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The urban heat island is a particular challenge for tropical cities, which receive year-round high inputs of solar radiation. Plants can help mitigate elevated urban temperatures by providing shade and increasing evaporative cooling, although the resulting increase in humidity may negatively affect thermal comfort. Street trees offer particular potential for cooling urban microclimates, as well as providing other ecosystem services, because they can be integrated within dense urban street networks. However, we have little quantitative information about the role of street trees in providing regulating ecosystem services in tropical cities. In this study, we analysed hemispherical photographs extracted from Google Street View to quantify the proportion of green canopy coverage at 50 m intervals across more than 80% of Singapore’s road network. Canopy coverage data were then used to estimate the proportion of annual radiation that would be blocked from reaching ground level by the canopy. Across all locations, a median of 13% of the annual diffuse and direct solar radiation was shaded, and over 70% of this shading effect was due to the tree canopy. There was significant variation between different urban landuse types, with trees providing more shade in parks and low-density low-rise areas than in industrial and higher-density residential areas. Mapping the provision of street tree ecosystem services could help to prioritise areas for new planting by identifying streets or street sections with low shading. The approach developed in this article could be readily applied to quantify the proportion of canopy coverage and proportion of solar radiation shaded across other tropical cities. The method may also be applicable in temperate cities if Google Street View photographs were collected during the growing season.  相似文献   

可持续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals,SDGs)的实现往往会因为生态保护或人类福祉之间可能存在的权衡关系而受到阻碍。将生态系统服务(Ecosystem services,ESs)纳入到可持续发展目标的决策中能够避免各方利益的冲突,促进SDGs的实现。然而,在生态环境脆弱的山区,ESs对SDGs的贡献分析仍然不足。以川西地区为研究区,对2000-2020年11个可持续发展目标进行了量化,利用生态系统服务和权衡的综合评估(Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs,InVEST)模型和定量指标法估算了碳固存、土壤保持和食物生产三种重要生态系统服务,并使用空间面板数据模型研究ESs对SDGs的影响及其空间溢出效应。结果表明:(1)可持续发展目标水平整体提升,但SDG1(无贫穷)和SDG3(良好健康和人类福祉)表现较差,分值低于5分。从空间上看,与环境相关的SDGs在川西北高原表现更好,与社会经济相关的SDGs在川西东部和川西南山地地区表现更好。(2)川西地区碳固存和食物生产服务呈现线性增长趋势,土壤保持服务呈现波动增长趋势,分别增长了0.23×108 t、8.93×105 t和1.23×108 t。(3)与土壤保持和食物生产相比,碳固存对SDGs表现出更强烈的直接影响和空间溢出效应。其中县域碳固存对本县域和邻近县域的SDG11(可持续城市和社区)和SDG1具有显著的促进作用,对SDG2(零饥饿)呈现显著负向影响。研究结果可为区域联合管理提供科学依据,推动可持续发展目标的实现。  相似文献   

Sustainability of ecosystem services to humanity will depend on knowledge of how ecosystems work in their natural states, which can then be carried over to managed states. The objective of this paper is to describe four properties of ecosystems taken as natural conditions to be maintained under exploitation. Three of these are design properties: near-steady-state or extremal dynamics, dominance of indirect effects, and positive utility in network organization. One is a regulatory property: distributed multivariable control. The methodology of the paper is mathematical modeling. The design properties are drawn from the inherent formalism in models. The control property is demonstrated by manipulating model parameters to achieve a management goal. The results show that: (1) natural ecosystems operate near, but not at, steady states or extrema, and ecosystems exploited for human purposes should be similarly maintained (near-steady-state imperative); (2) indirect effects are dominant in natural ecosystem networks, and should be taken into account in managing ecosystems for human benefits (nonlocal imperative); (3) natural ecosystems enhance positive relationships among their constituents, and ecosystems maintained for human services should be managed to maximize their expression of mutualistic and synergistic network properties (nonzero imperative); and (4) natural ecosystems are regulated by checks and balances distributed across many control variables in interactive networks, so that obtaining human services from ecosystems should similarly be through coordinated use of many, not few, control variables (multifactorial control imperative). The conclusion from these results is that ecosystems under natural conditions evidence organizational properties evolved over evolutionary time, and management for sustainable extraction of ecosystem services should seek to preserve and emulate these properties in the new exploited states.  相似文献   

Street trees planted in urban areas are one of the smallest urban green habitats; however, their role as a valuable refuge for local biota is poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate urban street trees as habitat for ants. We found ants on 195 (92%) of 211 street trees studied. Seventeen ant species were collected from five tree species. The two most common ant species were Tetramorium tsushimae (on 112 trees) and Lasius japonicus (on 93 trees). The number of ant species found per tree ranged from 0 to 5, with a mean of 1.55 ± 0.92. The species composition differed significantly among tree species. Nine ant species (Camponotus vitiosus, Lasius alienus, L. japonicus, Nylanderia flavipes, Crematogaster matsumurai, Crematogaster vagula, Monomorium intrudens, T. tsushimae, and Brachyponera chinensis) nested on the trees, mostly in the root zone. Nests were found on 150 trees but were relatively rare on trees with diameter at breast height of less than 40 cm.  相似文献   

国土空间开发适宜性评价是国土空间规划编制的基础和前提。面向可持续城市生态系统管理目标,基于生态保护红线和永久基本农田的"底线"思维,以资源环境禀赋为基础,构建了本底约束—综合限制—承载力评价-多空间适宜评价的资源环境承载力和国土空间开发适宜性评价的逻辑框架和指标体系,并以烟台为例,设置城市生态系统保护的不同情景,综合运用特尔斐法及多要素空间叠置等方法,开展了城市资源环境承载力与国土空间开发适宜性评价的实践应用。研究结果表明:①资源环境对烟台经济社会发展的阻碍与限制总体较小,高限制区面积仅占烟台国土面积的6.09%。②烟台市不同区县之间的资源环境承载力差异较大。从西北部向东南,烟台市资源环境承载力呈现出逐渐提高的变化趋势。③面向可持续城市生态系统管理情景,烟台市各县市国土空间开发建设适宜性差异显著,适宜建设区范围为2380 km2。面向城市生态系统一般保护情景,烟台市适宜建设区面积达2610 km2,不适宜建设开发区与适宜建设开发区数量结构为1.12∶1,未来国土空间开发利用潜力较大。两种情景下烟台市国土空间开发适宜性适宜建设区面积均大于现状建...  相似文献   

《Trends in plant science》2023,28(2):139-141
Urban forests provide important benefits for humans. Species interactions, in particular herbivory, can alter their function and ultimately threaten their ecosystem service provisioning. We call for research that identifies herbivory drivers in urban forests and tests for links between herbivory and forest services. Knowledge gained can inform management of urban ecosystems.  相似文献   

城市环境中树木年轮的变异及其与工业发展的关系   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对污染敏感树种油松年轮宽度和元素含量的变异与沈阳工业发展的相关分析。追溯和重建沈阳地区的生态环境变迁史,揭示城市环境质量与树木年轮变异之间的相关规律。结果表明,在城市污染条件下,树木年轮宽度和微量元素含量均发生了明显的变异,而且这些变异与沈阳工业发展显著相关.  相似文献   

Human activities have differentially altered biogeochemical cycling at local, regional and global scales. We propose that a stoichiometric approach, examining the fluxes of multiple elements and the ratio between them, may be a useful tool for better understanding human effects on ecosystem processes and services. The different scale of impacts of the elements carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and the different nature of their biogeochemical cycles, imply a large variation of their stoichiometric ratios in space and time and thus divergent impacts on biota.
In this paper, we examine the effects of anthropogenic perturbations on nutrient ratios in ecosystems in two examples and one case study. Altered stoichiometry in agricultural systems (example 1) can affect not only crop yield and quality but also the interactions between plants and their pollinators, pests and pathogens. Human activities have also altered stoichiometry in coastal ecosystems (example 2). Increased N loading has especially lead to increased N:P and reduced Si:N ratios, with detrimental effects on ecosystem services derived from coastal pelagic food webs, such as fish yield and water quality. The terrestrial–aquatic linkage in stoichiometric alterations is illustrated with a case study, the Mississippi River watershed, where anthropogenic activities have caused stoichiometric changes that have propagated through the watershed into the northern Gulf of Mexico.
Coupled with altered stoichiometric nutrient inputs are the inherent differences in variation and sensitivity of different ecosystems to anthropogenic disturbance. Furthermore, the connections among the components of a watershed may result in downstream cascades of disrupted functioning. Applying a multiple element perspective to understanding and addressing societal needs is a new direction for both ecological stoichiometry and sustainability.  相似文献   

Conflicting values: ecosystem services and invasive tree management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tree species have been planted widely beyond their native ranges to provide or enhance ecosystem services such as timber and fibre production, erosion control, and aesthetic or amenity benefits. At the same time, non-native tree species can have strongly negative impacts on ecosystem services when they naturalize and subsequently become invasive and disrupt or transform communities and ecosystems. The dichotomy between positive and negative effects on ecosystem services has led to significant conflicts over the removal of non-native invasive tree species worldwide. These conflicts are often viewed in only a local context but we suggest that a global synthesis sheds important light on the dimensions of the phenomenon. We collated examples of conflict surrounding the control or management of tree invasions where conflict has caused delay, increased cost, or cessation of projects aimed at invasive tree removal. We found that conflicts span a diverse range of taxa, systems and countries, and that most conflicts emerge around three areas: urban and near-urban trees; trees that provide direct economic benefits; and invasive trees that are used by native species for habitat or food. We suggest that such conflict should be seen as a normal occurrence in invasive tree removal. Assessing both positive and negative effects of invasive species on multiple ecosystem services may provide a useful framework for the resolution of conflicts.  相似文献   

实现城市可持续发展的系统转型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕永龙  曹祥会  王尘辰 《生态学报》2019,39(4):1125-1134
城市在为人类提供各种生态系统服务的同时,其发展中的各类问题限制着城市生态系统本身的可持续发展。首先概述了城市发展过程中面临的挑战,主要包括城市化过程中人与自然的关系问题及社会生态问题等;其次从可持续发展的内涵、社会-经济-自然复合生态系统和驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应(DPSIR)的理论出发,分别从城市水供给和污水处置系统、消减城市废弃物排放、城市交通和区域规划、城市发展与粮食系统供求关系、城市清洁能源系统等5个方面对如何实现城市的转型进行了系统的论述。结合我国城市可持续发展的研究进展,指出城市的可持续发展问题不仅是城市自身的问题,也是城市与周边区域的协调发展问题。为此,文章提出必须基于五个"转向"来研究和建立城市化与区域生态的耦合和协调机制。  相似文献   

This article describes a composite indicator for ecosystem services. This composite is composed of several sub-indices, each representing either land use types or ecosystem services. While the overall composite indicates a general overview of the performance of a system in terms of ecosystem services provision, the sub-indices provide sources of variation. Taking into consideration potential trade-offs between making the framework complex and keeping it simple, the composite was developed on two levels. The first level, a simpler one, requires few indicators and therefore needs less data as inputs. The second level, in contrast, is more complex requiring more indicators, involving more detailed measurements, and therefore can be applied with more confidence.  相似文献   

1. Direct consumption of organic matter by the saprophagous larvae provides the ecosystem with a fundamental service by recycling nutrients and reducing exposure to decomposing matter. The present study aimed to assess the functional role of saprophagous flies in the mass loss of different types of decomposing organic matter. 2. Two types of common urban waste were used to measure the role of flies in reducing organic matter: chicken viscera (chicken) and a mixture of flour and uncooked eggs (flour and eggs), representing leftover food. Ten traps baited with each substrate, under field conditions, allowed fly access (exposed to flies) and three traps from each substrate did not (unexposed controls); adult flies entering the traps or emerging from the substrates and substrate mass loss were recorded. 3. Species from Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Muscidae, and Fanniidae families were collected mainly in traps baited with chicken, with Phoridae being the most abundant in traps with flour and eggs as bait. A significantly richer (P < 0.05) assemblage of fly species accessed the traps baited with chicken viscera (21 species) compared with those emerging (11 species), whereas similar numbers of species accessed (n = 5) or emerged (n = 1) from traps baited with flour and eggs (average richness accessing 7.97, emerging 2.83). Chicken substrate mass loss and species richness were positively related (r = 0.56, P = 0.001). In traps where richness was larger than 10 species, the substrates were reduced by more than 85% of their initial weight compared with unexposed controls, which lost 30%. Substrate mass loss significantly increased with the abundance of flies (r = 0.73, P < 0.0001). 4. The results of the present study support the functional role of saprophagous species diversity on the decomposition rates of organic matter, reinforcing the negative consequences of loss or gain of species in modified landscapes and for ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Functional traits have been proposed as a more mechanistic way than species data alone to connect biodiversity to ecosystem processes and function in ecological research. Recently, this framework has also been broadened to include connections of traits to ecosystem services. While many links between traits and ecosystem processes/functions are easily and logically extended to regulating, supporting, and provisioning services, connections to cultural services have not yet been dealt with in depth. We argue that addressing this gap may involve a renegotiation of what have traditionally been considered traits, and a targeted effort to include and expand upon efforts to address traits-cultural ecosystem services links in traits research. Traits may also offer a better way to explore the recognition and appreciation of biodiversity. Drawing upon examples from outside the explicit traits literature, we present a number of potential connections between functional traits and cultural ecosystem services for attention in future research. Finally, we explore considerations and implications of employing a traits approach in urban areas, and examine how connections between traits and ecosystem services could be developed as indicators in a research and management context to generate a robust and resilient supply of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

城市可持续发展能力的能值评价新指标   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
陆宏芳  叶正  赵新锋  彭少麟 《生态学报》2003,23(7):1363-1368
能值理论、方法克服了传统能量与经济分析方法的诸多缺憾,为城市可持续发展的研究提供了全新的视角。但作为一种新兴的理论,其评价指标,尤其是针对城市可持续发展能力的综合评价指标尚不完善。从生态经济效益及环境影响的全面表达角度,剖析了国际现行可持续发展能值指标(ESI)的不足之处,并在此基础上拓展构建了新的可持续发展能值指标(EISD)。以珠江三角洲中山市1996~2000年的发展动态为例进行了案例研究。结果表明,新拓展的可持续发展能值指标.在系统效益评价中考虑了系统能值产出的实际经济效果,在环境影响评价中同时考虑了系统的消耗影响和排放影响,可以更全面明晰的评价城市系统的可持续发展能力、状态及其成因,为系统的优化指明方向。  相似文献   

嵇娟  陈军飞  丁童慧  李远航 《生态学报》2024,44(7):2772-2785
厘清城市洪涝韧性与生态系统服务之间耦合协调关系,可为城市防洪减灾和生态文明建设提供重要决策参考。综合运用基于麻雀算法的投影寻踪模型、InVEST模型和耦合协调度模型,在分析2000-2020年长三角城市群的城市洪涝韧性与水源涵养、水质净化、土壤保持和气候调节四种生态系统服务时空格局基础上,尝试探索两者耦合协调关系及其时空演变特征。研究发现:(1)长三角城市群的城市洪涝韧性水平呈现"N"型增加趋势,并呈现"上海>江苏>浙江>安徽"的空间格局,表明经济水平越高的城市展现出更强的洪涝韧性,经济是影响城市洪涝韧性波动的主要因素,而自然韧性成为城市洪涝韧性提升的关键短板;(2)生态系统服务存在显著的空间异质性,高植被覆盖的南部地区提供了更高的生态系统服务,从时间维度看其空间分布是稳定的,水源涵养和水质净化服务总体呈向好趋势,土壤保持服务整体呈现倒"N"型增加,气候调节服务呈现微弱的下降趋势;(3)城市洪涝韧性与生态系统服务的耦合协调度在研究期内较为稳定,且与生态系统服务的时空变化趋于一致,呈现"南高北低、由西南向东北逐渐减弱"的趋势,生态系统服务较高的城市,表现出更好的耦合协调性,且随着生态系统服务的增加而改善。因此,长三角城市群有必要从提高生态系统服务功能的角度出发,因地制宜、分类施策,促进城市洪涝韧性与生态系统服务的协调发展。  相似文献   

刘畅  唐立娜 《生态学报》2020,40(22):8141-8146
城市生态系统服务和可持续发展是当前城市生态学研究的热点问题。景感生态学作为联系生态系统服务和可持续发展的桥梁,可作为研究城市生态系服务和可持续发展的一种有效途径。随着社会发展所伴随的人们经济生活的生活压力增大,城市居民的亚健康状态日益突出。城市公园作为城市生态系统的重要构成,其设计目的应考虑应对城市居民健康问题和促进人类精神文明建设方面的作用。以城市公园景观设计为例,从园路、建筑、植物、水体景观和小品等方面探讨景感生态学在城市公园景观设计中的应用价值。景感生态学作为探索城市公园景观设计的新思路,以实现生态效益和居民福祉的提升,丰富和提升城市公园的生态系统服务功能,从而有利于促进为人类当代和后代提供可持续的福祉,以期驱使人类行为和言行规律朝着对生态系统有益的方向演化,自觉维护和改善生态系统服务,从而可持续地保障城市生态系统服务。  相似文献   

生态空间(林地、灌木、草地、水体)所产生的生态系统服务极大的改善了人类的生存环境,在城市绿地破碎化日益严重、绿地质量逐渐降低、乡土植物逐渐减少、入侵风险逐渐加剧等生态背景下,如何维持稳定而持续增长的城市生态系统服务供给,一直困扰着当下从事城市生态学领域研究的学者和城市管理者。植被群落作为城市绿地系统的基本组成单元,在绿地破碎化趋势下,可作为研究内容来探讨城市生态系统服务维持或提升策略;植被群落泛指城市中常见的、具有明显边界的、按照一定分布规则的植物群落单元,既包括道路绿地、居住区绿地、公园绿地等,也包括城市郊野自然林地。但对植被群落生态功能的研究也多停留在对某一生态问题的简单相关性研究,缺乏系统性和整体性。从微观层面的植被群落角度,整合相关文献研究,介绍了受植被群落特征影响的6种典型城市生态系统服务,综述了植被群落特征对这6种城市生态系统服务的影响机理,对植被群落特征因子进行总结、归类,从树种特性、垂直结构、水平结构、其他4个角度构建了"植被群落特征因子对城市生态系统服务影响关系表"。最后面向典型生态系统服务提升提出了城市低质量植被群落地区的营建和更新原则,以期为今后城市园林部门、规划部门制定城市绿地系统规划提供基础性技术支撑。  相似文献   

Pilar Castro‐Díez  Ana Sofia Vaz  Joaquim S. Silva  Marcela van Loo   lvaro Alonso  Cristina Aponte   lvaro Bayn  Peter J. Bellingham  Mariana C. Chiuffo  Nicole DiManno  Kahua Julian  Susanne Kandert  Nicola La Porta  Hlia Marchante  Hamish G. Maule  Margaret M. Mayfield  Daniel Metcalfe  M. Cristina Monteverdi  Martín A. Núez  Rebecca Ostertag  Ingrid M. Parker  Duane A. Peltzer  Luke J. Potgieter  Maia Raymundo  Donald Rayome  Orna Reisman‐Berman  David M. Richardson  Ruben E. Roos  Asuncin Saldaa  Ross T. Shackleton  Agostina Torres  Melinda Trudgen  Josef Urban  Joana R. Vicente  Montserrat Vil  Tiina Ylioja  Rafael D. Zenni  Oscar Godoy 《Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society》2019,94(4):1477-1501
Non‐native tree (NNT) species have been transported worldwide to create or enhance services that are fundamental for human well‐being, such as timber provision, erosion control or ornamental value; yet NNTs can also produce undesired effects, such as fire proneness or pollen allergenicity. Despite the variety of effects that NNTs have on multiple ecosystem services, a global quantitative assessment of their costs and benefits is still lacking. Such information is critical for decision‐making, management and sustainable exploitation of NNTs. We present here a global assessment of NNT effects on the three main categories of ecosystem services, including regulating (RES), provisioning (PES) and cultural services (CES), and on an ecosystem disservice (EDS), i.e. pollen allergenicity. By searching the scientific literature, country forestry reports, and social media, we compiled a global data set of 1683 case studies from over 125 NNT species, covering 44 countries, all continents but Antarctica, and seven biomes. Using different meta‐analysis techniques, we found that, while NNTs increase most RES (e.g. climate regulation, soil erosion control, fertility and formation), they decrease PES (e.g. NNTs contribute less than native trees to global timber provision). Also, they have different effects on CES (e.g. increase aesthetic values but decrease scientific interest), and no effect on the EDS considered. NNT effects on each ecosystem (dis)service showed a strong context dependency, varying across NNT types, biomes and socio‐economic conditions. For instance, some RES are increased more by NNTs able to fix atmospheric nitrogen, and when the ecosystem is located in low‐latitude biomes; some CES are increased more by NNTs in less‐wealthy countries or in countries with higher gross domestic products. The effects of NNTs on several ecosystem (dis)services exhibited some synergies (e.g. among soil fertility, soil formation and climate regulation or between aesthetic values and pollen allergenicity), but also trade‐offs (e.g. between fire regulation and soil erosion control). Our analyses provide a quantitative understanding of the complex synergies, trade‐offs and context dependencies involved for the effects of NNTs that is essential for attaining a sustained provision of ecosystem services.  相似文献   



Our study focused on spontaneous vegetation in urban greenspaces in a Mediterranean city with the aim of relating plant community properties with ecological services along soil disturbance gradients. We asked which plant communities have the greatest plant biodiversity and soil carbon storage and the best-performing nutrient cycles and water regulation.


Madrid City (Central Spain).


We studied four types of plant communities following soil disturbance gradients: vegetation on trampled soils, roadside vegetation, annual grasslands and perennial forbs. Regarding vegetation, we studied plant composition and productivity, plant diversity, plant growth forms and functional groups. Regarding soils, we determined soil organic carbon (TOC), available nutrients, the activity of seven enzymes relating to the main macronutrient cycles, and physical properties such as bulk density (BD) and soil water-holding capacity (WHC). We used one-way ANOVA to determine the influence of the plant community type on both soil and vegetation variables. Canonical correspondence analysis was performed to interpret the relationships between plant species assemblages with environmental gradients.


Perennial forbs showed greater biomass and developed on soils with the greatest TOC and available phosphorus. Annual grasslands displayed the highest plant diversity. Roadside vegetation developed on soils with higher phenoloxidase activity when compared to vegetation on trampled soils and annual grasslands. Vegetation on trampled soils developed on soils with lower WHC, lower beta-glucosidase, arylamidase and phosphatase activities and higher BD when compared to perennial forbs. Plant community distribution followed gradients most significantly associated with soil organic matter content, soil compaction and nutrient cycling performance.


We conclude that plant communities are good indicators of ecosystem function and services which are unevenly distributed throughout urban habitats. The management in Mediterranean unmaintained urban greenspaces should be aimed at avoiding soil compaction to promote biodiversity, carbon storage and water regulation.  相似文献   

城市可持续发展评价方法及其应用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
李锋  刘旭升  胡聃  王如松 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4793-4802
城市是现代化建设的主要载体,是国家实施科教兴国和可持续发展战略的主要基地。城市将各种社会的、经济的、环境的、文化的因素与冲突融为一体,形成一类社会-经济-自然复合生态系统。如何实现城市的可持续发展,是当今世界研究的重要课题之一。城市可持续发展的评价指标和方法是衡量城市生态规划、建设、管理成效的主要依据。以山东济宁市为例,建立了济宁市可持续发展的指标体系,包括经济发展、生态建设、环境保护和社会进步4类45项指标。采用全排列多边形综合图示法评价城市在各个不同时段的建设成效。研究结果表明,济宁市可持续发展综合指数2004年为0.24,处于Ⅳ级水平,可持续发展能力较差;2006年达到0.45,处于Ⅲ级水平,可持续发展能力一般;2010年达到0.62,进入Ⅱ级水平,可持续发展能力较好;2020年达到0.84,进入I级水平,可持续发展能力优良。评价指标全面,方法直观明了,反映了整体大于或者小于部分之和的系统整合原理,评价结果符合实际,可为城市可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

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