle of floral orientation. Our results indicate that pollinator shift could be an important event, leading to the diversification of floral orientation. Results of field investigations inferred that floral orientation should be a functional floral trait adapted to flowering phenology. Downward-facing flowers might help decrease heat loss to adapt to cold conditions. This study disentangled the influences of historical events and local adaptation on the evolution of floral orientation.  相似文献   

Via S  West J 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(19):4334-4345
Early in ecological speciation, the genomically localized effects of divergent selection cause heterogeneity among loci in divergence between incipient species. We call this pattern of genomic variability in divergence the 'genetic mosaic of speciation'. Previous studies have used F(ST) outliers as a way to identify divergently selected genomic regions, but the nature of the relationship between outlier loci and quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in reproductive isolation has not yet been quantified. Here, we show that F(ST) outliers between a pair of incipient species are significantly clustered around QTL for traits that cause ecologically based reproductive isolation. Around these key QTL, extensive 'divergence hitchhiking' occurs because reduced inter-race mating and negative selection decrease the opportunity for recombination between chromosomes bearing different locally adapted QTL alleles. Divergence hitchhiking is likely to greatly increase the opportunity for speciation in populations that are sympatric, regardless of whether initial divergence was sympatric or allopatric. Early in ecological speciation, analyses of population structure, gene flow or phylogeography based on different random or arbitrarily chosen neutral markers should be expected to conflict--only markers in divergently selected genomic regions will reveal the evolutionary history of adaptive divergence and ecologically based reproductive isolation. Species retain mosaic genomes for a very long time, and gene exchange in hybrid zones can vary dramatically among loci. However, in hybridizing species, the genomic regions that affect ecologically based reproductive isolation are difficult to distinguish from regions that have diverged for other reasons.  相似文献   

Empirical estimates of the relative importance of different barriers to gene flow between recently diverged species are important for understanding processes of speciation. I investigated the factors contributing to reproductive isolation between Costus pulverulentus and C. scaber (Costaceae), two closely related hummingbird-pollinated understory Neotropical herbs. I studied broad-scale geographic isolation, microhabitat isolation, flowering phenology, overlap in pollinator assemblages, floral constancy by pollinators, mechanical floral isolation, pollen-pistil interactions, seed set in interspecific crosses, and postzygotic isolation (hybrid seed germination, greenhouse survival to flowering, and pollen fertility). Aside from substantial geographic isolation, I found evidence for several factors contributing to reproductive isolation in the sympatric portion of their geographic ranges, but the identity and relative strength of these factors varied depending on the direction of potential gene flow. For C. pulverulentus as the maternal parent, mechanical floral isolation was the most important factor, acting as a complete block to interspecific pollen deposition. For C. scaber as the maternal parent, microhabitat isolation, pollinator assemblage, mechanical floral isolation, and postpollination pollen-pistil incompatibility were important. Overall, prezygotic barriers were found to be strong, resulting in 100% reproductive isolation for C. pulverulentus as the maternal parent and 99.0% reproductive isolation for C. scaber as the maternal parent. Some postzygotic isolation also was identified in the F1 generation, increasing total isolation for C. scaber to 99.4%. The results suggest that ecological factors, including habitat use and plant-pollinator interactions, contributed to speciation in this system and evolved before extensive intrinsic postzygotic isolation.  相似文献   

Divergent selection by pollinators can bring about strong reproductive isolation via changes at few genes of large effect. This has recently been demonstrated in sexually deceptive orchids, where studies (1) quantified the strength of reproductive isolation in the field; (2) identified genes that appear to be causal for reproductive isolation; and (3) demonstrated selection by analysis of natural variation in gene sequence and expression. In a group of closely related Ophrys orchids, specific floral scent components, namely n‐alkenes, are the key floral traits that control specific pollinator attraction by chemical mimicry of insect sex pheromones. The genetic basis of species‐specific differences in alkene production mainly lies in two biosynthetic genes encoding stearoyl–acyl carrier protein desaturases (SAD) that are associated with floral scent variation and reproductive isolation between closely related species, and evolve under pollinator‐mediated selection. However, the implications of this genetic architecture of key floral traits on the evolutionary processes of pollinator adaptation and speciation in this plant group remain unclear. Here, we expand on these recent findings to model scenarios of adaptive evolutionary change at SAD2 and SAD5, their effects on plant fitness (i.e., offspring number), and the dynamics of speciation. Our model suggests that the two‐locus architecture of reproductive isolation allows for rapid sympatric speciation by pollinator shift; however, the likelihood of such pollinator‐mediated speciation is asymmetric between the two orchid species O. sphegodes and O. exaltata due to different fitness effects of their predominant SAD2 and SAD5 alleles. Our study not only provides insight into pollinator adaptation and speciation mechanisms of sexually deceptive orchids but also demonstrates the power of applying a modeling approach to the study of pollinator‐driven ecological speciation.  相似文献   

Interactions between extrinsic factors, such as disruptive selection and intrinsic factors, such as genetic incompatibilities among loci, often contribute to the maintenance of species boundaries. The relative roles of these factors in the establishment of reproductive isolation can be examined using species pairs characterized by gene flow throughout their divergence history. We investigated the process of speciation and the maintenance of species boundaries between Pinus strobiformis and Pinus flexilis. Utilizing ecological niche modelling, demographic modelling and genomic cline analyses, we illustrated a divergence history with continuous gene flow. Our results supported an abundance of advanced generation hybrids and a lack of loci exhibiting steep transition in allele frequency across the hybrid zone. Additionally, we found evidence for climate‐associated variation in the hybrid index and niche divergence between parental species and the hybrid zone. These results are consistent with extrinsic factors, such as climate, being an important isolating mechanism. A build‐up of intrinsic incompatibilities and of coadapted gene complexes is also apparent, although these appear to be in the earliest stages of development. This supports previous work in coniferous species demonstrating the importance of extrinsic factors in facilitating speciation. Overall, our findings lend support to the hypothesis that varying strength and direction of selection pressures across the long lifespans of conifers, in combination with their other life history traits, delays the evolution of strong intrinsic incompatibilities.  相似文献   

Subspecies is used to designate taxa below species but above geographical populations. What patterns of genomic variation are expected if taxa are designated as subspecies? In this study, we carry out such a survey on the mangrove tree Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. of the Indo-West Pacific coasts. This species has three subspecies, distinguished by morphological traits and geographical distribution. We collected samples from 16 populations (577 individuals) covering all three subspecies and sequenced 94 nuclear genes. We reveal comprehensive genetic divergence among subspecies, generally higher than among geographical populations within subspecies. The level of genetic diversity differs among the three subspecies, possibly hinting at a degree of separation among their gene pools. We observed that divergence varies from locus to locus across the genome. A small portion of the genome is most informative about subspecies delineation, whereas the rest is undifferentiated or slightly differentiated, hinting at uneven gene flow and incomplete isolation. The three subspecies likely split simultaneously with gene flow among lineages. This reticulate evolution results in some discordance between morphology and genetics in areas of population contact. In short, A. marina subspecies show species-like patterns in some respects and population-like patterns in others. We propose that the subspecies designated in A. marina are informative in predicting genetic divergences and useful in making conservation decisions.  相似文献   

Population genetics data based on multiple nuclear loci provide invaluable information to understand demographic, selective, and divergence histories of the current species. We studied nucleotide variation at 13 nuclear loci in 53 populations distributed among four closely related, but morphologically distinct juniper species of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). We used a novel approach combining Approximate Bayesian Computation and a recently developed neutrality test based on the maximum frequency of derived mutations to examine the demographic and selective histories of individual species, and isolation-with-migration analyses to study the joint history of the species and detect gene flow between them. We found that (1) the four species, which diverged in response to the extensive QTP uplifts, have different demographic histories; (2) two loci, Pgi and CC0822, depart significantly from neutrality in one species and Pgi, is also marginally significant in another; and (3) shared polymorphisms are common, indicating both incomplete lineage sorting and gene flow after species divergence. In addition, the detected unidirectional gene flow provides indirect support for the theoretical prediction that introgression should mostly take place from local to invading species. Our results, together with previous studies, underscore complex evolutionary histories of plant diversification in the biodiversity-hotspot QTP.  相似文献   

Floral scents are among the key signals used by pollinators to navigate to specific flowers. Thus, evolutionary changes in scents should have strong impacts on plant diversification, although scent‐mediated plant speciation through pollinator shifts has rarely been demonstrated, despite being likely. To examine whether and how scent‐mediated plant speciation may have occurred, we investigated the Asimitellaria plant lineage using multidisciplinary approaches including pollinator observations, chemical analyses of the floral scents, electroantennographic analyses and behavioural bioassays with the pollinators. We also performed phylogenetically independent contrast analyses of the pollinator/floral scent associations. First, we confirmed that the pairs of the sympatric, cross‐fertile Asimitellaria species in three study sites consistently attract different pollinators, namely long‐tongued and short‐tongued fungus gnats. We also found that a stereoisomeric set of floral volatiles, the lilac aldehydes, could be responsible for the pollinator specificity. This is because the compounds consistently elicited responses in the antennae of the long‐tongued fungus gnats and had contrasting effects on the two pollinators, that is triggering the nectaring behaviour of long‐tongued fungus gnats while repelling short‐tongued fungus gnats in a laboratory experiment. Moreover, we discovered that volatile composition repeatedly switched in Asimitellaria between species adapted to long‐tongued and short‐tongued fungus gnats. Collectively, our results support the idea that recurrent scent‐mediated speciation has taken place in the Asimitellaria–fungus gnat system.  相似文献   

Pollinator-mediated selection plays a major role in floral evolution and speciation. Floral traits that influence animal pollinator behavior are the target of pollinator-mediated selection, but can only evolve if floral phenotypes have underlying genetic variation. Thus, understanding the genetic basis of a floral trait is a crucial step in studying pollinator-mediated selection. In this study I tested the effect of quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying floral traits on pollinator behavior in recombinant inbred lines (RILs) in the common sunflower, Helianthus annuus L. and its crop relative. The indirect effects of QTL on pollinator behavior, mediated by floral phenotypes, were analyzed for six insect visitor types using structural equation modeling (SEM) and path analysis. For three of the six visitor types (large and small bees and non-bee insects) valid models were revealed when all three levels (QTL, floral traits, and pollinator behavior) were incorporated. Nested model without genetics were validated for five of the six visitor types. The results suggest that insect behavior as a reaction to floral phenotypes is affected by the genetic architecture of floral traits. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: Heikki Hokkanen  相似文献   

Divergence in reproductive traits between closely related species that co‐occur contributes to speciation by reducing interspecific gene flow. In flowering plants, greater floral divergence in sympatry than allopatry may reflect reproductive character displacement (RCD) by means of divergent pollinator‐mediated selection or mating system evolution. However, environmental filtering (EF) would prevail for floral traits under stronger selection by abiotic factors than pollination, and lead to sympatric taxa being more phenotypically similar. We determine whether floral UV pigmentation and size show signatures of RCD or EF using a biogeographically informed sister taxa comparison. We determine whether 35 sister pairs in the Potentilleae tribe (Rosaceae) are allopatric or sympatric and confirm that sympatric sisters experience more similar bioclimatic conditions, an assumption of the EF hypothesis. We test whether interspecific differences are greater in allopatry or sympatry while accounting for divergence time. For UV pigmentation, sympatric sisters are more phenotypically similar than allopatric ones. For flower size, sympatric sisters show increased divergence with time since speciation but allopatric ones do not. We conclude that floral UV pigmentation shows a signature of EF, whereas flower size shows a signature of RCD. Discordant results between the traits suggest that the dominant selective agent differs between them.  相似文献   

In mate recognition systems, the functional necessity to coordinate traits involved in sexual communication should result in reduced pairing potential for new variants outside the distribution of common reproductive signals. Yet, many closely related, sexual species differ in mate recognition traits, suggesting that directional selection influences the divergence of mate recognition systems. Species of the endemic Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala are morphologically and ecologically cryptic, although both male calling song and female acoustic preference have diverged rapidly between closely related species. These mate recognition phenotypes are therefore often likely to be speciation phenotypes, i.e. traits whose divergence contributes, directly or indirectly, to a reduction of gene flow during speciation, given their frequent participation in early lineage divergence. We conducted a replicated, quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping study of the genetic basis of differences in male calling song between two closely related species, Laupala paranigra and Laupala kohalensis, allowing us to examine the genetic basis of traits involved in rapid speciation. We found statistical support for eight QTL in one replicate, with at least four of these QTL mapping to the same regions in a second replicate. QTL effects ranged between 3.0% and 10.7% of the difference in pulse rate between L. paranigra and L. kohalensis, and are thus of moderate to small effect. All QTL identified show directional effects consistent with the hypothesis of directional selection. Thus, we conclude that rapid speciation can occur under the influence of many genes of moderate to small effect. This study implicates the role of directional selection in the divergence of mate recognition traits and speciation the Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala.  相似文献   

There has been much debate over the origin of species diversity in biodiversity hotspots, particularly the rate of speciation over extinction and the geographic mode of speciation. Here, we looked at speciation with varying degrees of sympatry in a biodiversity hotspot, focusing on a distinct morphological clade in the Cape Floristic Region in southern Africa, the Gladiolus carinatus species complex (Iridaceae). We investigate the mechanisms involved in population and species differentiation through a combination of ecological and genomic approaches. We estimated spatial and phenological overlap, differences in floral morphology, genetic isolation and genomic selection. A genetic coalescent analysis estimated that the time of divergence between lineages followed the establishment of available habitat in the Cape littoral plain where these species currently overlap geographically. Marked shifts in flowering time and morphology, which act as barriers to gene flow, have developed to varying degrees over the last 0.3–1.4 million years. An amplified fragment length polymorphism genome scan revealed signatures of divergent and balancing selection, although half of the loci consistently behaved neutrally. Divergent species outliers (1%) and floral morph outliers (3%) represent a small proportion of the genome, but these loci produced clear genetic clusters of species and significant associations with floral traits. These results indicate that the G. carinatus complex represents a continuum of recent speciation. We provide further evidence for ecological adaptation in the face of gene flow.  相似文献   

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