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基于细胞核rDNA ITS片段的水青冈属的分子系统发育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对山毛榉科水青冈属6种、1亚种、1栽培变种的ITS区片段进行了测序和分析,并对其中2个具有ITS序列多态性的分类群进行了ITS区克隆。水青冈属ITS系统发育树聚成两支,位于基部的是分布于北美的大叶水青冈,另一分支则包括了欧洲和东亚的类群。在欧洲和东亚分支中,又包括两支,其中日本北部的波叶水青冈位于基部,台湾水青冈和欧亚大陆的水青冈形成另外一支。ITS区分析与现行的水青冈属基于形态学性状的属下分类系统有一定差异,而与本属现存物种的地理分布格局较为一致。各类群间TIS区序列差异较小,显示属内现存物种的分化时间不是太长。  相似文献   

A recent phylogenetic study based only on chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation revealed that populations of an Isodon species are frequently embedded paraphyletically among other Isodon species. This phylogenetic discrepancy between species taxonomy and molecular phylogeny was considered to have resulted from chloroplast DNA captures and/or incomplete lineage sorting. To elucidate which of these factors was mainly responsible for the observed phylogenetic pattern, we performed phylogenetic analyses of multiple populations of Isodon species in Japan using cpDNA variation, three single-copy nuclear genes, and double-digest restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD-seq). Although a species often shared chlorotypes with other species, our phylogenetical analyses based on variation in the three single-copy nuclear genes and the ddRAD-seq data showed that most populations belonging to the same species were monophyletic at the species level, suggesting that chloroplast capture may have frequently occurred between Isodon species. Some populations of an intraspecific taxon were embedded paraphyletically within the species, regardless of the large amount of phylogenetic information in nuclear DNA; this incongruity may have resulted from incomplete lineage sorting.  相似文献   

American diploid cottons (Gossypium L., subgenus Houzingenia Fryxell) form a monophyletic group of 13 species distributed mainly in western Mexico, extending into Arizona, Baja California, and with one disjunct species each in the Galapagos Islands and Peru. Prior phylogenetic analyses based on an alcohol dehydrogenase gene (AdhA) and nuclear ribosomal DNA indicated the need for additional data from other molecular markers to resolve phylogenetic relationships within this subgenus. Toward this end, we sequenced three nuclear genes, the anonymous locus A1341, an alcohol dehydrogenase gene (AdhC), and a cellulose synthase gene (CesA1b). Independent and combined analyses resolved clades that are congruent with current taxonomy and previous phylogenies. Our analyses diagnose at least two long distance dispersal events from the Mexican mainland to Baja California, following a rapid radiation of the primary lineages early in the diversification of the subgenus. Molecular data support the proposed recognition of a new species closely related to Gossypium laxum that was recently collected in Mexico.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the phylogeny of the holarctic carabid subtribe Carabina (= Carabus s . l. ; Coleoptera, family Carabidae, supertribe Carabitae, tribe Carabini) using sequence data from two nuclear DNA loci: wingless ( Wg ) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase ( PepCK ). The analysis of the combined data resulted in a well-resolved tree, although Wg and PepCK had partially conflicting phylogenetic signals. The tree topology did not support the reciprocal monophyly of some previously proposed major divisions, whereas all but one of eight other previously proposed subdivisions were recovered as monophyletic clades; the exception was paraphyletic. When two key life-history traits, seasonal life cycle and larval diet, were mapped onto the combined tree, spring breeding (with no larval overwintering) and insectivorous were ancestral traits. Malacophagy has apparently evolved at least twice: once in a small basal group (ten species) and again in a large derived group ( c . 340 species) that accounts for 42% of the species of Carabina. A third type of larva, earthworm feeders, appeared in two related, derived clades and represented moderate species diversity (12%). From the ancestral spring-breeder type with no larval overwintering, autumn-breeder types with larval overwintering apparently evolved repeatedly in insectivorous and malacophagous species, but not in earthworm feeders. Therefore, the extant diversity of the Carabina depends on the high rate of differentiation in the most derived group of malacophagous species.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 135–149.  相似文献   

Direct Sanger sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified nuclear genes leads to polymorphic sequences when allelic variation is present. To overcome this problem, most researchers subclone the PCR products to separate alleles. An alternative is to directly sequence the separate alleles using allele-specific primers. We tested two methods to enhance the specificity of allele-specific primers for use in direct sequencing: using short primers and amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) technique. By shortening the allele-specific primer to 15-13 nucleotides, the single mismatch in the ultimate base of the primer is enough to hinder the amplification of the nontarget allele in direct sequencing and recover only the targeted allele at high accuracy. The deliberate addition of a second mismatch, as implemented in the ARMS technique, was less successful and seems better suited for allele-specific amplification in regular PCR rather than in direct sequencing.  相似文献   

The parrot genus Prioniturus occurs in the oceanic Philippines, Palawan and Wallacea, a geologically dynamic region with a complex history of land and sea. The described taxa of Prioniturus have been variously placed in different assemblages, and different numbers of species have been recognized. However, a phylogenetic framework is so far lacking. This would be the prerequisite to reconstructing dispersal and colonization patterns of Prioniturus across and within Wallacea and the Philippines. Following our robustly supported phylogenetic hypothesis based on two mitochondrial genes, we propose to treat Prioniturus mindorensis comb. nov. as well as Prioniturus montanus and Prioniturus waterstradti as separate species. In Prioniturus discurus discurus and Prioniturus discurus whiteheadi, further studies using additional data and specimens are necessary to clarify their taxonomic status. This result is congruent with other studies demonstrating that alpha diversity of the Philippine avifauna is strongly underestimated. According to our biogeographic reconstruction, Prioniturus has diversified by a complex combination of colonization of islands and subsequent divergence in allopatry among and within island groups. Dispersal between Sulawesi/Wallacea and the Philippines occurred twice and documents a rare case of faunal exchange between these two regions.  相似文献   

We used nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS 1 - 5.8S - ITS 2; ITS) sequences to generate the first phylogeny of Rubus based on a large, molecular data set. We sampled 57 taxa including 20 species of subgenus Rubus (blackberries), one to seven species from each of the remaining 11 subgenera, and the monotypic and closely related Dalibarda. In Rubus, ITS sequences are most informative among subgenera, and variability is low between closely related species. Parsimony analysis indicates that Rubus plus Dalibarda form a strongly supported clade, and D. repens may nest within Rubus. Of the subgenera with more than one species sampled, only subgenus Orobatus appears monophyletic. Three large clades are strongly supported: one contains all sampled species of nine of the 12 subgenera; another includes extreme Southern Hemisphere species of subgenera Comaropsis, Dalibarda, and Lampobatus; and a third clade consists of subgenus Rubus plus R. alpinus of subgenus Lampobatus. Rubus ursinus appears to be a hybrid between a close relative of R. macraei (subgenus Idaeobatus, raspberries) and an unidentified subgenus Rubus species. ITS sequences are generally consistent with biogeography and ploidy, but traditionally important morphological characters, such as stem armature and leaf type, appear to have limited phylogenetic value in Rubus.  相似文献   

中国拥有丰富的野生百合种质资源,但有关百合属的系统发育与进化关系研究相对较少。该研究基于ITS、cpDNA(trnV-ndhC、petL-psbE)及单拷贝核基因AKT等3个基因片段,选取特有分布于西南地区的百合属6个近缘类群共48份样本及GenBank获得的数据,对百合属Leucolirion组进行了系统发育与种间关系研究。结果表明:(1)ITS结果支持前人的处理,即将Leucolirion组细分为2个亚组,subsect.Leucolirion6a和subsect.Leucolirion6b。建议将湖北百合(L.henryi)和南川百合(L.rosthornii)归入到subsect.Leucolirion 6a,与泸定百合(L.sargentiae)、淡黄花百合(L.sulphureum)、宜昌百合(L.leucanthum)和岷江百合(L.regale)等4个种一起组成Leucolirion组;原本属于Archelirion组的野百合(L.brownii)与subsect.Leucolirion6b聚为一支,故将它与台湾百合(L.longiflorm)、麝香百合(L.formosanum)等组成一个新组,命名为百合组(sect.Lilium)。(2)组间关系上,Leucolirion组与百合组的系统发育关系较远,前者与分布于日本的Archelirion组形成姐妹类群,而后者与Sinomartagon组的亲缘关系更近。(3)基于叶绿体联合基因和单拷贝核基因AKT的6个近缘种的遗传距离显示,湖北百合与南川百合明显区别于Leucolirion组内拥有白色管状花的4个类群。叶绿体联合基因树和单拷贝核基因树结果表明,泸定百合、淡黄花百合、岷江百合和宜昌百合在遗传水平上表现出了极高的相似性,遗传关系十分相近,这可能与百合属植物特殊的繁育系统有关,影响了物种间遗传变异与分化。  相似文献   

Caltha is a widely distributed genus in the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) showing interesting distribution patterns in both hemispheres. Evolutionary history ofCaltha was examined by means of phylogenetic, molecular dating, and historical biogeographic analyses with a more comprehensive sampling than previous studies. The internal transcribed spacer from the nuclear genome and trnL-F and atpB-rbcL regions from the plastid genome were used and analyzed using parsimony and Bayesian methods. Divergence time was estimated using Bayesian dating analyses with multiple fossil calibrations. Historical biogeography was inferred using the Bayes-DIVA method implemented in RASP. We obtained a well-resolved and well-supported phylogeny within the Caltha lineage. Caltha natansPall. diverged first from the genus and the other species grouped into two clades. Our expanded sampling scheme revealed a complicated evolutionary pattern in theC. palustris complex. Caltha sinogracilis W. T. Wang was resolved to be a member of the C. palustris complex, rather than closely related to C. scaposa Hook. f. & Thomson. Caltha rubriflora B. L. Burtt & Lauener was also revealed to be not just a red-flower form of C. sinogracilis. The diversification of the genus began at 50.5 mya (95% high posterior density: 37.1–63.9 mya), and its ancestral range was very probably in the Northern Hemisphere. The South American species may derive from western North American ancestors that dispersed along the western American Cordillera during the Cenozoic era. The vicariance model of the Southern Hemisphere species proposed by a previous study was rejected in this study.  相似文献   

Aim To determine the origin and diversification of monachine seals using a phylogenetic framework. Methods Molecular sequence data from three mitochondrial genes (cyt b, ND1 and 12S), and one nuclear marker (an intron from the α‐lactalbumin gene) were examined from all extant species of monachine seals. Maximum likelihood and partitioned Bayesian inference were used to analyse separate and combined (mitochondrial + nuclear) data sets. Divergence times were estimated from the resultant phylogeny using nonparametric rate smoothing as implemented by the program r8s. Results Mirounga, Monachus and the Lobodontini form three well‐supported clades within a monophyletic Monachinae. Lobodontini + Mirounga form a clade sister to Monachus. Molecular divergence dates indicate that the first split within the Monachinae (Lobodontini + Mirounga clade and Monachus) occurred between 11.8 and 13.8 Ma and Mirounga, Monachus and the Lobodontini originated 2.7–3.4, 9.1–10.8 and 10.0–11.6 Ma, respectively. Main conclusions Two main clades exist within Monachinae, Monachus and Lobodontini + Mirounga. Monachus, a warm water clade, originated in the North Atlantic and maintained the temperate water affinities of their ancestors as they diversified in the subtropic regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The cold‐water clade, Lobodontini + Mirounga, dispersed southward to the cooler climates of the Southern Hemisphere. The Lobodontini continued south until reaching the Antarctic region where they diversified into the present‐day fauna. Mirounga shows an anti‐tropical distribution either reflective of a once cosmopolitan range that was separated by warming waters in the tropics or of transequatorial dispersal.  相似文献   

Qiao CY  Ran JH  Li Y  Wang XQ 《Annals of botany》2007,100(3):573-580
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cedrus (true cedars) is a very important horticultural plant group. It has a disjunct distribution in the Mediterranean region and western Himalaya. Its evolution and biogeography are of great interest to botanists. This study aims to investigate the phylogeny and biogeography of Cedrus based on sequence analyses of seven cytoplasmic DNA fragments. METHODS: The methods used were PCR amplification and sequencing of seven paternal cpDNA and maternal mtDNA fragments, parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of the DNA dataset, and molecular clock estimate of divergence times of Cedrus species. KEY RESULTS: Phylogenies of Cedrus constructed from cpDNA, mtDNA and the combined cp- and mt-DNA dataset are identical in topology. It was found that the Himalayan cedar C. deodara diverged first, and then the North African species C. atlantica separated from the common ancestor of C. libani and C. brevifolia, two species from the eastern Mediterranean area. Molecular clock estimates suggest that the divergence between C. atlantica and the eastern Mediterranean clade at 23.49 +/- 3.55 to 18.81 +/- 1.25 Myr and the split between C. libani and C. brevifolia at 7.83 +/- 2.79 to 6.56 +/- 1.20 Myr. CONCLUSIONS: The results, combined with palaeogeographical and palaeoecological information, indicate that Cedrus could have an origin in the high latitude area of Eurasia, and its present distribution might result from vicariance of southerly migrated populations during climatic oscillations in the Tertiary and further fragmentation and dispersal of these populations. It is very likely that Cedrus migrated into North Africa in the very late Tertiary, while its arrival in the Himalayas would not have been before the Miocene, after which the phased or fast uplift of the Tibetan plateau happened.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial (mt) DNA variation in Japanese beech, Fagus crenata (Fagaceae), was studied in 17 populations distributed throughout the species' range. Total genomic DNA of samples from single trees representing each of 12 populations were digested with 18 restriction enzymes and hybridized with three probes containing coxI, coxIII, and atpA gene sequences. Thirty-four of the 54 enzyme/probe combinations showed polymorphisms and all the individuals were subsequently analyzed with six combinations of three probes and two enzymes. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms were evident around all three genes, allowing the identification of eight distinct haplotypes. Haplotype diversity within the populations was found to be very low (HS = 0.031), but population differentiation to be much higher (GST = 0.963). The mtDNA variation was strikingly different from allozyme variation (HS = 0.209; GST = 0.039). Gene flow for maternally inherited mtDNA should be restricted to seed dispersal while nuclear gene flow occurs by both seed and pollen dispersal. Therefore, the difference in the variation between mtDNA and allozymes may be largely a result of the much higher rate of gene flow associated with pollen dispersal than with seed dispersal. The mtDNA variation displayed strong geographic structure, which may reflect the species' distribution in the last glacial maximum and subsequent colonization, and probably also reflects intraspecific phylogeography of the species.  相似文献   

We developed eight polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers for the Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.), of which seven may be amplified in a multiplex polymerase chain reaction. Allelic polymorphism across all loci and 40 individuals representing two populations in the Swiss Alps was high (mean = 7.6 alleles). No significant linkage disequlibrium was displayed between pairs of loci. Significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was revealed at three loci in one population. Cross–amplification was achieved in two related species within the genus (P. sibirica and P. pumila). Thus, the markers may be useful for population genetic studies in these three pine species. They will be applied in ongoing projects on genetic diversity and patterns of gene flow in P. cembra.  相似文献   

We investigated phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships within Juglans (walnuts), a Tertiary disjunct genus, using 15 species of Juglans and related (Juglandaceae) outgroups. The relationships were analyzed using nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast gene matK and its flanking spacers and of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and 5.8S gene of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. The DNA sequences provided 246 informative characters for parsimony analysis. ITS data supported as monophyletic groups the four generic sections, Cardiocaryon, Dioscaryon, Rhysocaryon, and Trachycaryon. Within Rhysocaryon, the temperate black walnuts and the tropical black walnuts were supported as monophyletic groups. When the two data sets were combined, J. cinerea was nested within Cardiocaryon. Combined analysis with published nuclear DNA restriction site data placed J. cinerea in a monophyletic group with Cardiocaryon. These analyses consistently supported Juglans as a monophyletic group and as the sister group to the genus Pterocarya. The results of this work are consistent with the known geological history of Juglans. The fossil record suggests that the butternuts had evolved by the early Oligocene in North America. The presence of butternuts in Eurasia could be the result of migration from North America to Eurasia during the warming trend of the mid Oligocene.  相似文献   

We used cladistic analysis of chloroplast gene sequences (ndhF and rpl16) to test biogeographic hypotheses in the woody genus Gleditsia. Previous morphological comparisons suggested the presence of two eastern Asian-eastern North American species pairs among the 13 known species, as well as other intra- and inter-continental disjunctions. Results from phylogenetic analyses, interpreted in light of the amount of sequence divergence observed, led to the following conclusions. First, there is a fundamental division of the genus into three clades, only one of which contains both Asian and North American species. Second, the widespread and polymorphic Asian species, G. japonica, is sister to the two North American species, G. triacanthos and G. aquatica, which themselves are closely related inter se, but are both polymorphic and paraphyletic. Third, the lone South American Gleditsia species, G. amorphoides, forms a clade with two eastern Asian species. Gleditsia thus appears to have only one Asian-North American disjunction and no intercontinental species pairs. Low sequence divergence between G. amorphoides and its closest Asian relatives implicates long-distance dispersal in the origin of this unusual disjunction. Sequence divergence between Asian and North American Gleditsia is much lower than between Asian and North American species of its closest relative, Gymnocladus. Estimates of Asian-North American divergence times for Gymnocladus are in general accordance with fossil data, but estimates for Gleditsia suggest recent divergences that conflict with ages of known North American Gleditsia fossils.  相似文献   

The Japanese rhinoceros beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus is one of the largest beetle species in the world and is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Ten subspecies of T. dichotomus and a related Trypoxylus species (T. kanamorii) have been described throughout Asia, but their taxonomic delimitations remain problematic. To clarify issues such as taxonomy, and the degree of genetic differentiation of Trypoxylus populations, we investigated the genetic structure, genetic variability, and phylogeography of 53 specimens of Trypoxylus species from 44 locations in five Asian countries (China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Myanmar). Using specific‐locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF‐seq) techniques, we developed 330,799 SLAFs over 114.16M reads, in turn yielding 46,939 high‐resolution single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for genotyping. Phylogenetic analysis of SNPs indicated the presence of three distinct genetic groups, suggesting that the various subspecies could be treated as three groups of populations. PCA and ADMIXTURE analysis also identified three genetic clusters (North, South, West), which corresponded to their locations, suggesting that geographic factors were important in maintaining within population homogeneity and between population divergence. Analyses of SNP data confirmed the monophyly of certain subspecies on islands, while other subspecies (e.g., T. d. septentrionalis) were found to be polyphyletic and nested in more than one lineage. AMOVA demonstrated high level of differentiation among populations/groups. Also, pairwise FST values revealed high differentiation, particularly between South and West, as well as between North and South. Despite the differentiation, measurable gene flow was inferred between genetic clusters but at varying rates and directions. Our study demonstrated that SLAF‐seq derived markers outperformed 16S and COII sequences and provided improved resolution of the genetic differentiation of rhinoceros beetle populations from a large part of the species’ range.  相似文献   

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