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类叶升麻(毛茛科)次生木质部管状分子的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用扫描电子显微镜对毛良科类叶升麻(Artaea asiaticaHara)根和根状茎次生木质部中的管状分子进行观察.发观其管状分子类型丰富,主要有:管胞、管胞状导管、纤维导管和典型的导管分子,其中管胞、管胞状导管和纤维导管为在该类群中首次报道;在导管分子中.存在着梯状穿孔板、网状穿孔板、混合型穿孔板和单穿孔板.其中网状穿孔板和混合型穿孔板为在陔类群中的首次报道;对其导管分子上的侧壁穿孔板、多穿孔板和纹孔膜残余也进行了描述。根据类叶升麻次生木质部中多变的管状分子类型,认为以往积累的有关毛茛科植物管状分子类型及导管穿孔板类型是小个面的,因此以该性状为参考作出的有关某一个类群的原始性和进化性的推论也是不可靠的。同时探讨了不同类型管状分子作类叶升麻不同器官的分布与其生理功能和生态环境的关系,同时将该植物作为毛莨科的代表类群.与其它基邴类群植物导管分子进行了比较。  相似文献   

孙琼  王嵘  陈小勇 《生物多样性》2022,30(3):21383-7066
理解物种形成机制是生态和进化领域的重要任务。得益于测序技术的快速发展, 越来越多研究发现分化种群(亚种、物种)间的基因组常呈现异质性分化景观, 存在分化基因组岛, 这被认为是基因流存在下的歧化选择引起的, 支持基因流存在下的成种假说。然而, 基因渐渗、祖先多态性的差异分选、连锁选择等其他进化过程也可导致分化基因组岛的形成。现有实证研究在解析分化基因组岛的形成机制时, 往往忽略了上述其他进化过程的作用。为此, 本文在辨析分化基因组岛相关概念的基础上, 总结了利用种群基因组数据鉴定分化基因组岛的方法, 对比了不同进化过程形成分化基因组岛的特征, 指出在区分不同机制时联用基因渐渗程度、绝对分化指数(dXY)、相对节点深度(RND)、重组率等多个指标的必要性, 归纳了物种形成过程中分化基因组岛形成机制解析的研究思路, 并对未来在生殖隔离机制上的深入探索以及实证研究的整合分析等方面进行了展望。  相似文献   

On Lord Howe Island, speciation is thought to have taken place in situ in a diverse array of distantly related plant taxa (Metrosideros, Howea and Coprosma; Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 108 , 2011, 13188). We now investigate whether the speciation processes were driven by divergent natural selection in each genus by examining the extent of ecological and genetic divergence. We present new and extensive, ecological and genetic data for all three genera. Consistent with ecologically driven speciation, outlier loci were detected using genome scan methods. This mechanism is supported by individual‐based analyses of genotype–environment correlations within species, demonstrating that local adaptation is currently widespread on the island. Genetic analyses show that prezygotic isolating barriers within species are currently insufficiently strong to allow further population differentiation. Interspecific hybridization was found in both Howea and Coprosma, and species distribution modelling indicates that competitive exclusion may result in selection against admixed individuals. Colonization of new niches, partly fuelled by the rapid generation of new adaptive genotypes via hybridization, appears to have resulted in the adaptive radiation in Coprosma – supporting the ‘Syngameon hypothesis’.  相似文献   

In this issue, Flaxman et al. ( 2014 ) report the results of sophisticated whole‐genome simulations of speciation with gene flow, enhancing our understanding of the process by building on previous single‐locus, multilocus and analytical works. Their findings provide us with new insights about how genomes can diverge and the importance of statistical and chromosomal linkage in facilitating reproductive isolation. The authors characterize the conditions under which, even with high gene flow and weak divergent selection, reproductive isolation between populations can occur due to the emergent stochastic process of genomewide congealing, where numerous statistically or physically linked loci of small effect allow selection to limit effective migration rates. The initial congealing event can occur within a broad range conditions, and once initiated, the self‐reinforcing process leads to rapid divergence and ultimately two reproductively isolated populations. Flaxman et al.'s ( 2014 ) work is a valuable contribution to our understanding of speciation with gene flow and in making a more predictive field of evolutionary genomics and speciation.  相似文献   

Understanding ecological niche evolution over evolutionary timescales is crucial to elucidating the biogeographic history of organisms. Here, we used, for the first time, climate‐based ecological niche models (ENMs) to test hypotheses about ecological divergence and speciation processes between sister species pairs of lemurs (genus Eulemur) in Madagascar. We produced ENMs for eight species, all of which had significant validation support. Among the four sister species pairs, we found nonequivalent niches between sisters, varying degrees of niche overlap in ecological and geographic space, and support for multiple divergence processes. Specifically, three sister‐pair comparisons supported the null model that niches are no more divergent than the available background region. These findings are consistent with an allopatric speciation model, and for two sister pairs (E. collaris–E. cinereiceps and E. rufus–E. rufifrons), a riverine barrier has been previously proposed for driving allopatric speciation. However, for the fourth sister pair E. flavifrons–E. macaco, we found support for significant niche divergence, and consistent with their parapatric distribution on an ecotone and the lack of obvious geographic barriers, these findings most strongly support a parapatric model of speciation. These analyses thus suggest that various speciation processes have led to diversification among closely related Eulemur species.  相似文献   

The importance of speciation‐with‐geneflow scenarios is increasingly appreciated. However, the specific processes and the resulting genomic footprints of selection are subject to much discussion. We studied the genomics of speciation between the two panmictic, sympatrically spawning sister species; European (Anguilla anguilla) and American eel (A. rostrata). Divergence is assumed to have initiated more than 3 Ma, and although low gene flow still occurs, strong postzygotic barriers are present. Restriction‐site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing identified 328 300 SNPs for subsequent analysis. However, despite the presence of 3757 strongly differentiated SNPs (FST > 0.8), sliding window analyses of FST showed no larger genomic regions (i.e. hundreds of thousands to millions of bases) of elevated differentiation. Overall FST was 0.041, and linkage disequilibrium was virtually absent for SNPs separated by more than 1000 bp. We suggest this to reflect a case of genomic hitchhiking, where multiple regions are under directional selection between the species. However, low but biologically significant gene flow and high effective population sizes leading to very low genetic drift preclude accumulation of strong background differentiation. Genes containing candidate SNPs for positive selection showed significant enrichment for gene ontology (GO) terms relating to developmental processes and phosphorylation, which seems consistent with assumptions that differences in larval phase duration and migratory distances underlie speciation. Most SNPs under putative selection were found outside coding regions, lending support to emerging views that noncoding regions may be more functionally important than previously assumed. In total, the results demonstrate the necessity of interpreting genomic footprints of selection in the context of demographic parameters and life‐history features of the studied species.  相似文献   

Morphological analyses were combined with genetic analyses at nine microsatellite loci to examine the determinants of gene flow at 21 spawning locations of rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax along the east coast of Canada. Associations between morphology, geography and gene flow were examined using a computational geometric approach and partial Mantel tests. Significant barriers to gene flow and discontinuities in morphology were observed between Newfoundland and mainland Canada, as well as within Newfoundland samples. On regional scales, contrasting patterns were present with restricted gene flow between Newfoundland populations ( F ST= c . 0·11) and high gene flow between mainland populations ( F ST= c . 0·017). Within Newfoundland populations, geographic distance was significantly associated with gene flow ( r = 0·85, P < 0·001) contrasting mainland samples where gene flow was most associated with phenotypic divergence ( r = 0·33, P < 0·001). At large spatial scales, weak ( r = 0·19, P = 0·02) associations between gene flow and geographic distance were observed, and moderate associations were also observed between gene flow and morphology ( r = 0·28, P < 0·001). The presence of significant genetic isolation by distance in Newfoundland samples and the clear discontinuity associated with the Cabot Strait suggest geography may be the primary determinant of gene flow. Interestingly, the association between genetic and morphological divergence within mainland samples and overall, supports the hypothesis that gene flow may be moderated by morphological divergence at larger spatial scales even in high gene flow environments.  相似文献   

In North America, populations of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) have evolved sympatric 'dwarf' and 'normal' ecotypes that are associated with distinct trophic niches within lakes. Trophic specialization should place diverging physiological demands on individuals, and thus, genes and phenotypes associated with energy production represent ideal candidates for studies of adaptation. Here, we test for the parallel divergence of traits involved in oxygen transport in dwarf and normal lake whitefish from Québec, Canada and Maine, USA. We observed significant differences in red blood cell morphology between the ecotypes. Specifically, dwarfs exhibited larger nuclei and a higher nucleus area/total cell area than normal whitefish in all of the lakes examined. In addition, isoelectric focusing gels revealed variation in the haemoglobin protein components found in whitefish. Dwarf and normal whitefish exhibited a similar number of protein components, but the composition of these components differed, with dwarf whitefish bearing a greater proportion of cathodic components compared to the normals. Furthermore, dwarf whitefish showed significant haemoglobin gene upregulation in the brain compared with the levels shown in normals. Together, our results indicate that metabolic traits involved in oxygen transport differ between the whitefish ecotypes and the strong parallel patterns of divergence observed across lakes implicates ecologically driven selection pressures. We discuss the function of these traits in relation to the differing trophic niches occupied by the whitefish and the potential contributions of trait plasticity and genetic divergence to energetic adaptation.  相似文献   

Abstract Adaptive diversification can be viewed as a balance between the conservative force of interpopulation gene flow and selection for differential environments. In this paper, we examine ecological, morphological, and genetic differentiation in a small clade consisting of four East Maui-endemic species of Dubautia : D. menziesii , D. platyphylla , D. reticulata , and D. waianapanapaensis , in the Hawaiian silversword alliance (Asteraceae). The East Maui clade is apparently recently derived (less than 1 million years ago) and is geographically restricted yet displays significant ecological and morphological differences. We used geographic data from historical herbarium specimens, measurements of plant architecture and leaf morphometrics, and measures of genetic differentiation in both microsatellite and nuclear coding loci to examine the correlation of different forms of divergence in this small species flock. We found overlap in large-scale geographic distributions, significant differentiation in most habitat factors, significant micro-satellite differentiation, and many shared alleles at nuclear coding loci suggesting on-going lineage sorting. Despite the presence of apparent hybrids in some populations, microsatellite variation is consistent with isolation among species. Using Mantel tests, we compared the direction and extent of diversification among different datasets, to determine whether ecological/morphological divergence was correlated with genetic divergence. Correlations among different datasets showed that habitat was strongly correlated with plant architecture but not leaf morphology. Taken together, these results indicate that ecological and morphological diversification has driven genetic divergence at rapidly evolving microsatellite loci, whereas there is continuing lineage sorting at neutral sites in nuclear coding loci.  相似文献   

Ecological divergence plays a prominent role in the process of speciation, but how divergence occurs in the face of gene flow is still less clear, and remains controversial among evolutionists. Here we investigated the nucleotide diversity, divergence and gene flow between Oryza nivara and O. rufipogon using sequences of seven chloroplast and nuclear loci. By analysing samples from 26 wild populations across the geographic ranges of the two species, we showed that both species were highly structured and O. rufipogon maintained a higher level of species‐wide diversity than O. nivara. Notably, phylogenetic, amova and FST analyses were unable to detect significant nucleotide differentiation between the two species. We estimated that the two species began to diverge at c. 0.16 million years ago. Our coalescent‐based simulations strongly rejected the simple isolation model of zero migration between species, but rather provided unambiguous evidence of bidirectional gene flow between species, particularly from O. rufipogon to O. nivara. Our simulations also indicated that gene flow was recurrent during the divergence process rather than arising from secondary contact after allopatric divergence. In conjunction with different morphological and life‐history traits and habitat preference in the two species, this study supports the hypothesis that these Oryza species are better treated as ecotypes that diverged quite recently and are still under the process of divergence. Importantly, we demonstrate the ecological divergence between O. rufipogon and O. nivara in the presence of significant gene flow, implying that natural selection plays a primary role in driving the divergence of the two Oryza species.  相似文献   

 Morphological and electrophoretic data were studied to examine species delimitation, patterns of morphological and genetic variation in three Korean Hepatica including two endemics, H.␣maxima and H. insularis. Based on a phenogram using 15 morphological characters, taxa were distinct; it was consistent with the phenogram based on genetic distance. In the enzyme electrophoresis study, the genetic identities suggested that three taxa were genetically divergent enough to be recognized as different species, falling within the range expected␣for congeners. The genetic identity between H.␣asiatica and H. insularis was higher than the values between these two taxa and H.␣maxima, a restricted endemic of Ulleung Island. The least genetic variation was found in H. maxima and the greatest in widespread H. asiatica. These data are consistent with theoretical expectations that small populations are more likely to be genetically depauperate. Received November 13, 2001; accepted May 10, 2002 Published online: December 11, 2002  相似文献   

Understanding how speciation can take place in the presence of homogenizing gene flow remains a major challenge in evolutionary biology. In the early stages of ecological speciation, reproductive isolation between populations occupying different habitats is expected to be concentrated around genes for local adaptation. These genomic regions will show high divergence while gene exchange in other regions of the genome should continue relatively unimpaired, resulting in low levels of differentiation. The problem is to explain how speciation progresses from this point towards complete reproductive isolation, allowing genome‐wide divergence. A new study by Via and West (2008) on speciation between host races of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, introduces the mechanism of ‘divergence hitchhiking’ which can generate large ‘islands of differentiation’ and facilitate the build‐up of linkage disequilibrium, favouring increased reproductive isolation. This idea potentially removes a major stumbling block to speciation under continuous gene flow.  相似文献   

Strong barriers to genetic exchange can exist at divergently selected loci, whereas alleles at neutral loci flow more readily between populations, thus impeding divergence and speciation in the face of gene flow. However, ‘divergence hitchhiking’ theory posits that divergent selection can generate large regions of differentiation around selected loci. ‘Genome hitchhiking’ theory suggests that selection can also cause reductions in average genome‐wide rates of gene flow, resulting in widespread genomic divergence (rather than divergence only around specific selected loci). Spatial heterogeneity is ubiquitous in nature, yet previous models of genetic barriers to gene flow have explored limited combinations of spatial and selective scenarios. Using simulations of secondary contact of populations, we explore barriers to gene flow in various selective and spatial contexts in continuous, two‐dimensional, spatially explicit environments. In general, the effects of hitchhiking are strongest in environments with regular spatial patterning of starkly divergent habitat types. When divergent selection is very strong, the absence of intermediate habitat types increases the effects of hitchhiking. However, when selection is moderate or weak, regular (vs. random) spatial arrangement of habitat types becomes more important than the presence of intermediate habitats per se. We also document counterintuitive processes arising from the stochastic interplay between selection, gene flow and drift. Our results indicate that generalization of results from two‐deme models requires caution and increase understanding of the genomic and geographic basis of population divergence.  相似文献   

物种形成是基本的进化过程, 也是生物多样性形成的基础。自然选择可以导致新物种的产生。生态物种形成是指以生态为基础的歧化选择使不同群体分化产生生殖隔离的物种形成过程。本文首先回顾了生态物种形成的研究历史, 并详细介绍了生态物种形成的3个要素, 即歧化选择的来源、生殖隔离的形式以及关联歧化选择与生殖隔离的遗传机制。歧化选择的来源主要包括不同的环境或生态位、不同形式的性选择, 以及群体间的相互作用。生殖隔离的形式多种多样, 我们总结了合子前和合子后隔离的遗传学机制以及在生态物种形成中起到的作用。控制适应性性状的基因与导致生殖隔离的基因可以通过基因多效性或连锁不平衡相互关联起来。借助于第二代测序技术, 研究者可以对生态物种形成的遗传学与基因组学基础进行研究。此外, 本文还总结了生态物种形成领域最新的研究进展, 包括平行进化的全基因组基础, 以及基因流影响群体分化的理论基础。通过归纳比较由下至上和由上至下这两种不同的研究思路, 作者认为这两种思路的结合可以为生态物种形成基因的筛选提供更有力也更精确的方法。同时, 作者还提出生态物种形成的研究应该基于更好的表型描述以及更完整的基因组信息, 研究的物种也应该具有更广泛的代表性。  相似文献   

Coastal and offshore ecotypes of common bottlenose dolphins have been recognized in the western South Atlantic, and it is possible that trophic niche divergence associated with social interactions is leading them to genetic and phenotypic differentiation. The significant morphological differentiation observed between these ecotypes suggests they represent two different subspecies. However, there is still a need to investigate whether there is congruence between morphological and genetic data to rule out the possibility of ecophenotypic variation accompanied by gene flow. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequence data and 10 microsatellite loci collected from stranded and biopsied dolphins sampled in coastal and offshore waters of Brazil as well as 106 skulls for morphological analyses were used to determine whether the morphological differentiation was supported by genetic differentiation. There was congruence among the data sets, reinforcing the presence of two distinct ecotypes. The divergence may be relatively recent, however, given the moderate values of mtDNA nucleotide divergence (dA = 0.008), presence of one shared mtDNA haplotype and possibly low levels of gene flow (around 1% of migrants per generation). Results suggest the ecotypes may be in the process of speciation and reinforce they are best described as two different subspecies until the degree of nuclear genetic divergence is thoroughly evaluated: Tursiops truncatus gephyreus (coastal ecotype) and T. t. truncatus (offshore ecotype). The endemic distribution of T. t. gephyreus in the western South Atlantic and number of anthropogenic threats in the area reinforces the importance of protecting this ecotype and its habitat.  相似文献   

Non‐random mating provides multiple evolutionary benefits and can result in speciation. Biological organisms are characterised by a myriad of different traits, many of which can serve as mating cues. We consider multiple mechanisms of non‐random mating simultaneously within a unified modelling framework in an attempt to understand better which are more likely to evolve in natural populations going through the process of local adaptation and ecological speciation. We show that certain traits that are under direct natural selection are more likely to be co‐opted as mating cues, leading to the appearance of magic traits (i.e. phenotypic traits involved in both local adaptation and mating decisions). Multiple mechanisms of non‐random mating can interact so that trait co‐evolution enables the evolution of non‐random mating mechanisms that would not evolve alone. The presence of magic traits may suggest that ecological selection was acting during the origin of new species.  相似文献   

Sympatric speciation remains controversial. ‘Sympatry’ originally meant “in the same geographical area”. Recently, evolutionists have redefined ‘sympatric speciation’ non‐spatially to require panmixia (m = 0.5) between a pair of demes before onset of reproductive isolation. Although panmixia is a suitable starting point in models of speciation, it is not a useful definition of sympatry in natural populations, because it becomes virtually impossible to find or demonstrate sympatry in nature. The newer, non‐spatial definition fails to address the classical debate about whether natural selection within a geographic overlap regularly causes speciation in nature, or whether complete geographic isolation is usually required. We therefore propose a more precise spatial definition by incorporating the population genetics of dispersal (or ‘cruising range’). Sympatric speciation is considerably more likely under this spatial definition than under the demic definition, because distance itself has a powerful structuring effect, even over small spatial scales comparable to dispersal. Ecological adaptation in two‐dimensional space often acts as a ‘magic trait’ that causes pleiotropic reductions of gene flow. We provide examples from our own research.  相似文献   

Explosive speciation in ancient lakes has fascinated biologists for centuries and has inspired classical work on the tempo and modes of speciation. Considerable attention has been directed towards the extrinsic forces of speciation—the geological, geographical and ecological peculiarities of ancient lakes. Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in the intrinsic nature of these radiations, the biological characteristics conducive to speciation. While new species are thought to arise mainly by the gradual enhancement of reproductive isolation among geographically isolated populations, ancient lakes provide little evidence for a predominant role of geography in speciation. Recent phylogenetic work provides strong evidence that multiple colonization waves were followed by parallel intralacustrine radiations that proceeded at relatively rapid rates despite long‐term gene flow through hybridization and introgression. Several studies suggest that hybridization itself might act as a key evolutionary mechanism by triggering major genomic reorganization/revolution and enabling the colonization of new ecological niches in ancient lakes. These studies propose that hybridization is not only of little impediment to diversification but could act as an important force in facilitating habitat transitions, promoting postcolonization adaptations and accelerating diversification. Emerging ecological genomic approaches are beginning to shed light on the long‐standing evolutionary dilemma of speciation in the face of gene flow. We propose an integrative programme for future studies on speciation in ancient lakes.  相似文献   

Combining morphological and genetic analysis, we compared patterns of diversification within and between morphs among sympatric European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) populations in Lake Femund, Norway. Seven external populations, from potential colonization routes into Lake Femund were included. We found that deep-, shallow-, river- and bay spawning populations are distinct morphs in Lake Femund. Within morphs, populations range from being similar genetically (Fst=0-0.005) among deep-spawning populations to being highly differentiated (Fst=0.153) between bay-spawning populations. Between morphs, genetic differences ranged from a low (Fst=0.008-0.022) between deep- and shallow-spawning populations to high difference (Fst=0.125-0.143) between shallow- and bay-spawning populations. A higher proportion of molecular variance was seen among (3.9%) than within morphs (2.8%). The adaptive gene combinations behind the four morphs seem to have originated within the lake, although the lake could have been colonized from more than one source population.  相似文献   

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